~ N-Z . t;IS,'f~NER; J.ANUARY ·26, 1985 -· . .-;·~.-:· ;~ .: ~

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,. ;: ·. MURRAY CHAl(DLER Miles .. ;I• D front Tony Miles: great victory after ONY MILES is a determined but mediocre results. · . unpredictable player. For a decade .he has been at the forefront of the 9. d3 0-0 Tremarkable English explo• 10. b4 - .. siori: world junior champion in 197 4; the first ·' Miles is effectively playing his favourite English in 1975; crusher of the Sicilian Dragon defence with· colours re• Russian world champion at versed, using the extra tempo to expand on Skara 1980 (utilising the defence l.e4 a6!), the queen's wing. _ With many professionals, a mediocre string 10. f6 of results would bring on a few self-doubts, or 11. Ne4 Qd7 at least a mild depression. To Tony such a 12. Bb2, a6 periodinthe first halfof 1984 seemed to act 13. Qc2 Bh3?! as a. catalyst. The· sensation, when it came To exchange the "Dragon bishop" - but this time, was a victory in the Tilburg super• can Black spare the time? . . tournament by a margin nearly as wide as the . 14. Nc5 BXc5 torso, of former Soviet chess boss Viktor · . 15. BXh3 . QXh3 Baturinsky, 16. Qb3 ch! Kh8 Miles, now 2.9, scored eight points from his 17. bXc5 Nd7 11 games, ahead of Ribli (Hungary), Hilbner 18. d4! (West Germany), Belyavsky and Tukmakov Much stronger than 18. QXb7 Qe6 (USSR} 6½; Ljubojevic (Yugoslavia) 6; Por• ! 19. QXc7 Nxc5, tisch (Hungary), Timman (Holland) 5½; And• 18 .... Rahs· ersson' (Sweden) 5; Smyslov (USSR) 4½; l; 19. dXe5 NdXe5 Sosonko (Holland) 3; and van der Wiel ~ 20. Nxe5 fXe5 (Rolland) 2½. It was probably the best result · 21. Radl .Rf6 ever by an English player; and It was. cer- 22. £4! R>

