BUSINESS HISTORY NEWS The Newsletter of the Association of Business Historians October 2000 No. 20 ISSN 9062-9440 S S COUNCIL MEMBERS President: Bob Fitzgerald (Royal Holloway) Secretary/Treasurer: Andrew Godley (University of Reading) Newsletter Editor: Steven Tolliday (University of Leeds) Council Members: Geoffrey Jones (University of Reading) Howard Cox (South Bank University) Mary Rose (Lancaster University) S CONTENTS Editorial Presidential Report Council Elections Survey of Doctoral Research Feature: Archives for Business History (i) Business Archive Council (ii) Wellcome Archive (iii) Modern Record Centre Conference Reports Forthcoming Conferences and Calls for Papers Seminar series Prizes and Grants Courses Calls for contributors Website addresses Books by ABH members EDITORIAL Professor Steven Tolliday School of History University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT UK E-mail:
[email protected] SURVEY OF DOCTORAL RESEARCH We intend to publish in the next Newsletter (March 2001), a list of all Business History PhDs in British universities, and PhDs on British business history subjects written in foreign universities. This will include both theses recently completed (since 1998) and those still ongoing. Business history is defined broadly to include relevant topics in economic, social and political history, as well as in business and S management studies and certain areas of business economics. Could members please reply by November 15th , including author’s name, title, date of completion, institution and supervisor. Please send information to Prof. Geoffrey Jones, Dept of Economics, University of Reading, PO Box 218, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6AA, UK. ABH COUNCIL ELECTIONS Following the retirement by rotation of Trevor Boyns and Lucy Newton, Howard Cox (South Bank) and Mary Rose (Lancaster) have been elected to the Council.