ACRL develops leaders in New York

trends affecting libraries; and illustrated the re­ Highlights of ACRL programs at lationships between leadership styles and life ALA’s 1996 Annual Conference cycles of organizations. Offering a simple definition of leadership— a leader is someone who will take you to a place CRL members sampled the best of the you wouldn’t go without him or her—she stressed A Big Apple during ALA’s 115th Annual that leaders are not born, but made. Drawing Conference in July. Total conference attendance on Kouzes and Posner’s The Leadership Chal­ was 23,747 members, exhibitors, and guests, lenge (1990), Perlov emphasized these key char­ including 10,812 paid registrants—which falls acteristics: leaders challenge the process, by­ below the record high set in Chicago last year passing bureaucracy and always asking why; (13,290 paid, 24,653 total). This conference of­ they inspire a shared vision; they ban killer state­ fered the innovative “conference-within-a-con- ments such as “It’s not in the budget”; and they ference” featuring three programs on ACRL make assumptions about the future. president Patricia Senn Breivik’s theme, “Every Among the future trends affecting libraries Librarian a Leader,” and many more exploring and librarians is a double-barreled one new to the topic of leadership. Highlights of the pro­ this attendee: disintermediation, which refers grams are below. (Ed note. Thanks to the many to the breaking down of delivery systems from members who summarized programs for C&RL producers to consumers and its reverse, News so we could bring you this report.) remediation, or the rediscovery that people need someone between the producer and the ACRL President’s Program: Every consumer. Using the Internet as an example, Librarian a Leader she pointed out librarians’ critical leadership We knew this was a different ACRL program role as “remediators.” when we entered the huge room in Javits and Even though the audience was huge, Perlov were handed a 50+-page purple workbook, a used three interactive exercises to involve us, yellow visor (Every Librarian a Leader), and a including a case study that challenged us to program spanning three days. apply some of the concepts and issues pre­ After president Patricia Breivik’s warm wel­ sented. I heard several colleagues remark about come and program chair Deborah Leather’s brief how similar the case issues were to those at introductions, Dadie Perlov their institutions. (founder and principal of Enthusiastic, dynamic, Consensus Management funny, gutsy, and spirited are Group) ignited the session all words to describe Perlov’s with boundless energy and presentation style and content inspiration. Telling the nearly as she modeled the leader­ packed room that hers would ship characteristics discussed. not be the typical keynote Comforting to all of us were address, she involved the au­ her summary comments that dience by debunking several included: there is no one best myths about leadership (e.g., style of leadership and there leaders always have high-sta­ is no recipe or template for tus positions); clarified the leadership; it comes from many characteristics of lead­ Dadie Perlov debunks myths practice by trial and error and ers; described several future about leadership. learning from success and fail­

488/C&RL News ure.— Bonnie Gratch, St. M ary’s Col­ lege o f California

Unleashing the power of flexible thinking sivaD nellE yraM :tiderc otoPh :tiderc yraM nellE sivaD The second session of the ACRL President’s Program featured Manny Elkind (Consensus Management Group) as the facilitator. Elkind stimulated a responsive audience for the three-hour program into a participatory look at the way people think. He led the way for everyone to learn how individuals New York proved to be a welcoming conference site for can change perspectives to avoid most attendees. getting stuck and to find ways to improve com­ ciation of using this model in preparing for lead­ munication and relationships. As Elkind re­ ership.— Feme B. Hyman, Rice University vealed, this is one of the vital issues in leader­ ship. Creating your future Building on the previous opening session, The President’s Program concluded with a third and through discussion and exercises, he in­ session in which each participant was given an troduced the concept of the Whole Brain Model, opportunity to assess his or her leadership style which profiles thinking preferences: the four as defined by the four categories presented in quadrants are FACTS, FORM, FUTURES, and session two. Dadie Perlov opened the session FEELINGS, which evolve into RATIONAL SELF, by stressing the importance of librarians assum­ SAFEKEEPING SELF, EXPERIMENTAL SELF, and ing leadership roles in the “Information Age.” FEELING SELF. Each quadrant is associated with She cited the failure of American railroad com­ a color that identifies a type of thinking and panies to assume a leadership role in transpor­ the participants identified themselves as one tation as an example of what can happen when or two of the types and became color-conscious. a group is bypassed by technology and/or so­ By understanding one’s own brain process and cial change. what colors each part is, then understanding Participants were asked to conduct personal that others have different models, individuals leadership inventories in which they identified were on the way to communicating and learn­ their most important leadership achievements. ing with more flexibility. Leadership evolves Participants then reviewed the criteria used to from understanding how different modes of per­ determine the relative importance of different ception and decision-making can help produce accomplishments and the role each individual a more effective organization. As leaders, we had played in his or her achievement. Real lead­ can establish rapport with others, sell our ideas, ership results when individuals internalize the solve problems, and enjoy what we are doing goals and objectives of a project. Leadership is using the lessons learned here. creating the environment in which the mem­ None of these concepts are static; thinking bers of a group can accomplish desired ends. preferences change with life changes and with The session ended with a discussion of “or­ physiological changes. There is interaction be­ ganizational traps,” forces that undermine the tween the brain and the body. Inconsistency is ability of a group to function as a unit or to part of life, and individuals’ behavior may not direct its energies in a particular direction: reflect what is expected from the model. Flex­ 1) the we/they syndrome, 2) lack of motiva­ ibility is a key factor in leadership. The leader tion and accountability, 3) democracy (lack of must be able to step into another person’s cul­ consensus on decisions), 4) conflict, and 5) ture with understanding and acceptance. overload and burnout. With humor, wonderful examples, exercises The overall message of the program was that made the participants look at themselves that one has to understand the framework from and think about thinking, Elkind left the audi­ which various individuals view the world in ence with new understanding on how the order to maximize their integration into an ef­ Whole Brain Model works, and with an appre­ fective organization. Leadership is the ability

September 1996/489 to identify individuals’ areas of strength and taped proceedings that document the first and potential and to draw upon these to support second National Conferences of African Ameri­ the efforts of an organization. Leadership can can Librarians.— Bennie P. Robinson ‚ Univer­ be exercised from the top, middle, or even sity o f Akron bottom of the organization.— Stanton F. Biddle, Baruch College, City University o f New York The intersection of archives, libraries, and museums Librarians tour Black Culture Library In “Anthropological Documentation and Re­ The tour of the Schomburg Center for Research search in the New York Area: The Intersection in Black Culture at the New York Public Li­ of Archives, Libraries, and Museums,” Barbara brary was sponsored by ACRL’s Afro-American Mathe (Metropolitan Museum of Art) reinforced Studies Librarians Section (AFAS), the Black Cau­ most effectively not only the interdisciplinary cus of ALA (BCALA), and the New York Black and cross-cultural theme of the Anthropology Librarians Caucus. and Sociology Section (ANSS) program, but the The tour, conducted by the staff of the Re­ leadership focus of the ACRL program as well. search Center, consisted of visits to the Gen­ She exhorted librarians to be leaders who con­ eral Research and Reference Collection with tinue to learn about the subjects of their collec­ holdings of 125,000 volumes, 85,000 micro­ tions and formulate answers to questions that forms, 400 black newspapers, and 6,000 serials haven’t even been asked. Mathe’s discussion from around the world. The tour then pro­ revolved around various approaches to the arts ceeded through the remaining four special col­ of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas, ranging lections of primary resources: 1) Manuscripts, from art as material culture to art as aesthetic Archives, and Rare Books, 2) Arts and Artifacts, object, and how these approaches are reflected 3) Photographs and Prints, and 4) Imaging and in the literature about these arts. Recorded Sound. Viewers were shown a short Mathe was one of three participants to speak film created by the Imaging Division on the about the relationship between museums and history of the Schomburg Center emphasizing libraries. Deirdre Lawrence (Brooklyn Museum the contributions of Auturo Alfonso Schomburg. Library) provided valuable insights into the limi­ James Briggs Murray, the narrator of the film tations of documentation surrounding most sys­ and curator, discussed the process of digitizing tematic ethnographic collections by contrast­ the collection to make it accessible to a wider ing research collections on art and ethnography audience in the technological age. of the Americas assembled by Stewart Culin Time was spent accessing the digitized col­ and Herbert J. Spinden, two curators at the lection via the Internet and the World Wide Museum between 1903 and 1950. Valerie Wheat Web and receiving an introduction to the BCALA (American Museum of Natural History Library) homepage constructed by Rochelle Ballard discussed the challenges that museum libraries (University of Central Florida) and Jon face as their role within the museum continues Cawthorne (University of Oregon). to be redefined. Viewers visited the current exhibit, “The The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), Schomburg Legacy—Documenting the Global founded in 1949 at Yale University, facilitate Black Experience for the 21st Century,” which the comparative study of human society by is a selection of items in various media from collecting and organizing ethnographic materi­ the center’s collections that document a range als, among them works published under the of issues and themes in the historical and cul­ auspices of research museums. Melvin Ember tural development of African people worldwide. (president of HRAF) shared with the audience In the program following the tour, AFAS gave exciting plans for expanding and improving memorial tributes to two outstanding African HRAF in the near future by updating the eth­ American librarians: Gladys Smiley Bell (Kent nographic database, adding a prehistory data­ State University) profiled Dorothy Burnett Por­ base, and improving sampling procedures.— ter Wesley and Michael C. Walker (Virginia Maija M. Lutz, Harvard University Commonwealth University) profiled Doris Hargrett Clack. Then Stanton Biddle (Baruch The electronic horizon for the college College, CUNY, and BCALA chair) presented library to the Schomburg Research Center Culture Keep­ With tight budgets, how can college libraries ers and Culture Keepers II, the published and close the resource gap with larger university

490/C&RL News libraries? And how can college li­ brarians become leaders in the tech­ nological revolution? New technolo­ gies for electronic journal publication may provide the means. In “The Electronic Horizon for the College Library: Electronic Journals and Other New Technologies,” sponsored by the College Libraries Section, three projects funded by the Mellon Foundation were featured. Moderator Neil McElroy (Lafay­ ette College) introduced Rick Eckman (Mellon Foundation), who described his foundation’s interest in promoting these pilot projects in order to help college libraries stretch their dollars. Eckman explained that JSTOR, a cooperative effort launched by Mellon, stores elec­ tronically the pre-1990 issues of 10 core journals in economics and his­ tory, linking a search engine to bitmapped text. Connie Dowell () and Willis Bridegam () told how they had negotiated a group discount for some 60 members of the Oberlin Group—a consortium of college libraries—to become charter subscribers to Project Muse, a Mellon-funded project that pro­ vides Web access to the journals published by the Johns Hopkins University Press journals be available under the most recent using nonproprietary client-server software software? How will copyright be tracked? How (Mosaic) and the Internet infrastructure. will we access information we have not bought? Richard Meyer (Trinity University, Texas) And how will archives be coordinated?— discussed development of the third Mellon- Damon D. Hickey, The sponsored effort, the Palladian Alliance, which brings campuswide access to the full text of Leadership on the cybercampus journals throughout the Associated Colleges of commons the Midwest through a consortial subscription In the Extended Campus Library Services Sec­ to FirstSearch, including the UMI indexes and tion/Community and Junior College Libraries the full text of journal articles in ASCII format. Section collaborative contribution to this year’s All the speakers emphasized the importance ACRL theme of “Every Librarian a Leader,” of consortial cooperation in creating and pro­ “Leadership on the Cybercampus Commons: viding lower-cost electronic access. In his re­ Where Are We in the Vision?” three senior aca­ sponse, Paul Gherman (Vanderbilt University) demic officers described their institutions’ use raised a series of questions. Will electronic of information technology in reaching out to publication increase or decrease the monopoly all students, and discussed questions about lead­ power of journal publishers? Will it be there in ership in overcoming limitations of time and the future? Will each publisher have a different place. Progress depends on a whole new way front end? How will past subscriptions be of thinking—“looking outside the box”—for tracked for archiving? Who will pay for refresh­ new strategies to approach current needs. ing electronically stored information? Will all Speakers were James Hall (Empire State Uni­

September 1996 / 491 versity); Richard Skinner (Clayton State College); and Gilbert Gonzalez (Mesa State College). Questions from moderator Nancy Allen (Uni­ versity of Denver) included: What has changed about your campus environment’s need for leadership? What are some common themes in the different settings? What, if anything, needs to be changed about the library community on the cybercampus? and What is in place to re­ educate faculty who have not recognized new ways of doing business? A central idea involved a student-centered convergence of resources, offering a multiplicity of ways to learn. The teacher/mentor becomes an intellectual coach, or a rudder to keep each student on course, probably using e-mail for asynchronous com­ munication. The immense financial cost of information technology was acknowledged: for it to be ad­ equate it must be pervasive in order to reach the critical mass and to provide a level playing field. Much more support is needed for per­ sonnel—the “human infrastructure”—to learn their new roles. The student-centered focus will demand a leap to another dimension in our already strong service ethic in order to give every learner the attention and service made possible by high-quality connectivity. Funding will depend on forging new part­ nerships, creating new revenue streams, and linking diverse organizations that are data and information rich. To move ahead in the best way possible, the profession will need risk-tak­ ing individuals with vision and foresight who are open to new ideas “from outside the acad­ emy,” and who credit the ideas of those who implement the programs. The reality will not be a wholesale movement from the old mod­ els to the new, but will be a shift toward in­ cluding the new with the old, incorporating all learning options to provide a path for lifelong learning.— Laura Bottoms, Rogers State College, and Betsy Hine, Indiana State University

Political campaigning in cyberspace The Law and Political Science Section (LPSS) program, “Political Campaigning in Cyberspace: Selecting Leaders for the Future,” focused on Web sites offering voting and campaign infor­ mation. Adelaide B. Elm (Project Vote Smart) was featured, and the section unveiled its pro­ gram Web page. Elm showed a Project Vote Smart videotaped public service announcement with actor Ed­ ward James Olmos and asked the audience to

494/C&RL News think about politics and election campaigns as In mentioning the Project’s Web page, Elm they are conducted today: what would have noted that although only 3% of the total public, happened if Thomas Jefferson had written the or 1 in 5 computer users, have accessed the Constitution on a personal computer, and the Web, the number of people wanting candidate reactions of people like Jefferson to the quality information is growing. The Project’s Web site of information available to voters today. can provide a variety of information on candi­ Elm then explained how most people feel dates and the issues, including legislation sta­ about this quality by citing a recent League of tus tracking on a daily basis. Elm noted that the Women Voters poll in which 57% of nonvoters only stipulation is that the organization would would rather work overtime for extra money love to be credited for being the source of the than vote and 30% would rather shop sales. In information. another poll, 55% of nonvoters and 60% of Jan Lewis (Virginia Commonwealth Univer­ voters feel there is not enough information to sity), a member of the LPSS Library Instruction make an informed vote. Committee, demonstrated the section’s Web Many people, she added, feel this way be­ program page. Each section of the site was done cause of the kind of advertisements used by by a different member of the committee and candidates. She showed a video montage of includes Web sites for political parties, prima­ political campaign ads from the 1950s to the ries and conventions, Presidential candidates late 1980s. These included an ad created in 1988 and issues, state and local candidates, nonpar­ by supporters of Arizona Senatorial candidate tisan groups, news coverage and analysis, and Richard Kimball against incumbent John McCain. Kimball, who lost this election, decided there needed to be a nonpartisan group to let voters know how candidates really feel about issues rather than being subjected to visions of candidates as cre­ ated by pollsters, spin doctors, and the candidates themselves. Thus the Center tooPh :tiderc yraM nellE sivaD for National Independence in Politics and Project Vote Smart were born. The Project began its trial run in 1990, providing resumes of candidates, voting, and biographical information of those run­ ning for office. The key to these reports, “The National Political Awareness Test” [NPAT], was developed to provide the Paul Coleman of West Texas A&M University pulls public with unbiased information on poli­ the name of the winner of an ACRL baseball cap. ticians running for office. The Project ob­ tained funding to provide its services to all 50 scholarly discussion lists and electronic confer­ states in 1992 and a Voters Research Hotline ences. (Ed. note: see pages 000–00 for the In­ was established. ternet resource list developed as a companion Information is available to voters through a to the program.) toll-free 800 number which allows people ac­ In closing, Elm said the Vote Smart Web Yel­ cess to three minutes of information on how low Pages will be available for the public be­ the candidates feel about different issues. Elm ginning in August. To receive a free copy of relayed one humorous incident in which one the Voter’s SelfD efense Manual or the Vote Smart caller, who turned out to be a wanted fugitive, Web Guide, you can call (541) 754-2746.—Brian asked if he could be arrested if he came out of B. Carpenter, Texas A&M University hiding to vote. In 1990 the national media over­ whelmed the system while seeking informa­ Instructional models for Internet tion on the candidates. So the Project created training an online database especially designed for ac­ In “Instructional Models for Internet Training: cess by the national media and issues briefs Teaching Trainers Who Teach Library Users,” which are free to journalists and available to sponsored by the Professional Education Com­ the public for a small cost. mittee, speakers from a variety of academic set­

September 1996/495 tings described several approaches to training. puter professionals to integrate “electronic com­ Common themes included: combining com­ munication and information navigation skills puter literacy instruction with the earliest Inter­ into instruction and learning.” Wilson empha­ net classes; the need for rapid development of sized the importance of integrating Internet skill training sessions as new technologies appear; training into staff development, focussing on training nonlibrarians, including student peers, good teaching and providing training at the time to provide Internet training; and cooperating of need so that it can be reinforced via imme­ closely with the campus computing center. diate application. (Further information about Lorelei Tanji described the six different train­ the project can be found at http://www.cac. ing models used at the University of California,—Rich­ Irvine. In the fast-rack model, trainers included ard Sapon-White, Oregon State University library staff, graduate students, or academic computing personnel—anyone with the exper­ Beyond the library book sale tise to provide as-needed training sessions. (In­ The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section pro­ formation on the other models can be found at gram, “Beyond the Library Book Sale: Leading the Way into the Marketplace,” addressed is­ Mary Jane Petrowski () de­ sues for libraries trying to forge relationships scribed her experiences at a small, private lib­ that are beneficial for economic progress. eral arts institution. For one faculty/staff devel­ Speakers showed how special collections could opment program, collaboration among campus be marketed and made available to a variety of units, including the libraries, resulted in the users, without losing sight of the fundamental creation of a clearinghouse of training material principles of librarianship. that could be used by any trainer needing to Sally Leach (Harry Ransom Humanities Re­ teach on a given topic. In another cooperative search Center at the University of Texas at Aus­ effort, librarians worked closely with faculty to tin) spoke on “Walking the Fine Line” between design curricula with meaningful research com­ the scholarly and commercial values of collec­ ponents. This was an opportunity to teach fac­ tions. Her strongest recommendation was to ulty to see themselves as “networked informa­ obtain advice from institutional legal council, tion resources” trainers, a role with which they literary agents, and other librarians before may have been unfamiliar. plunging into the world of publishing, licens­ Betsy Wilson (University of Washington) de­ ing, and promotional agreements. She suggested scribed her university’s Uwired project, a col­ exploring thoroughly the library’s rights and re­ laboration of librarians, professors, and com­ sponsibilities “before, rather than after, selling

Order your Annual Conference audiocassettes

Audiocassettes of selected ACRL programs From Unit Manager to Team Captain: from the 1996 ALA Annual Conference in New Leadership Skills in the Re-engineered Li­ York are now available. Each program con­ brary. Order no. ALA 618 sists of two cassettes and sells for $24.00, That’s Not What I Was Hired to Do: The unless otherwise noted. Future o f Your Career and Your Career in Leadership on the Cybercampus Com­ the Future. 1 cassette, $12.00. Order no. ALA mons: Where Are We in the Vision? 1 cas­ 628 sette, $12.00. Order no. ALA 603 Beyond the Library Book Sale: Leading ACRL President’s Program: Every Li­ the Way Into the Marketplace. Order no. brarian a Leader. Order no. ALA 605 ALA 647 Anthropological Documentation & Re­ Audiocassettes for other programs are also search in the New York Area: The Inter­ available. Call, write, or fax your order or a section of Archives, Libraries & Museums. request for an order form to: Teach’em, 160 Order no. ALA 611 E. Illinois St., Suite 300, Chicago, IL 606 ll; Collaborative Solutions to Techno­ (312) 467-0424; fax: (312) 467-9271 or (800) stress: Libraries Lead the Way. Order no. 225-3775. You may pay by check (payable to ALA 634 Teach’em) or credit card (VISA, MC, AMEX).

496/C&RL News the farm.” She also stressed the need to have through IREX (the International Research and written guidelines and agreements for the pub­ Exchanges Board) enhanced the success of her lishing and use of materials. Overall, her ad­ research at the Saltykov-Shchedrin Public Li­ vice for proceeding into marketing special col­ brary, which houses an extensive collection of lections was to negotiate for fairness, learn the medieval manuscripts. IREX trained Brown to art of consensus and compromise, and know use the library and introduced her to Russian- the collection well enough to determine what speaking colleagues. Brown wondered how materials are best suited to this use. other scholars could receive similar assistance. Robert Ritchie (Huntington Library) spoke Discussant Robert A. Karlowich (Pratt Institute) on “Selling Images: The Experience of One In­ reiterated this problem and emphasized the stitution.” He stated that his experiences can need to unite scholars with resources. He sug­ be applied to all institutions with visual hold­ gested that the Internet might be one way of ings, since demand for such items is increasing gathering and updating information.—Julie and more requests for use are being received Swann, University of Nebraska-Lincoln from nontypical users. He recounted the deci­ sion to use a stockhouse that was already in The changing face of European the business of marketing images and had studies guidelines in place for many legalities and the Concern for the “Changing Face of European staff to provide quality images quickly. The need Studies” and what it portends for collection for retaining control over images was empha­ development was the focus of a program spon­ sized, as was the need to ask questions of pa­ sored by the Western European Specialists Sec­ trons in order to determine how these images tion and the Slavic and East European Section. were to be used. Ritchie also recommended Leena Siegelbaum (Michigan State University) formulating contracts that cover areas of con­ noted that until recently “Europe was stable, cern and developing negotiable fee structures.— predictable, and boring.” Now, since the end Katherine Fox, University of Houston of the Cold War, researchers are demonstrating renewed interest in the area. But, as moderator Accessing libra ry/archive collections Martha Brogan (Yale University) pointed out, in Russia and Eastern Europe their investigations are becoming increasingly Scholars from various disciplines are finding problem-oriented, centering less on specific valuable materials in the libraries of Russia and geographic locations than on border-crossing Eastern Europe. Speakers at the Slavic and East issues such as migration, multiculturalism, and European Section program, “New Audiences, the diminished role of government. Siegelbaum New Perspectives: The Role of the Slavic and suggested that collecting for this kind of re­ East European Specialist in Support of Non- search may require more cooperative planning Slavic and East European Studies,” described among libraries in order to build comprehen­ projects aimed at using, documenting, and pre­ sive collections. serving these collections. An example of international cooperation was Myra D. Orth (Getty Center, emerita) par­ provided by Marcelino Ugalde (University of ticipated in a Getty Center project that micro­ Nevada-Reno), who described his library’s filmed illuminated manuscripts of the Academy unique collection and his collaboration with of Sciences Library in St. Petersburg and the institutions in the Basque countries. A project National Museum in Prague. Each of the repro­ to produce a CD-ROM index of seven daily ductions was planned by an archivist. The in­ newspapers is under way there. stitutions involved received negatives and mi­ The utility of making research materials ac­ crofilm copies of the originals. cessible electronically was emphasized by David David E. Fishman (Jewish Theological Semi­ Magier (Columbia University). Calling the In­ nary, YIVO) pointed out that some types of ternet a “great library, but one where the pa­ materials have not been available in the West. trons add the books and decide where they Several projects aimed at improving access to shelve,” he stressed the importance of access this material are under way, including Project by subject, and advised that bibliographers Judaica, which trains specialists in Russia to care should concentrate on evaluation and annota­ for archival materials. tion of Web sites, while others could be re­ Elizabeth A. R. Brown (Brooklyn College, sponsible for more technical tasks.— N ancy emerita), described how training provided Boemer, Indiana University-Bloomington

September 1996/497 Librarians develop women’s studies electronic resources Since the inception of women’s studies as a discipline, accessing the published literature has been a constant problem. The program “Lead­ ership and Collaboration: Librarians Develop Women’s Studies Electronic Resources,” spon­ sored by the Women’s Studies Section, the Afro- American Studies Section, the ALA Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship, and the Social Responsibilities Round Table Femi­ nist Task Force, provided some solutions. The existing obstacles to accessing the pub­ lished literature are due in part to 1) poor rep­ resentation of resources in the various indexes and databases, 2) inadequate subject headings, and 3) complex search strategies. Although the change in format of the public catalog and in­ dexes has contributed positively to accessibil­ ity, the problem still persists. In her presentation, “Fantasies, Foibles, and Facts: Promoting Women’s Studies Online,” Phyllis Weisbard (Wisconsin Library System) encouraged librarians to publish full-length bib­ liographies and full-text articles directly on the Web, and to encourage CD-ROM vendors to cover a broader range of women’s studies re­ sources and simplify search strategies. Gladys Smiley Bell (Kent State University) demonstrated online how to use various Inter­ net indexes to identify resources on women— African American women in particular—and how to create links to homepages to enhance access in spite of no specificity capability to lock out irrelevant resources. The lack of speci­ ficity capability in searching the Net using ei­ ther of the various search engines is a chal­ lenge to vendors to refine their products. The construction of a database is difficult. It requires negotiating with publishers concern­ ing who owns what, converting and digitizing the printed word, securing the appropriate soft­ ware platform, and effectively indexing the various works with the help of librarians. Ralph Ferragamo (Softlink, Inc.) discussed a new prod­ uct called “Women R,” a full-text database for women’s studies that has two unique features: the ability to rank sources according to rel­ evancy within the search results and the ability to consult a directory for various publishers of resources contained in the database. Librarians, vendors, and publishers working together, each doing what they do best, can enhance the ac­ cessibility of women’s studies resources.— Bennie P. Robinson, University of Akron ■

498/C&RL News September 1996/499