Abstract. We define a to be translation proper if it carries a left- invariant metric in which the translation numbers of the non-torsion elements are nonzero and translation discrete if they are bounded away from zero. The main results of this paper are that a translation proper of finite virtual is metabelian-by-finite, and that a translation discrete solvable group of finite virtual cohomological dimension, m, is a finite m

extension of Z .

1. Introduction The notion of a translation number comes from . Suppose M is a compact Riemannian manifold of nonpositive sectional curvature and Mf is its universal cover, enjoying the metric induced from M. Then the covering transformation group acts as isometries on Mf. Under these conditions any covering transformation of Mf fixes a geodesic line. Since a geodesic line is isometric to

R, a covering transformation must translate each point of such a fixed geodesic line by a constant amount which is called the translation number of the covering transformation. This notion can be abstracted. Let G be a group which is equipped with a metric, d, which is invariant under left multiplication by elements of G, i.e., d(xy, xz)=d(y,z) ∀ x, y, z ∈ G. We then say that d is a left-invariant group metric k k (or a metric for brevity) on G. Let kk: G −→ Z be defined by x = d(x, 1G). To fix ideas, one may consider a finitely generated group equipped with a word metric. kxnk For x in G,letτ(x) = lim supn→∞ n . This quantity is called the translation number of x. We define a group to be translation discrete if it carries a metric in which the translation numbers of the non-torsion elements are bounded away from zero. Similarly a group is called translation proper if it admits a metric so that only torsion elements have zero translation number. There are several interesting applications of translation numbers to geometric and combinatorial in the literature, Gersten and Short [GS] use trans- lation numbers to prove results about of biautomatic groups, Gromoll and Wolf [GW] use translation numbers in the proof of their celebrated theorem. Gromov [Gr, BGS], Busemann [Bu] and others have used also translation num- bers in their work. For instance, it is well-known that a group acting discretely cocompactly on a CAT(0) space is translation discrete, see [C1]. Putting this fact together with the main result we can get a mild generalization of the Gromoll/Wolf [GW] - Lawson/Yau theorem, namely that every solvable of a cocompact group of isometries of a CAT(0) space of finite cohomological dimension is abelian- by-finite. Recently Bestvina [B] has used the results in the current article to study Artin groups. 1 2 GREGORY R. CONNER

This goal of this paper is to discuss the following question : What kind algebraic information can one determine from the translation numbers of a solvable group? We will discuss the specific results of this paper. We prove a number of elementary results on left-invariant group metrics. We show that a translation proper solvable group of finite virtual cohomological dimension is metabelian-by-finite. An exam- ple is given of a polycyclic group which is translation proper, but not translation discrete. We prove that a translation discrete solvable group of finite virtual coho- m mological dimension, m, is a finite extension of Z . To prove the necessity of the cohomological dimension hypothesis in the preceding result an example is given of a nonabelian solvable group which is translation discrete.

2. Preliminaries Definition 2.1 (Metric, Norm). If G is a group, we say that a non-negative real- valued function, d,onG × G is a semimetric on G if it is symmetric, left-invariant under the action of G on itself, satisfies the triangle inequality and d(1G, 1G)=0. We call d a metric on G if in addition it is definite (i.e. d(g,h)=0⇒ g = h). A (semi)metric on a group G induces a (semi)norm on G by defining kgk = d(g,1G) for all g ∈ G. Similarly, if one is given a (semi)norm on a group G one can define a(semi)metriconG by defining d(g,h)=kh−1gk. If G is a group with a given (semi)metric and H is a subgroup of G, then re- stricting the (semi)metric of G to H gives a (semi)metric of H. We call a metric, d, on a group G discrete if it induces the discrete topology on G. Given a finitely generated group G and a finite generating set γ one can define a norm on G by assigning to every element of G the length of the shortest word in the generators and their inverses which represents it. We shall call this the word norm on G corresponding to γ. The associated metric is called the word metric on G corresponding to γ. A word norm on G has the property that it is, by construction, maximal among all nonnegative real-valued functions on G satisfying the triangle inequality and taking values of at most 1 on the generating set. Definition 2.2 (Translation number). Let x be an element of a group G with semi- norm kk. We define the translation number of x as follows: kxnk τG(x) = lim inf . n→∞ n Clearly, any element of finite has translation number zero in any seminorm. Definition 2.3 (Translation Discrete, Translation Proper). A semimetric (or the corresponding seminorm) on a group is said to be to be translation discrete if the translation numbers of the nontorsion elements of the group with respect to that semimetric are bounded away from zero. We will say that a group is translation discrete if it admits a semimetric which is translation discrete. A semimetric (semi- norm) is said to be translation proper if the translation numbers of the nontorsion elements of the group with respect to that semimetric are nonzero. A group is translation proper if it admits a semimetric which is translation proper. We will use the following lemma implicitly throughout this article. Lemma 2.4 ([C2], Lemma 2.6.1). If G is a finitely generated group, the following are equivalent: 1. G is translation discrete(proper). SOLVABLE GROUPS 3

2. G has a translation discrete(proper) subgroup of finite index. 3. Every subgroup of G is translation discrete(proper). 4. There exists a word metric on G that is translation discrete(proper). 5. Every generalized word metric on G is translation discrete(proper).

3. Main Results This section consists of a list of the principal results this the paper. The main body of the proofs are contained in later sections. Theorem 3.1. A translation proper solvable group which has finite virtual coho- mological dimension is metabelian-by-finite. In Example 7.1 we examine a polycyclic group which is translation proper, but not translation discrete. This is the same group which we show in [C3] to have irrational translation numbers in every word metric. Corollary 3.2. A solvable subgroup of finite virtual cohomological dimension of a biautomatic group is metabelian-by-finite. Proof. It was proven (using slightly different notation) by Gersten and Short in [GS] that torsion-free biautomatic groups are translation proper. Theorem 3.3. A translation proper solvable is metabelian-by-finite. The following result is similar to a result which is claimed by Gromov ([Gr]). Bruce Kleiner ([K]) has informed me that he has a proof of this result which uses the methods described in [CS]. Theorem 3.4. Every solvable subgroup of finite virtual cohomological dimension, m m, in a translation discrete group is a finite extension of Z . In Example 7.2 we investigate a finitely generated torsion-free solvable group of infinite cohomological dimension that is translation discrete but is not abelian-by- finite. Question 3.5. The group in Example 7.2 is not finitely presentable. Is there an example of a finitely presented solvable group which is translation-discrete, but not abelian-by-finite ?

4. Some Technical background Definition 4.1. Suppose H and K are subgroups of G which together generate G, and each is equipped with a semimetric. Then we can form the product semimetric on G in the following way : for any string of the form

w = h1k1h2k2 ···hnkn,hi ∈ H, ki ∈ K where hi =16 ,i>1andkj =16 ,j

kgkG = inf{l(w)G | w represents g}. By induction one can define the product semimetric on the subgroup generated by any finite number of semimetrized subgroups. 4 GREGORY R. CONNER

Definition 4.2 (Generalized word (semi)norm). Suppose γ = {g1, ··· ,gn} is a fi- nite generating set for the group G and f : γ → [0, ∞). We can define a seminorm h i k nk | |· on gi by gi hgii = n f(gi). We can now define a seminorm on G by taking the product seminorm induced by the subgroups hgii. One can think of this as giving each generator a weight and then defining the seminorm of a group element to be the minimum weighted length of words representing it. If f is a positive function then the construction gives a norm. The generalized (semi)metric associated to this data is the (semi)metric associated to the above (semi)norm. We call the metric a generalized word metric if f is a positive function. A word metric is a special case of a generalized word metric where f is taken to be the constant 1 function. Definition 4.3 (Partial order on real-valued functions). If f and g are two non- negative real-valued functions with equal domains, we say that g is smaller than f (and write g  f) if ∃ λ,  nonnegative reals, λ =0suchthat6 g<λf+ . Suppose λ,  are nonnegative reals, λ =6 0. We say two nonnegative real-valued functions f and g with equal domain are (λ, )-equivalent if (1/λ)f −  ≤ g ≤ λf + .Ifwe wish to omit the constants we may write f ∼ g. Clearly f ∼ g ⇔ f  g and g  f. Clearly the properties of being translation discrete or translation proper are preserved by semimetric equivalence. Observation 4.4. A word norm on G has the property that it is, by construction, maximal among all nonnegative real-valued functions on G satisfying the triangle inequality and taking values of at most 1 on the generating set. Similarly a gener- alized word metric on G has the property that it is maximal among all semimetrics on G bounded by the prescribed values on the generating set. Thus, any two gen- eralized word metrics on the same group are equivalent. If H is a subgroup of finite index in the group G, then any generalized word norm on H is equivalent to any generalized word norm on G restricted to H. We will need the following result of Gersten and Short [GS]. Theorem 4.5. Let G be a group with seminorm kk.Letx,y∈ G. Then the following are true: n ≤ kx k ≤k k 1. 0 τ(x) = limn→∞ n x . 2. τ(x)=τ(y−1xy). n

3. τ(x )=nτ(x) ∀n ∈ N .

kxnk ≤ ∀ ∈ N 4. τ(x) n n . 5. τ(x)=τ(x−1). Corollary 4.6. Let G be a group with seminorm kk.Letx,y∈ G. The following facts are immediate: 1. If x and y commute then |τ(x) − τ(y)|≤τ(xy) ≤ τ(x)+τ(y). c c 2. If kkis seminorm on G such that kkkkthen τG  τbG. c 3. If kkis seminorm on G which is (λ, )-equivalent to kk,thenτG and τbG are (λ, 0)-equivalent. Definition 4.7 (Relative (semi)norms). Let γ : G −→ K be a homomorphism. Let kk be a (semi)norm on G. Then we can define a (semi)norm kkγ on im(γ)by −1 kkkγ = infg∈γ (k){kgk}. Similarly, for any H  G we can define a (semi)norm on G/H by defining kgHkG/H = inf x∈gH kxk. SOLVABLE GROUPS 5

Evidently these constructions are equivalent, since in one direction we can take γ : G −→ G/H to be the natural map, and in the other direction we can take H =ker(γ).

Observation 4.8. If γ : G −→ K is a homomorphism then kgk≥kγ(g)kγ ∀g ∈ G. ≥ ∀ ∈ Similarly, if H  G then τG(g) τG/H (g) g G.

5. Semidirect Products

If we have a group G equipped with a semimetric and an automorphism φ of G,

Z Z we may consider the product semimetric on G oφ since has a canonical word

n n Z metric. In our case, G will have the form Z . If we choose a free basis for we

n Z

may consider any automorphism of Z as a matrix in GL(n, ). We may also think

R C of it as a matrix in GL(n, F )whereF is Q , or . This allows us to consider

n n

o Z o Z embeddings of Z φ into F φ . In these spaces we will use the standard linear algebra techniques (eigenvalues, Jordan normal form, etc.) to understand the metric on our original space.

Observation 5.1. If the group G is equipped with two equivalent semimetrics and Z φ ∈ Aut(G), then the two induced product semimetrics on G oφ are equivalent,

by Corollary A.4.

C { } Definition 5.2 (Euclidean norm). Let F be either Z or a subfield of . Let vi n n be a basis for F .Theneachx ∈ F can be written uniquely as x = a1 · v1 + a2 · n v2 ···an · vn where each ai ∈ F . We define the euclideanp norm of F corresponding 2 2 2 { } k k n ··· to the basis vi in the following way, x F = a1 + a2 + + an.

Exercise: Show that any two euclidean norms on F n are equivalent. C Definition 5.3 (Subeuclidean norm). Let F be either Z or a subfield of . Let G n be a of F by Z. We will call the product norm on G induced

by the canonical word norm on Z and by a euclidean norm on F a subeuclidean

norm on G.

C ∈ Observation 5.4. By Corollary A.4, if F is Z or a subfield of and φ GL(n, F )

n Z

then any two subeuclidean norms on F oφ are equivalent. C Lemma 5.5. Let F be either Z or a subfield of .LetG be a semidirect product n of F by Z.SupposeG is equipped with a subeuclidean norm. Then : 1. If f ∈ F n then k(af)k≤max{|a|, 1}·kfk, ∀a ∈ F 2. If f ∈ F n then τ(af)=|a|·τ(f), ∀a ∈ F

n n1 n2 nj Proof. Let f ∈ F ,a ∈ F −{0}. Let w = t f1t f2 ···t fj represent f ∈ G. 0 n1 n2 nj Then by Lemma A.6, w = t af1t af2 ···t afj represents af ∈ G.Now,

Xn Xn 0 l(w )G = |ni| + kafikF n = |ni| + |a|kfikF n i=1 i=1 Xn ≤ max{|a|, 1}·( |ni| + kfikF n )=max{|a|, 1}·l(w)G i=1 6 GREGORY R. CONNER

| |≥ Thus kafkG ≤ max{|a|, 1}·kfkG. Choose m ∈ N such that ma 1, and apply Theorem 4.5 to get knmafk max{|ma|, 1}·k(nf)k m · τ(af)G)=τ(maf)G = lim ≤ lim n→∞ n n→∞ n =max{|ma|, 1}·τ(f)G = m ·|a|·τ(f)G. Hence, canceling m’s, we get τ(af) ≤|a|·τ(f). Since a was arbitrary, we finally have τ(af) ≤|a|·τ(f) ≤|a|·|1/a|·τ(af)=τ(af).

n n

Z o Z Q o Z Lemma 5.6. Let φ ∈ GL(n, Z).LetG = φ .LetK = φ .By

n n Q choosing a free basis for Z and using this as a vector space basis for ,wemay consider G

Proof. Let us call the respective norms kkG and kkK and their translation functions τG and τK . It is clear from the definition of the norms that kkG ≥kkK and thus n τG ≥ τK . Let z ∈ Z . Now, from the definition of the product metric, for each n1 ··· nj i i ∈ N there is a string wi = t q1i t qji representing z in K,wheret is a

n i −i

∈ Q ≤k k generator of Z, qmi and l(wi)K z K +2 (where l(wi)K is as defined in the definition of product metric). Let ri be the least common multiple of the ri·i n1 nj entries of the qmi’s. By Lemma A.6, z = t (q1i · ri) ···t (qji · ri) (using

additive notation in the Q and multiplicative notation in K), where n k ri·ik ≤ · ≤ · k ik −i (qmi · ri)isinZ . Hence, z G ri l(wi)K ri ( z K +2 ). Thus, k ri·ik ·(k ik +2−i) k ik +2−i τ(z) ≤ z G ≤ ri z K = z K . Finally, letting i tend to infinity, we G ri·i ri·i i see that τ(z)G ≤ τ(z)K .


Z o Z Corollary 5.7. Let φ ∈ GL(n, Z).Awordnormon φ and a norm on

n n

o Z C o Z Z φ induced by restricting any subeuclidean metric on φ have translation n functions that are equivalent when restricted to Z .


o Z Proof. By Corollary A.4 the product norms on Z φ induced by a word norm and n a subeuclidean norm on Z are equivalent and thus induce equivalent translation

n oZ functions. The previous lemma tells us that the subeuclidean norms on Z

n n

oZ Z and Q induce equal translation functions on . lemma A.7 implies that the

n n n

oZ R oZ Q subeuclidean norms on Q and agree on . Similarly, Lemma A.8

n n n

oZ C oZ R implies that the subeuclidean norms on R and agree on . n . n Definition 5.8 (Subspace of Z ) We say that a subgroup H of Z is a subspace

n n n

Z Q of Z of dimension d if there exists an embedding of into so that H is the

n n Q intersection of Z with a d-dimension√ vector subspace of . Equivalently, H is a subspace of dimension d if H = H and H has rank d. Observation 5.9. The following facts will be used throughout the arguments in this section.

n n n−d

Z ' Z 1. If T is a subspace of Z of dimension d then /T . 2. The intersection of subspaces is a subspace.

3. The of a subspace under an element of GL(n, Z) is a subspace.

n Z Definition 5.10 (Invariant Subspace). Let φ ∈ GL(n, Z),T a subspace of .We say that T is invariant under φ or (T is φ-invariant)ifφ(T ) ⊆ T . SOLVABLE GROUPS 7

n Z Lemma 5.11. Let φ ∈ GL(n, Z),T asubspaceof . Then T is invariant under φ if and only if φ(T )=T . Proof. φ(T ) ⊆ T ⇒ T ⊆ φ−1(T ), also T and φ−1(T ) have the same rank. Since T

is a subspace, T = φ−1(T ) and thus φ(T )=T .

Z C Lemma 5.12. Let F be either or a the additive group of a subfield of .LetG


o Z ∈ F be a semidirect product of the form F φ ,whereφ GL(n, ). If G is equipped n with a subeuclidean norm then I(G) is a φ-invariant subspace of F .

n Z

Proof. Now G/ F = and since G was equipped with a subeuclidean norm, the Z induced metric on Z is the canonical one. Thus I( ) = 1. Applying Observation

≥ ∀ ∈ −→ Z

4.8 we see that if γ : G is the natural map, then τG(g) τZ(γ(g)) g G.


∈ ∈ F ≤ Thus γ(I(G)) = {1} and so I(G) ≤ F . Let g,h I(G),a,b . τ(ag + bh) n | |· τ(ag)+τ(bh) since F is abelian. Thus applying Lemma 5.5 τ(ag + bh)= a n pτ(g)+|b|·τ(h)=0+0=0. Thus I(G) is a subgroup of F . It is also evident that I(G)=I(G) and thus by the equivalent definition at the end of definition 5.8, n

I(G) is a subspace of F . I(G)isφ-invariant since τ(φ(a)) = τ(t−1at)=τ(a)=0

for every a in I(G), where t is the generator for Z.

n Z Lemma 5.13. Let φ ∈ GL(n, Z).SupposeT is a nontrivial subspace of invari-

ant under φ of dimension d, Then φ|T acts as an element of GL(d, Z) with a monic minimal polynomial of degree ≤ d. Conversely, if f is a polynomial of degree k that n divides the minimal polynomial of φ then there is a φ-invariant subspace Sf of Z ≥ | of dimension k such that f is the minimal polynomial of φ Sf .

n n Q Proof. The first half is obvious. For the second half, embed Z in and let

n n ∩ Z

Sf =kerQ (f(φ)) .

Definition 5.14 (Irreducible). We call an element of GL(n, Z) irreducible if it has n no proper nontrivial invariant subspaces in Z , or equivalently if its minimal poly-

nomial is irreducible over Z.

Lemma 5.15. Let φ ∈ GL(n, Z).Letf be the characteristic polynomial of φ. Write f = f1 · f2 · ···ft where each ft is a power of a different monic prime { ··· } polynomial over Z. Then there exists T1, ,Tt ,asetofφ-invariant subspaces n | ∩ 6 of Z , such that the characteristic polynomial of φ Ti is fi, Ti Tj =0if i = j,and n the direct sum of the {Ti} has finite index in Z . L

n n n n t

Q Q Q Proof. Embed Z in .Now canbewrittenas = i=1 Vi where the

n | ∩ Z characteristic polynomial of φ Vi is fi. Let Ti = Vi . So, the direct sum of the

n n Z {Ti} is a free abelian subgroup of Z of rank n, and thus has finite index in .


C o Z Lemma 5.16. Let φ ∈ GL(n, Z) be irreducible. Equip G = φ with a subeu- n clidean norm induced by a basis of eigenvectors of φ.Letv ∈ C be an eigenvector of φ. Then τG(v) is nonzero if and only if the eigenvalue of v has complex norm 1, k k n k k in which case τG(v)= v C = v G. Proof. Let λ be the eigenvalue corresponding to v.Ifkλk6=1,chooset a generator ∈{ } k k −1 −n n ≤ of Z and β λ, 1/λ such that β < 1andt vt = βv.Thenτ(v)=τ(t vt ) kt−nvtnk≤kβnkkvk→0asn →∞. Suppose kλk = 1. Since f the minimal 8 GREGORY R. CONNER

polynomial of φ is irreducible over Z, it has no repeated roots. Hence, not only is n hvi, the subspace of C spanned by v, invariant under φ, but also its complementary space, hvi⊥, is invariant under φ (one may see this by noting that, in this basis, φ is in Jordan normal form and has 1-by-1 Jordan blocks and so is diagonal). } Thus, by Lemma A.8, while calculating the norms of elements of {nv | n ∈ N n1 n2 nj we need consider only strings of the form wn = t γ1vt γ2v ···t γjv, γi ∈ C which represent nv. Replacing wn by a product of elements in hvi conjugated by powers of t as in the proof of Lemma A.5 and recalling that t−ivti = λv we 0 n1 −n1 n1+n2 ··· 00 see that we have wn = t γ1vt t γ2v γjv which we can write as wn = n1 n1+n2 00 λ γ1vλ γ2v ···γjv and l(w )G ≤ l(w)G since |λ| = 1. So, while calculating n the norms of elements of {nv} we need consider only the metric on C . Hence,

n k k n k k C τG(v)=τC (v)= v = v G. n | | Lemma 5.17. Let (λ1,λ2, ··· ,λn) be an n-tuple of elements in C such that λi =

6 | M − ∈ N 1 for each i. Then for any >0 there exist M,N ,M = N such that λi N | λi <for all i. 1 || | } Proof. Identify S with the set {z ∈ C z =1 . Then each n-tuple of the form

i i i n ··· ∈ N (λ1,λ2, ,λn),i lies on the n-dimensional torus, T . The result follows from the compactness of T n.


Z o Z Lemma 5.18. Let φ ∈ GL(n, Z) be irreducible. Let G = φ . Then G is translation discrete implies that φ has finite order and thus G is abelian-by-finite.

n Z Proof. Choose a basis {ai} for Z and t a generator for . By Lemma 2.4, we may assume that G is equipped with the associated word metric. In light of Corollary 5.7


o Z we may consider G as a subgroup of K = C φ (K is equipped, as usual, with the subeuclidean norm) and calculate translation numbers there. Since φ is irreducible,

f, the minimal polynomial of φ, is irreducible over Z. Since f is irreducible, each root has multiplicity 1. This, in turn, implies that φ is diagonalizable (since when φ is written in Jordan normal form the Jordan blocks will be 1-by-1). Thus, we n may choose as a basis for C a set of eigenvectors of φ. By Corollary 5.7, we may assume that K is equipped with subeuclidean norm induced by the subeuclidean n { } norm on C induced by this basis. Let λi , (i =1...r) be the set of eigenvalues of φ with |λi|6=1,andvi be the basis vector corresponding to λi. Similarly, let {γj}, (j =1...s) be the set of eigenvalues of φ with |γj| =1,andwj be the basis

n n Z vector corresponding to γj. Let g ∈ C be an element of the image of . In the new

basis, g can be written as g = a1v1 +a2v2 +···+arvr +b1w1 +···+bsws,ai,bj ∈ C . Choose >0 such that τ(h) <implies that h =1G, for all h ∈ G . Let 6 B =max{bj}. Apply the previous lemma to find n, m ∈ N ,m = n such that | n − m|  ··· 0 −n n −m −1 m 0 γj γj < s·B for j =1 s. Consider g = t gt t g t .Theng = n − m ··· n − m n − m ··· n − m (λ1 λ1 )a1v1 + +(λr λr )arvr +(γ1 γ1 )b1w1 + +(γs γs )bsws. Applying, Lemma 5.16, Lemma 5.12, and Corollary 4.6 we have that 0 ≤ n − m ··· n − m τ(g ) τ((γ1 γ1 )b1w1 + +(γs γs )bsws) ≤kn − m ··· n − m k (γ1 γ1 )b1w1 + +(γs γs )bsws G

≤kn − m ··· n − m k n (γ1 γ1 )b1w1 + +(γs γs )bsws C ≤|n − m | ··· | n − m | (γ1 γ1 )b1 + + (γs γs )bs  ≤ s · · B s · B = . SOLVABLE GROUPS 9

0 −n n −m −1 m m−n Thus, g =1G.So,t gt t g t =1andthus[t ,g] = 1. Hence, letting g n run through the images of a free basis for Z ,weseethatφ has finite order proving that G is abelian-by-finite.


Z o Z Theorem 5.19. Let φ ∈ GL(n, Z). Let G = φ . Then G is translation discrete if and only if G is abelian-by-finite.

Proof. If G is translation discrete, then any subgroup of G is translation discrete. Z Applying the previous lemma we see that(in the notation of Lemma 5.15) Ti oφ|Ti is abelian-by-finite, forcing φ|Ti to have finite order. Since the direct sum of the n Ti’s has finite index in Z , this forces φ to have finite order, which implies that G is abelian-by-finite.

6. Solvable Groups We need a lemma from a previous article. Corollary 6.1 ([C2], Cor. 3.6.1). Translation proper nilpotent groups are abelian. Proof of Theorem 3.3. Let G be a translation definite solvable linear group. It has been shown by Mal’cev [S, Corollary 4, Theorem 4 page 35] that a solvable linear group is (nilpotent-by-abelian)-by-finite. Since the property of being translation proper is inherited by subgroups we may apply Corollary 6.1 to get that G is metabelian-by-finite. −1 Lemma 6.2. Let G be a solvable group equipped with a metric so that τ (0) = 1G. Let A be a maximal abelian of G. Then CG(A)=A where CG(A) is the centralizer of A in G, {g ∈ G | [g,A]=1G}. Proof. Let B/A be a maximal abelian characteristic subgroup of the solvable group CG(A)/A. Since CG(A)/A is normal in G/A,andB/A is characteristic in CG(A)/A, B/A is normal in G/A.ThusB is a normal subgroup of G. Since B/A is abelian, B0 =[B,B] is generated by commutators in A and thus in the of B. In proof of [C2, Lemma 3.2.1] it is shown that central commutators have zero translation number in any metric (in that lemma it is assumed that the group is nilpotent, but this hypothesis is used only to force commutators to lie in the center). 0 0 Thus, τ(B )=0.So,B =1G. Therefore B is an abelian normal subgroup of G which contains A.ThusB = A. Then, B/A =1G ⇒ CG(A)/A =1G ⇒ CG(A)= A.

Definition 6.3 (Rank). If A is an abelian group, then the rank of A is defined as:

⊗ Q Z rank(A) = dim Q (A ).

This is also known as the torsion-free rank or Q -rank. Lemma 6.4. Let G be a solvable group which is translation proper. Let A be a

maximal abelian normal subgroup of G.IfA has finite Q -rank and is torsion-free then G is metabelian-by-finite (i.e. G is abelian-by-abelian-by-finite). 7→ ⊗ Proof. Since A torsion-free, A embeds into A ⊗ Q by a a 1. Since A has finite

n ≤ Q rank, A ≤ A ⊗ Q for some n. By Lemma 6.2, G/A = G/CG(A), so G/A

n Q is a subgroup of Aut(Q )=GL(n, ). Since G/A is linear, a theorem in ([S]) allows us to choose a torsion-free subgroup of finite index, K/A. Applying another n theorem in ([S]), there is a basis of C in which K/A is a group of upper triangular 10 GREGORY R. CONNER

matrices. Now any commutator φ in K/A is unipotent (since it is the commutator Z of two upper triangular matrices), implying that hφ, Ai = A oφ is nilpotent and thus abelian by Corollary 6.1 which shows that φ is the identity. So K/A is abelian implying that G is metabelian-by-finite. Proof of Theorem 3.1. A solvable subgroup of a group with finite virtual cohomo- logical dimension itself has finite vcd. Thus it is torsion-free and does not contain

a free abelian group of infinite rank and consequently has finite Q -rank. We may now apply Lemma 6.4 to complete the proof. Lemma 6.5. Let G be torsion-free solvable translation discrete group. Let A be a

maximal abelian normal subgroup of G.IfA has finite Q -rank m,thenG is a finite ∼ m extension of A = Z . Proof. Since A is a subgroup of G it is itself translation discrete, and thus can m have no infinitely divisible elements by Theorem 4.5. Hence A is isomorphic to Z . Let x ∈ G.Thenhx, Ai is, by Theorem 5.19, abelian-by-finite. Thus, there is a t finite power, t,ofx so that x ∈ CG(A). By Lemma 6.2, we have CG(A)=A.

This implies that G/A is a torsion group. Also, G/A = G/CG(A) is a subgroup of Z Aut(A)=GL(m, Z). By [S, Cor 1,page 26], Every solvable subgroup of GL(m, ) is polycyclic. Therefore, G/A is a polycyclic torsion group and thus is finite. Proof of Theorem 3.4. By descending to a subgroup of finite index and applying Lemma 2.4 we may assume that we are considering a solvable translation discrete group H of finite cohomological dimension n.Now,H is torsion-free and, by Zorn’s Lemma, has a non-trivial maximal abelian normal subgroup A. Since the

cohomological dimension of A is no greater than that of H, m,theQ -rank of A,is no greater than n. Applying Lemma 6.5 we see that H must be a finite extension m of Z . But since A now has finite index in H, m = n.

7. Two Examples Example 7.1. Let φ be the matrix   000−1  100 2   .  010−1  001 2


o Z Let G = Z φ . Choose a finite generating set for G and equip G with the −1 corresponding word metric. As we shall show below, τ (0) = {1G}, but the set n} S = {τ(g) | g ∈ Z has the property that every point of S is an accumulation point of S.ThusG is translation proper, but not translation discrete. It is an easy calculation that f(x)=x4 − 2x3 + x2 − 2x + 1, the characteristic √ √ √ 1− 2 · 1+2 2 polynomial of φ, is irreducible over Z, and has a root, α = 2 + i 2 , of complex norm 1 which is not a root of unity. Since f is irreducible it is, in fact, the minimal polynomial of φ.Thusφ is irreducible. Also, T = I(G)isan

n n n

Z { } Z invariant subspace of Z . Hence, either T = or T = 0 . Suppose T = .


o Z Let K = C φ be equipped a subeuclidean metric. By Corollary 5.7, the image

n n n

Z C of Z is contained inside I(K), but the image of contains a basis of . Since

n n C I(K) is a vector subspace of C , I(K)= . On the other hand, let v be an n eigenvector of φ in C corresponding to the eigenvalue α. Then, by Lemma 5.16, SOLVABLE GROUPS 11

τK (v)=kvkK =6 0, which gives us a contradiction. Thus I(G)=T = {0} = {1G}. However, since α is not a root of unity, φ does not have finite multiplicative order, and thus G is not abelian-by-finite. It follows from Theorem 5.19 that G is not translation discrete. n

If x ∈ G − Z we can apply Observation 4.8 to show that τ(x) is bounded away n from 0. Thus 0 must be an accumulation point of S. Since Z is abelian, for any n | − |≤ ≤ elements x, y ∈ Z we have (by Theorem 4.5) τ(x) τ(y) τ(xy) τ(x)+τ(y). For τ(y) =6 0 and for sufficiently large n we have that τ(x) < |τ(yn)−τ(x)|≤τ(xyn). n ≤ Choosing n ∈ N minimal with this property one calculates that τ(x) <τ(xy ) τ(xyn−1)+τ(y) ≤ τ(x)+τ(y). Choosing τ(y) increasingly small, we see that τ(x) n is an accumulation point of S for any element x of Z . Example 7.2. Let φ be the automorphism of the free abelian group of countably

infinite rank induced by shifting a free basis indexed by Z to the right. Let G be the induced HNN extension (G is also known as a of two copies of

Z). Then G is generated by two elements (t, the extra generator from the HNN

extension, and x, one of the generators of one of the Z’s, will work) and G is translation discrete. −i i Let xi = t xt . Then the set {xi} forms a free basis for H. By Observation 4.8,

we need consider only elements of H. So, each element,h =0,of6 H can be written

··· ∈ Z − uniquely in the form h = a1xi1 + a2xi2 + + akxik ,ai 0. OneP shows that in the word metric on G induced by the generating set {t, x}, khk≥ |ai|.Then P X knhk |nai| τ(h) = lim ≥ lim = |ai|≥1. n→∞ n n→∞ n Appendix A. Elementary results on group metrics The following results are quite useful when working with metrics on abstract groups. Proofs are given only for the those results which are not straightforward. Lemma A.1. Suppose the finitely generated group G is a semidirect product of K by the finitely generated group H.Supposes is a finite generating set for H and r ⊇ s is one for G. Suppose we equip G and H with the corresponding word metrics, then τG|H = τH . Lemma A.2. Suppose H and K are subgroups of G that together generate G,each is equipped with a metric, and G is equipped with the product semimetric. If the metric on H is discrete, then the product semimetric on G is a metric and there exists >0 such that for all g ∈ G, kgkG <⇒ g ∈ K and kgkG = kgkK. Lemma A.3. Suppose H and K are subgroups of G that together generate G.Sup- pose K is equipped with a discrete metric, and H is equipped with two semimetrics kk kk H1 H1 (in the terms of the previously defined partial order). Then the two kk kk product semimetrics on G have the property that G1 . Corollary A.4. Suppose H and K are subgroups of G that together generate G. Suppose K is equipped with a discrete metric, and H is equipped with two equivalent semimetrics. Then the two product semimetrics on G are equivalent.

Lemma A.5. Let K be an abelian group, G a semidirect product of K by Z,and n1 n2 ··· nj n1 n2 ··· nj ∈ t a generator of Z.Ifw =(t g1t g2 t gj)(t h1t h2 t hh)(gi,hi K) is n1 n2 nj an element of G that lies in K,thenw = t g1h1t g2h2 ···t gjhj. 12 GREGORY R. CONNER P j Proof. Since w lies in K, i=1 ni =0. n1 −n1 n1+n2 −n1−n2 n1+n2+···+nj−1 −n1−n2−···−nj−1 w =(t g1t t g2t ···t gj−1t gj)

n1 −n1 n1+n2 −n1−n2 n1+n2+···+nj−1 −n1−n2−···−nj−1 (t h1t t h2t ···t hj−1t hj). Since K is abelian and normal any two conjugates of elements of K commute and we n1 −n1 n1+n2 −n1−n2 n1+···+nj−1 −n1−···−nj−1 have w = t g1h1t t g2h2t ···t gj−1hj−1t gjhj. n1 n2 nj Canceling t’s we get w = t g1h1t g2h2 ···t gjhj.


∈ o Z Lemma A.6. Let F be a subring of C , φ GL(n, F ),G= F φ .Lett denote n1 n2 ··· nj ∈ a generator of Z.Ifw =(t g1t g2 t gj)(gi G) is an element of G which n n1 n2 nj lies in F ,thenaw =(t ag1t ag2 ···t agj) ∀ a ∈ F Proof. Using multiplicative notation in G and additive notation in F n,

n1 −n1 n1+n2 −n1−n2 n1+···+nj−1 −n1−···−nj−1 aw = a · (t g1t + t g2t + ···+ t gj−1t + gj)

n1 −n1 n1+n2 −n1−n2 n1+···+nj−1 −n1−···−nj−1 =(a·t g1t +a·t g2t +···+a·t gj−1t +a·gj) Since φ is a linear map we have

n1 −n1 n1+n2 −n1−n2 n1+···+nj−1 −n1−···−nj−1 aw =(t ag1t + t ag2t + ···+ t agj−1t + agj)

n1 n2 nj Canceling t’s we get aw = t ag1t ag2 ···t agj. Lemma A.7. Suppose G is an abelian group equipped with a semimetric and H is a dense subgroup of G with the restricted metric. Let φ be an automorphism of

G which is continuous and fixes H.GiveZ a word metric induced by a generator.

Z o Z Let K = H oφ and L = G φ . Then the product metric on K restricted to H is equal to the product metric on L restricted to H.

n1 n2 ··· nj ∈ Proof. Let h ∈ H, t be a generator of Z. Suppose w = t g1t g2 t gj,gi G n1 −n1 n1+n2 −n1−n2 represents h ∈ L.Let >0. Rewriting w,wegetw = t g1t +t g2t + ···gj. Since φ is continuous and H is dense we can find a sequence (h1,... ,hj)of 0 n1 n2 nj 0 0 elements in H such that w = t h1t h2 ···t hj and d(h, w ) </2 (where w is 0 0 0 0 the element of H which w represents) and l(w )K 0

khkL = inf{l(w)L | w represents h in L} 00 00 < inf{l(w )K +  | w represents h in K}

= khkK + 

Thus, khkL = khkK.

Lemma A.8. Suppose G = H ×K is an abelian group equipped with a semimetric.

Let φ be an automorphism of G leaving both H and K invariant. Give Z aword

Z o Z metric induced by a generator. Let L = H oφ|H and M = G φ . Then the product metric on M restricted to H is equal to the product metric on L restricted to H.

Proof. Let kkL and kkM the respective norms. Clearly kkM ≤kkL from the n1 n2 nj definitions. Let u ∈ H Suppose u can be written as u = t c1t c2 ···t cj where ∈ ∈ cp ∈ G and t a generator for Z. Let cp = ap + bp where ap H, bp K. By Lemma n1 n2 nj n1 n2 nj A.5, u = v + s where v = t a1t a2 ···t aj and s = t b1t b2 ···t bj. Since φ fixes both H and K, v lies in H and s lies in K.Thuss =1G,andsowemay SOLVABLE GROUPS 13 assume that (bp)=(1G). Applying an infimum argument, as in the last result, we are done. References

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