Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology for ASSESSMENT and ACCREDITATION Submitted To
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Track ID: UPUNGN11440 Volume-3 EVALUATIVE REPORT Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology for ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION Submitted to NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL BANGALORE JAYPEE INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY NOIDA 17 September, 2015 Evaluative Report of the Department 1. Name of the Department Department of Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology (CSE&IT) 2. Year of establishment 2001 3. Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? JIIT is a unitary University. It has departments that include Department of Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology, and also a Business School. 4. Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) i. Ph.D. ii. M.Tech(Computer Science and Engineering) iii. M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering with Specialization in Information Security) iv. M.Tech(Computer Science and Engineering with Specialization in Mobile Technology) v. M.Tech(Information Technology and Entrepreneurship) vi. M.Tech(Data Analytics) vii. Dual Degree B.Tech-M.Tech(Computer Science and Engineering) viii. [After UGC circular, July 2014, regarding standardisation of nomenclature of degrees, this program will run as Integrated M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering)] ix. B.Tech(Computer Science and Engineering) x. B.Tech(Information Technology) 5. Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved i. M.Tech(Information Technology and Entrepreneurship) in collaboration with Business School and Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. ii. M.Tech(Data Analytics) in collaboration with Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, and Business School. iii. In addition, all students of B.Tech programs have to take several 1 | P a g e courses from other departments – Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE), Humanities and Social Sciences(HSS), Mathematics, Physics and Material Science and Engineering(PMSE) and Biotechnology 6. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. None 7. Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons: No program has been discontinued in the last 4 years 8. Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/Choice Based Credit System Semester along with Choice Based Credit System 9. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments The department offers following courses in the B.Tech./M.Tech. programs of other depatrments: Beneficiary Course Name Department Introduction of Computers and Programming ECE, BIOTECH Computer Programming Lab ECE, BIOTECH Data Structures ECE, BIOTECH Data Structures Lab ECE, BIOTECH Unix Lab ECE Multimedia Lab ECE Microprocessor and Microcontollers ECE Microprocessor and Microcontollers Lab ECE Object Oriented systems and Programming ECE Object Oriented systems and Programming Lab ECE Cryptography and Network Security ECE Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics ECE Information Retrieval and Data Mining ECE, BIOTECH Human Computer Interaction ECE Computer Graphics ECE Image processing ECE Advanced Computer programming and Data Structures ECE Theory of Automata and Compiler Design ECE 2 | P a g e Multimedia Content and Animation Design ECE, BIOTECH Network programming ECE Artificial Intelligence ECE Software Engineering Management ECE Embedded Systems Design ECE Network Optimisation ECE Petri nets and Applications ECE Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks ECE Theory of Cryptography ECE 10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Actual (including Sanctioned# Filled CAS & MPS) Professor 17 03 03 Associate Professors 40 04 04 Asst. Professors 82 84 84 TeachingAssistants* 23* #JIIT follows flexible cadre structure like IITs * Full time Ph.D/ M.Tech students 11. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Qualifica Exp No. of students Name Designation Specialization tion (Yrs) guided Ph.D. Parallel and Completed: 02 Professor & Padam Kumar Ph.D. Distributed 41 Ongoing: 01 Dean (RID) Computing M.Tech. Completed: 18 Professor & Embedded Ph.D. Krishna Kant Ph.D. Dean Systems, 38 Ongoing: 04 (sector 128) Micro Processor Multimedia Ph.D. Professor & Computing, HCI, Ongoing: 02 Sanjay Goel Ph.D. 29 HoD Computing M.Tech. Education Completed: 09 Soft Computing, Ph.D. Associate Krishna Asawa Ph.D. Data & 17 Completed: 01 Professor knowledge Engg. Ongoing: 03 Vikas Saxena Ph.D. Associate Image Processing, 13 Ph.D. 3 | P a g e Professor Computer Vision Completed: 03 Ongoing: 02 M.Tech. Completed:14 Ph.D. Information Completed: 01 Associate 14 Divakar Yadav Ph.D. Retrieval, Ongoing: 06 Professor Soft Computing M.Tech. Completed: 08 Ph.D. Completed: 06 Associate Distributed Nitin Kumar Ph.D. Ongoing: 08 professor Computing M.Tech. Completed: 18 Distributed Assistant M.Tech. Prakash Kumar M.Tech Computing, 19 Professor Completed: 12 Cloud Computing Data Science, Big Ph.D. Saurabh Kumar Assistant Data Analytics, Ongoing: 04 Ph.D. 11 Raina Professor computer M.Tech. Arithmetic Completed: 05 Machine Ph.D. Learning, Assistant Ongoing:06 Satish Chandra Ph.D. Intelligent 14 Professor M.Tech. Computing, Completed: 09 Algorithms Ph.D. SE, Web Completed: 01 Sandeep Assistant Application, Ph.D. 13 Ongoing: 04 Kumar Singh Professor IR & DM, M.Tech. DB Completed: 10 Assistant CN, WSN, Ph.D. Charu Ph.D. 9 Professor Security Ongoing: 03 Ph.D. Assistant Ongoing: 02 Chetna Gupta Ph.D. SE, Data Mining 10 Professor M.Tech. Completed: 07 Ph.D. Parallel and Assistant Ongoing: 02 Chetna Dabas Ph.D. Distributed 12 Professor M.Tech. Computing Completed: 05 Shelly Assistant Ph.D. Ph.D. Database Systems 13 Sachdeva Professor Ongoing: 03 Devpriya Soni Ph.D. Assistant SE 12 Ph.D. 4 | P a g e Professor Ongoing: 02 Ph.D. Databases &Web, Assistant Ongoing: 03 Neetu Sardana Ph.D. Web Mining, 12 Professor M.Tech. SNA. Completed: 06 Ph.D. DM, Soft Dharmveer Assistant Ongoing: 03 Ph.D. Computing, 5 Singh Rajpoot Professor M.Tech Machine Learning completed:02 Soft Computing, Ph.D. Shikha K. Assistant Nature Inspired Ongoing: 01 Ph.D. 15 Mehta Professor Algorithms, M.Tech. DM/Web Mining Completed: 02 Web Tech , Ph.D. Assistant SE, IS, IR & DM/ Ongoing: 02 Anuja Arora Ph.D 11 Professor Web Mining, M.Tech. SNA Completed: 06 Video Forensics, Manish Kumar Ph. D Assistant M Tech Algorithms 14 Thakur Professor Completed: 07 Mukesh Assistant Ph.D. Ph.D. Image Processing 9 Saraswat Professor Ongoing: 02 Ph.D. Govind Prasad Ph.D. Assistant Network, Ongoing: 01 9 Gupta Professor WSN M.Tech. completed : 03 Ph.D. Assistant M.Tech. Adwitiya Sinha WSN 3 Professor Completed: 04 Assistant Cloud Computing Sanchika Gupta Ph.D. NIL NIL Professor & Security CG, Image Ph.D. Assistant Processing, M.Tech. Suma Dawn 10 Professor Multimedia, Completed: 06 Computer Vision Tribhuwan Ph.D. Assistant Audio & Image M.Tech. 11 Kumar Tiwari Professor Processing Completed: 03 Context Aware Assistant M.Tech. Sangeeta Mittal Ph.D. Computing, 12 Professor Completed: 07 Cryptography DM, High Performance M.Tech Assistant Bharat Gupta Computing, 14 NIL Professor Distributed & Database Systems 5 | P a g e Minakshi MS Assistant DM,OOSP, 16 NIL Gujral Professor DBMS Soft Assistant M.Tech. Mukta Goyal M.Tech. Computing, 15 Professor Completed: 05 Cryptography WN, Mobile M.E. Assistant Computing, M.Tech. K.Rajalakshmi 11 Professor Computer Completed: 06 Networks Mobile & M.Tech. Assistant M.Tech. Kavita Pandey Vehicular Ad-hoc 10 Professor Completed: 07 Networks Automation, M.Tech. Assistant M.Tech. Hema N Robotics, Micro- 14 Professor Completed: 05 controller systems Gagandeep M.E. Assistant M.Tech CN, OS 10 Kaur Professor Completed: 04 Network M.E. Assistant Security M.Tech. Adarsh Kumar 9 Professor Mobile Completed: 05 Ad-hoc Networks Assistant Database, DM, M.Tech. Indu Chawla M.Tech. 14 Professor SE Completed: 05 IP, Computer M.Tech. Pawan Kumar M.Tech. Assistant 9 Architecture , Completed: 02 Upadhyay Professor Embedded system Algorithmic M.Tech. Assistant Gaurav Saxena Information 6 NIL Professor Theory Assistant Sandeep Jain M.Tech. Algorithms 8 NIL Professor Assistant TOC, Algorithms, M.Tech. Shikha Jain M.Tech. 11 Professor Compiler Design Completed: 03 Dhanalekshmi Assistant Database, M.Tech. 13 NIL G. Professor Compiler Design Assistant Distributed Parmeet Kaur M.Tech. 14 NIL Professor Computing NLP, Data M.E. K. Vimal Assistant Structures & M.Tech 8 Kumar Professor Algorithms, Completed: 02 Compiler Design Assistant Computer Sanjeev M.Tech. 8 NIL Professor Networks Archana M.Tech. Assistant Database 12 NIL 6 | P a g e Purwar Professor Systems, DM M.Tech. Assistant SE, Cloud M.Tech. Vivek Mishra 8 Professor Computing Completed: 03 Assistant NLP, DM, Data Arti Jain MS 12 NIL Professor Structures Santosh Kumar Assistant M.Tech. IP, HCI 8 NIL Verma Professor Database, Assistant Megha Rathi M.Tech. DM, Machine 7 NIL Professor Learning, SE Assistant Harvinder M.Tech. DM /Web Mining 8 NIL Professor Prashant M.Tech. Assistant Computer Games, M.Tech. 5 Kaushik Professor MML Completed: 05 Niyati Assistant Database, DM, M.Tech. 5 NIL Aggrawal Professor Cryptography Anubhuti Roda Assistant Computer MS 6 NIL Mohindra Professor Networks IP, Machine Ambalika Assistant Learning, M.Tech. M.Tech. 5 Sarkar Professor Embedded Completed : 02 System Gaurav Kumar Assistant M.Tech. WSN, AI, CG 7 NIL Nigam Professor Amanpreet Assistant WSN, M.Tech. 5 NIL Kaur Professor Cryptography