BIG 22” POWER Ers S Holds
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V I , PAGE TW ENTY-EIGHT % , -V .' ^anrlirBt?^ £ttiening H^roUt Average Daily Net Press Run Far Iha Week Ft TTie Weather ~ funa to. uaa Fa ir and ocnl aguln tonight 15,459 L o w GO to OS. t o m o m m fa ir w ith highs in th e lo w 80a. ^?:r~ *v IfeiicJbealcr A City of Vitta§e Charm J&J VOL. L x x x y m , NO. 232 THE (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS)^ MANCHESTER, OONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1969 ■lUIMIt Adverttatna on Pagie M ) PRICE CENTS IHIIIM Jumbo Ilia VAVA'A' BANDAID II I II MMIMM IIMMM MIMMI MMMIM SHEER STRIPS •IMMM IMMM* MMMII ■Vfitni IIMMM Garment R*8r. 59c Mllllll BIG MMIMM MiKHi Plaque VAW.V IMMMI MMIMI . IIHIIIt 31»b IMIIIII MIMIIM 33* IIMMM IMMIH The Waakhigfaa Post AM MMMII HIIIMM IMMM* BARGAIN r Mirrm ^hite House Accepts MMIMM WASHnrarON — a plaque AM MIMMI MIMMI IMMMI MMIMM with a simple toia'-Une In ers A'A'AV, MMMII s ■IMMM MIMMI MMIM* Mllllll IIMMM scription on It w il be left On MMMII STORE r MIMMI % MA'i MMIIII MMIMM the moon by the Apollo ^ as- IMMMI ftv''' MMMII IMMM* R eg. troHatita when they ' Igad miVhVi .MIMMI MMIIM •iimti MMMII MIMMI s Plan there Jidy 20. 81,49 iihhYi IMMMI 'MMMII •»hV‘ Mllllll MMMII 'Fastened to the.Side of the DIAt MIMMI •MMIIM IIMIMI MMIMI / W ^ H I N Q T O N ( A P ) . - ’rise MMIIM >11*11*11 Utllllt. rights iir seven aouthem states. have charged President Nbeon LETU landing craJt's four- m MMMII. MMIMM ‘'I•NM ‘ lOxon adminSetratian, appareiU- AVAVA Mllllll MMIMI MHMIH The admirJstratlan biU would agreed to take the sect'bral legged descrtit stage, wtalGli V ‘imoitim.. MMIIII IMIIIII ly movingr to bead tltt a potential Holds Deodorant MIMMI MMIIM expand its provWons-vrith one tto m win remain on the moon, the IIMIMI IIMMM character voUi^ rights IINIMI MMMII IMMM* Ijove. roomy, holds HIJI& revolt by House Republican clv- major change— to aU GO states metal plaque taU bear the mmi MMMMi IIMIMI •IMMMI ieg'slation in order to obtain , IMMMI i t « « . n . iMMMI MMIIM U stqtpaiterai, has inkcat- and also ban state restdsney re- /Mlowlng words: MIUMi IIMMM' up to 16 gahnents. Southern, support hi last year’s ' \yASHINGTON (AP) — mmYmi MMIMI "od it vrtU not oppose a oompro- qtiirements for voters in presi miiM 44Z. aiae AJ* IIIMlV IMIMIH Assorted colors. presidential election. / Here men from the planet IIHHK MMIMI\ MIMMI MMIMM miaa that could clear the way Secri»tary of SUte William HMII* IIMMH MMIMH dential electionB. And some ertUos say AtW, earth miMII MMMII MMIIII AXV. for ektendtng: the 1966 Votinr P. Ro^rs said today that MHHI MMMII MMIMH 1 ^ The major change In the ad- O en. Jo h n N . U itc h e ll w ould 'not Fliwt art foot tqion the MMMII MMIIII MMIIM Rights Act. .miMI IIMIMI IMIMIH ’ ¥ V m oon » ' battle activity in Vietnam imiin MMMII IIMMM IMIMIH mdnflstrwUon proposal from ex- be particulairfy incUn^ to HiMII MMIIII U n * r the compcxnnise, origi in the last \beek may have MIHMI Mllllll • IMIMMI llllllll, istirig law is in a proviaian de se a rch out dtscriipuattory J u ly 1969 A .D . • , , MMMII MIMMI n a lly SQggieatied a w eek ago, the Mllllll IMIMIH ...MMII signed to prevent states from We came in peace for aTl dropped to the lowest level « MMIIII IIMMM AVAVA*. changes m ad e b y U w /ita te s to HALO HAIR SPRAY MIMMI IMIMIH .'.VA'AA*MMIMM House will first act'on extendb« m ankind. of ,the war and he Indicat-i. MA Mllllll IMMMI ) mm*m changing their voting prooe- voting procedure. / miMi IIMMM IIMIIIH Mimmh , the 1966 law, then consider the The plaque win be signed IMIIIII R«g. 89c MMIIII . MMMII MIMMI <hiies to make it more dUHcult 'Hte rtrengtfa of the opporttion, ed this could increase U:S. IHIMI MIMMI MMIMM ''bBoader package voting legrisla- by oH three Apollo 11 Asteo- 12-os. S i n 37* Mllllll IIMIMI for Negtees to vote or run for which had taken the dimen ..troop withdrawals if the MMMII iSon sought by the adminisbra- nauta and by' President JIMIH IIMMH MiniM office. sions :of a revolt within Republi lull continues. tllHM I MMMII IMIMMI Uon. Nixon, whose priaited name IIMMH MMMII . The present law requires the cans ranks, was brought home Rogera alH> told a news AM IMIIIII 3 PC. LINED PLASTIC MMIMM w U be centered Jurt below Mllllll IMIMIH IMMMI Ftart Indication the adminia- forcefully ‘Tuesday when. Hitch- !{{{, MMIIM IMIMI* •MIMMI riates to get prior approval oonfcrance that "we knew pret IMMIH IMIMIH MMIMI trotion would not Instet bn a to the names of Neil Arm- MA'. MMIIM IMMMI •IMMMI frorn the attorney general be ell appeared before the House ty conrturtvrty" thsit llw Infll- MMIMH DRAPES & CURTAINS MMIM* tal substitution of its own pro^ rtrong, Ekhrin Aldrin end / AWA'A Mflllll liriMII •IMIMMI fore any change in procedures Judlctery Oonunittee. tratlon of N o rth V H t m m eae IIMH* IMMIH IMIMIH MIMMI gram for the 1966 act came Michael Collins. miiiii MMMII MMIIM MMIMM can go into effect 'live athninte- troope into South VIeUiam has iifiiM J&J COTTON SWABS MIMIH MMIMH IIMMM William M. MoCuUoch, a gen MIMMI MIMMI •MIMMI Tuesday Allowing a V^te ItoK. 49e MMIMH IMMMI tration bill ytould.leave it up to erally mlld-maimeied Republi declined to tha tart two or ttaws IIMMM PRS. IMIMMI House meeting between House MIIIII' MMIMH MMIM* the attorn^ general to uncover can oongreasmen from Ohio monttta but the raartsi (or iM s Is IMAM*'m MMIIM MMMII MMIMM Republican Leader 'Demid R. _______________________________ 14 MIIIII' MMIMH IIMMM such changes and then institute who rarely tets <he pubUc know not clear. I'AVA'A./lOl.. IMMMI IMIMMI Ford and President Nixon. MMIM IMIMIH MM•M* any action to block a procedure. nmiK MMIIM •IIMMM where be rtands on oontrover- Rogera oautioned that the res- iMim MMIMH Mads of DuPont Alathon. MIMMI The dispute over the leglala- Hou^ Unit tMMlYl MIMMI MMIMM The administnation’a attempt sAal. legis^arioiK sharply critl- son for tha bsdtiefleld lull Is not oil*.riflll MMIMH Wipw daon with a damp doth. IMMMI tkm was "Just a matter of tac MMIIII IIMMM MMIMM to replace the 1965 act brought a ciaed the administration propos ye*. quWt clear etther, oajrtng MIIIII MMIMH 87 inehaa lonfl. tics," Ford told newsmen after M llllll llllllll, 2 Strang reaction from liberal IMIMI MMIMI IIMMM als aa a rtep backward to the Pushes F o r more time wotSd be r<M)ulred to MMMII IMIMIH MMMIM the meeting. "You know there IMMM IMMMI Democrats and Republican civil clyll rights field. decide whether U was potitkmlly MMMII MMMIM will be an extension. It's Just a IMMM MMIIM righto advDoaltes, who-^ com K c O iU o c h , aenke* Republican MMMII IMIMMI qua^lon of whether it wUl be IMMM plained the new bUI would on the committee, said he was M llllll done in a package or in a twb- Tax Reform H e’ oakl, ttoewvar. that "wb IMIMI Ml weaheni Negro voting rights by HMMII l*IJS step procedure." particularty dlaapiwinted by the hope tMg' la a rwpoosa to the MMIM diluting the law's-effect where it IMMMI voting prposdure change provi WASHmOTON (AP). luatounoeraesd by . P rsMdwt IMMM Tlio 1966 act is narmwly MMIIII Little Boy^ '.'A'A'AV la needed m ost— In th e South. sion in the adminIrtiBtlon’s bill. the Senate wades into the sticky IMIMI <Jrawn to protect Negro voting Nixon and Prsrtdm t' TMau (of IMMMI mWM s, Some civil rightA groups also iowe of the'totoms surtax ex MMIM •m r- Mitchell eaid the present pro- South Vtetnsm) at mdwacr-^ Mllllll iiiimi, . tension, the House Ways and IMIMI IMMMI .. ^ visulan is ineffective bacaUae the The Mklonty amounoeenant IMMMI POLOS MMIM states ignore it. McCulloch ac Means Committee is conunittod June S dtscloBed Nixon's daol- MMIIII MIIIII cused him of surrendering with to a full speed ahead effort to rtoti to wMhdraw 36,000 Ameri- IMMMI out a fight. "Nonoomplionce complete work on a oemprehen- oon tipdps tha end of August. IMiMih MMIM. slvo tax reform measure. IMIIIII IMIMMI - does not Justify repeal," he One' quertton aekad R agan IMMM 2 Per *1 MIMMI said. "That’s not the way to There is a jxMSiblUty Itw wax whether the United Stated MIMMI MMIMM Defense Fund Takes IMMM MIMMI IMIIIII IMMMI* pramote law and order." House cotdd have Ms reform bill would react to the lower lawel of MIMII '• Riff. 97e cadt IMMMI IMMMI 30-QL POJM K l C^SY MMMIM to the Senate before the sena MMnbat now apparent, aaeumtog IMIMI MMIIM 'rije iflrm rtand for extensian IMIIIII • S tm 8-14 MMIMM tors diqMse of the stntax Issue. that it proved to be slgnUtoant.' HIMII MIMMI by McCulloch was a key factor . MMMII IMIMMI Unprecedented Cut TMs would develop if Senate IMMM MMMM in the administration's apparent He reoalled that one of Prool- Mllllll action on the surtax as MMIM riff. 1,99 MMIIM 1^ JOHN H. A V E R n x dent Nixon'S stated ariterta for Mllllll cuts proportionately as large In wUUngnesa to oompronviae. MIIIII The I4M Angeles Times long as some Democrats are IIMIMi domestic civilian programs. Ford, after his White House withdrawing foroee from.