Graphic Scclion Okuphk &ttûon Part Six Ito i0tU íErtbtme February 15, 1920 AMONG US MORTALS The Board By W. E. HILL

©. 1820. »V. Y. Tribune Inv.

It was an unlucky day for the household when Rosie, Mrs. Baumler's maid, was discovered to be quite and no end of a success at the family ouija board. To quote the Baum¬ ler's cook, who claims ouija boards are "be¬ deviled," Rosie "isn't no good at all around the kitchen," since Queen Marie Antoinette has been using Rosie for messages. Miss Dabble has been entertaining callers all evening with the ouija board. The spirits proved unusually tractable, and Miss Dabble's spirit control was none other than a cjertain Ehsha T. Squirm, murderer de luxe, who claimed to have murdered three with a cudgel, one with an ax, and the last one Mr. Squirm made a particularly good job of, even cutting the lady up into little bits. And all this information through Miss Dabble's ouija! The anti-climax is reached, however, when the callers leave, and Miss Dabble finds she is in much too nervous a state to go up to bed. What with Lizzie, the maid, out for the evening, even with all the lights on and the phonograph screaming "Oui, Oui, Marie!" and Miss Dabble up on the lounge, where nothing can reach out and grab her feet, Miss Dabble finds it hard to compose herself. _

"Why, Mabel Roe! I didn't move I it.and you know very well I / would never, if I had moved ity / make it write out 'Go to hell!' "/

Right . The handbook that Mrs. Werle read said all you needed to do with "Oh, , I do wish you'd close up the office a ouija board was to sit and come home for the rest of the day. Sarah and quiet and believe in it. I have been trying the ouija board, and it says Maybe Mrs. Werle isn't 'Fire, burglary and misfortune' are going to hap¬ believing hard enough» but here in the next twenty-four hours." she can't seem to make pen good with her eyes shut. Just because a writer enters the spirit world is no reason he shouldn't go on writing. Take Robert Louis Stevenson, for instance. In collaboration with Miss Mattie Jenks and her faithful ouija board, he has done movie scenarios of all his best works. Miss Mattie Miss Bedell has a splitting headache, but she's got to keep going. has just been to his publishers that she is the medium of communication for a departed seeing The said about movie rights. Unfor¬ spirit who is living on Mars for the time being. spirit tunately, there is a difference is writing a play, and he keeps Miss Bedell pretty busy. of opinion with the publishers, who are sordid persons, and Miss Mattie over the royalties. Miss Mattie believes they should go to her, and is going to get into touch with R. L, S. about it.

"Ask it what 'American Can Opener' will do to¬ morrow, Evie." Mr. Bangs doesn't take much stock in spirit phenomena, but it's just as well to get any tips on the market that may be floating around in the spirit world.

\ ^ whom serious ouijaL_i > Laurie is one of those cheery, playful people is hate the sight of during a séance. Laurie is all wrong with board enthusiasts him a kiss. */ Left.Something I_;-.-'-:-'- teasing Aunt Lena to ask "Weegie" to give spirit r Prank's ouija board. It keeps re¬ peating "94" when Frank asks for The girls have just suggested to Frederick, who is new at it, that he let his mind be as near as possible the only girl'a age. to an absolute blank in order to get good results.