Volume 11 | Issue 11 March 2017

Monthly E-Newsletter by


Remarkable Achievement s Brief History and overview of The Municipal KMC takes measure to make its own Corporation premises ‘Smoke Free' The historic city of Kolkata is situated in the On March 04, 2017 in a workshop organized by KMC banks of River Hooghly. Kolkata, one of the and a NGO at Councilor's Club Room the Kolkata Municipal Corporation authorities have been declared largest metropolis of , since its founding its own premises 'Smoke Free'. The workshop was more than 300 years ago, has undergone ribbon attended by Hon'ble Chairperson of KMC Mala Roy, development. Kolkata Municipal Corporation Hon'ble MM IC (P&S, Advt. Sports and Parking) (KMC), wit h a total area of 205 square km and Debasish Kumar , Hon'ble MMIC (Education) Avijit housing a population of 4.6 million, is the largest Mukherjee, Hon'ble Municipal Secretary Harihar Prasad Mandal, Councillors , KMC officials and other urban local body in , and also one of dignitaries. the largest in India.

According to the cigarettes and other Tobacco Products The entire KMC area is a dministratively divided Act , 2003 Smoking in Public places and advertisements into 144 wards and 16 boroughs, with each of tobacco products including cigarettes are prohibited borough having 7 to 12 wards and as per Govt. Rules, sale of tobacco within hundred yards of school premises should be prevented. KMC is committed towards the goal of improving the quality of civic services and It was unanimously resolved there that the KMC is to be facilities being provided to the citizens and make declared smoke free to make our beloved city and to win the laurel of being the first metro in the country to be so our beloved City of Joy a wor ld class metropolis. by adopting proactive measures as would be required in Message from the Hon'ble Mayor the COTPA law to its very letter and spirit from now on.

The KMC visualizes itself into an environmentally clean, green, pollution free ecologically sound and economically self -reliant urban area where all the citizens live culturally and socially dynamic lives, safeguarding the interests of the weaker section

of the society, including the physically challenged and differently abled. It intends to transform itself into a more attractive town ensuring all households in the KMC area

adequ ate and equitable access to basic services, giving special emphasis to proper drainage and solid waste management assuring increase in education to all the target groups, enhancement in awareness levels and provision of primary health care, encouragement i n sport and cultural activities, ensuring gainful employment with

special focus on youth enabling environment for business and enterprising activities

so that the KMC becomes a Citizen - friendly Corporation in future.

11 |Monthly Newsletter March 2017

Some More Achievements Meeting on prevention against Air -Pollution :

On February 28, 2017 a meeting regarding prevention against air -Pollution was held at Conference Room in CMO Building. Hon'ble Mayor and MIC Housing Environment, Fire and Emergency Service s Govt. of W.B. Sovan Chatterjee met with officials from Police Environment and KMC regarding the issue on emergency basis.

Park renamed: Mahasweta Devi Smriti Uddyan in Patuli, Ward No. -110. Borough- XI :

On March 04,2017 Hon'ble Mayor and MIC Housing, Environment, Fire and Emergency Services Sovan Chatterjee inaugurated a park , newly remodeled and named after renowned writer Mahasweta Devi at Patuli in Ward No. -110, Borough-XI.

The programme was attended by Hon'ble Chairman , BR - XI Tarakeswar Chakraborty, Councillor of Ward No. - 110 Arup Chakraborty and others.

Inauguration of Portable Compac tor in Borough -VII, Ward No.-58 :

On March 09, 2017 Hon'ble MMIC (SWM & Tolly Nullah) Debabrata Mazumdar inaugurated a portable compactor station at the area adjacent to Atal Sur Road in ward no. -58 under Borough -VII.

The programme was attended by Hon'ble MMIC(Bustee Development , Environment,SJSRY) Swapan Samaddar, Hon'ble MLA Swarnakamal Saha, Hon'ble Chairman Borough -VII Jiban Saha and other distinguished guests.

11 |Monthly Newsletter March 2017

Inauguration of newly remodelled park at the junction of Golf Green Arabindonagar junction :

In order to prevent the area from pollution on March 14, 2017 Hon'ble MIC (Sports, Youth Welfare) Govt.of W.B. Arup Biswas inaugurated a newly remodelled park at the footpath adjacent to the main road of Golf Green Arabindonagar Junction in Ward no. -95 under Borough -X.

Dignitar ies present on the occasion were Hon'ble MMIC (P &S, Advt. Parking, Sports) Debasish Kumar, MMIC (SWM, Tolly Nullah) Debabrat a Mazumdar, Chairman of Borough -X Tapan Dasgupta, Chairman Borough -XI Tarakeswar Chakraborty , Councilor Word no -97 Mitali Banerj ee and others.

Inauguration of reconstructed Entally Dog Pound Centre:

On March 18, 2017 Hon'ble MMIC (Health) Atin Ghosh inaugurated newly reconstructed Entally Dog Pound Centre at 3 , Girish Chandra Bose Road , Ward-54 under Borough VI.

The Programme was presided over by Hon'ble MMIC (Market) Janab Amiruddin (Bobby) in presence of KMC officials and other disti nguished persons.

11 |Monthly Newsletter March 2017

Different cultural programmes organized by KMC

Unveiled the bust of Thakur Shri Shri Ramakrishna and Saroda Ma :

On March 17, 2017 Hon'ble MMIC (P&S, Sports, Praking. Advt.) Debasish Kumar unveiled the bust of Thakur Shri Shri Ramakrishna Dev and Saroda Ma besides the west -end of Kumartuly Park.

The occasion was graced by the Honourable presence of MIC Women & Child Development, Social welfare (independent) and Health Govt.of W.B. Dr. Sashi Panja as Chief Guest.

Hon'ble Ch airman Borough -I Tarun Saha attended the programme as Special Guest and the function was presided over by Hon'ble Councillor Ward no.-9 Mitali Saha in presence of many other dignitaries and local people.