Q2 ∙ 2021 QUARTERLY REPORT ARK Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Active ETFs Index ETFs Update as of June 30, 2021 ARKQ PRNT ARKW IZRL ARKG ARKK ARKF ARKX ARK Invest 3 E 28th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10016
[email protected] ark-funds.com ARK INNOVATION ETFs – Second Quarter 2021 Quarterly Commentary Catherine D. Wood, ARK Chief Investment Officer During the second quarter, broad-based global equity increase productivity. Instead of investing to capitalize indexes – as measured by the S&P 500 and MSCI World on the exponential opportunities associated with the 14 – continued to appreciate as many economies began to technologies evolving today, however, many companies reopen in response to successful vaccination rollouts. have catered to short-term oriented shareholders who On Capitol Hill, the Biden Administration continued have demanded results “now”, leveraging their balance negotiations on what could become a bipartisan sheets to buy back stock, bolster earnings, and increase infrastructure bill and another source of economic dividends. As a result, facing the disintermediation and stimulus. Meanwhile, in ARK’s view, the odds of significant disruption associated with aging products and services, capital gains and income tax increases in the US have they could be forced to cut prices to clear inventories declined thanks to an agreement signed by the vast and service bloated debts, resulting in deflation with a majority of 130 countries that, if ratified in October, deleterious impact on economic activity. would impose a 15% minimum tax rate on large global corporations. Now that midterm election campaigns If ARK is correct that the risk to the outlook is deflation, are in early stages, narrow majorities in both Houses of not inflation, then nominal GDP growth is likely to be Congress also could lower the probability of onerous much lower than expected, suggesting that scarce double- tax measures that appear to be unpopular.