10 bus time schedule & line map

10 Hull Interchange - View In Website Mode

The 10 bus line (Hull Interchange - Wawne) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Hull Interchange, Hull - Wawne Green Lane, Wawne: 9:25 AM - 5:55 PM (2) Wawne Green Lane, Wawne - Hull Interchange, Hull: 7:05 AM - 5:35 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 10 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 10 bus arriving.

Direction: Hull Interchange, Hull - Wawne Green 10 bus Time Schedule Lane, Wawne Hull Interchange, Hull - Wawne Green Lane, Wawne 47 stops Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:25 AM - 5:55 PM Hull Interchange, Hull Margaret Moxon Way, Tuesday 9:25 AM - 5:55 PM

Bond Street D, Hull Wednesday 9:25 AM - 5:55 PM Bond Street, Kingston Upon Hull Thursday 9:25 AM - 5:55 PM

Alfred Gelder Street B, Hull Friday 9:25 AM - 5:55 PM Quay Street, Kingston Upon Hull Saturday 9:25 AM - 5:55 PM Alfred Gelder Street E, Hull Alfred Gelder Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Salthouse Lane, Hull 184 High Street, Kingston Upon Hull 10 bus Info Direction: Hull Interchange, Hull - Wawne Green North Bridge, Wilmington Lane, Wawne Stops: 47 Mulgrave Street, Wilmington Trip Duration: 38 min Cleveland Street, Kingston Upon Hull Line Summary: Hull Interchange, Hull, Bond Street D, Hull, Alfred Gelder Street B, Hull, Alfred Gelder Street Eagle Terrace, Wilmington E, Hull, Salthouse Lane, Hull, North Bridge, Church Row, Kingston Upon Hull Wilmington, Mulgrave Street, Wilmington, Eagle Terrace, Wilmington, Cornwall Street, Wilmington, Cornwall Street, Wilmington Glass House Row, , Foster Street, Stoneferry, Maxwell Street, Stoneferry, Morley Street, Glass House Row, Stoneferry Stoneferry, Lorraine Street, Stoneferry, Ann Watson Street, Stoneferry, Oslo Road, Sutton Park, Beckdale, Foster Street, Stoneferry Sutton Park, Peacehaven Close, , Sutton Gardens, Bransholme, North Point Shopping Centre, Maxwell Street, Stoneferry Bransholme, Bransholme Library, Bransholme, Bude Road, Bransholme, Langtree Close, Bransholme, Morley Street, Stoneferry Whitstone Close, Bransholme, Towan Close, Stoneferry Road, Kingston Upon Hull Bransholme, Bodmin Road, Bransholme, Padstow Close, Bransholme, Dulverton Close, Kingswood, Lorraine Street, Stoneferry Foredyke Bridge, North Bransholme, Saddleworth Stoneferry Road, Kingston Upon Hull Close, North Bransholme, Kinderscout Close, North Bransholme, Pennine Way, North Bransholme, Ann Watson Street, Stoneferry Highlands Health Centre, North Bransholme, Rangely Stoneferry Road, Kingston Upon Hull Close, North Bransholme, Pykestone Close, North Bransholme, Helvellyn Close, North Bransholme, Oslo Road, Sutton Park Snowhill Close, North Bransholme, Falkirk Close, North Bransholme, Aberdovey Close, North Beckdale, Sutton Park Bransholme, Snowdon Way, North Bransholme, Fairbourne Close, North Bransholme, Welshpool Peacehaven Close, Bransholme Close, North Bransholme, Hill Top Farm, North Holwell Road, Kingston Upon Hull Bransholme, Wawne Main Street, Wawne, Wawne Main Street, Wawne, Wawne Main Street, Wawne, Sutton Gardens, Bransholme Wawne Green Lane, Wawne Sutton Gardens, Kingston Upon Hull

North Point Shopping Centre, Bransholme

Bransholme Library, Bransholme Goodhart Road, Kingston Upon Hull

Bude Road, Bransholme

Langtree Close, Bransholme Wensleydale, Kingston Upon Hull

Whitstone Close, Bransholme Bude Road, Kingston Upon Hull

Towan Close, Bransholme

Bodmin Road, Bransholme

Padstow Close, Bransholme

Dulverton Close, Kingswood

Foredyke Bridge, North Bransholme Wawne Road, Kingston Upon Hull

Saddleworth Close, North Bransholme

Kinderscout Close, North Bransholme

Pennine Way, North Bransholme

Highlands Health Centre, North Bransholme Lothian Way,

Rangely Close, North Bransholme Rangely Close, Kingston Upon Hull

Pykestone Close, North Bransholme Pykestone Close, Kingston Upon Hull

Helvellyn Close, North Bransholme

Snowhill Close, North Bransholme

Falkirk Close, North Bransholme Falkirk Close, England

Aberdovey Close, North Bransholme

Snowdon Way, North Bransholme Fairbourne Close, North Bransholme Carlam Lane, Wawne

Welshpool Close, North Bransholme

Hill Top Farm, North Bransholme

Wawne Main Street, Wawne

Wawne Main Street, Wawne

Wawne Main Street, Wawne

Wawne Green Lane, Wawne Direction: Wawne Green Lane, Wawne - Hull 10 bus Time Schedule Interchange, Hull Wawne Green Lane, Wawne - Hull Interchange, Hull 45 stops Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:05 AM - 5:35 PM Wawne Green Lane, Wawne Tuesday 7:05 AM - 5:35 PM Wawne Main Street, Wawne Main Street, Wawne Civil Parish Wednesday 7:05 AM - 5:35 PM Thursday 7:05 AM - 5:35 PM Wawne Sutton Road, Wawne Friday 7:05 AM - 5:35 PM Hill Top Farm, North Bransholme Saturday 7:05 AM - 5:35 PM South Field, North Bransholme

Kentmere Close, North Bransholme Carlam Lane, Wawne Civil Parish 10 bus Info Carlamhill Bridge, North Bransholme Direction: Wawne Green Lane, Wawne - Hull Interchange, Hull Old Main Drain, North Bransholme Stops: 45 Trip Duration: 43 min Leitholm Close, North Bransholme Line Summary: Wawne Green Lane, Wawne, Wawne Main Street, Wawne, Wawne Sutton Road, Wawne, Hill Top Farm, North Bransholme, South Field, North Dalkeith Close, North Bransholme Bransholme, Kentmere Close, North Bransholme, Carlamhill Bridge, North Bransholme, Old Main Drain, Ladyside Close, North Bransholme North Bransholme, Leitholm Close, North Pykestone Close, Kingston Upon Hull Bransholme, Dalkeith Close, North Bransholme, Ladyside Close, North Bransholme, Moorfoot Close, Moorfoot Close, North Bransholme North Bransholme, Appin Close, North Bransholme, Moorfoot Close, Kingston Upon Hull Pennine Rambler, North Bransholme, Whernside Close, North Bransholme, Redmire Close, North Appin Close, North Bransholme Bransholme, Kingswood Academy, North Appin Close, England Bransholme, Northcott School, Kingswood, Exton Close, Bransholme, Penrose Close, Bransholme, Pennine Rambler, North Bransholme Camelford Close, Bransholme, Davidstow Close, Pennine Way, England Bransholme, Tiverton Road, Bransholme, Honiton Road, Bransholme, North Point the Foredyke, Whernside Close, North Bransholme Bransholme, Midmere Avenue, Bransholme, Peacehaven Close, Bransholme, Tenterden Close, Redmire Close, North Bransholme Bransholme, Antwerp Road, Sutton Park, Rotterdam Road, Sutton Fields, Leads Road, Sutton Fields, Rix Kingswood Academy, North Bransholme Road, Stoneferry, Mayville Avenue, Stoneferry, Wawne Road, Kingston Upon Hull Woodhall Street, Stoneferry, Foster Street, Stoneferry, Bedford Street, Wilmington, Chapman Street, Northcott School, Kingswood Wilmington, Church Row, Wilmington, Egton Street, Bude Road, England Wilmington, Spyvee Street, Wilmington, Bridge, Hull, Alfred Gelder Street F, Hull, Alfred Gelder Exton Close, Bransholme Street G, Hull, Bond Street E, Hull, Hull Interchange, Hull Penrose Close, Bransholme Bodmin Road, Kingston Upon Hull

Camelford Close, Bransholme

Davidstow Close, Bransholme Tiverton Road, Bransholme

Honiton Road, Bransholme

North Point the Foredyke, Bransholme

Midmere Avenue, Bransholme

Peacehaven Close, Bransholme Holwell Road, Kingston Upon Hull

Tenterden Close, Bransholme

Antwerp Road, Sutton Park

Rotterdam Road, Sutton Fields

Leads Road, Sutton Fields

Rix Road, Stoneferry Stoneferry Road, Kingston Upon Hull

Mayville Avenue, Stoneferry 2 Lorraine Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Woodhall Street, Stoneferry

Foster Street, Stoneferry Stoneferry Road, Kingston Upon Hull

Bedford Street, Wilmington

Chapman Street, Wilmington

Church Row, Wilmington Church Row, Kingston Upon Hull

Egton Street, Wilmington Hodgson Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Spyvee Street, Wilmington

Drypool Bridge, Hull Clarence Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Alfred Gelder Street F, Hull Manor Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Alfred Gelder Street G, Hull 20 Alfred Gelder Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Bond Street E, Hull Davis Street, Kingston Upon Hull

Hull Interchange, Hull Margaret Moxon Way, Kingston Upon Hull 10 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved