algemeiner JOURNAL

$1.00 - PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 | 29 AV 5778 VOL. XLVI NO. 2367 Trump Reimposes Vows ‘Dire Consequences’ US Sanctions Lifted for Israel, Amid After Nuclear Deal Latest Flare-Up


Hamas threatened “dire consequences” for Israel following an IDF retaliatory strike against a Hamas position on Tuesday. An IDF tank destroyed a Hamas watchtower after shots were fi red at Israeli soldiers near the Gaza border. Two Palestinians were reportedly killed in the strike. According to Israel’s Channel Two, following the incident, Hamas issued a statement saying, “Th ere will be

US President Donald Trump signs an executive order reimposing a number of economic sanctions on Iran, Aug. 6, 2018. Photo: White House.

Smoke rises following an Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip as it seen from the Israeli side of the border, May 29, 2018. Photo: Yonatan Sindel / Flash90. BY BARNEY BREEN as the JCPOA — “horrible” and accessible funds it received under “one-sided,” Trump said in a state- the JCPOA to build nuclear- dire consequences, the occupation should not sleep quietly -PORTNOY ment that it “failed to achieve the capable missiles, fund terrorism, — the resistance cannot allow the occupation to attack our President Donald Trump fundamental objective of blocking and fuel confl ict across the Middle positions without paying a price.” signed an executive order on all paths to an Iranian nuclear East and beyond.” Th e two terrorists killed were identifi ed as Ahmed Monday reimposing a number of bomb, and it threw a lifeline of Th e sanctions being Marjan and Abed al-Hafez al-Silawi, both snipers in Hamas’ US economic sanctions on Iran cash to a murderous dictator- reinstituted are related to Iran’s Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. At their funeral, the mourners that had been lifted as a result of ship that has continued to spread automotive sector, its trade in chanted, “We swear their blood will not be spilled in vain.” the July 2015 nuclear agreement bloodshed, violence, and chaos.” gold and precious metals, and its Th e Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that the the Tehran regime reached with “Since the deal was reached, currency, the rial — the value of incident was “expected to destroy Egypt and the UN’s eff orts six world powers. Iran’s aggression has only which has plunged in the months to achieve a long-term ceasefi re” between Israel and Hamas. Calling the deal — also known increased,” he added. “Th e regime since Trump announced the US has used the windfall of newly Continued on Page A3

Jeremy ShabbatCalendar Parshat RE'EH Times for New York City, Friday Candle Lighting Shabbat Begins: 7:42pm | Shabbat Ends: 8:43pm פרשת ראה Corbyn the Zionist P.O.B. 250746, Brooklyn, NY 11225-3203 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 page A8 Email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2018 Th e Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 Opinion. China’s Dangerous Ambitions in the Middle East

barracks, bunkers, hangars, underground fuel The South China Sea and the broader Houthi rebels and a Saudi-backed coalition. and water storage facilities, and an airstrip Indo-Pacific, however, are only the beginning Finally, in what would be perhaps Beijing’s JOEL SONKIN long enough to support most military aircraft. of China’s global ambitions. Indeed, Beijing most audacious move yet, it was reported NEW YORK The militarization of these islands has been busy actively pursuing its much- this past week that the Chinese ambassador reached a tipping point last May, when China discussed “Belt and Road” initiative to invest to Syria offered his country’s assistance to the was reported to have installed anti-ship cruise infrastructure linking China by both land and regime of Bashar al-Assad. The ambassador missiles and surface-to-air missile systems sea to markets in Asia and Europe. said that China is willing to participate “in some The Trump administration’s National capable of hitting US naval forces that As part of these efforts, Chinese Presi- way alongside the Syrian army,” as it looks to Security Strategy, released in December 2017, frequently conduct freedom-of-navigation dent Xi Jinping made a visit in July to the finish off the Sunni opposition. identified China and Russia as America’s operations in these waters. United Arab Emirates to sign a host of finan- To be sure, the seven-year conflict in greatest global competitors. The document Defense Secretary James Mattis cial and trade agreements. With the UAE Syria has presented plenty of problems — at asserted that it is these two “revisionist powers” expressed alarm over the deployment of the being both a major energy exporter and a hub both the strategic and humanitarian levels who seek to “challenge American power” and advanced missile systems by claiming that “the for international trade, the Arab Gulf state is — for the US and its allies. The situation was “shape a world antithetical to US values.” placement of these systems is tied directly to the gateway for about 60% of China’s exports made drastically more difficult when the US In its discussion of China, the strategy military use for the purposes of intimidation to the Middle East. The region is a key factor in allowed one of its fiercest competitors, Russia, document zeroed in on Beijing’s ultimate goal and coercion.” The US Pacific Command chief, China’s efforts to revive the ancient overland to intervene on behalf of the Assad regime. of displacing the United States in the Indo- Admiral Philip Davidson, echoed this senti- Silk Road trade route and create a new sea But the potential entrance of America’s other Pacific region and declaring East Asia its own ment by asserting that “China is now capable of equivalent. The UAE sits close to both routes. ostensible global competitor into the Syrian sphere of influence. The key flashpoint for this controlling the South China Sea in all scenarios Just across the Arabian Peninsula, in arena is hard to fathom. competition has been the South China Sea, short of war with the United States.” what would be a key component of China’s While the Russian intervention did deal a where Beijing has taken what were once small Although China was able to build up the sea route, Beijing established in 2017 its devastating blow to American interests in the “maritime features” known as the Spratly islands quite quickly in 2014-2015, the United first overseas military base in Djibouti. This region, it’s hardly the first time that Moscow Islands and created over 2,000 acres of land — States did have options available to halt Beijing’s small African country sits at one of the most and the West have squared off in great power or artificial islands — just off the coasts of the advance in the South China Sea. Today, however, important maritime locations in the world: competition in the Middle East. A Chinese Philippines, Malaysia, and southern Vietnam. the US has little choice but to accept the threat the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, the key chokepoint presence in the region, on the other hand, is With an estimated one-third of global as it is and try to contain it, because rolling back connecting Asia and Europe. Ships bound for largely unprecedented, and would bring the shipping passing through these waters, control China’s militarization of the islands without the Europe pass through the narrow waterway US and its Mideast allies into uncharted waters. of the South China Sea is a determining factor in use of force is, at this point, not feasible. between Djibouti and the southern tip of With the evident consequences of who controls world trade. For the past 70 years, For the United States, this will mean Yemen into the Red Sea and continue through American complacency in the South China it has been the US Navy that ensured the free modernizing its air forces and missile the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean. Sea quickly unfolding, it is not too soon for the flow of commerce throughout the Indo-Pacific. defenses, and replenishing US Navy resources In short, Djibouti is poised to serve as Trump administration to vigorously pursue After making dubious claims on the in East Asia, thus bringing more US forces into a launch pad for China to project its power a policy of preventing China from gaining a disputed islands — to the chagrin of almost closer proximity with their Chinese counter- between Europe and Asia, i.e. the Middle East foothold in the Middle East. every one of its neighbors — China used its parts. While the chances of conflict remain and North Africa. As a side note, it is not a coinci- Joel Sonkin lives in New York City and muscle to assert control over the area and low, the potential for a confrontation is dence that the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait has been writes about US foreign policy in the Middle gradually militarize the islands by building certainly higher than it was just five years ago. a focal point for the war in Yemen between the East. Follow him on @JoelSonkin. Media Bias Against Israel — Where to Begin?

casting the stories themselves. The editors and into “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” the the headline writers back home, far removed mode, lamely saying that he was not aware of it. Algemeiner Journal DANIEL S. MARIASCHIN from the action, seal the deal by summarizing Highly doubtful, but indicative of the intimida- NEW YORK already biased stories. tion employed by his Hamas hosts. (USPS 927800) is published weekly Here’s an example. The early summer demonstrations in (except for the week of Passover It’s generally known that journalists Gaza this year produced a Washington Post and Succos) reporting from Gaza are restricted by Hamas story headlined “A day of gas inside a Gaza Subscription rate $40 per year The media’s treatment of Israel has when it comes to what they are shown and ambulance,” which focused on Palestinian been among the Jewish state’s most vexing what they are told. If you say something in medics who treated the wounded near the Algemeiner Journal challenges. Most major media organiza- your report from Gaza that just scratches the border fence separating Gaza from Israel. The 508 Montgomery Street tions have reporters based in Israel, an open surface of what you’re actually seeing, you’ll opening lines in this seven-paragraph story Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225-3023 society that affords journalists — domestic do so at your peril — at the very least, you tell you immediately, without reading further, and foreign — access to policymakers, the could be expelled from Gaza. where this story was going: Periodicals Postage military, and the general citizenry. Israel, the Just recall the two reporters, one Indian The first patients don’t come until 5:39 Paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. West Bank, and Gaza are, globally speaking, and one French, who during 2014’s Operation PM. They crowd around the ambulance, and at additional mailing offices a very confined area. When conflicts arise, Protective Edge independently reported that choking on tear gas. Israeli soldiers, just a POSTMASTER: hundreds of additional journalists flock to Hamas had fired rockets into Israel from a few hundred yards away on the other side Israel and rush to the border, sending back Send address changes to residential area, a favorite Hamas tactic. Even of the boundary fence, had fired a volley of reports on the fighting in real time. more incredibly, the reporters who took the hissing canisters at the protesters. Algemeiner Journal It should be no mystery to reporters based story public noted the launch site was just The article includes an interview with a P.O. Box 250746 in Israel that the Jewish state faces implacable yards away from a hotel where international Palestinian paramedic, which included the Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225 -3023 enemies: Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah and now journalists covering Gaza were staying. following — not a quote, but the reporter’s Iran in the north, and a Palestinian Authority When a CNN reporter who had been in own paraphrase of the interviewee: “It doesn’t that continues to glorify terrorism, pays cash Gaza for days was asked by his own anchor in compare to the stress of the 2014 war, though, Let your voice be heard! to imprisoned terrorists and the families of Washington if he had seen the same kind of fire when he spent his days in the ambulance [email protected] “martyrs,” and incites the population to hate emanating from such civilian locations he went worrying about his family’s safety as Gaza and murder Israelis and Jews. came under heavy bombardment from Israel And yet that message rarely gets through. and Hamas fired rockets back” (italics mine). To advertise in If it does, it’s done grudgingly. Simplistic Wait a minute: wasn’t it Hamas that fired the the new Algemeiner explanations abound, including the “Pales- rockets into Israel first, and then Israel that defended tinians as David, the Israelis as Goliath” itself with airstrikes against Hamas targets? e-mail: [email protected] underdog argument, which translates into One has to believe that the reporter knew or call “understanding” of violent “resistance to the this and her editors did as well. occupation.” Or maybe the media organiza- Playing fast and loose with hearsay and 718-771-0400 tions that the reporters represent hew to an unsubstantiated charges was rife during the ideological viewpoint — which just happens Palestinians riot on the Israel-Gaza Strip border, May 14, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa. Friday protests in Gaza in May and June. to be identical to those writing or broad- Continued on Page A7 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 A3 World News. Wary of Repercussions, Poll Shows Israelis EU Unlikely to Defy Support Negotiations, Re-imposed US but Don’t Believe Sanctions on Iran They’ll Bring Peace

BY ISRAEL HAYOM/ travel, but Western governments warned that the cash would be used to fund Iran’s terrorist proxies. Fearing repercussions from the US Germany’s central bank, Deutsche Treasury, the German bank decided last week Bundesbank, has announced measures aimed to introduce the new rules to prevent the at preventing the transfer of 300 million euros withdrawal. This move was likely coordinated ($350 million) to Iran in yet another blow to with the German government. Iran’s efforts to bypass US sanctions. In recent months, the EU has said that The United States pulled out of the 2015 it will try to salvage the Iranian nuclear deal, Iran nuclear deal in May and announced the despite the US withdrawal and renewed re-imposition of US sanctions that had been sanctions. Initially, the EU explored the possi- lifted under the deal. The new sanctions were bility of compensating European firms that set to take effect on Monday, with American would be affected by the new sanctions, using officials warning that they would hurt anyone the European Investment Bank. who does business with Iran. This effort was torpedoed by the EIB, In recent weeks, US and European intel- which said it might be blacklisted by the US ligence agencies flagged a European-Iranian Treasury of it was part of a scheme to offset Trade Bank request to withdraw 300 million the sanctions. EIB President Werner Hoyer Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu euros from the Deutsche Bundesbank. Iran said two weeks ago that “doing business in meet at the funeral of the late Shimon Peres, Sept. 30, 2016. Photo: Amos Ben Gershom / Government Press Office claimed the cash is necessary so that Iranian Iran is something that we cannot be actively (GPO) / Handout via Reuters. citizens can use foreign currency when they engaged in.” BY BENJAMIN KERSTEIN talks will not result in a peace agreement. The poll also asked whether Israel should A new poll shows that Israelis undertake a military operation in Gaza if overwhelmingly support peace talks with the Hamas violated the current ceasefire. Some Palestinian Arson Kite Palestinians, but also strongly believe they 53.9% strongly or moderately favor such will not bear fruit. an operation. The results showed a signifi- Starts Fire in Samaria Conducted by the Israel Democracy cant divide between Israeli Jews and Arabs, Institute and Tel Aviv University, the poll however. A total of 61.4% of Jews felt a military showed that 61.5% of Israelis strongly or operation would be a good move, while only Winery moderately support negotiations. However, 16.1% of Arabs agreed with that view. 75.3% strongly or moderately believe that

Continued from Page A1 Commenting on the recent wave of BY JNS.ORG Just this week, 200 beehives belonging to Nuclear Deal anti-regime demonstrations in Iran, an admin- Israeli farmers were destroyed and the bees withdrawal from the JCPOA. istration official said, “We do stand with the An incendiary kite landed in an Israeli killed, causing the loss of all their honey just “Today’s executive order and the Iranian people, who are longing for a country of vineyard in Samaria on Monday, starting an weeks before the Rosh Hashanah holiday, in snapback of sanctions on Iran is part of the economic opportunity, transparency, fairness arson fire. which honey is featured prominently. president’s broader strategy to apply unprec- and greater liberty. As Iran expends enormous The kite landed in the Tura Winery near edented pressure on the Iranian regime,” a resources on its foreign adventurism, its people Mount Gerizim in Samaria, close to the Tomb senior administration official told reporters in are becoming increasingly frustrated, and we of Joseph, the biblical son of Jacob whose a conference call on Monday. “We are intent are seeing this frustration expressed in protests bones were buried in Israel following the on cutting off the regime’s access to resources across the country.” Jewish exodus from Egypt. Though a fire was that they have systemically used to finance However, another administration official started, it was quickly extinguished and harm terror, fund weapons proliferation, and clarified that America’s goal was not regime to the vineyard was prevented. threaten peace and stability in the region.” change, but rather to “modify” Iran’s behavior. According to Hadashot news, Pales- Another set of sanctions — including The same official noted that Trump tinians in Judea and Samaria have begun ones targeting Iran’s lucrative energy sector — would “meet with the Iranian leadership at Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. will be put back in place in November. Those utilizing the terrorist ploy invented by their Photo: Wikimedia Commons. any time to discuss a real, comprehensive counterparts in Gaza. In the last four months, sanctions, another administration official deal that will contain their regional ambitions, hundreds of terrorist arson fires have been stated, will have an “exponential effect on will end their malign behavior, and deny them started by Gazans inside Israel through the Last month, a fire balloon was found in Iran’s already fragile economy.” any path to a nuclear weapon.” use of flaming kites and balloons. More than the Gilo neighborhood of Jerusalem, next to 7,400 acres of agricultural and nature preserve the Palestinian Authority-controlled Beit Jala Holon resident Natan Said, 71, was on his Palestinian police escorted him to the vehicle, lands have been burned, causing millions of and Bethlehem. way from Samaria to Kfar Saba on Saturday accompanied him out of Qalqilya, and deliv- shekels in damage. when something hit the back of his car outside ered him to IDF officers, who brought him to Nabi Ilyas, a Palestinian Authority-controlled the Ariel police station for questioning. town near the Jewish town of Alfe Menashe. Two Israeli Man, 71, Escapes men stopped him, then jumped into his car while pressing a gun to his head, according to Said. He said, “I thought they were going to kill me.” Palestinian Carjacking, The men demanded that Said drive them to Qalqilya, then dropped him in an orchard before absconding with his car. Thanks to PA Police and IDF Said called the police, at which point three Jeeps belonging to Palestinian Authority security forces arrived, followed by more Jeeps that went after the carjackers. Head of Palestinian national security forces in BY JNS.ORG Bank city of Qalqilya attributed his rescue According to Said, the PA security officers Hebron Brig. Gen. Hazem Abu Hanood and to a coordinated effort by the Israel Defense head of the Palestinian police Brig. Gen. Ahmad treated him well, bringing him coffee and Abu Rob talk to people during a visit to the Old Forces and Palestinian Authority security An Israeli man carjacked by two Pales- helping him calm down. He was later notified City in Hebron on July 31, 2018. Photo: Wisam Hash- tinians who then abandoned him in the West services. that his car had been found, at which point lamoun/Flash90. A4 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 World News. Israeli UN Envoy Urges New Head of South Lebanon Peacekeeping Force to Push Back Harder Against Hezbollah

BY SHIRI MOSHE and Israel worked together to further expand UNIFIL’s mandate by authorizing patrols with Italian Maj. Gen. Stefano Del Col replaced Lebanese forces and requiring reports when Irish Maj. Gen. Michael Beary as the new peacekeepers run into Hezbollah roadblocks.” commander of the UN peacekeeping force in Recent UNIFIL commanders — including southern Lebanon on Tuesday — a development Beary, who assumed the position in July 2016 The late Professor Elie Wiesel, speaking at Algemeiner‘s 40th anniversary gala, on April 22, 2013. Photo: Sarah Rogers / Algemeiner. that was welcomed by a top Israeli diplomat. — have all served terms of 2-3 years. “UNIFIL is an important force, with more In an interview with The Algemeiner in than 10,000 soldiers,” Israeli Ambassador to March, Danon said of UNIFIL, “All too often Son of Elie Wiesel Responds to the UN Danny Danon said in a statement. they do not report on the full extent of the “Its more robust mandate is designed to dangerous buildup of missiles and rockets in Antisemitic Graffiti on Father’s push back against the blatant, unauthorized southern Lebanon,” Danon said of UNIFIL. arms buildup of Hezbollah, a proxy of Iran, in “The fact is that despite the presence of UNIFIL, House: ‘Holocaust Memory and southern Lebanon. With a new commander, Hezbollah today is stronger than ever.” there is a new opportunity to fulfill more of Last September, in an Algemeiner op-ed, Jews Are Under Attack’ this important mission.” US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley hailed Danon’s office explained: “UNIFIL’s the changes made to UNIFIL’s mandate meant mandate has been to restore peace and to bolster its ability to carry out its mission. security to the Israeli – Lebanese border. The “status quo with UNIFIL was BY DOVID EFUNE wanted their voices – and the lessons of their Following the Second Lebanon War in unacceptable, so the United States refused to destruction– so desperately to be heard.” 2006, its mandate was expanded to include accept it,” she wrote. The only child of the late Holocaust The younger Wiesel also offered an monitoring the area between the Blue Line “For the United States, this is a time for survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel has optimistic take on the incident, saying “there and Litani River, and keep it free of armed strength, resolve, and accountability at the responded to the antisemitic desecration of is room for hope too.” personnel, other than Lebanese government United Nations,” Haley declared. “That’s what our his father’s childhood home in northwestern “Talk to the young Romanian woman who or UNIFIL forces. Last September, the US effort at strengthening UNIFIL was all about.” Romania over the weekend. works day after day curating inside the house, “Antisemitism exists in Europe. This is not even during the winter when there is no heat an isolated incident,” Elisha Wiesel told The supplied to the building,” he said. “Her name UK Minister: European Compa- Algemeiner on Sunday. “What is happening is Alina Marincean – a non-Jew for whom to my father’s home is a small indication of this has been a labor of love. She is deeply what is happening on a continental level. Both committed to my father’s memory and to the nies Can Be Protected From US Holocaust memory and Jews are under attack.” Jews of Sighet who were eradicated. Talk to The discovery of the graffiti – scrawled in her and be inspired. She knows the timetable Sanctions on Iran bright pink paint – has prompted an investiga- of when the ghetto was first created, of when tion by local authorities, who also condemned the Sighet transports went to Auschwitz the the incident. Among the messages daubed way my cousins and I do.” on the small structure in the town of Sighetu “What she is doing deserves far more BY REUTERS & ALGEMEINER STAFF take effect to try to mitigate what EU officials Marmatiei was, “Nazi Jew lying in hell with attention than the scrawled hatred of some say is their unlawful reach beyond US borders. Hitler” and “Public toilet, antisemite pedophile.” drunk thugs. What can be done to help her?” European companies can be protected “If a company fears legal action taken In addition to condemning the attack, he concluded. from new US sanctions on Iran, a junior against it and enforcement action taken Elisha – who serves as chief information In total, 380,000–400,000 Jews were British foreign minister said on Tuesday, after against it by an entity in response to American officer at Goldman Sachs – offered some murdered in Romanian-controlled areas President Donald Trump withdrew from an sanctions then that company can be protected practical steps and called on the Romanian during the Holocaust under Marshal Ion international agreement designed to deny as far as EU legislation is concerned,” Alistair government to add his father’s most famous Antonescu, the country’s fascist dictator who Tehran the ability to build nuclear weapons. Burt, the British minister of state for the work, his memoir “Night” – about his experi- was allied with Nazi Germany. As Washington’s so-called snapback Middle East, told BBC radio. ences in the Nazi death camp Auschwitz – as Elie Wiesel and his family were deported sanctions are reinstated on Tuesday, a new EU “It is a commercial decision for compa- mandatory reading in the country’s national in 1944 to Auschwitz. While he and two of law to shield European companies will also nies whether they continue to work in Iran.” curriculum. his sisters survived, his father, mother and He also called for “making sure that the younger sister were murdered there. President Vladimir Putin’s special envoy ongoing Syrian civil war. The group carried out appropriate funding and governance exist so Until his passing in 2016, Elie Wiesel for the Middle East and Africa — in turn what has been described as the first Palestinian that my father’s home can tell the story it needs served as chairman of The Algemeiner‘s expressed support for unifying Palestinian suicide operation in 1989, which it has since to tell: the story of a Jewish family and commu- advisory board. He was awarded the Nobel factions under the umbrella of the Palestine followed with multiple rocket attacks, shoot- nity that once was, and the story of a man who Peace Prize in 1986. Liberation Organization as a prerequisite for ings, and bombings — including two attacks achieving an independent state, according to at a Tel Aviv restaurant that killed and injured a statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry. more than 110 people in 2006. It is consid- Palestinian Islamic Jihad Leaders Designated as a terrorist organiza- ered to be the second-largest armed faction in tion by the United States and more than 30 Gaza after Hamas, which has ruled the coastal other countries, PIJ has previously expressed enclave since ousting Fatah in 2007. Meet With Russian Officials in opposition to peace negotiations with Israel The visit of the PIJ officials to Moscow came and called for its replacement with an Islamic after a delegation of Hamas leaders traveled to Moscow, Drawing Israeli Concern Arab state. It regularly frames its mission as a the Russian capital in June and expressed their religious struggle against Jews. opposition to US President Donald Trump’s A spokesperson for the Israeli Foreign potential peace plan in a meeting with Russian Ministry told The Algemeiner following PIJ’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. BY SHIRI MOSHE capital on Monday. talks in Russia that Israel was “opposed to During an “in-depth and lengthy” meeting any meetings with people or organizations Officials from Gaza Strip-based Pales- with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail advocating Israel’s destruction.” tinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) met on Tuesday with Bogdanov the following day, PIJ officials “This does not serve the cause of peace, Russian officials in Moscow, drawing concern emphasized the importance of Palestinian on the contrary,” Emmanuel Nahshon said. from Israel. national reconciliation and their opposition to The Russian Foreign Ministry did A delegation led by PIJ Deputy Secre- the Trump administration’s efforts to broker not immediately respond to a request for tary-General Ziad al-Nakhla and other senior an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, the Islamist comment. leaders, including Mohammed al-Hindi and group shared in a statement. PIJ receives arms, funds, and other support Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Anwar Abu Taha, first arrived in the Russian Bogdanov — who also serves as Russian from Iran, a strategic ally of Moscow in the Mikhail Bogdanov (second from right) with Palestinian Islamic Jihad leaders. Photo: PIJ. | FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 A5 U.S. News.

mark of illegal discrimination against Jewish last month calling for supporters to email Stanford Student Who Threatened students. several administrators on his behalf. At the time, the lawyer also pointed to a It shared “possible talking points” that to ‘Physically Fight Zionists’ series of social media posts made by Daoud, should be amplified, including that Daoud’s including a tweet from May that read, “f*ck displayed “incredible restraint and growth” by your liberal zionist a**. f*ck your jewish state. independently removing the threat to physi- Steps Down From RA Position and f*ck the notion that makes you believe cally assault his peers. that the resiliance [sic] and beauty that The group also introduced a petition embodies judaism, jewish people, and the describing Daoud as a victim of a “right-wing jewish religion is Israel. Israel is a state that smear campaign” and claiming that neither BY ALGEMEINER STAFF needs to be dismantled. Any other opinion is he “nor his comments are anti-Semitic,” while complicity.” the “attacks” against him are “political and A student at Stanford University who had threatened to assault Zionist peers has stepped Yet some members of the Stanford Islamophobic in character.” down from his job as a resident assistant. community have also come to Daoud’s The petition was promoted by Stanford’s In a statement shared on Friday, Hamzeh Daoud — who pledged last month to “physically defense, and criticized the launch of paid chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine fight zionists on campus” in an online post, which he later amended to say “intellectually fight” advertisements calling for Daoud and the International Socialist Organization. — acknowledged that “the language in my first post had a strong negative effect on many in our to be dismissed from his RA position. Stanford community.” The anti-Zionist group Jewish Voice for “I apologize from the bottom of my heart to everyone who was triggered by it,” wrote Peace launched an “urgent” campaign late Daoud, who identifies as a “third-generation Palestinian refugee” and said he received “graphic death threats and messages filled with Islamophobia and xenophobia” after his initial comments were publicized. He suggested that his remarks were made “in an emotion filled moment” and reflected “trans-generational trauma,” an issue he would address by undergoing therapy meant “to help me learn how to regulate my emotions when triggered, and how to use my pain to build a new future, not just perpetuate old trauma.” In a statement, Stanford administrators reaffirmed their intolerance to “threats of physical violence” and referenced Daoud’s apology, which he included in an earlier letter sent “to members of the Jewish community at Stanford.” “Following standard university procedure in cases of possible threat, the university has conducted an extensive case assessment, and concluded that the student does not pose a physical threat to other members of the community,” the school said. The statement acknowledged the many expressions of concern made over the safety of Jewish students at Stanford, as well as over “the social media campaigns, including death threats, which have been targeting the author of the post.” “We will be meeting with students on all sides of the issue to hear ideas for additional steps that can be taken to assure their feeling of safety and comfort in our commu- nity,” the school said. Daoud’s resignation was applauded by the American Jewish Committee, which praised Stanford administra- tors for “acting quickly” to condemned “harmful” remarks that “many Jews on campus took as directed against them.” The group also expressed appreciation for Daoud’s recognition that his remarks barred him serving in a univer- sity-appointed leadership role. “This episode should be a lesson for the entire Stanford community, indeed for colleges and universities across the United States, that fostering and maintaining an environment of peaceful and respectful discussion and inquiry is the essence of a university,” said Rabbi Serena Eisenberg, AJC’s Northern California regional director. “This incident was not about the Middle East, Israelis or Palestinians, but about the way ideas are debated on Stanford’s campus and the world beyond.” Daoud’s initial remarks drew strident criticism from members of Stanford’s Jewish and Zionist community, including Hillel and the Stanford Israel Association, as well as the World Jewish Congress, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and the Lawfare Project legal nonprofit. An attorney representing an unnamed “Jewish and Zionist undergraduate” at the school warned the last week that continuing to employ Daoud would be a

The Stanford University campus.Photo: Stanford. A6 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 Opinion. What Happened to Cory Booker?

funding to the Palestinian Authority because of Cory should also point out the hypocrisy its despicable “pay-to-slay” policy, which pays of the Orwellian t-shirt worn by the USCPR SHMULEY BOTEACH salaries to terrorist murderers and their families. activist, which typifi es the outrageousness of ENGELWOOD Unbelievably, Cory voted “No” in the group’s propaganda. Let’s briefl y dissect the committee. slogan on her t-shirt: “Palestine is a Feminist / Senator Cory Booker. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Th en came the photo this past Friday. Queer / Refugee / Racial Justice Issue.” Cory’s excuse for appearing in the photo First and foremost, “Palestine” is a land female behavior. was that he was posing for pictures and was that two people claim ownership of. Despite And Palestinian “queers”? Th ey fl ee to Last week, the US Campaign for Pales- passed a sign to hold. He only glanced at it Israel’s historic connection to the land, the tinian Rights (USCPR), one of the most Israel for safety. Gay rights do not exist and and thought it was just referring to Mexico. Jewish state still recognizes that Palestinians anyone who is openly gay may be jailed, radical organizations promoting the antise- Many have rejected this explanation, saying also claim a connection to it. Going back as mitic BDS movement, posted a widely-shared tortured, or murdered. By contrast, the 1.5 that no experienced politician poses with a far as 1937, the Jews in the Holy Land have million Arab and Islamic citizens of Israel photo of aspiring presidential candidate Cory sign that he does not read. expressed a willingness to share this land, Booker beside the group’s government aff airs enjoy the best conditions of Arab citizens I disagree. I take Cory at his word. But though they have no obligation to do so. anywhere in the Middle East. associate. Booker is smiling while holding a why was he even posing with leaders of the Th e Palestinians, however, have repeatedly sign that says, “From Palestine to Mexico, all As for “racial justice,” what does that mean? BDS movement, whose raison d’etre is the rejected off ers of statehood from the British, What race are they referring to? In Gaza, where the walls have got to go.” destruction of Israel? the UN, and Israeli Prime Ministers Rabin, Really? the Palestinians are controlled by Hamas, or in in Much more important, if Cory is correct Peres, Barak, and Olmert. For the last nine the West Bank, where they live under Mahmoud In an apparent attempt to win over that he was bamboozled into holding an anti- years, they have refused to even talk with the left wing of the Democratic Party — and Abbas, the Palestinians are denied freedom Israel sign by BDS leaders, then he should Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of perhaps prove that he can criticize Israel on a not just disown the picture, but denounce the Instead, they are trying to convince the par with or Elizabeth Warren assembly, freedom of religion, and most other message of those who set him up. He should international community to somehow force rights. Roughly 98% of the Palestinians live in — Cory is increasingly alienating himself from fi nally condemn the BDS movement, which Israel to capitulate to their demands while the American Jewish community, which once territories that are under the direct control of he has thus far refused to do. simultaneously pursuing a global campaign their own leaders, not Israel. loved him. Israel’s security barrier was erected after to delegitimize Israel. Th ey have no interest Th at same Jewish community played Th ese are the responses that Cory should more than 1,000 Israeli civilians were murdered in living beside Israel; their goal is to replace have given after the picture was published, an outsized role in Cory’s political success. in a fi ve-year campaign of Palestinian terror. Israel. Just look at their maps, their symbols, Based on his public promises to defend Israel, and it should have come from his lips, not a Th e wall was built to prevent Palestinian terror- and their speeches. spokesperson. Cory became one of the largest recipients of ists from infi ltrating into Israel. Th e principal obstacle to peace was pro-Israel campaign contributions. Cory can continue to charm Jewish Th e sign that Senator Booker held up is and remains the Palestinians’ unwillingness audiences with his discussion of passages But then came his choice to put political part of the antisemitic campaign to confl ate to recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish expedience over principle by supporting the from the Torah and Hebrew phrases. But it the Israeli-Palestinian situation with the people and agree to live in peace beside it. will in no way compensate for his waning Iran nuclear deal. He chose supporting his human rights concerns of unrelated groups, Th e t-shirt’s slogan is also off ensive to the party leader rather than opposing a genocidal support for the Jewish state. such as Black Lives Matter. Th is notion of audiences it addresses. Palestine is Feminist Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, “America’s regime that hates both the US and Israel. intersectionality is nothing more than a trans- and Queer? Th e Palestinian Authority does Despite all evidence to the contrary, which Rabbi,” whom Th e Washington Post calls parent eff ort by anti-Israel activists to attach not recognize women’s rights. It is a place “the most famous Rabbi in America” is the has been compounded since the agreement themselves like barnacles to whatever cause where women can be killed in so-called was signed, Cory bought the snake oil that the international best-selling author of 32 books, is popular with students and progressives. Th e “honor killings” if their male relatives or lovers including Lust for Love, co-authored with deal was good for the US and the world. term is new, but the strategy goes back to the believe they have acted immorally. In Gaza, Th en this past April the Senate Foreign Pamela Anderson. Follow him on Twitter @ 1960s, when Israel’s detractors also tried to where radical Islamic terrorists rule, women RabbiShmuley. Relations Committee — of which Cory is a attach their propaganda to anti-war protests are expected to be subservient and accept the member — held a vote to halt US taxpayer and the agenda of other radicals. most restrictive interpretations of Islam on

was convicted of murdering two American 2017, Abdelqader also posted on Instagram students in a 1969 Jerusalem supermarket an Israeli fl ag being replaced by a Palestinian Michigan Congressional bombing. She was sentenced to life in prison in fl ag, followed by a joyous fi reworks display Israel, but was released in a prisoner exchange and the words: “Palestine from the river to the Candidate Pushes an Anti- after serving only 10 years. She immigrated sea, from Rosh Haniqra to Eilat.” [He used the to the US, but was convicted of immigration Arabic name, Naqura, for Rosh Haniqra, and fraud in 2014, after it was found that she lied Rashrash for Eilat.] Israel Agenda to immigration authorities about her previous Upon the death of Hilarion Capucci, conviction. Odeh has since been deported. a Syrian Catholic bishop convicted by an Tlaib also tweeted her support of a visit Israeli martial court of misusing his diplo- from Islamic Relief to Detroit concerning matic status in 1974 to smuggle weapons to Tlaib, who served three terms in the water issues, although the group has troubling the PLO, Abdeqadar tweeted: “Palestine lost Michigan House of Representatives, is running links with the Muslim Brotherhood. In 2014, one of its loyal freedom fi ghters, who fought EMILY BENEDEK on a standard progressive platform. Yet her Th e United Arab Emirates designated Islamic passionately for the liberty and freedom of NEW YORK own tweets and the social media posts of her Relief Worldwide as a terrorist organization. palestine(sic) from the Zionist apartheid ugly major supporters suggest that Tlaib is far more At the same time, Tlaib criticized Israeli occupation.” radical than her public statements suggest. California’s Kamala Harris for discussing On July 19, 2018, Abdelqadar Insta- Riding a wave of progressive female cooperation between California and Israel grammed a photo of himself with Tlaib, candidates, Tlaib has received endorse- Th e 13th Congressional District in on water management, agriculture, and cyber announcing that her campaign haul had ments from J Street, the fi lmmaker Michael Michigan is one of the state’s poorest and security issues. She implicitly accused Harris reached the $1 million mark, calling her “the Moore, and Justice Democrats, a group that neediest. Still reeling from the departure of of “racism” for meeting with Israeli Prime people’s Choice.” As of June, Abdelqader has supported Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s win in longtime US Representative John Conyers, 89 — Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. donated $3,000 to her campaign. Much of her New York. Th e New York Times that claims the “dean” of the House of Representatives and Tlaib also retweeted a post from Linda money comes from outside the 13th District. she is “running in the mold of Bernie Sanders.” the longest serving African-American member Sarsour supporting Ahed Tamimi, a Pales- Tlaib refers to herself as a proud Pales- According to some polling, Tlaib is currently of Congress — the district is nevertheless tinian girl who was just released from Israeli tinian-American from an immigrant family of 14. in a three-way tie for fi rst place. fi elding a full slate of candidates for the midterm jail for incitement and assaulting an IDF She told a crowd in Paterson, New Jersey, that if J Street campaign materials for Tlaib elections. Th e group is large, diverse, and fi lled soldier: “Absolutely inhumane to target a elected, she will “wear the traditional Palestinian state that she “believes the US should be with Detroit’s African-American political royalty, young girl for fi ghting against racist policies. dress and take my oath of offi ce on the Quran.” directly involved with negotiations to reach a including Conyers’ grandnephew. Her voice should be lifted.” Tamimi is from a She also frequently retweets the posts of Ahmad two-state solution,” and that she supports the However, the candidate who has raised family of well-known agitators and terrorists, Abuzbaid, a prominent BDS activist. continuation of US funds to both Israel and the most money is a Palestinian-American including a relative who participated in the Other Democratic primary candidates the Palestinian Authority, particularly those lawyer named Rashida Tlaib, who aims to Sbarro Pizzeria bombing. include State Senator Ian Conyers, as well as that “foster peace.” Yet her own tweets reveal the the fi rst Muslim woman in Congress. One of Tlaib’s major supporters and Coleman Young II, the son of Detroit’s fi rst black support for convicted terrorists. Th ere is no Republican candidate registered fundraisers, Maher Abdelqader, an engineer mayor. Brenda Jones, Detroit’s City Council For example, she tweeted “Why Black in the battle for this congressional seat, so the from Kew Gardens, Queens, signed a 2009 President, has also thrown her hat in the race, Lives Matter Activists Are Showing Up for a winner of the Democratic primary will likely open letter to President Obama urging him to as has former State Representative Shanelle Palestinian Woman Th reatened With Deporta- be the new US Representative. Th e primary support a call for “divestment and boycott of Jackson, and Westland Mayor Bill Wild. tion.” Th e woman in question, Rasmea Odeh, will take place on Tuesday, August 7. the apartheid state” of Israel. On December 31, | FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 A7 Opinion. Hezbollah Likely to Who Are Europe’s Most Replace ISIS North of Israel Important Politicians?

Iranian forces from Syria, which is unlikely to strongman, who says “Islam has no place” happen. The last Russian offer on that issue in Slovakia and has taken steps to prevent DANIEL PIPES/ mosques from opening. YOAV LIMOR/ was to keep Iran 100 kilometers (62 miles) from the border. This can be used as a starting PHILADELPHIA 7. Miloš Zeman – The Czech Repub- point for negotiations, but those will be lic’s president who warns against Muslim exhausted sooner rather than later. immigration because their integration into Hezbollah is a different story. The Europe is “practically impossible.” 6. Markus Söder – Bavaria’s premier who The Syrian army is expected to complete Iranian-backed Shiite terrorist group is “Who is the most important European its takeover of the country’s southwest, near already in Syria. Its operatives are fighting alive today?” I asked in early 2010. Dutch demands tougher security along Germany’s the border with Israel, in the coming days, alongside the Syrian army, and it has several politician Geert Wilders was my answer, border with Austria. according to the IDF. This will allegedly hundred local villagers on its payroll. This because “he is best placed to deal with the 5. Heinz-Christian Strache – Austria’s restore a familiar situation, in which Syria’s was a strategic decision by Hezbollah leader Islamic challenge facing the continent.” I vice-chancellor who wants to end the “policy regime is once again stable, even if under the Hassan Nasrallah, who wants to turn the even raised the prospect of his emerging “as a of Islamization” (i.e., welcoming Muslim auspices of Russia. Golan border into an active war zone with world-historical figure.” migrants) and instead initiate a “minus- On it’s face, this would seem to be an Israel. In other words, I focused not on immigration policy.” ideal situation — especially if reality on the Hezbollah is likely to employ its familiar run-of-the-mill political leaders — the UK 4. Horst Seehofer – Germany’s interior ground reverts to the one that existed before methods: joining local militias, importing its prime minister, French president, German minister who is battling his prime minister the war began in 2011, when Syria and Israel tactical abilities — anti-tank missiles, explo- chancellor, or even the Roman Catholic pope (Merkel) to keep illegal migrants out of the both adhered to the 1974 cease-fire agree- sives, and snipers — from Lebanon, and — but on the disruptive politician leading country. ment in full. This would restore peace and importing ground troops. Europe’s revolt against quiet to the Golan Heights, which could once The first stage has already been immigration and Islamiza- again become Israel’s most tranquil frontier. completed, the second stage is in full swing, tion. Conventional politicians and — unless Hezbollah is stopped — the The key word here is “if.” Unfortunately, optimistically assume that third stage will become a reality in a few short the chances of this becoming reality are the continent will muddle years. slim. The Syrian army may regain control on through, that some form of Stopping Hezbollah in its tracks is Israel’s the ground, but it will not be the only armed convivencia (Spanish for main challenge, and doing so will become presence near the border. Russia will be there, “coexistence,” a term deriving exponentially more difficult once the Syrian too, and its presence is both a blessing and a from medieval Andalusia) curse. civil war officially ends. Until now, Israel has been able to use the chaos north of the border will emerge, and multicul- The Russian presence — ostensibly turalism somehow will tame meant to inspire restraint on all sides — will to eliminate any risk from that direction, but once the war ends, any Israeli use of force the beast of Islamic suprema- only be effective if Russia agrees to act on cism. Israeli intelligence and thwart anti-Israeli would have to be justified to other parties. But as Europe, popula- Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice incidents. But if the Russians prove to be a Legitimizing Israeli operations on this front is likely to become far more complex, tion 741 million, heads party, delivers a speech during a party convention in Warsaw, modern version of the United Nations Interim toward cultural crisis, as April 14, 2018. Photo: Agencja Gazeta/Slawomir Kaminski via REUTERS. Force in Lebanon — which sees no evil, hears and the risk for a security escalation will be greater. This will require Israel to use more indigenous birthrates plunge, no evil, and speaks no evil — then Israel will as Islamist aggression increases, and as the 3. Matteo Salvini – Italy’s interior find itself in a terrible predicament, as its carrots and sticks opposite everyone involved, elite made up of the 6Ps (police, politicians, minister who has made stopping uncon- presence will make it difficult for Israel to act as well as adamantly enforce its red lines. press, priests, professors, and prosecutors) trolled immigration his first priority, to be independently. Israel will also soon end the humani- myopically insists there is nothing to worry followed by the far more challenging task of Russia, however, is the easy part. The tarian-aid campaign that it has been carrying about, this happy talk has little basis in reality. expelling 500,000 illegal immigrants. bigger problems are Iran and its proxy, out on the border. The IDF hopes that the In 2010, Wilders clearly led those 2. Jarosław Kaczynski – Poland’s former Hezbollah. United Nations Disengagement Observer prime minister, now the country’s eminence Iranian forces are unlikely to be able to Force stationed in the buffer zone between individuals and parties who stand up for tradi- reach the Syria-Israel border, because Israel, Israel and Syria will be able to resume its tional Western civilization — what the media grise, who formed a government by focusing Russia, and even Syria — which would prefer operations in full, both lending a hand to the inaccurately smears as the far-right but are on the immigration and Islamization issues. not to be dragged into a conflict with Israel — local Syrian population, and providing them more accurately called civilizationist. Wilders 1. Viktor Orbán – Hungary’s visionary will work to prevent that from happening. with an incentive not to back the anti-Israeli remains a prominent spokesman for civiliza- and autocratic prime minister since 2010 Israel insists on the complete removal of elements in the area. But the situation for tionism; but he has not wielded power since who won control of parliament by arguing Israel looks to be extremely perilous. 2012 and polls show that a competing Dutch against uncontrolled Muslim immigration, civilizationist, Thierry Baudet, now attracts then battled Merkel and offered a vision for a Continued from Page A2 relentlessly to correct media bias with its solid more voters. In retrospect, it appears that traditional, Christian Europe. Media Bias spokespeople. The encouraging news is that a Wilders overly dwelt on the nature of Islam A few observations about this list: few courageous news organizations, friends of rather than on the dangers of migration. Jimmie Åkesson of the Sweden Democrats Casualty numbers were attributed to “Gaza Israel inside and outside the Jewish commu- In his place, a number of civiliza- might jump on to it after Sweden’s September health officials.” nity, and organizations including B’nai B’rith, tionist politicians have emerged who wield elections. Not included are up-and-coming Let’s consider an egregious example of CAMERA, MEMRI, ADC (the Anti Defama- actual power, especially in formulating their politicians such as Germany’s Minister of bias, carried by multiple media organizations: tion Commission in Australia), Palestinian countries’ policies towards migrants and Health Jens Spahn or Denmark’s Morten the case of Layla Ghandour, the Palestinian Media Watch, and HonestReporting work Islam. The key event in their emergence was Messerschmidt. Other than Blocher, Zeman, baby said by the press to have died from tear gas overtime to hold the press to account. Angela Merkel’s great folly of 2015-16 when, and Kaczynski, these politicians are relatively inhalation during the demonstrations. It was Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran publicly call at her invitation, over a million unvetted young with potentially long careers ahead of later reported that, in fact, the baby had actually for and seek Israel’s destruction. Terrorists can mostly-Muslim migrants arrived in Germany them. Jensen is the odd one out, being the died due to a heart condition and Hamas had strike anytime at Israelis, ramming pedestrians and elsewhere. Then, to make matters worse, only politician who is not male and not from paid the family to lie about the circumstances. with cars and bulldozers, stabbing people on she insisted other European Union members Central Europe. Try to find more than a few “clarifications” of the street, or attempting to kidnap civilians take a proportion of the migrants, sparking After many years of getting nowhere, the this story, in print or on the air. You won’t. and soldiers. Israel’s right to defend itself and widespread resentment. opposition to lax immigration controls and For days, the press reported on the be at peace with its neighbors should not be Here, in my estimation, are the ten multiculturalism has now become a signifi- carnival-like atmosphere of the demonstrations, in question. But many journalists don’t report outstanding civilizationist leaders of this cant force in nine countries, seven of them mentioning picnicking families and ice cream it that way, choosing many times to give those moment, in ascending order of importance members of the European Union. I predict vendors. Even after a Hamas official boasted who seek to destroy Israel a free pass. (to be clear, this is an assessment, not an that this number will substantially increase that more than 50 of those declared dead in the It is our right to call out those who engage in endorsement): before long, perhaps making up half of the demonstrations were Hamas operatives, most advancing a tainted narrative and set the record 10. Siv Jensen – Norway’s minister of European Union’s soon-to-be-27 members media organizations went with their “mostly straight — sometimes multiple times a day — finance who leads an immigration-restriction and changing the direction of Europe as a peaceful protest” stories, rarely mentioning when the media does not present the full picture. party. whole. And one of the figures named here the revelation about the 50, and playing down Daniel S. Mariaschin is the executive 9. Christoph Blocher – Switzerland’s may yet become a world-historical figure. Hamas’ central role in the whole affair, including vice president and CEO of B’nai B’rith Inter- former head of the Federal Department of Daniel Pipes (, @ the torching of Israeli farmland and nature national. As the organization’s top executive Justice and Police and still a key figure in the DanielPipes) is president of the Middle East preserves by fiery kites and balloons. officer, Mariaschin directs and supervises country’s anti-immigration politics. Forum. A version of this article was origi- As at the United Nations, press bias is B’nai B’rith programs, activities, and staff 8. Robert Fico – Slovakia’s former nally published at The Washington Times. a stacked deck against Israel. The IDF works around the world. prime minister and still a behind-the-scenes- A8 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 Impressions.

Jeremy Corbyn the Zionist

BY JEREMY ROSEN racist aggressor. On June 1, 2017, the European Union, much Yes, I really do think that Jeremy Corbyn quali- to everyone’s surprise, adopted the International fies as a Zionist! By now, I think that everyone is Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)’s working aware of the situation in the UK, where the Labour definition of antisemitism. The definition includes Gazans Protest party under Corbyn has a serious problem with examples such as Holocaust-denial and attempts to antisemitism. No Jew, however removed from apply a double-standard to the State of Israel. Cuts in Prisoner his or her Jewish identity, feels comfortable with The Labour party has refused to accept any the antagonistic and abusive atmosphere that part of the IHRA’s definition that refers to Israel. ‘Salaries’ pervades the Labour party hierarchy, even when In other words, one can say what one likes, true or the Jews concerned are either not supporting Israel not, and not be accused of being offensive to Jews. or critical of its policies. Can you imagine if that same position was taken It is true that the disease of antisemitism is deeply towards Muslims? imbedded in British society, despite there being a Anglo-Jewry has woken from its stupor. A 1,000-strong protest outside Parliament in March, BY ELDER OF ZION counter-strain of philo-Semitism. For proof, just read Anthony Julius’s great and comprehensive book led by disaffected Jewish members of the Labour Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism party, resulted in an internal report that almost in England. The pathology has equally affected the everyone else agreed was a whitewash. Labour right and the left in the UK over many years. As we retorted by claiming that a series of expulsions The Palestinian Authority (PA) has seemingly cut know, much of the aristocracy was favorably inclined and new rules would demonstrate that Labour, at or reduced the “salaries” of some terrorist prisoners — towards Hitler and the fascist party led by Oswald last, was taking the problem seriously. Instead, its those from Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Mosley, who with his blackshirts led marches into the attempt to cover up its anti-Zionism has resulted in There was a protest yesterday in Gaza by the Mujahat al-Quds and the Department of Women’s Action for the Islamic Jihad movement, objecting to the cuts in prisoner salaries by the Palestinian Authority. The protesters held banners saying, “The prison- er’s salary is a right, not a gift”; “Give our prisoners their rights, don’t starve the sons of the prisoners in Israeli jails”; and “Shouldn’t you reward my father who

UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn outside his London home. Photo: Reuters/Toby Melville.

heavily Jewish East End of London. Britain’s three main Jewish newspapers giving an The Labour party used to be the natural home unprecedented warning that a Labour government of Jews, very much like the Democratic party in under Jeremy Corbyn would be an “existential the US. In my youth, there were more Jews in the threat to Jewish life in this country.” Labour party than in all the others combined. Sure, “A lot of Jewish people are genuinely scared of the Labour party,” says one Jewish member, “and it Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas Ernest Bevin, the foreign minister in the post-war speaks during a meeting with members of the Cen- Attlee government, was viscerally antisemitic. But feels like the leadership doesn’t understand that.” tral Committee in the West Bank city of Ramallah on the charismatic duo of Aneurin Bevan and Jennie This has led the Jewish community to Jan. 14, 2018. Photo: Flash90. Lee more than compensated with their passionate completely lose confidence in Labour, and more and support. Hugh Gaitskell, the party leader, was more Jews are seeking escape routes. The numbers sacrificed his freedom for his homeland?” making aliyah to Israel are growing exponentially The protesters called on the PA to reconsider pro-Israel and married to a Jew, and Harold Wilson was a great supporter of Jewish causes. and many Jews who never thought much about the allocation of prisoners’ allowances as a basic being Jewish are now coming back into the fold. and legitimate right for them and their families. It In Europe, the socialist parties were enthusi- astically pro-Israel. The kibbutzim were idealized This is why I say that Corbyn is a Zionist. He insisted that the PA not base their decisions on polit- has done more to bring about support for Israel than ical differences. socialist havens. That began to change after the Six Day War, when Israel was no longer regarded as a anyone else. He has generated a change in a lukewarm It seems that the PA made these cuts in order to attitude on the part of most Anglo-Jews. He has inspired further punish Hamas and other Gaza terror groups, struggling, endangered state at risk, surrounded by enemies, but rather as a militarily successful more Jews since the Six Day War to go to Israel, to but also to show the West that it doesn’t support all support Israel, and to fight back. He has done more terrorist salaries. Only the ones for the terrorists on aggressor. This, combined with the economic need for oil and the massively larger Muslim markets than anyone else to prove why — in a post-modern, their side. supposedly post-nationalist world — the Jews have a Elder of Ziyon has been blogging about Israel and bloc vote, led to the alienation of most of the European socialist world from Israel. right and an ongoing need for a land of their own. and the Arab world for a really long time now. He Who knows where it will end. In the meantime, also controls the world, but deep down you already This mood of antagonism led to the left supporting the most dishonest and prejudiced as someone brought up in a Labour family and knew that. resolution at the UN ever, calling Zionism racism, who always voted Labour in the past, I never, ever on November 10, 1975. Even in the UN there were thought I would say this, but thank goodness for the enough who realized what a pathetic travesty this Conservative party. was and the resolution was overturned in 1991. Rabbi Jeremy Rosen has worked in the The success of Jeremy Corbyn’s extreme left- rabbinate, Jewish education, and academia wing takeover of the Labour party has brought for more than 40 years in Europe and the US. all the subcutaneous cancerous hatred out into He currently lives in the USA, where he writes, the open. Anyone who supports Israel, even with teaches, lectures, and serves as rabbi of a small plenty of qualification, is a fascist, imperialist, and community in New York. | FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 A9 Legal Notice.


vard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) Approximate amount of judgment is B Route 1 South – Suite 330 Iselin, NJ NY 11201 on September 6, 2018 at 759-1835 Dated: July 12, 2018 55777 $452,313.35 plus interest and costs. 08830 (732) 582-6344 2:30PM, premises known as 374 East AJ; 7/20/27; 8/3/10 Premises will be sold subject to AJ; 8/3/10/17/24/ 96th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11212. All provisions of filed Judgment Index that certain plot piece or parcel of NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT # 2756/2013. Jeffrey Robert Miller, SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF land, with the buildings and improve- - COUNTY OF KINGS HSBC BANK Esq., Referee Knuckles, Komosinski KINGS BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., ments erected, situate, lying and being USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS & Manfro, LLP, 565 Taxter Road, Ste. Plaintiff -against- JAAKOV WINKLER, in the Borough of Brooklyn, County TRUSTEE FOR NOMURA ASSET 590, Elmsford, NY 10523, Attorneys for et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a of Kings, City and State of NY, Block ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION, Plaintiff Cash will not be accepted. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale 4670 Lot 156. Approximate amount MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH AJ; 7/20/27; 8/3/10/ entered herein and dated May 16, 2018, of judgment $206,897.96 plus interest CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-AP3, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at and costs. Premises will be sold Plaintiff -against- MARIA POSNER Benessere Capital LLC, App for Auth public auction at the Kings County subject to provisions of filed Judgment Notice of Qualification of CONEY A/K/A M. POSNER A/K/A MARIA filed with SSNY on 05/21/18. Cert. of Courthouse 360 Adams Street, Room Index# 502684/2015. Jeffrey R Miller, ISLAND ASSOCIATES PHASE 2 LLC POSNET, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC Frmn filed in DE on 10/02/12. Office 224, Brooklyn, NY on September 6, Esq., Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. Location: Kings County, SSNY desig- 2018 at 2:30 pm premises situate, lying LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 of NY (SSNY) on 06/19/18. Office AS NOMINEE FOR ALLIANCE nated as agent of LLC upon whom and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, location: Kings County. LLC formed MORTGAGE BANKING CORP., process against it may be served. County of Kings, City and State of New York 14624 (877) 759-1835 in Delaware (DE) on 06/13/17. SSNY CHEMICAL BANK, THE FIRE SSNY shall mail a copy of process New York, bounded and described as Dated: June 20, 2018 55205 designated as agent of LLC upon COMMISSIONER OF THE CITY OF to: The LLC, 154 Calyer St, Brooklyn, follows: BEGINNING at a point on the AJ; 8/3/10/17/24/ whom process against it may be NEW YORK, CITY OF NEW YORK NY 11222. The address of the office Southerly side of 52nd Street, distant served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL required to be maintained in the juris- 360 feet 6 inches Westerly from the NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT BFC Partners, 150 Myrtle Ave., Ste. 2, BOARD, GEORGE BRYANT, HENRY diction of its frmn is: 1201 N. Orange corner formed by the intersection COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. Bank Brooklyn, NY 11201. DE addr. of LLC: CLARK, SHAWN CAMPBELL, St, Ste 600, Wilmington, DE 19801. of the Southerly side of 52nd Street National Association, as Trustee for Corporation Service Co., 251 Little Defendant(s) Pursuant to a judgment The name and add of the Secretary of with the Westerly side of 20th Avenue; Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of foreclosure and sale entered on State in its jurisdiction of organization being a plot 100 feet 2 inches by 18 Securities Corp., CSMC Mortgage- of Form. filed with Secy. of State, Div. September 20, 2016 I, the undersigned where a copy of its articles of organi- feet 3 inches by 100 feet 2 inches by 18 Backed Pass-Through Certificates, of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Referee will sell at public auction to the zation is filed is Secretary of the State feet 3 inches. Block 5475 and Lot 23. Series 2007-3, Plaintiff AGAINST Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: highest bidder at ROOM 224 F/K/A of DE, 401 Federal St, Ste 4, Dover, Said premises known as 1940 52ND Mohammad Khan a/k/a Mohammad Any lawful activity. ROOM 274 OF KINGS COUNTY DE 19901. Purpose: to engage in any STREET, BROOKLYN, NY Approxi- Shafi Khan a/k/a Mohammad S. Khan; AJ; 7/6/13/20/27; 8/3/10 SUPREME COURT, 360 ADAMS lawful act. mate amount of lien $554,292.43 plus et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a

STREET, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK AJ; 7/27; 8/3/10/17/24/31 interest & costs. Premises will be sold Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly Notice of formation of limited liability 11201 on August 23, 2018 at 2:30 PM subject to provisions of filed Judgment dated July 7, 2018 I, the undersigned company(LLC) Name: PAPER premises known as 309 ARLINGTON NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT and Terms of Sale. If the sale is set aside Referee will sell at public auction at RAIDERS LLC .Articles of organiza- AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY 11208. COUNTY OF KINGS Bayview Loan for any reason, the Purchaser at the the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 tion filed with the secretary of state ALL that certain plot, piece of land, Servicing, LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST sale shall be entitled only to a return Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, of New York(SSNY) on 06/12/2018. situate, lying and being in the Borough Anthony I. Omisore a/k/a Anthony of the deposit paid. The Purchaser NY 11201 on September 6, 2018 at Office location: Kings county. SSNY of Brooklyn, County of KINGS, City Omisore; Ibeth Omisore; et al., shall have no further recourse against 2:30PM, premises known as 749 East has been designated as the agent of and State of New York. Block: 3927 Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the 10th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11230. All the LLC upon whom process against it Lot: 61 Approximate amount of lien of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated Mortgagee’s attorney. Index Number that certain plot piece or parcel of land, may be served. SSNY Shall Mail copy $479,903.07 plus interest and costs. February 24, 2017 I, the undersigned 19421/2013. M. RANDOLF JACKSON, with the buildings and improvements of the process to: Paper Raiders LLC Premises will be sold subject to Referee will sell at public auction at ESQ., Referee David A. Gallo & Associ- erected, situate, lying and being in the 165 Clinton Ave., Apt. 6 A Brooklyn, provisions of filed judgment Index # the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 ates LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 99 Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, NY 11205.purpose : all lawful activity 501183/2015 JEFFREY R. MILLER, Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, Powerhouse Road, First Floor, Roslyn City and State of NY, Block: 6498 Lot: AJ; 7/6/13/20/27; 8/3/10 ESQ., REFEREE STEIN, WIENER AND NY 11201 on September 6, 2018 at Heights, NY 11577 File# 9026.01 76. Approximate amount of judgment

ROTH, L.L.P., ATTORNEYS FOR THE 2:30PM, premises known as 1247 37th AJ; 8/3/10/17/24/ $772,721.56 plus interest and costs. Notice of formation of limited liability PLAINTIFF ONE OLD COUNTRY Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218. All that Premises will be sold subject to company(LLC) Name: BEKOR LLC . ROAD, SUITE 113 CARLE PLACE, NY certain plot piece or parcel of land, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT provisions of filed Judgment Index# Articles of organization filed with the 11514 DATED: October 20, 2017 FILE with the buildings and improvements KINGS COUNTY THE BANK OF 511248/2015. Joel Abramson, Esq., secretary of state of New York(SSNY) #: WELLS 66757 erected, situate, lying and being in the NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC on 06/22/2018. Office location: Kings AJ; 7/20/27; 8/3/10 Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile county. SSNY has been designated City and State of NY, Block 5296 Lot FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New as the agent of the LLC upon whom Notice of formation of limited liability 57. Approximate amount of judgment OF CWABS, INC., ASSET-BACKED York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: July process again it may be served. SSNY company (LLC). Name: NECAL $650,403.31 plus interest and costs. CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-3, 13, 2018 55981 shall Mail copy of the process to: SENIOR LIVING, LLC. Articles of Premises will be sold subject to Plaintiff against KARN PARFAIT, et al AJ; 8/3/10/17/24 BEKOR P.O.Box 21895 Brooklyn, NY Organization filed with Secretary provisions of filed Judgment Index# Defendants Attorney for Plaintiff(s) 11202.Purpose: all lawful activity of State of New York (SSNY) on 42891/2007. Michael Korsinsky, Esq., Fein, Such & Crane, LLP 28 East Main NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT AJ; 7/6/13/20/27; 8/3/10 06/25/2018. NY office location: Kings Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Street, Suite 1800, Rochester, NY COUNTY OF KINGS Wells Fargo

County. SSNY has been designated as Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile 14614 Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). Bank, N.A., Plaintiff AGAINST Edan Notice of formation of 174 TARGEE agent of the LLC upon whom process Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure Levi; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a ST LLC. Articles of Organization filed against it may be served. The post York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: and Sale Entered June 29, 2018 I will Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly with the Secretary of State of NY, office address to which the SSNY shall June 21, 2018 sell at Public Auction to the highest dated May 11, 2018 I, the undersigned SSNY on 07/02/2018. Office located mail a copy of any process against the AJ; 8/3/10/17/24 bidder at the Kings County Supreme Referee will sell at public auction at in Richmond County. SSNY has been LLC served upon him/her is Bentley Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 designated for service of process. Zhao, 4918 3rd Ave Brooklyn, NY, SUPREME COURT – COUNTY Brooklyn, NY 11201 on September Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 11220. Purpose/character of LLC: Any OF KINGS U.S. BANK TRUST, 6, 2018 at 2:30 PM. Premises known NY 11201 on September 6, 2018 at 174 TARGEE ST LLC, 421 Home Ave, Lawful Purpose. N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF9 as 1682 East 49th Street, Brooklyn, 2:30PM, premises known as 1904 East Staten Island, NY 10305. Purpose: Any AJ; 7/20/27; 8/3/10/17/24 MASTER PARTICIPATION NY 11234. Block 7873 Lot 72. All that 26th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229-2440. lawful purpose. TRUST, Plaintiff against MICHAEL certain plot, piece or parcel of land, All that certain plot piece or parcel of AJ; 7/13/20/27; 8/3/ 10/17 NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT HALBERSTAM A/K/A MICHAEL B. with the buildings and improvements land, with the buildings and improve-

COUNTY OF KINGS, WILMINGTON HALBERSTAM; ESTHER HALBER- thereon erected, situate, lying and ments erected, situate, lying and being NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, STAM, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant being in the Borough of Brooklyn, of in the Borough of Brooklyn, County COUNTY OF KINGS Wells Fargo D/B/A CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT to a Judgment of Foreclosure and the City of New York, County of Kings of Kings, City and State of NY, Block Bank, N.A., Plaintiff AGAINST Shimon INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE Sale entered on June 1, 2018. I, the and State of New York. Approximate 7304 Lot 8. Approximate amount of Elkouby; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant FOR PRETIUM MORTGAGE undersigned Referee will sell at public Amount of Judgment is $535,908.84 judgment $873,647.87 plus interest to a Judgment of Foreclosure and ACQUISITION TRUST, Plaintiff, vs. auction in Room 224 of the Kings plus interest and costs. Premises will and costs. Premises will be sold Sale duly dated May 31, 2018 I, the JOSHUA SPEARS A/K/A JOSHUA J. County Courthouse, 360 Adams be sold subject to provisions of filed subject to provisions of filed Judgment undersigned Referee will sell at public SPEARS; TAMMY D. PATE-SPEARS Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 6th day of Judgment Index No 501421/2016. Index# 511928/2014. Jack Segal, Esq., auction at the Kings County Supreme A/K/A TAMMY PATE-SPEARS, ET September, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. premises Jeffrey E Dinowitz, Esq., Referee Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to an described as follows: All that certain CARC235 Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Brooklyn, NY 11201 on August 23, Order Confirming Referee Report plot, piece or parcel of land, with the AJ; 8/3/10/17/24/ Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as and Judgment of Foreclosure and buildings and improvements therein York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: 1234 East 37th Street, Brooklyn, NY Sale duly filed on June 08, 2018, I, the erected, situate, lying and being in NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT June 25, 2018 55449 11210. All that certain plot piece or undersigned Referee will sell at public the Borough of Brooklyn, County of COUNTY OF KINGS Wilmington AJ; 8/3/10/17/24 parcel of land, with the buildings and auction at the Kings County Supreme Kings, City and State of New York. Said Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a improvements erected, situate, lying Court, Room 224, 360 Adams Street, premises known as 1562 East 28th Christiana Trust, Trustee of the Notice of formation of limited liability and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY on August 23, 2018 at Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11229. (Block: SRP 2013-9 Funding Trust, Plain- company(LLC) Name: HOME FRITE County of Kings, City and State of 2:30 p.m., premises known as 1372 7688, Lot: 81). Approximate amount tiff AGAINST Jason Dorset a/k/a DEKALB LLC .Articles of organization NY, Block 7618 Lot 60. Approximate East 59th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234. of lien $ 51,331.88 plus interest and Jason H. Dorset; Louisa Dorset; et al., filed with the secretary of state of New amount of judgment $319,150.02 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of costs. Premises will be sold subject Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment York(SSNY) on 03/19/2018. Office plus interest and costs. Premises land, with the buildings and improve- to provisions of filed judgment and of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated location: Kings county. SSNY has been will be sold subject to provisions of ments thereon erected, situate, lying terms of sale. Index No. 507674-13. January 25, 2018 I, the undersigned designated as the agent of the LLC filed Judgment Index# 504847/2014. and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, Leonard Spector, Esq., Referee. Stern Referee will sell at public auction at upon whom process against it may James Caffrey, Esq., Referee Shapiro, County of Kings, City and State of & Eisenberg, PC Attorney(s) for Plain- the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 be served. SSNY shall mail copy of the DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for New York, Block 7883 and Lot 75. tiff Woodbridge Corporate Plaza 485 Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boule- Continued on Page A10 A10 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 Tradition. Legal Notice. On Not Being a Victim LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE County of Kings, and City and State of 360 ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, undersigned Referee will sell at public New York, and designated on the tax NEW YORK 11201 on September 13, auction at the Kings County Supreme maps of the Kings County Treasurer 2018 at 2:30 PM premises known as Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, Those are ineradicable experi- as Section 25 Block 8369 Lot 383. The 1494E 49 STREET, BROOKLYN, NY Brooklyn, NY 11201 on September ences. [The question is] what’s approximate amount of the current 11234. ALL that certain plot piece 13, 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known JONATHAN SACKS the right attitude to take to that Judgment lien is $771,281.68 plus or parcel of land, with the build- as 938 Herkimer Street, Brooklyn, NY LONDON – anger or rejection, resentment, interest and costs. The Premises will ings and improvements thereon 11233. All that certain plot piece or hostility, murderousness? That’s be sold subject to provisions of the erected, situate, lying and being in parcel of land, with the buildings and the story of Cain and Abel, [and] aforesaid Judgment of Foreclosure the Borough of Brooklyn, County of improvements erected, situate, lying KINGS and State of New York. Block: that’s not good. That leads to Hell. and Sale; Index # 006140/2013. If the and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, sale is set aside for any reason, the 7828 Lot: 84 Approximate amount County of Kings, City and State of Making a series of programmes As soon as I heard those Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled of lien $282,648.41 plus interest and NY, Block 1714 Lot 12. Approximate for the BBC on morality in the words I understood what had led only to a return of the deposit paid. costs. Premises will be sold subject amount of judgment $1,100,693.49 twenty-first century, I felt I had to me to this man, because much The Purchaser shall have no further to provisions of filed judgment Index plus interest and costs. Premises travel to Toronto to have a conver- of my life has been driven by the recourse against the Mortgagor, # 20469/2013 GREGORY THOMAS will be sold subject to provisions of the Mortgagee or the Mortgagees CERCHIONE, ESQ. STEIN, WIENER filed Judgment Index# 504322/2014. sation with a man I had not met Continued on Page A12 attorney. Jageshwarm Sharma, Esq., AND ROTH, L.L.P., ATTORNEYS Steven Naiman, Esq., Referee Shapiro, Referee. Leopold & Associates, FOR THE PLAINTIFF ONE OLD DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for PLLC (Attorneys for the Plaintiff), COUNTRY ROAD, SUITE 113 CARLE the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boule- 80 Business Park Drive, Suite 110, PLACE, NY 11514 DATED: August 1, vard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) Armonk, NY 10504 Dated: 7/12/2018 2018 FILE #: WELLS 68985 759-1835 Dated: July 16, 2018 55980 JJL/TKS AJ; 8/10/17/24/31; AJ; 8/10/17/24/31; AJ; 8/3/10/17/24 NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT SUPREME COURT - COUNTY County Of Kings Federal National KINGS COUNTY U.S. BANK TRUST, OF KINGS JAMES B. NUTTER & Mortgage Association, Plaintiff N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR VOLT ASSET COMPANY, Plaintiff -against- GISELE AGAINST Tanya Tesler, Lev Yakubo- HOLDINGS NPL3, Plaintiff against CADET AKA GISELE NICHOLAS vich, et al, Defendant Pursuant to a DAPHNE RODNEY, et al Defendants ADA GISELE NICOLAS CADET AS Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Fein, Such HEIR AT LAW AND NEXT OF KIN OF duly dated 5/11/2017 and entered on & Crane, LLP 28 East Main Street THE ESTATE OF GERARD CADET; 6/6/2017, I, the undersigned Referee, Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 ETC..., et al Defendant(s). Pursuant will sell at public auction at the Kings Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and County Supreme Court, 360 Adams to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Sale dated September 11, 2017 and Street, Brooklyn, NY on September Entered June 29, 2018 I will sell at entered on September 26, 2017, I, the 13, 2018 at 02:30 PM premises known Public Auction to the highest bidder at undersigned Referee will sell at public as 55 Oceana Drive East, Unit 5E, the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 before, Canadian psychologist LEGAL NOTICE auction at the Kings County Court- Brooklyn, NY 11235. All that certain Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY Jordan Peterson. Recently he has house 360 Adams Street, Room 224, plot piece or parcel of land, with 11201 on September 13, 2018 at 2:30 recently become an iconic intellec- Brooklyn, NY on September 6, 2018 the buildings and improvements PM. Premises known as 716 Logan tual for millions of young people, Continued from Page A9 at 2:30 p.m. premises situate, lying erected, situate, lying and being in Street, Brooklyn, NY 11208. Block 4457 as well as a figure of caricature and process to: Ian Vernon 50 Howard Ave. and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, the County of Kings, City and State of Lot 25. All that certain plot, piece or abuse by others who should know unit 3L Brooklyn, NY 11221. Purpose: County of Kings, City and State of New York, BLOCK: 8720, LOT: 2884. parcel of land, situate, lying and being better. The vast popularity of his all lawful activity New York, bounded and described Approximate amount of judgment in the Borough of Brooklyn, County AJ; 8/3/10/17/24/31; 9/7 is $446,608.68 plus interests and podcasts – hours long and formi- as follows: BEGINNING at a point on of Kings, City and State of New York. the westerly side of East 57th Street, costs. Premises will be sold subject to Approximate Amount of Judgment is dably intellectual – suggests that Notice of Formation of 673 ANN LLC distant 300 feet southerly from the provisions of filed Judgment Index # $471,392.39 plus interest and costs. he has been saying something that Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State corner formed by the intersection of 503809/2014. Bartholomew M. Verdi- Premises will be sold subject to provi- many people feel a need to hear of NY (SSNY) on 06/19/18. Office the westerly side of East 57th Street rame, Referee FRENKEL LAMBERT sions of filed Judgment Index No and are not adequately hearing location: Kings County. Princ. office of with the southerly side of Linden WEISS WEISMAN & GORDON LLP 511699/2014. Dana L Jenkins, Esq., from other contemporary voices. LLC: 271 3rd Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11215. Avenue; being a plot 100 feet by 30 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 Referee VERJC253 During our conversation there SSNY designated as agent of LLC feet by 100 feet by 30 feet. Block: 4682 AJ; 8/10/17/24/31; AJ; 8/10/17/24/31; upon whom process against it may was a moment of searing inten- Lot: 22 Said premises known as 116 be served. SSNY shall mail process to EAST 57TH STREET, BROOKLYN, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT sity. Peterson was talking about his the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. NY Approximate amount of lien COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. Bank COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. BANK daughter Mikhaila. At the age of Purpose: Any lawful activity. $621,435.76 plus interest & costs. National Association, as Trustee for NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS six, she was found to be suffering AJ; 8/3/10/17/24/31; 9/7 Premises will be sold subject to provi- Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST from severe polyarticular juvenile sions of filed Judgment and Terms Securities Corp., CSMC Mortgage- TO BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL idiopathic arthritis. Thirty-seven Notice of formation of limited liability of Sale. Index Number 7244/2011. Backed Pass-Through Certificates, ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE of her joints were affected. During company(LLC).Name: The Locals AARON D. MASLOW, ESQ., Referee series 2006-9, Plaintiff AGAINST Todd AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER her childhood and teen years, she Food Group Holdings LLC. Articles Westerman Ball Ederer Miller Zucker Milner; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant TO LASALLE BANK NATIONAL of organization filed with the secre- & Sharfstein, LLP Attorney(s) for to a Judgment of Foreclosure and ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE had to have a hip replacement, then tary of state of New York (SSNY) on Plaintiff 1201 RXR Plaza, Uniondale, Sale duly dated May 31, 2018 I, the FOR CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF an ankle replacement. She was in 01/22/2018. Office location: Kings NY 11556 undersigned Referee will sell at public BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED acute, incessant pain. Describing her county. SSNY has been designated AJ; 8/3/10/17/24 auction at the Kings County Supreme SECURITIES I LLC, ASSET-BACKED ordeal, Peterson’s voice was wavering as the agent of the LLC upon whom Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, CERTIFICATES SERIES 2007-HE2, on the verge of tears. Then he said: process against it may be Served. NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME Brooklyn, NY 11201 on September Plaintiff AGAINST DAVRIN FAISON, One of the things we were SSNY shall Mail copy of the process COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. 13, 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known STEPHANIE FAISON FKA STEPH- very careful about and talked to: The Locals Food Group 332 Myrtle BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as 619 Grand Avenue, Brooklyn, NY ANIE BENNETT, et al., Defendant(s) Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11205. Purpose: 11238-4129. All that certain plot piece with her a lot about was to not AS TRUSTEE FOR CREDIT SUISSE Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- all lawful activity FIRST BOSTON MORTGAGE or parcel of land, with the buildings sure and Sale duly dated January 12, allow herself to regard herself as a AJ; 8/10/17/24/31; 9/7/14 SECURITIES CORP., HOME EQUITY and improvements erected, situate, 2017 I, the undersigned Referee will victim. And man, she had reason ASSET TRUST 2004-5, HOME lying and being in the Borough of sell at public auction at the Room to regard herself as a victim … NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT EQUITY PASS-THROUGH CERTIFI- Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and 224 of Kings County Supreme Court, [but] as soon as you see yourself - COUNTY OF KINGS UMB BANK, CATES, SERIES 2004-5, Plaintiff State of NY, Block 1155 Lot 6. Approxi- 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New as a victim … that breeds thoughts NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN -against- LUISA POMARE, US BANK mate amount of judgment $822,695.83 York 11201, on September 13, 2018 of anger and revenge – and ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, BUT NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS plus interest and costs. Premises will at 2:30PM, premises known as 937 SOLELY AS LEGAL TITLE TRUSTEE that takes you to a place that’s TRUSTEE UNDER THE POOLING be sold subject to provisions of filed EAST 103RD STREET, BROOKLYN, FOR MART LEGAL TITLE TRUST AND SERVICING AGREEMENT, Judgment Index# 500138/2015. Philip NY 11236. All that certain plot piece or psychologically as terrible as the 2015-NPL1, Plaintiff(s), Against Index DATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2004, L. Kamaras, Esq., Referee Shapiro, parcel of land, with the buildings and physiological place. And to her No.: 006140/2013 DANIEL P. JONES, AMONG CREDIT-BASED ASSET DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for improvements erected, situate, lying great credit I would say this is part ET AL., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a SERVICING AND SECURITIZATION the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boule- and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, of what allowed her to emerge Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, LLC, JP MORGAN ACCEPTANCE vard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) County of Kings, City and State of New from this because she did eventu- duly entered in the Kings County CORPORATION, LITTON LOAN 759-1835 Dated: July 19, 2018 56132 York, BLOCK 8211, LOT 25. Approxi- ally figure out what was wrong Clerk’s Office on 5/31/2018, I, the SERVICING LP AND U.S. BANK AJ; 8/10/17/24/31; mate amount of judgment $919,651.37 with her, and by all appearances undersigned Referee, will sell at NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, C-BASS plus interest and costs. Premises will public auction in Room 224 of the MORTGAGE LOAN ASSET-BACKED NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME be sold subject to provisions of filed fix it by about 90%. It’s unstable Kings County Supreme Court, 360 CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-CBS, COURT COUNTY OF KINGS HSBC Judgment for Index# 9736/13. NANCY but it’s way better because of the Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, on CRIMINAL COURT OF THE CITY OF Bank USA, National Association, as MOTTOLA SCHACHER, ESQ., fact that she didn’t allow herself 9/6/2018 at 2:30 pm, premises known NEW YORK, Defendant(s) Pursuant Trustee for Nomura Asset Acceptance Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney to become existentially enraged by as 1322 East 70th Street, Brooklyn, NY to a judgment of foreclosure and Corporation Mortgage Pass-Through for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite her condition … People have every 11234, and described as follows: ALL sale entered on August 10, 2016 I, Certificates, Series 2006-AF2, Plain- 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 56345 reason to construe themselves as that certain plot piece or parcel of the undersigned Referee will sell at tiff AGAINST Roberto Martinez; AJ; 8/10/17/24/31; victims. Their lives are charac- land, with the buildings and improve- public auction to the highest bidder Deborah Martinez; et al., Defendant(s) ments thereon erected, situate, lying Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure terised by suffering and betrayal. at ROOM 224 F/K/A ROOM 274 OF and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, KINGS COUNTY SUPREME COURT, and Sale duly dated July 4, 2018 I, the Continued on Page A12 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2018 A11 Social.

Showtime Chief Says Risk Paid Off With Sacha Baron Cohen TV Show


The head of cable channelShowtime on Monday heaped praise on British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, saying the risk of broadcasting his satirical new series had paid off and that he hoped there would be more. Showtime President David Nevins said the channel had taken a “leap of faith” with the series “Who is America?” in which Baron Cohen adopts different personas and pranks American politicians, pop culture figures and others into saying outrageous things. “It has generated a lot of controversy and a lot of new sign-ups. It’s a risk I’m really glad that we took,” Nevins told the Television Critics Association while

Amare Stoudemire at the Israel Summit at Harvard. Photo: Screenshot. Ex-NBA Player Amar’e Stoudemire: ‘When I’m Not Training, I Study Torah’ Sacha Baron Cohen. Photo: Reuters / Paul Hackett / File. promoting the upcoming lineup for Showtime, a unit of CBS Corp. Nevins said the audience for the seven-episode BY SHIRYN SOLNY Judaism and Israel, noted. In 2014, series had “grown dramatically” over the first month he produced the documentary “Village of Peace,” which but did not provide details. “I think Sacha is one of the great comedians of our Former NBA All-Star Amar’e Stoudemire makes is about the community in Dimona, Israel. He calls his time. I think he is the Daniel Day-Lewis of comedy,” Torah study part of his daily routine, he told The New growing, private collection of art the Melech Collection, said Nevins, referring to the three time Oscar-winning York Times during a recent interview. which makes use of the Hebrew word for “king,” and his British star of “Lincoln.” The ex-New York Knicks star, 35, told the publica- latest acquisition is a 45-foot mural depicting the siege The series, in which a disguised Cohen interviews tion during a recent visit to The Jewish Museum in of Jerusalem’s Second Temple. Stoudemire also has a subjects who do not realize they are working with a Manhattan: “When I’m not training, I study Torah. Study, wine label, Stoudemire Cellars, that released a line of comedian, has featured a congressman supporting the train, study, train, study, train, study. That’s life.” He three kosher-for-Passover wines this year. idea of arming children as young as 3 to stop school added, “I study with elders, with rabbis, with everyone. The basketball player left the NBA two years ago to shootings and former Vice President Dick Cheney I don’t limit myself.” play for the Israeli basketball team Hapoel Jerusalem. He signing a jug described as a “waterboarding kit.” Stoudemire, who is the son of “Hebraic” parents, has expressed hopes for a return to the NBA, but said in Last month, Georgia state lawmaker Jason Spencer sometimes uses the biblical moniker Yehosaphat. He has June that he might resume playing for an Israeli team if resigned after being seen yelling racial slurs and been continuously involved in endeavors connected to he could not make the comeback he desired. dropping his pants on the show after being told by one of Cohen’s personas that it would intimidate terrorists. Although the show has attracted the most contro- versy because of the episodes featuring conservative politicians and public figures, Baron Cohen has also taken aim at political correctness and the cult of celebrity. “I don’t know what he is saying about America. Clearly we are living in a time of extremes — no question about that,” Nevins said. Tradition. Legal Notice.

Continued from Page A10 societies, in the fullness of time, LEGAL NOTICE Victim liberty is lost. I cannot make that same search, though it came about choice for you. The New York Times’ in a different way. It happened The choice, he says again and Continued from Page A10 because of the Holocaust survivors again, is yours alone: you as an Myths About Israel File No.: 2014-5350/C CITATION THE I came to know. They really were individual, second person singular, PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW victims of one of the worst crimes and you as a people, second person YORK BY THE GRACE OF GOD, FREE against humanity in all of history. plural. The result was that remark- as a Jewish State AND INDEPENDENT To: Estate of Yet they did not see themselves ably, Jews did not see themselves as Ingeborg Bergstrom, William Kent as victims. The survivors I knew, victims. A key figure here, centuries Bergstrom, NYC Human Resources Administration, Attorney General of after Moses, was Jeremiah. Jeremiah with almost superhuman courage, turalism and varieties of collective the State of New York The unknown looked forward, built a new life for kept warning the people that the DANIEL histories in its literature, museums, distributees, legatees, devisees, heirs themselves, supported one another strength of a country does not depend POMERANTZ social/environmental projects, and at law and assignees of Greta Weren- emotionally, and then, many years on the strength of its army but on PHILADELPHIA more. This is unchanged by the skiold aka Greta Irene Werenskiold, later, told their story, not for the the strength of its society. Is there passage of the Nation-State Law. deceased, or their estates, if any there sake of revisiting the past but for justice? Is there compassion? Are Myth #4: “…the 20 percent of be, whose names, places of residence the sake of educating today’s young people concerned about the welfare and post office addresses are unknown the population who are Arabs and to the petitioner and cannot with people on the importance of taking of others or only about their own? Is In any debate, opinions must who live in crowded conditions, due diligence be ascertained. Being responsibility for a more human there corruption in high places? be based on factual reality, not under continuous threat of having the persons interested, a copy of this and humane future. Do religious leaders overlook myths. As a professional obliga- their land appropriated.” Citation and the full accounting shall But how is this possible? How the moral failings of their people, tion, The New York Times must Fact: This is simply untrue. be served on Kate Christoforatos, Esq., can you be a victim and yet not believing that all you have to do is pay attention when it publishes an Kashua is referring specially to as creditors, legatees, distributees see yourself as a victim without perform the Temple rituals and all opinion piece, such as the recent Arab-Israeli citizens, not Palestin- or otherwise in the Estate of Greta Werenskiold aka Greta Irene Weren- being guilty of denial, or deliberate will be well: God will save us from our one by Palestinian-Israeli writer ians who live in disputed territories forgetfulness, or wishful thinking? enemies? Jeremiah kept saying, in so Sayed Kashua. skiold, deceased, who at the time of such as the West Bank and Gaza. death was a resident of 111-17 120th The answer is that uniquely – many words, that God will not save Last month, Israel passed the In some communities, Street, S. Ozone Park, NY 11418, in this is what makes us Homo sapiens us from our enemies until we save “Nation-State Law,” which among Arab residents complain about the County of Queens, State of New – in any given situation we can look ourselves from our own lesser selves. other things officially declares that inequality in municipal services, York. SEND GREETING: Upon the back or we can look forward. We When disaster came – Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish such as permits. However, most petition of LOIS M. ROSENBLATT, can ask: “Why did this happen?” the destruction of the Temple people. This law has generated Arab-Israeli citizens live in well- Public Administrator of Queens County, who maintains her office at That involves looking back for some – Jeremiah made one of the most support, opposition, and legitimate established, spacious, modern cities cause in the past. Or we can ask, important assertions in all history. debate both at home and abroad. 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, such as Haifa, well restored ancient Queens County, New York 11435, as He did not see the Babylonian Here are a five myths written “What then shall I do?” This involves ones such as Acre, or firmly estab- Administrator of the Estate of Greta looking forward, trying to work out conquest as the defeat of Israel and by Kashua — along Werenskiold aka Greta Irene Weren- some future destination given that its God. He saw it as the defeat of with the basic fact skiold, deceased, you and each of you this is our starting point. Israel by its God. And this proved checking that the are hereby cited to show cause before There is a massive difference to be the salvaging of hope. God Times should have the Surrogate at the Surrogate’s Court between the two. I can’t change is still there, he was saying. Return done in the first place. of the County of Queens, to be held the past. But I can change the to Him and He will return to you. Myth #1: “[Israel at the Queens General Courthouse, 6th Floor, 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, future. Looking back, I see myself Don’t define yourself as a victim of is] a country where Jamaica, City and State of New York, as an object acted on by forces the Babylonians. Define yourself Jews enjoy rights that on the 27th day of September, 2018 at largely beyond my control. Looking as a free moral agent, capable of others don’t have.” 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon, why the forward, I see myself as a subject, choosing a better future. Fact: While Account of Proceedings of the Public a choosing moral agent, deciding Jews paid an enormous Israel struggles with Administrator of Queens County, as which path to take from here to psychological price for seeing the same tensions as The New York Times logo.Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Administrator of the Estate of said where I want eventually to be. history the way they did. “Because any ethnically diverse deceased, a copy of which is attached, Both are legitimate ways of of our sins we were exiled from democracy, all citizens have equal should not be judicially settled, and lished towns, such as Abu Gosh. why the Surrogate should not fix and thinking, but one leads to resent- our land,” we say repeatedly in rights under the law. Myth #5: “By revoking Arabic’s allow a reasonable amount of compen- ment, bitterness, rage and a desire our prayers. We refuse to define Myth #2: “A state in which status as an official state language, sation to GERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ., for revenge. The other leads to ourselves as the victims of anyone Judaism is the only national expres- the law delivers yet another blow…” for legal services rendered to petitioner challenge, courage, strength of else, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylo- sion permissible by law will, by Fact: Arabic’s status is entirely herein in the amount of $13,564.47 and will and self-control. That for me nians, fate, the inexorability of definition, reject any minority unchanged: it always had a special that the Court fix the fair and reason- able additional fee for any services to is what Mikhaila Peterson and the history, original sin, unconscious member who wishes to be part of it…” status, but was never an official Holocaust survivors represent: the drives, blind evolution, genetic Fact: It is unclear to which be rendered by GERARD J. SWEENEY, national language of Israel. ESQ., hereafter in connection with determinism or the inevitable “definition” Kashua is referring, but triumph of choice over fate. A common confusion results proceedings on kinship, claims etc., Jordan Peterson came to his consequences of the struggle many countries have an official from a 1948 Israeli law (based on prior to entry of a final Decree on this philosophy through his own and for power. We blame ourselves: religion, ethnicity, or peoplehood a 1922 British law) that requires accounting in the amount of 6% of his father’s battles with depression “Because of our sins.” without rejecting minorities — the use of Arabic and Hebrew on assets or income collected after the and his daughter’s battle with her That is a heavy burden of guilt, such as Norway, Sweden, France, government documents — signs date of the within accounting; and physical condition. Jews came to it unbearable were it not for our faith Germany, Japan, and many more. and the like — but does not desig- why the Surrogate should not fix and through the life-changing teachings in Divine forgiveness. But the alter- Myth #3: “The Nationality Law allow an amount equal to one percent nate either as an official national on said Schedules of the total assets of Moses, especially in the book of native is heavier still, namely, to prevents the possibility of multicul- language. on Schedules A, A1, and A2 plus any Deuteronomy. They are epitomised define ourselves as victims, asking turalism in Israel and rejects any The 1948 law is still in effect, and additional monies received subse- in the opening verses of our parsha. not, “What did we do wrong?” but collective history or memory other the relevant section of the Nation- quent to the date of this account, as the See, I am setting before you “Who did this to us?” than the Zionist one.” State Law specifically provides that, fair and reasonable amount payable today a blessing and a curse: “See, I am setting before you Fact: Israel expresses multicul- “This clause does not harm the status to the Office of the Public Adminis- the blessing, if you heed the today a blessing and a curse.” That given to the Arabic language before trator for the expenses of said office pursuant to S.C.P.A. §1106(3); and why commandments of the Lord your was Moses’ insistent message in this law came into effect.” the claim of NYC Human Resources God that I am giving you today; the last month of his life. There is of agency. This is never easy, but is Sayed Kashua engages in essential if they are not to drown in Administration in the amount of and the curse, if you do not heed always a choice. As Viktor Frankl numerous other distortions of fact: $227,639.98 should not be paid to the their own learned helplessness. No the commandments of the Lord said, even in Auschwitz there was confusing or conflating unrelated extent of the net distributable estate, your God, but stray from the way one freedom they could not take one should ever blame a victim. But topics, misstating international law, Dated, Attested and Sealed 1st day of I am commanding you today … away from us: the freedom to neither should any of us encourage and more. August, 2018 HON. PETER J. KELLY (Deut. 11:26-28) choose how to respond. Victim- a victim to stay a victim. It took The late senator Daniel Surrogate, Queens County James Lim Becker Clerk of the Surrogate’s Court Throughout Deuteronomy,hood focuses us on a past we can’t immense courage for Mikhaila Patrick Moynihan said, “Everyone Moses keeps saying: don’t think change. Choice focuses us on a Peterson and the Holocaust GERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ. (718) is entitled to his own opinion, but 459-9000 1981 Marcus Avenue, Suite future we can change, liberating survivors to rise above their victim- your future will be determined by not to his own facts,” and that is true 200 Lake Success, New York 11042 This hood, but what a victory they won forces outside your control. You us from being held captive by our of The New York Times‘ Opinion citation is served upon you as required are indeed surrounded by forces resentments, and summoning us for human freedom, dignity and section as well. by law. You are not obliged to appear outside your control, but what to what Emmanuel Levinas called responsibility. Daniel Pomerantz is Senior in person. If you fail to appear it will be matters is how you choose. Every- Difficile Liberte, “difficult freedom.” Hence the life changing idea: Editor of Honest Reporting. The assumed that you do not object to the thing else will follow from that. There really are victims in Never define yourself as a victim. author can be found on Twitter relief requested unless you file formal Choose the good and good things this world, and none of us should You cannot change your past but legal, verified objections. You have a at @DanielSpeaksUp. This article right to have an attorney-at-law appear will happen to you. Choose the minimise their experiences. But you can change your future. There was originally published at Honest is always a choice, and by exercising for you. Accounting Citation bad, and eventually you will suffer. in most cases (admittedly, not all) Reporting. AJ; 8/10/17/24/31; Bad choices create bad people who the most important thing we can the strength to choose, we can rise create bad societies, and in such do is help them recover their sense above fate