Career summary

After passing the competitive examinations to become a teacher in the French education system (Capes of History-Geography and Agrégation of History in 1992) and alongside my teaching commitments, I continued my university studies by preparing a doctorate on the Strait of Gibraltar in Antiquity, which I defended in 2000. This thematic orientation remains one of the major axes of my research, although my study of a regional economic ensemble such as the 'Circle of the Strait' has been enriched by a double dimension, firstly archaeological: between 2004 and 2013, I led a diachronic excavation (5th century BC-15th century AD) on the urban site of Rirha (Sidi Slimane, Morocco); secondly, numismatic: preparation of a synthesis on the pre-Claudian coins of Mauritania in the framework of a HDR, which is scheduled for presentation in 2020. This African orientation has been complemented, since my recruitment as a lecturer at the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) in 2001, by a Gallic focus, for which this twofold dimension is also effective. The archaeological activity took the form of work on the organization of rural territory and landscapes in southern Aquitaine during antiquity, through a survey and inventory carried out between 2002 and 2004 in the Pyrenean foothills and a planned excavation of the Gallo- Roman villa of (2000-2005), while the numismatic approach concerns the Aquitaine coinage of the second Iron Age and the circulation of money in southern Aquitaine and in the western Pyrenean regions from the 3rd century BC to the 5th century BC. My two favourite research territories, namely the Western Maghreb and Southern Gaul, connect and articulate with a third region, the Iberian Peninsula, which is omnipresent in most of my work. This peninsular space very often provides the keys to understanding cultural manifestations, Mediterranean influences or technological transfers in the Extreme West. It was therefore a logical step to go on to direct an ANR (French National Agency of Research) programme entitled The Strait of Gibraltar, at the crossroads of seas and continents (ancient and medieval times), between 2010 and 2015. My various attachments to university research structures (UTAH in Toulouse, ITEM in Pau) and my two periods (1996-1998 and 2007-2008) as a member of the School of Advanced Hispanic and Iberian Studies (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid) have strengthened this Western anchorage, both Atlantic and Mediterranean. Through the various research projects, professional links with national and territorial institutions, research centres and museums have been forged in Aquitaine, Spain and the Maghreb. These scientific activities nourish my teaching practice by providing proof that the historical subject is constantly evolving, allowing me to illustrate my teaching with up-to-date knowledge. Drawing on my secondary school teaching experience, my university teaching favours an active approach, in the form of oral presentations or applied work on the furniture of museum collections, and the visual dimension that the systematic use of multimedia tools, such as video projection, ENT or GIS for the archaeological field, allows. Since 2001, I have been teaching Ancient History, Classical Archaeology and History of Ancient Art at all university levels, from the Licence 1 to the doctoral school seminar, including preparation for the history-geography Capes and the Agrégation of History, as well as supervising research work in the Research Master, Professional Master and Doctorate programs. Alongside the university courses, I provide additional training in archaeology on my excavation sites, either for French students or for students from the National Institute of Archaeology and Heritage Sciences in Rabat. During my time at Casa de Velázquez, I have provided educational and scientific support to young doctoral and post- doctoral students, in particular through annual training sessions (approx. 90 h/year) and doctoral workshops (approx. 10 per year). There has been a similar follow-up with postdoctoral students at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Study (MIAS) since 2017. Finally, my involvement in the Professional Master's Degree "Valorisation of heritage and territorial cultural policies" and my status as President of the Scientific and Pedagogical Committee of


CURRICULUM VITAE – LAURENT CALLEGARIN the Arthous Abbey Heritage Education Centre (The Landes region of ) allow me to understand the entire research process, from excavation to the exhibition showcase. The close links with current research brings a dynamic dimension to my students' investigations while reinforcing their motivation. This desire to invest myself in the organisation and supervision of university life is demonstrated by the fact that I was in charge of the History, History of Art and Archaeology department of UPPA for three years (2005-2007 and 2008-2009) and that, from 2003 to 2013, I coordinated the 'Communication' option of the above-mentioned Professional Master's degree.

Since 2013, as Director of Studies for the Ancient and Medieval Periods at the School of Advanced Hispanic and Iberian Studies (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid) and member of the Board of Directors of the Madrid Institute for Advanced Study, I have been responsible for the annual study of the ancient and medieval eras and, in collaboration with my colleague in charge of recent times, the pedagogical and scientific monitoring of some thirty doctoral and post-doctoral students (members, fellows, scholarship holders), as well as the scientific leadership and administrative management of the research policy of one of the five overseas French Schools. We are responsible for the regular and close monitoring of each programme by discussing and, if necessary, adjusting the content of the scientific events, ensuring budgetary viability and, if necessary, proposing solutions to develop the financial package (presentation of projects at the national and European levels), attending activities and planning their development and promotion. In concrete terms, this means we organise about 65 scientific events per year (symposia, study days, seminars, doctoral workshops, round tables), spread over about 15 different countries around the world. More information (including the activity reports is available from:

Titles and diplomas

2013-2019: Director of Studies for the Ancient and Medieval Periods (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid) (on secondment). End of contract on 31/08/2020. 2007-2008: Postdoctoral member at the School of Advanced Hispanic and Iberian Studies (Casa de Velázquez) for the preparation of my Habilitation à diriger des recherches on the following subject: Creation and dissemination of the monetary instrument in the West (on secondment) 2001-2002: Tenure as lecturer in Roman history at the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour (job n° 2100 MCF 0490). 1999-2000: Defence of thesis on January 10, 2000 in Toulouse, before a jury composed of: Jacques Alexandropoulos, María-Paz García-Bellido, Maurice Lenoir, Jean-Marie Pailler (dir.) and Pierre Rouillard. Thesis subject: Gadir / Gades and the "Circle of Strait": from the genesis to the Augustan period. Thesis obtained with the mention: Very honourable with the congratulations of the jury. CNU qualification (section 21) 1996-1998: Doctoral student member at the School of Advanced Hispanic and Iberian Studies (Casa de Velázquez) for the preparation of a doctorate (on secondment). 1993-1994: DEA in Ancient History from the University of Toulouse-Le Mirail (mention TB). Subject: The Strait of Gibraltar: bridge or frontier in the 1st millennium BC? under the direction of Jean-Marie Pailler. 1991-1992: Agrégation d'Histoire (rank: 161e/172) and the CAPES d'Histoire-Géographie. 1990-1991: Master's degree in Ancient History from the University of Toulouse-Le Mirail (mention TB). Subject: The Bellum Iugurthinum of Salluste. The image of Africa under the direction of Jacques Alexandropoulos. 1987-1990: Undergraduate degree (Licence) in History from the Université Catholique de l'Ouest (Angers) / Pedagogical Training Institute of Angers (equivalent to Educational Sciences degree).



1987: French Baccalauréat

Contracts and professional positions

2020- : Lecturer in Roman History at UPPA (France) 2013-2020: Director of Studies for the Ancient and Medieval Periods (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), on secondment from my university. Since 2001: Lecturer in Roman History at UPPA (job no. 2100 MCF 0490), tenured in 2002) 1999-2001: ATER at the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (UPPA, France) in the History and Art History Department (1 Sept. 1999-31 Jan. 2001) CNU qualification (section 21) 1993-1999: Teacher in secondary education




Presentation of the teaching activity

After having taught from 1993 to 1999 in the Secondary School (middle and high schools), with, for this last year, vacancies to be filled at the University of Pau in the form of Directed Studies (108h in Roman History and Roman Art, Licence level), I was recruited as an ATER (university assistant) between 1999 and 2001, then as a lecturer in February of the same year. Until September 2013, I taught Ancient History (Practical Training in Greek History and Formal Lectures and Practical Training in Roman History), Classical Archaeology and History of Ancient Art, at all university levels, from Licence 1 to the seminar of the doctoral school, including preparation for the Capes history-geography and the Agrégation of History, and supervision of research work in Research Master, Professional Master and Doctorate. From 2003 to 2013, I taught not only a professional Master's degree in "Valorization of territorial cultural heritage and policies", but also supervised Master’s theses and monitored internships. Since 2013, I have been supervising annually about thirty young researchers (PhD students and postdoctoral fellows) as part of my function as Director of Studies at the School of Hispanic and Iberian Studies (Madrid) and MIAS. My pedagogical task consists in guiding them in their research, helping them to organize scientific events or coordinate research projects, as well as in obtaining a tenured position at the university or in research organizations in France or abroad (CNRS, FNRS, CSIC). My pedagogical practices are plural. In addition to the classic lecture course used essentially at the Bachelor's level, in teachings with a large contingent of students, I use the Practical Training (document / lesson commentary) to train and coach students in the articulation of their thinking, speaking and generally speaking to the exercises required at Capes. The combination of lectures and tutorials is practiced for subjects that require specific learning (Auxiliary Science and Techniques where students are introduced to archaeological stratigraphy, epigraphy and numismatics; Computer Science applied to archaeology where students learn how to make a stone-to-stone survey or a ceramic drawing). Within my teaching, I constantly rely on the multimedia support of video projection. Since 2004, I have been producing illustrations for my courses on computer support, which allows me to put on the ENT (Digital Workspace) all my powerpoint presentations converted to pdf format so that students can revise their course following the plan and benefiting from the cartographic and iconographic illustrations. I also try to diversify approaches by working with students on the collections of regional museums (numismatics course at the municipal museum of Pau; epigraphy course at the Massey museum of Tarbes; course on the development of small furniture at the museum of Eauze (Gers, France); courses in museography at the Musée d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux) or on sites hosting an archaeological operation. Finally, I welcome on my excavation sites (Lalonquette and Rirha) Master's students, in connection with their research subject. Having a direct link with the archaeological operations underway in Aquitaine, Spain or Morocco (see Appendix 1 for reports on excavations conducted or in which I am involved) gives me a strong foothold in current research and a source of illustration for my teaching. These contacts, which weave a network of professional knowledge, are also used by students to find research subjects, internships, excavation sites or to integrate into professional life.

Synthetic presentation of the teachings

Overall, my teaching activity, always full-time, has touched all university levels, from the first year of the Bachelor's degree to the doctoral school seminar. In addition, I taught a semester at the Free Time University of Pau in 2005 to give a course in art history, and in khâgne at the Lycée Barthou in



2007 to prepare students for the oral exam in ancient history. My pedagogical interventions have concerned ancient history (Greek and Roman), classical archaeology and Roman art history. As part of the initial training, I am required to provide Formal Lectures and Directed Studies at all levels of the Bachelor's degree, and Formal Lectures at the Master's level. I supervise the work (Dissertations) of Master 1 and 2 students. As part of the professional training, I intervene at Master level and also manage Master’s theses and a compulsory internship (3 months). I am also involved in the preparation for the CAPES in History-Geography (Ancient History).

The main subjects taught, in addition to the doctoral seminars, are the following: -Roman History (Formal Lectures and Directed Studies from the origins of Rome to the 5th century BC) in Licence. -History of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa in Antiquity (Formal Lectures and Directed Studies) in Licence -Auxiliary Sciences and Techniques (archaeology, epigraphy and numismatics) in Licence -urban planning and artistic events in the Iberian Peninsula in ancient times (Licence) -Roman art (mosaic and painting, sculpture) and Roman architecture (Formal Lectures and Directed Studies in Licence) -Greek history (Directed Studies from archaic times to Hellenistic times) in Licence -numismatics (material culture in the form of Formal Lectures) in Master 1 -Movable assets (Formal Lectures in MasterPro 1) -office automation (Microsoft Suite as Directed Studies) in Licence -Computer science applied to archaeology (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Access software) in the form of Practical Training (Licence).

Since 2013, I have been supporting young researchers, both collectively and individually, in their search for career opportunities, particularly postdoctoral positions. This is how I design and lead specific information and awareness sessions on the evolution of national and international research, working in particular since 2017 in collaboration with the French Network Of Institutes For Advanced Study (RFIEA), designer and manager in France of the Fund-it platform. With the help of invited professionals, I am committed to guiding the members of Casa de Velázquez in their recruitment process, according to their profile, and to giving them the essential elements to build their career in the competitive context of international research. The courses offered within the framework of the Casa de Velázquez training plan (90h/year) are: Lecture-debates: - Designing and managing a scientific event - Recruitment, prospects and career development - International scientific cooperation networks - Setting up individual and collective European projects H2020 - National and international research funding - Career prospects and structuring of international research: H2020 and Horizon Europe 2021-2027 - The challenges of popularizing science in the Mediterranean in the 21st century Didactic workshops: - Publishing monographic research: editorial process and electronic publishing - Using HAL: repository, research and services (Open Access / Open Science) - Disseminate and promote your research (documentaries, exhibitions, festivals, etc.). - Publicize your research: video "my research in 180 seconds". - I make my bibliography with Zotero and my posters and diagrams with Inkscape.

Concerning the supervision of research and professional dissertations and internships, the figures are as follows (see Annex 2):



- 44 M1 and M2 research dissertations - 24 M1 and M2 Professional theses (and internship follow-up) - 2 unfunded doctoral theses (one abandoned after 3 years and one defended in December 2018).

Teaching Responsibilities

In terms of collective responsibilities, in addition to the mission entrusted to me by the management of the UFR LLSH for the creation of a professional Bachelor's degree, between 2003 and 2011, I coordinated, in Master Pro 2, the 'Communication' course, which sees the intervention of academics and multimedia professionals in a course dedicated to the enhancement of heritage. The support for professional integration was carried out in two ways: on the one hand with the students of Master Pro, in particular in the search for their internship and by putting them in contact with actors in the field of heritage enhancement and mediation; on the other hand, by the follow-up of the applications (proofreading of CNRS, ERC... projects, white oral presentations) with universities and research centres of the young doctors of the Casa de Velázquez.

Dissemination, outreach, international activities

Concerning my international teaching activities, in addition to the doctoral workshops organized in connection with a research programme, it is worth mentioning the doctoral workshops set up in collaboration with the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) in Madrid and the Réseau des études maghrébines (REM), which brings together the Casa de Velázquez, the French School in Rome and the UMIFREs (French Research Units Abroad) in Rabat and Tunis. For the former, I co-organized the last 7 of a series of 14; all the workshops took place in Madrid and were attended by more than a hundred doctoral students supervised by more than 50 internationally renowned researchers. As for REM, I co- organised the first 5 sessions in Madrid, Rabat, Rome and Tunis.




Synthetic presentation of the research themes

My research activity covers a wide geographical area, namely the ancient West, more precisely from southern Gaul to northern West Africa and the Iberian world, and touches on several themes from which two well-defined orientations emerge: the ancient economy and the organization of rural and urban spaces. My research activities found an administrative framework within the UTAH (Toulouse Archaeology and History Unit, UMR 5608) from 1996 to 2000, the Archaeological Research Group (JE2245) at the IRSAM (Pau) from 2000 to 2007, before the integration the Research Group ITEM (Identities, Territories, Expressions and Mobilities) of Pau in 2008. Parallel to this last affiliation, I am also an associate researcher since 2008 at the UMR 8546 CNRS-ENS, which brings together many Africanist researchers, and since 2010 at the Research Institute of Ancient Architecture (IRAA) in Pau.

1- The region of the Strait of Gibraltar and the extreme western confines during antiquity (south of the Iberian Peninsula / Morocco) My Africanist orientation began in 1990 with my master's thesis on the image of Africa in the Bellum Iugurthinum of Salluste. Since my DEA, the Mauritanian and Iberian spaces, both Atlantic and Mediterranean, have been at the heart of my investigations. It was first in association with the Andalusian shore, within the "Circle of the Strait" of Gibraltar (southern Portugal, Andalusia and Morocco), that the South-Hispanic and African territories were approached in my doctoral thesis defended in 2000. I have pursued this line of work, notably within the ANR DÉTROIT programme that I directed from 2010 to 2015, focusing more particularly on the production of goods and monetary exchanges between the two shores of the Strait. As part of the unpublished dissertation of my Habilitation to Direct Research, I am working on the emergence of money in the West, and more particularly in the Mauritian kingdom. It is in fact a complete overhaul of the numismatics of ancient North-West Africa on the basis of new finds made in a stratigraphic context and unpublished private collections.

2- Western Mauritania and organization of the urban space. The second African component concerns the study of human settlement in the Gharb plain (Morocco) in ancient times. Between 2004 and 2012, I assumed the co-direction of the planned Moroccan-French excavation of the Rirha site (Morocco), financed by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (Casa de Velázquez) and the Moroccan Ministry of Culture (INSAP). Without omitting the study of Islamic horizons, the investigations focus on the Roman and pre-Roman occupations of this urban settlement.

3- Monetary production and circulation in Southern Aquitaine and the north of the Iberian Peninsula during the protohistoric and Roman periods.

Within the framework of a Collaborative Research Program (PCR), started in 2004 and entitled Monetary Circulation in Béarn, I have endeavoured, using the scientific pretext of the study of the medallion of the municipal museum of Pau (ancient and medieval times), to study the production and circulation of money throughout southern Aquitaine, both in urban (Aquitaine oppida and civitates of , Oloron-Sainte-Marie and Dax) and rural (villae) areas. This investigation allowed me not only to identify (or re-identify) and characterize the protohistoric coinage of the Aquitaine people, some of which were totally unknown, but also to highlight the fundamental role of the Iberian Peninsula in the creation, diffusion and complexification of the monetary instrument in southern Gaul from the 3rd century BC to the 1st century BC.



4- Organisation of the rural territory and landscape archaeology in Southern Aquitaine during Antiquity. For this question, I led, as the person in charge, a diachronic prospection-inventory and survey programme (2002-2004), financed by the Regional Archaeological Service of Aquitaine, on the communes of Biron-Castetner- (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) and, as co-responsible, a programmed excavation (2002-2005) on the Aquitano-Roman villa of Lalonquette (Pyrénées- Atlantiques).

Within the framework of several research projects programmed and financed by the Regional Archaeological Service of Aquitaine (PCR, prospection-inventory) or by different ministries (current Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation), I had the opportunity to lead a research team comprising a substantial and operational workforce over a long period of time, requiring heavy administrative, financial and human management. For example, the PCR 'Monetary Circulation in Béarn' had a permanent team of 8 members for 4 years; the planned excavation in Rirha (Morocco) had about 35 permanent scientific collaborators as of 2004; and the ANR Detroit mobilized about 50 researchers over 5 years.

As the person in charge: -Programmed archaeological excavation programme (2004-2012) on the site of Rirha (Morocco), supported and co-financed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Casa de Velázquez. Published in 2016, the four-volume monograph won the Serge Lancel 2017 Prize, awarded by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. -Diachronic prospection-inventory programme and surveys (2002-2004), financed by the Regional Archaeological Service of Aquitaine, on the communes of Biron-Castetner-Sarpourenx (Pyrénées- Atlantiques).

As co-responsible: -Programmed excavations (2002-2005) on the Aquitano-Roman villa of Lalonquette (Pyrénées- Atlantiques), in collaboration with F. Réchin (financed by Regional Archaeological Service of Aquitaine).

As an active member: -Programmed excavation at Torre Cremada (Alcañiz, Aragon) directed by P. Moret (CNRS, TRACES, Toulouse) -Programmed excavation at La Silla del Papa (Bolonia, Cadiz) directed by P. Moret (CNRS, TRACES, Toulouse). -In charge of the numismatic studies of the following excavations (18 reports in total): - in France: Lalonquette (2001-2005), Apons (2007), (2007-2009), Roquelaure (since 2008), Eysses (2011-2012), Lacoste (2007-2008), Gouts (2003-2004), Oloron-Sainte-Marie (since 2004), Lescar (since 2006), Coll. Labadie (for the Regional Archaeological Service of Aquitaine in 2006). - in Morocco: Rirha (since 2004), Banasa (since 2007), Volubilis (Protars programme 2002- 2008), Lixus (since 2018) - in Spain: La Silla del Papa (since 2007), Carteia (since 2019)

Selection of publications related to the policy of the Roman-Islam Center of Hamburg

Directly related to the above-mentioned research axes, the following contributions stand out in particular, in line with the scientific orientation of the RICH:



 CALLEGARIN, Laurent, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah, ROUX, Jean-Claude (ed.) [2016], Le site antique et médiéval de Rirha (Sidi Slimane, Morocco), 4 vols. 150-153, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, Madrid. This series of 4 volumes reports on the work carried out on the urban site of Rirha. It provides a stratigraphic reference system for the whole basin of central Morocco from the 5th century BC to the 15th century BC, by developing a global approach (geomorphological and bioarchaeological studies...) rarely carried out in Morocco.

 CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2018), "Négocier la frontière : la fluctuation du limes en Maurétanie tingitane", in Stéphanie GUEDON (ed.), La frontière méridionale du Maghreb. Approches croisées (Antiquité-Moyen Âge), Ausonius Scripta Receptoria 13, Bordeaux, pp. 221-237. This article synthesizes our knowledge of the last days of Rome's presence in the North African provinces (3rd-6th c.). It deals with the relations between Rome and the African tribes, but also with the fluctuations of the internal borders and the policy of Roman delegation.

 PANZRAM, Sabine, CALLEGARIN, Laurent (ed.) [2018], Entre civitas y madīna. El mundo de las ciudades en la península ibérica y en el norte de África (siglos IV-IX), 167, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, Madrid. This collective book deals with the evolution of the city between Late Antiquity and the High Middle Ages, more specifically with the physiognomic, economic and socio-political transformation of urban sites in the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. This book provides both an updated synthesis of knowledge, showing the imbalances in research, and opens up new scientific avenues and perspectives.

 CALLEGARIN, Laurent, BERNAL CASASOLA, Darío, FABIÃO Carlos, AKERRAZ, Aomar (ed.) [on line], Atlas de cetariae atlántico-mediterráneas (Gallia Lugdunensis and Aquitania, Hispaniae, Mauretaniae). The result of two successive international research programmes (DETROIT and RAMPPA), this is an online atlas dedicated to fish salting in the Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. This atlas offers a synthesis of knowledge on this topic and provides a wealth of new information.

 CALLEGARIN, Laurent, LEFEVBRE, Sabine, PICARD, Christophe, VALERIAN, Dominique (éd.) [to be published in 2020], Le détroit de Gibraltar à la croisée des mers et des continents (IIIe a.C. - XIVe p.C.), Presses universitaires de Rennes. This work is both a synthesis book and a university textbook. It provides a diachronic and dynamic vision of a strategic space, namely the Strait of Gibraltar. It allows us to assess the sustainability of certain economic structures, particularly ports, and the place of this Atlantic-Mediterranean threshold at different scales (local, regional and imperial).

 CALLEGARIN, Laurent (to be published in 2020), "Étude des monnaies découvertes sur le site de Volubilis par la mission PROTARS", in Mohamed MAKDOUN, Mustafa EL RHAITI (ed.), La fouille de la maison à l'est de la basilique à Volubilis (2002-2008). This chapter of the book concerns one of my specialties, namely numismatics. In order to be able to carry out detailed studies on the history of money, it is essential to multiply monographic and diachronic field work. This contribution is based on the monetary discoveries made during a planned excavation, discoveries that make it possible to trace monetary production and circulation from the Mauritanian period to late antiquity.

 CALLEGARIN, Laurent, BLÁNQUEZ PÉREZ, Juan, ROLDÁN GÓMEZ, Lourdes, MUÑOZ VICENTE, Ángel, POLAK, Gabriela (ed.) [2017], Baelo 100 años de arqueología, 100



imágenes para la memoria, Exhibition Catalogue, Casa de Velázquez- Junta de Andalucía- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid. This exhibition catalogue illustrates the historiographic aspect of my research activity. It is the result of an ambitious programme of management of the archaeological archives of a hundred-year-old site which should soon integrate a Perseid dedicated to French Schools Abroad (OpenEdition).

Doctoral and scientific supervision (details in appendix 2)

Since 2013, in addition to monitoring two doctoral students enrolled at the University of Pau (both linked to the ANR Detroit), I have been supervising around thirty young researchers (doctoral and post- doctoral students) annually in my capacity as Director of Studies at the School of Advanced Hispanic and Iberian Studies (Madrid) and MIAS. In addition to this, I organise about ten international doctoral workshops every year, which are attended by about 150 doctoral students.

Dissemination and outreach


I took part in the expertise of a research project for the ANR in June 2013, as well as in the evaluation of applications in 2017 for the Spanish Juan de la Cierva scholarship at the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación. In the framework of Casa de Velázquez and MIAS, I evaluate on average more than 150 applications per year for doctoral contracts, mobility grants or postdoctoral stays between 3 months and 3 years.

Editorial activities

In addition to the fact that I have coordinated on several occasions, as co-editor, the publication of several scientific meetings (see bibliography § 9), my involvement in the editorial world is reflected in my active participation in the editorial board of the journal Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez (Madrid) between 2008 and 2011, and again since 2013, as well as in the reading committee of the journals Aquitania (Bordeaux) between 2005 and 2011 and Archéologie des Pyrénées occidentales et des Landes since 2003. I am also on the scientific committee of the journals Journal of Archæological Numismatics (Brussels), SPAL (Seville) and Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CuPAUAM). Since 2013, I also belong to the editorial board of the Monografías de Arqueología y Patrimonio collection of UAM Ediciones and, above all, to the board of directors of the Casa de Velázquez and. Within the framework of this last activity, since 2013, I have assessed 64 editorial projects (monographs, collective works, essays, edition of sources), followed the edition of 25 manuscripts and 30 miscellaneous articles, 7 thematic dossiers and 4 Debates dossiers.

Participation in thesis juries

Since 2013, I have participated in 8 thesis juries in France, Spain and Switzerland: 1. Amel SOLTANI, Le monnayage préromain de l’Afrique du Nord dans la collection du Musée National des Antiquités d’Alger (Algérie) (July 09, 2013, University of Toulouse-Le Mirail) 2. Elena MORENO PULIDO, Iconografía monetaria de la región geohistórica del Estrecho de Gibraltar y su periferia (siglos III a.C.-I d.C.) (September 2014, University of Cadix, Spain) 3. Eneko HIRIART, Pratiques économiques et monétaires entre l’Ebre et la Charente (Ve s. – Ier s. a.C.) (17 September 2014, University of Bordeaux Montaigne)



4. Salvador BUSQUETS ARTIGAS, Los externa auxilia en el siglo final de la República romana (133-27 a.C.) (9 January 2015, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain) 5. Benjamin CAPARROY, Géographie et morphologie des lieux sacrés maritimes dans le détroit de Gibraltar (IVe siècle a.C. – Ier siècle p.C. (December 2018, University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour) 6. Helena GOZALBES GARCÍA, La iconología emblemática en las acuñaciones provinciales de la Hispania Citerior (30 January 2020, University of Granada, Spain) 7. Estefanía BENITO LÁZARO, Los pueblos líbicos en el imaginario grecorromano: percepción y representación de realidades autóctonas norteafricanas entre los siglos VIII a.C. y III d.C. (initial evaluation 03/16/2020 – autumn 2020, University Complutense of Madrid) 8. Fiammeta SUSANA, Studio delle risorse minerarie nel Marocco centrale pre-romano. Un approccio geografico e archeometrico (autumn 2020, University of Neuchâtel)

I am also part of two thesis follow-up committees of the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour: that of Audrey DÜREN (since 2015) and Alain CAMPO (since 2018).

Knowledge Dissemination, Responsibilities and Activities within Scholarly Associations or Societies

Always with a view to combining teacher training with field experience, I have been involved in two heritage projects: the first is linked to the creation and the range of events offered by the Arthous Abbey's Departmental Heritage Centre (Landes), for which I have been Chairman of the Scientific and Educational Committee since 2004; the second concerns the design and museography of the Archaeological Museum (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), linked to the development of the Lalonquette villa and open to the public since November 2012. In 2017, I assumed the task of general coordinator for the celebration of the Archaeological Centenary of the Casa de Velázquez, of which the Baelo Claudia site was the main object. The main idea behind the celebration of this Centenary was to involve Spanish, German and French cultural and research institutions in this commemoration. The Centenary thus gave rise to several scientific and festive events and the creation of a dedicated website: archaeological modules for schoolchildren; publication of a special issue of the magazine Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez; holding of the III Jornadas Internacionales de Baelo Claudia in Cádiz and Bolonia (19-20 June 2017); a photographic exhibition entitled Baelo Claudia: 100 años de Arqueología, 100 imágenes para la Memoria (20 June-6 November 2017, Bolonia), accompanied by a catalogue; evening of contemporary artistic creations and performances in situ (20 June 2017, Bolonia); organization of an international symposium entitled Arqueología en la Península Ibérica: más de un siglo de cooperación internacional (15-17 November 2017); a round table entitled "Archaeology and diplomacy today in the Mediterranean" (16 November 2017, Institut français de Madrid) and a temporary exhibition entitled Baelo Claudia Ex Situ. Diálogo entre Arqueología y Arte contemporáneo (17 November 2017-11 February 2018, Madrid). For more information: Also note the scientific curator of the temporary exhibition "Le dessous des sous" (4 February-31 December 2020, Musée de Borda, Dax).

Organization of scientific meetings

Since 1996, through my scientific and heritage activities, I have been able to build a fruitful collaborative network with institutions and researchers both in France and abroad. In collaboration with the latter, I have been able to organize or co-organize scientific meetings:  Co-organisation of the Round-Table Meeting 'Circulación monetaria en el Mediterráneo occidental en la Antigüedad' (Madrid, 11-12 enero 1999) with M. P. García-Bellido (CSIC). Round table held at the Casa de Velázquez (Madrid) and published in Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología in 2000.



 Co-organisation of the Study Day 'Nacimiento y difusión de la moneda. Sur de Galia y península Ibérica' (Madrid, 29 February 2008) with M. P. García-Bellido (CSIC). Study Day held at the Casa de Velázquez (Madrid). This study day prepared the holding of the IV EPNA of 2010.  Co-organization of the IV EPNA (Encuentro Peninsular de Numismática Antigua) 'Trueque, dinero y moneda en el Mediterráneo antiguo' (Madrid, March 15-17, 2010) with M. P. García-Bellido and A. Jiménez Diéz (CSIC). Meeting supported by the Casa de Velázquez (Madrid) and held under the chairmanship of Queen Sofia of Spain. The scientific papers were published in Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología in 2011.  Co-organisation of the Study Days 'Technology Transfers in the 1st millennium BC in Southwest Europe' (Pau, 20-21 January 2011) with A. Gorgues (University Bordeaux III/Ausonius) and Casa de Velázquez (Madrid), with the support of the Aquitaine Region. This Study Day led to the publication of a thematic dossier in the Casa de Velázquez's Mixes in 2013.  Co-organisation of the International Symposium 'Coinages of Béarn (11th-18th c.)'. (Pau, 13-14 December 2012) with D. Bidot-Germa (UPPA) in partnership with the Conseil Général des Pyrénées-Atlantiques and the Aquitaine Region.  Co-organization of the International Colloquium 'The World of Cities in the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages' (Hamburg, 22-24 October 2015), with S. Panzram and M. Trunk, in partnership with Toletum. Netzwerk zur Erforschung der Iberischen Halbinsel in der Antike, Universität Hamburg, Universität Trier, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. This colloquium was published in 2018.  Co-organisation of the Study Day 'Museum collections online. L'exemple de la numismatique' (Madrid, 15 April 2016), with Pere Pau Ripollès, Paloma Otero Morán and Charles Parisot-Sillon. Guests: D. Wigg-Wolf, F. Duyrat, Fl. Codine, J. Jambu, E. Markou.  Co-organisation of the III International Baelo Claudia Days (19-20 June 2017, Bolonia) with Ángel Muñoz and Darío Bernal Casasola.  Co-organization of the International Colloquium ‘De Gades a Tánger-Med: la tradición del futuro en el Estrecho de Gibraltar’ (19-20 April 2020, Casa Árabe, Madrid), with Sabine Panzram (University of Hamburg) and Olivia Orozco (Casa Árabe).

Scientific responsibilities

My work focuses mainly on the ancient period, but in a very broad sense, namely from the 1st millennium BC to the end of the Roman Empire (10th to 5th century BC) and on a vast western geographical area (Hispania, Gaul, Mauritania). Working on both protohistory and classical antiquity allows me to understand all the actors of the western world - local peoples (Iberians, Celts, Aquitans, Mauritians) and migrant peoples from the East (Phoenicians, Greeks, Punics, Romans). I have thus developed knowledge on all the coinage of these peoples. In addition, these different axes have led me to organize more than twenty international scientific meetings. My career has led me to take on the conception and direction of several research projects at different levels.

1- PCR Monetary circulation in Béarn (Antiquity/Middle Age) (2004-2008), financed by the Regional Archaeological Service of Aquitaine Partners: DRAC-SRA d'Aquitaine, Museum of Fine Arts in Pau. Total allocation: 15 000 €.



2- Monnaies du Béarn (XIth-XVIIIth c.) Program (2009-2012), in collaboration with D. Bidot- Germa. Programme financed by the Conseil Général des Pyrénées-Atlantiques, accompanied by a doctoral grant awarded by the Pau Agglomeration Community. Partners: DRAC-SRA d'Aquitaine, Museum of Fine Arts of Pau, National Museum of the Château of Pau, BnF-Cabinet des Médailles (Paris), Museum of Borda (Dax) Total allocation: €105,000

3- ANR-DETROIT program. The Strait of Gibraltar at the crossroads of seas and continents (ancient and medieval times) (2010-2015) lehehi/anciens-programmes/detroit/detroit/presentation/ Coordinator: D. BALOUP (2010-2013) / L. CALLEGARIN (2013-2015) Partners: École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), Centre Jacques- Berque (Rabat), UMR 8167 (Orient & Méditerranée, Paris), Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Agence nationale de la recherche Total allocation: €259,997.40 Contracts: 2 postdoctoral contracts (12 months and 36 months)

4- Program HAR2015-71511-REDT-RAMPPA. Red de excelencia atlántico-mediterránea del patrimonio pesquero de la Antigüedad (2015-2017): Coordinator: D. BERNAL CASASOLA / L. CALLEGARIN Partners: School of Advanced Hispanic and Iberian Studies (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar CEIMAR (Universities of Cadiz, Almeria, Granada, Huelva and Malaga; Abdelmalek Essaadi International Universities of Tangiers-Tetouan and the University of the Algarve). Total allocation: €30,000

5- BELO program. The archaeological archives of Baelo Claudia (since 2015) iii-patrimoines-heritages-reecritures/belo/presentation-generale/ Coordinators: M. FINCKER, J. BLANQUEZ PEREZ, L. CALLEGARIN Partners : School of Higher Hispanic and Iberian Studies (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Conjunto arqueológico de Baelo Claudia (Junta de Andalucía), USR 3225, Maison Archéologie, Ethnologie René Ginouvès, Nanterre, Universidad de Cádiz, USR 3155, Institut de Recherche sur l'Architecture Antique (Aix-Marseille University), CNRS-UMR 5607 (Ausonius, Bordeaux) Endowment: €40,000

5- Celtic Coin Corpus Program (CMC) - Southern Gaul coins (since 2019) Coordinator: E. Hiriart, E. Paris, L. Callegarin and V. Geneviève Partner and funder: Bibliothèque nationale de France (Department of Coins, Medals and Antiques) Overall allocation: under negotiation with the French Ministry of Culture.

6- NUMAROC Program. Arqueología y Numismática de Marruecos antiguo y medieval (since 2020) Contact: L. Callegarin and E. Moreno Pulido (Universidad de Cádiz). Partners: Casa de Velázquez (Madrid), National Museum Foundation (Morocco) Overall allocation: under negotiation.

As an active member:



1- POEM Program. Western Pyrenees mobility exchanges (2014-2016). Coordinator: F. RECHIN Partners: University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (EA3002, ITEM), Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Institut de recherches archéologiques préventives (INRAP), UMR 5199 (PACEA, Bordeaux), UMR 5136 (FRAMESPA, Toulouse), Universidad del País Vasco. Funding: Pau-Pyrénées Urban Community

2- ANR-MSREI-EURODIGITMAP project. Digital Mapping of the Ancient Europe. Innovations and cultural transfers during the first millenium BC. (2016-2017). Coordinators: K. GRUEL and L. BERNARD Partners: École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), AOROC (UMR 8546, CNRS-ENS-EPHE), University of Strasbourg, Kiel Universität, Tübingen Universität, Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität (München), Freiburg Universität, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Università degli Studi di Siena, Prague University, University in Ljubljana, EPCC Bibracte, Geocarta SME, CROLL SME, Court Jus SME, SIRIS SME. Endowment: €30,000

3- Program Partnerships Hubert Curien Maghreb-DESERT. The southern border of the Maghreb in ancient and medieval times, an area of confines and territories of exchange (2015-2018). Coordinator: St. GUEDON Partners : École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), University of Limoges (Host Team 4270, CRIHAM), Ausonius Institute (UMR 5607 CNRS, Bordeaux), CIHAM (UMR 5648 CNRS, Lyon), TRACES (UMR 5608 CNRS, Toulouse), École pratique des hautes études (Paris), Centre Jacques-Berque (Rabat), University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (EA 3002, ITEM), École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris), University Paris-Sorbonne, École Nationale de Conservation et de Restauration des Biens culturels (Algiers), University of Algiers 2, National Museum of Antiquities (Algiers), Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Guelma, National Institute of Archaeological and Heritage Sciences (INSAP, Morocco), Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of Tunis, Higher Institute of Heritage Professions (Tunis), Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Sousse, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Kairouan, National Heritage Institute (INP, Tunisia). Total allocation: approx. €90,000

4- PCR FORTIPOLIS program. New research on protohistoric fortified habitats between the Garonne and the Pyrenees (since 2016). Coordinator: Ph. GARDES and Th. LE DREFF Partners: Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP), University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (EA 3002, ITEM), Ausonius Institute (UMR 5607 CNRS, Bordeaux), TRACES (UMR 5608 CNRS, Toulouse) Funding: Regional Archaeology Service (DRAC of New Aquitaine)

Project under development:

1- Project H2020-INFRAIA-02-2018-NAHAN. North African Heritage Archives Network. Coordinator: E. FENTRESS Partners : École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica (AIAC), AOROC (UMR 8546, CNRS-ENS-EPHE), Archivio Centrale dello Stato (Rome), Centre Camille Julian (Aix Marseille Uinversité), Centre national de recherche en archéologie (CNRA, Algeria), Deutsches Archäologisches Institut de Rome et Berlin, École française de Rome, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM, Rome), Institut national du patrimoine (INP, Tunisia), Institut national des sciences de l'archéologie et du patrimoine (INSAP, Morocco), Polo universitario città di Prato (Florence), Society for Libyan Studies (London), Ausonius (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne).



Estimated total allocation: €5 million




General presentation of responsibilities

My investment in the university was in the direction of the History Department, which became, from 2006, the Department of History, Art History and Archaeology. For three years, I held the position of director of the History, Art History and Archaeology Department (UPPA), sometimes in co-direction (2005-2006 and 2008-2009) and sometimes alone (2006-2007). From 2003 to 2011, I was also in charge of the 'Communication' option of the Professional Master's Degree "Valorization of territorial cultural heritages and policies". Afterwards, my involvement in the management of the History, History of Art and Archaeology Department consisted in directing the drafting of the training offer, notably during the 2011-2014 quadrennial.

Administrative Responsibilities

For three years, I was Director of the History, Art History and Archaeology Department (UPPA), sometimes in co-direction (2005-2006 and 2008-2009) and sometimes alone (2006-2007). In the spring of 2009, I was temporarily in charge of the Pedagogy Commission (Department of Human and Social Sciences, UPPA), in charge of drawing up a new university calendar following the national strikes. In 2001-2002, the management of the Department of Human and Social Sciences appointed me responsible for the Professional Licence project "Agent de promotion et de valorisation des patrimoines par les TIC". After a final audition at the ministry, the project was finally not retained. But the project was reshaped in 2002-2003 and gave birth to the Professional Master "Valorisation of territorial cultural heritages and policies" opened in September 2003. Within this Master, I am in charge of the 'communication' option in Master 2, which consists in elaborating the training offer, managing the interventions of the professionals and updating the multimedia park. In my current capacity as Director of Studies, I take part in the weekly service meetings and advise the director of Casa de Velázquez on a daily basis, as well as participating in the development of the scientific policy of the establishment and its implementation.

Local or regional responsibilities and mandates

Since 2004, I have been President of the Scientific and Pedagogical Committee of the Arthous Abbey Heritage Education Centre, managed by the General Council of the Landes (France).

Responsibilities and mandates (international, national)

From 2013 to 2016 I was a member of the Board of Directors of Casa de Velázquez and from 2016 to 2020 I was a member of the Scientific Council of Casa de Velázquez. Since 2017 I have been a member of the Board of Directors of the Madrid Institute for Advanced Study (Madrid).




Appendix 1 - Sorted List of Publications (by type and chronological order)

Articles in international peer-reviewed journals (solo and collaborative)

CALLEGARIN, Laurent, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah, DARLES, Christian, ROPIOT, Virginie (2006), Les opérations archéologiques maroco-françaises de 2004 et 2005 à Rirha (Sidi Slimane, Maroc), Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, 36-2, pp. 345-357. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2008), « La côte maurétanienne et ses relations avec le littoral de la Bétique (fin du IIIe s. a.C.-Ier s. p.C. », Mainake, XXX, pp. 289-328. MORET, Pierre, MUÑOZ VICENTE, Ángel, GARCIA JIMENEZ, Iván, CALLEGARIN, Laurent, MICHEL, Olivier, FABRE, Jean-Marc, BERNARD, Gwladys (2008), « La Silla del Papa (Tarifa, Cadix). Aux origines de Baelo Claudia », Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, 38 (1), pp. 353-367. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, RIPOLLES, Pere Pau (2012), « Une émission monétaire inédite de l’atelier de Lixus », Bulletin d’archéologie marocaine, 22, pp. 176-186. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, COLL CONESA, Jaume, THIRIOT, Jacques, FILI, Abdallah, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah (2013), « Première approche de l’implantation islamique à Rirha (Sidi Slimane) », Bulletin d’archéologie marocaine, 22, pp. 305-341. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2016), « Colbert de Beaulieu et les monnaies des Aquitains », Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie, CLXII, pp. 207-240. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, MARTÍNEZ CHICO, David (2018), « La emisión númida de Siga (ss. II-I a.C.) con jinete lanceando », Saguntum, 50, pp. 265-268. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, HIRIART, Eneko, GARDES, Philippe, RÉCHIN, François (2018), « La singularidad cultural del área pirenaico-occidental: dinámicas y persistencias entre la Edad del Hierro y la Época romana », dans Joseba A. Lakarra - Blanca Urgell (ed.), Studia Philologica et Diachronica in honorem Joakin Gorrotxategi. Vasconica et Aquitanica, Anuario del seminario de Filología vasca ‘Julio de Urquijo’. International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology, LII, 1-2, pp. 323-343. OUESLATI, Tarek, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah, CALLEGARIN, Laurent, DE CHAZELLES, Claire-Anne, ROCCA, Elsa, CARRATO, Charlotte (2020), « 1st century BCE occurrence of chicken, house mouse and black rat in Morocco: Socio-economic changes around the reign of Juba II on the site of Rirha », Journal of Archaeological Science, Reports 29 (

Articles in national peer-reviewed journals (solo and collaborative)

CALLEGARIN, Laurent, GENEVIEVE, Vincent (2001), « Le trésor d’Abos (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) sesterces et sous multiples enfouis sous le règne de Marc Aurèle », Archéologie des Pyrénées Occidentales et des Landes, 20, pp. 23-43. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2002), « Considérations sur le périple de Sertorius dans la zone du détroit de Gibraltar (81-78 av. J.-C.) », Pallas, 60, pp. 11-44. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2005), « Productions et exportations africaines en Méditerranée occidentale (Ier s. av.-IIe siècle ap. J.-C.) », Pallas, 68, pp. 171-203. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, WOZNY, Luc (2005), « Une bourse de sesterces de la fin du IIe siècle ap. J.-C. à Biganos-Lamothe (Gironde) », Archéologie des Pyrénées Occidentales et des Landes, 24, pp. 145-150. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, GENEVIEVE, Vincent (avec la collaboration de WOZNY, Luc) (2007), « Une tegula portant des empreintes monétaires du IVe siècle découverte à Iluro - Oloron-Sainte-Marie (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France) », Aquitania, 23, pp. 137-150.



CALLEGARIN, Laurent, avec la collaboration de RECHIN, François (2008), « Un dépôt de sesterces du IIIe siècle découvert à Labastide-Monréjeau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) », Archéologie des Pyrénées occidentales et des Landes, 27, pp. 119-126. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2009), « Les monnaies des peuples aquitains », Aquitania, 25, pp. 21-48. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, GIRARD, Jérôme, MUNOZ, Margot, CAUUET, Béatrice, POLVE Mireille, ARIES, Sébastien (2010), « Mines d’argent du Montaigu (Hautes-Pyrénées, France) : une filière aquitaine de l’argent ? », Actes du colloque ‘Plomb ancien’ (Florac, 8-10 septembre 2006), ArchéoSciences, 34, pp. 235-241. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2016), « Le ‘Cercle du Détroit’. L’efficience d’un paradigme d’Antiquistes », Karthago, 30, pp. 51-72. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, COURTAUD, Patrice, CURSENTE, Benoît, HEROUIN, Stéphane, Nicolas (à paraître), « La sépulture d’un chevalier habillé de la fin du XIVe siècle (Biron, Pyrénées- Atlantiques) », Archéologie médiévale.

Individual works and management of collective works

CALLEGARIN, Laurent, GARCIA-BELLIDO, Ma.-Paz (coord.) [2000], Los Cartagineses y la monetización del Mediterráneo occidental, Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología, XXII, Madrid, 185 p. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, RECHIN, François (éd.) [2009], Espaces et Sociétés à l’époque romaine : entre Garonne et Ebre. Hommage à G. Fabre, Archéologie des Pyrénées Occidentales et des Landes, hors-série n° 4, Pau, 200 p. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, GARCIA-BELLIDO, Ma.-Paz, JIMENEZ DIÉZ, Alicia (éd.) [2011], Barter, money and coinage in the ancient Mediterranean (10th –1st centuries BC), Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología, LVIII, Madrid, 395 p. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, GORGUES, Alexis (Coord.) [2013], Les transferts de technologie au premier millénaire av. J.-C. dans le sud-ouest de l’Europe, Dossier thématique publié dans Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, 43/1. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah, ROUX, Jean-Claude (éd.) [2016], Le site antique et médiéval de Rirha. Vol. 1. Le cadre historique et géographique général, 150, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, Madrid. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah, ROUX, Jean-Claude (éd.) [2016], Le site antique et médiéval de Rirha. Vol. 2. Période maurétanienne (Ve s. av. J.-C.-40 ap. J.-C.), 151, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, Madrid. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah, ROUX, Jean-Claude (éd.) [2016], Le site antique et médiéval de Rirha. Vol. 3. Période romaine (40 ap. J.-C.-IIIe ap.J.-C.), 152, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, Madrid. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah, ROUX, Jean-Claude (éd.) [2016], Le site antique et médiéval de Rirha. Vol. 4. Période médiévale islamique (IXe-XVe ap. J.-C.), 153, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, Madrid. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, BLÁNQUEZ PÉREZ, Juan, ROLDÁN GÓMEZ, Lourdes, MUÑOZ VICENTE, Ángel, POLAK, Gabriela (éd.) [2017], Baelo 100 años de arqueología, 100 imágenes para la memoria, Catalogue d’exposition, Casa de Velázquez- Junta de Andalucía- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, PANZRAM, Sabine (éd.) [2018], Entre civitas y madīna. El mundo de las ciudades en la península ibérica y en el norte de África (siglos IV-IX), 167, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, Madrid. CORES URIA, Gonzalo, CALLEGARIN, Laurent, PLIEGO, Ruth, CORES GOMENDIO, Macarena (2020), Colección Cores. Las monedas de Cartago y del Norte de África, Editorial de la Universidad de Valencia. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, LEFEVBRE, Sabine, PICARD, Christophe, VALERIAN, Dominique (éd.) [forthcoming 2021], Le détroit de Gibraltar à la croisée des mers et des continents (IIIe a.C. - XIVe p.C.), Presses universitaires de Rennes. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, VALERIAN, Dominique (éd.) [forthcoming 2021], Le détroit de Gibraltar. Circulations et réseaux d’échanges (Antiquité – Moyen Âge), Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, Madrid.



CALLEGARIN, Laurent, BERNAL CASASOLA, Darío, FABIÃO Carlos, AKERRAZ, Aomar (éd.) [forthcoming], Atlas de cetariae atlántico-mediterráneas (Gallia Lugdunensis et Aquitania, Hispaniae, Mauretaniae). CALLEGARIN, Laurent, PLIEGO VAZQUEZ, Ruth [in preparation], Sylloge Nummorum Punicorum. Tres colecciones privadas españoles, Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, GENEVIEVE, Vincent [in preparation], Les monnaies antiques du Musée des Beaux Arts de Pau, Presses Universitaires de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour. HIRIART, Eneko, PARIS, Elodie, CALLEGARIN, Laurent, GENEVIEVE, Vincent [in preparation], Corpsu des monnaies celtiques. Les monaies du sud-ouest de la Gaule, BnF-MAN Saint-Germain-en-Laye. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, CAMPO, Alain [in preparation], Les monnaies antiques du Musée de Borda (Dax), Presses Universitaires de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour

Book chapters

CALLEGARIN, Laurent, EL HARRIF, Fatima-Zohra (2000), « Ateliers et échanges monétaires dans le ‘Circuit du Détroit’ », dans Laurent CALLEGARIN, Ma-Paz GARCIA-BELLIDO (éd.), Los Cartagineses y la monetización del Mediterráneo occidental (Madrid, 11-12 de enero de 1999), Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología, XXII, Madrid, pp. 23-43. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2005), « Monnaies et circulation monétaire en Aquitaine méridionale dans l’Antiquité », dans De la Préhistoire à la fin de l’Antiquité. 25 ans de travaux archéologiques en Béarn et Bigorre, Archéologie des Pyrénées occidentales et des Landes, Hors-série n° 1, Pau, pp. 81-89. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2006), « La circulation monétaire dans les villae d’Aquitaine : le cas de la villa de Lalonquette (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) », dans Nouveaux regards sur les villae d’Aquitaine : bâtiments de vie et d’exploitation, postérités médiévales (Pau, 24-25 nov. 2000), Archéologie des Pyrénées occidentales et des Landes, Hors-série n° 2, pp. 238-285. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2008), « La circulation monétaire à Lescar - Beneharnum et dans ses environs de la fin de l’Age du Fer au début du Ve s. de n. è. », dans François RECHIN, Dany BARRAUD (éd.), Lescar-Beneharnum. Ville antique entre Pyrénées et Aquitaine, Archéologie des Pyrénées occidentales et des Landes, Hors-série n° 2, pp. 224-241. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, PLANA Y MALLART, Rosa, RECHIN, François (2009), « La villa de Lalonquette et les espaces environnants (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) : la phase initiale d’occupation », dans Laurent CALLEGARIN, François RECHIN (éd.), Espaces et Sociétés à l’époque romaine : entre Garonne et Ebre. Hommage à G. Fabre, Archéologie des Pyrénées Occidentales et des Landes, hors-série n° 4, Pau, pp. 109-130. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, RIPOLLES, Pere Pau (2010), « Las monedas de Lixus », dans Carmen ARANEGUI GASCO (éd.), Lixus 3, Saguntum Extra, 8, pp. 151-186. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, ALEXANDROPOULOS Jacques (2010), « Les émissions puniques et néopuniques d’Afrique du Nord (post 146 a.C.) », dans Paolo XELLA (dir.), Dizionario Enciclopedico Della Civiltà Fenicia. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2011), « Coinages with Punic and neo-Punic legends of Western Mauritania: attribution, chronology and currency circulation », dans Amelia DOWLER, Elizabeth R. GALVIN (eds.), Money, Trade and Trade Routes in Pre-Islamic North Africa, British Museum Research Publication, 176, pp. 42-48. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2011), « Sociétés et pratiques monétaires dans l’espace pyrénéen occidental au second âge du Fer », dans Laurent CALLEGARIN, Ma-Paz GARCIA-BELLIDO, Alicia JIMENEZ DIEZ (éd.), Barter, money and coinage in the ancient Mediterranean (10th –1st centuries BC), Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología, LVIII, Madrid, pp. 315-334. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, BRIDOU, Amandine, LOPEZ, Stéphane, RECHIN, François (2011), « Conserver et valoriser le patrimoine archéologique en milieu rural : le cas de la villa de l’Arribèra deus Gleisiars à Lalonquette (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) », dans The musealization of the Roman villas, Studies on the Rural world in the Roman period, 6, Gérone, pp. 107-132.



CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2012), « La Maurétanie occidentale à l’époque romaine : une terre de confins entre l’Atlantique et l’Atlas », dans Fernando PRADOS MARTINEZ, Iván GARCIA JIMENEZ, Gwladys BERNARD (éd.), Confines. El extremo del mundo durante la Antigüedad, Alicante, pp. 125-148. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, GARCIA-BELLIDO, María-Paz (2012), « Métal, objets d’échanges et systèmes pondéraux en péninsule Ibérique et dans le sud-ouest de la Gaule durant l’Antiquité », dans Bernard FORMOSO et Patrick PION (éd.), Monnaie antique, monnaie moderne, monnaies d’ailleurs… Métissages et hybridations, Colloques de la Maison René-Ginouvès, 8, pp. 45-67. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2013), « La circulation monétaire à Iluro-Oloron-Sainte-Marie de la fin de l’âge du Fer au début du Ve siècle p.C. », dans Dany BARRAUD, François RECHIN (éd.), D’Oloron à Iluro. Un millénaire d’histoire. Actes du colloque d’Oloron-Sainte-Marie (décembre 2006), Bordeaux, pp. 287-322. DUMONTIER, Patrice, RECHIN, François, avec la collaboration de CALLEGARIN, Laurent, (2013), « Une grotte pyrénéenne occupée au début de l’époque romaine : le site d’Apons à (Pyrénées- Atlantiques) », dans Dany BARRAUD, François RECHIN (éd.), D’Iluro à Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Bordeaux, pp. 97-142. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2017), « Historique des fouilles scientifiques à Baelo (1917-2017) », dans Laurent BRASSOUS, Séverine LEMAITRE (éd.), La ville antique de Baelo, cent ans après Pierre Paris, dossier publié dans Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, 47 (1), pp. 13-18. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2017), « Répertoire bibliographique, par thème et par ordre chronologique», dans Laurent BRASSOUS, Séverine LEMAITRE (éd.), La ville antique de Baelo, cent ans après Pierre Paris, dossier publié dans Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, 47 (1), pp. 18-40. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2017), « L’archive documentaire Baelo Claudia de la Casa de Velázquez (Madrid) », dans Juan BLÁNQUEZ PÉREZ, Laurent CALLEGARIN, Lourdes ROLDÁN GÓMEZ, Ángel MUÑOZ VICENTE, Gabriela POLAK (éds.), Baelo 100 años de arqueología, 100 imágenes para la memoria, Catalogue d’exposition, Casa de Velázquez- Junta de Andalucía- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, pp. 62. BLÁNQUEZ PÉREZ, Juan, FINCKER, Myriam, CALLEGARIN, Laurent, ROLDAN GÓMEZ, Lourdes, POLAK, Gabriela, MUÑOZ VICENTE, Ángel, ROJAS PICHARDO, Francisco Javier, BELLON, Elisabeth (2017), « Puesta en valor del patrimonio documental de Baelo en la Casa de Velázquez (Madrid)», dans Juan BLÁNQUEZ PÉREZ, Laurent CALLEGARIN, Lourdes ROLDÁN GÓMEZ, Ángel MUÑOZ VICENTE, Gabriela POLAK (éds.), Baelo 100 años de arqueología, 100 imágenes para la memoria, Catalogue d’exposition, Casa de Velázquez- Junta de Andalucía- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, pp. 49-52. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, DE CHAZELLES, Claire- Anne, MATHIEU, Véronique, MALEK, Amina-Aïcha, DARDENAY, Alexandra, QNINBA, Zahra, BELKAMEL, Bidaouia, SANZ-LALIBERTE, Séverine, DARLES, Christian, PINEAU, Jean-Baptiste, ALILOU, M’hamed (2018), « Les thermes de la domus 1 de Rirha », dans Véronique BROUQUIER- REDDE, Frédéric HURLET (dir.), L'eau dans les villes du Maghreb et leur territoire à l’époque romaine. Colloque international du projet ANR EauMaghreb (Bordeaux 6-8 décembre 2012), Bordeaux, Ausonius, pp. 163-192. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2018), « Négocier la frontière : la fluctuation du limes en Maurétanie tingitane », dans Stéphanie GUEDON (éd.), La frontière méridionale du Maghreb. Approches croisées (Antiquité- MoyenÂge), Ausonius Scripta Receptoria 13, Bordeaux, pp. 221-237. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2019), “Del Fretum Gaditanum al Fretum Septemgaditanum”, dans Anthony ÁLVAREZ MELERO, Alfonso ÁLVAREZ-OSSORIO RIVAS, Gwladys BERNARD, Víctor Andrés TORRES GONZALEZ (Coord.), Fretum Hispanicum. Nuevas perspectivas sobre el Estrecho de Gibraltar durante la Antigüedad, Séville, pp. 333-342. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (à paraître en 2020), « Étude des monnaies découvertes sur le site de Volubilis par la mission PROTARS », dans Mohamed MAKDOUN, Mustafa EL RHAITI (éd.), La fouille de la maison à l’est de la basilique à Volubilis (2002-2008).

Articles (in proceedings of national and international congresses and symposia)



CALLEGARIN, Laurent (1999), « Les ateliers monétaires de Gades, Malaca, Sexs et Abdera et le pouvoir romain à la fin du Ier siècle av. J.-C. », dans II Encontro Peninsular de Numismática Antiga (Porto, mars 1998), Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología, XX, pp. 323-332. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2000), « La Maurétanie de l’ouest et Rome au Ier siècle av. J.-C. : approche amphorologique », dans L’Africa Romana. Atti del XIII Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Djerba, 10-13 dicembre 1998), Rome, pp. 1333-1362. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2004), « La Maurétanie de l’ouest au IIe siècle av. J.-C. : en marge de la Méditerranée romaine ? », dans L’Africa Romana. Atti del XV Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Tozeur 2002), Rome, pp. 505-540. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2005), « Le monnayage dit tarusate (sud-ouest de la Gaule) : révisions et perspectives », dans XIII Congreso Internacional de Numismática (Madrid, sept. 2003), Madrid, pp. 427- 440. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, avec la collaboration de GUIMON, Marie-Françoise, , Alain, GIRARD, Jérôme (2007), « L’ensemble monétaire ‘aquitain sud-occidental’ au second Âge du Fer : une première approche », dans Les âges du Fer dans le sud-ouest de la France. XXVIIIe colloque international de l’AFEAF (Toulouse, 20-23 mai 2004), Aquitania, suppl. 14/1, pp. 209-226. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah (2007), « Recherches archéologiques maroco-françaises à Rirha (Sidi Slimane, Maroc) », dans Les sites archéologiques dans la région du Gharb entre la recherche scientifique et le développement, Série colloques et séminaires n° 9, Kénitra, pp. 5-34. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, MOREAU, Julien (2009), « Le barbare gétule : cet autre insaisissable », dans Marie-Françoise MAREIN, Patrick VOISIN, Julie GALLEGO (éd.), Figures de l’étranger autour de la Méditerranée antique. Actes du colloque ‘A la rencontre de l’Autre’ (Pau, mars 2009), Paris, pp. 203-222. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2011), « Découvertes monétaires dans la Haute-Lande », dans Jean-Claude MERLET, Jean-Pierre BOST (dir.), De la lagune à l’airial. Le peuplement de la Grande-Lande. Actes du Colloque de Sabres des 8 et 9 novembre 2008, suppl. Aquitania, 24, pp. 217-228. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, EL KHAYARI, Abdelaziz (2011), « Les monnaies préromaines de BB‛T -Bab(b)a de Maurétanie », dans Proceedings of the XIVth International Numismatic Congress (Glasgow, 31 august-4 september 2009), Glasgow, pp. 81-88. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, COLL CONESA, Jaume, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, FILI, Abdallah, JULLIEN, Thierry, THIRIOT, Jacques (2012), « Les productions médiévales de Rirha (Maroc) », dans Sauro GELICHI (éd.), Atti de IX Congresso Internazionale sulla Ceramica Medievale nel Mediterraneo, Venezia, Scuola Grande dei Carmini, Auditorium Santa Margherita, 23-27 novembre 2009, organizzato nell'ambito dell'attività dell'AIECM2, Florence, pp. 258-269. RECHIN, François, avec la collaboration de CALLEGARIN, Laurent, DARLES, Christian, MARTIN Jean- Marie SARTOU Aurélien (2012), « Habiter et aménager l’espace au bord de l’eau dans le piémont occidental des Pyrénées durant l’Antiquité. Quelques points de repères », dans Jean-Pierre BOST (dir.), L’eau : usages, risques et représentations dans le sud-ouest de la Gaule et le nord de la péninsule Ibérique, de la fin de l’âge du Fer à l’Antiquité tardive (IIe s. a.C.-VIe s. p.C.), Aquitania, suppl. 21, pp. 217-254. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, GENEVIEVE, Vincent, HIRIART, Eneko (2013), « Production et circulation monétaire dans le sud-ouest de la Gaule à l’âge du Fer (IIIe-Ier s. a.C.) », dans Florence VERDIN, Anne COLIN (éd.), L’âge du Fer en Aquitaine et sur ses marges. Mobilité des hommes, diffusion des idées, circulation des biens dans l’espace européen à l’âge du Fer. Actes du 35e colloque international de l’AFEAF (Bordeaux, juin 2011), Aquitania, suppl. 30, pp. 161-193. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, HIRIART, Eneko, HAREAU, Régis (2013), « Les découvertes de monnaies préaugustéennes sur le site d’Eysses (Villeneuve-sur-Lot) », dans Florence VERDIN, Anne COLIN (éd.), L’âge du Fer en Aquitaine et sur ses marges. Mobilité des hommes, diffusion des idées, circulation des biens dans l’espace européen à l’âge du Fer. Actes du 35e colloque international de l’AFEAF (Bordeaux, juin 2011), Aquitania, suppl. 30, pp. 315-322.



CALLEGARIN, Laurent, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah, LECLERCQ, Séverine (2013), « Contribution à la connaissance de l’histoire du Gharb : les niveaux islamiques de Rirha (Sidi Slimane) », Actes du colloque ALINSAP (Rabat, 16-17 nov. 2011), pp. 5-34. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2015), « Carthage et l’Afrique du Nord », dans Carmen ARNOLD-BIUCCHI, Maria CACCAMO CALTABIANO (éd.), Survey of Numismatic Research 2008-2013, Taormine, pp. 168-176. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, FREY-KUPPER, Suzanne, GENEVIEVE, Vincent (2015), « Les monnayages provinciaux : les provinces occidentales », dans Carmen ARNOLD-BIUCCHI, Maria CACCAMO CALTABIANO (éd.), Survey of Numismatic Research 2008-2013, Taormine, pp. 236-243. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, en collaboration avec EL KHAYARI, Abdelaziz (2016), « L’étude des découvertes de monnaies d’époque maurétanienne sur le site de Volubilis et dans ses environs », dans Mohamed MAKDOUN, Said KAMEL (éd.), Le patrimoine maurétanien (amazigh) de Volubilis, Meknès, pp. 201-230. BERNARD Gwladys, CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2017), La titulature des magistrats et le statut de la cité de Tanger d'après l'épigraphie monétaire, dans Silvia Evangelisti e Cecilia Ricci (éd.), Le forme municipali in Italia e nelle province occidentali tra i secoli i a.c. e III d.C. Atti della XXI Rencontre franco-italienne sur l’épigraphie du monde romain (Campobasso 24 - 26 settembre 2015), Insulae Diomedeae, Collana di ricerche storiche e archeologiche 28, Bari, pp. 183-192. CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2018), « Des imitations de bronzes ibériques chez les Aquitains », dans Eneko HIRIART, Julia GENECHESI, Veronica CICOLANI, Stéphane MARTIN, Sylvia NIETO-PELLETIER, Fabienne OLMER (dir.), Monnaies et archéologie en Europe celtique. Mélanges en l'honneur de Katherine Gruel, Bibracte 29, Bibracte, pp. 131-139. OUESLATI, Tarek, CALLEGARIN, Laurent, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah (à paraître en 2020), « La romanisation des techniques de boucherie dans les provinces romaines : le cas du site de Rirha, Maroc (Ier-IIIe s. p.C.) », dans Véronique BLANC-BIJON, Véronique BROUQUIER- REDDE (éd.), Hommes et animaux au Maghreb, de la Préhistoire au Moyen-Age : explorations d’une relation complexe. Actes du colloque SEMPAM (Marseille - Aix-en-Provence, 2014), Aix-en-Provence. CALLEGARIN, Laurent, KBIRI ALAOUI, Mohamed, AYT OUGOUGDAL, Mohamed, CHAIBI, Mohamed, CHARIF, Abdessamad, RIDAOUI, Mhamed, ICHKHAKH, Abdelfattah (à paraître en 2020), « Le cadre spatio-temporel du site archéologique de Rirha (Sidi Slimane, Maroc) : l’approche géomorphologique », dans François BARATTE, Véronique BROUQUIER-REDDE (éd.), Les ressources en eau des cités et de leurs territoires en Maurétanie tingitane. Actes du colloque international du projet ANR EauMaghreb (Rabat, 27-28 février 2009). CALLEGARIN, Laurent, avec la collaboration de CORES URIA, Gonzalo (à paraître en 2020), Un médaillon-applique du IVe siècle découvert à Tabernae (Lalla Djilalyia, Maroc), dans Véronique BROUQUIER-REDDE, Eliane LENOIR, Aomar AKERRAZ (éd.), De Rome à la Maurétanie tingitane - Hommages à la mémoire de Maurice Lenoir.

Archaeological reports

-Archaeological reports in the direction or co-direction: 22 reports, between 2002 and 2012, on the prospection-inventory of Biron, on the planned excavation of Lalonquette and on the excavation of the Moroccan site of Rirha (between 56 and 235 p.). -Archaeological reports (participation for the monetary study): 18 reports (between 2 and 29 p.).

Actions to promote research (exhibitions and conferences)

CALLEGARIN, Laurent (2018) et alii, Conception and realization of the website ARQUEO100 dedicated to Baelo [] Temporary exhibition Baelo: 100 años de Arqueología, 100 imágenes para la Memoria (Conjunto Arqueológico de Baelo Claudia, Bolonia, from 20 June to 6 November 2018). Commissioners: Juan BLÁNQUEZ PÉREZ, Laurent CALLEGARIN, Ángel MUÑOZ VICENTE,



Lourdes ROLDÁN GÓMEZ [ centenaire-de-baelo/] Travelling exhibition Baelo Claudia Ex Situ (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, from /16 November 2017 to 11 February 2018 / Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, from 1 to 10 October 2018). Curators: Juan BLANQUEZ PEREZ, Laurent CALLEGARIN, Lourdes ROLDAN GOMEZ, Xavier BAUDOIN [] Temporary exhibition Le dessous des sous at the Musée de Borda (Dax) of the Commissariat scientifique: Laurent CALLEGARIN, Alain CAMPO and Gilbert DARDEY.

It is worth noting the organization and scientific animation of two one-week educational trips organized in Morocco (in 2001 and 2002) on behalf of the university association EPOS (-Pau), as well as several invitations to give lectures, both in France and abroad, in the framework of Master or Doctorate training or the popularization of knowledge in museums:  Lecture at UMR 5608 UTHA (04/11/2005, University of Toulouse-Le Mirail), entitled "Les Aquitains et la Gaule du sud-ouest du IIIe siècle au Ier s. av. notre ère. Habitat-Territories- Material Culture", as part of a Master's seminar organized by Ph. Gardes (INRAP).  Conference at the Musée d'Eauze (16/06/2006) on "Coins and territories among the peoples of Aquitaine".  Lecture given at the Château de Brassalay (Biron, Pyrénées-Atlantiques) as part of the Heritage Days (13/09/2006) entitled "the site of Biron: from the Aquitano-Roman farm to the burial of a 14th century knight".  Conference at the University of Zaragoza (04/04/2008) on the theme "Contents and objectives of French university training courses in the valorisation of heritage: the case of the Professional Master's degree at the University of Pau (France)", as part of the 'Master en Museos: Educación y Comunicación' course.  Conference in Huesca (University of Zaragoza) on 07/09/2011, entitled "Diálogos humano y material entre ambas estribaciones pirenaicas durante la Antigüedad".  Lecture at the University Toulouse-Le Mirail (05/10/2011) on "The Mediterranean in the heart of ancient Morocco: the site of Rirha (Sidi Slimane)" in the framework of a doctoral seminar organized by F.-X. Fauvelle.  Conference at the MMSH of Aix-en-Provence (03/12/2015) entitled "Management and valorisation of the archives of the Baelo Claudia excavation by the Casa de Velázquez" in the framework of the MASA consortium.  Conference at the University of Valencia (07/11/2019) on "Producción y uso de la moneda en el norte de África del siglo IV a.C. al emperador Claudio" as part of the Master's Degree in History and Archaeology (Numismatics option).  Lecture at the Museum of Borda (07/03/2020) entitled "Current money, talking money: about the issues of the Aquitaine people" and given as part of the temporary exhibition "The underside of pennies".

Appendix 2 - List of works (Master's and PhD thesis in History, Archaeology and Ancient Art) supervised since 2001

2001-2002 BORDENAVE Laurent, La royauté maure : un essai de généalogie (IIIe s. a.C.-époque augustéenne (M1) CHAPPARO Laurent, L’Aquitaine centrale et méridionale de 260-285 ap. J.-C. : un état des lieux (M1) GAYDA-POURTAU Philippe, L’armée romaine, vecteur de romanisation et d’urbanisation en Afrique du Nord (Ier s.-IVe s. ap. J.-C.) (M1) MAISONNABE Guillaume, Recherches sur une famille d'Hispanie Citérieure : les Licinii (M1)



2002-2003 MOREAU Julien, Rome et les Gétules : rencontre aux confins de l’oikoumène (M1) PELAT Mathieu, Les Mars aquitains de Novempopulanie sous l’Empire romain (M1)

2003-2004 BORDENAVE Laurent, Le contrôle et la défense des Maurétanies par Rome durant la crise du IIIe siècle ap. J.-C. (M2) DUPIN Arnaud, Le Principat des premiers Antonins : recherches sur l’idéologie de Nerva, Trajan et Hadrien à partir des revers monétaires et des monuments publics (M1) SARTORI Baptiste, L’emploi et le déplacement des unités auxiliaires dans la stratégie militaire des armées romaines en Méditerranée occidentale et orientale de la période tardo-républicaine au IIIe s. ap. J.-C. (M1)

2004-2005 DUPIN Arnaud, Les premiers Antonins et la péninsule Ibérique (M2) FONTAS Heidi, La montagne au Maroc : entre mythe et réalité (M1) SARTORI Baptiste, Recherches sur le limes dans les Maurétanies Tingitane et Césarienne. Etude des relations entre l’armée romaine et les populations tribales du IIIe au Ve s. de notre ère (M2)

2005-2006 BILLAUT Karine, La circulation monétaire en Novempopulanie à travers l’étude du médaillier du musée municipal de Pau (M1)

2006-2007 DELVAL Bertrand, L’étude du médaillier du musée de Borda de Dax (M1) FONTAS Heidi, L’Atlas dans la Maurétanie Tingitane. Représentation et approche d’un espace de montagne dans l’Antiquité (M2) LACASSAIN Lucie, La ville antique de Dax : l’évolution de son urbanisme (M1) LE BRAS Nolwenn, Les animaux sauvages dans l’Afrique antique : confrontation des sources littéraires, mussives et archéozoologiques (M1) TIBOLLA Emilie, Aristocraties et villae en Aquitaine durant l’Antiquité tardive (M1)

2007-2008 MOREAU Julien, Les peuples aquitains (M2) RODRIGUEZ Sébastien, L’occupation punique dans le sud de la péninsule Ibérique entre 237 et 206 av. J.-C. (M1)

2008-2009 AUBERT Nicolas, Entre Èbre et Garonne : activités militaires et relations diplomatiques entre le IIIe siècle av. n. è. et le Ier siècle ap. n. è. (M1)

2009-2010 GENEVIEVE Vincent, La circulation monétaire à Bordeaux à l’époque romaine (M2) LE BRAS Nolwenn, Les représentations de chasse dans les mosaïques d’Afrique (M2) RODRIGUEZ Sébastien, Le mercenariat ibère en Méditerranée (M2) SEGALAS Robin, Rome et la frange septentrionale du Sahara (M1)

2010-2011 BARREYAT Pierre, L’Extrême-Occident occidental : mythes et représentations (M1) BOUCHAIN Marc, La celtisation de l’Aquitaine à l’époque du second âge du Fer (M1) CAPARROY Benjamin, Géographie des cultes et des sanctuaires dans le détroit de Gibraltar à l’époque antique (M1) LASSOUREILLES Bastien, L’armée romaine en Maurétanie Tingitane : stratégie d’implantation (M1) MOREAU Julien, Peuples et cités en Maurétanie Tingitane (M2) SEGALAS Robin, Le Sahara à l’époque romaine (M2)

2011-2012 BARREYAT Pierre, L’Extrême-Occident occidental : mythes et représentations (M1)



BOUCHAIN Marc, Entre Celtes et Aquitains sur l'axe garonnais (IIIe-Ier siècle av. J.-C) (M2) CAMPO Alain, Étude du médaillier du Musée de Borda (Dax) : première approche de la circulation monétaire sur le territoire de la cité de Dax durant l'Antiquité romaine (M1) CAPARROY Benjamin, Géographie et morphologie des lieux sacrés maritimes dans le détroit de Gibraltar (VIIIe siècle a.C. – Ier siècle p.C.) (M2) GOMEZ Carole, L’introduction des cultes venus d’Orient à Rome (IIIe a. C.-Ier p. C.) : réceptions et réactions (M1) LASSOUREILLES Bastien, L’implantation militaire en Maurétanie Tingitane (Ier-fin IIIe siècle ap. J.-C.) (M2) MOREAU Julien, Rome et les tribus de Maurétanie occidentale (Ier s. av. J.-C. – IIIe s. apr. J.-C.). Essai d’appréciation (M2) SEGALAS Robin, Le Sahara durant l’Antiquité romaine : approches littéraires (M2)

2012-2013 BOUCHAIN Marc, L’Aquitaine et ses marges (IIIe-Ier av. J.-C.). Peuplements et Cultures (M2) CAMPO Alain, Etude des monnaies romaines découvertes en haute et moyenne montagne dans la partie occidentale des Pyrénées septentrionales (M2) DIDIER Bruno, La monnaie en Egypte du VIIe au début du IIIe siècle a. C. L'adaptation à un instrument économique venu d'ailleurs (M2) GOMEZ Carole, Approche topographique de l’implantation des cultes venus d’Orient à Rome sous le Haut-Empire. Analyse sociale et géopolitique (M2) LE BRAS Nolwenn, Représentations animales, environnement faunistique et faciès de consommation aux époques maurétanienne et romaine : le cas de Rirha (Maroc) (M2)

CAPARROY Benjamin, Géographie et morphologie des lieux sacrés de la région du détroit de Gibraltar (IXe s. a.C.-Ier s. p.C.) (1ère de doctorat) SEGALAS Robin, Le Sahara durant l’Antiquité romaine (1ère de doctorat)

Depuis 2013 CAPARROY Benjamin, Géographie et morphologie des lieux sacrés de la région du détroit de Gibraltar (IXe s. a.C.-Ier s. p.C.) (1ère de doctorat) – Thèse soutenue en décembre 2018 à Pau. SEGALAS Robin, Le Sahara durant l’Antiquité romaine (1ère de doctorat) – Abandon en 2016.