Elysium Hotel 194 Hamber, Eric Werge 53 J Little, George Henry 183 Index Emery, Ivan 234 Hamilton, Lachlan A. 109 Liverpool Cathedral 77 Empress Line 27, 88 Hamilton, Ontario 230 Jackson, Robert Edwin 109 Locomotive 374 84 Erickson, Arthur 128, 209 Hanna, Robert Hill 190 Jain, Bela Singh 225 Lost Lagoon 25 A BC Sports Hall of Fame 230 Buller, H. C. 186 Cunard Steamship Evans, W. H. 82 Harkin, James B. 220 Japanese House of Peers 252 Louis Riel Rebellion 107 BC Sugar Refinery 166 Burnaby, Robert 33, 64 Company 107 Ewart, David 178 Harman, Jack 128 Japanese Imperial Army 253 Luckie, J. M. 129 Burns Bog 112 Expo 86 132 Harris, Dennis R. 109 Lumberman’s Arch 25 Abbott, Henry 85 Beatty, Henry 88 Custodian of Enemy Jericho Charlie 22 Burns, Dominic 112 Eyre, W. S. 238 Hart-McHarg, William Lyall, Graham 190 Abyssinia, ship 88 176, Property 257 Jerome, Henry Winston 230 Burns, Patrick 112 Frederick 186 A.C.T. Breeding Stables 207 178, 193, 197, 246 Jerry’s Cove 33 Burrard Dry Dock 60 Hartney, James 66 Aeronautical Department of Beaver Lake 32 D F Johnson, Charles Gardner 105 M Burrard Street Bridge 29 Hastings, George Fowler 43 Britain’s Imperial Munitions Begbie, Matthew Baillie 82 Johnson, William 160 Daily-News Advertiser 143 Fairview Heights 137 Hastings Hotel 54 Macdonald, Bill 240 Board 206 Bellew, Edward 189 Dally, Frederick 29 29, 246 Hastings Park 191 Macdonald, John A. 72, 85 Airplane Spruce 206 Bessborough Armoury 245 C Dandurand, Marie Euphrosine Fiennes-Clinton, Henry Hastings Sawmill 25, 30, 41, K MacLean, Malcolm Alexander, Harry O. 47 Billings, Cornelius K. G. 244 Calcutta, India 225 Célénie 55 Glynne 61, 76 252 Alexander 51, 72, 81, 105, 107, Alexander, Mrs. Richard Bird, J. Edward 61, 223 Kanadian Kouncil of the Ku Klux Cambie Street Grounds 179 David Spencer Department Findlay, James 129, 130, 182 Hastings Townsite 43 109, 132 Henry 45 Black, George 55 Klan 211 Cambridge Bay 263 Store 214 First Narrows 25 Hawkes, John F. 109 MacMillan, Harold R. 206 Alexander, Richard H. 42 Blue Blood Alley 65, 149, 158 Kanaka Ranch 45 Campbell, George 34 Davie, Alexander Edmund Fortes, Joe 50 Hays, Charles Melville 97 Mainland Guardian 67 Alexander, Richard Henry 47 Bodnaruk, Fred 263 Kannosuke Mori 252 Camp X 241 Batson 81 Foster J. W. Company 214 Heatley, Edward Davis 34 Malkin, William Harold 240 Alexandra Orphanage 116 Bodwell, E. V. 106 Ka-Shing, Li 132 Canadian Pacific Railway 27, Davis raft 206 Foster, William Hendry, John 47, 48, 51, 53 Manchu Dynasty 147 Amputation Club 194 Borden, Robert L. 223 Keefer, George 109 206, 224 Deadman’s Island 64, 94 Wasborough 197, 234, 237 Henry Braithwaite Abbott 149 Man to Man Magazine 217 Amsterdam, Netherlands 230 Boscawen, Maud 202 Keefer, Hugh 109 Canadian Pacific Steamship DeForest, Henry Josiah 60 Frank, Leonard 258 Hill-Tout, Charles 27 Maple Tree Square 67, 73 Amundsen, Roald 263 Bowser Reid Wallbridge Ritchie Keefer's Hall 59 Company 88 Deighton Hotel 67 Fune, Shizuko (Sato) 256 Hip Tuck Lung Company 143 Mara, John Andrew 109 Angel of Victory 198 Law Firm 222 Kent, barque 34 Capilano Estates 244 Deighton, John 35, 44, 50, 66 HMCS Rainbow 224 Marchant, George 82 Angus, Forrest 172 Bowser, William John 60, 132, Kentucky Derby 207 Capilano River 240 Deighton, Madeline 67 HMS Amethyst 47 Marega, Charles 240 Angus, James 173 222 G Khalsa Diwan Society Gurdwara Cariboo Gold Fields 29 Deighton, Richard Mason 67 HMS Comus 148 240, 242, Angus, Mary Isabella 173 Boxer (Opium) Rebellion 224 Sahib 225 Carl, Westrand 236 Deighton, Thomas 67 Gabriola 170 Hocking, Oliver 54 246, 249 Angus, Richard Bladworth 80, Bralorne Gold Mine 172, 206 Khatsahlano, August Jack 22, Carnegie, Andrew 175 Denman Arena 228 Galiano, D. 15 Hoffar, N. E. 129 Marpole, Richard 102, 158 81, 167, 172 Bramer, James Van 58 204 Carnegie Library 175 Derby townsite 175 Gallagher, William H. 73, 104 Hollow Tree 112 Masuda, Tatsuke (Kato) 256 Aquila, ship 33 Branca, Angelo 177 Khaytulk (Supple Jack) 22 Cary, George 73 Devine, Harry T. 85 Gandhi, Mahatma 225 Hollyburn Mountain 240 Mathews, Thomas 72 Aquilo, yacht 174 Brezhnev, Leonid I. 228 Kicking Horse Pass 93 Ceperley, Henry Tracy 60, 109 Diamond Jubilee of 25, 35 Holy Rosary Cathedral 81, 129, Matthews, Hugh 204 Archibald, John S. 98 Breznikov, Alexei 228 King Edward VIII 102, 245 Chang, Li Hung 148 Confederation 102 George Black's Hotel 54 197 Matthews, James Skitt 18, 22, Arkell, Henry 59 Brickmaker's Claim 64 King George V 65, 102, 112, Charleson’s camp 39 Dickson, De Wolf and George, Chief of Snauq 22 Hope, Charles Edward 61, 109 61, 72, 110, 159, 202 Arkell’s Hall 59 bride ships 46 178, 190, 193, 213 Chaythoos 23 Company 34 Gillen, Hugh 262 Hopkinson, William C. 220, McBride, Lena Jane 199 Art Engraving Company 72 Brighouse, Samuel 62 King George VI 98, 226, 240 Chinatown 143 Ditmars, William Carey 61, 102 Gjoa 263 225 McBride, Richard 132, 216 Asahi baseball team 258 Brims, Donald 39 King, William Lyon Chinese Empire Reform Dolly Vardon Mines 238 Glen Brae House 163, 210 Hopwood, Francis J. S. 238 McCarthy, Coeur de Lion 198 Asiatic Exclusion League 210, Electric Railway Mackenzie 147, 210, 240, 253 Association 152 177, 213, Golden Jubilee Exhibition 110 Horne, James W. 60 McCraney, Hiram Perry 75 223 Company 137 Kitsilano 23 Chinese Freemasons 151 246 Gou Sing Theatre 152 Horne, James Welton 106 McDougall, John 65 Astor, John Jacob 216 British Columbia Exhibition Knights of Labour 74 Chinese Imperial Mint 224 Dougan, Mildred 237 Grand Trunk Pacific Railway 97 Horseshoe Bay 240 McGeer, Gerald Grattan 60, Athenian, ship 88 Association 116 Komagata Maru 61, 211, 220 Chipkaayam 22 Douglas, James 82 22 Horton, John 15, 16 177, 232 Atwal, Balwant Singh 222 British Columbia Fruit Growers Kumano, Miss 256 Graveley, Walter Edward 74, Association 116 Chong, Wah 68 Driard Hotel 80 Hotel 94, 102, 249 KumKumlay 33 McGirr, William 111 106, 109 British Columbia Mills Timber & Chow, Yucho 152 Dufferin, Lord 47 Houston, Frederick Alfred 54 Kwong Yo Yuen merchants 143 McGuigan, Thomas F. 105 B Trading Company 48, 53 Churchill, Winston 103, 241 Duke of Connaught 129, 182, Great Fire of 1886 50 Houston, James 175 McKelvie, Bruce A. 175 Greer’s Beach 27 Hudson's Bay Company 232, McKenzie, Jim 18 Bailey, Jane Ann 64 British Columbia Security Clayburn, BC 64 186, 188, 216 Grelly Brothers’ Colonial 246, 249 L McKinnon Block 59 Bailey, Nat 60 Commission 208 Coal Harbour 62, 108 Duke of Connaught’s Own Hotel 54 Hughes, Josias C. 60 McLagan, John 176 Baldwin, George F. 105 British Columbia Towing and Cockering, Charles 160 Rifles 225 Lady Houston 175 Guinness, Arthur 239 Hundal, Hakim Singh 222 Mead, Frederick John 256 Baldwin, Stanley 102 Transportation Company 82 Cold War 229 Duke of Windsor 245 Lalton, Gurmukh Singh 221 Guinness, Edward C. 239 Hyde Park, London 238 Menzies, James 82 Ballantyne Pier 232 British Empire Games 230 Collins, Henry 148 Dunlevey, Peter Curran 41, 109 Landy, John 230 Guinness, Walter E. 239 Michaud, Joseph 55 Bannister, Roger 230 British Ministry of Communist Party of Dupont, Charles Thomas 108 Larsen, Henry Asbjorn 61, 262 Gulf of Georgia 15 Michaud, Maximillian 54 Barker, E. E. 106 Production 241 Canada 232 I Last Spike 112 Guru Nanak Jahaz, Michelangelo 244 Barkerville 115 British Pacific Properties Consolidated Railway and Light E Latta, John Blandford 186 steamer 220 Imperial Oil 204, 238 Miller, Jonathan 27, 67, 105 Barnard, Francis Stillman 109 Company 240 Company 137 Latta, William S. 186 East Indian Historical Guru Nanak Mining and Trust Innes, John 15 Minnekhada Ranch 216 Batavia, ship 88 British Properties 222, 244, Cook, Edward 129 Laurier, Wilfred 112 Museum 220 Company 222 Inouye, Zennosuke 253 Moody, Richard Clement 33, Battle of Hill 70 190 246, 249 Cooper, Wilberforce 78 Lawson, Tim 240 Edgett, Charles E. 232 Intrepid 241 54, 64 BC Emergency Flood Brock, John Allan 85 Cornelis, barque 31 Lee, H. O. Grocery Store 137 Edgett, William J. 130, 184 Irish Fusiliers 225 Moody, Sewell Prescott 50 Committee 208 Brown, Ebenezer 68 Cotton, M. P. Co. Ltd 159 H Lenin’s Palace of Sport 228 Edith Mary Westcott 213 Irving, John 81 Moodyville 34 BC Magazine 217 Browning, John M. 108, 172 Coulding, E. C. 110 Lion Hotel 257 Edwardes, Emily 204 Hailstone, William 62 Isabel, steamer 33 Morley, Henry B. 156 BC Place Stadium 230 Bryant, H.H. 193 CPR townsite 73 222, 238, Elliott, Kathleen 206 Halifax, Nova Scotia 263 Mortgage Heights 159 BC Security Commission 258 Buckingham Palace 234 Creamery Kings 227 249 Elyamu 15 Hamber, Aldyen Irene 53 Morton, John 62 BC Shingle Association 184 Buckley, William F. Jr. 208 Crombie, Robert 218 Lions Mountains 240

264 Vancouver Exposed: A History in Photographs 265 Mount Hermon 59 Palace Tobacco Shop 106 Rockefeller Centre, New Simpson's Building 246 Trans-Canada Highway 115 Vancouver Street Railways White Canada Forever 222 Mount Pleasant Methodist Palsey Bay 263 York 240 Singh, Battan 226 T Tremont Hotel 75 Company 136 Whitehead, Eric 229 Church 137 Panama Canal 263 Rockefeller, John D. 216 Singh, Bela 226 Tait residence 159, 210 Trorey, George E. 164 Vancouver Sun 175, 218 White Star Shipping Line 175 Mount Pleasant Pharmacy 137 Pan American Games 230 Rockefeller, John D. Jr. 244 Singh, Bhag 222 Tait, William Lamont 211 Trout Lake 33, 169 Vancouver World 111 Whoi-Whoi 15, 32, 184 Mount, Ruth 64 Pantages, Pericles 164 Rockwell, Kate (Klondike Singh, Bhai Bhag 226 Tammadge, Emma Helen 45 Turner, George 54 Vancouver Yacht Club 170 Wigwam Inn 216 Mow Ping, yacht 174 Parkhurst, R. G. 232 Kate) 164 Singh, Bhai Mewa 226 Tartar, ship 88 Turner, John N. W. 230 Vander Zalm, William 132 Wilhelm II 129, 213 Mulroney, Brian 132 Park Royal Shopping Rogers, Benjamin Tingley 81, Singh, Daljit 221 Tashme 256 Twain, Mark 112 Van Horne, William Williams, Percival A. 230 Mumm, Emma 216 Centre 244 166, 174, 208 Singh, Giani Kartar 229 Tatlow, Robert Garnett 27 Twaites, Haley 150 Cornelius 27, 69, 76, 88, 93, William Wasborough Musqueam 22 Parthia, ship 88 Rogers, Jeremiah 28, 33 Singh, Nagar 220 Taylor, Alfred James Towle 238 107, 167 Foster 193 Patmore, Lewis 98 Rogers, Mary Isabella 80 Singh, Puran 221 Taylor, Austin Cottrell 61, 172, U Vanier Park 27 Wilson, Benjamin 55 N Patrick, Joseph 227 Rogers Pass 93 Singh, Sham 220 206, 256 Victoria Cross 191 Wing Hon On & Company 143 Umatilla, steamer 80 Patrick Lumber Company 227 Rogers Sugar 108, 166 Sleepy R 93 Taylor, Frederick Wellington 61, Victory Square 128, 201, 213, Wing Sang Company 143 Narváez, Don José María 15 Pender, Daniel 82 Roosevelt, Franklin D. 241 Slei-Wil-Tuth 23 227 232 Wolfenden, Richard 81 National Emergency Transitional Pennsylvania Hotel 152 Rosemary 163 Smith, Cicely Fox 30 Taylor, Louis Denison 102, 176 V von Alvensleben, Gustav Woods Hotel 152 Powers Act, 1946 257 Peruvian, Allen liner 80 Ross, Arthur Wellington 66, 75, Smith, Donald (Lord Taylor, Patricia 208 Konstantin Alvo 213, 217 Wood, Stuart 262 National Hockey Valdés, C. 15 Pitt Lake 218 80, 106, 110 Strathcona) 112 T. Eaton Company 100 Woodwards 246 Association 227 Vancouver, Captain George 15, Point Grey 15 Ross, Jessie 75 Snauq 22 The Columbian 54 W Workers’ Unity League 232 Neave, John 160 18 Port Moody 93, 108 Ross Street Sikh Temple 220 Sorby, W. Thomas 80, 93, 128 The Herald 51 World Building 205, 246 New Brighton 34, 57 Vancouver City Police 232 Wallace, Andrew 60 Port Moody Gazette 109 Roundhouse, CPR 73, 134 Special Agent 207 The Red Flag, song 234 Worthington, Donald G. 199 New Liverpool 64 Vancouver Club 116, 213 Wall, Peter 209 Powell, Israel Wood 59, 108 Royal Canadian Mounted Springer, Benjamin 58 Thompson Sub-Machine Worthington, George 199 New York 216 Vancouver Daily World 176 Walter, Julia 117 Powers, William 109 Police 235 Springer–Van Bramer Building 58 Gun 236 Worthington, John R. 199 Nihonmachi (Powell Vancouver Electric Railway and War Bonds 234 Prince Charles 132 Royal City Planing Mills Squamish 28 Timberholme Books Ltd 240 Street) 59, 252 Light Company 136 Warden, John Weightman 190 Princess Diana 132 Company 53 Squamish First Nation 15, 27 Tisdall, Charles Edward 60, Y Nitobe Gardens 252 Vancouver-Fiji Sugar War Measures Act, 1914 256 Princess Patricia 182 Royal Engineers 25 Squamish Sacred Heart Mission 156, 198 Nitobe, Inazo 252 Company 174 Wartime Shipbuilding Yaletown 132 Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Royal Mail Steam Packet Reserve 44 Titanic 98 North Shore 27 Vancouver Maritime Limited 208 Yat-sen, Sun 147, 156 Infantry 186 Company 232 Squamish Valley 27 Tobin, Henry 189 Northwest Passage 263 Museum 263 Wesleyan Methodist Yat-Sen, Sun 151 Prior, Edward Gawler 109, 132 Royal North West Mounted SS Beaver 82 Todd, Frederick 158 Vancouver Millionaires 228 Church 69 YMCA 116 Prospect Point 22 Police 262 SS Princess Louise 80 Tonari Gumi 258 Vancouver News 148 Western Bridge & Steel Yosemite, steamer 81 O Royal Vancouver Yacht Staitwouk 29 Tong, Chee Kung 151 Vancouver Opera House 108 Fabricators 246 Yukon Gold Rush 88 Q Club 174 Stamp, Edward 32 Topley, William 110 Oakalla Prison Farm 237 Vancouver Province 148 Westin Bayshore Hotel 229 Standard Furniture Townley, Thomas Owen 178 O’Brien, Ambrose 227 Qing Dynasty 152 S Company 214 Vancouver Stock Exchange 213 White, A. E. 72 O’Brien, Michael J. 227 Queen Elizabeth 98, 240 Stanley Cup 228 Odlum, Victor W. 61, 102, 232 Queen Elizabeth II 220 Sakura So 258 Stanley, Frederick (Lord of Old Granville Townsite 68 Queen Mary 112, 178 Salieres Sculpture 244 Preston) 26, 228 Old Hastings Mill Store Queen Victoria 110, 220 Salieres, Sylvain 244 22, 32 Museum 220 Quiet Canadians 245 Salt Building 246 Steele, Samuel Benfield 93 Old Spaghetti Factory 136 Qwywhat 25 Sandhu, Baba Gurdit 220 Stephens, J. T. 184 Oliver, John 102 Sandhu, Balwant 221 Stephenson-Taylor Trust Onderdonk, Andrew 115 R Sandhu, Gurdit Singh 221, 225 Company 238 On-to-Ottawa Trek 234 Sang, Yip 142 Stephenson, William S. 207, Operation Totalize 201 Rand, Charles David 109 Schetky, H. George L. 72 238 Oppenheimer, David 108, 114, Rand, Edward Ethelbert 109 Schofield, John 98 Sterling Shipyards Ltd. 263 136, 170 Rattenbury, Francis Scott, Adrian Gilbert 76 Stevens, Henry Herbert 60, Oppenheimer Group 117 Mawson 93, 97 Scudamore, John 186 222, 240 Oppenheimer Park 258 Rayfield, Walter 189 Scudamore, T. V. 186 Steveston, BC 253 Order of the British Raymur, James A. 31, 42, 76 Sea Lion, tug 224 Stewart, Duff 197 Empire 208 Reid, Malcolm J. R. 89, 223 Second Beach 26 Stewart, Ewen 147 O’Rourke, Michael James 189, Reid, Robie L. 61, 223 Seymour, Frederick 54 St. James’ Anglican Church 41, 190, 234 Relief Camp Workers’ Shannon 208 50, 76 Osler, Edmund 173 Union 232 Shannon, William 172 St. Roch 262 Renfrew Millionaires 227 Shaughnessy Heights 158, 210 Strous, Carl 109 P Renfrew, Ontario 227 Shaughnessy, Thomas Sudden Jerk, ferry 55 Rennie, Bob 147 George 158 Sugar King 173 Pacific Building 216 Revive China Society 151 Shaughnessy Veterans’ Sullivan, Arthur W. 69 229 Ritchie, William B. A. 223 Hospital 234 Sunny Side Hotel 68, 75, 81, 111 Pacific Great Eastern Robert Kerr, ship 75 Shipping Federation 232 177, 205, 246 Railway 28 Robertson-Goodson Co. Shirras, John 256 Sutil, brig 15 Pacific National Exhibition 102, Ltd. 204 Shostak, Crystal 100 Swales, Francis S. 96 229 Robertson, Robert 74 Siam, ship 35 Sweney, Georgia 45

266 Vancouver Exposed: A History in Photographs 267