When the Father of His Country Wedded. Mr
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in nt W. H. TROXELL, Editor & Publisher. Established by Samuel Motter in 1879. TERMS—$1.00 a Year in Advanct. \es' VOL. XXVI. ENIMITSBUR. Gr-, MARYLAND, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13. 1905. NO 24. WHEN THE FATHER OF MR. CASSATT PAID HIS FARE. OLD AND NEW COINS, THE SELFISH COUPLE. I "THE BLOTTED PAGE." MEXICAN DRAWN WORK. A SEASON'S PLEASURE, Husbands and Interesting Facts About Coinage at Wives Who Refuse to A Defense In a London Paper of The Women Who Make It According What It Cost One Woman In Pence HIS COUNTRY WEDDED. Mingle In "Mr. A. J. Cassatt, president of the Different Mints. Society. American Spelling. to Peon Contract. of Mind and Comfort. Illatighters OfThe American Revolution the Pennsylvania Railroad is a The director of the mint is called on Selfishness is the bane of all life. A United States citizen of consider- The woman who makes drawn work Mary Makepeace sat down in her fa- Are To Observe The Anniversary. to answer such a wide range of ques- It cannot enter into life—individual, on a Mexican estate is not an independ- vorite chair in her own room and a able scientific attainments was good graceful victim of joke which tions concerning the values of old and comes the money To those who complain that around family or social—without cursing it. enough to give to a representative of ent worker to whom threw her head back, with a long sigh. his railroad'friends are enjoying at new coins and medals that he has Therefore if any married pair for all the work her deft hands acconn "No words can tell how glad I am ro- find the Daily Graphic what may be called American history there is not the his expense. found it necessary to issue circulars themselves inclined to confine them- the American view of British spelling. Wish. She is a woman whose father that I've made my last visit for the covering matters of this sort. They brother or uncle or mother is in debt mantic ,gtaraour that brightens the selves to one another's society, indis- I "I see," he remarked, "that some of or summer," she said. "Now I shall have "Recently Mr. Cassatt was tmex- tell some interesting facts. It appears to the "great don." She can do the of European and posed to go abroad and mingle with the correspondents of the Daily Graph- some peace, not to mention pleasure." pages of the history pectantly called from Philadelphia that the mint does not buy old coins or drawn work, so the don's agent sup- the life around them, disturbed and ir- ic have been complaining of the dis- "My dear!" said her mother reproach- Eastern countries, and who make an paper money except somejare colonial plies her with linen or lawn, a frame to New York on business. Hurried- ritated by the collection of friends in figuremeut of English books by Ameri- fully. coins in fine condition, which are de- and the requisite implements and in- effort to keep alive its few romatic their own dwelling or in any way mov- can spelling. I should like to tell you "I mean it," returned Mary. "Of ly leaving his office in Broad Street sired for the mint cabinet. Mutilated dicates the design that she is to fol- ed to regard their social duties as dis- that we think our way is right. and Course I like change of scene, but I stories, the date January 17 will al- Station, he reached the train shed in or uncurrent United States gold and low, for, though you may not know it, agreeable, let them be alarmed at once. that your way is wrong, and perhaps am tired of adapting my whole life to ways be interesting. For it was on silver coin is purchased as bullion. there are fashions in drawn work quite time to catch a regular train just It is a bad symptom—an essentially your editor will not mind if I venture ethers, as I am expected to do as a The mint has uo pattern pieces for sele. as exclusive and quite as popular as January 17, 1759, that Gen. George morbid symptom. They should insti- an a few remarks in defense of our welcome guest." leaving for Gotham. The government pays no premium for there are in women's hats, for instance. tute means at once for removing this corrections. For example, we write "My dear!" said her mother again. Washington, the "Father of His "In due course of time the con- the return of any of its coins or pa- When her work is done that poor wo- feeling, and they can onls; remove it by 'favor' and 'honor.' Well, 'favor' and "Think how kind everybody has been !Country," was married to Martha per money. New coins cannot be man cannot fare forth to market and ductor made his appearance in the persistently going into society, persist- 'honor' are nearer the Latin original to you." struck until authorized by an act of offer it for sale. It is by the term of Dandridge Custis. The date of the ently gathering it into their own dwell- than 'favour' and 'honour,' which have "They meant to be—they were kind," Pullman Car in which Mr. Cassatt congress. The mint supplies United her peon contract perhaps already sold ing and persistently endeavoring to acquired their unnecessary 'u' by com- Mary said wearily, "yet I feel as if I wedding is often utilized by patrio- seated to collect the tickets of States coins only and not of any past to the "great don," whose tenant she was learn to love and feel an interest in all ing through the French." had barely eecaped with may life, and way. date. The fifty dollar goldpiece and is. Miguel, his agent, takes the work, tic socities in a special the passengers. He was a veteran with whom they meet. The process of "But if they have been spelled 'hon- you will admit that is not just the the half dollar and quarter dollar by now as grimy as the overalls of an One of the most delightful ,cele- regeneration will not be a tedious one, our' and 'favour' tor centuries, why right kind of after feeling. • of the road and knew all the officials pieces in gold were struck by private engineer. He has kept account of the for the rewards of social life are im- change them now?" "Let me tell you, in other," Mary lrations this year in Baltimore will parties on the California coast during by sight. Thus when he came to mediate. "Why not? They were as often spell- time the woman has been engaged up- continued. "At the Fosters' I changed the 1849 period and not by the United on it, and for each of the many days be held by the Baltimore Chapter of where sat the president of the corn- The heart enlarges quickly with the ed 'favor' and 'honor' in Shakespeare's my hours for rising, for retiring and States government. she may have worked he gives her 7, 'the Society of the Daughters of the practice of hospitality. The sympathies day astfavour' and 'honour.' You must for eating my meals. At the Lanes' I patty he merely nodded and passed The coinage of the following coins 8, 9, at most 12 cents, but never the run and take root from point to point, remember that spelling was extremely changed father's politics—for of course American Revolution on Tuesday, without the formality of asking ceased in the years named: Half and last amount unless she be a thorough on, each root throwing up leaves and bear- uncertain in those Elizabethan days, I haven't army of my own—to please 1 cent, copper, in 1857; 1 cent, nickel, mistress of her craft. ,Tanuary 17, at the Hotel Belvedere him to display his pass. ing flowers and fruit like strawberry whence we are believed to have drawn Mr. Lane, and I had all I could do to 1864; half dime and 3 cents, silver, and Once a year the Mexicans for whom This chapter has a celebration each vines if they are only allowed to do the well of English undefiled. Ben keep from changing tuy religion to 'Hardly had he taken two steps, 2 cents, bronze, in 1873; 20 cents, sil- the women do this work, somewhat as - SO. Jonson and Shakespeare, for example, pleaseeMrs. Lane. year ,and while the program has not however, when Mr. Cassatt called ver, 1878; trade dollars, 1883; $1 and the sweatshop toilers of Chicago and It is only sympathies and strawber- spell 'recede' in four other ways—'re- "At the Jenkins' I changed all my $3, gold, and 3 cents, nickel, 1889. New York drive their needles for a been announced, it is expected to le him back. ries that are cultivated in hills which cead,"receade,"receed,"receedea" views about what coustitutes diversion The Columbian half dollar was coined master, meet in solemn conference and particularly interesting and delight- do otherwise. The human face is a "Let us leave 'honour.' How do you to suit the family in general. At the "'Why didn't you ask me to show In 1892 and the Isabella quarter in determiee what the prices shall be. So thing which should be able to bring defend 'center?'" Pages' I entirely changed my point of ful. The celelnation will take the my pass ?' he asked, with a severe 1893. The Lafayette dollar was struck great is the popularity of drawn work the heart into blossom with a moment's "Why should you spell it 'centre' view concerning music and books.