
Yale University. Master of Architecture, 1993. Cambridge University. St. John’s College. Master of Philosophy in Social Anthropology, 1988. Harvard University. A.B. cum laude in East Asian Studies, 1987.

University Professorships and Program Administration

New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. University, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. Professor of Architecture, Urban Design, and Sustainability. Co---Director and Co-Founder, Global Design NYU, 2010 to present.

I create and teach interdisciplinary design courses for undergraduates and master’s degree candidates across the university, while also serving as the primary academic adviser for 20-25 Gallatin students. I represent the Gallatin faculty on three Provostial committees and have been elected by my peers to serve on our two distinct Gallatin promotion and tenure committees. I am one of three founding directors of Global Design NYU, which convenes international design symposia, curates exhibitions, writes collaboratively, and performs public acts of artistic advocacy. I am the founding director of the Architecture and Urban Design LAB, a unique teaching and design research platform at NYU, and also the founding director of the BIG WALK, the annual, citywide urban design event that will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2020.

University Service and Leadership Member, Office of the Provost, Select Committee, Future of Technology-Enhanced Education, 2018 to present. Member, Office of the Provost, Select Committee on Sustainability, 2017 to present. Member, Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Research, Select Committee on Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 2017 to present. Member, Faculty Advisory Committee, Marron Institute for Urban Management, 2015 to present. Architectural Adviser to the President, Provost, and SSAC, 2014 to present. Member, Office of the Provost, Curriculum Advisory Committee, 2012---13.

Gallatin School Senior Leadership Member, Senior Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2019 to present. Member, Science and Society Search Committee, 2019 to present. Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2011---13, 2015---16. Member, Art and Society Search Committee, 2014---15. Member, Business and Economics Search Committee, 2012---13. Member, Business and Fashion Search Committee, 2011---13. Louise Harpman__2

Chair, Civic Engagement Search Committee, 2011---12. Member, Administrative and Policy Committee, 2010---11.

Gallatin School Service Member, Awards Committee, 2018-19. Member, Graduate Program Committee, 2016-19. Faculty Adviser, Gallatin Design Collective, 2010 to present. Member, Gallatin Gallery Advisory Committee, 2018 to present. Member, Distinguished Faculty Lecture Committee, 2015--16. Member, Arts Committee, 2010 -16. Member, Community Learning Initiative, 2010---15.

Gallatin School New Initiatives Founding Director, Architecture and Urban Design LAB, 2011 to present. Co---Founder, Co---Director, Global Design NYU, 2010 to present. Founding Director, BIG WALK, 2010 to present.

Gallatin Graduate Students Theses supervised (David Meehan, current; Fran Glasenberg, 2013; Stephanie Hodges, 2011) Thesis committee member (Ariel Fischman, 2013)

The University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture. Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, 2003---08. Associate Professor of Architecture, 2003---10. Fellow, Harwell Hamilton Harris Regents Professorship, 2003---10. Director, Professional Residency Program, 2004---10.

I served as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs under Dean Frederick (Fritz) Steiner. As undergraduate Dean, I managed six (6) unique undergraduate programs, staffed by over 60 faculty members who taught more than 600 students each year, the largest cohort of students at the School. I chaired the admissions committees for all undergraduate programs, served on all major steering committees for the School, including curriculum and budget, co-directed two accreditation reviews, was elected by my peers as a member of the Promotion and Tenure Committee, in addition to teaching elective design studios each term. I directed the School’s Professional Residency Program and maintained close relationships with over 180 architecture offices on 4 continents that hosted our student interns. I was the founding director of the School’s design/build program. I represented the School on several Provostial committees including the Dean Search at the LBJ School of Public Policy.

University Service and Leadership Member, Office of the President, Undergraduate Curriculum Reform Committee, 2006---07. Member, Office of the Provost, Dean’s Evaluation Committee, School of Architecture, 2007. Member, Office of the Provost, Dean Search Committee, LBJ School of Public Affairs, 2004---05. Faculty Liaison, Office of the Provost, Maymester Program, 2003---08. Faculty Liaison, Office of the Provost, Connexus, 2004---08.

Louise Harpman__3

School of Architecture Service and Leadership Founding Director, Design.Build.Texas, 2003---10. Chair, Undergraduate Admissions Committee, 2003---08. Co---director, NAAB Accreditation Visit (with Kevin Alter), 2005. Co---director, CIDA Accreditation Visit (with Nancy Kwallek, Carl Mathews), 2004, 2007. Chair, Awards Committee, 2003, 2004, 2006. Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee, 2003---08. Member, Dean’s Coordinating Committee, 2003---08. Member, Architecture and Interior Design Curriculum Committee, 2003---08. Member, Graduate Studies Committee, 2003---08. Member, Architecture and Technology Faculty Search Committee, 2004---05; 2006---07. Member, Interior Design Faculty Search Committee, 2003---04.

Yale University, School of Architecture. Critic in Architectural Design, 1996---2003. Director, First Year Graduate Studio, 1997---2003. Coordinator, Undergraduate Senior Projects, 1996-2002. Chair, Graduate School Admissions Committee, 2002---03. Member, Graduate School Admissions Committee, 1996---2002.

The University of Pennsylvania, GSFA, Department of Architecture. Adjunct Assistant Professor, 1998---2000. Lecturer, 1994---98.

Architectural Practice and Scholarship

Louise Harpman__PROJECTS. New York, NY. Founder and Principal, 2016—

Louise Harpman is the founder and principal of Louise Harpman__PROJECTS whose work includes architectural design, design research, and urban design. PROJECTS forms interdisciplinary teams for applied research projects and has several focus areas, including micro housing, net zero building practices, and building management systems. PROJECTS provides consulting services to private corporations, universities, municipal authorities, design competitions, and community organizations.

PROJECTS is the home of the zeromicro™ Applied Research Consortium, which is affiliated with NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Tandon School of Engineering, and Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy. Harpman holds four registered trademarks from the United States Patent and Trademark Office related to the zeromicro™ project.

Specht Harpman. New York, NY. Co---Founder and Principal, 1995 to 2015.

Before founding PROJECTS, Louise Harpman was, for 20 years, a founder and principal in the award-winning architecture and design firm Specht Harpman. The firm received multiple Honor Awards from the American Institute of Architects, was named Emerging Voices by the Architectural League of New York, and won other professional awards from the Texas Society of Architects, Interior Design, Architizer, Professional Builder, Residential Architect, Custom Louise Harpman__4

Home, International Contemporary Furniture Fair, among others. Specht Harpman was listed in Wallpaper* magazine’s annual Architects’ Directory as one of the “top 50 up and coming architectural practices from around the world,” were lauded as “Tastemakers” by House and Garden, and were listed regularly in New York magazine’s “Top 100” architects. The firm’s designs were featured at the of Modern Art, MoMA/QNS, the Municipal Art Society, the Van Alen Institute, and in gallery shows in the US and UK.

In addition to its client- work, Specht Harpman maintained a commitment to pursuing in---house design research. The most prominent of these applied research projects yielded the zeroHouse™, a high---performance, off---the---grid prototype for micro dwelling which is an internationally recognized “case study” for sustainable building practices. Together with the Micro Loft, these projects established Specht and Harpman as design leaders in the international micro dwelling movement.

Specht Harpman’s design work was published in every major professional journal in the United States, including Architectural Record, Architecture, Architect, Interior Design, Residential Architect, Professional Builder, Texas Architect, and Oculus. The firm’s work was also published by many leading general interest publications, such as Architectural Digest, AD, ID, Metropolis, Domus, , The New York Times Magazine, The Journal, Dwell, WIRED, and Fast Company.

Over two decades, Specht Harpman gained significant recognition, won major industry awards, and had its work published on every continent except Antarctica. The client---based practice continues as Specht Architects while the research arm of the firm is Louise Harpman__PROJECTS.

Design Awards (selected)

AIA New York__Manhattan Micro Loft AIA New York__Oasis Advertising AIA New York__Concrete Media AIA Austin__New Canaan Residence AIA Austin__Doyle Hall, St. Edward’s University Texas Society of Architects__zeroHouse™ Architizer__Manhattan Micro Loft Design Trust for Public Space, 20/20 Award for Urban Visionaries__Louise Harpman

Specht Harpman garnered many additional design industry awards from sources including Professional Builder, ICFF, NYCxDESIGN, Interior Design, Custom Home, Thornburg Foundation, HGTV, and Moffly A---List, a selection of which is listed below.

2018 Moffly A-List Awards for Architecture. New Canaan Residence. 2017 Professional Builder, Gold Award, Green Architecture. Casa Xixim. 2017 Thornburg Foundation, University of New Mexico, Jeff Harner Award. Sundial House. 2016 Ocean Home. Top 50 Coastal Architects—Casa Xixim. 2016 ICFF Interior Design, NYCxDESIGN, Best of the Year Awards—Manhattan Micro Loft. Louise Harpman__5

2016 HGTV Fresh Faces of Design Awards Program—Casa Xixim, D’Arcy Residence. 2016 New York Magazine, Top 100 Architects and Designers. 2015 New York Magazine, Top 100 Architects and Designers. 2014 American Institute of Architects, Austin, TX, Homes Tour—Cliff House. 2014 New York Magazine, Top 100 Architects and Designers. 2013 American Institute of Architects, Honor Award—Manhattan Micro Loft. 2013 American Institute of Architects, Honor Award—New Canaan Residence. 2013 Moffly A---List Award—Best Modern Architecture, Stirratt Residence. 2013 Moffly A---List Award—Best Pool House, Stirratt Residence. 2013 Interior Design—Manhattan Micro Loft. 2013 Custom Home, Grand Award—Manhattan Micro Loft. 2013 Residential Architect, Merit Award—Manhattan Micro Loft. 2012 Architizer+, Popular Choice Winner—Manhattan Micro Loft. 2012 New York Magazine, Top 100 Architects and Designers. 2011 New York Magazine, Top 100 Architects and Designers. 2010 American Institute of Architects, Design Award—Doyle Hall. 2010 New York Magazine, Top 100 Architects and Designers. 2009 American Institute of Architects, Design Award—Oasis Advertising. 2008 Top 50 Young Architects, Design Directory. Wallpaper* Magazine. 2007 American Institute of Architects, Texas Society of Architects, Design Award—zeroHouse™. 2007 New Tastemakers, House and Garden Magazine. 2003 New York Magazine, Top 100 Architects and Designers.

Publications (selected)

Louise Harpman is co-author of the books Coffee Lids: Peel, Pinch, Pucker, Puncture (Princeton Architectural Press, 2018) and Global Design (Prestel, 2014).

Her design work is included in many anthologies of design, including Thirty Years of Emerging Voices (Princeton Architectural Press, 2015); Design and Construction of High---Performance Homes (Routledge, 2013); Curiosity and Method (Immaterial Incorporated, 2013); Prefab Houses, Maisons Prefabriques, Fertighauser, Prefab Huizen (Booqs, 2011); Re:Crafted: Interpretations of Craft in Contemporary Architecture (Monacelli, 2010); New Prefab Architecture (Barcelona, 2008); New York 2000 (Monacelli, 2006); PRAXIS (Harvard Graduate School of Design, 2005); AD Architectural Design (Wiley, 2004); and The 21st Century Office (Laurence King, 2003).

A list of publications for the period 2003---2019 follows on subsequent pages. In general, the publications can be grouped as follows:

__books, articles, and essays authored or co---authored by Louise Harpman __books and articles featuring the work of Louise Harpman

The zeroHouse™ itself was published in over 50 international books and magazines, including the cover of The New York Times (Home Section), in Fast Company, , WIRED, and on Bloomberg News television. Harpman and Specht delivered a TED talk about Louise Harpman__6

micro dwellings highlighting the zeroHouse™ and the Manhattan Micro Loft; the Manhattan Micro Loft is often cited as one of the first micro---unit dwellings to be constructed in . Both the zeroHouse™ and Manhattan Micro Loft continue to win notice for innovation, design excellence, and ecological design.

Dates in blue indicate international publications and conferences

Books written by Louise Harpman

2018 Coffee Lids: Peel, Pinch, Pucker, Puncture, Louise Harpman with co-author Scott Specht, foreword by Alex Kalman (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2018).

2014 Global Design Louise Harpman with co-authors Peder Anker, Mitchell Joachim (London, Munich, New York: Prestel, 2014).

Articles and Essays written by Louise Harpman

2019 “Good Design,” introductory text panel, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Four. 11 November 2019. 2018 “INTER_LOCK,” introductory text panel, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five. 01 September 2018. 2018 “Modest Modern Marvels,” in Coffee Lids: Peel, Pinch, Pucker, Puncture (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2018), pp. 9---16. 2018 “Peel,” in Coffee Lids: Peel, Pinch, Pucker, Puncture (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2018), pp. 35---89. 2018 “Pinch,” in Coffee Lids: Peel, Pinch, Pucker, Puncture (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2018), pp. 91---97. 2018 “Pucker,” in Coffee Lids: Peel, Pinch, Pucker, Puncture (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2018), pp. 99-198. 2018 “Puncture,” in Coffee Lids: Peel, Pinch, Pucker, Puncture (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2018), pp. 199---212. 2018 “Good Design is Hiding in Plain Sight,” in Coffee Lids: Peel, Pinch, Pucker, Puncture (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2018), pp. 213---232. 2018 “Phylogeny and its Discontents,” in Coffee Lids: Peel, Pinch, Pucker, Puncture (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2018), pp. 233---248. 2018 “Coffee Lids: Peel, Pinch, Pucker, Puncture,” in Design Observer. 16 March 2018. Web. 2017 “Coffee Lids” in Algera and vander Hoeven, eds., Finders Keepers: The Life of Things, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, NL. 2017 “Size Does Matter: Micro Dwellings and the Quantified Home” in Intelligent Buildings, Conference Proceedings, European Utility Week, Amsterdam, NL. 2017. 2017 “Waste__World,” introductory text panel, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallatin Galleries and Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre, May 2017. 2017 “Good Design,” introductory text panel, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five. 2016 “Good Design,” introductory text panel, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five. Louise Harpman__7

2015 “There is No Planet B,” (with Peder Anker, Mitchell Joachim). EnviroSociety. 21 December 2015. Web. 2015 “Evolution of the Coffee Lid,” , New York, NY. 2015 “Good Design,” introductory text panel, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five. 2014 “Elsewhere Envisioned,” (with Peder Anker, Mitchell Joachim), Global Design (London, Munich, New York: Prestel, 2014), pp. 8---11. 2014 “Notes from the Conference,” (with Karly Krakow, Peder Anker, Mitchell Joachim) in Bottger and Fitz, eds., Weltstadt---Who Creates the City?, (New York: Goethe Institut, 2014), p. 3. 2014 “Good Design,” introductory text panel, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five. 2013 “Good Design,” introductory text panel, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five. 2012 “Elsewhere Envisioned,” curatorial statement (with Peder Anker, Mitchell Joachim), New London Architecture, Building Centre, London. September/October, 2012. 2012 “Mapping,” introductory text panel, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five. 2012 “Mapping as a Spatial, Political and Environmental Practice,” interview with Cassim Shepard, Urban Omnibus 22 February 2012. Web. 17 July 2015. 2006 “Design.Build.Texas” in Platform (Austin, TX: University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture), pp. 20---21. 2005 “Inventory / Peel, Pucker, Pinch, Puncture,” (with Scott Specht) in Cabinet: A Quarterly of Art and Culture (Brooklyn, NY: Immaterial Incorporated, Fall 2005), 19, pp. 10---13. 2004 “On teaching your teacher,” in Constructs. (New Haven, CT: Yale School of Architecture, Fall 2004).

Books featuring the work of Louise Harpman (selected)

2015 “Specht Harpman” in Thirty Years of Emerging Voices: Idea, Form, Resonance (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2015), pp. 193-194. 2014 “The Design Integration of Renewable Energies (Korean Translation),” by Franca Trubiano and Russell Gentry in Franca Trubiana, ed., Design and Construction of High- --Performance Homes: Building Envelopes, Renewable Energies and Integrated Practice (Seoul: Korea Research Institute of Eco---Environmental Architecture, 2014), pp. 107---125. 2014 “Specht Harpman” in Peder Anker, Louise Harpman, Mitchell Joachim, Global Design (London, Munich, New York: Prestel, 2014), pp. 86---91. 2013 “Inventory / Peel, Pucker, Pinch, Puncture” in Sina Najafi et. al. eds., Curiosity and Method: Ten Years of Cabinet Magazine (Brooklyn, NY: Immaterial Incorporated, 2013), pp. 103---107. 2013 “The Design Integration of Renewable Energies,” by Franca Trubiano and Russell Gentry in Franca Trubiana, ed., Design and Construction of High---Performance Homes: Building Envelopes, Renewable Energies and Integrated Practice (New York, Oxford: Routledge, 2013), pp. 107---125. Louise Harpman__8

2011 “zeroHouse,” in Prefab Houses, Maisons Prefabriqueés, Fertighäuser, Prefab Huizen (Antwerp: BooQs Publishers BVBA, 2011), pp. 420---7. Also featured on the cover of the book. 2010 “Oasis Advertising” by Marc Kristal in Re:Crafted, Interpretations of Craft in Contemporary Architecture and Interiors (New York: Monacelli Press, 2010), pp. 182-189. 2009 “If These Walls Could Talk,” PS1/ (New York: PS1/Museum of Modern Art, Summer 2009), pp. 4---5. 2008 “zeroHouse™” in New Prefab Architecture (Barcelona: Loft Publications, 2008), edited by Sergio Costa Duran, pp. 98---101. 2007 “Psychoplex,” in Coney Island: The Parachute Pavilion Competition (New York: Princeton Architectural Press/Van Alen Institute, 2007), p. 86. 2006 “Specht Harpman” by Robert A.M. Stern, David Fishman, Jacob Tilove in New York 2000: Architecture and Urbanism Between the Bicentennial and the Millennium (New York: Monacelli Press, 2006), pp. 276-285. 2005 “Young Architects,” by Terry Riley in PRAXIS: Untitled Number Seven (Cambridge, MA: Praxis, Inc., 2005), pp. 41---43. 2005 “Oasis Advertising,” in 100% Office: Architecture + Design (Moscow: Ova---Press, March 2005), pp. 132-135. 2003 “Concrete, New York City, USA,” by Jeremy Myerson and Philip Ross in The 21st Century Office (London: Laurence King Publishing, 2003), pp. 158---161. 2003 “Hypertexture,” by Ben Gilmartin in PRAXIS: Architecture After Capitalism (Cambridge, MA: Praxis, Inc., 2003), pp. 32---35.

Articles featuring the work of Louise Harpman (selected)

2019 “Put a Lid on It,” by Toby Fehily in Smith Journal (Australia), September 2019, pp. 18-24. 2019 “The New Tim Hortons Lid is a Huge Improvement. Really,” by Rosemary Counter in Chatelaine (Canada), 23 July 2019. Web. 2019 “The New Tim Hortons Lid is a Huge Improvement. Really,” by Rosemary Counter in Maclean’s (Canada), 22 July 2019. Web. 2018 “Coffee Lids: New Book on the Elegant Design Scourge,” by Andrea James in BoingBoing, 24 July 2019. Web. 2018 “There’s a Book Devoted to Coffee Lids,” by Zac Cadwalader in Sprudge, 04 May 2018. Web. 2018 “There’s a New Book on Coffee Lids (Caution: Contents Hot),” by Nick Brown in Daily Coffee News, 26 April 2019. Web. 2018 “What disposable coffee lids tell us about the complexity of 'everyday' design,” by Oscar Holland in CNN Style (Hong Kong), 05 April 2018. Web. 2018 “New Sentences: From ‘Coffee Lids: Peel, Pinch, Pucker, Puncture’ “ by Sam Anderson in The New York Times Magazine (04 April 2018), p. 14. 2018 “Two Design Geeks Crazed for Coffee Cup Lids,” by Anna Russell in The New Yorker (19 March 2018), pp. 44---45. 2018 “Decoding the Design History of Your Coffee Cup Lid,” by Anika Burgess in Atlas Obscura, 13 March 2018. Web. Louise Harpman__9

2018 “Coffee Lids: a Visual History of Everyday Design,” by Mark Sinclair in Creative Review (UK), 09 March 2018. Web. 2018 “Two Architects Write a Field Guide for Coffee Lids,” by Athena Waligore in Interior Design, 05 March 2018. Web. 2018 “The Secret World of Coffee Cup Lid Design,” by Katharine Schwab in Fast Company Co.Design, 02 February 2018. Web. 2018 “Lid Chic,” by Steven Heller in Print Magazine, 24 January 2018. Web. 2018 “Taking zeromicro on the Road,” by Arielle Ross in Gallatin Today, Spring 2018, p. 4. 2017 “Leben im Kreislauf der Natur,” by Ulrike Losmann---Hartl in Haus Inside (Austria), 23 October 2017, pp. 62---71. 2017 “Casa Xixim: Gold Award,” by Peter Fabris in Professional Builder, 23 August 2017. Web. 2017 “Casa Xixim: Festung der Morgenrote,” by Ulrike Losmann---Hartl in Haus Inside (Austria), 13 August 2017, pp. 36---47. 2017 “Glass Houses with a Clear Sense of Style,” by Hannah Martin in Architectural Digest, 23 February 2017. Web. 2017 “How to Survive on your Own: The Shortcut Shack,” featuring zeroHouse (unsigned) in Popular Mechanics, February 2017, p. 62. 2017 “Jersey Strong,” by Andrew Conway in Ocean Home, June/July 2017, pp. 22---30. 2016 “After a Disaster, Families Build an Even Better House,” by Nancy Keates in the Wall Street Journal, December 26, 2017. 2016 “Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Design Hunting, Winter 2016, pp. 178---9. 2016 “Casa en Tulum” in Casa Viva Mexico. July/August/September, pp. 18---29. Also on cover of magazine. 2016 “Our Top 50 Coastal Architects” in Ocean Home, October/November 2016. 2016 “This Texas Home is Neatly Tucked Away in the Side of a Cliff,” (unsigned), Contemporist, 04 May 2016. Web. 2016 “Architects Turn a Tiny 425---square---foot Loft into a Dream Home,” by Alyson Penn in Business Insider, 12 Sep 2016. Web. 13 Mar 2018. 2015 “Homenaje al Paisaje Natural,” by Miguel Sada in Architectural Digest (Mexico), 13 July 2015. Web. 2015 “Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Design Hunting, Winter 2015, p. 167. 2015 “Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Design Hunting, Fall 2015. 2015 “Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Design Hunting, Spring 2015. 2015 “A Peek into the World’s Largest Collection of Coffee Lids,” by Mark Wilson in Fast Company Co.Design, 02 April 2015. Web. 2015 “The Owner of the World’s Largest Coffee Cup Lid Collection on Consumerism and Design,” by Nick Brown in Roast Magazine, Daily Coffee News, 05 February 2015. Web. 2014 "Lid Pro Quo" by Erin Wylie in NYU Alumni Magazine, Winter 2014, p. 8. Print. 2014 “Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Design Hunting, Fall 2014. Louise Harpman__10

2014 “Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Design Hunting, Summer 2014. 2014 “Weston House,” in Architectural Record, Featured Houses, September 2014. Web. 2013 “Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Fall 2013. 2013 “Modern Translation,” by Mayer Rus in Architectural Digest (February 2013), pp. 126---133. 2013 “A Spirited Game of Musical Rooms“, by Marc Kristal in the New York Times, January 17, 2013, p. D1, D6. Also on cover of newspaper section. 2013 “prairieHouse and windCatcher,” in Texas Architect (January/February 2013), p. 19. 2013 “Tim Hortons’ Double Dribble,” by Jason Kirby in Maclean’s (Canada), 20 August 2013. Web. 2012 “The World’s Largest Collection of Coffee Cup Lids,” by K. Annabelle Smith in Smithsonian.com, 15 November 2012. Web. 2012 “Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Fall 2012. 2012 “Into the Woods,” by Mitchell Alan Parker in Austin Home, Summer 2012, pp. 88---97. 2012 “Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Summer 2012, p. 218. 2012 “Texas State project makes creative use of tiles, by Jeanne---Claire van Ryzin in the Austin American---Statesman, August 18, 2012. 2012 “West Lake Residence,” by Jonathan Bell in Wallpaper* Magazine, Architecture, July 26, 2012. 2012 “Modern Home Tour shows Best of Style, Made Livable,” by Nicole Villalpando in the Austin American---Statesman, February 1, 2012. 2011 “The Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Fall 2011. 2011 “Global Reach: Gallatin NYU Launches New Program on Visionary Architecture,” by Julie V.Iovine in Architect’s Newspaper, June 22, 2011, p. 08. 2011 “The Rise of the Plastic Disposable Coffee Cup Lid,” by Nicola Twilley in The Atlantic, 09 May 2011. Web. 2011 “Double Dribble,” by Jason Kirby in Macleans, (Canada 124/8, March 7, 2011), pp. 40---1. 2010 “The Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Fall 2010. 2010 “Barn Raising,” by Carolyn Rundle Field in Wilton Magazine, May/June 2010. 2010 "Think Green" by Arden Ward in Austin Monthly Home, Spring 2010, p. 40. 2010 “Hidden Potential,” by Marc Kristal in Metropolis, March 2010, pp. 34---6. 2010 “More Than the Sum of its Parts” by Shonda Novak in the Austin American---Statesman, January 17, 2010. 2010 “The zeroHouse is the Greenest of Them All,” by Shonda Novak in the Austin American-- Statesman, January 16, 2010. 2009 "Specht Harpman" in Residential Architect, November, December 2009, p. 41. 2009 "Oasis Advertising," by Rick Price in Texas Architect, July/August 2009, p. 79. 2009 “Bouwen Voor de Toekomst,” in Green.2 (Holland: February/March 2009), p. 98. 2009 “Sweet Nothing,” by Sarah Rich in Dwell (February 2009), pp. 52---6. 2008 “Une Maison Prefabrique,” in Le Petit Quotidien (Paris: November 14, 2008), p. 2. 2008 “Habitat Ecologique,” in Architecture a Vivre/Maisons No. 44 (Paris: September/October 2008), p. 83. Louise Harpman__11

2008 “The Eco---Friendly House To---Go,” in DFW Greenzine (September 2008), pp. 24---5. 2008 “Specht Harpman,” in Wallpaper* Magazine Design Directory 2008 featuring “The World’s 50 Most Inspiring Young Architecture Practices,” (UK and US: August 2008), pp.102---104. 2008 “High Performance Prefabs,” by Sheri Koones in Smart Homeowner (July/August 2008), pp. 38---42. 2008 “Lo Mas Eco del Mercado,” by Soledad Garcia---Huidobro in +Decoracion Especial Sustenable (Chile: May 2008), pp. 88---89. 2008 “The Eco Prefab Revolution,” by Jeff Herlitz in Urban Land (May 2008), pp.64---68. Also featured on the cover of the magazine. 2008 “Go Green,” in Home Review (India: March/April 2008), p. 38. 2008 “zeroHouse” in China Times (Taiwan: March 2008), p. 16. 2008 “La Casa in Tasca,” in Blu & Rosso (Milan: March 2008), pp. 40---3. 2008 “Carbon---zero ZeroHouse™: Mini---luxury home steps lightly on the earth,” by Heather Livingston in AIA Architect, Volume 15, March 21, 2008. 2008 “Gelecegin evinde tek yon doga,” by Mimar Sedef Oran in Yer, Yasam ve mekan Kulturu Dergisi (Turkey: January 2008), pp. 12---13. 2007 “zeroHouse” in PanDaa (Hong Kong: December 2007), p. 14. 2007 “zeroHouse” in Digital World (China: December 2007), p. 22. 2007 “zeroHouse” in Ketchup Magazine (Hong Kong: November 2007), p. 40. 2007 “Rigorous Inquiry,” by Stephen Sharpe in Texas Architect (September/October 2007), p. 7. 2007 zeroHouse™ Studio Award Winner in Texas Architect (September/October 2007), pp. 84---5. Also featured on the cover of the magazine. 2007 “The Adapters,” by Carol Flake Chapman in House & Garden (New York: Conde Nast Publications, June 2007), p. 174. 2006 “zeroHouse” in 100% Architecture Now (Russia: October 2006), p. 86. 2006 “Hitting the Books,” by Jayne Merkel in Architectural Record: Special Supplement, University Buildings (New York: McGraw---Hill, October 2006), pp. 7---14. 2006 "TSA Studio Awards, DesignBuildTexas" by Stephen Sharpe in Texas Architect, September/October 2006, p. 79. 2006 “Modern Barn,” by Jane Kolleeny in Architectural Record (New York: McGraw---Hill, July 2006), pp. 174---178. 2005 “Labworks,” in Interior Design (New York: Reed Business, March 2005), p. 1 32. 2005 “Inside Arts,” by Jeanne Claire van Ryzin in the Austin American---Statesman (Section XLENT, p. 30), February 3, 2005. 2005 “Cool Heating,” in WIRED (New York: Conde Nast Publications, January 2005), p. 116. 2004 “Custom Furniture,” by Ann Sample in Elements of Living (New York: Elements Media, November 2004), pp. 90---91. 2004 "Dross; on the onset of a post---production era," by Lydia Kallipoliti in PART Journal of the CUNY PhD Program in Art History, Spring 2004. 2003 “Prize Possessions,” by Jane Margolies in Interior Design (New York, NY: Cahners, October 2003) pp. 226---229. 2003 “All in the Family,” by Jane Margolies in Interior Design (New York, NY: Cahners, October 2003) pp. 115---117. 2003 “The Top 100 Architects and Designers,” by Wendy Goodman in New York Magazine, Fall 2003).

Louise Harpman__12

Videos featuring the work of Louise Harpman

2019 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. “Bottleneck.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 21 May 2019. Web. 12 October 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_LLutYnz9g

2018 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. “TAKE ACTION. CLIMATE ACTION.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 09 December 2018. Web. 12 January 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woj7wN3ygAQ

2018 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. “CURRENT.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 15 September 2018. Web. 12 January 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwAzYpQ5enY

2017 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. “Louise Harpman: Pecha Kucha.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 30 January 2018. Web. 16 March 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6PNY1eTBP4

2017 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. “Waste_World.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 29 September 2017. Web. 10 March 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXYWp5cXwEU

2016 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. “Human Heliostat.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 5 December 2016. Web. 10 March 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=agN4trw8BKQ

2016 TEDxAMHERST, Veena Rao. “Living Small and Loving It.” Online video clip. Vimeo. Vimeo, 25 April 2015. Web. 11 March 2018. https://vimeo.com/147804859

2016 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. “Times Square Electronic Garden.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 1 June 2016. Web. 11 March 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=0EnYRM3RyPE

2015 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. “Climate Action Deal Now.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 7 December 2015. Web. 11 March 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBOvMHc8---Mo

2015 NYU Stories. “Peel, Pucker, Pinch or Puncture. Coffee lids, explored.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 16 January 2015. Web. 17 July 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Uz1aRBmLVrY

2014 Bloomberg News, Taking Stock with Pimm Fox. “Manhattan Micro Loft.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 19 June 2014. Web. 10 March 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_DNk9cqk6c Louise Harpman__13


2019 Principal Investigator (GDNYU), Gallatin School of Individualized Study ($25,000). 2018 Principal Investigator (GDNYU), Gallatin School of Individualized Study ($25,000). 2017 Principal Investigator, zeromicro™ Applied Research Consortium, NYU, Senior Vice Provost for Research ($3,000). 2016 Faculty Research Scholarship, NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study ($4,000). 2015 Teaching with Technology, NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study ($3,500). 2013 Consultant, Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, Multi---family Retrofit ($1,000). 2012 Principal Investigator (GDNYU), NYU, Provost’s Office for Global Affairs ($15,000). 2011 Principal Investigator (GDNYU), NYU, Provost’s Office for Global Affairs ($15,000). 2008 Principal Investigator, RGK Center for Public Affairs and Community Service ($2,500). 2007 Principal Investigator, RGK Center for Public Affairs and Community Service ($6,800). 2007 Principal Investigator, Downtown Austin Alliance ($2,500). 2006 Principal Investigator, Blanco Library Research/Design Studio ($25,000). 2004 Faculty Research Grant, University of Texas at Austin, Vice President for Research ($6,000). 2003 Principal Investigator, Design.Build.Texas ($285,000). 2003 Faculty Research Scholarship, Design.Build.Texas Advisory Council ($2,500).

Invited Lectures and Conference Presentations

2020 Yale University, Yale School of Architecture, “Women in Architecture.” New Haven, CT. (forthcoming in April 2020). 2020 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, “Earth Week: Right to the Planet.” New York, NY. (forthcoming in April 2020). 2019 New York University, Urban Democracy Lab, “Off the Rails: Megadevelopment and the Future of the City.” Moderator. New York, NY. 2019 New York University, Tandon School of Engineering, Inside/Outside Symposium, “Making Fast and Slow: Architecture, Design, and Digital Domination.” Featured Speaker. Brooklyn, NY. 2018 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, “Collapse: Climate, Cities & Culture.” Featured Speaker. New York, NY. 2018 London Design Week, Blueprint Magazine Symposium, “Future of Architecture Schools,” Respondent. London, UK. 2018 American Institute of Architects (New York City). “Collapse: Climate, Cities & Culture.” Featured Speaker. New York, NY 2018 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, “Design as a Framework for Sustainable Solutions.” Panelist. New York, NY. 2018 New York University, Urban Democracy Lab, “Rebel Architecture.” Moderator. New York, NY. 2018 New York University, Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Symposium, Office of the Vice Provost for Research. “Good Design.” Featured Speaker. New York, NY. 2018 New York University, Center for the Humanities, Urban Digital Humanities. “Micro Dwellings: Where the Quantified Self meets the Quantified Home.” New York, NY. 2018 HET Nieuwe Institute, Keynote Speaker, Finders Keepers: The Life of Things. “Wretched Louise Harpman__14

Excess.” Rotterdam, NL. 2017 CIAM XI to XX: The Future of the Future of Architecture. “Multiscalarity.” Athens, GR. 2017 European Utility Week, Intelligent Buildings Europe, Building an Ecosystem for the Future. “Live smaller. Live better. Introducing zeromicro™ and the Future of the Quantified Home.” Amsterdam, NL. 2017 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Climate Action Conference. “The Quantified Self meets the Quantified Home.” New York, NY. 2017 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Global Faculty Symposium. “Climate Registers.” Paris, FR. 2017 Yale School of Architecture. “Big Talk, Small Houses: How Micro Housing Might Just Solve the Affordable Housing Crisis.” New Haven, CT. 2017 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Pecha Kucha. “On Collecting.” New York, NY. 2017 New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, Climate Action Conference, Times Square Electronic Garden. New York, NY. 2016 Royal Ontario Musuem. “An Architecture of Display.” Toronto, CN. 2016 Design Trust for Public Space. “The Once and Future Public Library.” New York, NY. 2016 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Alumni College. “Good Design.” New York, NY. 2016 Sheffield University, School of Architecture. “Size Does Matter.” Sheffield, UK. 2016 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Pecha Kucha. “Small is Beautiful.” New York, NY. 2016 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, “Democratizing the Green City.” Introduction of keynote speakers Roger Keil and Julie Sze. New York, NY. 2015 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. “We are Global Design.” New York, NY. 2015 TEDxAMHERST. “Size Matters.” Featured speaker (with Scott Specht). Amherst, MA. 2015 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Global Faculty Symposium. “Material Archive.” Florence, IT. 2014 Morgan Library, “Accumulated Wisdom: Collector as Inventor.” New York, NY. 2013 , Radical Terrain lecture series. “This Friday at Marienbad.” New York, NY. 2012 New York University, Global Design, Elsewhere Envisioned symposium. “Testing Testing.” London, UK. 2012 Yale School of Architecture, Inaugural Women in Architecture Symposium. “Pecha Kucha.” New Haven, CT. 2012 Yale School of Architecture, Inaugural Women in Architecture. “Build Your Bench.” New Haven, CT. 2012 American Institute of Architects (New York City). “Change in the Middle East.” Moderator. New York, NY. 2011 Festival of Ideas for the New City, . Moderator. New York, NY. 2011 Harvard University, Graduate School of Design. “The New and the Now.” Cambridge, MA. 2011 The Economist, Intelligent Infrastructure, “The Architecture of Progress.” Blogger. New York, NY. 2011 New York University, College of Arts and Science. “Current Work.” New York, NY. Louise Harpman__15

2011 New York University, Rudin Center for Transportation. “Current Work.” New York, NY. 2010 University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture. “Current Work.” Austin, TX. 2009 University of Texas at Austin, LBJ School of Public Policy. “Current Work.” Austin, TX. 2008 New York Institute of Technology. “Current Work.” New York, NY. 2008 Denver Museum of Contemporary Art. “Current Work.” Denver, CO. 2007 Architectural League of New York. “Found.” New York, NY. 2007 Umlauf Sculpture Center (with Scott Specht). “Found.” Austin, TX. 2007 University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture (with Scott Specht), “Everything Must Go!” Austin, TX. 2007 Pecha Kucha (with Scott Specht), “Specht Harpman,” Austin, TX. 2006 Town Hall, “Information, Technology and the Public Library,” Blanco, TX. 2006 ACSA National Conference, “Design Build Texas.” Salt Lake City, UT. 2005 Philbrook Museum of Art, “Architecture in the Garden.” Tulsa, OK. 2005 University of Houston School of Architecture, “Found.” Houston, TX. 2004 Washington University, School of Architecture and Planning (with Scott Specht). “Work.” St. Louis, MO. 2004 University of Toronto, School of Architecture. “Work.” Toronto, CN.

Conferences Convened and Exhibitions Curated

2020 New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. Conference co-organizer (with Eugenia Kisin, Karen Holmberg). “Earth Week: Right to the Planet.” New York, NY. (forthcoming in April 2020). 2018 Collapse: Climate, Cities & Culture, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. Lead organizer, curator, and exhibit designer (with Mitchell Joachim, Peder Anker). New York, NY. 2017 Pecha Kucha: Furious, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. Lead organizer (with Millery Polyné), session moderator. New York, NY. 2016 Pecha Kucha: Envision, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. Lead organizer (with Lulu Nolte), session moderator. New York, NY. 2014 Cities and Citizenship, New York University, Parsons The New School, Goethe Institut. Conference co---organizer (with Ioanna Theocharopoulou, Peder Anker, Mitchell Joachim), session moderator. New York, NY. 2014 Goethe Institut, Weldstadt, New York and Berlin. Who makes the city? Conference co- --organizer (with Ioanna Theocharopoulou, Peder Anker, Mitchell Joachim). New York, NY. 2012 Elsewhere Envisioned, New York University, Bedford Square Academic Centre. Lead organizer (with Peder Anker, Mitchell Joachim), session moderator. London, UK. 2011 Elsewhere Envisioned, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. Lead organizer (with Peder Anker, Mitchell Joachim), session moderator. New York, NY.

Design Exhibitions featuring the work of Louise Harpman (selected)

2017 HET Nieuwe Instituut. “Finders Keepers: The Life of Things,” including selections from The World’s Largest Collection of Coffee Lids. Rotterdam, NL. 2016 Mmuseumm. The World’s Largest Collection of Coffee Lids (selections). New York, NY. Louise Harpman__16

2015 Yale School of Architecture.“Pedagogy and Place: 100 Years of Architectural Education at Yale.” Drawings by Louise Harpman. New Haven, CT. 2015 Mmuseumm. The World’s Largest Collection of Coffee Lids (selections). New York, NY. 2012 Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American History. “Food in the Twentieth Century.” Selections from The World’s Largest Collection of Coffee Lids. Washington, DC. 2012 American Institute of Architects. “New York Now.” Featuring zeroHouse™, prairieHouse™, windCatcher™. New York, NY. 2012 Yale University, Yale School of Architecture. “Women in Architecture.” Drawings by Louise Harpman. New Haven, CT. 2012 Building Centre, New London Architecture. Global Design NYU. Featuring zeroHouse™, prairieHouse™. London, UK. 2012 Modern Homes. D’Arcy Residence. Austin, TX. 2011 New York University, Gallatin Galleries. Global Design NYU. Featuring zeroHouse™, prairieHouse™, windCatcher™. New York, NY. 2011 Modern Homes. Stirratt Residence, New Canaan, CT. 2009 East Austin Studio Tour. “Specht Harpman.” Austin, TX. 2009 Open Architecture. “Specht Harpman.” Austin, TX. 2009 Austin Children’s Museum. “MegaModel.” Austin, TX. 2007 University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, Mebane Gallery. “Specht Harpman: Everything Must Go!” Austin, TX. 2006 University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, Mebane Gallery. “Capsule Summary.” Austin, TX. 2006 Proteus Gowanus Gallery. Cabinet 19: The World’s Largest Collection of Coffee Lids (selections). Brooklyn, NY. 2005 Van Alen Institute. “Parachute Pavilion.” New York, NY.

Design Award Juries and Peer Reviews

2019 Jury Chair, Dean’s Prize for Excellence in Design, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York, NY. 2018 Jury Chair, Dean’s Prize for Excellence in Design, New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York, NY. 2018 Juror, Horn Environmental Research Fund, New York, NY. 2017 Juror, APA Annual Studio Showcase, Pratt Institute, New York, NY. 2016 Peer Reviewer, TAD, The Journal of Technology, Architecture, Design. 2015 Juror, New York University, Coles Reconstruction, New York, NY. 2015 Juror, Emerging Voices, Architectural League of New York, New York, NY. 2013 Juror, ONE PRIZE, Stormproof Competition, Brooklyn, NY. 2012 Juror, American Institute of Architects (AIA), ENYA, New York, NY. 2010 Juror, Residential Architect Design Awards, Washington, DC. 2009 Juror, American Institute of Architects (AIA) Building Awards, Chicago, IL. 2009 Juror, Art Alliance Austin, TOGS2, Austin, TX. 2008 Juror, Art Alliance Austin, Temporary Outdoor Gallery Space, Austin, TX. 2006 Juror, American Institute of Architects (AIA) Design Awards, Ft. Worth, TX. 2005 Juror, Philbrook Museum of Art, LANDed Competition, Tulsa, OK. 2004 Juror, American Institute of Architects (AIA) Design Awards, Charlotte, NC. Louise Harpman__17

2003 Juror, American Institute of Architects (AIA) Design Awards, Memphis, TN. 2003 Juror, American Institute of Architects (AIA) Design Awards, Western Colorado.

Teaching Awards and Fellowships

2010 Friar Centennial Teaching Award, Semi---Finalist, University of Texas at Austin. 2009 Friar Centennial Teaching Award, Finalist, University of Texas at Austin. 2008 Faculty Research Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin. 2007 Junior Fellow, Society of Junior Fellows in British Studies, University of Texas at Austin. 2006 National Council of Architecture Registration Board, NCARB Prize for the Creative Integration of Practice and Education in the Academy. Honorable Mention, Design.Build.Texas. 2006 Texas Society of Architects. Honor Award, Studio Category, Design.Build.Texas. 2006 Faculty Fellow, LBJ School of Public Policy, University of Texas at Austin. 2005 Scholarship Award, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin. 2005 Citation, Services for Students with Disabilities, University of Texas at Austin. 2004 Fellow, Humanities Institute, University of Texas at Austin.

Awards and Prizes won by students of Louise Harpman

Leo Bronstein Honor Award. NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. 2019 Blair Simmons

Horn Environmental Studies Resource Fund. NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. 2018 Blair Simmons, LZ Granderson 2016 Louisa Nolte, William Kammler 2011 Sam Galison, Laura Seach, Ariel Dubov, Jana Kalnina

Dean’s Award for Graduating Seniors. NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. 2017 Kyle Richard

Dean’s Conference Fund. NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. 2017 Jason Gabaee, Gui Marcos, Lila Rimalovski, Arielle Ross

Dean’s Award for Summer Research. NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. 2018 Blair Simmons, 2018 2016 Louisa Nolte, Perry Kurker Mraz 2015 Brendan Ward

President’s Service Award. New York University. 2014 Michael Ryan

Koppenaal Award. NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. 2014 Michael Ryan Louise Harpman__18

Gallatin Student Resources Fund. NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. 2012 Michael Ryan

Swiss Prize, Swiss Society of New York. 2012 Stephanie Hodges

Dean’s Prize for Innovation. NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. 2011 Miriam Brafman

American Institute of Architects, Student Award. Austin, TX. 2011 Brett Wolfe, Blanco Library.

National Council of Architecture Registration Board NCARB Prize for the Creative Integration of Practice and Education in the Academy. 2006 Honorable Mention, Design.Build.Texas.

United States Green Building Council. 2006 Featured Project, Design.Build.Texas, Portland, OR.

Texas Society of Architects. 2006 Honor Award, Studio Category, Design.Build.Texas.

George H Mitchell Award for Academic Excellence | University of Texas at Austin 2007 Brett Wolfe, Blanco Library (2nd Prize —$5,000).

Oglesby Prize | University of Texas at Austin | School of Architecture 2007 Brett Wolfe (1st Prize—$5,000). 2006 David Bench (1st Prize—$8,000). Undergraduate Research Fellowship Winners | University of Texas at Austin 2010 Charleen Chae, Drew Finke 2006 Brett Wolfe

Excellence in Design Award Winners | University of Texas at Austin | School of Architecture 2008 Eddie Kopelson for the studioPLAY project 2007 Shengning Zhang for the Austin Fire Station project 2006 Brett Wolfe for the Blanco Library project Scott Vandever for the Blanco Library project 2005 All students for the Design.Build.Texas project 2003 Frank Farkash for the Children’s Community Center project Jenny Wu for the Children’s Community Center project

Distinction in Design | University of Texas at Austin | School of Architecture 2007 Shengning Zhang for the Austin Fire Station project Louise Harpman__19

Publications featuring the work of students of Louise Harpman

2019 Israel, Dulcy. “Bottleneck,” in NYU Alumni Magazine, Issue #34 (forthcoming). 2019 Harpman, Louise. “Bottleneck,” in Confluence (NYU Gallatin), 05 September 2019. Web. 12 October 2019. 2019 Harpman, Louise. “Good Design,” in Dreams and Dreamscapes (NYU Gallatin), Spring 2019. 2018 Harpman, Louise. “Good Design,” in eco(ture) (NYU Gallatin), Spring 2018. 2017 Harpman, Louise. “Waste_World,” in Confluence (NYU Gallatin), 14 September 2017. Web. 16 March 2018. 2017 Harpman, Louise. “Good Design,” in empowered (NYU Gallatin), Spring 2017. 2016 Harpman, Louise. “Good Design,” in Techstyles (NYU Gallatin), Spring 2016. 2015 Richards, Jack and Lily Wolens. “Good Design: White T---Shirts,” in Confluence (NYU Gallatin), 16 November 2015. Web. 16 March 2018. 2012 Shepard, Cassim. “Mapping as a Spatial, Political and Environmental Practice,” Urban Omnibus, 22 February 2012. Web. 17 July 2015. 2007 Gregor, Katherine. “Wooldridge Square Park: the Study,” Austin Chronicle, August 3, 2007, p. 22. 2006 Bell, Jonathan. “Design.Build.Texas,” The 21st Century House (Laurence King: London, 2006), pp. 180---183. 2006 Sharpe, Stephen. "TSA Studio Awards, DesignBuildTexas" in Texas Architect, September/October 2006, p. 79. 2005 Harpman, Louise. “Design.Build.Texas,” Platform (Austin, TX: University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, 2005), pp. 20---21. 2005 Spencer, Ingrid. “Field Education,” Texas Architect (Austin, TX: Texas Society of Architects, May/June 2005), pp. 18---21. 2005 van Ryzin, Jeanne Claire. “From Paper to Prairie,” Austin American---Statesman, January 27, 2005, pp. E1, E7. 2005 Harpman, Louise with Russell Krepart. “Design.Build.Texas,” ISSUE: 01 (Austin, TX: University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture), pp. 8---11. 2004 Whitehead, Ingrid. “Work: Students Build from the Ground Up,” Architectural Record (New York: McGraw---Hill, June 2004), p. 52. 2004 McElvey, Brandon. “UT Students Design Eco---Friendly Homes,” The Daily Texan, April 12, 2004, p. 6. 2004 Martinez, Alejandro. “Students Construct House,” The Daily Texan, March 12, 2004, p. 9.

ISSUE: University of Texas at Austin | School of Architecture Annual Publication 2008 Issue: 005 featuring the work of Trevor Messinger for studioPLAY 2007 Issue: 004 featuring the work of Shengning Zhang for Austin Fire Station 2006 Issue: 003 featuring the work of Brett Wolfe for the Blanco Library Issue: 003 featuring the work of Scott Vandever for the Blanco Library 2005 Issue: 001 featuring the work of the 16 students in Design.Build.Texas studio Louise Harpman__20

Exhibitions featuring the work of Louise Harpman’s students

2019 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Four | New York, NY “Good Design,” student design projects, November 2019—present.

Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre and Gallatin Galleries | New York, NY Student design/build project, “Bottleneck,” featured at NYCxDESIGN festival, May 2019.

Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre and Gallatin Galleries | New York, NY Student designs featured in annual fashion show, Dreams and Dreamscapes, March 2019.

2018 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five | New York, NY INTER_LOCK, juried exhibition of speculative urban design models and drawings, September—November, 2018.

Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre and Gallatin Galleries | New York, NY Student design/build project, “Waste__World,” featured in Global Design NYU exhibition, “Collapse: Cities, Climate & Culture,” June 2018.

Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre and Gallatin Galleries | New York, NY Student design/build project, “CURRENT,” featured at NYCxDESIGN festival, May 2018.

Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre and Gallatin Galleries | New York, NY Student designs featured in annual fashion show, eco(ture), March 2018.

2017 Office of the Provost, New York University | New York, NY Student design/build project, “Waste__World,” selected for permanent installation in office of NYU Provost Katherine Fleming, October 2017.

NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five | New York, NY “Good Design,” student design projects, October 2017.

Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre and Gallatin Galleries | New York, NY “Waste__World” featured in “From Outrage to Action: Proposals for Climate, Resources, and the Planet,” in conjunction with the Gallatin Climate Change Initiative, curated by Keith Miller, September 2017.

Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre and Gallatin Galleries | New York, NY Student design/build project, “Waste__World,” featured at NYCxDESIGN festival, May 2017.

Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre and Gallatin Galleries | New York, NY Student designs featured in annual fashion show, emPOWERed, March 2017. Louise Harpman__21

2016 Times Square Alliance | New York, NY Student design/build project, “Times Square Electronic Garden,” featured as part of NYCxDESIGN festival, May 2016.

NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five | New York, NY “Good Design,” student design projects, October—December, 2016.

Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre and Gallatin Galleries | New York, NY Student designs featured in annual fashion show, Techstyles, March 2016.

2015 Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre and Gallatin Galleries | New York, NY Student design work featured in gallery show entitled, “New York, I love you, but…” Curated by Keith Miller, November 2015.

NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five | New York, NY “Good Design,” student design projects, October—December, 2015.

New York IDEAS 2015 | New York, NY Student design work featured at national urban design and innovation conference hosted by The Atlantic and Aspen Institute, May 2015.

2014 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five | New York, NY “Good Design,” student design projects, October—December, 2014.

2013 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five | New York, NY “Good Design,” student design projects, October—December, 2013.

2012 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five | New York, NY “Mapping,” student design projects, April—October, 2012.

2011 NYU, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Gallery Five | New York, NY “OK40.” Student show running concurrently with Global Design NYU, May 2011.

2008 Austin Children’s Museum | Austin, Texas Exhibit of student design work from studioPLAY, May—December 2008.

Maplewood Elementary School | Austin, Texas Hands---on teaching/learning session with studioPLAY students, January 2008.

2006 Blanco Library | Blanco, Texas Exhibit of student design work (models, drawings, and research summary) designed and installed by students for display in library exhibition space, May—September 2006.

Gem of the Hills Community Center | Blanco, Texas Student work showcased in “town hall” and exhibit at local community center, May 2006.

Louise Harpman__22

Battle Hall Library | University of Texas at Austin Student design work for new Blanco Library (models and drawings) displayed in University arts library, September 2006—May 2007.

State of Texas | Capitol Building | Exhibit of Undergraduate Research Excellence Display of Brett Wolfe’s research and design for the Blanco Library, May 2006.

Architectural Advisory (selected)

New York University. Architectural Adviser, Coles Site, 2017 to present. Austin Foundation for Architecture. Founding Member, 2005-10. Downtown Austin Alliance. Architectural Adviser, Wooldridge Square, 2008. Art Alliance Austin. Competition Adviser, 2007---10. Austin Children’s Museum. Architectural Adviser to Board of Trustees, 2007---08. St. Edward’s University. Architectural Adviser to Board of Trustees, 2004-06. Blanco Library. Architectural Adviser, 2004-06.


Board of Directors, Open House New York Associate, American Institute of Architects Senior Fellow, Design Trust for Public Space Member, Architectural League of New York Member, New York Academy of Sciences Member, The Athenaeum, London

Contact information

Louise Harpman Professor of Architecture, Urban Design, Sustainability New York University Gallatin School of Individualized Study 1 Washington Place New York, NY 10003

E [email protected] T 512.663.2898 W www.louiseharpman.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/louiseharpman/

Updated July 2020