
Global Journal of Advanced Research on Classical and Modern ISSN: 2284-5569, Vol.9, (2020), Issue 2, pp.96-106



ABSTRACT. A simple A A ...A that has equal either all sides or all inte- A6 ≡ 1 2 6 rior is called a semi-regular . In terms of this definition, we can distinguish between two types of semi-regular hexagons: equilateral (they have equal all sides and different interior angles) and equiangular (they have equal interior angles and different sides). Unlike regular , one characteristic element is not enough to analyze the metric properties of semi-regular polygons, so the additional one is needed. To select this additional characteristic element, note that regular A A A , A A A △ 1 3 5 △ 2 4 6 can be inscribed to each semi-regular equilateral hexagon by joining the vertices. Let us ∠ use the mark δ = (a, b1) to mark the between side a of the semi-regular hexagon and side b of inscribed regular A A A This parameter is present in every 1 △ 1 3 5 semi-regular hexagon, therefore, in interpreting the metric properties of the semi-regular ∠ hexagon in this paper, in addition to side a, we also use angle δ = (a, b1). The manner in which convexities, the possibility of construction, the calculation of the surface and the problem of the inscribed and other metric properties depend on side a and an- ∠ gle δ = (a, b1) is elaborated in this paper. A formula has been designed to calculate the surface area of the semi-regular equilateral hexagon depending on parameters a and δ, as well as side a and radius r of the inscribed circle. The problem of the relation between the sides of inscribed triangles i ; i = 1, 2 is also pondered upon. P3


A 6 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 that has equal all sides and different interior angles is called a semi-regularA ≡ hexagon [1]. In terms of this definition, we can distinguish between two types of semi-regular hexagons: equilateral hexagons (they have equal all sides and different interior angles) and equiangular hexagons (they have equal interior angles and different sides). We consider Ai, i = 1,...,6 of a semi-regular equilateral hexagon to be in an even, or in an odd position, if index i is an even, or an odd number, respectively,(Figure1),[1],[2]. In this paper, we dealt with the metric properties of convex equilateral semi-regular hexagons. Unlike with regular polygons, the of one of the sides is not sufficient for analyzing the metric properties of equilateral semi-regular polygons, so another characteristic element is needed,[3-5].

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 51MO5; Secondary 11DO4. Key words and phrases. semi-regular polygons,semi-regular hexagon, an inscribed and , a ratio of surface of semi-regular polygons.

96 Some metric properties of semi-regular hexagons and constructive task

For the selection of this characteristic element of equilateral semi-regular hexagons, note that triangles A1 A3 A5, A2 A4 A6 can be inscribed to every semi-regular equilateral hexagon by joining△ odd, or△ even vertices. Equilateral triangles 1 A A A , 1 A A A are the inscribed triangles to P3 ≡ △ 1 3 5 P3 ≡ △ 2 4 6 semi-regular hexagon 6. Let us mark the sides of these triangles with b1, and b2, respec- A π ∠ tively, and their interior angles with γ; γ = 3 . Let us use the mark δ = (a, bi); i = 1, 2 to mark the angle between side a of semi-regular hexagon and the side of the inscribed A6 regular triangle. For triangle 1 A A A the following applies δ = ∠(a, b ). Isosce- P3 ≡△ 1 3 5 1 les triangles A1 A2 A3, A3 A4 A5 and A5 A6 A1 are triangles that border semi-regular hexagon (Figure△ 1), [6].△ △ A6 In this way, besides side Ai Ai+1 = a; Ai+1 = A1, i = 1,2,...,6 of the semi-regular ∠ hexagon, we have also included the other characteristic element, i.e. angle δ = (a, b), b1 = b which is required in analyzing the metric properties. In this paper, the following marks are used: - the side of semi- 6 is marked with a, - the number of sides of the ”inscribed”P regular polygon is marked with n - the side of regular triangle i ; i = 1, 2 ”inscribed” to semi-regular hexagon = P3 A6 A1 A2...A6, and constructed by joining its even vertices, or odd vertices is marked with bi, i N, i = 1, 2. ∈ - the interior angles of the semi-regular hexagon at the vertices of ”inscribed” regular triangle 1 A A A are marked with α, and at the other vertices with β. P3 ≡△ 1 3 5 For the interior angles the following applies π π π π π α = + 2δ, β = π 2δ = + 2( δ)= + 2ϕ, ϕ = δ. (1.1) 3 − 3 3 − 3 3 − The parameters which are used in the analysis of the metric properties of the semi- ∠ regular hexagon are the length of its side a and the value of angle δ = (a, b1) where b1 indicates the side of the inscribed to it and formed by joining the a,δ odd vertices. Mark 6 indicates that the semi-regular equilateral convex hexagon is determined by side aAand angle δ,[5].


2.1. The convexity of a semi-regular hexagon. The following theorem shows the de- pendence of the convexity of a semi-regular equilateral hexagon on angle δ = ∠(a, b), where b = b is the side of inscribed regular triangle 1 A A A . 1 P3 ≡△ 1 3 5 Theorem 2.1. Semi-regular equilateral hexagon 6 with interior angles defined by relations (1.1) is: A π π 1) convex for all values δ 0; 3 , (for δ = 6 , 6 it is a regular hexagon), ∈h iπ π A 2) non-convex for all values δ [ 3 , 2 and >∈ π i 3) not defined for all values δ 2 . Proof: By definition, a simple polygon is said to be convex, if all its interior angles are smaller than π(Figure 1),[2]. Furthermore, using this definition, it is easy to determine

97 Nenad Stojanovic

Figure 1. Basic elements of a semi-regular equilateral hexagon

< < π the values of interior angles α, β for angle 0 ϕ 3 . π < < π π < < 2π 1. For all δ 0; 6 from inequality 0 δ 6 we get that 3 α 3 , from which it follows that∈ h all valuesi of the interior angles are equal to angle α < π and are in the π 2π interval 3 ; 3 . By a similarh procedure,i it is easy to show that the interior angles equal to angle β are < < π also smaller than π. Indeed, from inequality 0 δ 6 by a series of elementary 2π < < transformations we find that 3 β π, that is, all values of the interior angles equal 2π to angle β are in interval 3 ; π . Since all the interior anglesh of thei semi-regular equilateral hexagon are smaller than π, π for all angle values δ 0; 6 it is convex for the values of angle δ. π ∈h i For δ = 6 the interior angles of the hexagon are equal, so for this value of angle δ,itisa convex regular hexagon. π π π < < π 2. If δ 6 ; 3 ] then from inequality 6 δ 3 we find that the values of the interior ∈ h 2π angles of a semi-regular hexagon equal to angle α are in interval 3 ; π . By a similar procedure, it is shown that the values of the interior angles equal to angleh βi are in interval π 2π 3 ; 3 . Based on this, it follows that the semi-regular equilateral hexagon is also convex h i π π for all angle values δ 6 ; 3 . ∈hπ π i π < π 3. Let it be that δ [ 3 ; 2 . Starting from inequality 3 δ 2 we find that for the ∈ i ≤4π interior angles equal to angle α the interval of values is [π; 3 . Therefore, all the interior angles equal to angle α are greater than π, then the semi-regulari equilateral hexagon is π π non-convex for all the values of angle δ [ 3 ; 2 . π ∈ i 4. If δ 2 , all the interior angles that are equal to angle α are greater than or equal to angle π≥, while all the interior angles are equal to angle β 0. So, for these values of angle δ, the semi-regular hexagon does not exist. ≤

98 Some metric properties of semi-regular hexagons and constructive task

Figure 2. Semi-rectangular hexagon of side a and angle δ

2.2. Surface area of a semi-regular hexagon. The dependence of the surface of a con- vex equilateral semi-regular hexagon on the length of its side a and angle δ = ∠(a, b) 1 closed with sides a and b of inscribed equilateral triangle 3 A1 A3 A5 is shown in a Theorem P ≡△

Theorem 2.2. The surface area (P6), of a semi-regular equilateral convex hexagon of a side a and angle δ = ∠(a, b) is determinedA in a relation π (P )= 2√3 a2 cos δ cos( δ). (2.1) A 6 · · 3 − Proof: Observe that the surface area of the semi-angular equilateral hexagon is equal to the sum of the surface areas of the isosceles triangles constructed above each side of regular triangle 1 A A A which is inscribed to it (Figure 2). That is P3 ≡△ 1 3 5 (P )= 3 (P )+ (P ) (2.2) A 6 ·A 1 A 2 where (P1) is the surface area of the isosceles bordering triangle, and (P2) is the sur- face areaA of the inscribed equilateral triangle. A As the surface area of inscribed regular triangle A1 A3 A5, where side b is b = 2a cos δ 2 △ · is (P )= b √3 , and with the surface area of A A A , A 2 4 △ 1 2 3 (P )= a2 sin δ cos δ, we get that A 1

(P ) = 3 (P ) + (P ) A 6 ·A 1 A 2 = 3a2 sin δ cos δ + a2√3cos2 δ = √3a2 cos δ(√3sin δ + cos δ). √ π π If we notice that 3sin δ + cos δ = tan 3 sin δ + cos δ = 2cos( 3 δ) we find that the surface area of the semi-regular equilateral hexagon is − π (P )= 2a2√3cos δ cos( δ). A 6 3 −

99 Nenad Stojanovic

π Corollary 2.1. For angle δ = 6 the hexagon is regular, and its surface is π π π 3√3 (P )= 2a2√3cos cos( )= a2 A 6 6 3 − 6 2 · which is consistent with the formula for the surface area of the regular hexagon, which is obtained 1 2 α π 2π if in (Pn) = 4 na cot 2 we add that n = 6 and α = 3 , wherein α = n is the central angle of the regularA n-side polygon. The surface area of the semi-regular hexagon can be calculated also if the length of side b of the inscribed regular triangle and angle δ are known, i.e. it applies that Corollary 2.2. The surface area of the semi-regular hexagon, with side b of the inscribed regular triangle and angle δ is calculated by the following formula √3 cos π δ (P ) = b2 3 −  δ (2.3) A 6 2 · cos where b is the side of the inscribed regular triangle and angle δ=∠(a, b). Proof. From enequality b = 2a cos δ we express side a and use the formula for the surface area of the semi-regular hexagon

b π (P ) = 2( )2√3cos δ cos( δ) A 6 2cos δ 3 − √3 cos( π δ) = b2 3 − . 2 · cos δ 2.3. The radius of the inscribed circle. A circle can be inscribed, but not circumscribed to an equilateral semi-regular hexagon. Let us analyze the ratio of the radius of the inscribed circle (), side a and angle δ, as well as the calculation of the surface area depending on the radius of the semi-regular equilateral hexagon. The following theorem shows the relation between the radius of the inscribed circle and parameters a and δ of the semi-regular hexagon. Theorem 2.3. The radius of the circle inscribed to the semi-regular equilateral hexagon with side a and angle δ 0; π , δ = π is expressed by the following ∈h 3 i 6 6 2a π r = cos δcos δ (2.4) √3 ·  3 − 

Proof: Note triangle A1 A2O (Figure 3). The following applies for the angles of this ∠ α π ∠ β π triangle OA1 A2 = 2 = 6 + δ and A1 A2O = 2 = 2 δ. From the special right α r − triangle OA1K it follows that tan 2 = x , and from there we have the following: α r = x tan (2.5) · 2 β and x = d(A1, K). Similarly, from special OKA2, it follows that tan 2 = r a x ,and from that we get − β r =(a x) tan , (2.6) − 2 and d(K, A )= a x. 2 −

100 Some metric properties of semi-regular hexagons and constructive task

Figure 3. Radius of the inscribed circle.

If we equate (2.5) and (2.6), and after completing the elemental transformations we find that

a tan β x = · 2 . (2.7) α β tan 2 + tan 2 If we put this into equality (2.5) we get that a tan β tan α r = · 2 2 , (2.8) α β tan 2 + tan 2 i.e. a tan( π + δ) tan( π δ) r = · 6 2 − . (2.9) tan( π δ)+ tan( π + δ) 2 − 6 Since π sin( π δ) π cot δ + √3 tan( δ)= 2 − = cot δ, tan( + δ)= 2 − cos( π δ) 6 √3 cot δ 1 2 − − we find that a cot δ(cot δ + √3) 2a π r = = ... = cosδcos( δ). √3(1 + cot2 δ) √3 3 − Proposition 2.1. The dependence of the radius of the circle inscribed on side b of the inscribed and angle δ is given in the following formula:

1 π r = b cos( δ) (2.10) √3 · 3 − Proof. It is easy to show that the equality is valid using equality b = 2a cos δ and equality r = 2a cos δ cos( π δ) in which we find that equality is valid. √3 · 3 −

101 Nenad Stojanovic

The manner of calculating the surface area of the semi-regular equilateral hexagon, if the length of the radius of inscribed circle r and angle δ are given, is seen in the following Theorem Theorem 2.4. The surface area of the semi-regular equilateral hexagon of the radius of inscribed circle r and angle δ 0, π and δ = π is calculated by the following formula ∈h 3 i 6 6 3√3 r2 (P )= . (2.11) A 6 2 cos δcos( π δ) 3 − Proof: If from equality r = 2a cos δ cos( π δ) we express side a using r and δ, we find √3 · 3 − that √3 r a = · . (2.12) 2cos δ cos( π δ) 3 − If we substitute this equality in the formula for the surface area of semi-regular hexagon π (P )= 2a2√3cos δcos( δ) A 6 3 − after calculation we find that 3√3 r2 (P )= . A 6 2 cos δcos( π δ) 3 − π Corollary 2.3. If δ = 6 the surface area of the semi-regular hexagon is equal to 3√3 r2 (P ) = A 6 2 cos δcos( π δ) 3 − 3√3 r2 = 2 cos π cos( π π ) 6 3 − 6 3√3 r2 = = 2√3r2 2 √3 2 ( 2 ) which coincides with the formula for the surface area of the regular hexagon if radius r of the inscribed circle is given.

π √3r Example 2.1. If we note that cos δcos( 3 δ)= 2a then from the formula for the surface area of the semi-regular hexagon we find that the− surface area of the semi-regular hexagon, with given side a and radius r of the inscribed circle is calculated by the following formula

π √3r (P )= 2a2√3cos δcos( δ)= 2a2√3a2 = 3ar. (2.13) A 6 3 − 2a 2.4. A constructive task on semi-regular hexagons. The triangles inscribed to the equi- lateral convex hexagon by joining odd or even vertices generate a new equiangular con- vex hexagon, to which we can construct the inscribed equilateral triangles in the same way, and which then generate a new equilateral convex hexagon, etc. Between the semi- regular hexagons constructed in this way, a relation can be established, that is, the fol- lowing theorem holds

102 Some metric properties of semi-regular hexagons and constructive task

Theorem 2.5. The intersection points of the sides of regular triangles 1 A A A , 2 P3 ≡ 1 3 5 P3 ≡ A2 A4 A6 inscribed to equilateral semi-regular hexagon 6 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 are the ver- A ≡ 1 2 tices of hexagon 6 B1B2B3B4B5B6, to which triangles 3 B1B3B5, 3 B2B4B6 are inscribed, andB their≡ intersection points of the sides are locatedT ≡ at the verticesT ≡ of hexagon C C C C C C , and so on.(Figure 4). The following needs to be proven: C6 ≡ 1 2 3 4 5 6 (1) that is an equiangular semi-regular hexagon, B6 (2) that 6 is an equilateral semi-regular hexagon, (3) thatC the ratio of the of the smaller and the larger side of convex equiangular hexagon inscribed to equilateral convex semi-regular hexagon a,δ is in interval B6 A6 (0, √3 ) for all values of angle δ 0, π , 3 3  < R 3 ∈ π (4) that inequalities 1 r A 2 apply for all values of angle δ 0, 3 , with R being the B ≤ ∈  A length of the radius of the circle inscribed to hexagon 6, and r being the length of the radius of the circle circumscribed to hexagon . A B B6 Proof. 1.) Let A A A A A A (Figure 4.) be a semi-regular convex equilateral A6 ≡ 1 2 3 4 5 6 hexagon and 1 A A A ; 2 A A A be the regular triangles inscribed to it, the P3 ≡ 1 3 5 P3 ≡ 2 4 6 sides of which are marked with b1, b2 respectively. Let B1B2 = c1; B2B3 = c2 be the sides of this hexagon. To prove that 6 is an equiangular semi-regular hexagon, it needs to be proven that all interior anglesB are equal and the sides are different.

∠ Let us use mark δ = (a, b1) to mark the angle between side a of hexagon 6 and the 1 A side of equilateral triangle 3 A1 A3 A5. Note that for the interior angles at vertices P ≡∠ ∠ ∠ = π + A1, A3, A5 the following applies A1 ∼= A3 ∼= A5 3 2δ, and that for the interior ∠ ∠ ∠ = π + ( π ) angles at vertices A2, A4, A6 the following applies A2 ∼= A4 ∼= A6 3 2 3 δ . Since is an equilateral semi-regular hexagon, i.e. A A = A A = ... = A A =− a, it A6 1 2 2 3 6 1 follows that triangles A1B1 A2; A2B2 A3; A B A ; A B A ; △A B A ; △A B A are congruent, hence their interior angles △ 3 3 4 △ 4 4 5 △ 5 5 6, △ 6 6 1 2π ∠A B A ∠A B A ∠A B A ∠A B A ∠A B A ∠A B A = (2.14) 1 1 2 ≡ 2 2 3 ≡ 3 3 4 ≡ 4 4 5 ≡ 5 5 6 ≡ 6 6 1 3 are also congruent,(Figure 4). Note that the interior angles of hexagon 6 are transverse to the angles from the previous equality, and that the following is applicableB 2π ∠B = ∠B = ∠B = ∠B = ∠B = ∠B = ϕ = (2.15) 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 It follows that is the equiangular convex hexagon. Let us prove that the sides of B6 hexagon 6 are different from each other. Let us noteB triangles B A B ; B A B ; B A B . Let us observe now B A B . It △ 1 2 2 △ 3 4 4 △ 5 6 6 △ 1 2 2 has been shown that A1B1 A2 ∼= A2B2 A3 and from that it follows that segments △ △ ∠ π B1 A2 = A2B2 are congruent. Since the interior angle is at vertex A2 = and point ∼ ∠ 3 S1 is on the bisector of base B1B2 it follows that S1 is a and B1 A2S1 is ∠ π ∠ △π orthogonal to the angle at vertex B1 = 3 . Similarly, it turns out that B2 = 3 . On the basis of this, it follows that B1 A2B2 is an equilateral triangle and B1B2 = c1 is the side of hexagon (Figure 4). △ B6

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Similarly, triangles B3 A4B4; B5 A6B6 are proven to be equilateral, i.e. the following applies B A B △ B A B △ B A B . △ 1 2 2 ≡△ 3 4 4 ≡△ 5 6 6 Let us note now that B2 A3B3. From the already seen A B B = A B B△ it follows that B A = B A . Since ∠A = π it follows that △ 2 2 1 ∼ △ 3 3 4 2 3 ∼ 3 3 3 3 B2 A3B3 is an equilateral triangle and that side B1B3 = c2 is the side of hexagon 6. In the△ same way it is shown that B A B ; B A B are mutually congruent equilateralB △ 4 5 5 △ 6 1 1 triangles, with bases B2B3 = B4B5 = B6B1 = c2. Equilateral triangles B1 A2B2 and B A B are not congruent, i.e. the following applies B B = c = B△B = c , and △ 2 3 3 1 2 1 6 1 3 2 therefore, based on this we can conclude that equiangular hexagon 6 does not have equal sides, i.e. it is an equiangular semi-regular hexagon. B 2) Let us show that 6 C1C2C3C4C5C6 is an equilateral semi-regular hexagon. Note, C ≡ ∠ ∠ for example, that, from the congruence of interior angles B1 ∼= B2 and sides B6B1 ∼= B2B3 = c2 of equilangular hexagon 6 and B1B2 ∼= B2B1 = c1 the congruence of trian- gles B B B = B B B follows. FromB the congruence of these triangles, follows the △ 6 1 2 ∼ △ 1 2 3 congruence of sides B2B4 ∼= B4B6 ∼= B6B2 = b. Similarly, the congruence of triangles B3B4B5 ∼= B4B5B6 ∼= B5B6B1 ∼= B6B1B2 is shown. From the congruence of these△ triangles, the△ congruence△ of equilateral△ triangles B1B3B5; B2B4B6 follows. From the congruence of these triangles, the congruence of △ ∠ △ ∠ = π angles C6B1C2 ∼= C6B2C2 3 follows. Furthermore, from the congruence of special right triangles B C T = B C T the △ 1 1 1 ∼ △ 2 1 1 congruence of sides B1C1 ∼= B2C2 follows, and from the congruence of transverse angles ∠C C B = ∠C C B the congruence of triangles B C C = B C C follows. The 6 1 1 ∼ 2 1 2 △ 1 1 6 ∼ △ 2 1 2 congruence of these triangles implies the equality of sides C6C1 ∼= C1C2 = a1 of hexagon 6. A similar procedure shows that all sides of hexagon 6 are equal, that is, it is an equilateralC hexagon. The difference of angles can be easily pCroven.

Figure 4. Relationship between the inscribed semi-regular hexagons

104 Some metric properties of semi-regular hexagons and constructive task

3). To determine the ratio of the sides of inscribed semi-regular hexagon , let us B6 express the lengths of the sides relative to the length of side a of hexagon 6 and angle ∠ A δ = (a, b1) (Figure 4). Note equilateral triangle B1 A2B2. From special right triangle A1 A2T1 we find that side c of hexagon is given△ by the following equality △ 1 B6 2√3 c = a sin δ. (2.16) 1 3 And from isosceles triangle A6 A1 A2 with base A2 A6 = A2B1 + B1B6 + B6 A6 = 2c1 + c2 △ ∠ ∠ π and with the value of angles being A2 A6 = 3 δ we find that side c2 of hexagon is given by the following equality ≡ − B6 2√3 π c = a sin( δ). (2.17) 2 3 3 − From equalities 2.16 and 2.17 we find that c sinδ 1 = (2.18) c sin( π δ) 2 3 − ∠ Let us consider the dependence of the equality from the value of angle δ = (a, b1). π Note that for δ = 6 , c1 = c2 and in this case, hexagons 6 and 6 are regular hexagons. πB A π Since semi-regular hexagon 6 is convex for δ (0, 3 ) and δ = 6 we distinguish two cases: A ∈ 6 (1) If δ (0, π ) then π δ > δ and sin( π δ) > sin δ i.e. ∈ 6 3 − 3 − π 2√3 2√3 π sin δ < sin δ a sin δ < sin( δ) c < c .  3 −  ⇔ 3 3 3 − ⇒ 1 2 Since for 0 < δ < π it is 0 < sin δ < 1 and 1 < sin( π δ) < √3 we find 6 2 2 3 − 2 that the ratio of the smaller side,c1, and the greater side, c2, of the semi-regular √3 hexagon is in interval (0, 3 ) i.e. the following inequalities are valid √ c 2 3 a sin δ sin δ √3 0 < 1 = 3 = < . 2√3 π π c2 a sin( δ) sin( 3 δ) 3 3 3 − − (2) In a similar procedure, we see that if δ ( π , π ) then π δ < δ and sin( π δ) < ∈ 6 3 3 − 3 − sin δ and c1 > c2. So the ratio of the length of smaller side c2 and larger side c1 √3 of semi-regular equiangular hexagon 6 is in interval (0, 3 ) i.e. the following inequalities apply B √ c 2 3 a sin( π δ) √3 0 < 1 = 3 3 − < . √ c2 2 3 sin δ 3 3 a In both cases, the ratio of the length of the smaller and larger sides of isosceles hexagon which is inscribed to equilateral hexagon a,δ is in interval (0, √3 ). B6 A6 3 4) Using the marks as in Figure 4, and the previously obtained results on the radius of the circle which is inscribed to the equilateral hexagon, we find that R = 2√3 a A 3 ·

105 Nenad Stojanovic cos δ cos π δ . Furthermore, from special right triangle B S O there is 3 −  △ 1 1 2 √3 2 √3 2 a√3 rB =( 3 a cos δ) +( 3 a sin δ) , and after calculation we get rB = 3 , with a being the length of the side of semi-regular hexagon a,δ. Further on A6 R π π 1 A = 2cosδcos δ = cos 2δ + r  3 −   − 3  2 . B π < < π To estimate the value of the ratio, note that for δ (0, 6 ) from inequality 0 δ 6 it π < π < 1∈< π < follows that 3 2δ 3 0. From this we get 2 cos(2δ 3 ) 1 i.e. the following − −< R π 1 < 3 − inequalities are true 1 r A = cos 2δ 3 + 2 2 . B π π −  π < < π By similar reasoning, for δ ( 6 , 3 ) from inequality 6 δ 3 we get the following inequalities 0 < 2δ π < π ∈, and from this we get thatinequalty − 3 3 R π 1 3 1 < A = cos 2δ + < r  − 3  2 2 B is valid. π a,δ R 3 Note that for δ = 6 semi-regular hexagon 6 is regular, and then it is r A = 2 . A B 2.5. Conclusion. By using characteristic elements, i.e. side a and angle between side a of the semi-regular hexagon and side b1 of the regular triangle inscribed to the semi-regular hexagon, one can express in a very simple way many of its metric properties, such as: convexity, possibility of construction, surface area calculation, radius of the inscribed circle, and some other properties. Only one problem in the ratio between the sides of i inscribed triangles 3, i = 1, 2 has been considered here, however, other relations may also be considered. P

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