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Zeitschrift/Journal: Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien

Jahr/Year: 1993

Band/Volume: 49

Autor(en)/Author(s): Arnason John G., Bird Dennis K., Liou Juhn G.

Artikel/Article: Variables Controlling Epidote Composition in Hydrothermal and Low- Pressure Regional Metamorphic Rocks 17-25 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

125 Jahre Knappenwand -125 years Knappenwand Editors: Proceedings of a Symposium Volker Hock held in Neukirchen am Großvenediger (Salzburg/Austria) Friedrich Koller September 1990 ZT W//m//M 125 Jahre wffm/i/m/ Mineralfundstelle LU jHRSälPKNAPPENWAND ISSN 0378-0864 Abh.Geol.B.-A. Band 49 S. 17-25 Wien, Juni 1993 NEUKIRCHEN AM GROSSVENEDIGEP ISBN 3-900312-85-0

Variables Controlling Epidote Composition in Hydrothermal and Low-Pressure Regional Metamorphic Rocks


With 4 Text-Figures

Epidote Phase relations Stability Thermodynamic data Fluid composition


Zusammenfassung 17 Abstract 17 1. Introduction 18 2. Chemical Composition and Site Occupancy 18 3. Variables Controlling Epidote Composition 18 3.1. Temperature 19 3.2. Pressure 20 3.3. Bulk Rock Composition 20 3.4. Fluid Composition 21 3.4.1. Oxygen Fugacity 21 3.4.2. Carbon Dioxide Fugacity 21 3.4.3. Aqueous Complexing 22 3.4.4. Hydrogen Ion Activity 23 4. Conclusion 24 Acknowledgements 24 References 24

Welche Variablen kontrollieren die Epidotzusammensetzung in hydrothermalen und niedrigdruckmetamorphen Gesteinen? Zusammenfassung Epidotminerale in hydrothermalen Systemen und Niedrigdruck-Niedrigtemperatur-Metamorphiten zeigen einen weiten Bereich der Fe3+-Al3+-Sub- stitution und bilden im allgemeinen chemisch zonierte Kristalle. Experimentelle, theoretische und petrologische Studien haben gezeigt, daß die Zusammensetzung von Epidoten eine komplexe Funktion von Temperatur, Druck, Sauerstoff-Fugazität, Mineralparagenese, Pauschalzusammenset­ zung des Gesteins und Chemie derfluiden Phase ist.

Temperatur und Sauerstoff-Fugazität sowie C02-Fugazität sind die wichtigen intensiven Variablen, die für die Epidotzusammensetzung verantwort­ lich sind. Die funktionalen Beziehungen zwischen den Änderungen dieser Variablen und der Änderung in der Epidot-IVüschkristallzusammensetzung hängen von der Enthalpie und Stöchiometrie der entsprechenden Reaktion ab. Zusätzlich verursachen wässrige Hydroxid-Komplexe von Fe3+ und Al3+ eine empfindliche Reaktion der Epidotzusammensetzung auf den pH-Wert in fast neutralen wässrigen Lösungen geringer lonenstärke. Die Empfindlichkeit der Epidotzusammensetzung im Hinblick auf die Chemie derfluiden Phase und die komplexe Zusammensetzung vieler epidot- führender Paragenesen macht chemisch zonierte Epidote zu unverläßlichen Indikatoren der Entwicklung chemischer und physikalischer Variabler während der Metamorphose.

Abstract Epidote in hydrothermal systems and low-pressure, low-temperature regional metamorphic rocks exhibit a wide range in Fe3+-AI3+ substi­ tution and commonly form chemically-zoned . Experimental, theoretical, and petrological studies have shown that epidote composition is a complex function of temperature, pressure, oxygen fugacity, assemblage, bulk rock composition, and fluid chemistry.

*) Authors'adress: JOHN G. ARNASON, DENNIS K. BIRD & JUHN G. LIOU, Department of Geology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2115, USA.

17 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Temperature, oxygen fugacity, and carbon dioxide fugacity appear to be the most important intensive variables controlling epidote composition. The functional relationships among changes in these variables and changes in epidote solution composition depend on the enthalpies and stoichio- metries of reactions. In addition, aqueous complexing of Fe3+ and Al3+ by OH- causes epidote composition to be a sensitive function of pH in near-neu­ tral aqueous solutions of low ionic strength. The sensitivity of epidote composition to fluid chemistry and the multivariance of many epidote-bearing mineral assemblages makes chemically zoned epidote crystals unreliable indicators of the evolution of chemical and physical variables during .

1. Introduction epidote component (Xep) or by the mole fraction of the cli­ nozoisite component (Xoz = 1 -X6p). Epidote (Ca2 Fex Al3_x Si3 012 (OH)) is formed in a wide In order to relate the composition of epidote-ss to the variety of geological environments. It occurs in prograde physical and chemical conditions that are present in geo­ mineral assemblages of regional metamorphic terranes of logic systems, it is necessary to have expressions that re­ the prehnite-actinolite, , , and epi- late chemical compositions to thermodynamic activities dote- facies. Amphibolite, , and eclo- for the components. BIRD & HELGESON (1980) have develo­ gite facies rocks frequently contain epidote most likely as ped an activity-composition model that combines ideal retrograde alteration. In many active geothermal systems, intrasite mixing of Al3+and Fe3+ontheM1 and M3 octahe­ epidote forms as a result of reactions between hot aque­ dral sites with explicit provisions for the temperature de­ ous solutions and host rocks of various bulk composi­ pendence of substitutional order-disorder. It is consistent tions. The appearance of epidote as an alteration mineral with Mössbauer spectral data, observed mineral compo­ in plutonic rocks, , and skarns is evidence for sitions in geologic systems, and experimental phase similar hydrothermal activity in the past. Compositional equilibria. The model suggests that at T <400°C, ideal zoning, caused by variable Fe3+-AI3+ substitution, is a mixing of Al3+ and Fe3+ on the M(3) site can be used to common characteristic of epidote in these systems. This predict the observed mineral compositions and phase re­ zoning records a complex sequence of irreversible chemi­ lations in active geothermal systems. Consequently, in the cal reactions under changing conditions of temperature, present study epidote-ss is approximated as an ideal so­ pressure, and fluid composition. In some cases epidote lution, and the activities of the epidote and zoning has been used to infer the evolution of physical and components are equal to their mole fractions (ie., aep = Xep chemical conditions during regional metamorphism (e.g. and acz = Xcz). RAITH, 1976) and hydrothermal metamorphism (e.g., Ki- In the present study, the intercrystalline standard state TAMURA, 1975; EXLEY, 1982). for minerals is one of unit activity of the pure component in The present study focuses on the variables that control its stable state at any pressure and temperature. The stan­ epidote composition in low-temperature (200-400°C) and dard state for pure gases is one of unit fugacity at 1 bar low-pressure (<5 kb) conditions characteristic of geother­ and any temperature, and the standard state for ions is mal systems in subvolcanic environments and low-pres­ unit activity of a 1 molal aqueous solution referenced to sure greenschist or prehnite-actinolite facies regional infinite dilution at any pressure and temperature. metamorphism. The purpose of this communication is to provide a systematic analysis of the major thermodynamic variables that affect Fe3+ -Al3+ substitution in epidote solid solutions in such environments. 3. Variables Controlling Epidote Composition

2. Chemical Composition Epidote solid solution composition is a complex func­ tion of temperature, pressure, and the bulk compositions and Site Occupancy 3+ 3+ of rock and fluid. The relationship between Fe -AI sub­ The major compositional variation in natural epidote so­ stitution in epidote solid solution and the equilibrium com­ lid solution involves the exchange of six-coordinated Fe3+ position of the fluid can be represented by the heteroge­ and Al3+ on octahedral sites. In the monoclinic epidote neous exchange reaction among the components epidote (Ca2 FeAI2 Si3 0-|2 (OH)) and clinozoisite (Ca2 Al3 Si3 0-,2 structure (P21/m), there are 3 octahedral sites: M(1), M(2), 3+ 3+ (OH)) in epidote-ss and the aqueous species Fe and and M(3), of which the M(2) site contains only Al (e.g. 3 DOLLASE, 1971; GABE et al., 1973). Ferric can occupy Al +: 3+ 3 the M(1) and the M(3) sites, although the larger and more Ca2FeAI2Si3012(0H) + AI = Ca2AI3Si3012(OH) + Fe disorted M(3) site is energetically more favorable for Fe3+ (epidote-ss) (epidote-ss) d) substitution. Results of Mössbauer spectroscopy indica­ In logarithmic form, the law of mass action for reaction 3+ te that minor amounts of Fe are found in the M(1) site of (1) is written as relatively Fe-rich epidotes thought to have formed at tem­ peratures >400°C (DOLLASE, 1973). a a Most epidote solid solutions in geologic systems fall ep AI within the compositional range between Ca2 Al3 Si3 012 where K, is the equilibrium constant of reaction (1), acz (OH) (clinozoisite) and Ca2 FeAI2 Si3 012 (OH) (epidote) and aep represent the activities of Ca2 Al3 Si3 012 (OH) and (DEER et al., 1986; KEPESHINSKAS & KHLESTOV, 1971). Con­ Ca2FeAI2Si3012(OH) in epidote-ss, respectively, and aA!3+ 3+ sequently, natural epidote solid solution (epidote-ss) is and aFe3+ are the activities of the aqueous ions Al and treated here as a binary system, and the terms epidote Fe3+, respectively. From equation (2), it is apparent that so­ and clinozoisite are used as thermodynamic compo­ lid solution composition depends on ratio of aM 3+ to aFe 3+ nents. In this communication, the composition of epido­ in the fluid, as well as the temperature and pressure te-ss will be represented either by the mole fraction of the dependence of the equilibrium constant. The ratio

18 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

aFe3+/aA|3+ in turn depends on pH, oxygen fugacity, total AI AH3 and Fe concentration, and the concentrations of complex - (5) P,/C02,aH 2 ing ligands. (-TH RT In the following discussion, we will examine the various where AHä is the standard enthalpy of reaction (3), R is the effects of temperature, pressure, and fluid composition universal gas constant, and T is temperature in Kelvins. At on the composition of natural and synthetic epidote solid constant pressure and fluid composition, the temperature solutions. Using equilibrium thermodynamic relations, we derivative of XC2 is directly proportional to epidote-ss derive quantitative expressions relating changes in epi­ composition and the enthalpy of reaction (3) and inversely 2 dote-ss composition to changes in these variables. proportional to T . In Figure 1, AH! is plotted as a function of temperature over a range of pressures. At all pressures, AH? is positive, and therefore, from equation (5) Xcz will increase with increasing temperature at constant pres­ sure and fluid composition. For example, at 300°C, 86 3.1. Temperature 1 bars, and Xcz =0.15, Xcz will increase by 0.01 deg- . Due to Experimental observations of coexisting prehnite, epi­ the properties of water near its critical point, AH3 appro­ dote, and grandite solid solutions with hematite aches infinity and epidote-ss composition is extremely and excess at a fluid pressure of 2 kbars and buf­ sensitive to temperature changes near the critical point fered oxygen fugacity (hematite-magnetite) demonstrated (Figure 1). that epidote-ss composition becomes more aluminous Equation (5) can be applied even when the activities of with increasing temperature, in the temperature range K-, chlorite, , and biotite in reaction (3) are 325°C to 405°C (Uou et al., 1983). Synthetic epidotes pro­ not unity, so long as their compositions are relatively con­ duced from basaltic glass at 7 kb and fixed oxygen fuga­ stant compared to that of epidote-ss over a range of tem­ city (Ni-NiO) also became more aluminous with increasing perature. temperature, from Xcz = 0.28 at 400°C to Xcz = 0.49 at In the State 2-14 well, changes in the compositions of 650°C (APTED & Liou, 1983). these minerals are small over the temperature range 250 to Observations from geothermal systems and regional 350°C (CHO et al., 1988). If these observations are taken metamorphic rocks suggest that, in general, epidote-ss into account in equations (4) and (5), the result remains the composition is a complex function of temperature and same: Xcz increases with increasing temperature. mineral assemblage. The mineral assemblage epi­ In epidote-bearing veins of the Salton Sea geothermal dote-ss + albite + K-feldspar + K- + system, the assemblage epidote-ss + calcite + quartz is common in several active geothermal systems quartz + hematite is common (CARUSO et al., 1988). in rhyolitic and intermediate volcanic rocks including Equilibrium among these minerals and a fluid can be re­ Wairakei, New Zealand (STEINER, 1977), Otake, Japan presented by the reaction (HAYASHI & YAMASAKI, 1976), Pauzhetka, USSR (NOBOKO, 6Ca2FeAI2Si3012(OH) + 4C02 = 1970, 1976), and Miravalles, Costa Rica (ROCHELLE et al., (epidote-ss) 1989) BIRD & HELGESON (1981) calculated epidote-ss com­ (6) 4Ca AI Si 0 (OH) + 3Fe 0 +4CaC0 +6Si0 +H 0. position as a function of fluid composition and tem­ 2 3 3 12 2 3 3 2 2 (epidote-ss) (hematite) (calcite) (quartz) perature for this mineral assemblage. Their calculations are in agreement with measured temperatures and fluid 100 compositions, and they determined that epidote-ss would ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' become more aluminous with increasing depth and tem­ perature. They also predicted that epidote-ss coexisting 90 ~ Psat __-/ with K-feldspar, K-mica, calcite, and quartz .---'" 0 5 would become more aluminous with increasing tem­ '/''I-**- "~ ~~ *-*Ä______^- •— perature at constant carbon dioxide fugacity. Both predic­ 80 "/^ s^~~~ ~~~—-—--2. tions are consistent with observations from the Salton Sea O 0 geothermal system, where matrix epidotes coexisting Ü >""'~~~ ~~ ^^^ ~—~^_^^^ - with these minerals become more aluminous with increas­ J* 70 ^ ^^^^^^-^ 0 ing depth and temperature (BIRD et al., 1988). O 1. Based on prograde phase relations observed in the State 2-14 Well of the Salton Sea geothermal system, CHO < 60 et al. (1988) proposed the epidote-ss-producing reaction 5KAISi308 +3Mg5AI2Si3O10(OH)8 +4CaC03 = (K-feldspar) (chlorite) (calcite) 50 _ 5Ksp + 3Chl + 4Cc = 5Bt + 2Cz + 3Qtz + 6H 0 + C0 5KMg Si AIO (OH) +2Ca AI Si 0 (OH) + 3Si0 2 2 3 3 10 2 2 3 3 12 2 (3) (biotite) (epidote-ss) (quartz) +6H 0 + 4C0 . 40 i 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 1 1 1 2 2 100 200 300 400 500 600 Assuming that the activities of all minerals except epi­ dote-ss are unity, the logarithm of the law of mass action Temperature (deg. C) for reaction (3) is written as, Fig. 1. Standard molal enthalpy of reaction (3) as calculated by the program In K3 = 2ln aC2 + 4ln/C02 + 6ln aH20, (4) SUPCRT. Psa, represents the liquid-vapor equilibrium pressure for pure water. where K3 is the equilibrium constant for reaction (3), aH20 Pressure contours in kilobars. Thermodynamic data for minerals are is the activity of water, and JC02 is the fugacity of carbon from HELGESON et al. (1978). Data for aqueous species and gases are dioxide. Substitution of Xcz for acz in equation (4) and dif­ from HELGESON & KIRKHAM (1974a,b; 1976) and HELGESON et al. (1981). ferentiation with respect to temperature at constant total Ksp = K-feldspar; Chi = chlorite; Cc = calcite; Bt = biotite; Cz = clinozoisite pressure and fluid composition yields component of epidote-ss; Qtz = quartz.

19 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Assuming unit activity for all minerals except epidote-ss In higher grade metamorphic rocks where epidote coex­ the logarithm of the law of mass action for reaction (6) is ists with plagioclase, epidote often becomes more Fe-rich with increasing metamorphic grade. Theoretical phase re­ In K6 =4ln acz -6ln aep + In aH20 -4lnJC02. (7) lations calculated by BIRD & HELGESON (1981) among epi­ dote and plagioclase solid solutions and an aqueous solu­ Substitution of Xcz for acz and 1-XCZ for aep in equation tion at 500°C and 5 kb predict that epidote in equilibrium (7) and differentiation with respect to temperature at con­ with pure anorthite, hematite, quartz, and an aqueous stant pressure and fluid composition yields fluid becomes more Fe-rich with increasing temperature. However, for epidote in equilibrium with plagioclase solid axn Xcz(1-X ) _AHe_ cz (8) solution, Fe-content decreases with increasing activity of dT / RjC02,aH20 (2XC2+4) RT2 the anorthite component in plagioclase (aCaA|2Si208). In in where AHS is the standard enthalpy of reaction (6). In many regional metamorphic rocks, aCaAi2Si20s plagio­ Figure 2 the standard enthalpy of reaction (6) is plotted as clase increases with increasing metamorphic grade (e.g., TURNER, 1981). Thus, rising temperature and increasing a function of temperature at constant pressure. AHl is ne­ a gative for temperatures between 0 and 600°C and pres­ caAi2Si208 would have competing effects on the composi­ sures between 1 and 5000 bars. The factor preceding tion of coexisting epidote solid solution. Field and petro- 2 graphic observations, however, indicate that in metamor­ AHes/RT in equation (8) is positive for all values of Xcz. phic rocks of amphibolite facies or higher, the Fe-content Hence, at constant_/C02 and aH20, Xcz will decrease with increasing temperature in the assemblage epidote + of epidote coexisting with plagioclase typically increases calcite + quartz + hematite. At300°C, 86bars, and with increasing metamorphic grade (e.g. RAMBALDI, 1973; 1 TURNER, 1981). Although correlations between epidote Xcz =0.5, Xoz decreases by 0.004 deg- . In many low-grade regional metamorphic rocks the av­ composition and metamorphic grade imply that tem­ erage Fe-content of epidote-ss decreases with increasing perature may control epidote composition in these rocks, other intensive thermodynamic variables such as oxygen metamorphic grade (MIYASHIRO & SEKI, 1958; HOLDAWAY, fugacity and the activity of water change with metamor­ 1965; RAITH, 1976; LAIRD, 1980; SMITH et al., 1982; FRANK, 1983; ERNST, 1983; MARUYAMA et al., 1983). Assuming that phic grade. Therefore, it is difficult to isolate the effect of these epidotes grew during prograde metamorphism, one variable such as temperature on epidote composition in multivariant natural assemblages. their zoning is consistent with a decline in Xep with in­ creasing metamorphic grade. In addition, MIYASHIRO & SE­ KI (1958) observed an increase in compositional variation with increasing metamorphic grade. In some instances, 3.2. Pressure however, there appears to be no correlation between aver­ age epidote composition and metamorphic grade (LAIRD & Because most univariant reactions involving epidote ALBEE, 1981 a,b; COOPER, 1972). In a contact metamorphic are hydration-dehydration reactions with large positive environment, SEKI (1961) noted that the Fe-content of epi­ Clapeyron slopes, total pressure should have a small ef­ dote in calcareous decreased with increasing fect on epidote composition and stability. Experimental temperature in the metamorphic aureole of a granodiorite investigations have shown, however, that high pressures pluton. (>3 kb) favor nucleation and growth of epidote in the la­ boratory (Liou, 1973). The standard molar volume of clino­ 3 3 -20 is 136 cm /mole as compared to 139 cm /mole for epidote ((Ca2 FeAI2 Si3 012 (OH)), and the volume of inter­ mediate compositions does not appear to depart notably from a linear trend between the two end members (BIRD & HELGESON, 1980). The effect of pressure on reaction (1) is dependent on the volume of reaction by the relationship

alnK1 -AV1 (9) dP RT where AV,° is the standard molar volume of reaction (1). In Figure 3, AVi is plotted as a function of temperature and pressure at pressures between 500 and 5000 bars and temperatures between 50 and 600° C. Outside the P and T region of the critical point of water, AVi has a small ab­ solute value, which indicates that pressure would have lit­ -60 tle effect on the compositions of epidote solid solutions.

6Ep + 4C02 = Near the critical point of water, however, AVi becomes 4Cz + 3Hm + 6Qtz + 4Cc + H,0 large and negative due to the effects of the changing prop­ 3+ -70 erties of the solvent on the partial molal properties of Al 100 200 300 400 500 600 and Fe3+. Thus, small variations in pressure may be impor­ Temperature (deg. C) tant in determining epidote composition near the critical Fig. 2. point of water. Standard molal enthalpy of reaction (6) as calculated by the program SUPCRT. Psat represents the liquid-vapor equilibrium pressure for pure water. Pressure contours in kilobars. See Fig. 1 for the thermodynamic data sources. 3.3. Bulk Rock Composition Ep = epidote component of epidote-ss; Cz = clinozoisite component of Experimental studies have shown that Fe3+-AI3+ sub­ epidote-ss; Hm = hematite; Qtz = quartz; Cc = calcite. stitution in epidote-ss is dependent on the bulk composi-

20 3+ 2 3+ 3+ tions. tween theFe0contentoforiginalrocksandtha from activeandancientgeothermalsystems,SHIKAZONO tion andmineralogyoftheprotolith.Summarizingdata tions thathavedemonstratedthcompositionof than epidotessynthesizedbyHOLDAWAY(1972)frommat­ synthesized byLiou(1973)fromstartingmaterialwitha tion ofthestartingmaterialused.Epidotesexperimentally Standard molalvolumeofreaction(1)ascalculatebythprogram Japan whereepidotesofpeliticandpsammitischist composition isalsosupportedbypetrologicinvestiga­ erial withalowerinitiaratio.Thisdependenceonbulk high Fe0/AI3ratioaresignificantlyhigherin See Fig.1forththermodynamicdatasourcesandmineralabbrevia­ Dashed linerepresentsAV°=0.Pthliquid-vaporequili­ SUPCRT. Fig. 3 found acorrelationbetweehostrocktypeanepidote - and fossilhydrothermasystems,ARNASON&BIRD(1992) epidote-ss. Thiscorrelationialsoobservedregional (1984) determinedthatthereisapositivcorrelationbe­ natural epidotescanbecorrelatedwiththbulkcomposi­ brium pressureforpurwater.Pressurcontoursinkilobars come depletedinFtowartheirrims,whereascalcar ­ s zoningpatterns.Inbasalt-hostedsystemepidotebe ­ epidotes. Inastudyofepidotezoningpatternsiactiv contain lessFe0thathoseofadjacentmetabasalts. report asimilarrelationshipfromtheKantoMountainsf metamorphic rocks.Forexample,MIYASHIRO&SEKI(1958) tion alsodependsdirectly n theratiofactivities depends ontemperature,pressureandbulkroccom ­ eous sediment-hostedsystemtheybecomeenrichei n Bulk compositionalsocorrelateswithzoningpatterni chloride concentration,sulfu r fugacity(/S),andcar­ and AlwithOH-,CI-HS"S0 ", C0~andotheranions position. Asreaction(1)indicates , epidote-sscomposi­ Fe towardstheirrims. 23 may causeepidote-sscompositio n todependpH, Fe andAlinthefluid.Aqueou s complexationofFe position ofepidote-ssiequilibriumwithaaqueouflui d 23 sat 23 2 43 In theprecedingdiscussion,whavseethatcom­ 3+ - ; \ . Cz+Fe=EpAl - -1—1— 100 20304050GOO 1,1,1 Temperature (deg.C) 3.4. FluidComposition ~^r \ Psat \ 1 l 1 ' \0.5 1 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt,Wien;downloadunterwww.geologie.ac.at Vl.O I 1 1 ' 5.0 2.0 ^ - - - - - 3+ 3+ C /o fromX=0.81(hematite-magnetite)to0.54 the compositionoffluidatconstantemperaturan quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffers(HOLDAWAY,1972;Liou composition changedduringisothermalgrowthofthecal­ sions incalcitewhichhavthsamhomogenizatiotem­ fluid compositionduringtheformatioofepidote-ssmay 2ep of epidotestabilityincreaseswithincreasingf0•AtJ0 (1983) determinedthata7kbthemaximumtemperatur maximum Fecontentisfoundodepennf0,withthe city (f0).Inepidotessynthesizedfromoxidemixtureth content ofepidote-ssiadirecfunctionoxygefuga­ compositional zoningmaybearesultofsmalvariationsin cite crystals.Thmicronscalofzoningiepidotfrom (ROEDDER &HOWARD,1988).Thesedataindicatthatfluid reflect changesintemperatureorpressure. result invariationsFeandAlsubstitutiothaono bon dioxidefugacity(fC0)ithfluidphase.Changes tions andanaqueousolutioithesystemCaO-Fe down at652°C,whereasJÖbufferedbyhematite- paratus andsolioxygenbuffertechniques,APTED&Liou buffers andthelowerXoccurringatNi-NiO higher Xoccurringathematite-magnetiteandCu-CuO pressure. many hydrothermalsystemssuggestasimilarprocess: peratures oftenhavesignificantlydifferentsalinitie In theSaltoSeageothermalsystem,primaryfluidinclu­ minerals probablyoccurinmanhydrothermalsystems. sensitive athigherJ0whermagnetitisstable,and changes inJt)thequartz-fayalitstabilityfield,les (quartz-fayalite-magnetite). at 525C,thecompositionofepidotformedvariewith magnetite epidotbreaksdownabov700°C.Iaddition, buffered byquartz-fayalite-magnetite,epidotebreaks 1973). Usingaconventionalcold-seahydrothermaap­ ygen fugacity(~hematite-magnetite)calculatedfortha t (X ~1)arestablprimarilywithfluidsinequilibrium are inequilibriumwithhematite.Also,Fe-ricepidotes predict thaepidote-sscompositionimossensitiveo calculated byBIRD&HELGESON(1981).Thesecalculations Fe0 -Al-Si0-HCl-Hasfunctionoff0were fugacity (

range of C02 concentrations in the fluid in the presence of factor of four over that in reaction (13) for each unit change calcite and quartz, whereas Fe-poor epidote and Fe-rich in/C02. epidote are only stable in H20-rich fluids (BIRD & HELGE­ For the vein mineral assemblage epidote + hem at i- SON, 1981). These calculation also suggest that epidote- te + calcite + quartz, found in the Salton Sea, CARUSO ss composition is highly sensitive to small changes in car­ et al. (1988) calculate that an increase \nfC02 at constant bon dioxide fugacity IfC02) in H20-rich fluids. BIRD & HEL- temperature and pressure, or an increase in temperature GESON (1981) propose that this extreme dependency may at constant_/C02 and pressure will result in a increase in account for complex compositional zoning observed in Al-content of epidote, according to reaction (6): epidote in many geologic systems. 6Ca2 FeAI2 Si3 012 (OH) + 4C02 = Although epidote-ss composition is sensitive to the (epidote-ss) amount of carbon dioxide in the fluid, the effect of chan­ 4Ca2AI3Si3012(OH) + 3Fe203 +4CaC03 +6Si02 + H20. ' ging fCO on epidote-ss composition depends on the mi­ z (epidote-ss) (hematite) (calcite) (quartz) neral assemblage and the stoichiometry of the epidote- For this reaction, the dependence of epidote-ss compo­ forming reaction. The mineral assemblage epidote + sition on fC0 at constant temperature, pressure, K-feldspar+K-mica + calcite + quartz is common 2 in the Salton Sea geothermal system where modal abun­ and ^H20 is given by dances of calcite and K-mica decrease with depth and 3X„. Xcz (1 ~XC2) (15) temperature while abundances of epidote and K-feldspar dfCOz P,T,aH20 fC02 X„ + 2 increase with depth (MCDOWELL SMCCURRY, 1977). BIRD& HELGESON (1981) demonstrated that at constant tempera­ The right hand side of the equality in (15) is positive or ture and pressure, epidote in this mineral assemblage will zero for all values of Xcz. Thus, for the mineral assemblage increase in Fe content with increasing carbon dioxide fu­ epidote-ss + hematite + calcite + quartz, Xcz gacity (/C02). Equilibrium between these minerals can be decreases with increasing Cc02o, whereas for the assem­ represented by the reaction blages epidote-ss + plagioclase + calcite + quartz and epidote + K-feldspar + K-mica + 3KAl2(AISi3O10)(OH)2 +4CaC03 + 6Si02 = (muscovite) (calcite) (quartz) (10) calcite + quartz, the opposite relation applies.

2Ca2AI3Si3012(OH) + 3KAISi308+4C02+2H20, (epidote-ss) (K-feldspar) for which the logarithm of the law of mass action can be 3.4.3. Aqueous Complexing written From equation (2) we see that at constant temperature

In K10 = 2ln acz + 4ln/C02 + 2ln aHz0 (11) and pressure, the composition of epidote solid solution is 3+ 3+ assuming that all minerals but epidote-ss are pure. For a function of the activites of Fe and Al in the aqueous solution. Except in very acid solutions, the concentrations water-rich solutions (aH20 > 0.90), it is convenient to use of these ions are exceedingly small, and the majority of Fe the gas standard state for C02, ie. unit fugacity of the pure and AI in solution occurs as aqeous complexes. Using the gas at 1 bar and any temperature. Thus, the activity of C02 notation of HELGESON (1969), a generalized reaction repre­ is equal to its fugacity (aC02 =fC02) at any pressure and temperature. At constant temperature, pressure, and acti­ senting equilibrium between a cation and an aqueous vity of water, differentiation of equation (11) with respect complex of that cation can be written as tojfC02 yields eLy=e + yl_ (16)

where e is the cation, L is the complexing anion, and eLy is (12) the y,h aqueous complex. The relationship between the ac­ dfC02 /P,T,aH2o fco2 tivity of the cation (aj and its total concentration in solu­ tion (m J is given by Because Xoz and fC02 will always have values > 0, it is ti apparent that the right hand side of equation (12) will al­ ways be > 0, and Xcz will decrease with increasing fC02. aLv = rn,,e ^T + 2/ (17) Note that epidote-ss solution will be highly sensitive to ye My changes in fC02 whenJC02 is small, ie. water-rich solu­ tions. where y*js the true individual ion activity coefficient of the CHO et al. (1988) demonstrated a similar relationship be­ cation, aL is the activity of the anion, ßy is the overall dis­ sociation constant of the yth complex, and 7 is the activity tween fCO and epidote-ss compositions for the assem­ y 2 coefficient of the ylh complex (HELGESON, 1969). The acti­ blage epidote + plagioclase + calcite + quartz. vity of the cation is directly proportional to the total con­ The equilibrium reaction for this assemblage is centration of the element and inversely proportional to the 3CaAI2Si208 +CaC03 +H20 = 2Ca2AI3Si3012(OH) + C02, activities of the complexes. The logarithm of the law of (anorthite) (calcite) (epidote-ss) mass action for reaction (16) is for which the dependence of epidote composition on Inß = In ae +yln aL -In ay. (18) /co2 at constant pressure, temperature, and activities of Differentiation of equation (18) at constant temperature water and anorthite component (aAn) in plagioclase is gi­ and pressure with respect to aL gives an expression for the ven by change in concentration of the activity of the cation as a <3X function of the activity of the complexing anion: c: (14) ä/C0 P,T,a jH 0 2 An 2 jco2 dlnae dlnay -y + (19) In both reactions (10) and (13) XCH decreases with in­ 3lnaL RT dlnaL creasing fC02, but the sensitivity of Xep toJC02 depends on the stoichiometry of the reactions. For a given Xcz the The rate of change of the activity of the cation with re­ Fe-content of epidote-ss in reaction (10) will change by a spect to the complexing anion is proportional to the stoi-

22 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

chiometry of the aqueous complex (y) and to the change in the activity of the complex (ay) with the activity of the com- r plexing ion (aL). The first term in equation (19) is always \ \ AI(OH)° i A negative, whereas the second term will usually be posi­ 300 A| tive: the activity of a ligand complex will increase as the \ A (OH)a activity of the ligand increases. Therefore, it is difficult to O predict what the effect of increasing the activity of the li­ u AI(OH)-4 gand will be on the activity of the cation a p r i o r i. 3 200 4) When considering epidote-ss composition, the cations a. 3+ 3+ 3+ wV 2 V I of interest are Fe and Al . The activity of Al will depend E AIOH ^^^X on the total concentration of AI and on the concentrations ,2 ioo of the ligands which complex AI, and the activity of Fe3+ Al3+ ^^^J will depend on the total concentration of Fe and the con­ • i i i ^S centrations of the ligands which complex Fe. In most hy­ 3+ 3+ 0 12 3 4 5 k6 7 .8 9 10 drothermal and metamorphic fluids, Fe and Al will oc­ 3+ cur predominantly as aqueous complexes. Both Fe and PH Al3+ have low polarizability ("hard spheres" of PEARSON, 1963) and complex preferentially with the flouride ion and ligands having oxygen as the donor atom. Hence, OH" will V B complex preferentially over sulfide complexes, and chloro- complexes are weak and occur most readily in O 300 \ Fe(OH)° acid solutions under which conditions competition with OH- is minimal (STUMM & MORGAN, 1981). Fe(OH| + \

3.4.4. Hydrogen Ion Activity

In the State 2-14 well of the Saltan Sea geothermal sys­ - ' I O o o Temperatur e tem, epidote-ss occurs with albite, K-feldspar, muscovite, calcite, quartz, and pyrite. For this mineral assemblage, •FeS^W^^^. ARNASON et al. (1989) used computer modelling of solu­ i ^W i tion-mineral equilibria to show that epidote-ss composi­ 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tion is more sensitive to hydrogen ion activity (a +) than to H pH oxygen fugacity. Their computer experiments demons­ trated that local changes in pH (= -logaH+) produced by Fig. 4. 3+ hydrolysis and de-carbonation reactions may result in the A) Predominance of mononuclear hydroxides of Al in the system Al203 complex chemical zoning of epidote-ss that is observed - H2 0 as a function of pH and temperature at pressure given by li­ there. The thermodynamic basis for the extreme sensitiv­ quid-vapor equilibrium for pure water. Solid lines represent equal concentrations of complexes in adjacent fields. Al3t species calcu­ ity of epidote-ss composition to pH is summarized below. lated from the equations of ARNORSSON (pers. comm.). For cations that form primarily hydroxide complexes, B) Predominance of mononuclear hydroxides of Fe3* in the system the concentration of the ligand OH- can be related to hy­ Fe203 - H20 as a function of pH and temperature at pressure given by liquid-vapor equilibrium for pure water. Fe3+ species calculated trom drogen ion activity a + and to pH. Converting equation (2) H the equations of ARNORSSON et al. (1982). to base 10 logarithms and differentiating with respect to pH at constant temperature and pressure yields

Slog aA|& 9X. dlog aFe3f Slog aA!3t = -4 (25) = 2.303 Xep(1-Xep) (20) 3pH dpH /p,T apH dpH P,T 3+ In Figure 4, the predominance of various mononuclear that applies when AI(OH)4~ is the dominant Al species hydroxides of Fe3+ and Al3+ are depicted graphically as (pH > 5). Equations (23) and (25) are special cases of equ­ functions of temperature and pH. At 300°C and pH > 5, ation (19). Substitution of equations (23) and (25) into equ­ Fe(OH)3(aq) and AI(OH)4" are the dominant complexes of ation (20) yields pH dependence of epidote composition Fe3+ and Al3+, respectively. The complete dissociation re­ axol action for Fe(OH)3(aq) is = 2.03X (1-X ) (26) apH ep ep 3 RT Fe(OH)3(aq) = Fe ++ 30H-, (21) From equation (26), we see that X of epidote will in­ for which the logarithmic law of mass action is Fe crease with increasing pH, and decrease with decreasing

d logK21 =logaFe3+ + 3logaOH--log Fe(OH)3(.q) • pH when Fe(OH)3(aq) and AI(OH)4~ are the dominant spe­ (22) cies of ferric iron and aluminum. Notice that in equation For pH> 5, where Fe(OH)3(aq) is the dominant complex of (26) epidote composition will be most sensitive to pH 3+ Fe and (öaFe(0H)3M/öpH)PJ = 0, differentiation of equation whenXep = 0.5 and insensitive to pH when Xep=0or 1. For

(22) with respect to pH at constant temperature and pres­ example, when Xep = 0.50, Xep will increase by ~ 0.05 for sure and rearrangement of terms yields each 0.1 increase in pH. dlog aR = -3. (23) The preceding example illustrates how the composition apH P.T of epidote solid solution will vary as a function of pH in high temperature aqueous electolyte solutions of low ionic For the complete dissociation reaction of AI(OH) , 4 strength in which Fe3+ and Al3+ occur dominantly as hy­ 3 AI(OH),- = AI + + 40H-, (24) droxide complexes. It serves to illustrate that epidote-ss a similar expression can be derived, composition can be controlled by aqueous speciation

23 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

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Received 22. 5.1991 * Accepted 15. 5.1992