234 Book Reviews Book Reviews 235 difficult to reconstruct the original robes essential to this kind of work . The book Rafał Kosiński, The Emperor Religion and Politics, Towarzystwo and arms used by the Byzantine army . The contains more than one hundred illustra- Wydawnicze „Historia Iagellonica”, Cracow 2010, pp. 289 [= Byzantina et Slavica book demonstrates that the images of war- tions of warrior saints on frescos, icons, rior saints can be useful in learning what coins, talismans, dishes and other daily use Cracoviensia, 6] they might have looked like . The creators artifacts . The illustrative material certainly of the images, despite the traditional form, makes the book easier to use . Similarly, the The reign of the emperor Zeno, al- In the first (Introduction, p . 13–29), the author usually followed the arms and armour indices at the end facilitate the work with it . though it has drawn the attention of scholars, presented the significance of Zeno’s religious known to themselves, which can be proven In this case, however, the reader may have has not yet been a subject of monographic policy and characterized sources that formed by depicting such novelties as stirrups or some doubts about their accuracy . To give works, with the exceptions of the written in the the basis of his inquiry . In the second (Decisions almond-shaped shields . The process of ad- an example, Demetrios of Thessalonica ap- late 19th century, difficult to get and rather gen- of the Council of : Acceptance and justing the images of warrior saints to the pears in the book more frequently than eral work by Wilhelm Barth1 and the unpub- Opposition (451–471), p . 31–55) he showed the military details of the era could be observed you can expect from the index only (the lished doctoral dissertation of Benno Schwark2 . situation of the Byzantine Church during the much more often outside , occurrences of his name on page 163, 165, This gap is superbly filled by Rafał Kosiński, a two decades after the . particularly in Nubia and Egypt, but also in 166–169, 193, 238, 254, 271 are omitted) . young Polish byzantist who can already boast Part three (Zeno, p . 57–59) was devoted to the – Georgia . Substantial changes can be seen The well developed footnotes provide infor- significant scholarly achievements3 . While hailing from Isauria – Tarasicodissa-Zeno’s way during the Crusades, thanks to the con- mation to individuals exploring a particular the work is primarily an attempt to show the to the imperial throne . Particular emphasis was tact with Latin knights . Grotowski points field of study, this however makes the book religious policy of the ruler, it also sheds light placed on determining his religious views . The out the adjustment of warrior saints to the difficult to recommend to those who are not on a number of other aspects of his reign . next part of the book (Basiliskos’ Usurpation, standards of the knightly culture . He also specialists . The work is divided into eight main parts . p . 79–97) covers the usurpation of Basiliskos, makes the reader aware that the clothes In a work with a wealth of informa- brother of Verina, the widow of emperor Leo 1 Kaiser Zeno, Basel 1894 . and arms were also used to convey some tion like this, some errors appear inevitable . I . This event was an exceptionally important 2 Die kirchenpolitik Kaiser Zenos, Würzburg moment in the history of Zeno’s reign . During political ideas, both by the newcomers Also some opinions of the author may have 1950 . from the West and by the Greeks them- gone too far, like the statement that a dou- 3 He is the autor e .g: . ΑΓΙΩΣΥΝΗ ΚΑΙ the brief rule of the usurper, the debate over the selves (p . 450–451) . He also emphasizes ble-headed eagle was accepted as the official ΕΞΟΥΣΙΑ . Konstantynoplitańscy święci mężowie provisions of Council of Chalcedon came back that the model of the warrior saint formed coat of arms of the Empire (p . 301) . i władza w V wieku po Chr . [Constantinopo- to life with great intensity . What is particularly in the middle Byzantine era survived and Grotowski’s book is without doubt litan Holy Men and Authority in 5th Century], significant, the groups hostile to this assembly went on being used also later on, in the era a great reference book for historians, art Warszawa 2006 [= ArF, 56]; The Life of Nesto- of bishops gained strength thanks to the sup- of the Paleologues . historians and archaelogists . It would be of rius as seen in Greek and Oriental Sources, [in:] port of Basiliskos . After regaining power, Zeno The fact that the warrior saints were interest to the researchers of warrior saints’ Continuity and Change . Studies in Late Antique was forced to work out the rules of conduct to- depicted mostly with a spear and sword can biographies and individuals interested in Historiography, ed . D . Brodka, M . Stachura, wards those of the clergy who associated them- be read as a continuation of the antique com- the Byzantine army in the early and middle Cracow 2007, p . 155–170 [= Ele, 13]; Początki selves with the usurper and represented anti- kariery Tarasikodissy-Zenona [The Begginnings position or an image modelled on that of Byzantine era . An extensive bibliography Chalcedonian views . Part V (The Chalcedonian of Tarasicodissa-Zeno’s Career], [in:] Byzantina Reaction, p . 99–124) was devoted to this is- the imperial guards . Both these hypotheses represents a great tool for further individual Europea . Księga jubileuszowa ofiarowana Profe- may well be true, as the uniform of the latter research on the subject . sorowi Waldemarowi Ceranowi, ed . M . Koko- sue . Removal of the anti-Chalcedonian clergy clearly referred to the ancient patterns . szko, M .J . Leszka, Łodź 2007, p . 289–304 [= from the most important positions within the The illustrative material is certainly Teresa Wolińska (Łódź) BL, 11]; Izauria w orbicie wpływów rzymskich do Church and replacing them with supporters of połowy V wieku [Isauria in the Orbit of Roman the council and men loyal to both the emperor Influence until the mid V Century], BTH 8, 2010, and Acacius, patriarch of Constantinople and p . 11–26; Peter the Fuller, Patriarch of , Zeno’s chief religious advisor, exacerbated the Bsl 68, 2010, p . 49–73; Struktura społeczna [So- situation . This became apparent especially in cial Structure] and Religie cesarstwa rzymskiego Egypt . The development of Henotikon, the doc- w V stuleciu [Religions of Roman Empire in the V ument that was to become a middle ground for Century], [in:] Świat rzymski w V wieku [Roman an agreement with the Egyptian anti-Chalcedo- World in the V Century], ed . idem, K . Twar- nians, was supposedly intended to calm down dowska, Kraków 2010, p . 278–297; 365–416 . 236 Book Reviews Book Reviews 237 the emotions . Many works have been devoted portant and original conclusion that Zeno’s как чисто лингвистического, так и вне- нантной системы, а именно – т .н . палата- to discussing this document, and it has become building policy was aimed at appeasing and языкового характера . лизаций и последовавшей за ними депала- the basis for portraying emperor Zeno as an op- enlisting aid of his Isaurian, and what needs to Именно такую перспективу содер- тализации, давшей различные результаты ponent of the provisions made in Chalcedon . be remembered, native, base), Conclusions (p . жит вышедший в 2009 году сборник науч- в болгарских диалектах1 . Своеобразным According to the author, this view is not cor- 221–223), Bibliography (225–269), Index People ных статей известной болгарской исследо- обощающим центром этой части сборника rect . Evidence for this is, i a. ,. the fact that the (p . 271–281), Index Places (p . 283–289) . вательницы Анны-Марии Тотомановой, можно считать статью Среднеболгарский Henotikon was considered by the contemporar- Rafał Kosiński’s book is an important озаглавленный Из историята на българ- вокализм (стр . 36–42), в которой исследо- ies to be crypto-Chalcedonian . This subject is voice in the debate on the reign of emperor ския език (Из истории болгарского языка) . вательница предлагает пересмотреть ус- discussed in part VI (Henotikon, p . 125–145) . Zeno . The author, thanks to a thorough and Как пишет во введении к книге Татьяна тоявшиеся в науке представления о при- The next part, Revolt of Illos (p . 147–176), is de- comprehensive analysis of the sources, pre- Славова, «всяка една от представените в нципиальном значении т .н . среднеболгар- voted to the usurpation of Illos and Leontios . sented in a new light the ruler’s religious poli- сборника статии е малка стъпка към от- ского периода (XII–XIV вв ). для развития Here, the scholar focused his discourse not so cy . Contrary to the present in the scholarship говора на въпроса защо българският език болгарского языка, считая его всего лишь much on the fate of the undertaking itself, but and fairly commonly accepted opinion, the изпада от общославянския развой и про- продолжением предшествующего перио- on the attitudes expressed towards it by the researcher showed that Zeno was a supporter меня своя морфо-синтаксис» (стр . 5) . в да: « . . езикът, който се говори през сред- various groups within the Church and by re- of the provisions of the Council of Chalcedon, книге собрано 39 статей, публиковавших- нобългарския период, може еднозначно ligious communities (starting with Kalandion, and that the certain concessions that he was ся на протяжении почти двадцати пяти да бъде определен като една късна разно- the , through Pagan circles, making for the anti-Chalcedonian groups лет (начиная с 1985 года) в научных сбор- видност на старобългарския език» (стр . and finally the Jewish ones) . The last chapter were caused by the hope for establishment никах и периодических изданиях (прежде 37) . Стоит также обратить внимание, что (p . 177–201) presents the final of peace in the Church, particularly needed всего – хотя и с небольшими исключени- А . Тотоманова старается в своих работах years of Zeno’s reign, during which, i a. ,. the in the face of various political problems with ями – болгарских) . отметим также, что искать объяснение для фонетических из- titular schism, that is the division between the which the ruler had to struggle . те статьи, которые первоначально были менений в процессах, происходящих на patriarch of Constantinople and the bishop of опубликованы на английском, итальян- уровне морфологии, воспринимая таким Rome, occurred . The work is complemented Translated by Michał Zytka ском или русском языках, в настоящем образом язык как целостную систему . by: an appendix The Emperor Zeno’s Church сборнике переведены на болгарский . Именно морфологии главным Foundations (p . 203–220; it contains an im- Mirosław J. Leszka (Łódź) Исследования рапределены не по образом посвящена вторая и основная хронологическому принципу, как часто часть книги (18 статей, стр . 55–202), при- бывает в подобного рода публикациях, чем большинство текстов в ней касается а в зависимости от затрагиваемой в стать- наиболее важных с точки зрения ана- ях проблематики . Таким образом читатель литизма процессов – перегруппировки анна-МарИя ТоТоМанова, Из историята на българския език [Из истории сосредотачивается не на эволюции науч- и распада системы именных склонений . ных взглядов автора, а непосредственно в этой связи нельзя не упомянуть о «про- болгарского языка], Издателство Пан Пъблишинг къмпани ооД, софия на предмете исследования . А . Тотоманова граммной» статье Оратория болгарскому 2009, c. 334. группирует свои работы вокруг трех ос- аналитизму . Часть первая: начало (стр . новных тем, которым соответствуют три 108–114), где А . Тотоманова развивает свой Историю и историческую грамма- традиционного описания развития язы- части книги: Историческая фонетика тезис о более позднем, нежели принято счи- тику болгарского языка вне всяких сом- ковых форм (происходивших в силу фо- и диалектология, Историческая морфоло- тать, переходе болгарского языка к анали- нений можно считать одной из наиболее нетических и морфологических процес- гия и лексикология . Книжная норма, а также тизму (в начале XV века, главным образом интересных областей диахронической сов) и определения относительной и абсо- Исследование средневековых памятников . в валашско-болгарских грамотах) и предла- славистической лингвистики . Причиной лютной хронологии, историк болгарского Материалы первой части книги (8 гает не ограничиваться в объяснениях этих тому является нетипичный путь разви- языка постоянно встает перед задачами статей, стр . 9–54) затрагивают как про- 1 тия этого языка, отличающий его (наряду и вопросами более широкого характера, блемы развития системы гласных звуков Тематика этой части сборника естествен- с македонским) от общеславянских мо- пытаясь указать на причины изменений болгарского языка (прежде всего – еров ным образом перекликается с первой авто- рской книгой А . ТоТоМАНовоЙ, Из българ- делей в области морфологических и син- структуры предмета своих исследований и связанных с ними процессов), так ската историческа фонетика, София 1992 таксических преобразований . Помимо (от синтетизма к аналитизму) – причины и некоторые вопросы изменений консо- (второе издание – 2001) .