btc BETTER TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 201 N. Los Angeles St., Ste.13A 14540 SylvanSt., Ste; A . Los Angeles, CA .90012 · VanNuys, CA 91411 (213} 617-9600 {818) 779~8866 Fa,Y. {213) 517-9643 Fax(818) 779-8870 MAILING AFFIDAVIT City PlanQing Commission Deputy Ad\lisory Agency Case No. ______ Tentative Traer No. ______ Parcel Map No.------~ Zoning Administrator· ·Private Street No. ______ Case No. ______ Coastal Permit Area Planning Commission Case No.-----'-- Central, Harbor, SV, ELA, SLA, WLA, NV Case No.---------- Design Review Board Case No. ______ siTEAC l o~'1 ~oR..~ S'-\~~VY\o~€. ~~~-r- t, _\_·_ &-,.~,-<t· certrfy that I am an employee of BTC ~contractor of the Crty of Los Anqeles. Department of City Planning, State of California, and I drd, on the d.\~ day of ;::::)f'«<v.._y>.Q...'( 20H mail, postage prepaid, to the applicant and all parties required by the Municipal Code,·as detailed on the official ownership list, a notice of hearing, a true copy of which is attached. · .X' 500-foot radius --'---,--Abutting the subject site __,....-"'- __ Owners and Occupants ____ Tenant Notice ____ 100-foot coastal notice --cc,.--State Coastal Commission -~)(-'::--'-. Adjacent City (ies) _ ___!0><'~- Applicant and Representative (where indicated) _city_ Newspaper Notice · X" LA Unified School District, LA County Regional Planning Y Caltrans --;:---,--- Council's Own Initiative __Y~-- Metropolitan Transit Authority -~><'2?--- Certified Neighborhood Council (dept of Neighborhood Empowerment) X Council Office and Council District Office _city_ Homeowners Associations >< Other \)~ (:%: \?W:: Ll) Z:)J (:::> 'T &r->.~'E:,"('{ There is a regular daily communication and service by mail between the City of Los Angeles and each of the A~J: ~were mailed.
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