Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Scribblers: An Austrian Analysis of the Structure of Production and Distribution of Ideas A Paper given at the Southern Economics Association 2015 Annual Meeting New Orleans, November 21–23, 2015 Session: [3.D.6] Entrepreneurial Solutions to Public Problems (Sponsored by Society for the Development of Austrian Economics) Monday, November 23, 2015; 3:00 - 4:45 pm. An online version of this paper is available here: HTML: <davidmhart.com/liberty/Papers/DMH_StructureProductionIdeas21Oct2015.html>. PDF: <davidmhart.com/liberty/Papers/DMH_StructureProductionIdeas21Oct2015.pdf>. Draft: February 9, 2015 Revised: October 21, 2015 Word Length: 11,580 w. (body of the paper) Author: Dr. David M. Hart. Director of the Online Library of Liberty Project at Liberty Fund <oll.libertyfund.org> and Academic Editor of the Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat. Email: Work:
[email protected] Private:
[email protected] Websites: Liberty Fund: <oll.libertyfund.org> Personal: <davidmhart.com/liberty> David M. Hart 10-21-2015 Bio David Hart was born and raised in Sydney, Australia. He did his undergraduate work in modern European history and wrote an honours thesis on the radical Belgian/French free market economist Gustave de Molinari, whose book Evenings on Saint Lazarus Street (1849) he is currently editing for Liberty Fund. This was followed by a year studying at the University of Mainz studying German Imperialism, the origins of the First World War, and German classical liberal thought. Postgraduate degrees were completed in Modern European history at Stanford University (M.A.) where he also worked for the Institute for Humane Studies (when it was located at Menlo Park, California) and was founding editor of the Humane Studies Review: A Research and Study Guide; and a Ph.D.