The Wellness Issue

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The Wellness Issue CHRONICLETHE OF CONGREGATION NEVEH SHALOM THE WELLNESS ISSUE HEAD IN THE CLOUDS WELLNESS, WONDER AND WHY UNCOVERING MENTAL HEALTH WITH SENATOR ELIZABETH STEINER HAYWARD BIKKUR HOLIM: VISITING THE SICK THE SPIRITUALITY OF CARPOOL KARAOKE AND MORE ISSUE NO. 2 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 Connecting with Neveh Shalom Back to Shul Celebration Scrolling the Torah Before Shomrei Teva Tashlich Hike Rosh Hashanah Men's Club Sukkah Build Wise Women! in the Sukkah Science and Spirituality with USY on Wheels with Sisterhood Sally Segel and Bonnie Davis Page 2 | The Chronicle A Satisfactory Rabbi's Corner Coalition By Rabbi David Kosak here’s a quote by John C. Lilly y’rapei”—“Heal, you must that I am thinking about. Dr. heal!” In a famous Talmudic Lilly was an early pioneer in dictum, we learn that one the academic study of human who visits the sick removes consciousness who had the 1/60th of their illness. Tmisfortune of being a bit too far ahead Based on the commentary of his time. He’s the one who first com- that surrounds this notion, pared the human mind to a computer, we can infer that our sag- something that is now almost a clichéd es were speaking of our metaphor, but was unthinkable in the mental and social well-be- 1950s when he penned that concept. ing. Our medieval mystics, meanwhile, understood His insights also led to the intimate work that our emotional and in- between humans and dolphins. Indeed, tellectual states also had to I have an indelible memory of the time be in a healthy alignment. my family and I had the opportunity to The image they used to swim with dolphins in Florida. I indirect- portray this concept was of ly owe that experience to Lilly. a balanced flow of energy descending from God into He also developed the sensory depri- our world and into each vation or flotation tank where he con- tancy in Europe hovered between 30 person’s body. When that balance is tinued his experiments in human con- and 40 years of age. We’ve doubled that lost, those pathways get blocked, creat- sciousness. In one of his many books in the intervening years. Yet on a societal ing dis-ease. that outlined some of his work at the level, stress hormone levels like cortisol National Institute of Mental Health, he Over the High Holy Days, I spoke about have become elevated, and with them wrote that “Responsibility starts with a the power of prayer and shared the story dis-ease such as anxiety, diabetes and satisfactory coalition between one’s self of my father’s deathbed. That moment obesity, and sleep deprivation. High cor- and the demanding 10 trillion cells of of penimiut or inwardness allowed me tisol levels also impair our cognitive abil- 1 one’s own body.” to experience a deep connection with ities and may be one contributor to the my father, a space of personal trans- breakdown in rational public discourse The responsibility he speaks of is real- formation. In the deepening of my own and our retreat into tribal identities that ly what today we might call “wellness.” theological understandings, I have come relieve us of the burden of thought. Wellness is not being free from illness; it to realize that this inwardness is not sep- is the dynamic state in which our phys- There are many explanations for these arate or different from what happens in ical, mental and social well-being are issues, but it is safe to claim that our so- “the outer” social realms. That is one of satisfactorily integrated. In my pastoral cial and emotional realms are suffering the reasons that our science is begin- work, I have often encountered very ill from environmental changes such as ning to uncover how prayer—ineffable, people who live in a state of elevated the cell-phone, longer work hours, and distant, composed of nothing more than wellness. If wellness were merely the our always-on society. Our emergency thought and words—can impact anoth- absence of sickness, that would be im- fight or flight system has become chron- er person’s physical well-being. Prayer is possible, but something more is at work. ically activated. All around us, wellness a mechanism that forges connections on Continued on page 4 To some ears, that might strike a new- multiple levels. It is a feature of wellness. age or highly modern tone, but our an- Here’s the conundrum of our age. Our cestors held a very similar perspective. medicine has never been better. Until 1 Programming and Metaprogramming The Bible itself commands us, “rapo the start of the 19th century, life expec- in the Human BioComputer Page 3 | The Chronicle Head in the Clouds Rabbi's Corner By Rabbi Eve Posen ou probably already know in order to “find God.” Way back in one of my favorite parts of Bereshit, the descriptions of the earth my day is the time I take to mention being covered in a fog-like sub- walk. But what you might not stance that then swirls and whirls and know is that my type of walk separates into water and sky before the Yis a very specific one. I don’t walk on a land takes shape. Walking in fog can be treadmill or on a track in the gym, pri- a surprisingly spiritual reminder of a marily because indoor exercise feels preformed world. lacking to me, and especially because I use my walks for my mind and body. In the penultimate Torah portion, Par- I clear my head, I brainstorm new pro- shat Ha’azinu, is a poem which warns of grams and sermons, and I find myself at the negative behavior of the Israelites, peace. Needless to say, walking outside but reminds us of the blessings that will all the time can mean that sometimes come to them with the good behavior I’m bundled up, and sometimes I’m seri- they are capable of. The text ends with ously sweating it out. In Portland, it of- Moshe ascending the mountain into the ten means that my walks happen in the clouds as he takes his leave of the Isra- morning fog and clouds that hover over elite nation. This parshah is the link be- our hilly neighborhood. Ironically, when tween generations, between new and I’m physically in the clouds is when I find old leadership, and between living on myself most clear-headed. earth (in the land of Israel), and living with God (on top of the mountain in the center so you can be the best you need As the warm, dry summer departs and heavens). to be. the cool, wet fall approaches, weather is on our minds. Interestingly, weather This text reminds me that Judaism can Wherever you are, with your head in the also plays a prominent role throughout speak to your soul and your brain; it can clouds or your ear to the ground, there the Bible; consider the stories of Noah, challenge your mind and your body. Ju- is a piece of Torah for you. As we enter Jonah, and Job. Specifically, clouds and daism provides us with a mandate to be a new year of learning and living, may fog are referenced in spots as well. “good,” not just to fellow humans, but we find ourselves growing and engaging Mount Sinai is described in the Torah as also to ourselves. Go for a walk and lose with our spiritual selves as well as with being covered in a heavy cloud, which yourself in the clouds. Take a break from our physical world, and may the journey represents God. One imagines Moshe the hustle and bustle of the day, and do be filled with blessing, challenge, and needing to wade through the heavens something that will make you find your success. A Satisfactory Coalition Continued from Page 3 is in jeopardy. We are all witnesses to Deep friendship. Joy and recreation in self and the demanding trillions of cells the consequences. Cynicism, rage, and nature. Music. Prayer and spiritual prac- of one’s own body. feelings of powerlessness are rampant. tice. I add a flotation tank session to my Substance use and abuse affect all seg- mix once a month, but once every two Let’s all just commit to improving one or ments of society. weeks would be more ideal, which high- two areas of that coalition. lights an important feature of wellness. There’s no end to where it can take us. There are a great many approaches to None of us get it fully right and that’s Warmth and blessings, enhancing our wellness. Some are well- OK. Wellness starts with a satisfactory Rav D known. Exercise and a healthy diet. coalition, or relationship, between one’s Page 4 | The Chronicle Updates from Jason President's Corner By Jason Kaufman, President hen I found out that are dedicated solely to this (and yet, an this issue was go- opportunity). Yes, our clergy and staff do ing to focus on well- the best they can and partner with you ness, I wasn’t sure in conjunction with other organizations. what to write about. For me, that is not good enough, and we WIt caused me immediately to focus on fail if we cannot and won’t do more to my own health, which wasn’t comfort- harness our enormous power to help. able at all. I have Crohn’s Disease. It af- fects me more at times.
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