↘ ↘ From the to BITS AND PIECES NEWS FROM MFK MCC CEO Mahmoud Bah PROJECTS It has been a the Hawkeye State: delivers a compelling very active quarter for MFK, address to participants with numerous activities Empowering Women of the Women in Energy launched across our portfolio program, celebrating of projects, including energy in ’s Energy their graduation from Des efficiency, air quality, Moines Area Community transparent governance, Sector College in Des Moines, Iowa. Women in Energy and others.

PRESIDENT BIDEN REQUESTS $200 MILLION FOR THE POTENTIAL MCC COMPACT WITH KOSOVO President Biden released his FY2022 budget request to Congress, which included $912 million for MCC to continue its work developing and implementing programs designed to fight poverty and foster economic growth in partner countries. This request will specifically support the continued development of compacts in Kosovo and seven other countries.

KOSOVO SIGNS CONNECTION AGREEMENT FOR 192 MW SOLAR PARK Kosovo’s power transmission system operator inked its third large contract in as many months to connect planned renewable power plants to the grid. Ibex Energy and Jaha Solar, a domestic producer of solar power panels, have committed to install two photovoltaic units of 96 MW of alternating current power each. The deal is for a capacity of 192 MW in alternating current (AC) terms, while the peak level— expressed in direct current— will be 250 MW.

KOSOVO'S ECONOMY TO GROW BY 4.5% IN 2021 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said it expects Kosovo's gross domestic product (GDP) to rise by 4.5% in 2021 following an estimated 6% decrease in 2020. Kosovo was highly impacted by the COVID—19 pandemic and the country's GDP growth will likely stay below pre—pandemic rates for an extended period.

KOSOVO, US SIGN AGREEMENT TO ENCOURAGE INVESTMENTS Kosovo Government and the US Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett signed the Investment Incentive Agreement (IIA) enabling the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), to deploy its full suite of financial products in Kosovo. U.S. law requires countries, including Kosovo, to enter into an IIA with the U.S. in order for DFC to provide its products. Kosovo is the first country in the Western Balkans to sign an IIA agreement with the DFC. EMPOWERING WOMEN IN ENERGY SECTOR

FROM THE —WE Scholarship Program was developed BALKANS TO THE to address gender HAWKEYE STATE: inequality through EMPOWERING education and aligning the skills of young WOMEN IN women entering the KOSOVO’S workforce with the


Blerona Rexhaj was 23 years old when she left her home in growth. The knowledge we took here will be an asset for our Istog, Kosovo for the first time and moved to Des Moines, careers and has also helped us prepare to bring this experience Iowa—a city five times the population size of her home. She back in Kosovo and contribute to its development.” was selected from hundreds of applicants from Kosovo to In Kosovo—one of the newest countries in the embark on a two—year, fully—funded associate degree world—women’s participation rate in the workforce is around program at Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) 14 percent. The absence of women in the country’s workforce, to study technology, science, math, and electrical engineering. especially in fields such as energy, is a factor that restricts On May 1, 2021 Blerona, along with 25 other women from overall economic growth. The scholarship program was Kosovo, participated in a graduation ceremony that included developed in response to this, and it specifically addresses virtual remarks from the President of the Republic of Kosovo, gender inequality through education and aligning the skills Vjosa Osmani, and the Millennium Challenge Corporation of young women entering the workforce with the needs of (MCC) Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mahmoud Bah. industry. “It has been a good experience,” said Blerona. “I In his message to the graduates, Bah stated: have learned and grown professionally and personally. It was “Countries cannot succeed unless women succeed, and impressive to connect theory and practice…and I have had investments like this scholarship program to support the key the opportunity to meet new people from different cultures, role of women in Kosovo’s energy future play an important exposing me to new ideas and experiences.” part in making that happen.” This inaugural graduating cohort is part of a By emphasizing both theoretical and practical scholarship program stemming from a partnership between education, including a focus on work experience and Millennium Foundation Kosovo (MFK), DMACC, and MCC. In internships for its students, DMACC provides a strong 2017, MCC signed a $49 million threshold program agreement academic and collegiate structure. Founded in 1966 as a aimed at strengthening Kosovo’s power sector. Among the vocational and technical learning center, DMACC is Iowa’s goals of this program are promoting women’s economic largest and most diverse community college, serving a empowerment in Kosovo’s energy sector and boosting data district that encompasses 6,560 square miles—11 percent use and market—driven approaches to lowering energy costs of the land area of the state—and is home to 20 percent of and encouraging energy efficiency. Iowa’s population. “The experience in the has been Ironically, many of the Kosovar students had full of adventures and joy, but professional development advanced degrees prior to attending DMACC but sought as well,” said Alketa Sahiti, a member of the graduating more practical knowledge in applying for the scholarship. In class and student of power plant technology. “Attending addition to in—class work on electricity circuitry, tool and die classes in a different approach, especially with the many lab making, DMACC will place each student in paid internships 4 4 opportunities has been a tremendous experience and adding to apply their learning and gain practical work experience this to my previous studies will only fulfill my professional and skills. EMPOWERING WOMEN IN ENERGY SECTOR

Ezra Rama, whose associate degree is in wind technology, shared her colleagues’ views. “DMACC presented me with an opportunity to fully focus on achieving the best we can in the energy sector and serving our community in the best ways,” she said. “The focus on educating women in the energy sector, thus helping the Kosovo economy grow is inspiring and I believe we can execute those aims in the future with the plenty of practice we received while studying at DMACC.” According to Anita Maloku, who got an associate degree in energy efficiency, the experience made her more “resilient, more knowledgeable, [and] more confident.” She added, “it showed me that everything can be achieved with a little determination and motivation.” Blerona, Ezra, Anita, and their fellow graduates likely found their time in the United States a bit different than they imagined below traveling to Iowa. COVID—19 limited

their ability to fully experience the surrounding community 13 ISSUE 2021 2021—JUNE APRIL and changed the way they participated in class. Despite the challenges, they report having gained valuable skills in a traditionally male domain. In Blerona’s case, this includes learning to mount a motor, work on electrical circuits, and use a Programmable Logic Controller—the computer system that controls manufacturing processes. MCC’s Kosovo Threshold Program addresses two key constraints to Kosovo’s economic growth — an unreliable supply of electricity, and government accountability and transparency. MCC’s investments are designed to strengthen the power sector by fostering a market—driven approach to lowering energy costs for households and businesses, encouraging energy efficiency, and developing new sources of electricity generation. The program also supports the ’s efforts to improve decision—making and accountability by increasing the accessibility and use of judicial, environmental, and labor force data. EMPOWERING WOMEN IN KOSOVO’S ENERGY SECTOR ENERGY KOSOVO’S IN WOMEN EMPOWERING MFK ACTIVITIES

6 THE CHALLENGER main sources of inallof air Kosovo. pollution(PM2.5) applications, campaign and trainings. This graph shows the trainings, as well asKosovo in PublicHealthInstitute Meteorological Institute inhardware, software, and Collection activity, Kosovo includingsupporting Hydro- MFK isclose to completing fully itsEnvironmental Data Group, International. andHPC ofconsortium companies, German the GFA Consulting efficiency measures. This activity isimplemented by a incentives to households to encourage investment inenergy in the residential sector by providing subsidiesandother The SEEK Project aims to reduce electricity consumption Municipality of Prizren, which belongs to Murtezan Bajrami. retrofittedbe wittnesedto Selimi, house firstthe in the Director for Kosovo Sarah Olstead,andMFK CEO Petrit Kosnett, Mayor of Prizren Haskuka, Mytaher MCC Country buildings inKosovo. U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo PhilipS. improving energy efficiency for householdsandapartment MFK recently initiatedits largest activity focused on PROGRAM LAUNCHED ENERGY EFFICIENCY PILOT MUNICIPALITIES KOSOVO ALL IN EMISSIONS INVENTORY MFK COMPLETES Private Sector Representative. Djokic, CivilSociety Representative; andBerat Rukiqi, Kosovo, as well as two independent board members: Jelena of Kosovo; Blerim Vela, Chief of Staff to the President of of Kosovo; Chief LuanDalipi, of Staff to the PrimeMinister Justice of Kosovo; Rizvanolli, MinisterArtane of Economy incoming board consists of Albulena Haxhiu, Minister of by incorporating representatives from these groups. The the Government of Kosovo, civilsociety, andprivate sector composition reflects the commitment to MCC’s missionby the new MFK board hasbeenappointed. The board approval by the MillenniumChallengeCorporation (MCC), Following of the election the new government andofficial BOARD MEMBERS MFK WELCOMESNEW for women. sexual violence, and to facilitate other leadership programs from women in the Kosovo economy, ofvictims to support organization that strives to enablegreater participation initiatedbyactivities the Jahjaga Foundation, anonprofit landscapes of Kosovo. Shealsodiscussedprojects and inclusion throughout the economic, social,andpolitical Jahjaga spoke of the salient challengesregarding gender Program.herIn wide-ranging formertalk, President scholarships provided by the MFK’s Women inEnergy she delivered aspeech to recipients of internships and Mrs. visited the offices where of MFK, In late April, Former President of the Republic of Kosovo SOCIAL INCLUSION DISCUSSESGENDER AND JAHJAGAMFK, VISITS FORMER PRESIDENT PM 2. 5 Indust 24 7% Tr ansport % 1% Agricultu ry re Small combustion 68% MFK ACTIVITIES 26 KOSOVO WOMEN GRADUATE WITH DEGREES IN ENERGY SECTOR IN IOWA, USA

On May 1st, 26 women from 25 different municipalities throughout Kosovo graduated from Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) in Iowa, USA. Women in Energy scholarship recipients were selected out of hundreds of applicants for a two year study program in energy- related fields, as part of the Women in Energy Program developed by the MFK and MCC. The hybrid graduation ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Kosovo Madam Vjosa Osmani, MCC acting Chief Executive Officer Mahmoud Bah, MCC Country Director for Kosovo Sarah Olmstead, MFK CEO Petrit Selimi, and President of DMACC Rob Denson, who celebrated graduates’ achievements through live addresses as well as with SMALL GRANTS IN recorded video messages. WOMEN ENERGY


MFK launched the final component of the Women in Energy Entrepreneurs (WEE) Program: the Pilot SIMPLE program. The SIMPLE program provides small grants for women-owned micro-businesses and startups in selected municipalities across Kosovo. These grants are designed to help women entrepreneurs in Kosovo grow their businesses through a more efficient use of energy. For this iteration of the project, MFK is delighted to have HELP—Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, a well known non-governmental organization from Germany, join efforts in implementing the Pilot Group SIMPLE grants.


Viti is among seven municipalities (Prishtina, Gjakova, Lipjani, Mitrovica, Novo Brdo, and Gracanica) to receive financial support as part of the Energy Efficiency Retrofits in Multi-family Apartment Buildings (AER) project, which is a part of the Subsidies in Energy Efficiency in Kosovo Program(SEEK). This MoU ensures that MFK and the Municipality of Viti will work closely together regarding

energy efficiency measures in several old buildings in Viti. SECTOR ENERGY KOSOVO’S IN WOMEN EMPOWERING MILLENNIUM FOUNDATION KOSOVO @MFKOSOVO MILLENNIUMFOUNDATIONKS MILLENNIUM FOUNDATION KOSOVO MILLENNIUM FOUNDATION KOSOVO (GPN) General Procurement Notice MFK, MFK, The Governmental BuildingMigjeniStr 21,Floor 9, 10000Prishtina, Kosovo /Email:[email protected] / in the Threshold program /Edited by: Petrit RinaMeta, Selimi, Rina Abazi /Contributors : MCC ACEO Mohmoud Bah, Jozefina Cutura, Iqbal Saadia E—mail: Telephone:: Postal +383 Address: [email protected] C/o: Procurement manager:: Code 38 :10000 list Procurement, or those requiring additionalinformation, should contact: 752 should subscribeon the MFK website under the link:, type your under emailandselect the Prishtina, 110 newspapers, andother mediaoutlets asappropriate. Business (UNDB):,Kosovo Development Gateway Market (dgMarket):, inlocal will beannounced, as they become available, on the MFK website: ,United NationsDevelopment procedures set outin the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines, which can be found at the MFK website. Contracts for goods, financedworks andservices under the program will beimplemented according to the principles,rules and Procurements for period June 2021 –December 2021 directly to Contractors/Consultants/Suppliers by the US Treasury. funding. When acontract money issigned with anMFK, isalready available to the MFK and, for mostcontracts, invoices are paid proceedsof thefundspayments for to contracts forservices. and worksgoods, to implement this program andachieve the objectivesof the MCC Grant Threshold agreement, anditintends to apply of parts the Millennium ChallengeCorporation (MCC) of the United States Government to enable the Government of the Republic of Kosovo The Government of the Kosovo has received grant funding of USD$49 million (Forty—Nine Million United States Dollars) from the CoverPhoto : Erza RamaIllustrations /Designand : Studio PERMANENT Hoxha, (Nita Salihu Hoxha, Edvin Susuri,Urtina Elvira Thaqi )/Contact: Interested eligiblecontractors andconsultants who wish to beincludedon the mailinglist to receive anotice of advertisements Specific procurement notices for contracts to be tendered under the competitive biddingprocedures and for consultant contracts The procurement isopen to allbidders from eligiblesource countries asdefined in the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines. The procurementThe program forinclude thefollowing:period will this MCC’s funding isappropriated by the U.S. Congress andobligated to the compact up—front, with noincremental or partial Millennium Foundation of Kosovo (MFK) Government of the Republic of Kosovo — Outreach and activities the launchevent for the Internship Program — Consultants— — Event Management for CMIS workshops andpromotional activities — Communication andOutreach for Judicial DataChallenge — Consultancy (Stakeholders workshops for Judicial DigDataChallenge) (Case Management Information System “CMIS”) — Software, Hardware, and TA inCommunications &Outreach for the Public Access to Judicial Information Activity In the Reliable Energy Landscape Project, Transparent Governance Project and Administration sector, including: Procurement of Services — AER—Apartment BuildingEfficiency Retrofits Sub—activity Works — HouseholdEfficiency Retrofits (HER)Intervention Package—EE materials andproducts In the Reliable Energy Landscape Project including: Procurementof Works Millennium Foundation of Kosovo ↘ Jury Jury for OpenDataChallenge other information in this publication are not necessarily reflective of MCC, the opinions of or MFK, other partners implemented within Threshold Program, by supported the MillenniumChallenge Corporation /Opinionsand This newsletter ispublishedby MillenniumFoundation Kosovo (MFK) to inform the publicon the projects Str. “Migjeni”no. 21(ex—Bank of Ljubljana, floor IX), Çitaku —MFKArton Procurement Manager