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Taste of Opinion “Syv slags” has Minnesota: Ta ikke sorgene på forskudd - du the Norway begun! får ikke trukket fra forskuddet når det endelige oppgjøret kommer. connection Read more on page 8 – Eldbjørg Backe Read more on page 6 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 125 No. 40 November 8, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief

Foreign Affairs Norway is number one! Norway is a very important monitoring post for U.S. intelligence. This is allegedly Once again, confirmed by documents from Norway takes first U.S. defector Edward Snowden, which the British newspaper place as the most The Guardian has access to. The prosperous country document states that Norway and Denmark are playing a central in the world role in the National Security Agency’s monitoring of data and telecommunications. enise eland (Norway Post) D L Norwegian American Weekly Oil & Gas Norwegian aluminium producer Hydro has entered into a binding agreement to sell its rolling For the fifth year in a row, mill in Malaysia to Nippon Foil Norway has been ranked number Mfg. Co., Ltd., a wholly owned one in the Legatum Prosperity In- subsidiary of UACJ Corporation, dex for 2013. The index is meant based in Japan. The aluminium to reflect an overall reflection of foil plant in Pasir Gudang, wealth, health, and happiness. Malaysia started commercial The index is based on data in production in 1985. It was eight different categories; econo- taken over by Hydro in 2002, my, entrepreneurship and oppor- through the acquisition of VAW Photo: CH / VisitNorway.com aluminium AG, and thoroughly See > norway, page 6 The Legatum Institute has chosen Norway as the number one most prosperous country for 2013. revamped. The rolling mill has around 170 employees and produces around 12,000 metric tons of aluminium products Heading to Epcot! annually. The plant is one of the largest aluminium foil producers Nordic glass in the Asia-Pacific region. The Vesterheim ships transaction value is USD 20 The Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle, objects to be million. Wash. features young Nordic glassblowers displayed at Epcot (Norway Post)

Special Release Vesterheim

Twenty-one artifacts from What’s inside? Vesterheim, the national Norwe- News 2 – 3 gian-American museum and heri- Business 4 tage center, will be on display at Photo: Vesterheim Research & Education 5 See > epcot, page 12 Opinion 6 – 7 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots and Connections 10 A soccer victory Obituaries & Religion 11 Women football: Arts & Style 12 Photo courtesy of Nordic Heritage Museum Karl Magnus Nilsson, one of the featured artists, with a glass mustache. Norway vs. In Your Neighborhood 13 Netherlands 2-1 Norwegian Heritage 14 Special Release Sports 15 Nordic Heritage Museum Norway Post $1 = NOK 5.9535 Norway’s women defeated the updated 11/4/2013 The upcoming exhibition at will open on December 13 and run Netherlands 2-1 in their important the Nordic Heritage Museum, Pull, through April 27, 2014. qualifier on Wednesday for the In comparison Twist, Blow: Transforming the Glass is a part of everyday life World Cup in Canada in 2015. 10/4/2013 5.9606 Kingdom of Glass, introduces the for people all over the world, and Caroline Graham Hansen 5/4/2013 5.8007 work of young, innovative Swed- Photo: Wikimedia Commons 11/4/2012 5.7338 ish glass artists. The exhibition See > glass, page 6 See > soccer, page 13 Ingvild Stensland scored a winning goal. 2 • November 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Ingen streik Kristin Halvorsen på museum Første barneombud død Tidligere kunnskapsminister, finansminister Politiet setter nå i verk Det blir ikke pilotstreik i og SV-leder Kristin Halvorsen er valgt som flyselskapet Norwegian ny styreleder ved Naturhistorisk museum flere tiltak for å få stanset (NHM) som er en del av Universitetet i ransmennene som herjer . Halvorsen tiltrer i det nye vervet ved NRK årsskiftet, 1. januar 2014, melder NHM i en Oslos gater pressemelding. – Dette gleder vi oss til, sier museumsdirektør Arne Bjørlykke. Nyheten VG Siden fredag 1. november har YS-for- ble gjort kjent fredag 1. november. – Alle bundet Parat og NHO Luftfart, som repre- kjenner Kristin Halvorsen og hennes kvalifi- senterer Norwegians piloter og flyselskapet, kasjoner, og hun vil bli en viktig bidragsyter når NHMs utviklingsplaner skal realiseres. Målfrid Grude Flekkøy døde i Bærum sittet ved forhandlingsbordet på Riksmekle- Som tidligere kunnskapsminister kjenner etter lengre tids sykeleie, opplyser familien rens kontor i Oslo. hun jo sektoren godt, og med de invester- til NTB Nov. 3. – Dette er en trist dag for alle Klokken 09.20 opplyste riksmekler ingsbehovene museet har, skader det ikke som jobber for barns rettigheter, sier kom- Nils Dalseide at partene nå har klart å unngå med bakgrunn som finansminister heller, munikasjonssjef Merete Agerbak-Jensen i Foto: Knut A. Nygaard streik. sier Bjørlykke. Halvorsen var finansminister Unicef til nyheten om at Flekkøys bortgang. Målfrid Grude Flekkøy. Pilotene har oppnådd en felles tariffa- i den rødgrønne regjeringen fra 2005-2009 Som verdens første barneombud var Flekkøy vtale og «karrieremuligheter i hele selska- og kunnskapsminister fra 2009-2013. Hun en pådriver for barns rettigheter internasjon- pet». Leder i pilotforeningen Halvor Vatnar var også partileder i SV fra 1997-2012. alt, fastslår Agerbak-Jensen. – At Norge som ferdig psykolog i 1967 og spesialist i klinisk og Norwegian-sjef Bjørn kom sammen (Dagbladet) første land opprettet en slik institusjon var psykologi i 1973. I 1991 tok hun doktorgrad ut av riksmeglerens kontor mandag morgen. uvurderlig, for det førte til mange oppslag ved Universitetet i Gent i Belgia. – Vi har fått til en fornuftig avtale for og stor internasjonal interesse. I årene som Gjennom sin karriere som psykolog var begge sider. Vi er glade for å unngå streik. Tinghus evakuert etter bombealarm har gått har en rekke land opprettet lignende hun tilknyttet flere institusjoner og var sjef- Er det noen som absolutt ikke skal rammes, institusjoner med Norge som forbilde, sier psykolog på Nic Waals Institutt ved Lovisen- så er det passasjerene, sier konsernsjef Bjørn Gjøvik tingrett ble delvis evakuert etter at en berg Diakonale Sykehus da hun gikk av med dommer meldte om at han hadde mottatt en Agerbak-Jensen. Kjos til pressen. pensjon. Mest kjent var nok likevel Målfrid mistenkelig pakke. Nå er aksjonen avblåst. I dag har 70 land uavhengige institus- – Vi har fått til et system som bygger Grude Flekkøy som Norges og verdens første – Bombegruppa har ikke funnet eksplosiv- joner som jobber for at barns rettigheter blir gode arbeidsplasser framover og som gjør er i pakken i Gjøvik Tinghus. Gatene som fulgt. barneombud. I 1981 ble hun utnevnt til still- Norwegian sterkere, sier Kjos. ble sperret av mens pakken ble undersøkt Unicef jobber kontinuerlig for at flere ingen ingen andre hadde hatt før henne og Halvor Vatnar sier pilotforeningen har er åpnet igjen. – Innholdet i pakken inne- land skal opprette lignende institusjoner. som det ble hennes oppgave å forme. Hennes fått gjennomslag for sine krav. holdt verken eksplosiver eller andre farlige – Barn er i utgangspunktet en svak grup- innsats førte også til oppstart av barneombud – Det har vært en svært hard mekling materialer, sier kommunikasjonsrådgiver i pe som har vanskeligheter med å bli hørt og i andre land. der vi har stått langt fra hverandre, men vi Vestoppland politidistrikt, Steinar Mæhlum. nå gjennom alle mekanismer. Derfor er det Målfrid Grude Flekkøy var også lokal- har fått gjennomslag for felles tariffavtale Hva konkret de fant da de åpnet pakken så viktig å ha et uavhengig barneombud som politiker for Arbeiderpartiet i Bærum i flere i Skandinavia, uavhengig av den omorgan- som var adressert til dommeren vil de im- kan være pådriver for denne gruppen og som perioder. iseringen som skjer, sier Vatnar. idlertid foreløpig ikke si noe om. – Vi vil ta fritt kan kritisere myndighetene, sier Ager- English Synopsis: The world’s first Children’s Om- en liten runde til å prøve å finne tanken til English Synopsis: Norwegian Air, Norway’s dis- bak-Jensen. budsman, Målfrid Grude Flekkøy, died Nov. 3. in avsenderen bak denne pakken. Det kan for count airline, narrowly avoided a large pilots’ strike Hun var utdannet barnehagelærer i 1959, Norway. så vidt være et forsøk på en gave selv om jeg during the weekend of Nov. 1. nok ville ha stusset litt om jeg hadde fun- net den under juletreet, sier Mæhlum. Det var bombegruppen fra Oslo som undersøkte 74 personer tatt pakken. Politiet fikk melding om pakken litt før klokken 12 mandag. – Vi har i samråd I tillegg til arrestasjonene Tre drept i busskapring med bombegruppen evakuert deler av tin- Bevæpnet med kniv gikk ghuset. Vi kan ikke utelukke at dette er en beslagla politiet våpen, trussel mot en dommer, sa Mæhlum til VG. tyvegods og penger i en passasjeren til angrep Pakken som var adressert til dommeren ble felles narkotikaaksjon over på medpassasjerene på røntgenfotografert av bombegruppens folk. Valdresekspressen (VG) tre dager

Jonas Gahr Støre sa nei til jobbtilbud fra VG utlandet NRK Tidligere statsråd Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) har sagt nei til jobbtilbud både i europeiske Politiet aksjonerte mot flere narkotika- Alle de tre andre om bord på bussen ble land og USA. Han ønsker å fortsette som miljø på Øvre Romerike torsdag, fredag og drept, bekrefter politiet mandag kveld. stortingsrepresentant. Tidligere har også lørdag sist uke. 1. november ettermiddag ori- – Vi fikk først beskjed om at det var et eksstatsminister Jens Stoltenberg (Ap) bek- enterte politiet om aksjonen. – Bakgrunnen trafikkuhell. Men da vitner skulle bort for å reftet at han har fått tilbud fra utlandet, men for denne pressekonferansen er at politiet på hjelpe, så fikk de øye på en desperat mann har valgt å bli i Norge. Jonas Gahr Støre Romerike, representert ved Ullensaker, Nes, inne i bussen. Han har vist frem våpen. Da har et stort internasjonalt kontaktnett etter Nannestad, Gjerdrum, Hurdal og Eidsvoll forandret situasjonsbildet seg, sier operas- sine år som utenriksminister, og også fra lensmannskontor i forrige uke gjennom- jonsleder Wenche Hope i og Fjordane- Foto: www.nor-way.no stillinger i Verdens helseorganisasjonen og førte en samlet aksjon, sier Gunnar Foseid, politiet til VG. En Valdresekspressen buss. Røde Kors. Overfor Dagbladet bekrefter den politiførstebetjent ved Nes lensmannskontor. – Det er en ikke etnisk norsk mann i tidligere helseministeren at han har avslått Flere av de 74 personene som ble pågrepet 50-årene som mistenkes for å ha drept de tre, flere utenlandske jobbtilbud. – Jeg har ingen Det var klokken 17.35 at politiet sendte er under 18 år, de fleste mellom 18 og 23 år, sier assisterende stabssjef ved Sogn og Fjor- andre planer enn å være folkevalgt. Så får ut den korte, men svært dramatiske presse- og politiet sier de har samarbeidet med kom- dane politidistrikt, Odd Arve Solvåg, til VG. jeg ta morgendagen som den kommer, sier meldingen: – Valdresekspressen er kapret og munale rus- og psykiatritjenester i aksjonen. Senere har politiet sagt at mannen trolig han til avisen. Ett tilbud har han imidlertid det er skadede personer i bussen. I flere tilfeller er det også sendt bekymring- er yngre enn i 50-årene. sagt ja til, og det er å forelese ved det ameri- Forsvarets Bell-helikoptre ble scramb- smelding til det lokale barnevernet. Under Det var mannskaper fra det lokale bran- kanske Harvard-universitetet. Han utelukker let, og beredskapstroppen i Oslo politidis- aksjonen gjorde politiet beslag av våpen, nvesenet som pågrep mannen, som ifølge heller ikke at han får tid til å skrive en bok i trikt var på vei til Årdal ikke lenge etter at tyvegods, smuglersprit og penger, og målet politiet var bevæpnet med en kniv. – Den tillegg til jobben som stortingsrepresentant. meldingen om kapringen kom. (Dagbladet) mistenkte gjerningsmannen er pågrepet. Han med aksjonen var på skape uro og stoppe rek- Men da busskapreren ble pågrepet, er nå under kontroll av politiet, sier Solvåg. ruttering til de aktuelle narkotikamiljøene. snudde elitestyrken. – Vi har fått en anmod- Ifølge sykehuset er det ikke meldt om De mener også å ha oppklart et personran. ning om bistand. Men mannen ble pågrepet flere skadede. I den omfattende aksjonen slo politiet til i til like før klokken 19, så bistandsanmodnin- – Vi kjenner ikke til at det er skadede på sammen seks kommuner. – De pågrepne ble gen bortfaller, sier operasjonsleder André vei til oss ennå, sier Terje Ulvedal, kommu- tatt for bruk, oppbevaring, besittelse og salg Kråkenes i Oslo-politiet til VG. av narkotika. Hasj, marihuana, amfetamin, nikasjonssjef i Helse Førde, til VG. rihotril, fleinsopp, sier Gunnar Foseid. – Vi har rød beredskap, det er den høyeste beredskapen vi har. Helse Førde har English Synopsis: 74 people were arrested in a huge English Synopsis: Three people were killed in a drug bust in Romerike, including several children luftambulanse på stedet, i tillegg til at det er shocking mountain bus hijacking in under the age of 18. fem ambulanser på stedet. on on the evening of Nov. 4. Norwegian american weekly November 8, 2013 • 3 News This week in brief Easy hires “Sun” for Rjukan Valley Increasing number of extreme Islamists in Norway Three large mirrors will New survey indicates it has The number of extreme islamists in become easier for seniors reflect sunlight into the dark Norway is on the increase, according to be hired in Norway Rjukan Valley, Norway to a survey made by Dagbladet. It says that close to 200 persons in Norway are considered Islamists. These Islamists Norway Post Norway Post have one thing in common – they want to introduce Sharia laws in Norway, the Company managers now consider peo- newspaper writes. It says several of the ple to be seniors at a later age than before, This winter the people of Rjukan will most extreme Islamists have international making it easier for older people to get hired, for the first time experience the winter sun in contacts, and they are closely monitored by according to a fresh survey. what is usually a very dark and cold valley in Norwegian security agencies. The extreme The Norwegian Senior Political Survey Telemark County. Islamist circles in Norway is made up for 2013 concludes that whereas employers “Ain’t no sunshine in this town until of Norwegian converts, immigrants and now consider a senior to be 56,9 years or now,” the New York Times wrote about the young men with a backgriound from North Photo: Wikimedia Commons older, they used to put the same stamp on three enormous mirrors that have been put Africa, the Middle East, Afghanistan, people five years younger. Gaustatoppen, one of the tall mountains that former Yugoslavia, Pakistan, the former up to reflect some much-needed sunlight into hems the village of Rjukan in. The survey shows a gradual change in the valley. Soviet Union and East Africa, the survey attitude among Norwegian managers to- The mirrors have been placed 400 shows. (Aftenposten / NRK) wards their older workers and seniors. On meters high up on the northside of the valley, The project has gained a lot of attention average, 56,9 years old is currently the limit and will reflect the sun so that its rays reach and even created several international Flood warnings for for becoming a “senior” in the workforce, all the way down to Rjukan city center. The headlines. one more year than the survey showed in town is located so far down in the valley that “There has been a surprisingly large With forecasts of extra heavy rainfall, the the sun normally can’t reach there for a total Norwegian Water Resources and Energy See > hires, page 13 of five months every year. See > sun, page 13 Directorate (NVE) issued flood warnings for most of Eastern Norway on Sunday, Nov. 3. NVE says even minor rivers may reach flood levels in a very short time, Fight for rights and the Met Office has predicted difficult Seeks interfaith talks driving conditions at mountain crossings Norwegian initiative to and high lying areas in many counties. Norwegian theologian protect women human In the , Telemark and Buskerud thinks interfaith dialogue rights defenders counties, the Met Office predicted 40 – 70 will help to resolve the mm of precipitation in 24 hours. (Norway Post / NRK) conflict in Syria Special Release Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teenage girls held in Syria Marit Fosse Two Norwegian / Somali sisters, aged 16 Geneva, Switzerland and 19, who last week left Norway for Women fighting for human rights are Syria, allegedly to help fight in the civil particularly vulnerable. Their efforts should war, have reported that they are now held be encouraged, not curtailed or stigmatized. Norwegian theologian Olav Fykse , in Syria against their will. This message who heads the World Council of Churches, This week, Norway presents a new resolu- was sent to their family in Norway is seeking to get Christian and Muslim or- tion to the UN General Assembly, aimed at via Facebook. Originally they left for ganizations from Syria, Russia, the United protecting women human rights defenders. Syria without informing their parents, States and European nations to help bring “Women human rights defenders risk and their father has been at the Turkish/ about a peace settlement for Syria. violence, prejudice and exclusion for their Syrian border, hoping to find the girls, but Peter Kenny, the editor-in-chief of Ec- courageous work. Through this resolution, without result. The father says to NRK the umenical News, says that Tveit told jour- Photo: Wikimedia Commons we want to contribute to their protection,” Olav Fykse Tveit. girls now have expressed a wish to return nalists on September 19, “We plan to have says Norway’s Foreign Minister Børge to Norway, and that they regret what they parallel consultations when the Geneva II Brende. have done. He says he has contacted the Norway is coordinating the UN Gen- meeting happens, so we can mobilize both WCC, the Geneva-based world church body Free Syrian Army, and that they have church leaders and other religious leaders for that brings together some 560 million Chris- eral Assembly’s work on the protection of offered to take him inside Syria to look for a commitment to a peace process in Syria.” human rights defenders. The UN Special the girls. Tveit is the secretary general of the See > interfaith, page 15 See > rights, page 7 (Norway Post / NRK) God Jul This Christmas, give the gift of heritage $45 for new U.S. subscriptions, including digital-only Special Offer: $65 for Canada and $165 for Int’l subscriptions Sorry, not valid on renewals. Offer good through Dec. 31, 2013.

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Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (Nov. 4, 2013) Winners Losers Norsk Kr. 5.9535 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Navamedic 15.8 51.2% ContextVision 13.9 -15.76% Tide 13.6 -11.7% Creative Oslo Dansk Kr. 5.5197 Funcom 2.00 25.0% Svensk Kr. 6.5120 Hexagon Composites 23.3 12.02% SeaBird Exploration 4.36 -7.6% Oslo, Norway wins third place in global creativity Wentworth Resources 5.00 11.1% Intex Resources 2.08 -7.14% Canadian $ 1.0421 Agasti Holding 1.75 8.70% Arendals Fossekompani 1500 -6.83% Euro 0.7400 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. God Jul Special Offer!

$45 for new U.S. subscriptions Save $65 for Canada and $165 for Int’l $14! subscriptions See page 3 for detaIlS Headed south for the winter?

Photo: Aktiv i Oslo / Flickr Call us to have your address Along the river from Kjelsås to Grunerløkka in Oslo during the “Elvelangs” event: music, dance, and artists created an event that helps give Oslo its creative status. change automatically to your winter address so you don’t Rasmus Falck miss a single issue of the Oslo, Norway

Weekly! How are the cities around the world Copenhagen. On talent, Ottawa had the best performing on the three T’s of economic de- score followed by Oslo, London, Calgary Call Kelsey at (800) 305-0217 or velopment (talent, technology and tolerance) and New York. Oslo had five cities in front [email protected] to set up along with the fourth dimension of quality on tolerance. On quality of place Seattle and of life? Based on Richard Florida’s work London where leading the pack. And again your snowbird account. published in “Rise of the Creative Class” the overall Oslo came in third place among the Canadian think-tank The Martin Prosperity 61 cities studied. Institute recently launched their Global Cit- The Institute took the top cities, based ies study. Their scorecard for a variety of on GDP worldwide and analyzed them based Funeral Home world cities provides a detailed examination on talent, technology, tolerance and quality SOlie and Crematory of how each city is performing in the creative of place. For each of these categories indi- Honoring • Caring • Serving economy. vidual grades were assigned. For example Oslo, Norway came in near the top, patents, innovation, job growth and high- 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 ranked as number three. tech index are some of the metrics that make Top 10 overall global creative cities: up the technology grade. The study will help determine which MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE 1. Ottawa-Gatineau cities and regions are best suited for future 2. Seattle prosperity and why. With the growth of the 3. Oslo creative economy the global competition for attorneys and counselors at law 4. District of Columbia talented, skilled people has intensified. This 4. Amsterdam competition for people is complex in its na- 6. Tel Aviv-Jaffa ture, but understanding, ranking, and com- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, 6. Copenhagen paring cities from around the world helps us commercial transactions and estate planning. 6. London to better comprehend the global competition 9. Calgary for talent. 9. New York-Newark Oslo is a typical post-industrial city with 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 growth and focus on the creative industries. Oslo scored among the highest on tech- No wonder we perform well on such a rank- Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 nology together with Seattle, Tel Aviv and ing! Business News & Notes LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Norway Sovereign Wealth Fund Says Water Nordic Nations to Intensify Work to Create Sales and Service Risks May Affect Returns Common Bank Rules Norway’s $808 billion sovereign wealth fund, All the Nordic countries want to intensify work the world’s largest, said today that long-term to create common rules for Nordic and Euro- returns may be impacted should the compa- pean banks, Swedish Financial Markets Min- nies it invests in fail to adequately manage and ister Peter Norman said. “We have four very mitigate water-related risks. Norges Bank In- big banks in Sweden, of which each and every vestment Management is exposed to water-re- one is system critical” and “we have DNB in Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK lated risks through investments in about 7,500 Norway and Danske Bank in Denmark,” Nor- phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 companies, it said today. It has investments in man said at a press conference in Oslo today, fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 water-intensive industries including food and following talks between Nordic governments. beverages as well as oil, gas and chemicals, “These operate across national borders so NBIM said in a statement. These all rely on there’s big interest in finding common solu- water in their operations and supply chain. Al- tions and my interpretation of today’s meeting [email protected] most two-thirds of the businesses said water- is that we agree on intensifying the work. 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 related issues will impact them. (Bloomberg) (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly November 8, 2013 • 5 Research & Education Understanding ecological changes More than 150 years after the publication of Darwin’s The Origin of Species, we still know surprisingly little about why animals vary the way they do, and even less about how these changes affect fundamental processes in nature

Bård Amundsen / Else Lie Research Council of Norway

Researchers at the Center for Biodi- versity Dynamics (CBD) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim are putting their reputations on the line, admits the center’s director, Bernt- Erik Sæther. They will be trying to predict how various drivers in nature cause changes in biological diversity. “Yes, that is how ambitious we are,” confirms the director. Photo: Frithjof Fure / VisitNorway.com Biology is a young science. Much of The Sparrow Project in Helgeland, (pictured), finds and tracks sparrows from island to island over a vast region. the research being conducted still consists of case studies of single species. Science and Technology, has been collect- something about how the species may devel- able to give the authorities specific advice Researchers at the center will instead ing data and developing new knowledge for op or adapt to changes in the environment. about how to manage various animal popu- design an overarching theoretical framework many years. The researchers from Trond- Today the CBD researchers also have lations, whether they are fish, moose or other that makes it possible to understand – and heim now have data in several areas at a far concrete knowledge about thresholds for animals. The researchers will also provide thus predict – what may happen with indi- more detailed level than any others have ob- various populations. If the number of indi- targeted input about how to manage the natu- vidual stocks and populations and how this tained. viduals falls below a certain threshold, the ral landscape in order to safeguard biological may affect a community of several species This detailed knowledge is allowing population may decline very quickly, dra- diversity. and, in the final analysis, entire ecosystems. them to make some general statements. matically increasing the risk that the species Last but not least, researchers at the In the Sparrow Project in the Helgeland will become extinct. CBD are seeking new knowledge about how Stochastic processes district, for instance, the researchers have “Surprisingly simple parameters under- climate change affects species and ecosys- “We want to make biology more quan- marked every single sparrow and followed lie processes like this,” explains Dr. Sæther. tems. titative. Our mantra is ‘try to understand the them from island to island over vast distanc- “This is research that we as biologists apparently random changes in nature’,” says es since 1992. Today the researchers know Give specific advice would never have been able to conduct on Dr. Sæther. the significance of each bird and its genetic Activities at the center are based on the our own. Our cooperation with other re- “Stochastic” is a term being used by a makeup for the dynamics of the entire popu- extensive work already carried out at the searchers is absolutely essential, and multi- growing number of researchers. In Greek lation. Now they know why some individu- Norwegian University of Science and Tech- disciplinarity is a critical component of our the word means guesswork. However, in re- als become “super sparrows” while others nology and the Norwegian Institute for Na- center,” emphasises Dr. Sæther. search it refers to seeking the help of statisti- are inferior. ture Research. A key objective now is to be cians and their increasingly effective tools. “Now that we have learned so much There are many stochastic processes in the about this one system, we can see if we find animal world as well – meaning that they the same results other places. We are cooper- occur with a frequency or probability that ating with research groups around the world, is possible to express in quantitative terms. so we can test out whether our methods have Good things happen Thus it is also possible to perform probabil- general application.” ity calculations. This is what the researchers when good people in Trondheim will use to predict the develop- “Easier than we thought” come together ment of species and ecosystems. The projects at the center range from “Until now we have understood surpris- reindeer and Arctic fox on Svalbard to but- From protecting families’ futures to ingly little about nature. Basically, we hard- terfly communities in Ecuador. The scientists building homes with families in need, ly know what is out there. If we can figure have consciously sought diversity in the re- we’re helping people be wise with out the stochastic effects, then we will un- search portfolio. money. We’re inspiring them to live derstand a great deal,” the center’s director “Now that the results are starting to pour generously. And we’re strengthening boldly promises. in, we see that our methods are more resilient communities—together. With the speed at which humans are and predictable than we had dared to hope. It changing the earth, it is high time that we is strikingly easy to explain apparently com- Wouldn’t you like to share all that find out more about how nature is changing. plicated systems in nature,” says Dr. Sæther. “If the authorities are to draw on biolo- This in turn makes it easier to predict pro- Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has to gists and others for input on human inter- cesses in nature. offer with your family and friends? You vention into nature and the ramifications for For example, the researchers have can! Ask your financial representative to biological diversity, we need to know more learned how to explain fluctuations in popu- contact them today. than we do today. We must gain a better un- lations by looking at the life history of a spe- derstanding of general biological processes.” cies – which is relatively easy to measure. If you know how many calves a moose gives Sparrows in the Helgeland district birth to, how many eggs a bird lays or when The CBD researchers are not starting the animals are sexually mature, then you For additional important disclosure information, from scratch. With Bernt-Erik Sæther at the know a lot about the species at the popula- please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. helm, the interdisciplinary group, which is tion level. A central challenge will be to find Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) primarily centerd around the Department of out how these characteristicsAppleton, of Wisconsin the popula • Minneapolis,- Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) Biology and the Department of Mathemati- tion affect the genetic composition. With this 27864NAWA N10-13 748377 cal Sciences at the Norwegian University of knowledge the researchers can then predict 6 • November 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion < norway From page 1 An opinion column about current issues in Norway tunity, governance, education, health, safety Join the conversation! and security, personal freedom, and social On the EDGE capital. Switzerland holds rank as second with Discovering Minnesota’s Norwegian Community Canada in third place, leaving the U.S. be- By David Nikel hind in eleventh. In comparison, the other Scandinavian nations were ranked as fol- lows; Sweden in fourth, Denmark in sixth, When I began blogging about life in and it was lovely to hear Norwegian be- Elsewhere in Minneapolis, I stum- Finland as eighth and Iceland as thirteenth. Norway (www.lifeinnorway.net) in 2011, ing spoken by almost everyone I met, in- bled upon the headquarters of Sons of According to the Legatum Institute I never expected to build such an engaged cluding a group of Norwegian tourists on Norway, various pieces of Norwegian- press release, “U.S. drops to 24th position in American audience. Unaware of the Nor- a slightly more organized version of my themed graffiti, and a new Scandinavian- the world for economic prosperity, as con- wegian American community, I discov- discovery tour! inspired restaurant. The Bachelor Farmer fidence in government falls to an all-time ered it through the comments and emails Just minutes away is the American has exploded in popularity, thanks in part low… Jeffrey Gedmin, President and CEO I received, far more than from any other Swedish Institute. It’s a vibrant museum, to awesome write-ups by the likes of the of the Legatum Institute, said: ‘The US can group of readers. So when my partner culture, and community center in the leafy New York Times: “with roasted rutabagas no longer be seen as the most prosperous na- invited me to accompany him on a busi- suburbs of Minneapolis, the two buildings and reinterpreted cinnamon rolls, pick- tion in the world – indeed it’s no longer even ness trip to Minneapolis, I jumped at the providing a stark contrast of old and new. I led Lake Erie perch and house-made rye in the club…overall, the U.S. ranks 11th in chance! It was a unique toast, all served in an the world for prosperity, climbing one place opportunity to visit a airy, reclaimed industrial since falling out of the top ten for the first part of the world I oth- space softened by coun- time last year. Scandinavian nations continue erwise wouldn’t, catch try – Swedish wallpaper to dominate the rankings.” my first live NHL game and cleverly deployed Forbes points out that there has been a (Go Wild!), and investi- gingham, the Bachelor distinct trend in the nations ranking in the gate what many people Farmer has given Scan- top five. Norway, Sweden, Canada, and New consider to be the heart dinavian food a much- Zealand are all countries, “that enjoy peace, of America’s Norwegian needed adrenaline shot.” freedom, good healthcare, quality education, community. Welcome to And finally, you a functioning, political system, and plenty of my whirlwind tour re- know it as The Great opportunity.” port! Norway Adventure, With the U.S. facing trends of economic First on my agenda but I know it as Alt for decline and Norway’s global prosperity con- was meeting the lovely Norge, the NRK reality tinuing to rise, we can’t help but acknowl- folk at Norway House. show giving Norwegian- edge the honorable model that Norway can Not to be confused with Americans the chance to inspire in the U.S., a nation struggling in its the rural community Photo courtesy of Norway House explore Norwegian cul- own economic and governmental issues. in Manitoba, Canada, Artist’s impression of the new Norway House in Minneapolis. ture and meet their rela- which shares its name, tives. The current series Now in its seventh year, the Legatum this Norway House is an emphasises Minnesota’s Prosperity Index™ is a unique and robust organization with an interesting ambition: popped into the new building to be greeted close ties with Norway, as three of the 12 assessment of global wealth and wellbeing, “Imagine a place in Minnesota where all with white walls, Swedish minimalism, contestants come from Minneapolis or St. which benchmarks 142 countries around the things Norwegian are located, embraced and cardamom buns. A little stereotypical Paul. world in eight distinct sub-indices: Econo- and cultivated.” perhaps, but something for Norway House I only scratched the surface of the my; Education; Entrepreneurship & Oppor- Although founded in 2004, the or- to surely aspire to become (but maybe a Norwegian-American community in Min- tunity; Governance; Health; Personal Free- ganization had no permanent home of little less IKEA!) nesota. The biggest reason? I never left dom; Safety & Security; and Social Capital. its own until very recently. The Building The popular Ingebretsen’s is so much the Twin Cities! Still, I feel I gained a real For more information about the Legatum Project fundraising drive aims to provide more than just a shop, it’s a Minneapolis understanding of the links that tie these Prosperity Index and the Legatum Institute, a multi-purpose center for the Norwegian institution! Surrounded by Mexican take- two parts of the world so closely together. visist www.li.com. American community to gather and thrive. aways in the ethnically-diverse Midtown Part one is complete with the purchase of neighborhood, Ingebretsen’s offers a wide an office building next to the Norwegian variety of Scandinavian food, specializing Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. Part two in meats. But they also offer a range of is still on the drawing board but the plans community activities, including needle- look impressive. work, and a classroom for year-round edu- Subscribe Right next door stands Mindekirken, cation in Nordic crafts and culture. Speak- David Nikel is a British freelance writer the imposing Norwegian Lutheran ing of community, during my tour I saw living in Trondheim, Norway. He moved To the Norwegian Church. It was 1922 when Norwegian im- several copies of this very publication, to Norway in 2011 and runs the popular migrants, wishing to worship in their own the Norwegian American Weekly, which blog www.lifeinnorway.net, all about his American Weekly! native language founded the church. Wor- seems to be (understandably!) well-read experience adjusting to life in his adopt- ship is offered in English and Norwegian, in the Twin Cities. ed home country. He doesn’t like lutefisk.

New subscriber? The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is Check out our special not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Christmas offer on < glass page 3. From page 1 cessors, and how they are addressing the fu- In conjunction with the exhibition, the ture of glass. Museum will hold a Member & Press Pre- Nordic artists featured in the exhibit view from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Thurs- Call (800) 305-0217 in Sweden glass art is considered an institu- include Peter Hermansson, Annika Jarring, day, December 12. tion. For many years, glass art in the country Åsa Jungnelius, Ingalena Klenell, Simon Stay tuned to the Nordic Heritage Mu- • was defined by traditional techniques and Klenell, Helena Kågebrand, Matilda Kästel, seum website at http://www.nordicmuseum. Email [email protected] patterns passed down through an apprentice Ludvig Löfgren, Fredrik Nielsen, and Karl org/exhibitions.aspx#glass as more events, system at glass factories in Glasriket (The Magnus Nilsson. including lectures and glass workshops, are Kingdom of Glass) in the region of Småland, In collaboration with the Glass Factory announced for the run of the exhibition. Visit our website at where 15 of Sweden’s 16 glassworks are in Boda, Sweden, and specifically for this located. Following consolidations, buyouts, exhibition, each of the artists selected objects Exhibition support is provided by the www.Norwegian closure, and the globalization of the Swedish from the Glass Factory’s extensive collec- National Endowment for the Arts, Washing- glass industry, new artists are interested in tion to use as a reference to create their own ton State Arts Commission, the Guendolen AmericanWeekly exploring their own artistic voices and chal- original work. The pieces that served as in- Carkeek Plestcheeff Fund for the Decorative lenging expectations of what glass should be. spiration will be displayed alongside the new and Design Arts, Art Alliance for Contempo- .com The exhibition “Pull, Twist, Blow: works, including pieces by Monica Back- rary Glass, Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foun- Transforming the Kingdom of Glass” reveals ström, Kjell Engman, Hertha Hillfon, Ulrica dation, 4Culture, Artsfund, and the Seattle the works of young, contemporary Swedish Hydman-Vallien, Erik Höglund, Vicke Lind- Office of Arts & Culture. glass artists, how they relate to their prede- strand, Bengt Lindström, and Bertil Vallien. norwegian american weekly November 8, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue Publisher NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity or length. Managing Editor Kelsey Larson [email protected] Assistant Layout Editor Dear Editor, name fits for the road in Orono, since it runs Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Greetings from North Carolina. I con- out onto a point in a beautiful secluded bay Dear Editor, tinue to be delighted with the Norwegian of the lake. In a recent edition of the paper, a woman Advertising American Weekly but, alas, I still call it Nor- from my area in New Jersey told us how fer- Drew Gardner [email protected] disk Tidene after so many years. vent her husband was about being Norsk. I Subscriptions It was fascinating to read about the want to invite him to our Sons of Norway John Erik Stacy [email protected] school ship, Sørlandet in “Learning Aboard.” meetings but she left no phone or full ad- Contributing Editors I believe there was a small error made in the dress in her letter. Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. article that brought back some memories. The She is Mrs. Joyce Huff, Basking Ridge, Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. ship “Sørlandet” is indeed from the south of N.J. Can you recall her full address or can Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Norway as per its name, and the home port you print this note so her husband can meet Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. ekte Norsk folk Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. is . After initially stating that with some . I would appreci- Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway the ship is based in Kristiansand, the author ate your help in any way you can do so. Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland went on to state that the ship would return to Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. “Kristiansund” after the Spring 2014 season Hilsen, Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. at sea. That mistake was common in the past Mrs. Evelyn Hammaren Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. when sending mail to Norway as I experi- Randolph, N.J. Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. enced many years ago. Most of my family at Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. that time lived along the southwestern coast But who gave it this very Norwegian Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. and mail had to be first sent to Kristiansand name? Perhaps you can answer this ques- Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. S. to differentiate it from Kristiansund N. As tion? Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Solveig M. Lee S seattle, Wash. the postal service expanded and probably Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. with more electronic assistance, mail can Sincerely, Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. now be sent to communities. John Erik Stacy David Moe S sun City, Calif. Thank you again for the fine publica- Seattle, Wash. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. tion. Be our friend on Facebook! Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Sincerely, Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. Arnie Nelson Dear Readers, Mark Treleaven-Jones Wales, U.K Vilas, N.C. Do you know the answer to this ques- Sunny Gandara N.Y. tion? Write to me at [email protected]. CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Thanks for submitting this question, John! Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment It’s wonderful to know that there’s always a about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Dear Editor, great Norwegian-American story hiding be- Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to How did Fagerness Point Road on Lake hind everyday things, especially street and edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print Minnetonka in Orono, Minn. get its name? place names! submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, Many of our readers know that Fagernes is or not suited for publication in this newspaper. the principle town in the region of Valdres, Sincerely, For a touch of Norway every day: • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norway, and recognize that “fager” and Editor facebook.com/naweekly Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication “nes” mean “beautiful” and “point.” The of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except < rights the first week of the calendar year, the last two port to women who fight for human rights Brende. weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August From page 3 by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please around the world, and we call on member Women human rights defenders are de- send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Rapporteur on the situation of human rights states to enable and allow for their work fined as women who stand up for the protec- Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription defenders, Margaret Sekaggya, has on sev- to make our societies better,” says Foreign tion of various kinds of human rights, such Cost: US $59 Domestic, US $79 to Canada, US $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. eral occasions expressed great concern for Minister Brende. as economic, social, cultural or civil and po- The resolution also calls on national litical rights, and all people who support and SINCE MAY 17, 1889: the challenging working conditions of hu- Formerly Norway Times man rights defenders. This is the first time human rights institutions, regional organiza- encourage equal rights for women. Western Viking & Washington Posten a resolution on the situation and significance tions and the UN system to take action. The draft resolution was formally pre- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten of women human rights defenders has been “Creating a safe and enabling environ- sented on Friday, November 1. og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota put on the table. ment for human rights defenders should be a Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven “We want to send a clear signal of sup- fundamental objective of any society,” says NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • november 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Syv slags kaker Do you know the story behind this Christmas tradition?

Astrid Karlsen Scott Nordic Adventures

Christmas in a Norwegian home with- cret” nibbles. However, cookie baking also out seven kinds of cookies (syv slags kak- brought memories. Each cookie’s flavor and er) would be at variance with tradition. Of shape brought to mind previous celebrations, course one many choose to bake several oth- or the enjoyment other family members er kinds, and many do, but never less than an found in certain varieties. assortment of seven. Christmas cookie baking is so much My earliest recollection of the Christ- more than creaming butter and sugar and mas cookie baking tradition stems from the whipping eggs until fluffy. It means togeth- time our family lived on the island of Kol- erness and sharing love and tradition. Amaz- len by Larkollen in the southern part of the ing how such a simple act could bring secu- Oslofjord. My sister Eva and I shared a bed- rity, and a feeling of belonging. room next to the kitchen. Since the only heat When my own children were growing in the little house came from the big wood up, there were times when we baked cookies stove in the kitchen, our parents always left together. At other times, I appreciated mak- the bedroom door ajar to allow the heat into ing some varieties by myself when the house our room. was quiet and all others were asleep. When mamma began preparing the Today while baking, I still follow mam- different kinds of dough for the Christmas ma’s tradition of having Christmas music cookies, she usually began by singing the However, instead of having to sing alone, I beloved Christmas songs which brought play Norwegian Christmas tapes and records back memories of Christmas’s past. as I sing along. Each song, like the cookies, Soon memories mingled with the aroma brings treasured memories of people I love, oozing from the oven and longing for Christ- of Christmas in Norway, and of traditions mas became so intense sleep was impossible. started in a far off land. And then I am grate- When we were a little older mamma ful for the simple tradition of making seven welcomed our help. There were eggs and kinds of cookies both with children, and now sugar to beat with a wooden spoon or a hand with grandchildren, or by myself in a peace- beater until light and fluffy. This took time ful home which awaits a joyous Christmas and patience. However, with our help and the celebration. piles of the baked cookies, fattigman, smul- Share the fun of Norwegian Christmas tringer, hjortetakk, sirupsnipper, pepperka- cookie baking with family or friends, pre- ker, sandkaker and more grew into towering tend the packaged mixes, the frozen doughs, proportions. Understandably, the excitement and the prepared foods are not to be had, and of cookie baking also came from participa- bake up a tradition! tion and creating, and from the many “se-

Photo: Tine.no Delicious, light and fluffy cardamom doughnuts are among the most popular Christmas baked goods I do not recall how many of these tiny cardamom doughnuts our family made every Christ- in Norway. mas, but I do remember huge piles of them on our white scoured wooden kitchen table. An absolute “must” Christmas cookie. They keep well in air-tight containers, as well as being suitable for freezing. When making these doughnuts, it is important to deep fry them quickly in hot lard or Crisco.

Small cardamom doughnuts 5351 24th Ave NW • Seattle, WA 98107 • Tel: 206-784-2562 • Fax: 206-784-1986 Smultringer

4 eggs 1/2 tsp. lemon extract 3/4 cup sugar 1 tsp. cardamom, crushed 3/4 cup butter, melted 3 7/8 cup flour Fishing Vessels in the North Pacific and Bering Sea Passenger Vessels from Puget Sound to Southeast Alaska 1/2 cup light cream 1 tsp. hartshorn salt Shipshape & Seaworthy www.pacificfishermen.com Beat eggs and sugar until light and fluffy. Add cooled butter, cream, lemon extract and carda- mom. Sift in flour and hartshorn salt. Dough should be soft as possible, yet not elastic. Chill dough thoroughly. Roll out rather thick and cut with a small doughnut cutter. Traditionally smultringer were deep fried in lard. Fry until nicely raised and cooked through. They should be light and a nice golden color. Cool on absorbent paper to drain off excess grease. They are best freshly made, but may be stored in air-tight containers.


This recipe and excerpt from Astrid Karlsen Scott’s book “Ekte Norsk Jul Vol. 2.” Find this and other great books at http://www.nordicadventures.com. norwegian american weekly November 8, 2013 • 9 Travel Soldiers’ last flight to Telemark The remains of a crashed WWII plane remain on a Telemark mountaintop. Here is the tragic story behind it

Bjørn Olsen Skien, Norway

From Leuchar Aiport in Scotland, the American bomb squadron was preparing for a mission to Norway. The bomb squadron was equipped with a Consolidated B-24 Lib- erator with registration number 42-52196, and the bomber’s commander was the 22-year-old junior officer John B. O’Hara accompanied by nine other crew members. The plane’s crew had just arrived in Scotland from New York on the luxury cruise liner “Queen Elisabeth.” During the passage from New York to England, the crew enjoyed music from none other than Glenn Miller and his orchestra. Little did junior of- ficer O’Hara and Glenn Miller know that in a few months they would both lose their lives in plane crash.

A mission to Norway On Saturday September 9, 1944 ju- nior officer John B. O’Hara and his crew had gotten orders to drop off weapons and equipment to the Norwegian Heimefronten (the Norwegian resistance group during WWII) in a zone called D-14 by Sperillen in the municipal of Buskerud. The pilots had checked the little forecast that was available Photo: Bjørn Olsen for Southern Norway, which was said to be There are pieces scattered across the crash site in Seljord, Telemark, Norway that today is protected as a WWII historical site. rainy and foggy. The drop-off of weapons and equipment was scheduled at 9 p.m. that pared was not undermined. night. The large bomber plane came in over For a weapons drop-off in occupied the Norwegian coast at full speed, and com- Norway the weather situation was ideal, mander John B. O’Hara decided to increase however, for flying it was inconvenient, and altitude with 6,500 feet to make it possible it was a demanding task for the 26-year-old to fly over the highest mountain tops. The navigator junior officer Lewis Bambick. plane kept its position in the clouds and was At 6:15 p.m., the large 4-motor bomb therefore well-protected from the enemy. squadron took off from Leuchar heading to- However, another enemy emerged; icing in ward German occupied Norway. The course the clouds. O’Hara gazed out through the was set to 60 degrees and navigator Bambick cockpit window and witnessed the ice form- expected to reach the Norwegian coast by 8 ing on the wing. He hoped that the ice would o’clock. The radio operator, 23-year-old Ber- disappear as the plane flew farther inland. nhard F. Gittelman, listened intently to the Decreasing altitude would be a certain death. radio – which was the only thing he could do. Communicating on the radio would lead Heavy icing the Germans right to the location of the plane The commander now realized that heavy itself. icing was beginning to spread throughout the By 8 p.m. commander O’Hara could plane, and the ice was now on both the wings Photo: “Telemark in Norwegian Aviation History” see the contours of the Norwegian coast. and the propellers. The navigator was work- The crew onboard the B-24 Liberator (42-52196) that crashed on Skorvefjell by Seljord. The visibility was poor ing intensely to find the Closest row from the left: Sergeant Frank G. Felthouse, 21 years old, gunman; Sergeant with low fog and rain. exact position as the plane Normann J. McLaughlin, 20 years old, gunman; Sergeant Robert T. Finn, 23 years old, Ahead lay a terrain of was now losing altitute flight engineer; Sergeant Bernard F. Gittelman, 23 years old, radio operator; Sergeant mountains which was and was starting to lose its Wesley C. Bowman, 22 years old, gunman; Sergeant Hubert D. Bourquin, 29 years old, to be passed. In about momentum in speed. Due gunman. Rear row from the left: junior officer Lewis T. Bambick, 26 years old, navigator; five minutes the sched- to the ice, the plane was junior officer Delbert E. McCrary, 24 years old, 2nd pilot; junior officer John B. O’Hara, uled drop-off to the starting to act erratic. John 22 years old, 1st pilot (commander/captain); junior officer Paul Bloomberg, 24 years old, Norwegian home front O’Hara avoided making bomber. Staff Sergeant John P. Morris, 22 years old, was not present when the picture was soldiers or “the boys in sharp turns as that would taken. the woods” as they were cause the plane to steep in also called, would hap- the air. At the same time, abouts. O’Hara gave orders to drop off the Scattered pieces – protected area pen. This mission would O’Hara carefully maneu- load, and those were the commander’s last Today, scattered pieces lie throughout be the last for O’Hara as vered the rudders continu- words... an area beneath Gøysen on Skorvefjell in he was being transferred ously in order for them to Seljord. The area is protected as a WWII to another department. not freeze. In Seljord historical site. All the fallen crew members Gunmen Frank G. The plane was now Between 8 and 9 on Saturday night, Sep- were transported back to the United States to Felthous, Normann J. Illustration: Bjørn Olsen at an altitute of 4,300 feet tember 9, 1944, the people in Seljord could their respective hometowns. The route the bomber plane took from McLaughlin, Wesley C. and the plane was on its hear a violent bang and a flash of lights from Leuchar Airport in Scotland to Seljord in Bowman and Hubert D. way down, fast. The Lib- Telemark. Skorvefjell. From the book Telemark i norsk luftfart- Bourquin were prepar- erator plane was now at an A movie night had been arranged in shistorie (“Telemark in Norwegian Aviation ing their machine guns. altitude lower than most Seljord and people were exiting the cinema. History”) by Bjørn Olsen. For more infor- Despite poor weather and slim chances of of the tall mountain tops in Telemark, and Most of them both heard the band and saw mation about this story or the book, email German fighter planers attacking, being pre- not even the crew knew of their own where- the flash of lights caused by the plane crash. Bjørn at [email protected]. 10 • November 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections

Norwegian American Weekly Photos of the Week Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on the good, the bad and the unexpected!

The 2013 Norwegian Plowing Championship Norgesmesterskapet i pløying

Imagine 14 tractors entering a field and According to the World Plowing cham- approaching a starting line to music from pionship website (worldploughing.org) 2001: A Space Oddessy. That was the scene “plowing is a science in itself, and demands earlier this October as crowds cheered on vast knowledge and experience.” Farmers the 2013 contestants at the Mære Landbruk- are evaluated on a variety of criteria includ- skolen (farm/land High School) in North ing the straightness of their rows, deepness Trøndelag. It was the annual Norwegian and overall appearance. At the world com- Plowing Championship (Norgesmesterska- petition, international judges and trained ex- Photo submitted by Susan Dolland pet i pløying), an event that for many years perts constantly measure and assess the qual- This photo was taken during our visit to in August 2013. This was my was organized by Norway’s Association for ity of the plowing; something our Norwegian daugther’s first visit to and the surrounding area where my mother, Solvi Grini Rural Youth (Bygdeungdomslag /NBU/ nbu. winners will experience next summer when Dolland, grew up and where I spent considerable time as a child and young adult. no) and since 2002 has been under the direc- they compete against approximately 30 dif- tion of Norsk Pløying (norskploying.no). ferent countries at the World event. There are three categories in the compe- And Norway’s 2013 Plowing Champi- Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? tition: teigplog (conventional plow), vende- ons are (drum roll please): Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and a caption. plog (reversible plow) elite, and vendeplog Kjartan Skandsem – Teigplog (reversible plow) standard. Participants must Harald Bøhnsdalen – Vendeplog Elite demonstrate their skills on both grass fields Martin Jensen Averstad – Vendeplog (engpløying) and stubble plots (stubbåker) Standard During the minister’s prayer one and were given the opportunity get acquaint- ed with the terrain in test runs (treningspløy- Read more: Sunday, there was a loud whistle ing) a few days before the competition. Ac- Article in Norwegian from the Trønder- from a pew in the front row. It was cording to Gisle Bjerkan (Trønder Avisa, Oct Avisa: www.t-a.no/nyheter/article8381793. little Ole. His mother Lena beside 3, 2013) “plowing is the most important job ece#.UlWiDBZIUmw him was horrified. She pinched him one must do in order to have a good field.” to silence, and after church asked: Norway’s 1989-1990 plowing champion, Pictures of the Norwegian Plowing Champi- Ole Jakob Røysing agreed, quoted as saying onship: norskploying.no/bildegalleri “Ole, whatever made you do such “it is plowing that is the foundation, and it a thing?” Ole answered gingerly: “I is very important when thinking about good More about the Norwegian Plowing Asso- asked God to teach me to whistle, weed control.” ciation: norskploying.no and He just did!” Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians! Community Connections Gratulerer med Dagen!

Hans O. Sande Rygg Norway Aslak Kvaalseth Blair WI Happy 90th Sidney Løberg Edmonds WA Selmer Johnsrud Sioux Falls SD Ronald T. Demuth Charleston SC birthday to 12. november Karl Johan Lyng Rusåga Norway Otto Hananger Seattle WA Star Audrey Tronsen Laguna Beach CA Liv Kurfurst 8. november Walter Ramsden Raleigh NC Emma Dahl Watford City ND Catherine Olsen Oakland CA 13. november John Mickelson Laguna Hills CA Kjell Kittilsen Brooklyn NY November 24 Cleo Erickson Vermillion SD 9. november Seattle, Wash. Anne Nordby St. Paul MN 14. november Astrid Hegland Ruud Salt Lake City UT Malm Furan Kelowna BC Canada Astri Quale Portland OR Bernhard Dvergedal Evanston IL Inger Engevik Norway Ulrik Ruud Salt Lake City UT Gudrum Ronholm Valley City ND Gene Ganung Eugene OR Vi elsker deg! Gordon Skindelien New London MN Marvin Hanson Hixton WI John Sandmo Burnaby BC Can Want to see your birthday in the 10. november Your loving family Dorothee E Hayman Bellevue WA Norwegian American Weekly? Timothy James Herset Kila MT Curtis Eugene Ganung Berkeley CA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. Craig R. Carlson Huntington NY com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one month in advance. Be our friend on Facebook! 11. november NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Reidar Erga Charlotte NC away? Please notify us! facebook.com/naweekly norwegian american weekly November 8, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Bernt Elias Viddal July 27, 1929 – October 7, 2013 Be the one

Bernt E. Norway, very enthusiastically. Everyone can think of someone in it, my grandmother chose to “be the one” Viddal, age 84, In his retirement, he volunteered at Ebene- their past who made a real difference in to help me hear God’s call. Her words went home to zer Christian School, where he was “grandpa.” his Lord and He volunteered for the Salvation Army. He en- their lives, someone who answered the call eventually made a big difference in my Savior on Mon- joyed fishing, gardening and wood working. A to “be the one” for us at an important mo- life. day, October 7, friend once shared that you always knew where ment in our lives. Perhaps it was a teacher, God calls all of us at various times in 2013. He was Bernt was fishing by all the filbert shells. a coach, a family member or a friend. In our lives to “be the one” who makes a dif- born on July He especially enjoyed his grandchildren my own case I can think of many people ference in the lives of others and perhaps 27, 1929 to Ole and great- granddaughters, attending all their who fit this description, perhaps no one in the larger world. We often hesitate or A.O. and Vida sporting events and other important events in more than my Norwegian grandmother. wonder if we are adequate when we re- (Kalva) Vid- their lives. He was quite the baby sitter for 2 ½ Growing up, I often spent a couple of ceive this call. The Bible has many sto- dal, in Ålesund, year old Preslee. weeks every summer at grandma’s house. ries about ordinary people who are called Norway. Bernt was preceded in death by sisters During those years she taught me a lot to “be the one” to do God’s work in the Bernt was Otilie (Jon) Klokk, Berta (Rinehart) Slotten, about life. Very early on she began to tell world. Without exception these individu- the youngest of five siblings growing up on the brother-in-law, Anders Myrhol, sister-in-law, me that someday I should be a minister. als did not feel qualified or adequate to “be family farm. He came to America at age 18. Johanne Viddal, all of Norway, sisters-in-law For a long time I thought it was just some- the one” to do the things that God had set Bernt worked on his uncle’s farm on the River Bernice (George) Telgenhoff, Doris (Perry) thing that all faithful grandmothers tell before them. We may feel the same way Road in Lynden, WA. He then went to work Jorissen and Betty Fenton. their grandchildren. After a while, I real- when we are called upon to “be the one” deep sea fishing off Alaska and joined the U.S. He is survived by his wife of 57 years, ized that she really meant it. Several years for someone or for some task. Be assured Army until 1953. He also worked on the Ross daughters, Valerie (Jeff) Beard, Kristin (Allen) later I began to think about the ministry that God will go with us as we answer the and Diablo Dam project in Marblemount. Vinkes and Heather (Dean) Tjoelker, grand- as a career and I know it was because she call to “be the one” who makes a differ- Surprising the congregation, Bernt mar- children; Dexter Beard, Austen Beard, Jes- planted the seed when I was very young. ence in the world. ried June Vlasman on May 27, 1956 after that sica (Robert) Benson, Bennett (Amy) Tjoelker, day’s worship service at Sunrise Baptist in Blake Tjoelker, Tanner Tjoelker, two great- Although she was probably not aware of Custer, WA., much to everyone’s delight. After granddaughters, Preslee Viddal Tjoelker and their stay in Marblemount, they moved back to Bryonna Mobley. He has a brother and sister Lynden and started their family. He and June in Norway¸Ole O. Viddal and Signy Myrhol. raised their three daughters in their present Bernt is also survived by sisters-in-law Ruth home in Ferndale, the center of family affairs (Bern) Visser, Pat (John) Poortinga and broth- The Scandinavian Hour for 50 years. er-in-law Ray Fenton and numerous nephews Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Bernt also worked for Tempco, providing and nieces. contract maintenance for ARCO at the Cherry Bernt loved people and was loved and re- KKNW – 1150 AM Pt. refinery. He was a well known figure there spected by all who knew him. He lived his life for many years before retiring in 1999, and as a loving Christian who loved God above all Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST was highly regarded for his skill as a cement else. Streaming live on the internet at: finisher. He enjoyed singing with the Sons of www.1150kknw.com Betty Ann Tollefsen Day July 15, 1936 – October 30, 2013 God Jul Join our community!

Betty Ann locations, including: Pauling, Mamaroneck, Special Offer! Tollefsen Day 77, Unadilla, and Norwich, N.Y., as well as three went to meet her years in Marlboro, Mass. She retired early from Lord and Savior, teaching to raise her family, care for her elderly $45 for new U.S. subscriptions Jesus Christ on parents, and support her husband’s ministry as Save $65 for Canada and $165 for Int’l Wednesday, Oc- an Episcopal priest. tober 30, 2013 Her activities centered around her church, subscriptions at her daughter’s and her family, including being a founding $14! home in Spring, member of the St. Therese Lisaux Chapter of See page 3 for detaIlS Texas, surround- The Daughter’s of the King, at St. Matthew’s ed by friends Episcopal Church, Bellaire, Texas. Betty was and family. Betty also involved in Christian education, Episcopal Ann was born on Church Women, and numerous Bible studies July 15, 1936 in and fellowship groups. Betty was a founding Christmas GreetinGs! Jefferson, N.Y. to Halvor and Marie Tolllefsen . member of the Sons of Norway Chapter, “En- Purchase your space in our annual Christmas Greetings Issue Betty is survived by the love of her life, som Stjerne” (lonesome star), Houston. The Reverend William L. Day, spouse of She was very proud of her Norwegian 56 years; their children Mark Emerson Day heritage. Name:______(Deana) and Katherine Day Turner (James), Betty later returned to central New York grandchildren, Christopher William Day, Pat- with her husband, where she continued her life Message:______rick Emerson Day, Jessica Marie Turner, James of homemaking, and service to God’s people Austin Turner, nieces Martha, Sally, and neph- and involvement in the life of her parish, Christ City, State:______Phone:______ew Andrew, as well as their spouses and chil- Church, Gilbertsville, N.Y. dren. Betty also leaves numerous cousins both Betty never met a stranger, and had a sin- Merry Christmas! God Jul og in the United States and Norway. cere love for all of God’s people. Godt Nyttår til Betty was a loving wife, mother, and In lieu of flowers, the family requests do- Bjorn and Nina ****** alle venner! grandmother. Her parents immigrated from nations be made to: Steffensen Norway, and settled in North Harpersfield, Christ Church Ola og Berit Nordmann Just $59 for 47 issues N.Y. where Betty grew up. She attended Jef- Gilbertsville staten island, n.Y. Blue mounds, Wis. ferson Central School and later graduated from 166 Marion Ave $15 for small ad Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] for details Oneonta State Teacher’s College. Betty taught PO Box 345 $25 for large ad elementary classes for several years in various Gilbertsville, New York Deadline: DECEMBER 5 – mail this form today! 12 • November 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly Arts & Style < epcot From page 1 “I think it’s exciting that Vesterheim is recognized nationwide as the place to go for Calendar of Events the Norway Pavilion at Disney’s Epcot Cen- Norwegian artifacts,” Alison Dwyer, Vester- ter in Florida. heim’s Collections Assistant, said. The artifacts include a fid- Through 24,000 artifacts and 12 his- What’s going on in your neighborhood? dle, a carved wooden chair called a kub- toric buildings, Vesterheim, the national bestol, silver brooches of intricate detail, Norwegian-American museum and heritage Arizona Festive Cranberry Salad, Green Beans, a small loom, and examples of decorative center in Decorah, Iowa, shares the most Nordic Guild Fair Lefse, Flatbread, Rolls, Coffee, Milk and Norwegian painting called rosemaling. The comprehensive collection of Norwegian- Dec. 7 Homemade Scandinavian and Holiday pieces were packed and shipped last week to American artifacts in the world. This trea- Tucson, Ariz. Cookies. Tickets sold at the door or ad- be part of the Epcot exhibit, “Norsk Kultur, sure is also a center for folk-art education, 32nd annual Nordic Guild Fair in Tuc- vance reservations accepted beginning Inspiration for Disney’s Frozen.” The film offering a wide variety of classes in authen- son, Arizona Dec. 7, 2013 from 9 – 3:00 on November 11. Call Lyn at (920) 474- “Frozen,” due out in November, is Disney’s tic Norwegian folk art every year. For more p.m. It will be held at Streams the Desert 3168 (Payment may be made by cash, new animated film loosely based on the information on the museum’s exhibitions, Lutheran Church campus, 5360 E Pima, check, or credit card-Visa or Master Hans Christian Andersen story “The Snow classes, events, membership opportunities, Tucson. Norwegian, Swedish, Danish Card). Adult: $15. Children 5 – 10: $7. Queen.” and ways to donate, check Vesterheim’s web- and Finnish Clubs and individual ven- Under 5: Free. St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Epcot’s World Showcase shares the site at vesterheim.org, call (563) 382-9681, dors will sell ethnic foods, baked goods, W653 Roosevelt Road, Located East of culture and cuisine of 11 countries including or write to Vesterheim Norwegian-American and Scandinavian crafts and collectibles. Alderly, Dodge County, Town of Aship- Norway. Vesterheim’s artifacts will be on Museum, 502 W. Water St., P.O. Box 379, Folk dancers and musicians will enter- pun. Visit www.st-olaf.org for more in- loan to Epcot for three years. tain throughout the day. Free admission. formation and directions. Decorah, IA, 52101-0379. (520) 834-4359 for info. Washington Maine Annual Holiday Concert Julefest Dec. 8 Dec. 7 Seattle, Wash. Brunswick, Maine The Norwegian Ladies Chorus of Seattle Maine Nordmenn #3-664 will hold their Annual Holiday Concert will take place annual Julefest on Saturday, December 7, on Dec. 8 at Our Redeemers Lutheran from noon until 4:00 p.m. at the Knights Church, 2400 NW 85th St., Seattle. of Columbus Hall, 2 Columbus Drive, Guest Artists: The Norwegian Male Cho- Brunswick. Come and enjoy a Norwe- rus, plus selections by violinist, David gian julebord, desserts, Scandinavian Mixer. $12 Requested Donation at the music by Warren Johnson, singing and door; Children 12 & under are Free with dancing around the tree, St. Lucia pro- dessert reception following the concert. cession, visit from the Julenisse for the For more information, call (206) 282- kids, and a silent auction. Admission is 5963. $10 for adults; 15 and under free. For di- Photo courtesy of Vesterheim rections, Google “Knights of Columbus, Lutefisk Dinner One of the items that will go to the Epcot display. Brunswick, ME.” For more information, Dec. 7 contact Gedske Szepsy at gszepsy@ya- Bothell, Wash. hoo.com or (207) 215-6186. All are wel- Saturday, December 7, 2013, 12 Noon come. – 6 p.m.: Bothell Lodge #2-106 annual lutefisk and meatball dinner with boiled North Carolina potatoes, lefse, coleslaw, ice cream for Juletrefest dessert, and a beverage. Free parking! Dec. 7 Sons of Norway Hall, 23905 Bothell-Ev- Concord, N.C. erett Highway, Bothell. No reservations Hosted by Norsk Carolina in Charlotte, required and you can buy your tickets N.C. from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Frank at the door! Tickets for adults are $20; Liske Park, 4001 Stough Rd., Concord, children ages 6-12 are $5, and children 5 N.C. Call (704) 582-9097 or email presi- and younger are free! For more info call [email protected]. Visit our web- the lodge number at (425) 485-9085 or site at http://www.norskcarolina.org. check out Bothell’s website www.both- ellsonsofnorway.org. Oregon Christmas Bazaar Scandinavian Christmas Bazaar Dec. 7 – 8 Dec. 7 Poulsbo, Wash. Klamath Falls, Ore. Photo courtesy of Vesterheim Saturday – Sunday, December 7 – 8, Scandinavian Christmas Bazaar 4 p.m. – One of the items that will go to the Epcot display. Roald Lodge #2-039 Christmas Bazaar 6 p.m. and the Julefest celebration from at the Klamath Falls Fairgrounds. We are on the historic Poulsbo waterfront. Pea selling lefse, calenders, mugs and home- soup and Viking Dogs will be served. made cookies and variety of Norwegian Lefse will be made on the spot to pur- items. For more information, contact chase. Baked goods booth, arts, crafts, Marilyn Martins, President, Roald Lodge and gifts. Folkdancing by Poulsbo Lei- #2-039, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603 karringen and singing by Vestre Sund or call Laila Dahl Griffith at (541) 883- Mannskor. Horse and wagon rides on the 7810. parkway. Christmas tree lighting by Miss Poulsbo. Music by Vestre Sund Manns- Wisconsin kor and North Kitsap High School band Lutefisk Dinner and Bake Sale and choir. Dancing around the Christmas Dec. 7 tree. Santa Claus arrives to close the Rubicon, Wisc. night! Hot chocolate, hot cider, hot dogs St. Olaf’s Annual Lutefisk Dinner and for sale. Public welcome! Bake Sale will be held on Dec. 7 from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Dinner Includes: Lutefisk, St. Olaf’s famous Swedish Meatballs, Mashed potatoes, Rutabagas,

Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Photo courtesy of Vesterheim Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Packing the artifacts that will go to Epcot, very carefully. norwegian american weekly November 8, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood Bestefars hjørne Celebrate the season Jul at Norse Home The “Deck the Tables” open houses on Nov. 22 – Nov. Norse Home Retirement Community in Seattle, Wash. A feature column by Leslee Lane Hoyum 23 in Decorah, Iowa are sure to set the Christmas mood announces its holiday bazaar and julebord gala

Special Release Norse Home

This holiday season Norse Home Re- lent Auction Table as well as our 50/50 cash tirement Community will be hosting two ex- jackpot raffle. Last year’s winner took home citing events! Join us on December 8, 2013 $1000! Tickets are available in advance and from 3 – 5 p.m. for our Annual Holiday Ba- night of the event for just $1 each (need not zaar with our 4th Annual Julebord celebra- be present to win). Traditional Norwegian tion immediately following from 5 – 8 p.m. Costumes are encouraged for this event. Va- let parking is available. Ticket price is $55. Holiday Bazaar – 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Please call Norse Home to make your reser- If you’re looking for unique holiday vations today! gifts at great prices, shop early at Norse Proceeds from both events will benefit Home’s Holiday Bazaar featuring handmade our Resident Assistance Fund which ensures crafts and art, Scandinavian baked goods, that we can continue to provide a “home for Holiday Décor, award winning Resident Art life” for any resident who outlives their sav- work and much more! Admission is free and ings. Norse Home is a non-profit, non-sec- open to the public! tarian retirement community that has been Photo courtesy of Vesterheim Norwegian-Amerian Museum “Deck the Tables” showcases the talents of area residents who will create 29 beautiful table settings to supporting the needs of seniors for over 57 spark your holiday decorating ideas. Julebord Gala Fundraiser – 5 p.m. to 8 years. We are located at 5311 Phinney Ave p.m. N. Seattle, WA 98103. Norse Home’s Fourth Annual Julebord Fundraiser is a Gala Dinner featuring Scan- For questions or inquiries please call Special Release dinavian Favorites; Pinnekjøtt, Lutefisk, (206) 781-7400 or visit us on the web at Vesterheim Meatballs, Pickled Herring and we can’t www.norsehome.org. forget the Aquavit! We will be having a Si-

Celebrate the seasons with “Deck the Proceeds from “Deck the Tables” will Tables” Open Houses on Friday, November benefit Vesterheim Norwegian-American < sun “For years the sun-deprived local From page 3 22, from 5 – 9 p.m. and Saturday, November Museum. population have had to take a specially 23, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Hotel Win- Deck the Tables is part of Decorah designed funicular to the top of the mountain, neshiek. Bring your friends and family to Holiday Open House – All Decked Out, a interest from foreign media. A few days ago just to enjoy some winter sun,” the Daily view the many tables adorned in wonder- community-wide kick-off to the holiday sea- a Chinese news agency came to visit, and Mail reports. ful holiday décor and enjoy complimentary son. The weekend will include many excit- yesterday I spoke to BBC,” Rune Lødøen, The official opening of the Sun Mirror refreshments and treats. Admission is $10. ing activities, including kettle corn, carolers, city manager in Rjukan told Dagbladet this is scheduled for October 31, as long as the There will be live jazz music on Friday eve- Hedgie Tales at Vesterheim, and lots of great summer, several months before the mirrors sun is shining, and just in time before the ning and free carriage rides (weather permit- specials and discounts at local businesses. would be put to use. permanent winter darkness sets in. ting) on Saturday. Check decorahareachamber.com for more “Deck the Tables” showcases the talents information about “Decorah – All Decked of area residents who will create 29 beautiful Out.” < hires Kari Østerud, head of the Political Center for table settings to spark your holiday decorat- Also, Saturday will feature free trolley From page 3 ing ideas. The Open House includes a Holi- rides (weather permitting) to Open Houses at Seniors. day Home Décor Showcase featuring goods several Bed and Breakfasts in Decorah from “Companies have had positive experi- 2012, and five years older than in 2003. ences the past few years with their senior or and services to help make your holiday cel- 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Visit the Winneshiek County This development increases the chances ebration festive and joyful. Convention and Visitors Bureau website, older employees. Besides, today’s 57-year- of reaching the overall societal goal of keep- olds are healthier than when the survey was All guests will be eligible to win great visitdecorah.com, for more information. ing people in the workforce for longer,” says door prizes. They will also have the oppor- “Deck the Tables” is organized by a vol- started in 2003, Østerud explains. tunity to bid on one-of-a-kind auction pack- unteer committee – Melanie Anundsen, Kar- ages and purchase tickets to win one of three la Erdman, Llew Jenkins, and Syd Stephen- fabulous raffle items – a complete table set- son. For more information contact Stephanie < soccer ma equalized for the Netherlands. ting for eight including the centerpiece; a Johnson at [email protected] or From page 3 Team captain Ingvild Stensland scored Civia Twin City 8 step-through bicycle; or (563) 382-9681, check vesterheim.org or on the winning goal for Norway eight minutes a new iPad! Facebook at “Deck the Tables.” scored early in the match, but Anna Miede- before half-time. Christmas GreetinGs! Purchase your space in our annual Christmas Greetings Issue Don’t forget!

Name:______As a print Message:______subscriber, you City, State:______Phone:______have free access Merry Christmas! God Jul og to our digital Godt Nyttår til Bjorn and Nina alle venner! edition! Steffensen Ola og Berit Nordmann staten island, n.Y. Blue mounds, Wis. For more information: $15 for small ad $25 for large ad Deadline: DECEMBER 5 – mail this form today! www.norwegianamericanweekly.com/digital-login 14 • November 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Norwegians in NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Texas With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, Brought to you by the Daughters of Norway “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

The following is the fourth in a series of articles submitted by the Organizational Com- mittee of the Grand Lodge, Daughters of Norway. The focus is on Norwegian Americans (women, in particular) who settled in the state of Texas, or who in other ways have made their mark there. This article is Part II in a series about Babe Didrikson.

Jill Beatty Grand Lodge Organizational Chair

In the 1932 Olympics track and field advertising agency and stage appearances. “the Wonder Girl” competed in three of the She worked on stage at the Palace Theater in five events women were allowed to enter. Chicago doing an 18 minute act. She would Sticking with her natural style, she not only toss a basketball, jump a hurdle and even won gold medals, but set world records in play the harmonica. Performing four to five the javelin toss, and the hurdles. She won the stage shows a day, she was surprised to see silver in the high jump. what good reviews the show got. Making Dei tre kongsdøtrene i The three princesses in the After the Olympics, Babe was in- $2,500 per week was real good money for berget det blå mountain so blue vited to play golf with several well-known those days, but Babe did not like spending sports writers in L.A. At the Brentwood golf all her time indoors and wearing greasepaint. Det kan vel henda det vart glede It may perhaps be joy that the prin- course, she quickly asked the pro for some She wanted to play golf! på kongsdøtrene no dei slapp å sitja og cesses felt when they no longer needed to tips, as she had never played golf before. Moving to Los Angeles she took lessons luska trollhovuda lenger. Den yngste sit and delouse the heads of the troll. The On her first drive off the tee, the ball sailed from golf pro Stanley Kertes, who offered to prinsessa strauk av seg gullringen sin youngest princess took off her gold ring about 240 yards, outdriving all the men. teach her for free. She would stay out until og knytte han i håret på soldaten. Så and tied it in the hair of the soldier. Then They could not believe she had never swung midnight hitting balls on the driving range. sanka dei med seg så mykje gull og they gathered up as much of the gold and a club before. She had some bad shots, but The next morning she was up at five, ready sylv dei kunne bera, og gav seg på silver as they could carry, and went home- ended with a score of eighty-six. She had for more. She practiced what he told her heimvegen. ward bound. been introduced to a new sport she would about the grip and the stance. Eventually she As soon as the rope was tugged, the Straks dei rykte i reipet, drog fall in love with. ran out of money in Los Angeles, and had captain and the lieutenant pulled the prin- kapteinen og løytnanten opp kongs- Returning home to Dallas, it seemed the to move back to Dallas and her old job. Her cesses up, one after the other. But by the entire city turned out and gave her a rous- boss bought her a membership in the Dallas døtrene, den eine etter den andre. Men time they were up, the soldier was think- då dei vel var komne opp, tenkte sol- ing homecoming with a ticker-tape parade. Country Club to support her newest passion. ing that it was foolish of him not to have Her parents, the mayor, civic leaders, and In November of 1934, she entered her daten at det var toskut av han at han ik- gone up first; he did not trust his compan- co-workers from the Employers Casualty first golf tournament, the Fort Worth Wom- kje sette seg på og for opp fyrst; han ions more than just so. Company all turned out to cheer. She was so en’s Invitation, finishing with a score of trudde ikkje kameratane sine meir enn Now he would test them. He put overwhelmed she had goose bumps. seventy-seven. She qualified, but was elimi- som så. a large lump of gold in the basket and Babe got a raise at work, making $300 a nated in the match play round. Her next goal No ville han prøva dei. Han la ein stepped to one side. When the basket was month. She was so proud to buy her parents was to win the Texas State Championship svær gullklump i korga og smatt til halfway up, they cut the rope so that the a radio and second hand bedroom set. Her 1935. Practicing before work, during lunch, sides. Då korga hadde komi vel halv- basket smashed into the sides and came mother had always wanted an ivory bedroom and after work she hit balls until her hands veges, hogg dei av reipet, så ho dunka i down in bits and pieces around his ears. set, so she had it refinished in ivory at her bled. In the office she would putt on the car- “Now we are rid of him,” the soldier heard berget og stykka spratt om øyro på han father’s shop. pet and chip balls into the leather chairs. At them say up there at the top. då ho kom dettande. — No er vi kvitt Being able to help out the family night she read the rule book until she memo- The captain and the lieutenant threat- pleased Babe, she bought her mother eight rized it. Her efforts paid off, as she won the han, høyrde soldaten dei sa der oppe. ened the princesses with their lives, if they Kapteinen og løytnanten truga new dresses, and her papa a new suit. She tournament. But because of her advertising did not say that it was they, who had saved had won a lot of prizes but none gave her and promotional work, the USGA ruled her kongsdøtrene på livet, om dei ikkje sa them from the troll. Life is too valuable as much thrill as seeing her mother’s tears out of any amateur tournaments as she had at det var dei to som hadde frelst dei frå to lose, so they had to make that promise. of joy with the new stove and ice box she received payment as a professional in other trolla. Livet er dyrt å missa, og så måtte At the king’s palace, there was jubilation bought them. sports. This status would change in Babe’s dei lova det. I kongsgarden vart det vel when they arrived. The king in fact was In December of 1932, she was asked to career over time. glede då dei kom. Kongen visste mest so happy that he did not even know which do some publicity work for the Dodge Mo- ikkje kva fot han skulle stå på. foot to stand on. tor Company. This led to working for an See > texas, page 15 Det vart gjort stor ære på kapteinen Great honor was bestowed upon the og løytnanten, og dei gjekk og keika og captain and the lieutenant, and they strut- ted around like noble gentlemen the whole briska seg som herremenn heile dagen, day, as it was absolutely delightful that for det var greitt at dei skulle ha kvar si they now would each have his own prin- av prinsessene og halve riket til skift- cess and half the kingdom in settlement. ing. Båe ville dei ha den yngste kongs- They both wanted the youngest daughter dottera, men ho svara nei. of the king, but she had said no. Så måtte dei nøya seg med kvar si So they each had to do with one of the av dei eldste. Det vart laga til gjestebod older daughters. A feast was laid out in the i kongsgarden med både brygg og bak- palace, with both drink and food, for there ster, for det skulle vera eit bryllaup som was to be a wedding that had neither been korkje var høyrt eller spurt før, og dei heard of, nor asked for before, and they bryggja og dei baka og slakta så det ik- made drinks and they baked and they cut kje ville taka nokon ende. meat as if there was no end to the feast.

Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com norwegian american weekly November 8, 2013 • 15 Sports

< texas Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League From page 14 winning as much, and it took more effort to play. In 1953, she went to the doctor again results Standings to learn she had colon cancer, which resulted 11/3 Rosenborg 3 – 2 Viking Tippeligaen plD PTS Babe turned pro. Playing in tournaments, in a colostomy. At first Babe was devastated 1. Strømgodset IF 29 60 but she persevered. She received a lot fan 11/3 Ålesund 4 – 3 Vålerenga she was natural with the gallery. Putting on 2. Rosenborg BK 29 59 demonstrations she would hit trick shots, and mail, family support and prayers. This kept 11/3 Hønefoss 0 – 1 3. FK 29 51 entertain the crowds, and the sports writers her going. She visited others in the hospital, loved her. especially the children with cancer to give 11/3 Ulf 0 – 1 Brann 4. Ålesunds FK 29 46 In January 1938 she met George Zaha- them hope to get well. George put her golf 5. Molde FK 29 44 11/3 Sarpsborg 2 – 4 Molde rias when they played in a tournament to- clubs in her hospital room, to remind her she 6. Viking FK 29 43 gether. He was a big handsome professional would play again. 11/3 Start 1 – 2 Lillestrøm 7. Odd Grenland 29 37 During her recovery time, she knitted wrestler. His parents had emigrated from 8. SK Brann 29 36 Greece, and settled in Colorado. Babe shot socks, and even tried painting, but eventu- 11/3 Tromsø 3 – 2 Strømsgodset ally she was given the green light to practice 9. Lillestrøm SK 29 36 an eighty-four, and George an eighty-three. 11/3 Haugesund 0 – 1 Odd Grenland She was distracted, and it was the beginning golf again. After four months she played in a 10. IK Start 29 35 of a romance that ended in marriage on De- tournament with her good friend Betty Dodd. 11. Vålerenga Fotball 29 33 cember 23, 1938. On their honeymoon cruise She hit some good drives, but lacked control Next matches Nov. 10 12. Sogndal IL Fotball 29 33 to Australia, they moved from first class to in the short game. She was discouraged and 13. 29 33 wound up in fifteenth place. She asked her- third class below deck. They found first class 14. Sarpsborg 08 FF 29 31 boring and too stuffy. The entertainers were self if she would ever win another tourna- 15. Tromsø IL 29 29 in third class, and they had a lot of fun danc- ment. In true Babe determination she did go ing, singing and laughing. Babe even played on to win, and had a pretty good tournament To read more about football in 16. Hønefoss BK 29 29 her harmonica on deck with them. year in 1954. She made appearances for the During the war years there was far less American Cancer Society, a little promise Norway, visit www.uefa.com travel and golf tournaments. In June of 1945 she made to God, if she got well. She and the war ended she defended her title for the George announced the Babe Didrikson Za- Western Open at Indianapolis. She had just harias Cancer Fund, and encouraged people finished the match got a call that her mother to talk about the disease. < interfaith get all parties to agree on the principle of a was gravely ill after Babe and From page 3 political solution, and then build on a peace having a heart at- George were build- plan put forward by former U.N. Security Council secretary general, Kofi Annan at a tack. It was difficult ing their dream June 2012 meeting. to get a flight back house in Tampa, tians from Anglican, Orthodox and Protes- Church leaders from Syria, Russia, the to L. A. due to war Fla. She wanted to tant churches around the globe. United States and European nations who met priorities. The next be home more, grow A Lutheran who trained at the Norwe- her roses, and en- gian School of Theology, Tveit and served near Geneva on September 18 called a politi- night her mother cal solution the only way towards peace in joyed drawing out as an army chaplain when he did his compul- passed away. Babe Syria. the designs for each sory military service in 1987. felt terrible, but her Their stance was shared in a statement room. She was mel- He was asked if Muslim clerics from sisters encouraged they issued following their meeting with her to stay and finish lowing, and it was inside Syria would be present and he said, “We’ll see what’s possible. But of course Kofi Annan, former United Nations general the tournament for not as important to we’ll invite them, and other major Muslim secretary, and Lakhdar Brahimi, UN-Arab Mama. Many times win as it was when partners, who come from the opposition of League joint representative for Syria. while playing she she was younger. In The meeting was held on Wednesday 1955 she kept play- course, but also from neighbouring coun- had to step away to tries.” organized by the WCC at the Ecumenical ing mainly to pro- wipe her tears, but Tveit, who took up his job in Geneva Institute in Bossey, Switzerland, where par- mote the LPGA, and she won, she won in January 2010 said, “In the last two weeks ticipants discussed the role of the churches to encourage those for her mother. She we have seen what we have not seen before. in effectively moving all parties in Syria to- finally made it to L. with cancer not to All kinds of church leaders from all around wards a peace agreement. A. and attended her give up. However made efforts to argue against an attack On Tveit, who moderated the meeting, said, mother’s funeral she ruptured a disc Syria. The world also called for new initia- “The Geneva 2 conference must not fail which happened to in her back and had tives for a political process. now when thousands of people have already be on Babe’s birth- Photo courtesy Jill Beatty to have another sur- “There is no military solution to Syria.” died.” Babe Didrikson after winning the British Women’s day. When she saw gery. Her recovery “Now is the time to say everyone has He said that all parties, inside and out- Amateur Open in Scotland. her mother in the was slower, and failed and there has to be a change and that side Syria, and the U.N. Security Council casket, she really additional x-rays change has to include all parties and that in- have to take their responsibility to make the broke down and her siblings left her alone to showed cancer had spread to her spine and cludes the president [of Syria],” said Tveit. talks work, and churches must support this process. cry it out. It was a very sad day. Her father was inoperable. Again she felt with the love The Geneva 2 Middle East peace con- He added that since the Geneva 1 con- had died two years prior. and support of her family and friends how ference (or Geneva 2) is the name given to a ference resulted in little or no progress, the Tournaments gained momentum again could she miss? Winning had always meant proposed United Nations-backed peace con- urgency of the upcoming Geneva 2 was by 1946, and George became her coach, so much, but winning friends and family ference that would take place in Geneva in meant the most. She decided to publish her late 2013. more crucial than ever. trainer, and promoter. She had won seventeen Annan and Brahimi suggested he call a autobiography, and planned her future to Its aim is to halt the Syrian civil war tournaments in a row when George got the meeting of faith leaders to parallel Geneva 2. play in only the most important tournaments. which has raged for more than two years and idea to have her play in the 1947 Ladies Brit- A statement issued at the end of the She did not leave the hospital after seeks to and organize a transition period and ish Amateur Championship in Scotland. She meeting said, “Churches must continue to traveled to Edinburgh to play on the famous March of 1956. Babe died September 27, post-war reconstruction. In a previous Geneva meeting on June raise their voice in their congregations, in Gullane course. Playing is Scotland was a 1956 at the age of forty-five. The competi- 30, 2012, major global powers agreed on the their societies and with their governments. lot different than in the States. The courses tive spirited child of poor Norwegian immi- principle of a political transition, but failed We must strengthen the public outcry so that were rough, and even had sheep wandering grants had found her way into the hearts and those in power will protect the common in- minds of Americans everywhere. Whether to stop the war. on them. The greens had to be cleaned be- The key aim of Geneva 2 would be to terest of humanity.” fore putting where the sheep had been. The her hurdles were the hedges on Doucette weather was changeable, she had a hard time Street, overcoming unpopular public opin- knowing how to dress for it. Twenty-nine ions, or facing deadly cancer, Babe Didrik- women competed, and Babe made history by son was a woman who approached life head winning the Championship. She sailed back on, and believed in herself. God Jul to New York victorious on the Queen Eliza- She set more than world records, she left beth. a life of inspiration to those with determina- Special Offer! In 1947 she helped to form the Ladies tion to follow their dreams, and she never Professional Golf Association (LPGA). By knew the meaning of the word “quit.” 1952 she was the leading women’s money $45 for new U.S. subscriptions leader. She seemed unstoppable, but physi- Additional resource (in addition to the cally Babe was in pain, she finally went to first two sited in part one): Save $65 for Canada and $165 for Int’l a doctor, and had surgery for a strangulated Freeman, Russell. Babe Didrikson Za- subscriptions femoral hernia. She recovered but had a hard harias, the Making of a Champion. New $14! time getting her pep back. She became ane- York: Clarion Books, 1999. Print. See page 3 for detaIlS mic, and was tired all the time. She wasn’t the COPENHAGEN Hearthstone JUST GOT A BIT CLOSER New Route from San Francisco

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