
>,,...1 (7,1 '',.."' \ (--- \ „„/ (---. ..,„. /*--'„ --•,''' \ ,..0,4,4,1\,0 °!I.' '',/ , -,---"4 ..; • . , . ---- . • '-'-' .NNN ^, '...../'Th , . -.. . 7.' '1 . ::' ...„.....) ,'"" ‘-r• \- l. L_-..5 .--''- ') ,:.411, , ■ `C.-, i , ) \-.. \J , - ,-- .....-, I ,,,,,, 7) I, .,..- \--i-, \,---, e----' (-' l , , Ramparts Do you have what it takes VOLUMES, NUMBER 5 NOVEMBER 1966 MARGINALIA EDITORIAL: November 22, 1966 3 OPINION to joinThe Underground? The Vietnam Elections 4 by Marshall Windmiller America's Foreign Legion 6 by Sol Stern If you're adult, literate and adventur- essays usually found in the magazines for produced in 1884 and never before avail- ous; then keep reading. Grove Press and men only; more on Phoebe Zeit-Geist; able to the general public; Fred. Chas. Lamas 10 Evergreen invite you to join the only club and more. Forberg's Manual of Classical Erotology, ESSAYS of its kind for people like you. Evergreen provides a platform for the a unique collection of the erotic writings WHITE POWER As you know, the literary scene has best of the new writing and art—and has of Ancient Greece and Rome. White Power illustrated 11 never been the same since 1959, when enlarged the audience for it. That's why Any one of these books is yours free by Dugald Stermer Grove published the first American edi- we're making it practically painless for with a year's subscription (6 issues) to "I've Got Nothing Against the 13 tion of Lady Chatterley's Lover. A year you to get Evergreen: Evergreen. And with it comes still an- [Page II] White Power [Page 29] The Warren Commission Colored" by Gene Marine later, we made it possible for you to read If you agree to subscribe to Evergreen other benefit—available. only to subscrib- The Disunion of South Africa 19 Henry Miller's classic Tropic of Cancer at the regular subscription price of $5.00, ers of Evergreen: Membership in the new by Adam Hochschild without traveling to Paris. we'll make you a present of any one of Evergreen Club. Charles Engelhard by Paul Jacobs 23 Before, after and in-between, Grove six exceptional books in their original Membership doesn't obligate you to IN THE SHADOW OP DALLAS 29 continued to offer the new generation of Grove Press editions. buy another book. Honest, not another Editorials by Penn Jones, Jr. 31 new writers here and abroad a forum for Select any of these books freel Story of book. Membership does make available The Legacy of Penn Jones, Jr. 39 their work. 0, Pauline Reage's extraordinary novel the best contemporary books for less by David Welsh Writers such as Samuel Beckett, that is possibly the most famous under- than you pay elsewhere. I was a Burglar, etc. for the FBI 51 Harold Pinter, Brendan Behan, Alain ground clasic of our time. Or get free the These are the books that the big, best- by William Turner Robbe-Grillet. Books such as William complete works of Moguls de Sade ( with seller oriented book clubs don't offer Burroughs' Naked Lunch; Robert Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom and to their mass membership, books like POETRY Gover's $100 Misunderstanding; John other writings). those published by Grove Press in the Wichita Vortex Sutra 56 Rechy's City of Night. Another free choice is The Nightclerk past few months—Barborella, the French by Allen Ginsberg Grove's growth kept pace with a new by Stephen Schneck. This first American comic strip for adults; 491, the book EPHEMERA generation of readers and freed a new winner of the international Formentor that inspired the world-famous Swedish Books: Review by Jacob Brockman 59 movie; and William Burroughs' new band of contemporary writers. Both Prize is a wild, outrageously funny, and Faye Levine novel, The Soft Machine. groups began turning to us in large num- deadly serious novel called by The New Pass: Genesis: Acid and EVO 62 Each month our editors will select a bers, and out of a need to provide a forum York Times, "masterful, a literary phe- by Paul 1Crossner book they feel is worth owning and read- for these emerging writers, we created a nomenon, and one of the year's best." Or Am': Everyman's Girl by Arthur 66 select The Olympia Reader edited by ing, and we'll send you a monthly news new magazine, Evergreen Review. [Page 51] FBI Wiretapping [Page 56] Wichita Vortex Sutra Secunda and Jan Thunholm From the start, Evergreen was bold, Maurice Girodias, an illustrated anthol- bulletin telling you about the book. provocative and pioneering. It was also ogy of the best from Paris' famed Olym- If you want the book you don't have to consistently a leader in introducing the pia Press—with special emphasis on ma- do anything. If you don't, just send back freshest, most exciting writers of the post- terial never before published in the U. S. the self-addressed card that will be in. Advertorials are part ad and part edi- the only working water wheel in Ellis war period. And still is. For example, the Another choice is Eros Denied. cluded. Apologia: torial, which should be translated as we County (though it takes a kick and a run latest issue includes Jerry Tallmer's assess- Wayland Young's examination of the aw- But remember, you don't have to buy You HAVE PERHAPS been wonder- will only do ads for things we believe in, up the hint° the pump to get it going).We ment of Lindsay's impact on New York ful mess the Western world has made of any of them, as long as you live. ing in idle moments if Jessica or at worst, just for the hell of it. Art visited Mr. Jones there and found him, in and vice versa: Four new poems by Allen sex and why healthy sexual attitudes are How can you lose? Ct Milford has yet dumped her Director Dugald Stermer wrote and de- addition to serving up a distinctly mel- Ginsberg: Spotlight on Marigold Flagg. so difficult. The sixth choice is a complete Fill out the coupon now, and welcome island. She has. Six venturesome RAM- signed the Inch Kenneth series, so he lowing brand of branch water, to be one a full-color spoof on the half-nude photo facsimile edition of a classic work first to the Underground. PARTS readers gathered on Inch Kenneth gets to be President. We made Account of the last of the great American popu- —the Scottish island for sale hawked Executive, and this is part of our job. All lists. The measure of his Americana may sin E eeeeeeeeee 80 Univenity Place, N.Y., N.Y. 10003 recently in glorious technicolor in these this genius is available only for cash be gauged by the fact that Penn Jones* Gentlemen: I am adventurous, literate, adult and wish to take ad- son is the drum major for the University vantage of your offer which entitles mesa year's subscription to Pages—and tried to outbid each other. money, so please don't write collect. Evergreen (6 issues), a membership in your mot Evergreen Club, We don't know who won since the post Enough will have been said about our of Michigan marching band. and one of the books lined below. I understand, as a member or the Foreign Editor Scheer has been kicked club, I am not obligated to buy any more books. is impossible from the Hebrides, but we ace Warren Commission sleuth Penn 0 Enclosed is my check for $5. D Please hill me. presume somebody did. So successful Jones Jr. by the time one gets through upstairs to M.E. and Research Editor Sol I have checked my free selection below. p. 50, but let us add an aberrational Stern has been nominated a News Editor 0 Eros Denied. Wayland Young (Free, $7.50 value) have we been in unloading this unlikely The Marquir de Sade (Free. $15.00 value) real estate (island estate?) that we have footnote. Mr. Jones maintains the only along with former Staff Writer Gene F.C. Forberg (Free, $7.50 value) 0 Manual of Classical Erotolosy, begun an advertising agency. It is called extant collection of barbed wire we know Marine. For more details read the agate 0 Sc., of 0. Pauline Ream (Free, $6.00 value) 0 The Nighsderk, Stephen Schneck (Free. $5.00 mine) Advertorials, Ltd. with offices at old 301 of in the U.S. on his ranch in Ellis type on p. 5. On this magazine, you can't (Free, $12.50 value) The Olympia Reader. edited by Maurice Girodias Broadway, S.F. County, Texas. The ranch also boasts tell the editors without a program. W.H. Name


City State rip Get one of these books free with your subscription to Evergreen. ▪


"Yes, Teddy, there [still] is a Ramparts." a telltale bullet hole has disappeared. B SUPPOSE we are as nostalgic around Weekly, agrees that Ramparts is consistently the most In the past eight months a team of Editorial: One of the FBI documents that has Christmastime as anyone else, and be- talked about, most read about, magazine in the coun- RAMPARTS editors, aided by research- reached the public—a report on the try today. Almost every issue of the magazine has ers and trained investigators, has read, sides, due to a somewhat alarming growth re-read, catalogued and analyzed the President's autopsy—flatly contradicts in circulation over the past year, many of sparked a national controversy of one sort or another; 26 volumes of the Warren Report. They the Warren Commission autopsy ver- wyou may never have had a chance to see the advertise- from Special Forces Master Sergeant Donald Duncan's have traveled to Dallas a dozen times, sion. This is extremely significant since ment we ran in the December, 1965 issue. So here it is. exposure of the Vietnam War as a lie, to the massive and interviewed nearly 100 people the FBI report makes anatomically You may have to steal a magnifying glass to read it but investigation of the C.I.A. brought about by our report throughout the country knowledgeable impossible the Commission's thesis of on its collaboration with Michigan State University in about the assassination. They have one lone gunman. there you are. come to the conclusion that the War- The hard evidence that would re- setting up the Diem regime. ren Commission has done the country solve this most serious question—the What with our stories on the hopeless condition of an enormous disservice; that not only x-rays and autopsy photographs of the liberal politics in California, the "School for Spies" at the odds but the evidence are against President's body—are more than un- "Yes,Teddy, the University of Pennsylvania, the mysterious deaths its conclusion; that the weight of evi- available. They are, astonishingly, un- surrounding President Kennedy's assassination and dence indicates the existence of more findable. Also missing are several key there is a Ramparts!" others, our editorial rooms seem continually besieged NOVEMBER 22, 1966 than one assassin. spliced frames from the motion pic- of Yon* taa . ture film of the amateur photographer ma lc ara la Os rear wa• era rya... by cameramen, reporters, and commentators in search ✓e et.* 0. Y. dr if Norma OUR FIRST INCLINATION was to INDEED, THERE would seem to Abraham Zapruder—evidence that is sart.••••••.. of a story. (We forget whether it was Chet or David a. ma.. Or* • 0.61 cell.. ▪ tor lay .11.1.•• believe the Warren Commis- be two conspiracies. One was the cornerstone in the Commission's .....811+1. ths.s• who called Ramparts "the most controversial maga- CC sion. Along with the majority to the President. The reconstruction of the murder. MIri but anyway (cc zine since Mencken's American Mercury," of Americans and a large plurality of other was to cover up the blunders of The questions that Penn Jones and "ammonium worrtigr it was on Huntley-Brinkley's special 12-minute cover- the American press, we were awed by various federal and state agencies which David Welsh raise in this issue—and the na • C•ao, ,•••11 1”.•fia the absolute massiveness of the Com- made the assassination possible, and serious criticisms of the Warren Com- ms. hiracahrollry ..■ age of Ramparts.) 1..6. saw es ryas Paraataril mission's 26 volumes. By the literal to present the public with a panacea. mission made in recent books by Ed- larratals Of course we are still at the business of chipping Mot wry ....way, .1. weight of the evidence, Oswald had to We do not believe the two conspira- ward lay Epstein, Mark Lane, Leo Y•A Th.* I. away at the Johnsonian Consensus and like that, but .• la • Orale Oar Or Qat have murdered the President, alone, as cies are related. We pray they are not. Sauvage and others—cannot be resolved Ork A A. we've added a number of new authors and editors to the Commission found. But as is becoming clear with so many unless this evidence is released. 1.4.11ftren. ammo. `MIL WS go. the ones mentioned in the above advertisement (back It has been difficult to dislodge us things about the assassination, we just The responsibility for the mounting is I • allotor. oore• of that conviction. We believe in the don't know. doubts, theories and confusions must re, •••■• • gra. 0%24.. to the glass); writers the like of Maude Hutchins, Allen ea re barn* low ad capricious nature of history. We are This uncertainty is traceable to the therefore be placed first with the War- are Ginsberg, Paul Jacobs, Jean Lacouture, Paul Krassner, ...•••••sraba*.e. per not conspiracy-prone. And we were, large amount of basic evidence relating ren Commission and now with the greld....••••■., ...a* I.+ Jakov Lind, and a startling new discovery—Eldridge kr 4••••••• 6•10..1.40. frankly, unwilling to embrace the to the President's murder that is being President who has the power to invoke rot •• alalemagra....ary rut. mrstaa...... 1.• Haw, Cleaver. frightening extensions of the proposi- withheld from the public. More than a new investigation and release the arg. yr .••• That about brings you up to date. Since nearly every I. a r••• • of 4.•■•• oar war at Ir... Y. tion that the Commission was wrong. one-third of the reports in the National necessary evidence. as *I. II rel. grao r•• news medium has been constantly defining us in print a. . p . (rm. es ...Mr ••••• a... a The first manuscript seriously ques- Archives relating to the assassination It remains the continuing responsi- ua t p Isa yr, Ir... . a• rem. b• 4.1. • 0,4 and on the air, we no longer have much of an identity tioning the Commission's conclusion are kept classified by "interested agen- bility of the public to demand answers l.On Won... v.v. problem. But take heart: The new year promises to be came into our editorial rooms over a cies"—half the FBI reports are unavail- to the unresolved questions of the as- A lot has happened to good old Ramparts since this just as lively for our readers, as well as the reporters year ago. It was a reasoned essay by an able, most CIA investigations remain sassination. To remain silent, accord- secret. ing to the dictates of "good taste" or and commentators haunting our doorstep. established writer, but we declined to advertisement first appeared. For one thing, thanks to publish it at that time. We elected to Some evidence is gone forever. The out of fear of the repercussions, is no a few generous contributors to the national interest, You wouldn't want to keep all that excitement to withhold any comment on the assassi- orisinal ,alitopu jatuag.L.?,,,uuro. longer defensible in the light of the Teddy Kennedy now has Ramparts on hit required yourself, now would you. By just making use of the nation until we were convinced that the Thilrerior of the Presidential limou. very serious charges. backed by substan- reading list. form opposite, and our ridiculously low Christmas gift Commission had actually compromised sine was ordered destroyed by the tial evidence, which have been leveled For another, we finally found out what we are; or to rates, you can share the fun with friends, relatives, and, the truth about the assassination. We White . A freeway sign at the against the President's Commission. be more accurate, what others think we are. Nearly in the prevailing spirit of good will, you might even are now certain of that. assassination site which allegedly had everyone, from to Publishers' renew for Teddy. Illustrations by Benedict Roden RAMPARTS 3

ward democracy. "It shows," said the a moderate, did not run and told me ran the show and counted the ballots. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Current R12 D. de Jersey Grut, G. M. Felgen, Denial J. Opinion: President's foreign policy adviser, W. that he thought it was more con- It is worth remembering, in addition, Bernstei, June °pen Degnan, Robert 005 Madison Avenue, New York 10021 F rrrrr , C•riton B. Goodlett. Howard W Rostow, "that the people of this structive for him not to take a public that General Ky agreed to the elec- Here's my 52.00 for your six-month Gossage, Warren Hinckle III, Louis Honig, Joseph Ippolito. Edward M. Keating., Haney country, by and large, given the chance position for or against the electoral tions, only after the Buddhist uprisings special introductory offer. Marchmaw Froderkk C. Mitchell. Eleanor to vote, move in the direction of de- Jackson Piel, Marcus Raskin. procedures. last spring, which were embarrassing Nam. mocracy. It's a good step and hearten- The government admitted that 55 to the military regime in Saigon and Sr eel Publish. ing for all those in the world who candidates were from the armed forces, even more damaging to the claim of Edward M. Keating Cie State believe that in the end power resides but these figures were impossible to American spokesmen that the U.S. was z p Editor with the people' If your Wide ranging interests outrun Warren Mocked III verify because many military men used intervening on behalf of the popular The purpose of the election was to their other professional designations, government. your reading time, Current is the maga- Art Director elect a constituent assembly of 117 zine far you. Doused Stormer for example, doctor, on the ballot. The The primary purpose for the elec- Each month Current gives you the es- members. The duty of this body is to law made this possible and in some tions was to create the illusion that the sence of news and ideas extracted from Managing Editor draft a new constitution, and its com- cases required it. The average voter Saigon regime enjoys the support of more than 600 major newspapers. maga- Robert Scheer THE VIETNAM ELECTIONS zines, books, professional journals—even position and rules of procedure were didn't have the slightest idea whom he the Vietnamese people and that Ameri- radio and television scripts. Current gives News Editors spelled out in Decree No. 21/ 66 issued order, shape and form to this overwhelm- Gene Marine. Sol Stern, David Welsh by Marshall Windmiller was voting for. can intervention on its behalf is legiti- by the Saigon regime on June 19, 1966. mate. With the prestige of Nguyen Cao ing mass of communication, offering the Consulting Editors The official U.S. Army Area Hand- best thinking on major issues in a format Paul Jacobs, Stanley Shelnbeum, Maxwell I SPENT TEN DAYS in Saigon just Article 20 of the degree provides that book for Vietnam (No. 550-40) de- Ky and Lyndon Johnson riding on the that provides a balanced view. Geismar. before the election interviewing the present government can amend the scribes how a voter turnout was assured outcome, the high turnout was cer- The scope of Current is the scope of draft constitution in any way it likes if involved people everywhere. From For- copy 141'... politicians. Buddhist leaders, in the days of Diem. "Officially:' it says, tainly predictable. eign Policy to Farm Policy, Education to Leslie Timer. eC intellectuals, Catholics and students. it can muster one-third of the votes plus "there is no fine or penalty attached to Johnson and Ky may fool the Ameri- Economic Aid, Science to Segregation, Military Editor Among these people cynicism and con- one. Thus to turn the constituent as- non-voting. The authorities, however, can people and they may be fooling Current is the one publication that can Don Duncan sembly into a rubber stamp, the gov- themselves, but visits to New Delhi, give you perspective on every vital issue. tempt for the government were the tend to regard voter participation as "Unique coverage of contemporary Literary Editor overwhelming sentiments and the elec- ernment needed to elect only 40 of its Paris and London on my return from Ralph J. (11..n a criterion of loyalty, and the citizen ideas and issues," says John W. Gard- tions were regarded m a farce. people. In its Decree No. 22/66 it may find his motives questioned if his Saigon convinced me that they are not ner, Secretary of Health. Education and Staff Writers made sure that this would be easy. This fooling many people in these key capi- Welfare. "Indispensable to a busy man," Bob Avakkw Adam H.hschlid, Judy In the electoral history of Vietnam, identity card does not show that he has says Paul G. Hoffman, Managing Direc- Stone, William Turner. elections have been tightly controlled law describes the electoral procedures. voted:' tals. I was surprised at the amount of tor, United Nations Special Fund. Production Director charades designed to enable authori- It is a long and complicated document It was clear in Saigon that the Ky distrust of American policy in Viet- Because we're sure you'll agree. we John Williams which I found most people, including nam, and at an anti-Americanism of make this special half price offer: Try tarian governments to claim legitimacy regime had the same attitude. Rumors Current for 6 months for only $2.00. Simply Contributing Editors and popular support. some government officials, didn't un- were widely circulated that voters' a magnitude I had never witnessed fill in the coupon above, mail it with two G. M. Felder, Travel; Howard fil Media; James F. Colaienni. Religion; Paul This has been the pattern in both derstand. It provided for a list system cards would be used for rationing or before. dollars or a check. See how easy it is to Krassner. Society; Jean Law..., South. keep current. east Asia Sandra Levinson, New York; North and South Vietnam, and the re- of voting wherein the voters had to travel passes and that people whose The repressions of the Ky regime Thomas Bransten, Paris; Marcus Raskin, chose among lists rather than among Arthur Waskow. Washington; Jessica spective regimes have always pointed cards lacked the poll cachet would find have forced a polarization of Vietnam- ford,Oeklend;FrederickC.Mitchell,Kansas; with pride to the large voter turnout individual candidates. Yet the mem- ese politics. For the moment at least Monique Maurer Munich. themselves in trouble later. It was a as evidence of popular support for the bers of the lists did not share a com- the Buddhists and other opposition If you Editorial AssiMents powerful incentive to vote. Linda mots Erica Gander, Louise Lacey, government and its electoral proce- mon party or platform. Government The voters were under contrary groups have been weakened by arrests Susan Griffin Levy, Deborah Sampson, Vampire, Kit Weills. dures. In the National Assembly elec- candidates were so distributed among pressure from the NLF, and there were of cadres and by the denial of free can't read the lists as to guarantee a high per- Production Assistant tions in North Vietnam on May 8, several incidents of terrorism appar- speech and a free press. Opponents of Paull Gilliland 1960, 97% of the eligible voters voted centage of winners. For double insur- ently designed to frighten voters into the regime are forced underground everything Assistant to the Edger and a third of the polling centers even ance, military personnel were permitted staying away from the polls. To some where they are immediately embraced Maureen Stook recorded a 100% turnout. Ho Chi to vote wherever they happened to be extent then, the election was merely a by the NLF. Ideological differences ADMINISTRATION Minh was returned in his constituency on election day. Thus flying squads of become blurred and Catholics and Warren Hinckle III (Associate Publisher), contest to see whether the government James F. Coleianni (Assistant Publisher). by 99% of the voters. Similarly, in the troops could be moved into doubtful or the NLF had the more effective Buddhists alike find themselves work- J4os iplpeiltoT (C onttroel ler) , Ben es constituencies. Current Presidential election in South Vietnam methods of coercion. ing with the NLF whose organization i1::iffOrolee:p:hr l le . B. Be t BSeh raeme" held on April 9, 1961, 85% of the is intact, strong, and growing. Hostility 4,13t THE cHoice of candidates was by %tent: e%ese 1■11V.Pn le, ffc. electorate voted and Premier Ngo Dinh AT ANY GIVEN TIME there are to Ky and to his American backers Diem received 89% of the total. In the not impressive, for the electoral provide the common bond. At one time 301 Br.dway about 1500 foreign journalists San Francisco California National Assembly elections held Sep- law specifically banned "those in Vietnam. Even if they bad the Buddhists provided an alternative Telephone: YU 1-4070 q tember 27, 1963, just before the over- who, directly or indirectly, act for the organized themselves to divide up the to Ky and the NLF. Now they are be- RAMPARTS, San Wends. throw of the Diem regime, 93% of the benefit of Communists and neutralists, task of reporting the actual voting, they ing inexorably pushed into the arms of (coverphoto by U.P.I.1 voters voted, and Diem received 99.9% or have activities that aid the Com- would not have been able to observe all the Communists. Johnson and Ky may REVISING THE R, LAW and Madame Nhu received 99.8%. munists:' The government carefully advertise their 80.8%, but it will not •,' tarrear....ny'°"Mt.'n ". 2,111, 5230 polling booths scattered through- Few American commentators would screened all candidates and admitted change the fact that they are sitting on rtr; u W1" . "16" , Naraau OK • out the Saigon-controlled territories. rotor 8 now assert that any of the above events to having disqualified 59 out of 539 The Vietnamese journalists are intimi- top of a rumbling volcano. atn26,."4.1 . ' 1 .two ".Lie 7.41a"^T a.... . r U,, represent even an approximation of as "Communists or having a criminal dated and censored, and their reports ="..t...... 1E.11:61-...4m 2. IMAM= democracy. But with the announce- record:' Buddhist leaders and well- on a matter of such importance to the Marshall Windmiller, an associate pro- 'haStasaarnit " cpIa., OaTO aYM known critics of the government knew LII=V4VIAl'UtWRICO": ment by the Saigon government that government are hardly trustworthy. fessor of International Relations at San "' .".. the voter turnout in the September 11, better than to apply. It is reported that Francisco Slate University, is the co- TomO:rOrtaraaWarrirart...... i zt. let Nal. ir.of fraVertroulltgseldom, sraul WAD For these reasons it is impossible to trrtrorL P.. Meth ran. . elIVOrallor.9441 1966 elections was 80.8%, American there are 5000 Buddhists presently in verify the government's claims about author of Communism in India and au- CrErdiCrZ42Terre:Pgal in11t1.1=144:eir government and journalistic opinion jail because of previous political activi- the turnout and about the number of thor of Five Years in Free Radio. hailed the election as a great step to- ties. Former Premier Phan Huy Quat, blank or spoiled ballots. The regime read Current

4 RAMPARTS RAMPARTS 5 Selassie's mobilization order to the encased scroll identified as "Haile

vaded by Italy in 1935. The order reads

Ethiopians" when that country was in-


995 Market Street,

peace in Vietnam

John L Burton

from the state


San Francisco,


ters of Selective Service Chief Lewis G. Hershey, hangs a glass

social justice


of California.

help re-elect

the cause of

for Assembly,

in America,

To further


California. to Burton

Send any by Sol Stern




a spear will be sent to Addis Ababa.

as follows: "Everyone will now be mo-

carry food and cook. Those without wives will take any women without a bilized and all boys old enough to carry husband. Women with small babies Married men will take their wives to

need not go. The blind, those who can- carry a spear are exempted. Anyone found at home after the receipt of this

not walk, or for any reason cannot order will be hanged!' sue such Draconian decrees, but Her- shey himself sometimes seems to share of humor. Selective Service doesn't is-

73, the gruff old general is the living Emperor Selassie's idea of service. At

belief in the need for a citizens' army. A hulking, silver-haired, 200-pounder,

squinting through old fashioned gold incarnation of the Spirt of '76, with his rimmed glasses, Hershey at a con-

gressional hearing is an anachronistic

triotic bombast that still surrounds the reminder of the American Legion pa- myth that all citizens shoulder equally

equitable, democratic draft has fallen

Selective Service is turning out a cheap victim to America's new self-appointed the burden of protecting the nation.

role as the white policeman of the tem masks the reality. The idea of an

version of a mercenary Army made world. Instead of a citizens' Army, the crazy quilt and deliberately rigged poli-

foreign legion is emerging out of the up of society's rejects. An American cies of the Selective Service.

seates me. How can I defend it to my people? They say that the poor General Hershey, "The system is un- Representative Alvin E. O'Konski told democratic and un-American. It nau-

are always with us, but if the draft House Armed Services Committee,

six months, not one had come from a drafted from his district in the previous the shocking statistic that of 100 men around much longer:' O'Konski cited goes on this way the poor won't be

than $5000. Speaking was not a left

family with an annual income of more

ranks of America's white policeman's wing populist but a relatively conserva-

army. Ironically it is also the black in

tive Republican.

General Hershey has a generous sense

But Hershey's Selective Service Sys-

During recent hearings before the

Not only the poor are filling the

disproportionate numbers. According to

Selective Service spokesmen, Negroes at the present time are being drafted at a rate of I 1 per cent, approximating

some years the percentage was as high

as 15), but this statistic obscures the their percentage of the population (for

suggest that the Army offers the aver- real story. Significant is the large num- ber of Negro voluntary enlistments age Negro recruit more dignity and

financial security than he is likely to and reenlistments, statistics which sadly

find in the civilian world.

creasing financial remuneration and segregated life in a bleak ghetto. If he an unskilled low paying job and

prospect of either unemployment or

reenlists there is relative security, in- CC

greater status. There will be a reenlist..

seas he gets an extra $20 per month ment bonus and periodic pay increases. geant in a few years. If he goes over-

If he behaves himself he can make ser- sioned officer in a combat unit it could

If he sees combat there is an extra $55 be dangerous, but for the non-commis- income taxes. Going to Vietnam may per month. Overseas he doesn't pay

per month in take home pay. Not sun- as high as the rate among whites. Black Negro first term volunteers is a stag- prisingly, the reenlistment rate among mean anywhere from $500 to $1000

of non-commissioned officers, espe- gering 49 per cent—almost three times

faces are beginning to fill up the ranks

seduced into the ranks of the white apt observation. The Negro has been michael called them. It is a pathetically policeman's army by the same society cially in combat units. soldier is also paying a very high price In Vietnam black G.I.'s are contribu- which refuses him any other option for finding dignified work. But the Negro

serve keeps them unemployed at a rate

Back home the society which they ting 22 per cent of the total casualties.

twice as high as among whites. enlist and the blacks are bought. Yet

can, with a little effort, to stay out of the service badly enough a college educated person who wants

"Mercenaries" is what Stokely Car-

The poor are drafted and forced to


cruit just out of high school

Outside the service he faces the


it—and with-

Negro re-





of As • en magazine. This is the first issue

group of us enjoying the sun, skiing more ads than editorial. Last year, a arrived in your mailbox folded, muti-

bunch of pages stapled together. It article exploring jam be accompanied lated and spindled—usually with and unique cultural climate of Aspen, Colorado, asked ourselves, "Why?"


our words in print? by an LP record illustrating in sound each article be a separate booklet, in

the shape, color and paper most ap- second is on the way. Our editors, no propriate to the subject? Aspen longer limited by the restrictions of a

gan thinking in three dimensions. inations soar. And they did. They be- bound magazine, could let their imag-


And there was no end to the exciting box will contain any number of de-

Until now, every magazine was a

Why, We kept asking why for months.

Our first issue is now out and our

Each issue of our magazine in a


magazine is the answer.

for example, couldn t a maga-

in a box?




shouldn't an


lightful surprises: Wildflower seeds,

scrolls or illuminated manuscripts; tea samples, sibilities. And our advertisers will share in the excitement. In future is- booklets in the manner of Japanese blueprints,abitof rock oran LPrecord.

shared by companies who share our lipstick. A tiny salt spoon. A new per- sues. you'll find a sample of a new ski standards of quality and taste. fume. Ads em in a separate section we call our Ad Gallery, and it will be

dimensional magazine. Each issue

artist. George Lois, Tbm C,ourtos and will be designed by a famous graphic

Ralph 'flues designed the first issue.

Wolfe and Onofrio Peccione, and we a delight to the eye, it will also be a An d t shows. Future issum will be by Frank Kirk, Andy Warhol, Henry can't wait to see them.

each time But Aspen is mom than

feast for the intellect. We promise that its content will bees original and

There's no end to the editorial pos-

In short,

The format will change radically



is the first three-



reseeding as the format. described as a civilized pleasure of hances life and anything that can be architecture, music (always with a flower watching to and hu- modern living—from skiing and wild- movies, avant garde theatre and icon-

oclastic people—even how to make ture and conservation, underground

manities. There'll be articles on art, we're using that cultural spa of the record), dance, gourmet dining, na- eclectic life (much m The New Yorker your own wine and mead.

Rockies as a point of view, a state of mind, a symbol of the free-wheeling,

subscription (6 issues) is $16. That's it sound expensive to produce? It isn't cheap.

usee New York).

$8 below the single-copy price of $24 monthly. Each issue is $4. A charter

If you subscribe now, you'll start at the beginning with the first issue.

We'll cover everything that en-

Does it sound exciting? It Why do we call it Aspen? Bev.flse

Also, we'll guarantee you that our


is published bi-

George Lois, Tom Court., Ralph Tusnadeetgned it.



magazine is in fact as greet as it

sounds in concept. If you hate it, you ing to lose—and at the very least a conversation piece and collector's Can

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cancel at any time and get a

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sounds like you have a






lent cases of how well situated young out going to prison.

Nugent, managed a convenient six

men can make do with the present sys-

month reserve stint in the Air Force

tem. The President's son-in-law, Pat

President, managed to avoid even that mored-to-be future son-in-law of the George Hamilton, a sometimes ru-

that put him in Washington. Actor

Royce and a $100,000 income) of his (a $200,000 home, a $30,000 Rolls inconvenience. He is the sole supporter

cording to Selective Service regula- four times married mother. That, ac-

Hamilton and Nugent escaped the war

of young people just don't shoulder tions, is a hardship case.

ence. It is merely that certain classes in Vietnam because of political influ-

rifles if they don't want to, and Nugent

and Hamilton are of that privileged

class. The sons of our nation's legisla- how the sons of congressmen were

survey in August of this year to see tors are also of that class.

faring under the stepped-up draft calls

men have one or more sons between of 191 such sons in all. the ages of 18 and 26—there are a total for the war in Vietnam.

able to track down the whereabouts of all but 13 of them. Of the 178 thus

the Armed Services, and only one was accounted for, only 16 were serving in

in Vietnam. nam was Clarence Long, Jr., son of Long, 22 years old, was a paratrooper

Maryland Congressman Clarence Long.

with the Special Forces, who obviously (graduates of the service academies and wanted to be where he was. The other

products of ROTC) or had enlisted in

the Navy or the Air Force. Apparently 15 were mainly commissioned officers

none had been drafted.

dies hard—a myth the military has a

gon officials have admitted in congres- vested interest in propagating. Penta- Official circles provide some excel-

pose is to spur voluntary enlistments, listed men they sional testimony that the draft's pur-


which give the services the kind of en- possible cost.

There is no reason to believe that

This magazine conducted a quiet

A total of 146 senators and congress-

The one young man serving in Viet-

But the myth of a democratic draft



at the cheapest


sham—it is all of these things and

worse, and the military wouldn't have

it any other way. The generals actually don't want the George Hamiltons, the congressmen's sons, the college stu- dents on the front lines. The battlefield commanders in Vietnam want their

ments back home, will more likely take soldiers young and innocent. The

younger soldier, without any commit-

rilla wars that have no seemly purpose

of wars like Vietnam, tough gritty guer- the risks necessary to fight a successful

jungle war. The generals are thinking and are politically unpopular.

congressmen leaves them cold. The The lottery system proposed by some only changes the Defense Department

Pentagon wants to start calling 19- merely confirms the present trend. The

is even talking about making these days

year-olds first instead of working down

Secretary McNamara this summer of-

from the oldest available, and Defense

fered a plan to rehabilitate 40,000 pre- disproportionately young, poor, black viously rejected registrants—who were

colonial wars in Vietnam and Algeria and uneducated.

repercussions. But the United States,

de—for fear of the domestic political they never dared send recruits into bat-

globe-girdling determination to breach ation, needs large land armies that are with its much more ambitious and militarily effective and politically safe.

the tide against wars of National Liber-

and eat it too, and so far they are get- Washington want to have their cake

politically, of such an Army are pro- ting their way. gion. But the costs, financially and

hibitive. The Pentagon estimates it

American version of the Foreign Le- would cost from $6 to $20 billion,

added to the current military budget.

lar nature of our military role in the But a fully professional Army also runs counter to the American grain. It The draft is exploitive, unfair, a

mercenary Army shouldering the un- world to have a publicly acknowledged

would be an admission of the unpopu-

When the French were fighting their

Simply put, the military planners in

They need a professional army—an


so jittery as the possibility of

a truly equitable draft system.


the Pentagon

pleasant burden. And the present sys-

approximation of such an Army with- tem provides the Pentagon with a close

enormous strains on the system. This

out any of the costs. Administration, which has withstood

the political impact of teach-ins and

antiwar demonstrations, may yet see

its Vietnam policy. the draft become the Achilles heel of nam increases, the campus protests

against the draft will also grow in

size and intensity. Student groups are

Speech Movement at Berkeley. Some crisis than was produced by the Free planning protests that may throw the

American campus into a more serious are planning to organize leagues and up the system. Already the number of age the filing of C.O. claims to foul unions of draft refusers. Others encour- C.O. applicants has risen from one in

one in 300. Because of the enormous

backlog, it now takes up to two years

most of these applications. for the Selective Service to rule on Fort Hood declared they would not 1000 registrants in World War II to

unlike today's typical recruit. Two of son, had never been political before. But for this first act of protest they re- them, David Samos and James John- fight in Vietnam. They were not much

ceived the incredible sentence of five

years at hard labor. Dennis Mora, the third recruit, received three years. If

by the dangerous moral example of the draft, they would have received two they had refused to register for the years or less. The military, frightened

system. three young privates, bared the hard micks that seem to offer marginal fist behind the civilized processes of the

and the White House and the Pentagon reforms to appease an increasingly critical Congress. But even with the are scurrying about looking for gim-

come face to face with the same di- best of intentions, the congressmen will lemma as the military. The trouble is

military policy. You can't fight colonial

not so much with the machinery of the

wars with a democratic Army. draft as it is with American foreign and

But the war in Vietnam has put

As the escalation of the war in Viet-

Recently, three young recruits from

The present draft law expires in 1967

yours free with a subscription.

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Marine's 'The Soprano on West Fif- Sets:

of thought and understanding of the 1966], and he is so right. If his clarity teenth Street"

present human condition was achieved campaign to put LSD in the coffee of "consciousness expanders:' let's start a

through the use of one of the new

those squares on Capitol Hill. of emotions, it takes one out into the

galaxies of nebulae land. If your au-

really be Gene Air Force because he is trying to convince me there is some- Sias:

thor's name is Gene Marine, it should

thing glorious about taking a dive into expanding drags floating around (the the chaos known as the outer limits.

largest concentration of soul-misery is

in Harlem, too). Dope is sold fast in the

ghettos, because booze won't help.


l I have just finished reading Gene

Miami, Florida ANNE JOHNSTONE Dope gives misery style. The cooler

Harlem has a lot of consciousness-



ts, smse of humanity."

great historical authority and the &ea-

Tana de Gimes (Balks-Merrill,


“A fascinating story written with





of the Revolution:

major American novel



Maxwell Geismar



Eldridge Cleaver button forever. El- Mr. Marine that I'm going to wear an

dridge Cleaver is for life. Life! as yours, when right at this instant a tion for such a tramped-up revolution

up its tears and bile to make itself even real

faintly recognized? ing of precious people from all over-

individuals who never seem to recall all over the funko world of lank-haired

exactly which crusade it was they

started out with in the first place.

phony for the American people to hear

SIRS: —complete and irrevocable in its tonal magazine, its four-color cover "pasted" ber to look at a recent cover of Time dissonance.

up with the engaging image of today's most famous murderer, Mr. Charles Square? Or even a four-color fold-out zine! What next? A billboard on Times J. Whitman. The cover of Times maga-

in hold, as I wheel my metal cart up and one day very soon, I will have to be

supermarket on the corner! Lo and be- very careful on my regular trips to the down the fluorescent aisles, I will see in red, white and blue jars and pack- Heroin Balls;'—or "lack Frost's Zippy- Nippy Sugar Cubes"—maybe, too, a ages—"Mrs. Nitzberes Old Fashioned on the way out of the market's magic machines, doors, my children will be able to slip some pennies into those bubble gum carton of Size Mentholated Fil- ored delicious surprises, dropped into ter-Tip "Merry Mari."( And finally,

their hands will be two Enovidsl

partment of Political Science at the


I'm so down on anti-life pushers like

Do you expect genuine commisera-

I predict that you will have a follow-

Baltimore, Maryland BARBARA CALVIN

Gene Marine composes a new sym-

Our realistic author did not remem-

For, if what you say is true, Mr. M.,



I was a graduate student in the De-

Mamaroneck, New York

flesh-blood revolution is vomiting



but instead of brightly col-

University of Pennsylvania last year.

Although your criticisms are well-

order. founded, several qualifications are in P.S. 551 is not known as "a good thine' Secondly, although the Dyers may be

"well-liked" in a Lomanesque way—

something of which I have no knowl-

is a source of embarrassment for most. maintained for ten years is a sign of edge—their puppetry of the academic laxness and irresponsibility. In the last

discourage the university from activities

year, such as these and those at ICR. alike have been engaged in efforts to

his MSU encounters in the July issue

lady reporters" and "menopausal wait- resses:' as did W.H., commenting on write facetiously of women as "virginal


of what is W.H.—editor or gynecologist?

butt of W.H.'s labels will read and

squirm—dispatched by a blow to her for dividing women into categories, but


small remark but it is also a sexual slur that reveals an underlying bigotry. phrase, "Menopausal waitress!' It is a

nista and the special pleaders who speak SIRS:

Women, as a disadvantaged majority,

on their behalf. So it is perhaps not surprising that such an ingenuous atti- are ill served by the biological detenni-

context. as your defense the stock paraphrase: tude can appear in such a sophisticated

"Some of my best wives were women?

Firstly, among the graduate students,

The fact that this course has been

No one but an American male would

Belmont, Massachusetts SUSANNE

Nubility is probably a valid criterion

I write to take exception to your Meanwhile, back at Michigan, the La Mirada, California RAMPARTS.


In any case, I hope you won't offer

Los Angeles, California



however, students and faculty











by Dugald Stermer

atO, atO,


At, At, 1 1 than 20 blocks beyond it, to , where they quite so lower-middle-class. But I wanted to know who stopped for lunch. The idea was to go on a few more the rock-throwers were, and I went to Lawn. blocks to Kedzie Avenue, then to turn north to the Fifties, You wind up in a neighborhood of tree-shaded streets where they would picket a real estate office accused of and small, detached brick houses, each with its tiny lawn. racial discrimination. They didn't make it. The display window of Stiefel's Furniture Store tells you In Marquette Park, a mob of jeering, shouting whites that the little houses are filled with cheap, unimaginative vied with a hastily augmented contingent of police, each furniture whose design has little to do with taste either trying to surround the demonstrators. Mobile television good or bad. In the California Bar—named for its prox- units roared to the scene in time to send across the coun- imity to California Avenue—you learn that a bad call try a picture of George Lincoln Rockwell and a group of against the White Sox was due to the fact that "that nigger his American Nazi cohorts, waving swastikas in the white umpire won't do anything for Chicago." crowd ("Grab that swastika and wave it up and down," a "It's such a tiny minority," Father Foley told me. cameraman yelled to a white youth; the youth complied "That's what you should write. A couple of bad apples and was photographed by a dozen cameras). Ku Klux that make the whole barrel look bad. It's you reporters Klan robes appeared in the jeering circle. From behind the that build it up." quickly formed police ranks, rocks began to fly. A brick He sat slightly hunched, as if he were hearing my con- hit Dr. Martin Luther King. fession—a big man, with thinning hair atop the bullet head "I've got nothing against the Colored, understand." Finally, the marchers retreated, in a column of two's, that rose belligerently out of his cassock. "The people in eastward along the south side of 71st Street. The white this neighborhood don't want this," he insisted, "and the Prelude: Think about White! of an all-white neighborhood called Chicago Lawn. I saw crowd, shouting and hurling rocks and bottles, paralleled colored don't want it either. They don't want to live where it first from a bus, and though it wasn't my destination I the on the north side. Down the middle of the they're not wanted. If nobody wanted you in a neighbor- UJUNG THE Lan WEEK of August, WKBK-TV, got off to stare. Because at that point you could build an street, police walked and drove, choosing to maintain hood, you wouldn't want to live there, would you?" Chicago, reviewed on its early evening news 18-foot-high concrete wall down the middle of Ashland their line and keep the groups apart rather than to pursue But the demonstrators didn't throw rocks and bottles, I program the tense racial situation in the city, Avenue, and if you left room for the bus to get through you individual rock-throwers. said. Whites started the violence. D then branched out to film coverage of a riot wouldn't need any other gap. Nobody ever crosses the line. Across the street, the whites tore up white property, "They weren't from around here. They come from other in suburban Waukegan and a demonstration surrounded 63rd from Justine to Ashland is any ghetto block in ripping flagstones out of front yards to lob them over the parts of town. But you can't blame these people. I've got by hostile whites in nearby Wauwatosa, Michigan. As the America. Sammy's Lounge, three doors from Ashland, line of police. The marchers ducked the largest stones and nothing against the colored, understand—but they don't announcer paused for breath, the screen switched to a screams the presence of a three-piece rhythm-and-blues tried to ignore the rest. Youths raced back and forth trying know how to live in a neighborhood like this. They don't Puma commercial, and a peremptory voice instructed me: group; across the street an unnamed, overheated restau-, whenever possible to catch the bottles: a rock simply hits, know how to take care of property. I'm not against in- "Think about white!" rant sells links and ribs. There's a storefront church, a but a bottle can shatter against a wall and shower glass. tegration—but we have to educate these people. Sure, we I had been thinking about white. In fact I was sick and liquor store with more wine than whiskey in the window, a After 22 frightening, vicious blocks, the retreat reached told our people to stay home when they had the marches tired of white. News reports of jeering, rock- and bottle- beauty salon with a heavy traffic in wigs. On a humid late and crossed Ashland Avenue. The police went with it, but —but you can't blame people for getting angry." throwing whites, some of them waving Nazi flags or wear- afternoon in August, people—black people—stroll aim- not a single white heckler followed. The wall stood. If the rock-throwers weren't from around here, why ing robes, had brought me to Chicago, sent lessly or stand idly in little knots. did you tell people to stay home? me up and down white streets, into white restaurants and The next block, from Ashland to Marshfield, is equally II: Would You Want to Live "These are good people," Father Foley said stubbornly. rectories and bars. White power. Turn into a cold and typical. Three bars all bear the proud names of Irishmen. with Them? "Policemen and schoolteachers and working men. Put accurate and factual report the hundreds of conversations Teenage blonde girls pore avidly over an enormous selec- yourself in their place. You've given 20 years to building the sum of which, internally, is a sick and miserable despair. tion of rock-and-roll and hair-do magazines in a drug TALKED with Father Mortimer Foley of St. Rita's up your property—you're in a nice neighborhood now, I can't. But maybe I can tell you about some of white store. A brightly lit, air-conditioned coffee shop offers Church in Chicago Lawn, nine blocks north of you have a little house worth fifteen or twenty thousand Chicago. I wish they were all Nazis: a sickness you can ham and eggs at a bargain price until 11 a.m. In that Marquette Park. I was a little impatient with Father dollars maybe. Some colored moves into your block, and understand and try to cure. I wish they were all different, block, too, people—white people—stand or stroll. / Foley. I had already talked with Father John Vys- your property drops down two, three thousand dollars. the product of some peculiar midwestem malady. I wish It may have been accidental, a striking chance symbol- nauskas of St. Anthony's in Cicero, and Father Leonard "That doesn't have to happen. Everybody doesn't have they didn't live next door to me no matter where I live. ism, but on that evening I stood on the corner, watching a Mattel of St. Attracta's. I'd been in all the lower-middle- to sell and run." hundred Chicagoans strolling not just on 63rd Street but class white parishes where demonstrators had met angry "You know what those real estate people do." I: Ashland Avenue on Ashland Avenue itself. On the sidewalk on the west white violence in recent weeks. "But you don't have to let them bust the block. You side of Ashland there was not one Negro; on the east There are other, better all-white neighborhoods in can decide to stay. The Church could even help to educate OU WOULDN'T BELIEVE Ashland Avenue, no side, not one white. No freeway, no park, no railroad Chicago than Chicago Lawn; in fact, there are all-white your parishioners." matter what ghettoes you might know about tracks—just an invisible wall so familiar to the residents neighborhoods into which the Lithuanians and Poles and "What am I supposed to say to a man when he's worked in other cities. It runs north and south through that no one even seemed to glance at it. Irish of Chicago Lawn can't move—"that class" isn't for 20 years and keeps up his house and his property, and Chicago; in the West Fifties it is the de facto Eight blocks south and one month earlier—on Sunday, welcome. Maybe, in those neighborhoods, black marchers one of the colored moves into the block? Now you know y how they live—pretty soon their friends move in and eastern border of an all-white neighborhood called Gage July 31—a column of civil rights demonstrators ignored wouldn't be greeted with rocks and bottles—maybe. They Park; in the West Sixties and Seventies the eastern border the invisible wall at 71st and Ashland, and marched more weren't on one march into Chicago Heights, which is not there are six or seven families living in the house."

14 RAMPARTS by Gene Marine RAMPARTS IS Father Foley spent much of his younger life in New marches to lower-class Negro riots, are suddenly faced cars and raise hell all over." Negro newsman Lou House One militant group, the West Side Organization, called York, and his favorite argument is that instead of dem- with the possibility of white riots. Everybody in Chicago of WAAF, who has covered most recent racial demonstra- the agreement a "sellout" and said they'd march anyway, onstrating and agitating, the Negroes of Chicago should thinks and breathes race, and walks in fear. tions, says, "You see the same few white kids out in front then postponed their march a week until September 4. pull themselves out of segregation and misery by hard As they began to find their way in the confusingMorass at all the demonstrations." CORE and SNCC announced that they would join WSO, of Chicago politics, the politically oriented lieutenants of work and diligence—as the Jews pulled themselves out of But House adds, "Of course the kids can't make up but SNCC has little following in Chicago and CORE has Dr. King, their early efforts having met with indifferent the slums of New York's Lower East Side. that big a crowd. Things are ugly. These kids get out in less. WSO ultimately withdrew from the march entirely success, began to look for a pressure point that wouldn't They fought their way up, I argued, with the help of front and start something, but then everybody joins in." —and left CORE's Robert Lucas as the march leader, the Garment Workers' Union and the Fur Workers and involve a direct confrontation with Daley. They chose with about 200 followers drawn mostly from WSO. : Daley is already committed to Chicago's mild the Amalgamated Clothing Workers and District 65— IV: Andy Hardy in Cicero Under the protection of 2000 National Guardsmen, with marches 10,000 strong and violence that was almost open-occupancy law, which is enforceable only against Lucas and his marchers made it through the rain of rocks civil war in the garment center. They came out of the slums brokers (who of course always blame the owner). The HE PLANNED CLIMAX of the Chicago Freedom and bottles back across the tracks into Chicago, where demonstrations would be against the brokers, not against but they came out fighting—against the same discrimina- Movement's "Open City" drive was a march waiting police charged the whites and clubbed them away the city government. If there was white violence, Daley's tion that was all around us in St. Rita's Parish. into Cicero. Technically, all-white Cicero is out- from the march. Only the bayonets and billyclubs kept police would have to protect the marchers—and thus anger T side Daley's jurisdiction; it's a separately incor- the march from becoming a riot and probably a massacre. the white voters. It was a carefully constructed box. III: Dr. King's Box porated city. But although the press usually calls it a The elevated train to Cicero, like any transportation in The Movement selected its targets carefully. They were "suburb," it is sociologically as much a part of Chicago Chicago, takes you through part of the ghetto—but in HERE ARE THREE AND A HALF million people in all-white residential areas in which Daley's strength is as Flatbush is of Queens; white Cicero is, in fact, as much this case it isn't a slum you go through. It's an area of already waning; in which broker-testing by white and Chicago, . One million of them are black. a part of Chicago as black Watts is of . small, red-brick, two-story houses with tiny lawns, look- Negro teams revealed actual discrimination; and in which Mayor Richard Daley is proud of pointing out All but the very youngest of Cicero's 70,000 citizens ing exactly like Cicero itself except that, right up to the housing is available at prices ghetto Negroes can afford. T that Chicago has the largest number of middle- have vivid memories of the bloody race riot that took city limits, the population is entirely black. The white resi- In other neighborhoods, the demonstrators might have class Negroes of any city in the world. Take all the place there in 1951; a Chicago Negro who has been on dent of Cicero needs no imagination at all to look out his met a different response; but to go where Negroes can Negroes who own their own homes, or who have college every 1966 march but one, and who has marched in the train window on the way home and see the future he fears. educations, or who earn more than $6000 a year—the afford the housing means to go into the Polish and Irish. South as well, said seriously that he would rather walk I met Pete Vergiliano in a bar on West 24th Street. He and Czech and Lithuanian working-class neighborhoods, groups will overlap, of course—and they add up to 35 alone down a back road in Grenada, Mississippi, than was born and reared in Stickney, a part of Chicago proper. per cent of Chicago's Negro population. the parishes of the Father Foleys. The Movement an- down a street in Cicero. During the summer just past, two An Italian built more like a Slav, he won the Chicago nounced its plans and began its marches. Except for the These middle-class Negroes are the base for the Chicago young Negroes, naively jobhunting in Cicero, were set Golden Gloves as a heavyweight a few years ago. Freedom Movement. The poor are not involved—but one "picnic march" into Chicago Heights, the demonstra- upon by a group of whites with baseball bats. One got "Look, you have to know these people," Pete says. they watch. If Chicago's frightening reservoir of hatred tors met the viciousness of white violence at every target. away to the safety of the police station; the other was "The most important thing in the world to them is their Nazis? Klansmen? "No," says Neil Regan of the spills over into more than sporadic local outbursts of beaten about the legs until both knees were broken and he home. It's maybe a crummy little house just like the house violence, the 65 per cent who refuse to march will not re, Chicago Commission on Human Relations. "Rockwell's couldn't run, and then systematically pounded to death. next door, but they busted their ass for 20 years to get that fuse to fight, and everybody knows it. got maybe 20 people. I'm not saying he couldn't organize Cicero was once the home base of Al Capone. No one house, and they paint it and they take care of it and mow In the 1959 elections, Daley won by a margin of 467,000 some support maybe with the Poles and Lithuanians— in Chicago's Freedom Movement will my openly that this the lawn, and they live good in Cicero. Nobody bothers votes. But in 1963, when Republican Benjamin Adam- but the Nazis are just too incompetent to organize any- was a factor in the strategy that selected it as a target, but nobody. They like it the way it is, and they don't want any owski ran what one Chicago reporter called "a quiet racist body. We get into their meetings, and they don't know there are still political forces in Cicero who don't want the Negro—I mean nigger—to move in and louse it up." campaign," Daley won by only 137,500 votes out of well what they're doing. We investigated the Klan thing, too, nation's attention drawn to the wide-open suburb. An- "How about you?" over a million cast—and he got that margin only with but it was just a few guys from Ohio—they've got nothing other factor is that Chicago police can provide no protec- "Hell, I got nothing against Negroes—niggers. Only solid support in Negro areas. Since then, the Movement going here." tion in Cicero; the Cicero force contains fewer than 100 guy ever beat me bad was a nigger—whipped me three has picketed Daley's home in a controversy over schools; "People ask me how come the Poles and the Czechs men—meaning that in case of a march into Cicero, some- times. He was a good man. But I don't own a house. I in 1966, the June Democratic primaries saw Daley's ma- and the others aren't repelled by the Nazis—how come body has to call out the National Guard, which for wouldn't want them in if I did. They just live different, chine candidates trail in middle-class Negro wards, their they don't remember the persecution at home. The old political reasons nobody wants either to do or not to do. that's all. Let 'em keep to themselves." incumbencies saved only by big majorities in more tightly immigrants, of course, don't have anything to remember, After the vicious violence in Marquette Park, in Bel- "Would you throw rocks?" controlled areas. and the kids, 20, 21, only know about it from television. mont-Cragin, on Ewing Avenue on the Southeast Side, The guitar player, Ron, looked up—suddenly a suspi- Daley thus sits across a microcosm of the American But the new immigrants—people forget what our immigra- the march into Cicero was scheduled for Sunday, August cious man regarding a stranger. "Let 'em come in here and Democratic party, his power shakily based on a coalition tion policy has been. You don't get in unless you can prove 28. On the previous Friday, Daley and a power-structure you'll see who'll throw rocks," be said. "They can take of welfare recipient ghetto Negroes (Illinois welfare law is you never had communist connections, you're absolutely group concluded an agreement with King and the Move- over Chicago. They ain't gonna take over Cicero. This is generous and generously, if politically, administered), an anti-communist. Who are the people who qualify? ment under the respectable auspices of the Chicago Con- a white town, buddy, and it's gonna stay that way." angry racist whites, a few active liberal intellectuals and Hell, the immigrants in the last 15 years around here are ference on Religion and Race. Actually, the agreement By and large, though, Cicero is not an unfriendly place. the solid support of organized crime. The racists and the fascists, and you'd better damn well know it." said little; the power structure, like the horse in Animal There is not the warm hospitality that is found in the better educated Negroes are restive; the intellectuals yearn The violence, Regan says, comes mostly from kids out Farm, promised that "we will work harder." Movement South—if you're white and not obviously interested in for freedom from the tight machine control; "the mob" looking for kicks. Waitress Sharon Cohn, who spends leaders, however, felt that the victory was symbolically civil rights—but there is an unsuspicious openness. The simply doesn't want trouble. The businessmen of Chicago, some of her spare time working with high school age important; for the first time, Daley and the power struc- hard-working, family-oriented people of Cicero would be having decided that they prefer middle-class Negro students, says flatly, "It's JDs—the same kids who steal ture had been forced to concessions by . good friends and good neighbors. What Pete Vergiliano

16 RAMPARTS RAMPARTS 17 neat as these, its window frames beginning to show the I had looked down on identical homes just outside Cicero,

When I took the last cigarette from a package at the resi- myself automatically putting the crumpled package back dential corner of 50th Avenue and 23rd Place, I found place. A few minutes before, from the window of the "L," wide strips of masking tape held one door in permanent need of paint. In the driveway, two Negro men carefully into my pocket to keep from marring the careful neatness.

said is true: the tiny houses are neat and carefully tended.

occupied by Negroes; I remembered one, its lawn not so

evident on its underbody and the edges of its doors. At

occupants didn't know how to take care of property.

polished a three year old Pontiac. The people of Cicero the next, a 1961 Rambler bore the scars of an old accident;

would have pointed to the Negro house, and said that its

--or Ciceroan —returns again and again to his property,

and, less often but often enough, to his safety. In Cicero at night, on the residential streets, you can still hear

crickets; on a humid night in August, you can still meet

two or three solitary strollers in as many blocks, some of them women, who don't cross the street or even seem agi- tated as you, a stranger, approach.

perhaps out of the movies of the 1930's. Take away the hard, can grow up on West 23rd Place, and marry the all, but an American small town out of the 1930's, or

consonant-heavy Czech names, and in Cicero there still be pretty, and get a good job and have fat kids. seems to be a piece of Andy Hardy Americana. Jan Vro-

skinny kid in the next block who unexpectedly grew up to

ern, in a little house just like his, waits the black man.

sak, whose father his car instead of painting his window sashes but that he

too cares about good schools and the safety of the streets

black man is poised there waiting to take over, to turn his and church on Sunday. Jan Vrosak knows better: the There is no telling Jan Vrosak that the black man lives

very much like the resident of Cicero, that he may polish streets into jungles, to plunge the value of his property.

I could kill a nigger le-gal-lee.

'Cause if I were an Alabama trooper,



In front of one house, a green 1959 Chevrolet sat, rust

Forced to a reason for his hostility, the white Chicagoan

It is, in fact, not a part of a modern urban complex at

But across the tracks of the Chicago and Illinois West-



I wish I were an Alabama trooper,

singing a doggerel song. It goes like this:

That is what I really want to be,

V: White Power


from the old country and worked

white high school students are

Father Foleys. I get sick and angry. The surest way to get


Fitzgerald's vocal version of Ellington's "C Jam Blues." property value and self-defense, just so much of Rons and

belted in the mouth right now is to walk up to me and

know, too, that there is at times a sad humor to be found this, and I'm not even black. I can take just so much In the Sedgwick station of the Chicago "L," someone had say you've got nothing against the colored.

niggers—nothin' "; the first record he played was Ella

scrawled a number of anti-Negro slogans across advertis- Lithuanian accent, "Vhy you don't go back vhere you in the whole scene. During a march in Belmont-Cragin, a

(especially somebody black) might be better in bed—but ing car by a fat, angry woman who called, in a thick Bohemian truck driver dropped a quarter into the juke ing posters; one read, "Down with civil writers." come from?" In Harry's Lounge on Cicero Avenue, a

sexual, he doesn't know it. Maybe it's rooted in the half- it told me: I thought about white.

box as he told me tightly, "I don't like nothin' about group of Negroes were startled to be accosted from a pass- they don't throw bottles, they did vote for Adamowski. I

spair; so I watched the Purex commercial and I did what if it is, it doesn't come out anywhere on the surface.

clean white and evil, diseased, dirty black—then that women, and the Great American Fear that somebody else

centrism so rigid that he doesn't know it's there. doesn't come to the surface either. What does is ethno- the inescapable semantics of black and white—good, pure,

true mythology about the Negro male's lust for white Negro family life and what we have done to it historically.

have to do about them. People are learning ... People are learning the truth about property values and eral approach to all this, there is an unspoken dream:

People are learning what the problems are and what we say, no facts, no reasonable argument, will make any dif- miserable, sick despair of knowing that nothing you can

of the ghetto Negro's children, maybe. But not today. If another you just have to take it. Chicago. There was never any forward point to lash back

ference. In 100 years, maybe. In time to help the children block-busting. People are learning about the history of you want anything the white Chicagoan has, one way or

I don't know about you, but I can take just so much of

But the moments of humor don't dispel the fog of de-

If the Gage Park Chicagoan's fears of the Negro are

If the fears of the good neighbor of Cicero are rooted in Yes, I know there are other whites in Chicago—but if

Somewhere at the bottom of the middle-class white lib- But people aren't. There isn't any white backlash in

You live in your own little world and you forget the

Illustration by Stephen Osborn

by Adam Hochschild

language university in Stellenbosch skipped along on the the on along skipped Stellenbosch in university language

rear was an older and more ragged group of men— of group ragged more and older an was rear

defiance, as if all the white people of Stellenbosch had had Stellenbosch of people white the all if as defiance,

"sabotage bill" through parliament, a measure which which measure a parliament, through bill" "sabotage cheeked girls with long blond hair from the big Afrikaans- big the from hair blond long with girls cheeked

remained of the country's open anti-apartheid movement. movement. anti-apartheid open country's the of remained

Johannesburg. That summer, 1962, the newspapers were were newspapers the 1962, summer, That Johannesburg. South African government had just rushed its infamous infamous its rushed just had government African South

months before, the battle for an independent Katanga had had Katanga independent an for battle the before, months

shout to a hostile continent, "We'll fight to the death!" death!" the to fight "We'll continent, hostile a to shout

spectators spectators

swinging your arms high in in high arms your swinging been lost, but white mercenary Katanga "freedom fight- "freedom Katanga mercenary white but lost, been between them and black Africa—both the black Africa to to Africa black the Africa—both black and them between

The quiet white crowds lining the streets knew their gov- their knew streets the lining crowds white quiet The

sidewalks, waving at soldiers they knew, but most of the the of most but knew, they soldiers at waving sidewalks,

20 RAMPARTS RAMPARTS 20 dredged up their medals and poured into the streets to to streets the into poured and medals their up dredged

ers" had been welcomed as heroes in the streets of of streets the in heroes as welcomed been had ers" feiv A man. white the against turning be to seemed tinent

and imprisonments began, designed to crush what little little what crush to designed began, imprisonments and

the South African army led the parade. Bringing up the the up Bringing parade. the led army African South the

from Cape Town. Row on row of young white soldiers of of soldiers white young of row on Row Town. Cape from

as "endangering law and order." Soon after, house arrests arrests house after, Soon order." and law "endangering as

of medals flapping awkwardly on tweed suits. Rosy- suits. tweed on awkwardly flapping medals of

ernment's military power was the only thing standing standing thing only the was power military ernment's

filled with accounts of white people fleeing Algeria. The The Algeria. fleeing people white of accounts with filled

fertile valley around Stellenbosch since the I 600's. The The 600's. I the since Stellenbosch around valley fertile

would have run along behind, behind, along run have would allows the death penalty for such vaguely defined offenses offenses defined vaguely such for penalty death the allows sparkling, holiday military military holiday sparkling,

Stellenbosch, a beautiful old town about 30 miles inland inland miles 30 about town old beautiful a Stellenbosch,

the north and that within their own borders. borders. own their within that and north the

a small American town, you you town, American small a

veterans of World War II, walking out of step with rows rows with step of out walking II, War World of veterans

from that summer. A snappy, snappy, A summer. that from

time with the music. music. the with time with soldiers in fresh-starched fresh-starched in soldiers with

brilliantly on trumpets and and trumpets on brilliantly parade under a clear blue sky, sky, blue clear a under parade

that, if you were a boy scout in in scout boy a were you if that,

khaki and the sun glistening glistening sun the and khaki

It is the parade I remember best best remember I parade the is It trombones. The kind of parade parade of kind The trombones.

It was a tense time then in South Africa. The entire con- entire The Africa. South in then time tense a was It

Dutch settlers and their descendants have farmed the the farmed have descendants their and settlers Dutch

The parade seemed almost like a ritualistic gesture of of gesture ritualistic a like almost seemed parade The

The troops were marching past the village square of of square village the past marching were troops The

were were

more somber. somber. more


new men with white faces. faces. white with men new

like frightened little shadows, running in frantic and di- and frantic in running shadows, little frightened like

imagines their masters desperately fleeing from the strange strange the from fleeing desperately masters their imagines

minishing hordes to some obscure fate, just as one one as just fate, obscure some to hordes minishing France during the 1780's or that I had once had watching watching had once had I that or 1780's the during France retreat no farther. I felt a poignant sadness watching the the watching sadness poignant a felt I farther. no retreat bushman paintings. Great rock slabs have been carried carried been have slabs rock Great paintings. bushman

paring for a massive and inevitable blood letting. It was was It letting. blood inevitable and massive a for paring married with the Dutch settlers or fled to the interior and and interior the to fled or settlers Dutch the with married

parade, a sense of seeing a nation gird against itself, pre- itself, against gird nation a seeing of sense a parade,

expense, so white and black passengers never meet). Min- meet). never passengers black and white so expense, in one dimensional rows across the hard rock. They look look They rock. hard the across rows dimensional one in

revolution comes. They were born there and they'll stay stay they'll and there born were They comes. revolution miles from where that museum is today, only 30 years years 30 only today, is museum that where from miles Stellenbosch; the English-speaking whites control the big big the control whites English-speaking the Stellenbosch;

helmeted colonialists who'll withdraw gracefully when the the when gracefully withdraw who'll colonialists helmeted indoors, covered with the last mementos of that near near that of mementos last the with covered indoors, ing king Harry Oppenheimer recently put up a huge new new huge a up put recently Oppenheimer Harry king ing

cities. Thus the sense of permanence you get in Johannes- in get you permanence of sense the Thus cities.

early Dutch settlers, predominate in country towns like like towns country in predominate settlers, Dutch early concrete, and the railroad station a majestic, vaulted mas- vaulted majestic, a station railroad the and concrete, vanished people. Pale reddish-brown cows and horses flit flit horses and cows reddish-brown Pale people. vanished

stores. The airport terminal is a huge modern mass of of mass modern huge a is terminal airport The stores.

burg is not that of a Dutch country town, but of a large large a of but town, country Dutch a of that not is burg

almost be New York or Chicago. Time and Newsweek are are Newsweek and Time Chicago. or York New be almost and Hottentots at the Cape of Good Hope either inter- either Hope Good of Cape the at Hottentots and

erupts into war, this region will be the last line of defense, defense, of line last the be will region this war, into erupts on the newsstands and Crest and Pepsodent in the drug- the in Pepsodent and Crest and newsstands the on

and fight. fight. and a faded film of Tsar Nicholas II reviewing his troops. troops. his reviewing II Nicholas Tsar of film faded a

after the Pilgrims sighted Plymouth Rock. The bushmen bushmen The Rock. Plymouth sighted Pilgrims the after

terpiece of modern architecture (though built, at great great at built, (though architecture modern of terpiece financial empire will last as long as the one in Manhattan. Manhattan. in one the as long as last will empire financial

office of several dozen stories in the Johannesburg business business Johannesburg the in stories dozen several of office

district. It is built, to scale, in the exact shape as the Pan- the as shape exact the in scale, to built, is It district.

for here the whites will have their backs to the sea and can can and sea the to backs their have will whites the here for

Am Building in New York. You are almost tempted to to tempted almost are You York. New in Building Am

view it as a monument to Oppenheimer's hope that his his that hope Oppenheimer's to monument a as it view virtual extinction. extinction. virtual

American city. Its bustling, skyscraper downtown could could downtown skyscraper bustling, Its city. American

white South Africa. When South Africa's race struggle struggle race Africa's South When Africa. South white

the same feeling you might have had as a traveler in in traveler a as had have might you feeling same the

aged look about them, for the town is in the heart of old old of heart the in is town the for them, about look aged

gabled farmhouses and hillside vineyards have a mellowed, mellowed, a have vineyards hillside and farmhouses gabled

There's a museum in Cape Town that displays original original displays that Town Cape in museum a There's

The Afrikaans-speaking whites, descendants of the the of descendants whites, Afrikaans-speaking The

Those men, the first European settlers, landed a few few a landed settlers, European first the men, Those


of permanence among the country's whites whites country's the among permanence of

Africa, as I was that summer, it is the flavor flavor the is it summer, that was I as Africa, which is most unexpected. They are not sun- not are They unexpected. most is which

you AREA AREA you

white American visiting South South visiting American white

Places a European could immigrate: "Well, I suppose if if suppose I "Well, immigrate: could European a Places

you want security in your immigration you can always go go always can you immigration your in security want you

European settlers to South Africa to bolster the country's country's the bolster to Africa South to settlers European

ment agency that tries (with considerable success) to bring bring to success) considerable (with tries that agency ment

The talk of almost every South African turns to this this to turns African South every almost of talk The

subject eventually. eventually. subject

white population. He compared South Africa to the other other the to Africa South compared He population. white

means business. This is not Selma, but Budapest. Budapest. but Selma, not is This business. means

cies of Ghandi and Martin Luther King have been crushed crushed been have King Luther Martin and Ghandi of cies

nationalist groups which which groups nationalist

and their leaders jailed and tortured. The government government The tortured. and jailed leaders their and

lowed segregation to be slightly eroded by court orders orders court by eroded slightly be to segregation lowed

in South Africa a few years ago. Police went from house house from went Police ago. years few a Africa South in

and sit-ins. The resistance movement tried a general strike strike general a tried movement resistance The sit-ins. and

to house forcing people to work at gunpoint. African African gunpoint. at work to people forcing house to

Africans are not like the white Southerners who have al- have who Southerners white the like not are Africans

law for whites) with the black Africans than New Yorkers Yorkers New than Africans black the with whites) for law

the Martians. The second point follows: white South South white follows: point second The Martians. the

more intention of sharing their land and jobs (over 80 per per 80 (over jobs and land their sharing of intention more

would be willing to hand over the wealth of Wall Street to to Street Wall of wealth the over hand to willing be would

bulk of the natural and industrial wealth. They have no no have They wealth. industrial and natural the of bulk

cent of the farmland and most skilled jobs are reserved by by reserved are jobs skilled most and farmland the of cent

could go together. together. go could

the rootedness of South Africa's whites who own the vast vast the own who whites Africa's South of rootedness the

He looked blank, and I suddenly realized there was not a a not was there realized suddenly I and blank, looked He

ban, where I was talking to a Zulu student. I suggested we we suggested I student. Zulu a to talking was I where ban,

single public eating place in the entire country—a land as as land country—a entire the in place eating public single

continue our conversation over a cup of coffee somewhere. somewhere. coffee of cup a over conversation our continue

wide as from New York to the Mississippi—where we we Mississippi—where the to York New from as wide

in a ruthless, precise way even Alabama cannot match. match. cannot Alabama even way precise ruthless, a in mulatto "coloreds" and Indians. Segregation is complete, complete, is Segregation Indians. and "coloreds" mulatto

This dawned on me forcefully one day in the city of Dur- of city the in day one forcefully me on dawned This

million whites govern a land that includes about 14 million million 14 about includes that land a govern whites million

black and brown men—mostly black Africans, plus some some plus Africans, black men—mostly brown and black

was made inevitable by the fact that the whites had rifles rifles had whites the that fact the by inevitable made was and the Africans had only spears. spears. only had Africans the and

those early struggles on the the on struggles early those

Africans for the land, but their guns assured them of of them assured guns their but land, the for Africans

victory. The outcome today's white supremacist state— supremacist white today's outcome The victory.

around Stellenbosch, they sometimes had to battle black black battle to had sometimes they Stellenbosch, around

out on top. As they pushed inland, past the quiet valleys valleys quiet the past inland, pushed they As top. on out

summed up in that first encounter: the whites always came came always whites the encounter: first that in up summed

In Cape Town I interviewed a man from the govern- the from man a interviewed I Town Cape In

But there are two things that are not so familiar. One is is One familiar. so not are that things two are there But

The basic structure of the country that grew out of of out grew that country the of structure basic The

The rest of South African history is symbolically symbolically is history African South of rest The


cape the preoccupation with race and violence. violence. and race with preoccupation the cape

the magnificent scenery. But it is hard to es- to hard is it But scenery. magnificent the

South Africa each year to see wild game and and game wild see to year each Africa South

believed believed

veld veld

in the non-violent poli- non-violent the in

is familiar enough: 3 3 enough: familiar is

of tourists visit visit tourists of

but words will never hurt me.' " " me.' hurt never will words but

not gone beyond mouthing them in dealing with South South with dealing in them mouthing beyond gone not

more categories of jobs for whites so that it's the others others the it's that so whites for jobs of categories more

most vicious things about apartheid is the job reservation reservation job the is apartheid about things vicious most

Africa. After all, 'sticks and stones may break my bones, bones, my break may stones and 'sticks all, After Africa.

system—in times of unemployment they can just 'reserve' 'reserve' just can they unemployment of times system—in

who suffer. But still, these things should be tried. tried. be should things these still, But suffer. who

it would be the non-whites who'd suffer most. One of the the of One most. suffer who'd non-whites the be would it

things. We know that in case of any international pressure pressure international any of case in that know We things.

bargo could be organized against South Africa. Africa. South against organized be could bargo

could stop buying South African gold and 3) an oil em- oil an 3) and gold African South buying stop could

fuse to unload South African goods, 2) the United States States United the 2) goods, African South unload to fuse

Three things: I) the dockworkers of the world could re- could world the of dockworkers the I) things: Three

I went down to the boat with the other reporters to meet meet to reporters other the with boat the to down went I

him. I asked him, 'What do you think of apartheid, Mr. Mr. apartheid, of think you do 'What him, asked I him.

what the rest of the world can do about South Africa? Africa? South about do can world the of rest the what

that I'm bitter?" bitter?" I'm that

Satterthwaite?' And what do you think he said? 'I've been been 'I've said? he think you do what And Satterthwaite?' at sea three weeks and I'm out of touch.' Do you wonder wonder you Do touch.' of out I'm and weeks three sea at

pointed ambassador] we thought something might happen. happen. might something thought we ambassador] pointed

anything about South Africa? When he sent Satterthwaite Satterthwaite sent he When Africa? South about anything out here [Joseph Satterthwaite, a career diplomat ap- diplomat career a Satterthwaite, [Joseph here out

thought we had a hope. We all wondered, would he do do he would wondered, all We hope. a had we thought

[At the time, food surpluses were being destroyed to keep keep to destroyed being were surpluses food time, the [At

ing starvation. I've seen those rotting dumps of oranges. oranges. of dumps rotting those seen I've starvation. ing

more bitter. What a country you're supporting! I've seen seen I've supporting! you're country a What bitter. more

farm prices up.] up.] prices farm

them pouring the milk into the sea, when blacks are near- are blacks when sea, the into milk the pouring them

here. We'll just give her time.' time.' her give just We'll here.

your revolution,' they wouldn't want it. I was at a meeting meeting a at was I it. want wouldn't they revolution,' your

and the Communists said, 'Shall we have another Sharpe- another have we 'Shall said, Communists the and

with the cabinet ministers. And people will get more and and more get will people And ministers. cabinet the with it do will West long, Cockney-accented tirade, with an acid and jarring jarring and acid an with tirade, Cockney-accented long,

vffie? Will it help the cause?' No, they decided, no. 'The 'The no. decided, they No, cause?' the help it Will vffie?

to the non-whites, 'Look, we're here to help you with with you help to here we're 'Look, non-whites, the to

branch when I left home, but I feel so frustrated and bitter bitter and frustrated so feel I but home, left I when branch

against the West now that I'd join anything. If your bloody bloody your If anything. join I'd that now West the against

eloquence: "I was the leader of a Young Conservatives Conservatives Young a of leader the was "I eloquence:

fleet came sailing into Cape Town harbor today and said said and today harbor Town Cape into sailing came fleet

never know what they're going to do next. Yes sir, that's that's sir, Yes next. do to going they're what know never

where the excitement comes in." in." comes excitement the where

Africa. All those black chaps around, you know, and you you and know, you around, chaps black those All Africa.

place you can go. Of course you can always go to Aus- to go always can you course Of go. can you place

tralia as well, but for adventure there's no place like South South like place no there's adventure for but well, as tralia

to New Zealand. Yes sir, that's just about the most secure secure most the about just that's sir, Yes Zealand. New to

"Your country has some great traditions. But you have have you But traditions. great some has country "Your

"Of course, a lot of us have mixed feelings about these these about feelings mixed have us of lot a course, "Of

A well-known novelist commented to me, "You ask ask "You me, to commented novelist well-known A

"I'll tell you something. When Kennedy came in we we in came Kennedy When something. you tell "I'll

"So, you chaps just keep on having your garden parties parties garden your having on keep just chaps you "So,

In the same city, a British-born journalist took off on a a on off took journalist British-born a city, same the In

for for

us. America will cut her own throat throat own her cut will America us. RAMPARTS 21 21 RAMPARTS HE JOURNEY EAST from Cape Town is one of the gives to the General Assembly every year. The time South most beautiful train trips in the world. The rail Africa has been most threatened economically—when line goes through small towns which gave their foreign capital started pulling out of the country after names to battles in the Boer War, and then Sharpeville—America bailed her out, and all indications T are that we'd do it again. winds along the top of a high cliff at the edge of the sea. When the train rounds a bend, you can look out the win- But meanwhile, white South Africans know they have dow and see the engine ahead, hundreds of feet above the ten, maybe more, years before the African states will pose foaming white surf. a serious military threat, and they're making the most of The second day my compartment filled up with white that time. They think of themselves as a fun-loving, hard- university students, on their way back to college after a drinking, athletic race, and they are. They have an almost vacation. As the miles clicked by, we talked about studies fanatical devotion to rugby which outmatches even Amer- and girls and practical jokes and sports, and but for the icans' spectatorly enthusiasm for baseball. The beaches blazers and accents, they might have been Americans are sunny, the sea warm, and the pace of horseracing, hurrying back to school for the first football game of the waterskiing, and rugby has the mood of a year-round fall. For hours no one had mentioned race, that ever- Cape Cod summer. present concern in the back of every South African's mind. One day while I was there the government announced When I obliquely brought up the subject, one of the stu- the first names in a long list of resistance leaders who were dents, an intelligent engineering major, remarked som- to be "banned"—an ominous process by which you are berly that he knew an African government would come to forbidden to attend public meetings, have your words power in South Africa one day. That was probably as it quoted in newspapers, or belong to any political organiza- should be, he said, but when it happened he would emi- tion. The principal Cape Town newspaper had this story grate. He saw reality, but somehow he couldn't face it, on page I as one of its three most prominent of the day. and the thought of le deluge was a dark and persistent In adjoining columns were Yves St. Laurent's latest fash- cloud over his future. ions and a feature story about the national rugby team. There is something bizarrely fascinating in all this. You N THE 1840's, when the most militant Boers tired of cannot help but feel slightly dazed as you see the sullen British rule at the Cape of Good Hope, several thou- faces of black men in the streets and then read the banner sand of them put their belongings in covered wagons headline stories about Miss (white, of course) South I and set off for the interior. The "Great Trek" was Africa's reaction to the Miss Universe contest ("I got two one of the epic migrations of history. The group marched proposals and a lot of shady suggestions"), or pass by the more than 1000 miles into the unexplored interior of elegant Cape Town church that is the headquarters of the Africa and founded two independent republics which to- South African Society for the Propagation of Christianity day are the two inland provinces of South Africa. Along to the Jews. the way, the participants in the "Great Trek," or Voer- Of course the Louis XIV quality of this white civiliza- trekkers, as they called themselves, used to fight off bands tion that lives so well is ultimately made possible only by of African warriors by forming their wagons into laagers, the exploitation of cheap African labor, and apartheid fortified circles from which to fire their guns. It is a cliche fully deserves the violent end it will get. But still, the spec- in South Africa today that the whole country is turning ter of violence ahead seems particularly sad. Perhaps be- into a vast laager. Only now the Boers' weapons are not cause of the intense beauty of the country, and perhaps covered wagons and rifles but jet planes and tanks, pur- too, because their Versailles is our civilization—a culture chased mostly from our NATO allies and the young white of freeways and rock and roll, and people who speak soldiers like those who marched at Stellenbosch. The thing English and watch American movies. It thus seems dan- that will probably end apartheid for good will be an inva- gerously close to home. When I think of South Africa, it sion by the black African states to the north, and this is is often of a beautiful wooded hill above Cape Town, from what the laager is arming against. which you can look down on the ships in the city's harbor Charles Engelhard: Our Man in Africa But the worst thing of all about South Africa's coming and the thin blanket of fog rolling off Table Mountain. UTSIDE THE HOTEL ROBERT TREAT in Newark, coifed through the line by a dozen policemen, one of the race war is that the United States and its allies are likely You can see people moving quickly about the city's streets New Jersey, hundreds of angry Negro and pickets shouted, "Brotherhood can't be bought!" to be on the wrong side, defending the heavy investments and waterfront. In another country they might seem cheer- white pickets circled determinedly, calling out Later, while the pickets continued to chant outside, we have in that country and its position as the most solid ful and animated from the distance, but here they seem to the elite liberals on their way in to the burly 49-year-old Charles Engelhard accepted the Brother- anti-communist bastion on the continent of Africa. No like pathetic little shadow puppets, desperately dancing to 0 annual dinner, or rhythmically chanting, "Hey, hey, whad- hood Award of the New Jersey region of the National Con- South African government official takes' seriously those the light of a candle about to flicker out. daya say? Take his banks and mines away!" When the ference of Christians and Jews. "As a businessman," he anti-apartheid speeches the U.S. representative to the U.N. target of the picketing arrived at the hotel and was es- extemporized, "you have certain obligations as a guest in

22 RAMPARTS Illustration by Stephan °Abbrn by Paul Jacobs the country in which you do business. One of these obliga- ("Feeling well has a terrific amount to do with how you UT AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN MIWONS are ciga- cope with life"), and who is male-chauvinistically de- tions consists of not criticizing what they do at home, since rette money to Engelhard's operation; the real scribed by Forbes as "brilliant but beautiful," Engelhard you don't want them to criticize what we do at home. Per- money comes from South Africa. There, Engel- obviously doesn't care much about his physical appear- haps if we were perfect, we could criticize people. But we hard is chairman of Rand Mines, an investment are not perfect, and I think perhaps that is my argument ance. His standard dark suit, blue shirt and black knitted B company with holdings in gold and uranium mines, as tie, while obviously expensive, have a sloppy look. For with the people outside tonight." well as in coal production, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, recreation, he says jovially, "I fish, play cards, raise dogs, "The country in which you do business," where liberal building materials, pipes and the financing of imports and hunt, take photographs, and I'm connected with every Democrat and Brotherhood Awardwinner Charles Engel- exports (among other things, Engelhard interests control charitable group in the world." Everybody calls him hard does his business and doesn't criticize because we about 15 per cent of South Africa's gold production). "Charlie," which suits him. aren't perfect either, is the Republic of South Africa. En- "Charlie" is also chairman of the board of the American- Connections with groups not so charitable, however, gelhard is the largest individual American investor in South African Investment Company, whose major assets make possible Engelhard's membership in that tiny group South Africa, and his vast influence there is an example of are in gold-mining stock. He controls, through these and of men so wealthy that dollar signs and zeros no longer "white power" which makes the bands of "" other interests, 20 per cent of the uranium mines, timber matter. Cragwood, his palatial home in Far Hills, New —shouting American Negro militants—seem as weak as a lands, chromium mines and stainless steel mills. Jersey, is decorated with French Impressionist paintings cluster of ants. In addition to his personal empire, Engelhard is a and large enough, with its 150 acres of grounds, for the He had agreed weeks earlier to accept the Brotherhood director of, and has an interest in, the Anglo American Engelhards to have entertained 3500 guests at a barbecue Award, to be given at a dinner on January 16, 1966, with- Corporation. This vast holding company, with assets of for Lynda Bird Johnson. Although it is the largest, Crag- out anticipating that it would provoke a widespread reac- nearly $500 million of its own, is an enterprise of the Op- tion from civil rights, student and anti-apartheid groups. wood is just one of Engelhard's homes. There is a luxur- penheimer family, whose financial operations extend into tionary policies; in South Africa, he is the only American When it became clear that the protest would be large, the ious house in Florida and a well-equipped fishing lodge in every aspect of South African life (Engelhard and Oppen- —although there are more than 200 American corpora- industrialist tried to head it off. He sent a car on the after- Canada. One hundred thoroughbred horses occupy his heimer are close friends). Anglo American controls 28 tions operating in that country—who serves as an officer noon of the 16th to bring to the office of Engelhard In- racing stables in North Carolina, England and South per cent of South Africa's gold production; 22 per cent and trustee of the South African Foundation. Set up, ac- dustries two NAACP officials who were leaders in the Africa. He also has a permanent at the Waldorf- of the uranium; 43 per cent of the coal; 57 per cent of the cording to one of its own booklets, by "leading firms and protest move. On hand to support his argument for a can- Astoria in New York, another at Grosvenor House in copper; and almost all the diamonds. Rand Mines is one individuals," it is a public relations outfit which says itself cellation of the protest were his friend and attorney, London, and a house in Johannesburg, the later ample of 157 subsidiaries or affiliates of Anglo American, which that it exists "because there is a systematic, well-organized, former governor Robert Meyner, the New Jersey spokes- enough so that 80 people can drop in for dinner, or hun- also controls the $530 million (in assets) DeBeers Con- well-financed attack on South Africa, conducted on a man for Dr. Martin Luther King's Southern Christian dreds for a party like the one Engelhard threw when the solidated Mines. Forbes says flatly that "Anglo American world scale by a number of organizations supported by Leadership Conference; and an official of the United Auto daughter of South African magnate Harry Oppenheimer controls assets valued at close to $3 billion and dominates Afro-Asian and Communist interests." Workers, which represents some of Engelhard's employees got married. the South African economy much as the Southern Pacific What this means in non-public-relationese is that the in America (the UAW later repudiated its representative's Engelhard travels back and forth in a private million- once dominated California's." Foundation is the businessmen's PR firm for the racist defense of Engelhard). dollar Convair (Reportedly the model for Ian Fleming's Engelhard is obviously no small-time American busi- government of South Africa. At the time of its formation, Though the liberals and the militants talked to each Goldfinger, Engelhard once joked that there was a hostess nessman, doing business in South Africa at the whimsical Engelhard joined it, he said, because "a very one-sided other for some time, no positions were changed. Engel- on the Convair named Pussy Galore). The airplane is sufferance of a basically hostile government. He is as story" about South Africa was being disseminated ; be- hard kept insisting that there is nothing heinous about his sometimes made available to friends—Engelhard loaned bound up in the economy of South Africa—and thus in cause the racial issues in South Africa were comparable to South African activities; members of the New Jersey it to Meyner for the latter's most recent gubernatorial the oppressive policies of its racist leaders—as General those in the and, "in fact, less NAACP continued to insist that "brotherhood is interna- campaign—as are the industrialist's other facilities. Writer Motors is with the United States Department of Defense. acute than in some of the states." tional—what you do to our brothers in South Africa, you Alan Moorehead once used the Waldorf-Astoria apart- In fact, Engelhard even sits on the boards of the Witwaters- Sitting in Governor Meyner's Newark law office, Engel- do to us." The picket line stayed, and Charles Engelhard, ment for a while. Engelhard appears to like the company rand Native Labour Association and the Native Recruit- hard said that in South Africa, "through education and surrounded by a dozen cops went through to receive his of famous public officials and "beautiful people" with ing Corporation, two of the official agencies which recruit better jobs, the black man will take his place alongside Brotherhood Award. a distinct preference for Democratic politicians, such as black Africans as cheap labor for the mines. the white so that as time goes by the blacks will get their Engelhard maintains he has no choice but to remain Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, whose daughter Naturally Engelhard tries to justify his role as a re- political rights." The South Africa Foundation of which silent about conditions in South Africa. "In the early years now works for Engelhard in London. cruiter of 70-cent-a-day black laborers who must live he is a leading officer has a different line; in its book, I was in business there," he says now, "I was more out- All of this opulence begins, if there is a beginning, at the without their families in totally segregated, company- South Africa in the Sixties, the Foundation says that even spoken and I did verge on making recommendations. But heart of the Engelhard empire, a Newark-based family police-guarded barracks for the duration of their con- though the black Africans may achieve some political I found this was very much resented, especially since I was company called Engelhard Hanovia which does $20 mil- tracts. But he doesn't say, as do some South African busi- autonomy "in the distant future," it remains true that "in not a citizen, so I stopped. Besides that, I'm not in politics lion worth of annual business selling sunlamps, industrial nessmen, that the use of such labor makes feasible the regard to overall direction, white hegemony is to prevail." in South Africa and I don't believe a businessman has the diamonds and other products, but which has an invest- mining of low-grade ore which would otherwise be eco- It hardly seems necessary to review the absolute totali- right to superimpose himself on the state." ment portfolio embracing 28 companies on six continents. nomically impossible to harvest; instead, he claims that tarianism of the "white hegemony" that prevails in South It's easy to like Charles Engelhard. He's unpretentious, Hanovia owns, for instance, 72 per cent of Engelhard these miserable wages and conditions are an improvement Africa. The International Commission of Jurists said of a quick to laugh at a joke, earthy in his language and lusty Industries—which in turn has subsidiaries of its own in over what the blacks would otherwise have. In the United single one of South Africa's network of repressive meas- in his tastes. Unlike his wife, who according to Vogue ten countries. "Industries" is, according to Forbes maga- States, liberal Charlie Engelhard resigned from the Na- ures—the sabotage act of 1962—that it crushes individual magazine spends at least an hour every day in exercise zine, the largest refiner of precious metals in the world. tional Association of Manufacturers because of its reac- liberty "to a degree not surpassed by the most extreme



other violations of apartheid and apartheid-oriented laws, laws, apartheid-oriented and apartheid of violations other admissions of guilt and do not appear in court." Add in in Add court." in appear not do and guilt of admissions solution being reached has virtually disappeared. disappeared. virtually has reached being solution

native Africans are convicted, every day, for pass law law pass for day, every convicted, are Africans native in the cities without special permission, that each of them them of each that permission, special without cities the in

must carry a pass with him at all times—and that 1000 1000 that times—and all at him with pass a carry must

and that as a result the possibility of any accommodative accommodative any of possibility the result a as that and 26 RAMPARTS RAMPARTS 26 and the conviction rate per year goes up to one out of of out one to up goes year per rate conviction the and

accommodation within South Africa are being repressed, repressed, being are Africa South within accommodation 1948 has moved in the opposite direction: every political political every direction: opposite the in moved has 1948

the statistics "do not include the large number who pay pay who number large the include not "do statistics the every eight non-whites in the country. country. the in non-whites eight every

dictatorship of the left or right." With a policeman for for policeman a With right." or left the of dictatorship hard's own South African Foundation, which adds that that adds which Foundation, African South own hard's

gressional committee in 1966 that the forces making for for making forces the that 1966 in committee gressional "their political rights," the history of South Africa since since Africa South of history the rights," political "their violations. That figure, incidentally, comes from Engel- from comes incidentally, figure, That violations.

solitary confinement, crude physical beating and torture— and beating physical crude confinement, solitary

despite what Engelhard says about the blacks getting getting blacks the about says Engelhard what despite for African Affairs, was correct when he stated to a con- a to stated he when correct was Affairs, African for

every possibility of future rights ruthlessly destroyed. destroyed. ruthlessly rights future of possibility every

the natives' economic slavery. The fact is simply that that simply is fact The slavery. economic natives' the

from opening mail and tapping phones to isolation, exile, exile, isolation, to phones tapping and mail opening from government uses the full range of totalitarian weapons, weapons, totalitarian of range full the uses government

right of the black South African has been taken away, and and away, taken been has African South black the of right

all to insure "white hegemony" and the perpetuation of of perpetuation the and hegemony" "white insure to all

every 533 people in the country—a ratio more than four four than more ratio country—a the in people 533 every times higher than that of the average American city—the city—the American average the of that than higher times

G. Mennen Williams, then assistant secretary of state state of secretary assistant then Williams, Mennen G.


about civil rights in America—certainly knows knows America—certainly in rights civil about

tain political parties; that they cannot remain remain cannot they that parties; political tain

that South African blacks cannot vote or main- or vote cannot blacks African South that

who who

recently financed a movie movie a financed recently

same book previously quoted, the Foundation says that that says Foundation the quoted, previously book same

"in the ten years from 1955 to 1965, non-white wages rose rose wages non-white 1965, to 1955 from years ten the "in

"When I have control of native education," he said once once said he education," native of control have I "When

other servant "skills." "skills." servant other

some financial stability. I don't care what the college college the what care don't I stability. financial some

his own South African Foundation contradicts. In the the In contradicts. Foundation African South own his

day's reservation segregated Bantu schools spend two- spend schools Bantu segregated reservation day's

thirds of their time teaching sweeping, gardening and and gardening sweeping, teaching time their of thirds

frank about South Africa's treatment of black Africans. Africans. black of treatment Africa's South about frank

European community above certain forms of labor." To- labor." of forms certain above community European of the 19th century: We take good care of our niggers. niggers. our of care good take We century: 19th the of

to serve his community: there is no place for him in the the in him for place no is there community: his serve to

South Africans. My companies all have training programs programs training have all companies My Africans. South to let them get enough to eat, enough clothes, a car and and car a clothes, enough eat, to enough get them let to

Europeans is not for them ... The Bantu must be guided guided be must Bantu The ... them for not is Europeans

Africa want." One can almost hear the liberal Southerner Southerner liberal the hear almost can One want." Africa natives will be taught from childhood that equality with with equality that childhood from taught be will natives

before becoming Prime , "I will reform it so that that so it reform will "I Minister, Prime becoming before

deploring apartheid is any reference to the reprehensible reprehensible the to reference any is apartheid deploring of the blacks ... The key to the misery of these people is is people these of misery the to key The ... blacks the of

professors say, I know this is what the black people of of people black the what is this know I say, professors and the blacks don't just work on menial jobs. If the coun- the If jobs. menial on work just don't blacks the and

detail that would be covered if South Africa were part of of part were Africa South if covered be would that detail

roles of American business and government in supporting supporting in government and business American of roles

record shows improvement in the conditions of the black black the of conditions the in improvement shows record

hard still insists that "since I've been in South Africa, the the Africa, South in been I've "since that insists still hard the Communist bloc. But always missing from the articles articles the from missing always But bloc. Communist the

try is to progress, it must increase the economic conditions conditions economic the increase must it progress, to is try

the white South African bloodletting regime. regime. bloodletting African South white the

often reported in the American media although not in the the in not although media American the in reported often

Whatever Engelhard says to an interviewer in America, America, in interviewer an to says Engelhard Whatever The late Prime Minister Verwoerd was much more more much was Verwoerd Minister Prime late The

In the face of the ugly facts about South Africa, Engel- Africa, South about facts ugly the of face the In

The revolting nature of the South African society is is society African South the of nature revolting The

at Princeton he met Jack Jack met he Princeton at

very very

ushers at some of the same weddings, but we we but weddings, same the of some at ushers into the family business in 1939 right after college (While (While college after right 1939 in business family the into

while. Born into a fortune created by his father, he went went he father, his by created fortune a into Born while.

situation will give capital confidence." confidence." capital give will situation

white, maybe permanent separation into separate areas— separate into separation permanent maybe white,

in which I don't believe. But no no But believe. don't I which in

of relations between black and white. South Africa de- Africa South white. and black between relations of

mands an adjusted basis of relations between black and and black between relations of basis adjusted an mands

large commercial investments. This is only feasible if there there if feasible only is This investments. commercial large

must be accepted. The development of Africa requires requires Africa of development The accepted. be must

is a certain basic stability, and that requires stabilization stabilization requires that and stability, basic certain a is

"There are not many countries," Engelhard says, "where "where says, Engelhard countries," many not are "There

it it the lot. Unfortunately, in life there are certain facts that that facts certain are there life in Unfortunately, lot. the

that, of course. "My mother," he says, "had Jewish Jewish "had says, he mother," "My course. of that, relatives and I know what the Nazis tried to do to them." them." to do to tried Nazis the what know I and relatives

during World War II; Verwoerd used his newspaper for for newspaper his used Verwoerd II; War World during

Nazi propaganda and once led a demonstration protest- demonstration a led once and propaganda Nazi

ing the landing of a Jewish refugee ship. Engelhard, win- Engelhard, ship. refugee Jewish a of landing the ing

ner of the Brotherhood Award, wouldn't go along with with along go wouldn't Award, Brotherhood the of ner

carry the death sentence." Verwoerd and the new brutal brutal new the and Verwoerd sentence." death the carry

fense and null and void as well ; extra-marital relations relations extra-marital ; well as void and null and fense

marriage between white and non-white is a criminal of- criminal a is non-white and white between marriage

Prime Minister, B. Vorster, were both openly pro-Nazi pro-Nazi openly both were Vorster, B. Minister, Prime

"To maintain the present state of European race purity, purity, race European of state present the maintain "To between them is punishable by imprisonment; rape may may rape imprisonment; by punishable is them between

white and non-white remuneration—has tended to widen." widen." to tended remuneration—has non-white and white

in South Africa—or, as it is usually in practice, between between practice, in usually is it as Africa—or, South in

the least and the gap between skilled and unskilled wages wages unskilled and skilled between gap the and least the

Charlie has had confidence in South Africa for quite a a quite for Africa South in confidence had has Charlie

is is

Then why accept "racial purity" in South Africa? Africa? South in purity" "racial accept why Then

The Foundation has a word on another subject, too: too: subject, another on word a has Foundation The

safe to invest, and South Africa is about the best of of best the about is Africa South and invest, to safe

close close

friends"). He took time out for World War II, II, War World for out time took He friends").

Kennedy. Kennedy.

abrupt abrupt

He says "We were were "We says He

change in the the in change

were were

never never

cratic party officeholders and political leaders—a relation- relation- leaders—a political and officeholders party cratic

New Jersey legislature in 1955. He lost, but by then he had had he then by but lost, He 1955. in legislature Jersey New

already begun to build his own relationships with Demo- with relationships own his build to begun already

Africa. It's America 40 years ago." ago." years 40 America It's Africa.

If there's any place in the world like America, it's South South it's America, like world the in place any there's If

The white South African is hospitable, and kind to people. people. to kind and hospitable, is African South white The

it "has a marvelous climate and interesting geography. geography. interesting and climate marvelous a "has it

can Company investment campaign." Engelhard obvi- Engelhard campaign." investment Company can

ments" in South Africa. Africa. South in ments"

change Commission supported the American-South Afri- American-South the supported Commission change

ously resents the fact that today the official U. S. policy policy S. U. official the today that fact the resents ously is piously "neither to encourage nor discourage invest- discourage nor encourage to "neither piously is

longer a hero if you do that. In fact, the Securities Ex- Securities the fact, In that. do you if hero a longer

companies to go and invest there. But now you're no no you're now But there. invest and go to companies

says, "it "it says,

the gold-shipping trick when he wrote wrote he when trick gold-shipping the

tion, and met Engelhard then; he probably remembered remembered probably he then; Engelhard met and tion,

the firm of London solicitors that handled the incorpora- the handled that solicitors London of firm the

country, usually to the Far East, the "art objects" were were objects" "art the East, Far the to usually country,

hard incorporated a jewelry manufacturing company company manufacturing jewelry a incorporated hard

melted down and became gold bullion. In 1949, Engel- 1949, In bullion. gold became and down melted

to operate in South Africa (Ian Fleming was a partner in in partner a was Fleming (Ian Africa South in operate to

and a variety of other baubles; once shipped out of the the of out shipped once baubles; other of variety a and

Africa, turning gold into pulpit tops, bracelets, plates, plates, bracelets, tops, pulpit into gold turning Africa,

bullion dealers set up manufacturing operations in South South in operations manufacturing up set dealers bullion

ited, except in the form of art objects. Ingenious gold gold Ingenious objects. art of form the in except ited,

international movement of newly mined gold gold mined newly of movement international

what my father had done—and Africa was different." different." was Africa done—and had father my what

to South Africa. "I wanted to do something different from from different something do to wanted "I Africa. South to

then went back into the business and decided to expand it it expand to decided and business the into back went then

But in today's America, Engelhard ran for election to the the to election for ran Engelhard America, today's in But

Engelhard has always liked South Africa, and says that that says and Africa, South liked always has Engelhard

"When I first went to South Africa," Engelhard now now Engelhard Africa," South to went first I "When

At the time, there was no free market in gold, and the the and gold, in market free no was there time, the At

was considered a patriotic thing for American American for thing patriotic a considered was

Goldfinger). Goldfinger).


was was prohib-

ship which led him eventually into becoming a financial $40 million revolving credit; the World Bank came up angel for Meyner and co-chairman of the Business and with $25 million; the Deutsche Bank, $10 million; an Professional Men and Women for Kennedy-Johnson. He Italian consortium, $10 million—and Charlie Engelhard, was offered the ambassadorship to France, but turned it $30 million. Engelhard didn't loan it, he arranged it, and down; however, he served as one of the American repre- he insists now that the loan was in the works before Shar- sentatives at the coronation of Pope Paul and at the anni- peville. But the effect was the same in any case. "So long versary of Algerian independence. In 1964, Engelhard was as U.S. banks and business back us," a South African one of the men most responsible for bringing the Demo- businessman told an American interviewer at the time, cratic National Convention to Atlantic City—where he "We can go ahead." maintained a plush suite for entertaining party bigwigs. It doesn't take a degree in economics to see that Engel- Also in 1964, Engelhard asked President Johnson to hard's economic interests demand that the South African send him as the American representative to the independ- government be protected politically from internal unrest enceceremonies of Zambia—and Johnson agreed. Through- or outside pressure. Similarly, at our governmental level, out Africa—where Engelhard is far better known than in South Africa has other things that make her an important the United States—there was a virtually unanimous reac- ally: a tracking station, strategic minerals—especially tion of stunned shock and indignation. At Engelhard's gold, American investments, and firm anti-communism. first press conference in Zambia, a representative of a Perhaps it was appropriate after all for Engelhard to South African political group suppressed by the Verwoerd represent the U.S. at the Zambian Independence Day government began questioning Engelhard so vigorously ceremonies. Sophisticated Africans know that the face of that he was taken from the room, shouting. The entire America he represents—the "white power" of investment, Zambian press voiced its indignation, and not a single with its immense interest in maintaining the status quo— black African attended the official cocktail party given by is more important than the face we show in speeches at Engelhard before the ball celebrating Zambian independ- the United Nations, endorsing the "revolution of rising ence. Although diplomatic protocol forced the Zambian expectations" in the underdeveloped world. And Engel- government to accept his presence at the ceremonies with- hard knows full well the extent of his personal "white out public protest, officials were not so polite in private. power." "Other men," he told Forbes, "may have made One Zambian diplomat says today, "It was shortsighted larger capital gains, but few men have earned more eco- and stupid of President Johnson to send a man like nomic power." Maybe in sending Engelhard to Zambia, that to our Independence Day celebration. It was an insult Johnson was being fundamentally honest. to our country." Is Engelhard Goldfinger7 He is not deliberately evil in the way Fleming's villain was. He does not invest in South HEN ENGELHARD TALKS about capital having Africa out of love for apartheid, but to make money. And "confidence" in South Africa, he knows if his money were not digging those mines, West German what he's talking about. The Anglo Amer- or French or British money would be doing it instead. ican Company officially says of him: "In The real Goldfinger element of the Engelhard story is that Wdifficult times, when South Africa was badly in need of money can be made, and lots of it, by supporting apart- capital, Engelhard played a vital and significant role in heid. When the Japanese were invading China just before helping to bring it from abroad. He thus not only restored World War II, an American businessman was asked why confidence in the country's economy, but actively assisted he was selling scrap metal to Japan. He gave the classic in boosting it." answer, an answer Charlie Engelhard understands: The "difficult times" to which the biography refers were "We'd sell to the devil himself if he paid cash." the days after the Sharpeville , in March, 1960, Engelhard the South African investor, Engelhard the when 67 unarmed African demonstrators were massa- savior of the post-Sharpeville South African economy, cred by the police and a policy of total repression begun. Engelhard the recruiter of cheap black labor, Engelhard In the year following Sharpeville, capital left the country, the vice-president of the South African Foundation, En- and such a huge excess of imports over exports was built gelhard the friend of Democratic politicians, Engelhard up that severe restrictions were placed on importing and the Brotherhood Award winner—are all the same person. on repatriation of capital. Charlie Engelhard doesn't see any contradiction between But the U.S.-backed International Monetary Fund these different roles. And the most important thing of all came to the rescue—with $113 million—and toward the is that his friend Johnson apparently doesn't see any con- end of 1961, other loans were obtained. A consortium of tradiction either. American banks headed by Chase Manhattan extended a

25 RAMPARTS Photographs by U.P.I. RAMPARTS 29


cided to check out a few of Penn's leads. We became in- became We leads. Penn's of few a out check to cided

trigued, puzzled, finally angry with the glib conclusions of of conclusions glib the with angry finally puzzled, trigued,

the Warren Commission. And we decided that Jones, Jones, that decided we And Commission. Warren the

skeptical, willing to be convinced. At Ramparts we de- we Ramparts At convinced. be to willing skeptical,

down for lack of credibility. After two hours of unaccus- of hours two After credibility. of lack for down

His talk went like rabbit tracks, touching one by one the the one by one touching tracks, rabbit like went talk His

thousand riddles of the Kennedy case—tales so bizarre bizarre so case—tales Kennedy the of riddles thousand

listening, eyes ranging over the tree-lined street of this this of street tree-lined the over ranging eyes listening,

tomed sitting in porch rocking chairs, chairs, rocking porch in sitting tomed

that even an editor of cheap paperbacks would turn them them turn would paperbacks cheap of editor an even that

dusty former cotton market town 25 miles out of Dallas. Dallas. of out miles 25 town market cotton former dusty

cient Egyptian curse: curse: Egyptian cient

have died the proud possessor of a fabulous gem once once gem fabulous a of possessor proud the died have


mystery. Thirteen deaths, Jones said, possibly related to to related possibly said, Jones deaths, Thirteen mystery.

stolen from the Tut sarcophagus; victims, all, of the an- the of all, victims, sarcophagus; Tut the from stolen

in 1923, 15 if you count Marilyn Monroe, who seems to to seems who Monroe, Marilyn count you if 15 1923, in

the assassination. (It was 14 after they opened Tut's tomb tomb Tut's opened they after 14 was (It assassination. the

house two blocks from his newspaper and print shop. shop. print and newspaper his from blocks two house

Texas (pop. 1521), on the porch of his rambling white white rambling his of porch the on 1521), (pop. Texas

But Penn is an engaging guy and I reserved judgment, judgment, reserved I and guy engaging an is Penn But

It sounded too much like another King Tut's Tomb Tomb Tut's King another like much too sounded It

me on. It was last January in Midlothian, Midlothian, in January last was It on. me

nedy assassination, I thought he was putting putting was he thought I assassination, nedy

"mysterious deaths" surrounding the Ken- the surrounding deaths" "mysterious



told me about the the about me told


got up stiff, stiff, up got

he said the assassination has never been thoroughly inves- thoroughly been never has assassination the said he

have to do the job the Commission flubbed. Commission the job the do to have

tigated. And it is a crying shame that private citizens should should citizens private that shame crying a is it And tigated.

Warren Report was a waste of paper. He was right when when right was He paper. of waste a was Report Warren

porters worked around the country on different aspects of of aspects different on country the around worked porters

assassination and the related deaths. Four part-time re- part-time Four deaths. related the and assassination

the Dallas gossip, who furnished the best leads. leads. best the furnished who gossip, Dallas the

the case. But it was always Penn Jones, his ear tuned in to to in tuned ear his Jones, Penn always was it But case. the

immediately after the assassination. Marvin Gerson, an an Gerson, Marvin assassination. the after immediately

murder since his first trip to Dallas for Saga magazine magazine Saga for Dallas to trip first his since murder

investigator for attorney Mark Lane who spent several several spent who Lane Mark attorney for investigator

wire recordings of interviews with 15 witnesses to the the to witnesses 15 with interviews of recordings wire

weeks in Dallas in the fall of 1964, made available to us us to available made 1964, of fall the in Dallas in weeks

signed to the case. He'd been investigating the President's President's the investigating been He'd case. the to signed

limits of our knowledge. Bill Turner, a Ramparts staff staff Ramparts a Turner, Bill knowledge. our of limits

chives, during which we learned, among other things, the the things, other among learned, we which during chives,

writer and veteran of 10 years as an FBI agent, was as- was agent, FBI an as years 10 of veteran and writer

Warren Report and its 26 volumes, in the National Ar- National the in volumes, 26 its and Report Warren months of systematic investigation, in Dallas, in the the in Dallas, in investigation, systematic of months

singular contribution to uncovering the hidden facts of of facts hidden the uncovering to contribution singular

the Kennedy case. case. Kennedy the

the inconsistencies in the Warren Report—had made a a made Report—had Warren the in inconsistencies the

assassination country—long before the public furor over over furor public the before country—long assassination

sleuthing alone and almost unaided right in the heart of of heart the in right unaided almost and alone sleuthing

We concluded that Penn was right when he said the the said he when right was Penn that concluded We

That meeting on Penn's porch was the start of nine nine of start the was porch Penn's on meeting That

David Welsh Welsh David

disregard on the part of the national press of the many many the of press national the of part the on disregard

must do everything possible to bring into some intelligible intelligible some into bring to possible everything do must

timid and weak. How else account for the almost total total almost the for account else How weak. and timid

mission should remain in existence for at at for existence in remain should mission

persons—missing, murdered, or met with death strangely strangely death with met or murdered, persons—missing,

of inquiry is the newspaperman's cross and grail. grail. and cross newspaperman's the is inquiry of the time of the Jack Ruby trial, we felt the Warren Com- Warren the felt we trial, Ruby Jack the of time the

whole ALL the events surrounding the assassination of of assassination the surrounding events the ALL whole

When the Commission made its Report and disbanded, disbanded, and Report its made Commission the When

John F. Kennedy. Kennedy. F. John

—who were related to the tragedy in Dallas. Dallas. in tragedy the to related were —who

Photograph by John Howard Griffin Griffin Howard John by Photograph

Courage In Journalism. Journalism. In Courage

Publisher Publisher

Editor Editor

Winner Winner

Roy One Year EI:e Year One Roy

The Mirror will fully and (luny De corrected upon being brought brought being upon corrected De (luny and fully will Mirror The

Entered as second-elms matter Jam 25. 1344, at the post office office post the at 1344, 25. Jam matter second-elms as Entered


of any any of

to the attention of the editor of this Pepe, Pepe, this of editor the of attention the to

Regis Copies Copies Regis

any any

Editorials from the Midlothian Mirror Mirror Midlothian the from Editorials

. "The Only 'History of Midlothian' Being Written" Written" Being Midlothian' of 'History Only "The .

But grails are no longer attractive, and journalism is so so is journalism and attractive, longer no are grails But

When we planned this series of editorials beginning at at beginning editorials of series this planned we When

Inquiry is the life blood of truth, and the careful report report careful the and truth, of blood life the is Inquiry

In the discharge of our duty as a newspaper editor, we we editor, newspaper a as duty our of discharge the In



erroentem reflection upon the ammeter, standing or renotatior. renotatior. or standing ammeter, the upon reflection erroentem




e (1) e

1...0[1. 1...0[1.

Midlothian. Texas, under the Ad of March 3, IBIS. IBIS. 3, March of Ad the under Texas, Midlothian.

of of

1. An Editor's Credo Credo Editor's An 1.




the 1963 Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award for for Award Lovejoy Parish Elijah 1963 the



ear ear

fineor corporation, appearing In the rolumne of of rolumne the In appearing corporation, fineor

fute. nor to believe and take for for take and believe to nor fute.

Read not to contradict and con- and contradict to not Read

granted: But to weigh and con- and weigh to But granted:

sider. sider.


whers whers

In In




P.n.s P.n.s



/966 /966








The Midlothian Mirror, Mirror, Midlothian The

DallisasufLan..liaterma. DallisasufLan..liaterma.

54.50 Six Months ULM ULM Months Six 54.50

least least

Pena Pena

five five

Jame Jr. Jr. Jame

years. years.

100 100

In In

hot tears of despair this writer could not hold back. These These back. hold not could writer this despair of tears hot

reward. There were only two in Dallas who would aid us, us, aid would who Dallas in two only were There reward.

and for obvious reasons, we do not name them. them. name not do we reasons, obvious for and

Chairman obfuscating the evidence left after Kennedy, Kennedy, after left evidence the obfuscating Chairman

workers came from many walks of life—with no hope of of hope no life—with of walks many from came workers

bling the facts presented. They must have shed the same same the shed have must They presented. facts the bling

actions were taken by the Commission lawyers and the the and lawyers Commission the by taken were actions

more accurate finger. finger. accurate more

Tippit, and Oswald were killed. killed. were Oswald and Tippit,

but in the hope that historians may be able to point a a point to able be may historians that hope the in but lothian Mirror. We expect to work on the assassination assassination the on work to expect We Mirror. lothian

tions, meanwhile reading the Report, we believe audacious audacious believe we Report, the reading meanwhile tions,

the already thick coat. coat. thick already the several thousand hours knocking on doors, asking ques- asking doors, on knocking hours thousand several

for the rest of our lives—not that any action will be taken, taken, be will action any that lives—not our of rest the for

would be profitable other than to add more whitewash to to whitewash more add to than other profitable be would

we felt it should be reopened. Now we doubt such action action such doubt we Now reopened. be should it felt we

We thank the dedicated few who have helped in assem- in helped have who few dedicated the thank We

Further articles will appear periodically in the Mid- the in periodically appear will articles Further

We do not have all the answers. But after spending spending after But answers. the all have not do We

by Penn Jones Jr. Jr. Jones Penn by Penn Jones Jr. Jr. Jones Penn

ment, nor did he hear any of the conver- conver- the of any hear he did nor ment,

the other five men on a tour of the apart- the of tour a on men five other the 32 32

meeting. He says he did not accompany accompany not did he says He meeting.

Koethe of the Dallas Times Herald. At- Herald. Times Dallas the of Koethe

for the two newsmen. newsmen. two the for meeting the

torney C. A. Droby of Dallas arranged arranged Dallas of Droby A. C. torney newsmen were Bill Hunter of the Long Long the of Hunter Bill were newsmen

Beach (Calif.) Press Telegram, and Jim Jim and Telegram, Press (Calif.) Beach

ing a drink in the apartment when two two when apartment the in drink a ing

newsmen and two attorneys arrived. The The arrived. attorneys two and newsmen

ney Tom Howard were present and hav- and present were Howard Tom ney

in Oak Cliff. George Senator and Attor- and Senator George Cliff. Oak in

place in Ruby's and Senator's apartment apartment Senator's and Ruby's in place

something important that night. night. that important something

wonder if Senator accidentally revealed revealed accidentally Senator if wonder died strangely. A reasonable man would would man reasonable A strangely. died

Sunday night. Five persons were present present were persons Five night. Sunday

for the meeting and three of them have have them of three and meeting the for

present at the meeting, one can presume presume can one meeting, the at present

it was an important meeting on that that on meeting important an was it

after Ruby killed Oswald. Oswald. killed Ruby after

Ruby. Tice discrepancy concerns a meet- a concerns discrepancy Tice Ruby.

ing in Ruby's and Senator's apartment apartment Senator's and Ruby's in ing

on Sunday night, November 24, 1963, 1963, 24, November night, Sunday on

page 308) and, the roommate of Jack Jack of roommate the and, 308) page

self-classified as a "beggar" (Vol. 14, 14, (Vol. "beggar" a as self-classified

cents the testimony of George Senator, Senator, George of testimony the cents more study and consideration concern- consideration and study more

ing the assassination. The evidence con- evidence The assassination. the ing

revival of the Warren Commission for for Commission Warren the of revival

- Midlothian Mirror, between the fall of of fall the between Mirror, Midlothian - many answers in the 26 volumes of testi- of volumes 26 the in answers many

mony. The answers are there for those those for there are answers The mony.

Report, but we are so grateful for the the for grateful so are we but Report,

who are willing to dig. dig. to willing are who

Droby insists that he only arranged the the arranged only he that insists Droby

make them forget. forget. them make

tion, and it may take a full scale scale full a take may it and tion,

"People will forget that in a few days and and days few a in that forget will "People

tion has not yet had a chance to ade- to chance a had yet not has tion

quately express itself over the assassina- the over itself express quately editor feels Oswald was wrong on his his on wrong was Oswald feels editor

estimate of the nation's respect. This na- This respect. nation's the of estimate

there would be another President." President." another be would there

as saying of the killing of the President: President: the of killing the of saying as

Captain Will Fritz of the Dallas police police Dallas the of Fritz Will Captain department quoted Lee Harvey Oswald Oswald Harvey Lee quoted department

Shortly after dark the meeting took took meeting the dark after Shortly

2. Meeting at Ruby's Ruby's at Meeting 2.

1965 and spring of 1966. We reprint reprint We 1966. of spring and 1965

them here as they were written.] written.] were they as here them

After what has happened to those those to happened has what After

printed in Penn Jones' newspaper, the the newspaper, Jones' Penn in printed


This evidence forces us to plead for a a for plead to us forces evidence This

We have been critical of the Warren Warren the of critical been have We

In the Warren Commission Report Report Commission Warren the In

[Editor's note: The following were were following The note: [Editor's

Apartment Apartment

war war

This This

to to

attorneys appeared to talk with him. him. with talk to appeared attorneys

of Oswald, before the eyes of millions millions of eyes the before Oswald, of

watching television, at least two Dallas Dallas two least at television, watching

gram, had written : : written had gram,

for his paper, the Long Beach Press Tele- Press Beach Long the paper, his for cer. The other officer testified he had his his had he testified officer other The cer. back turned when theshooting took place. place. took theshooting when turned back

story. He finally said he was playing playing was he said finally He story.

as he picked it up, but the angle of the the of angle the but up, it picked he as game game

bullet caused him to have to change the the change to have to him caused bullet

man said he dropped his gun, and it fired fired it and gun, his dropped he said man

to be "more than three feet." The police- The feet." three than "more be to

Building" in Long Beach, California. California. Beach, Long in Building" through the heart at at heart the through

the press room and one shot Hunter Hunter shot one and room press the

Two policemen going off duty came into into came duty off going policemen Two

police station called the "Public Safety Safety "Public the called station police

award winning newsman in Long Beach, Beach, Long in newsman winning award

was on duty and reading a book in the the in book a reading and duty on was

said: "You will never find it." it." find never will "You said:

there?" there?"

spiracy." spiracy."

newsman present at the meeting, was was meeting, the at present newsman

that very night. Martin grinned and said: said: and grinned Martin night. very that shot to death in Long Beach, California California Beach, Long in death to shot

22, 1964, since Bill Hunter, who was a a was who Hunter, Bill since 1964, 22, while testifying in Washington on April April on Washington in testifying while

unusual for Senator to forget the meeting meeting the forget to Senator for unusual

but later said: "You are telling me some- me telling are "You said: later but nounced that Ruby had shot Oswald, Oswald, shot had Ruby that nounced

thing I didn't know about" about" know didn't I thing

"Within "Within

Hunter, who covered the assassination assassination the covered who Hunter,

the phone call came after it was an- was it after came call phone the Martin said this editor was wrong, that that wrong, was editor this said Martin

done the shooting (Vol. 14, page 245). 245). page 14, (Vol. shooting the done announcement was made that Ruby had had Ruby that made was announcement

about the killing of Oswald Oswald of killing the about

was unusual for Senator to call Martin Martin call to Senator for unusual was

"Certainly there was nothing said that that said nothing was there "Certainly

would make Senator lie about." about." lie Senator make would

remember anything that was said, but he he but said, was that anything remember

was sure there was nothing significant. significant. nothing was there sure was

the visit of the newsmen. He could not not could He newsmen. the of visit the

editor he heard the conversations during during conversations the heard he editor

Warren Commission, but he told this this told he but Commission, Warren

ing. Martin did not testify before the the before testify not did Martin ing.

tor, was present for the apartment meet- apartment the for present was tor,

Bill Hunter, a native of Dallas and an an and Dallas of native a Hunter, Bill

Jim Martin, close friend of George Sena- George of friend close Martin, Jim

He added soberly: "Not there." there." "Not soberly: added He

We asked: "Never find it, or not not or it, find "Never asked: We

the apartment have been taken. taken. been have apartment the

three who accompanied Senator about about Senator accompanied who three sation which went on. on. went which sation

We nodded yes and he grinned and and grinned he and yes nodded We

"Oh, you are still looking for con- for looking still are you "Oh,

We asked Martin if he thought it was was it thought he if Martin asked We

We asked Martin if he did not feel it it feel not did he if Martin asked We

We learned this week that Attorney Attorney that week this learned We

of quick draw with his fellow offi- fellow his with draw quick of

minutes of Ruby's execution execution Ruby's of minutes

range range

officially ruled ruled officially

But But

the lives of of lives the

before before

a a

the the

have the answers which history deserves. deserves. history which answers the have

coming weeks. Maybe, someone will will someone Maybe, weeks. coming

ask the questions in print during the the during print in questions the ask

out that pertinent questions were omitted omitted were questions pertinent that out

by leading lawyers in our land. We will will We land. our in lawyers leading by located and when located they are re- are they located when and located

ticent. It is important, however, to point point to however, important, is It ticent.

creasingly difficult. Witnesses cannot be be cannot Witnesses difficult. creasingly

other newspeople present. present. newspeople other

ing the course of the Ruby trial in Dallas Dallas in trial Ruby the of course the ing

Joe B. Brown granted the interview dur- interview the granted Brown B. Joe

Ruby since he killed Lee Oswald. Judge Judge Oswald. Lee killed he since Ruby

Kilgallen is the only journalist who was was who journalist only the is Kilgallen

Koethe, Tom Howard and others. Miss Miss others. and Howard Tom Koethe, —to the intense anger of the hundreds of of hundreds the of anger intense the —to

granted a private interview with Jack Jack with interview private a granted

Miss Kilgallen joins Bill Hunter, Jim Jim Hunter, Bill joins Kilgallen Miss

report and has closed the investigation. investigation. the closed has and report deaths that of Miss Dorothy Kilgallen. Kilgallen. Dorothy Miss of that deaths

Few are left to tell. There is no one in in one no is There tell. to left are Few

Warren Commission has made its final final its made has Commission Warren authority to ask the questions, since the the since questions, the ask to authority

ing in Ruby's and Senator's apartment? apartment? Senator's and Ruby's in ing

September 21, 1964. His murderer was was murderer His 1964. 21, September not indicted. indicted. not

the throat just as he emerged from a a from emerged he as just throat the Koethe was killed by a karate chop to to chop karate a by killed was Koethe shower in his apartment in Dallas on on Dallas in apartment his in shower

Questioning in Dallas becomes in- becomes Dallas in Questioning

papers. No autopsy was performed. performed. was autopsy No papers.

pital by a "friend" according to the news- the to according "friend" a by pital his death. Howard was taken to the hos- the to taken was Howard death. his

strangely to his friends two days before before days two friends his to strangely

yer Tom Howard was observed acting acting observed was Howard Tom yer

few months after Hunter's death. Law- death. Hunter's after months few

Now we can add to that list of strange strange of list that to add can we Now

who died of a heart attack in Dallas a a Dallas in attack heart a of died who

brief meeting. 'He just listened. He paid paid He listened. just 'He meeting. brief

for advice.' " " advice.' for

attorneys told the the told attorneys

What went on in that significant meet- significant that in on went What

Dallas Times Herald reporter Jim Jim reporter Herald Times Dallas

"'He didn't tell us anything,' one of the the of one anything,' us tell didn't "'He

Hunter was quoting Tom Howard Howard Tom quoting was Hunter

Jim Jim

Koethe Koethe

press press

after the first first the after

from the time you first arrived here in Los Los in here arrived first you time the from

wife? wife?

fornia and am working for a collection collection a for working am and fornia

Mr. Olsen? Olsen? Mr.

agency. agency.

1963. 1963.

Angeles until the present time? time? present the until Angeles

after December of1963? of1963? December after

ployment with the Dallas Police Depart- Police Dallas the with ployment

ment? ment? ployed by the Dallas Police Department Department Police Dallas the by ployed

Police Department? Department? Police

what was your next occupation? occupation? next your was what

(3) didn't remember the name of the the of name the remember didn't (3)

officer who gave him the job. job. the him gave who officer

recall (1) the address of the estate; (2) (2) estate; the of address the (1) recall

guarding an estate. But he was unable to to unable was he But estate. an guarding

didn't know who lived in the house and; and; house the in lived who know didn't

the day of the assassination. He was was He assassination. the of day the















ma. ma.


Olsen's statement went like this: this: like went statement Olsen's

Harry N. Olsen was on private duty on on duty private on was Olsen N. Harry

3. Harry N. Olsen, Olsen, N. Harry 3.


the more greedily will it be swal- be it will greedily more the

find faith wherever imposters imposters wherever faith find The more gross the fraud, the the fraud, the gross more The

more glibly will a go down and and down go a will glibly more

will find impudence. impudence. find will

lowed,since Jolly will always always will Jolly lowed,since

Kay. Kay.

Yes, sir. sir. Yes, Married. Married.

I left Dallas and came to Cali- to came and Dallas left I

In the latter part of December, December, of part latter the In

Five and a half years. years. half a and Five

Patrolman. Patrolman.

And what is the name of your your of name the is what And

Policeman Policeman

Have you held that some job job some that held you Have

And how were you employed employed you were how And

Are you married or single, single, or married you Are

When did you end your em- your end you did When

And how long were you em- you were long how And

What was your rank in the the in rank your was What

Dallas Police Department. Department. Police Dallas

Bill Hunter Hunter Bill

C. C.

N. N.


And And

doing work, but he was in the motor— the in was he but work, doing

lated to this elderly woman and he was was he and woman elderly this to lated

that extra job? job? extra that

an extra job guarding an estate. estate. an guarding job extra an

Police Department and 1 was working at at working was 1 and Department Police

were on that day. day. that on were

cart recollect, exactly what your activities activities your what exactly recollect, cart

1963, the day President Kennedy was was Kennedy President day the 1963,

assassinated? assassinated?

killed? killed?

cers. I couldn't specifically say when. when. say specifically couldn't I cers.

that he did know Officer J. D. Tippit? Tippit? D. J. Officer know did he that

that? that?

Jack Ruby knew Officer J. D. Tippit? Tippit? D. J. Officer knew Ruby Jack

times more and sometimes less. less. sometimes and more times

Ruby's club, the Carousel Club? Club? Carousel the club, Ruby's

and calm him down a little bit. bit. little a down him calm and

would get mad and 1 would talk to him him to talk would 1 and mad get would

get along during the time you knew him? him? knew you time the during along get

tine check of his place. place. his of check tine

ment at the time and I was working that that working was I and time the at ment

area where his club was, and it was a rou- a was it and was, club his where area of your making his acquaintance? acquaintance? his making your of

acquainted with Mr. Jack Ruby? Ruby? Jack Mr. with acquainted

°ism. I don't remember the name. name. the remember don't I °ism.


sel Club. Club. sel


where was she employed? employed? she was where


prior to being married to you, that is is that you, to married being to prior

to her marriage to you? you? to marriage her to



or-5mq. Yes, sir. sir. Yes, or-5mq.



OLSEN. OLSEN. Some testimony omitted here. here. omitted testimony Some

sezerza. sezerza.





Some testimony omitted here. here. omitted testimony Some



specraR. specraR.


szecrza. szecrza.



Qum. Qum.





otsem. otsem.

specrEa. specrEa.

I was employed by the Dallas Dallas the by employed was I

A motorcycle officer was re- was officer motorcycle A

Yes. Yes.

It was a rumor that he did. did. he that rumor a was It

I heard that he did. did. he that heard I

Oh, once a week, !guess. Some- !guess. week, a once Oh,

While talking with other offi- other with talking While

Cade? Cade?

Oh, about 3 years ago. ago. years 3 about Oh,

She She Yes. Yes.

Whose estate was that? that? was estate Whose We spoke. And sometimes he he sometimes And spoke. We

I was with the Police Depart- Police the with was I

Tell me, as specifically as you you as specifically as me, Tell

Kay Coleman. Coleman. Kay How did you happen to get get to happen you did How

Do you recall November 22, 22, November recall you Do When did you hear that rumor rumor that hear you did When

Do you know whether or not not or whether know you Do

Was that after Tippit was was Tippit after that Was

How often did you visit Jack Jack visit you did often How

From whom did you hear hear you did whom From

How did you and Jack Ruby Ruby Jack and you did How

What were the circumstances circumstances the were What

Do you know Jack Ruby? Ruby? Jack know you Do

When did you first become become first you did When And what was her name prior prior name her was what And

What was her occupation occupation her was What

was was

employed at the Carou- the at employed

Tippit radioed he was at about that that about at was he radioed Tippit

fore—the question was never asked. asked. never was question fore—the

same location. Like so many times be- times many so Like location. same he was in the yard talking to passersby. passersby. to talking yard the in was he

you see Patrolman Tippit?" Olsen says says Olsen Tippit?" Patrolman see you

should have been asked of Olsen: "Did "Did Olsen: of asked been have should

more than a few blocks from where Ol- where from blocks few a than more

He was killed near 10th and Patton, no no Patton, and 10th near killed was He

sen was located. located. was sen

last radio signal from 8th and Lancaster. Lancaster. and 8th from signal radio last

Tippit. Tippit gave his location and his his and location his gave Tippit Tippit.

Report Exhibits. The radio dispatcher dispatcher radio The Exhibits. Report

inquired the location of Officer Officer of location the inquired

shot. shot.

when one looks at the radio log printed printed log radio the at looks one when in Vol. XXIII, page 850 of the Warren Warren the of 850 page XXIII, Vol. in

visitors? visitors?

day? day?

while you were guarding the estate on that that on estate the guarding were you while

duty last? last? duty

approximately two blocks off of Stem- of off blocks two approximately

guard the estate on that particular Friday? Friday? particular that on estate the guard mons. mons.

located? located?

dress or the cross street on which it was was it which on street cross the or dress

cated? cated?

owner, who gave Olsen the job. Could Could job. the Olsen gave who owner,

one wonder if Olsen was hiding some- hiding was Olsen if wonder one thing? thing?

says he can't even remember the name of of name the remember even can't he says th

the street address nor the name of the the of name the nor address street the owner for whom he is working. Olsen Olsen working. is he whom for owner

motorcycle officer? officer? motorcycle

The next most obvious question question obvious most next The

able. Olsen claims he can not remember remember not can he claims Olsen able. Attorney Arlen Specter seems unpardon- seems Specter Arlen Attorney

bad, but the indifference of Commission Commission of indifference the but bad,

and I was off that day and able to work It. It. work to able and day that off was I and

Olsen's location becomes important important becomes location Olsen's


specrER. And who was the visitor or or visitor the was who And specrER.



maim. maim.







svectre. Do you recall the specific ad- specific the recall you Do svectre.



spEcrita. spEcrita.

We resume with the testimony. testimony. the with resume We

The memory of Patrolman Olsen is is Olsen Patrolman of memory The



policeman, related to the estate estate the to related policeman,

Yes, sir. sir. Yes,

Kay. Kay.

P.m., yes, sir. sir. yes, P.m.,

Right after the President was was President the after Right

About 7 a.m. a.m. 7 About

Until about 8. 8. about Until

On 8th Street in Dallas. Dallas. in Street 8th On

It's in the Oak Cliff area, it's it's area, Cliff Oak the in It's

No. No.

What What

Eight p.m.? p.m.? Eight

And how long did that guard guard that did long how And

Motorcade of the President, President, the of Motorcade

Did you have any visitors visitors any have you Did

What time did you start to to start you did time What

Do you recall the name of the the of name the recall you Do

Where was that estate lo- estate that was Where

time time

did she visit you? you? visit she did


.1. .1. D. D.


scribing Oswald? Oswald? scribing

curse that you recollect Ruby used in de- in used Ruby recollect you that curse

use? use?


about Oswald at that time? time? that at Oswald about

President and the officer, Officer Tippit. Tippit. Officer officer, the and President

or a person like Oswald, "could do some- do "could Oswald, like person a or the effect that "It's too bad that a peon," peon," a that bad too "It's that effect the

thing like that," referring to shooting the the shooting to referring that," like thing

words were, by any chance? chance? any by were, words

to that effect? effect? that to

just talking about how we hated it, that it it that it, hated we how about talking just

was a tragedy. tragedy. a was

President's assassination, and we were were we and assassination, President's

and Johnny said in reply to him. him. to reply in said Johnny and

said and what it was that you and Kay Kay and you that was it what and said

can recall exactly what it was that Ruby Ruby that was it what exactly recall can

Johnny and Kay and Jack Ruby? Ruby? Jack and Kay and Johnny

time of the the of time

Ruby on this Friday night? night? Friday this on Ruby

spent three houri talking to Ruby.] Ruby.] to talking houri three spent

Saturday night before the murder of Os- of murder the before night Saturday

seen Ruby on both Friday night and and night Friday both on Ruby seen

weld—on Friday night, November 22, he he 22, November night, Friday weld—on

Starr or Lansing streets. streets. Lansing or Starr more important figure because he had had he because figure important more

observed on Patton, Denver, Lake Cliff, Cliff, Lake Denver, Patton, on observed

apparently chose Patton. From Olsen's Olsen's From Patton. chose apparently likely location Oswald could have been been have could Oswald location likely

headed from his rooming house in the the in house rooming his from headed direction of Ruby's apartment. Oswald Oswald apartment. Ruby's of direction

five streets if Oswald crossed 8th St. St. 8th crossed Oswald if streets five

yard could have seen Oswald on any of of any on Oswald seen have could yard

SPECTER. SPECTER. Thornton Expressway. At a spot six six spot a At Expressway. Thornton

the elevation is such that a man in the the in man a that such is elevation the

spot might have been six blocks from from blocks six been have might spot


blocks from Thornton west on 8th Street, Street, 8th on west Thornton from blocks


cording to other things Olsen said this this said Olsen things other to cording

shortly after the assassination at a spot spot a at assassination the after shortly


undetermined by the Commission. Ac- Commission. the by undetermined SPECTER. SPECTER.

OLSEN. I believe he said something.to something.to said he believe I OLSEN.

in a yard on 8th Street in Oak Cliff Cliff Oak in Street 8th on yard a in

°ism. Yes: very strongly. strongly. very Yes: °ism.


seecren. seecren.


seecreu. Tell me as specifically as you you as specifically as me Tell seecreu.






OLSEN. OLSEN. specratt. specratt.

mama . . mama

[Editor's note: Olsen becomes an even even an becomes Olsen note: [Editor's

Forgetful flatfoot Harry N. Olsen was was Olsen N. Harry flatfoot Forgetful

Sat,. Sat,.

He cursed him. him. cursed He

Kay. Kay.

Johnny Johnny

Two or three hours. hours. three or Two

Not Not

We were all upset about the the about upset all were We

What specific language did he he did language specific What

Was there any other specific specific other any there Was

conversation conversation

Did Jack Ruby say something something say Ruby Jack Did

Do you recall what his exact exact his what recall you Do

Did he say anything more more anything say he Did

And anybody anybody And

How long did you talk to Mr. Mr. to talk you did long How

Who else was present at the the at present was else Who

Was there anybody besides besides anybody there Was

that I remember. remember. I that

[a garage attendant]. attendant]. garage [a

? ?

else? else?

from the time you got to Kay's house until until house Kay's to got you time the from

night? night?

the time you saw Ruby that Saturday Saturday that Ruby saw you time the

body else either in person or by telephone telephone by or person in either else body

You? You?

listened to the radio a little bit. bit. little a radio the to listened

club on that Saturday night? night? Saturday that on club

time you got to Kay's house until the time time the until house Kay's to got you time

that you saw Ruby standing in front of his his of front in standing Ruby saw you that

standing outside and we waved. waved. we and outside standing

under which you saw him? him? saw you which under

Ruby? Ruby?

seen Ruby on both Friday and Saturday Saturday and Friday both on Ruby seen

all over Dallas for this officer who had had who officer this for Dallas over all

night, but Olsen was not to be found. found. be to not was Olsen but night, Saturday besides Kay? Kay? besides Saturday

Commission seems not to have tried to to tried have to not seems Commission

identify the motorcycle policeman. policeman. motorcycle the identify was a very special relationship between between relationship special very a was

the two policemen and Jack Ruby. The The Ruby. Jack and policemen two the

was very close to Ruby. He said there there said He Ruby. to close very was

there was a motorcycle policeman who who policeman motorcycle a was there

to the club. The gambler also testified testified also gambler The club. the to

that that gambling concession for Ruby, testified testified Ruby, for concession gambling

that he did know Officer Tippit?' Tippit?' Officer know did he that

been to his club. club. his to been

Officer Officer

seecrett. seecrett. J. D. Tippit? Tippit? D. J.

time about whether or not he knew Officer Officer knew he not or whether about time

wald? wald?


member what it was. was. it what member


time about whether or not he knew Os- knew he not or whether about time

he did say something else, but I don't re- don't I but else, something say did he


else, but I remember that. Pm sure that that sure Pm that. remember I but else,



mars. No, sir. sir. No, mars.










Attorney Melvin Belli was searching searching was Belli Melvin Attorney


A man named Hardee, who ran the the ran who Hardee, named man A

severeR. severeR.




OLSEN. OLSEN. °ism. He could have said something something said have could He °ism.


J. J.

Tippit. Tippit.

D. Tippit was a frequent visitor visitor frequent a was Tippit D.

Yes, sir. sir. Yes,

We were driving by and he was was he and by driving were We

1 saw Ruby Saturday night. night. Saturday Ruby saw 1

Watched some television and and television some Watched

In front of his club. club. his of front In

Oh, 10 or 11 at night. night. at 11 or 10 Oh,

Yes, sir. sir. Yes,

I believe he said that Tippit had had Tippit that said he believe I

No, sir. sir. No,

Did you see or talk to any- to talk or see you Did

Did he see you and wave at at wave and you see he Did

Did you speak to him? him? to speak you Did

It seemed that he did know know did he that seemed It

What did you do from the the from do you did What

What was the circumstances circumstances the was What

At what time was that? that? was time what At

Did you see anybody else on on else anybody see you Did

Where was it that you saw saw you that it was Where

Why do you say, "It seemed seemed "It say, you do Why

Did he say anything at that that at anything say he Did

Did lie say anything at that that at anything say lie Did

else did you see? see? you did else

of importance. importance. of

better climate of California is a matter matter a is California of climate better

winter of 1963-64. The Ruby trial was was trial Ruby The 1963-64. of winter

out here. here. out

was better than in Dallas during the late late the during Dallas in than better was

held in Dallas in March of 1964. 1964. of March in Dallas in held

why you went to California? California? to went you why

have a remarkably forgetful memory. memory. forgetful remarkably a have

memory, but we doubt it. He seems to to seems He it. doubt we but memory,

was said. said. was

ment with the Police Department? Department? Police the with ment

he asked you to terminate your employ- your terminate to you asked he

words, you are allotted so much sick time time sick much so allotted are you words,

any more. more. any

a year, and he didn't want to extend me me extend to want didn't he and year, a

Police Department? Department? Police

Department asked you to leave? leave? to you asked Department

ment? ment? ing the Dallas Police Department? Department? Police Dallas the ing

ployment with the Dallas Police Depart- Police Dallas the with ployment

it was. was. it

them? them?

who it was. was. it who

knew while you were driving around town? town? around driving were you while knew

driving around town? town? around driving

The sudden departure of Olsen for the the for Olsen of departure sudden The

night? night? dent was shot, we drove by there several several there by drove we shot, was dent

times, and drove around town a little bit. bit. little a town around drove and times,

OLSEN. We heard the climate was nice nice was climate the heard We OLSEN.

Ruby in front of his club that Saturday Saturday that club his of front in Ruby

seecrna. seecrna.

We feel sure the climate in California California in climate the sure feel We

OLSEN. I don't remember exactly what what exactly remember don't I OLSEN.

Possibly this man was fired for bad bad for fired was man this Possibly

(Long Pause.) Pause.) (Long OLSEN. That was one of the reasons. reasons. the of one was That OLSEN.

sencrea. sencrea.

sewn's. Was that the only reason why why reason only the that Was sewn's.

oLset. Chief Curry. Curry. Chief oLset. ot.nm. ot.nm.


snecrmt. snecrmt.




seecrea. seecrea.

oust oust


Some testimony omitted here. here. omitted testimony Some











snecren. snecren.

I was out of sick time: in other other in time: sick of out was I

Yes, Yes,

I wanted to conic to California. California. to conic to wanted I

The latter part of December. December. of part latter The

Yes, sir. I don't remember who who remember don't I sir. Yes,

Yes, sir. sir. Yes, Oh, I guess 1 or 2. 2. or 1 guess I Oh,

We did, but I don't remember remember don't I but did, We Was there any special reason reason special any there Was

Was there any other reason? reason? other any there Was We drove by where the Presi- the where by drove We

What was the reason for that? that? for reason the was What

No, sir: I don't guess we did. did. we guess don't I sir: No,

What was the reason for leav- for reason the was What

Nobody at the Dallas Police Police Dallas the at Nobody

Who Who

Did you see anybody else you you else anybody see you Did

When did you end your em- your end you did When

In In

What did you do after you saw saw you after do you did What

Did you stop and talk to to talk and stop you Did

What time did you finish finish you did time What

sir. sir.

the morning? morning? the

asked you asked

. .

to leave the the leave to

t t

killed after he allegedly assassinated the the assassinated allegedly he after killed

cer whom Harvey Lee Oswald allegedly allegedly Oswald Lee Harvey whom cer President was a frequent visitor to Ruby's Ruby's to visitor frequent a was President

as being the type of individual who would would who individual of type the being as

was in Ruby's presence on several occa- several on presence Ruby's in was kill without much provocation. provocation. much without kill

sions. He stated that Ruby impressed him him impressed Ruby that stated He sions.

Dallas approximately one year ago, he he ago, year one approximately Dallas

"fix" with the county authorities, and that that and authorities, county the with "fix"

any other fix being placed would have to to have would placed being fix other any

not identify, told him that Ruby had the the had Ruby that him told identify, not

be done through Ruby. Ruby. through done be

stated that this individual, whom he did did he whom individual, this that stated

order to operate in Dallas it was necessary necessary was it Dallas in operate to order

ual, whom he did not identify, that in in that identify, not did he whom ual,

to have the clearance of Jack Ruby. He He Ruby. Jack of clearance the have to

mately one year ago, while in Dallas, Dallas, in while ago, year one mately game, and he was advised by an individ- an by advised was he and game,

tacts in Dallas. He stated that approxi- that stated He Dallas. in tacts Texas, he attempted to set up a numbers numbers a up set to attempted he Texas,

Jack Ruby during the course of his con- his of course the during Ruby Jack

time in Dallas, Texas, and he had met met had he and Texas, Dallas, in time

where he is incarcerated in federal cus- federal in incarcerated is he where tody ...... tody

Mobile County Jail, Mobile, Alabama, Alabama, Mobile, Jail, County Mobile

XXIII, page 372: 372: page XXIII,

reau of Investigation. Shown in Volume Volume in Shown Investigation. of reau

gin overheard and reported in our last last our in reported and overheard gin

strongly suggests a Ruby tie-in with with tie-in Ruby a suggests strongly pears in section 5 of this article.] article.] this of 5 section in pears

installment. installment.

the conversation Attorney Carroll Jarna- Carroll Attorney conversation the gangster Interests such as mentioned in in mentioned as such Interests gangster testimony of Hardee and Mrs. Rich Rich Mrs. and Hardee of testimony

pendent testimony. Most important, the the important, Most testimony. pendent

rin Rich back each other in their inde- their in other each back Rich rin

joint Jack Ruby was operating in Dallas. Dallas. in operating was Ruby Jack joint

molly simply to show what kind of a a of kind what show to simply molly

Both Jack Hardee and Mrs. Nancy Per- Nancy Mrs. and Hardee Jack Both

this week. We give parts of their testi-' testi-' their of parts give We week. this

During the period that Hardee was in in was Hardee that period the During Hardee also stated that the police offi- police the that stated also Hardee

Some deposition omitted. omitted. deposition Some

Hardee stated that he has spent some some spent has he that stated Hardee

Jack Hardee, Jr. was interviewed at the the at interviewed was Jr. Hardee, Jack

[Editor's note: this conversation ap- conversation this note: [Editor's

Deposition taken by the Federal Bu- Federal the by taken Deposition

We present two interesting witnesses witnesses interesting two present We

4. Jack Ruby's Ruby's Jack 4.


as they see It can effect the late late the effect can It see they as

women who have no other ht. ht. other no have who women

fetes( than to report the truth truth the report to than fetes(

the lads suPPreseed. suPPreseed. lads the T

Be Be

ot any ot those tomes that want want that tomes those ot any ot of of

knuckle under to the pressure pressure the to under knuckle

it it


or partisanship and not to to not and partisanship or

e e US US

t o t

J. J.


all. all.


ev er ev

"Joint" "Joint"

notoo.rnr m m notoo.rnr


t tsh a reshp reshp a tsh t

Hoss114 Hoss114

December 26, 1963 1963 26, December

Me^ Me^






i i







t t

y- y-

for the people in his private office. office. private his in people the for

them hard liquor? liquor? hard them

was a standing order that you could serve serve could you that order standing a was

Ruby told you that when any member of of member any when that you told Ruby

"This is private stock stuff," that would would that stuff," stock private is "This

the Police Department came in, that there there that in, came Department Police the

group—who did it consist of? of? consist it did group—who

liquor was and get It out, and get it ready ready it get and out, It get and was liquor

der. For a particular group of people. people. of group particular a For der. mean for me to go where I knew the hard hard the knew I where go to me for mean

Then whenever he would come in and say, say, and in come would he whenever Then

haps. haps.

hard liquor to? to? liquor hard

beer, and wine, of course, and your set- your and course, of wine, and beer, ups. ups.

allowed to serve hard liquor. But I served served I But liquor. hard serve to allowed

you are not allowed to serve drinks there. there. drinks serve to allowed not are you

We do to special customers. You are not not are You customers. special to do We

drinks. drinks.

duties? duties?

worked behind the bar mixing and serving serving and mixing bar the behind worked

most, four or five months at the most. most. the at months five or four most,

maybe five months, four months at the the at months four months, five maybe

what do you mean? What were your actual actual your were What mean? you do what

three months. I wasn't in Dallas more than than more Dallas in wasn't I months. three

at Ruby's? Ruby's? at

before leaving Dallas did you quit the job job the quit you did Dallas leaving before

Holiday Motel, in Irvington. Irvington. in Motel, Holiday

the following: following: the

vance, and kept half, giving the other half half other the giving half, kept and vance,

new hotel in downtown Dallas and the the and Dallas downtown in hotel new

his club. Ruby made dates for them, ac- them, for dates made Ruby club. his

to the girls. These dates were filled in the the in filled were dates These girls. the to strippers and other girls who worked in in worked who girls other and strippers cepting the money for the dates in ad- in dates the for money the cepting

personal knowledge that Ruby hustled the the hustled Ruby that knowledge personal

dividuals. dividuals.

observation there appeared to be a very very a be to appeared there observation

section of Dallas. Hardee stated from his his from stated Hardee Dallas. of section close relationship between these three in- three these between relationship close

night club along with another officer who who officer another with along club night

was a motorcycle patrol in the Oaklawn Oaklawn the in patrol motorcycle a was







mot. mot.




RICH. I was actually a bartender. I I bartender. a actually was I RICH.






We start Mrs. Rich's testimony with with testimony Rich's Mrs. start We

Hardee stated that he knows of his own own his of knows he that stated Hardee

That is correct. correct. is That The Police Department. Department. Police The

Mr. Ruby. It was a standing or- standing a was It Ruby. Mr.

/ couldn't quote you names, per- names, you quote couldn't /

Whatever was allowed. Actually, Actually, allowed. was Whatever

Whomever Whomever

Possibly a couple of months, months, of couple a Possibly

Who told you to serve them ? ? them serve to you told Who

What customers did you serve serve you did customers What

You don't know their names? names? their know don't You

What sort ofdrinks? ofdrinks? sort What

Now, when you say bartender, bartender, say you when Now,

Are you saying that Jack Jack that saying you Are

What was the particular particular the was What

• •

I was told to. to. told was I

• • • •

How long long How

volved,and that we were to attend a meet- a attend to were we that volved,and

fully exhorbitant for something like this. this. like something for exhorbitant fully

end of that meeting? meeting? that of end

ing at some later date, of which we would would we which of date, later some at ing

kept quiet. quiet. kept

of course? course? of

this sort of operation? operation? of sort this

there was too much money involved for for involved money much too was there

I smelled a fish, to quote a maxim. maxim. a quote to fish, a smelled I

first it looked all right to me. They They me. to right all looked it first

tioned at that meeting? meeting? that at tioned

why not—$10,000. I said that is fine. fine. is that said I not—$10,000. why

time everyone knew Castro for what he he what for Castro knew everyone time

appears to be, shall we say. So I said sure, sure, said I So say. we shall be, to appears

know he did know boats. So they were were they So boats. know did he know

going to bring Cuban refugees out into into out refugees Cuban bring to going

wanted someone to pilot pilot to someone wanted

Miami. All this was fine, because by that that by because fine, was this All Miami.

he did. Whether he did, I don't know. I I know. don't I did, he Whether did. he

that knew Cuba, and my husband claimed claimed husband my and Cuba, knew that

Dallas. I became associated with him and and him with associated became I Dallas.

about Dave. He was a bartender for the the for bartender a was He Dave. about subsequently so did my husband. Well, at at Well, husband. my did so subsequently

forget whether he was Air Force or Army. Army. or Force Air was he whether forget

present? present?

four people present: There was a colonel colonel a was There present: people four husband with a proposition proposition a with husband

named Dave, and I don't remember his his remember don't I and Dave, named

University Club on Commerce Street in in Street Commerce on Club University

but I wouldn't be sure. Dave came to my my to came Dave sure. be wouldn't I but

last name. Dave C.-1 think it was Cole, Cole, was it think C.-1 Dave name. last

to me he was regular Army. There was my my was There Army. regular was he me to

husband, Mr. Perrin, myself, and a fellow fellow a and myself, Perrin, Mr. husband,

It seems to me he was Army. And it seems seems it And Army. was he me to seems It

or a light colonel, I forget which. 1 also also 1 which. forget I colonel, light a or

tually correct? correct? tually

rect. rect.

refugees. refugees.

was a general discussion of guns or Cuban Cuban or guns of discussion general a was

which your husband was present and there there and present was husband your which

that you saw Ruby at a certain meeting at at meeting certain a at Ruby saw you that





RICH. The colonel. And it seemed aw- seemed it And colonel. The RICH.




RICH. Yes: it was. was. it Yes: RICH.

Some testimony omitted here. here. omitted testimony Some








Some testimony omitted here. here. omitted testimony Some



H. Yes: I did. did. I Yes: H.

That there were more people in- people more were there That

No: I didn't say anything. I just just I anything. say didn't I No:

Oh, no: of course not. not. course of no: Oh,

At the first meeting there were were there meeting first the At

Let me clarify the statement statement the clarify me Let

Your statement is partially cor- partially is statement Your

How How

You didn't express that view, view, that express didn't You

Who mentioned It? It? mentioned Who

Was the sum of $10,000 men- $10,000 of sum the Was

You mean you thought that that thought you mean You

There were only four people people four only were There

Did they pay? pay? they Did

I think you have mentioned mentioned have you think I

Will Will

were matters left at the the at left matters were

you tell us what is ac- is what us tell you


a a

boat—someone boat—someone

— —

. . . be advised. der holster, which he was in the habit of heard Jack Ruby talking to a man using dancer: the dancer leaves the table and Lee. Where can I do the job? ence, but what have you got against the HUBERT. Were you advised? carrying. the name of H. L. Lee. These men were the new arrival stares intently at the wit- RUBY. From the roof of some building. Governor? HUBERT. He was in the habit of carry- RICH. We were. talking about plans to kill the Governor ness: the witness notices the new arrivals LEE. No, that's too risky, too many RUBY. He won't work with us on pa- Hussar. Did another meeting take ing? of Texas. This information was passed on eyes are dark, and his face is unsmiling: people around. roles: with a few of the right boys out we place? RICH. Yes. Either a shoulder holster or to the Texas Department of Public Safety after some minutes a man dressed in a RUBY. But they'll be watching the pa- could really open up this state, with a little IUCH. Yes: it did. a gun stuck in his pocket. I always had a on Oct. 5, 1963 by telephone. On Sunday dark suit, about 45-50 years of age, par- rade, they won't notice you . . . cooperation from the Governor. The boys HUBERT. How long after the first? gun behind the bar. This is normal. Nov. 24, 1963 1 definitely realised that the , tially bald, medium height and medium ,.m. But afterwards, they would tear in Chicago have no place to go, no place to RICH. Oh, probably 5 or 6 days, give or Some testimony omitted here. picture in the Nov. 23, 1963 Dallas Times to heavy build, dark hair and more or less me to pieces before I could get away. really operate: they've clamped down the take a day or 2. HUBERT. And your reason for leaving Herald of Lee Harvey Oswald was a pic- hawk faced in appearance from the side, RUBY. Then do it from here (indicating lid in Chicago: Cuba is closed: everything maxim At the same place? Dallas, you say, was that— ture of the mart using the name of H. L. joins the new arrival at the table: the new the north end of the Carousel Club), from is dead, look at this place, half empty: if RICH. Yes. RICH. I smelled on element that I did Lee whose conversation with Jack Ruby arrival appeared to be about 25 years of a window. we can open up this state we could pack HUBERT. And how was that meeting not want to have any part of. I had overheard back on Oct. 4, 1963. I age: (the older man dressed in the dark LEE. How would I get in? this place every night, those boys will left? HUBERT. And that element was what? thereafter attempted to recall as much of suit was later indicated by the dancer to RUBY. I'll tell the porter to let you in. spend, if they have the money: and remem- RICH. Well, at that time when he said RICH. Police characters, let's say. the Oct. 4, 1963 conversation with as be Jack Ruby): and the following conver- LEE. But won't there be people in the ber, we're right next to Mexico: there'd that, my first thought was "Nancy, get much accuracy as possible, and to reduce sation was overheard: place? be money for everybody, if we can open up out of here, this is no good, this stinks." it to writing. This report is sent to you for SACK RUBY.... (some name not clearly RUBY. I can close the place for the this state. I have no qualms about making money, whatever use it may be in assisting the heard or not definitely recalled by the wit- parade, and leave word with the porter to LEE.' How do you know that the Gover- but not when it is against the Federal Gov- F.B.I. in your current investigation. ness)—what are you doing here? let you in. nor won't work with you? ernment but let's play along and see what Respectfully Submitted Man who had been sitting alone. Pm LEE. But what about the porter . . . RUBY. Ws no use, he's been in Washing- happens. I said, "All right, we will go. But Yours Very Sincerely, using the name of H. L. Lee . . . RUBY. I can tell him to leave after let- ton too long, they're too straight up there: you can take the 510,0(X1 and keep It. I (signed) JACK RUBY. What do you want? ting you in: he won't know anything. after they've been there awhile they get to want $25,000 or we don't move." It was Carroll Jarnagin LEE. I need some money. Lee. I don't want any witnesses around thinking like the Attorney General. The left that the bigwigs would decide among Report of events which took place in JACK RUBY. Money? when I do the job. Attorney General, now there's a guy the themselves. During this meeting I had the The Carousel Club 1312-112 Commerce Lee. 1 just got in from New Orleans, I RUBY. You'll be alone. boys would like to get, but its no use, he shock of my life. Apparently they were Street, Dallas, Texas on Friday, Oct. 4, need a place to stay, and a job. LEE. But what about the money, when stays in Washington goo much. having some hitch in money arriving. No 1963 from about 10 P.M. until about JACK RUBY. I noticed you hadn't been do I get the money? LEE. A rifle shoots as far in Washington one actually said that that's what it was. 11:35 P.M.: around in two or three weeks, what were Rum F/I have it here for you. as it does here, doesn't it? But this is what 1 presumed it to be. I am The club is located on the second floor, you doing in New Orleans? Lee. But when? Pm not going to have RUBY. Forget it, that would bring the sitting there. A knock comes on the door and is entered by a stairway leading up Lev. There was a street fight and I got much time after the shooting to get away. heat on everywhere, and the Feds would and who walks in but my little friend Jack from the sidewalk on the South side of put in jail. RUBY. I'll have the money on me, and get into everything, no, forget about the Ruby. And you could have knocked me Commerce Street. aim. What charge? I'll run in first and hand it to you, and you Attorney General. over with a feather. Jack Ruby Witness, who is an attorney, and a LEE. Disturbing the peace. can run on out the back way. LEE. Killing the Governor of Texas will HUBERT. That was at the second meet- client, who is an "exotic dancer," walk up RUBY. Don't you have a family, can't Lee. I can't wait long, why can't you put the heat on too, won't it? ing. the stairs to the Carousel Club Oct. 4, you stay with them? leave the money in here? RUBY. Not really, they'll think some RICH. Yes. 5. Carroll Jarnagin, 1963 at about 10 P.M., on business, the LEE. They are in Irving, they know RUBY. How do I know you'll do the job? crack-pot or communist did it, and it will HUBERT. Now, what facts occurred to • Attorney dancer, stage name 'Robin Hood,' desires nothing about this: I want to get a place LEE. How do I know you will show up be written off as an unsolved crime. give you the impression that there was a to talk with Jack Ruby, the owner of the to myself: they don't know I'm back. with the money after the job is done? LEE. There's really only one building to hitch with respect to money? Combinations of wickedness would overwhelm the world by club, about securing a booking for em- RUBY. You'll get the money after the RUBY. You can trust me, besides, you'll do it from, one that covers Main, Elm, RICH. Oh, just that they were talking the advantage which licentious ployment. The witness and the dancer job is done. have the persuader. and Commerce. about, well, first of all when I say we—a principles afford, did not those who have long practiced perfidy enter the club, and sit down at the second LEE. What about half now, and half LEE. The rifle, I want to get away from RUBY. Which one is that? group of people were supposed to go to grow faithless to each other. table on the right from the entrance . . after the job is done? it as soon as it's used. LEE. The School Book Building, close to Mexico to make the arrangement for SAMUEL JOHNSON Several minutes after the witness and the RUBY. No, but don't worry, I'll have the RUBY. You can trust me. the triple underpass. rifles but "Well, no, you can't leave to- Of the many amazing things in the dancer are seated, the witness notices a money for you, after the job is done. LEE. What about giving me half of the RUBY. What's wrong with doing it from morrow"—they dropped it. And just Warren Commission exhibits, the state- man appear in the lighted entrance area LEE. How much? money just before the job Is done, and here? evasive statements that led me to believe ment of Carroll Jarnagin is one of the and tell the girl in the ticket booth: RUBY. We're already agreed on that . . then you can send me the other half later? LEE. What if he goes down another that perhaps they were lacking In funds. most astounding. Attorney Jarnagin, we '1 want to see Jack Ruby.' In a short RUBY. How do I know that you can do RUBY. I can't turn loose of the money street (distraction). And then Ruby comes in, and everybody felt, either has total recall memory, or he period of time the bouncer appears and the job? until the job is done: if there's a slip up This is all the statement we feel neces- looks like this, you know, a big smile— had a tape recorder with him that night, with a flash light shines a beam of light LEE. It's simple, Pm a Marine sharp- and you don't get him, they'll pick the sary to print. like here somes the Saviour, or something. or he made the story up. upon the ceiling on the inside of the club at shooter. money up, Immediately: 1 couldn't tell On January 13, 1966 we asked lama- And he took one look at me, I took one Our contention is that the Commission the entrance area. The man who has asked RUBY. Are you sure that you can do the them that I gave half of It to you in ad- gin if he had a tape recorder that night in look at him, and we glared, we never should have heard Jamagin, so the mem- to see Jack Ruby is dressed in a tan jacket, job without hitting anybody but the Gov- vance, they'd think I doublecrossed them: the Carousel Club. He said he did not. spoke a word. I don't know if you have bers could come to their own con- has brown hair, needs a haircut, is wearing ernor? 1 would have to return all of the money. We said: "You sure must have a fan- ever met the man. But he has this nervous clusions. a sport shirt, and is about 59 or 10" in LEE. I'm sure, I've got the equipment People think I have a lot of money, but I tastic memory." air about hint. And he seemed overly nerv- Below are parts of the Jarnagin state- height, his general appearance is some- ready. couldn't raise half of that amount even by Jarnagin said he graduated in the ous that night. He bustled on in. The ment which he mailed to the FBI on what unkempt, and he does not appear to RUBY. Have you tested it, will you need selling everything I have. You'll just have upper 20 per cent of his class at SMU, colonel rushed out into the kitchen or bed- December 4, 1963 and which is Exhibit be dressed for night-clubbing: he, the new to practice any? to trust me to hand you the money as soon that he had no trouble getting into the room, I am not sure which. Ruby had— 2821 of the 26 Warren Commission arrival, sits with his back to the walla, the LEE. Don't worry about that, I don't as the job is done. There is no other way. . He told as he and he always did carry a gun—and I volumes: first table to his right from the entrance need any practice: when will the Governor Remember, they want the job done just as once made 100 on a college chemistry noticed a rather extensive bulge in his— Dear Mr. Hoover, area: after a few minutes he orders and is be here? bad as you want the money: and after this examination with many chemical formu- about where his breast pocket would be. On Oct. 4, 1963 I was in the Carousel served a bottle of beer: he continues to sit RUBY. Oh, he'll be here plenty of times is done, they may want to use you again. las as answers. He said: "1 made 100 on But at that time I thought it was a shoal- Club in Dallas Texas, and while there I alone and appears to be staring at the during campaigns . . . (distraction). LEE. Not that it makes me any differ- that test and I think I could recite the ,

36 RAMPARTS RAMPARTS 37 Others treated the Warren Report with open contempt. books on the subject, it was that fear that reached us, in [JIM KOETHE—KARATE CHOP] Senator testified before Warren Commission counsel that We interviewed lawyers, reporters, cops, laborers, jani- our intestines; convinced us the Warren Commission was he "could not recall" the meeting in Ruby's apartment. tors, simple housewives, an exotic dancer ; most of them wrong. If Lee Harvey Oswald did the job all by himself; HE BODY of the young Dallas reporter was found Hunter was seated at his desk in the press room of the asked us not to use their names. From time to time we then what are these people afraid of? Whom are they swathed in a blanket on the floor of his bachelor Long Beach public safety building when detective Creigh- checked in at the Midlothian Mirror to compare notes afraid of? apartment on September 21, 1964. Police said ton Wiggins Jr. and his partner burst into the room. A with Penn Jones. Occasionally he would take us to his the cause of death was asphyxiation from a single bullet fired from Wiggins' gun struck Hunter in the "farm" a few miles away, where he keeps his collection of T broken bone at the base of the neck—apparently the re- heart, killing him almost instantly. The mystery novel he barbed wire, and where he has installed a waterwheel to The Kennedy "Curse" sult of a karate chop. was reading, entitled Stop This Man!, slipped blood- irrigate the hilltop ("the only working waterwheel in Ellis EN/4 JONES' biggest reportorial coup is unques- Robbery appeared to be the motive, although Koethe's spattered from his fingers. County," Jones boasts). Once we were sitting in that tionably his tionably his discovy of a series of mysterious parents believe he was killed for other reasons. Whoever Wiggins' story underwent several changes. His final bucolic setting, discussing the gory details of this grisliest eaths, possibly related to the assassination of ransacked his apartment, they point out, was careful to re- version was that he and his partner had been playing cops of murder cases, when all at once the incongruity struck p the President. That he would print it, when move his notes for a book he was preparing, in collaboration and robbers with guns drawn when his gun started to slip us as enormously funny—the barbed wire collection, Lyn- practically nobody was printing anything but kudos for with two other journalists, on the Kennedy assassination. from his hand and went off. The two officers were con- don Johnson, the "Texas Mafia," the waterwheel, the Earl Warren & Co., and print it in the Dallas area, is a ( Within a week a 22-year-old ex-con from Alabama victed of involuntary manslaughter. Sentence was sus- mysterious deaths, the Grassy Knoll, the presumptuous- sign of hope for the survival of independent journalism. named Larry Earl Reno was picked up selling Koethe's pended. There were so many contradictions in Wiggins' ness of our investigating a regicide—and we threw our Jones' first scoop was the story of a meeting at Jack personal effects and held on suspicion of murder. testimony that Bill Shelton, Hunter's city editor and old heads back, broken up with laughter. Penn, who has a Ruby's apartment on Sunday, November 24, 1963, sev- Reno's lawyers were Mike Barclay and the ubiquitous friend from Texas, is "still not satisfied" with the oficialf formidable cackle, laughed the hardest. You have to laugh eral hours after Ruby shot and killed Oswald in Dallas Jim Martin, both friends of Ruby roomie George Senator. verdict. He declines to comment about any possible on this case, or you can begin to doubt your sanity. Martin and Senator, one recalls, were with Koethe at that On another trip, we stood up and talked for 15 minutes enigmatic meeting on November 24, 1963. When the Reno with Bertha Cheek, a friend of Ruby's and sister of the case came before the grand jury, District Attorney Henry lady who kept Oswald's rooming house, while she was Wade secretly instructed the jurors not to indict—an explaining why she couldn't grant us an interview—unless extraordinary move for a chief prosecuting officer with as we paid her $1000. "Marina Oswald is getting money for strong a case as he had. The grand jury returned a no-bill. her story," said sexy, fortyish Bertha, a prosperous realtor. Reno, however, remained in jail on a previous charge. "Why should I give mine away?" When they finally sprang him, in January 1965, he was re- We spent six hours over vodka and orange juice with arrested within a month for the robbery of a hotel. This Wanda Joyce Killam, a former B-girl in Ruby's Carousel time the prosecution, led by a one-time law partner of Mar- Club and widow of one of the mysteriously dead. Wanda, tin's, had no qualms about getting an indictment, and a an attractive bottle blonde, looked a bit frowzy, not ex- conviction. Reno was sentenced to life for the hotel robbery. pecting visitors, and was embarrassed about it. She At the trial his lawyers called no witnesses in his defense. rambled on about how wonderful a guy Jack Ruby is and some minor details about her murdered husband ; but nothing startling, nothing we did not already know. We [BILL HUNTER—SHOT DEAD] police headquarters. In his original editorial, reprinted on connection between Hunter's death and the Kennedy bid a cordial goodbye to Wanda, who is a warm, gregar- page 32, he disclosed that three of the five present at the urren COVERED the Kennedy assassination assassination. "But I'd believe anything," he says. It is a ious person, and talked about the apprehension that meeting—Jim Koethe, Bill Hunter and Tom Howard— more or less on a lark. He was a police re- curious footnote that Shelton's brother Keith was among chilled her features during most of our visit. But by this have died mysterious deaths. Of the survivors, Jim Martin, porter for the Long Beach paper and a good the majority of Dallas newspapermen who found it ex- time we had grown suspicious of anyone who wasn't afraid. who curiously enough represented the accused killer of one, with a knack for getting along with cops. pedient to leave their jobs after covering the assassination. Three years after the Kennedy assassination—and two Koethe and got him off without prosecution, is still prac- HHe drank with them, played cards with them in the press Keith was president of the Dallas Press Club and gave up years after it was allegedly "solved" by the President's ticing law in Dallas. George Senator, at this writing, is room—he was a sharp and lucky player—and they would a promising career as political columnist for the Times- Commission—fear still walks with the man or woman who living in upstate New York. He has said repeatedly that often call him at home when a story broke. Hunter was a Herald to settle in a small north Texas town. One reporter knows even part of the truth of what really happened on he fears for his life. big man, described by friends as rough, jovial, "very who was asked to resign put it this way: "It looks like a November 22, 1963. If Penn Jones has done nothing else, These were not the only ones to have died mysteriously physical," with an attractive wife and three children. studied effort to remove all the knowledgeable newsmen he has shown us that. It is a fear beyond the ken of most who possessed crucial scraps of knowledge about the kill- There was no real need for the Long Beach paper to who covered the assassination." Americans, who know only the ever-present, constipating ings of President Kennedy, Officer J. D. Tippit or Lee send a reporter to Dallas, but Hunter, who grew up there, fear of being honest and natural with one another. The Harvey Oswald. At least 10 such persons are known to managed to promote a free trip for himself with the city Dallas fear is a fear for life, and livelihood. We saw it in [TOM HOWARD—HEART ATTACK] have been murdered, to have committed suicide or died in desk. In Dallas he ran into Jim Koethe, with whom he had the eyes of those who crossed paths with key figures in the suspicious circumstances since the Kennedy assassination. worked in Wichita Falls, Texas. Koethe asked him to LTHOUGH DALLAS, like any other American city, is assassination. We heard it in their voices. "Please," one of Scores of persons similarly knowledgeable have been come along to the meeting in Ruby's apartment; they slowly being taken over by the well-groomed, Jack Ruby's strippers told us. "Don't put my name in beaten, shot, threatened, intimidated or run out of town. arrived to find Senator and Tom Howard having a drink. image-conscious wonders rolling off our col- your paper. Please. I love life too much." And at least a dozen others brushed by the event have Bill Hunter was killed just after midnight on the morn- lege assembly lines, there is still a lingering More than all the persuasive and well-documented voluntarily left Dallas—quite sensibly, it would seem. ing of April 23, 1964—only a few hours after George appreciation for the "characters"—the Bob Thorntons,


a heart attack. Some reporter friends of Howard's are not not are Howard's of friends reporter Some attack. heart a

doctor, without benefit of an autopsy, said he had suffered suffered had he said autopsy, an of benefit without doctor,

by an unidentified person and died there. He was 48. The The 48. was He there. died and person unidentified an by rounding the Kennedy assassination. assassination. Kennedy the rounding

nality but hardly one to be trusted with any secrets sur- secrets any with trusted be to one hardly but nality

irrepressible talker, privy to the intrigues of petty crimi- petty of intrigues the to privy talker, irrepressible

Dallas, and his presence at the Ruby-Senator apartment apartment Ruby-Senator the at presence his and Dallas,

meeting that fateful Sunday, one would assume he was was he assume would one Sunday, fateful that meeting 42 RAMPARTS RAMPARTS 42

the events of November 1963. And we know he was an an was he know we And 1963. November of events the

the repository of a wealth of privileged information about about information privileged of wealth a of repository the

mediately following the death of Oswald. From this, along along this, From Oswald. of death the following mediately

with his ties with both police and hoodlum circles in in circles hoodlum and police both with ties his with

information to the DA. All told, it was never quite clear clear quite never was it told, All DA. the to information

whether Howard was working for Ruby or against him. him. against or Ruby for working was Howard whether

sell it to Life. Ruby's sister even accused him of leaking leaking of him accused even sister Ruby's Life. to it sell

Friday night with a gun. He dickered with a national mag- national a with dickered He gun. a with night Friday

picture showing the President's brains flying and tried to to tried and flying brains President's the showing picture

azine about an Oswald-murder story. He got hold of a a of hold got He story. Oswald-murder an about azine

the Houston Post that Ruby had been in the police station station police the in been had Ruby that Post Houston the

ney and public spokesman. Howard took to the publicity publicity the to took Howard spokesman. public and ney

with alacrity, called a press conference, wheeled and and wheeled conference, press a called alacrity, with

cleated. He told newsmen the case was a "once-in-a-life- a was case the newsmen told He cleated.

thought Ruby deserved a congressional medal. He told told He medal. congressional a deserved Ruby thought

Howard and had him relieved—he was Jack's chief attor- chief Jack's was relieved—he him had and Howard

time chance" and that "speaking as a private citizen," he he citizen," private a as "speaking that and chance" time

later, asking to see his old friend. friend. old his see to asking later,

rived there shortly after Ruby shot Oswald, two days days two Oswald, shot Ruby after shortly there rived

(toting his gun) showed up at the station on the evening of of evening the on station the at up showed gun) his (toting

dered Ruby, who had not asked for any lawyer, and for for and lawyer, any for asked not had who Ruby, dered

the next few days—until Ruby's brother Earl soured on on soured Earl brother Ruby's days—until few next the

police station, and it was not surprising when he and Ruby Ruby and he when surprising not was it and station, police

the assassination. Nor was it unusual when Howard ar- Howard when unusual it was Nor assassination. the

others on the fringes of the Dallas underworld. underworld. Dallas the of fringes the on others

after court adjourned. He was also close to Ruby and and Ruby to close also was He adjourned. court after matches with the prosecution. prosecution. the with matches

was not uncommon for them to meet for a sociable drink drink sociable a for meet to them for uncommon not was

cited for contempt of court for fist fights and shouting shouting and fights fist for court of contempt for cited

although they often opposed each other in court, and it it and court, in other each opposed often they although

handled about 50 murder cases, and was more than once once than more was and cases, murder 50 about handled

in the old rough-and-tumble Texas fashion, operating out out operating fashion, Texas rough-and-tumble old the in

of a store-front office, devoid of the usual law books, books, law usual the of devoid office, store-front a of

Everyone around official Dallas knew Tom Howard, that that Howard, Tom knew Dallas official around Everyone

across from police headquarters. During his career he he career his During headquarters. police from across

show up where the action was. He was a defense attorney attorney defense a was He was. action the where up show

other age when the Old West values reigned supreme. supreme. reigned values West Old the when age other

familiar figure in the white Stetson who always seemed to to seemed always who Stetson white the in figure familiar

the Jack Rubys, the Tom Howards—throwbacks to an- to Howards—throwbacks Tom the Rubys, Jack the

On March 27, 1965, Howard was taken to the hospital hospital the to taken was Howard 1965, 27, March On

Howard met frequently with his client in the days im- days the in client his with frequently met Howard

Howard was shown into a meeting room to see a bewil- a see to room meeting a into shown was Howard

Like Jack Ruby, Howard's life revolved around the the around revolved life Howard's Ruby, Jack Like

Howard was a friend of District Attorney Henry Wade, Wade, Henry Attorney District of friend a was Howard


honking the horn outside Oswald's rooming house 30 30 house rooming Oswald's outside horn the honking

that they were giving Oswald some kind of signal, al- al- signal, of kind some Oswald giving were they that

departure would indicate they certainly were not coming coming not were certainly they indicate would departure

to apprehend him. It is perhaps too far fetched to imagine imagine to fetched far too perhaps is It him. apprehend to minutes after a Presidential assassination? Their swift swift Their assassination? Presidential a after minutes

seek to resolve the question: what were policemen doing doing policemen were what question: the resolve to seek

cars in the area (except Officer Tippit's) were accounted accounted were Tippit's) Officer (except area the in cars

for. The Warren Commission let it go at that. It did not not did It that. at go it let Commission Warren The for.

heard the horn honk, "just kind of 'tit-tit'—twice," and and 'tit-tit'—twice," of kind "just honk, horn the heard

street. Moments later Oswald left the house. house. the left Oswald later Moments street.

she did not recognize either the car or the policemen. She She policemen. the or car the either recognize not did she

after a moment saw the police car move off down the the down off move car police the saw moment a after

cops in it pulled up in front of the rooming house, and that that and house, rooming the of front in up pulled it in cops Oswald was in his room, a police car with two uniformed uniformed two with car police a room, his in was Oswald

Tippit was shot dead; Oswald was accused of the crime. crime. the of accused was Oswald dead; shot was Tippit

jacket. The last she saw of him he was waiting at a nearby nearby a at waiting was he him of saw she last The jacket.

bus stop. A few minutes later, one mile away, Officer Officer away, mile one later, minutes few A stop. bus

into the rooming house, stayed in his room for "not over over "not for room his in stayed house, rooming the into

maybe a little after" on November 22, Oswald rushed rushed Oswald 22, November on after" little a maybe

3 or 4 minutes" and walked out zipping on a light-weight light-weight a on zipping out walked and minutes" 4 or 3

Commission. She testified that "around 1 o'clock, or or o'clock, 1 "around that testified She Commission.

not going to catch me messing in that hornet's nest." nest." hornet's that in messing me catch to going not

concerned the case is closed," one of them says. "You're "You're says. them of one closed," is case the concerned

nize friends. One Dallas reporter says flatly that Howard Howard that flatly says reporter Dallas One friends. nize

was bumped off; others are morecircumspect. "As far as I'm I'm as far "As morecircumspect. are others off; bumped was

death, the normally gregarious Howard seemed preoccu- seemed Howard gregarious normally the death,

pied and uncommunicative, and did not appear to recog- to appear not did and uncommunicative, and pied

so sure. They observed that for three days before his his before days three for that observed They sure. so

The police department issued a report saying all patrol patrol all saying report a issued department police The

Mrs. Roberts also testified that during the brief time time brief the during that testified also Roberts Mrs.



aged the rooming house where Oswald was was Oswald where house rooming the aged

living under the name 0. H. Lee, was one one was Lee, H. 0. name the under living

of the key witnesses before the Warren Warren the before witnesses key the of

the plump widow who man- who widow plump the


rested for the murder attempt. He had made a long dis- long a made had He attempt. murder the for rested

admitted shooting Reynolds. But Garner had an alibi, alibi, an had Garner But Reynolds. shooting admitted

retired General Edwin Walker, he told Warren Commis- Warren told he Walker, Edwin General retired

nothing was stolen. Later, after consulting at length with with length at consulting after Later, stolen. was nothing

tance call to a relative and in some drunken bragging, bragging, drunken some in and relative a to call tance

sion counsel that Oswald definitely was the man he saw saw he man the was definitely Oswald that counsel sion

fleeing the Tippit murder scene. scene. murder Tippit the fleeing

is the person...." person...." the is

manlike fashion: "He advised he is of the opinion Oswald Oswald opinion the of is he advised "He fashion: manlike

in the head as he was closing up the car lot for the night; night; the for lot car the up closing was he as head the in

21, 1964, the agent's report of the interview said: "... he he "... said: interview the of report agent's the 1964, 21,

vidual." The FBI report added, however, in most unpolice- most in however, added, report FBI The vidual."

Kennedy-Oswald-Tippit investigation, Reynolds was not not was Reynolds investigation, Kennedy-Oswald-Tippit would hesitate to definitely identify Oswald as the indi- the as Oswald identify definitely to hesitate would

questioned by any police agency until two months after after months two until agency police any by questioned

the event. When the FBI finally talked to him on January January on him to talked finally FBI the When event. the

Davis Tippit. Feeling helpful, he gave his name to a pass- a to name his gave he helpful, Feeling Tippit. Davis

ing policeman and offered his cooperation. TV cameras cameras TV cooperation. his offered and policeman ing

Reynolds gave chase for a short piece, being careful to to careful being piece, short a for chase gave Reynolds

zeroed in on him, got his story. Warren Reynolds, the the Reynolds, Warren story. his got him, on in zeroed

keep his distance, then lost the fleeing man. He didn't didn't He man. fleeing the lost then distance, his keep

he saw a man having great difficulty tucking "a pistol or or pistol "a tucking difficulty great having man a saw he

know it then, but he had apparently witnessed the flight of of flight the witnessed apparently had he but then, it know

amiable used car man, was making history. history. making was man, car used amiable

the killer (or one of the killers) of Patrolman Jefferson Jefferson Patrolman of killers) the of one (or killer the

an automatic" in his belt and running at the same time. time. same the at running and belt his in automatic" an

No autopsy was performed. performed. was autopsy No

half later, Earlene complained of being "worried to death" death" to "worried being of complained Earlene later, half

by the police. police. the by

pital. Police said she suffered a heart attack in her home. home. her in attack heart a suffered she said Police pital.

lady. As a result she was dismissed from three house- three from dismissed was she result a As lady.

tives report that right up until her death a year and a a and year a death her until up right that report tives

keeping and nursing jobs in April, May and June of 1964 1964 of June and May April, in jobs nursing and keeping

alone; no telling how many jobs she lost after that. Rela- that. after lost she jobs many how telling no alone;

her at all hours of the day and night, contacted her em- her contacted night, and day the of hours all at her

ployers and identified her as the Oswald rooming house house rooming Oswald the as her identified and ployers

was subjected to intensive police harassment. They visited visited They harassment. police intensive to subjected was

though it seems as plausible as any other explanation of of explanation other any as plausible as seems it though

this bizarre incident. incident. bizarre this

A young hood named Darrell Wayne Garner was ar- was Garner Wayne Darrell named hood young A Two days after talking to the FBI, Reynolds was shot shot was Reynolds FBI, the to talking after days Two

But in one of those curious oversights which riddle the the riddle which oversights curious those of one in But

Mrs. Roberts died January 9, 1966, in Parkland Hos- Parkland in 1966, 9, January died Roberts Mrs.

After testifying in Dallas in April of 1964, Mrs. Roberts Roberts Mrs. 1964, of April in Dallas in testifying After


probably somebody's marital quarrel. Then Then quarrel. marital somebody's probably

shots two blocks away. He thought it was was it thought He away. blocks two shots

car lot on East Jefferson when he heard the the heard he when Jefferson East on lot car




minding his used used his minding


Ruby and his friendship with John Carter, Oswald's Oswald's Carter, John with friendship his and Ruby

Ruby's club. club. Ruby's

ing house at the same time Lee Harvey Oswald lived there. there. lived Oswald Harvey Lee time same the at house ing

Carter worked several painting jobs with Hank and used used and Hank with jobs painting several worked Carter

another painter, who lived at Mrs. A. C. Johnson's room- Johnson's C. A. Mrs. at lived who painter, another

to visit at the Killam home. home. Killam the at visit to

don't think they're going to bother me any more," he said. said. he more," any me bother to going they're think don't

of Oswald as the Tippit fugitive, he is breathing easier. "I "I easier. breathing is he fugitive, Tippit the as Oswald of

Today, after giving the CommisSion a firm identification identification firm a CommisSion the giving after Today, nolds had the distinct impression he was being intimidated. intimidated. being was he impression distinct the had nolds

nolds was going to pieces out of fear. A week after Nancy Nancy after week A fear. of out pieces to going was nolds

Reynolds' front porch; it was clearly deliberate because because deliberate clearly was it porch; front Reynolds' presence of mind to run like hell. Through all this, Rey- Rey- this, all Through hell. like run to mind of presence

Jane was hanged, someone unscrewed a light globe on on globe light a unscrewed someone hanged, was Jane fered her money to get in his car. Fortunately she had the the had she Fortunately car. his in get to money her fered

some screws had to be removed to get at the globe. And And globe. the at get to removed be to had screws some

the same week a man stopped Reynolds' nine-year-old nine-year-old Reynolds' stopped man a week same the

pants, in her private cell at the Dallas City jail. jail. City Dallas the at cell private her in pants,

daughter as she was walking home from school and of- and school from home walking was she as daughter

and jailed on a disturbing-the-peace rap. The girlfriend girlfriend The rap. disturbing-the-peace a on jailed and dead. Police said she hanged herself with her toreador toreador her with herself hanged she said Police dead.

was not arrested. Within a few hours Miss Mooney was was Mooney Miss hours few a Within arrested. not was

McDonald, who used to take her clothes off to music in in music to off clothes her take to used who McDonald,

week later—for fighting with a girlfriend, over a man— a over girlfriend, a with fighting later—for week

Jack Ruby's Carousel Club. Garner was freed. freed. was Garner Club. Carousel Ruby's Jack

and her name was Nancy Jane Mooney, alias Betty Betty alias Mooney, Jane Nancy was name her and

To all appearances, his wife's I5-year association with with association I5-year wife's his appearances, all To

Hank and Wanda were good friends of John Carter, Carter, John of friends good were Wanda and Hank

Garner was free, his alibi witness was dead, and Rey- and dead, was witness alibi his free, was Garner

Nancy Jane, a mother of four, was picked up about a a about up picked was four, of mother a Jane, Nancy


rettes and drink with the customers at Jack Jack at customers the with drink and rettes

weighed 250 pounds—"a big hunk of man," man," of hunk big pounds—"a 250 weighed

said his wife Wanda, who used to push ciga- push to used who Wanda, wife his said


RAMPARTS 43 43 RAMPARTS 6' 3" and and 3" 6' fellow boarder, were Killam's only tenuous links to the station, then graciously offered the cab to a waiting lady, Domingo's father-in-law, J. W. Jackson, was so unim- As we say, Dorothy Kilgallen probably does not belong Kennedy assassination. For all that, he was inordinately who declined his offer. Whaley said he drove Oswald to pressed with the police investigation of Eddy's death that on any list of Kennedy-related deaths. But questions do interesting to the "federal agents" who visited him re- the intersection of Beckley and Neches—half a block he launched a little inquiry of his own. Two weeks later remain. An editor of Screen Stars magazine, Mary Bran- peatedly after the assassination, causing him to lose one from the rooming house—and collected a dollar. Later he Jackson was shot at in his home. The assailant secreted num, says she received a phone call a few hours before job after another. In addition to questions about Killam's identified Oswald as his fare in a questionable police line- himself in the carport, fired once into the house, and when Dorothy's body was discovered, announcing that she had connections and whereabouts at the time of the assassina- up, although police records are confused and he may have Jackson ran outside, fired one more time, just missing his been murdered. Miss Kilgallen's "What's My Line" make- tion, the interrogators were especially interested in his picked out another man. head. As the gunman clambered into an automobile in a up man said that shortly before her death she vowed she political views; Killam said he had none. Whaley was killed in a head-on collision on a bridge nearby driveway, Jackson saw a police car coming down would "crack this case." And another New York show biz Certainly Killam was most absorbed by the assassina- over the Trinity River, December 18, 1965; his passenger the block. The officer made no attempt to follow the gun- friend said Dorothy told him in the last days of her life: tion, even obsessed. A few hours after the event he came was critically injured. The 83-year-old driver of the other man's speeding car; instead, he stopped at Jackson's "In five more days I'm going to bust this case wide open." home "white as a sheet," Wanda said, and stayed up all car was also killed. Whaley had been with the City Trans- house and spent a long time inquiring what had happened. night watching television accounts of the assassination. portation Co. since 1936 and had a perfect accident record. Later a police lieutenant advised Jackson, "You'd better [LEE BOWERS—AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT] He bought all the papers and diligently clipped the stories He was the first Dallas cabbie to be killed on duty since lay off of this business. Don't go around asking questions; about Kennedy's death. 1937. When Penn Jones went to interview the general that's our job." Jackson and Domingo are both convinced EE BOWERS' TESTIMONY is perhaps as explosive as any Just before Christmas, Killam packed up and left for manager of the cab company about Whaley's death, he that Eddy's murder was a case of mistaken identity and recorded by the Warren Commission. He was Florida, where he had family, taking his assassination was literally pushed out of the office. "If you're smart," that Domingo, the Tippit witness, was the intended victim. one of 65 known witnesses to the President's clipping files with him. But the "agents" got to Wanda. said the manager, "you won't be coming around here assassination who thought shots were fired from "They browbeat me into telling where he was," Wanda asking questions." [DOROTHY KILGALLEN ?] the area of the Grassy Knoll. (The Knoll is west of the said. "I guess I'm just a girl that finds it very hard to say no to people." E KNOW of no serious person who really Hank got a job in Tampa, selling cars at his brother-in- believes that the death of Dorothy Kilgallen, law's lot. Again the "federal police" hounded him, visiting the gossip columnist, was related to the the car lot so often that even his brother-in-law was per- WKennedy assassination. Still, she was pas- suaded to let him go. They harassed his second Tampa sionately interested in the case, told friends she firmly employer as well, until he lost that job too. believed there was a conspiracy and that she would find In mid-March he called Wanda in Dallas to say he had out the truth if it took her all her life. a new job lined up and would be sending for her soon. "I Miss Kilgallen was the first to make public the existence was all excited," said Wanda, "because I loved that man." of Acquilla Clemons, a witness to the Tippit killing whose Then in the early morning hours on St. Patrick's Day name does not appear once in the Warren Report or vol- 1964, Killam received a phone call at his mother's home. umes. She was also the only reporter ever to interview Immediately he left the house. Not long afterward they Jack Ruby privately since the killing of Oswald. During found him on a sidewalk, in front of a broken plate glass the Ruby trial, which she covered for the now defunct window, his jugular vein cut. He bled to death en route to New York Journal-American, Judge Joe B. Brown the hospital. His wallet and diamond ring were missing. granted her 30 minutes alone with Ruby in the judge's Texas School Book Depository.) But more than that, he It is not clear whether the "federal police" who visited [EDWARD BENAVIDES—SHOT DEAD] chambers; the other reporters were furious. was in a unique position to observe some pretty strange Hank and Wanda were in fact FBI men, or whether they OMINGO BENAVIDES, a dark, slim auto mechanic, One of the biggest scoops of Miss Kilgallen's career behavior in the Knoll area during and immediately before ever properly identified themselves as such. If the FBI did was a witness to the murder of Officer Tippit came when she pirated the transcript of Ruby's testimony the assassination. interview Killam, there is no indication in the 26 volumes who testified that he "really got a good view" before the Warren Commission and ran it in the Journal- Bowers, then a towerman for the Union Terminal Co., American. Thousands of New Yorkers were shocked at or the Warren Report. A check of the index to Commis- D of the slayer. He was not asked to see the po- was stationed in his 14-foot tower directly behind the sion documents in the National Archives reveals no men- lice lineup in which Oswald appeared. Although he later the hopelessly inept questioning of Ruby by Chief Justice Grassy Knoll. As he faced the assassination site, he could tion of Killam. But then a number of FBI documents relat- said the killer resembled newspaper pictures of Oswald, he Warren, by Warren's almost deliberate failure to follow up see the railroad overpass to his right front. Directly in ing to the assassination are withheld, along with most of described the man differently: "I remember the back of the leads Ruby was feeding him. front of him was a parking lot, and then a wooden stock- the documents prepared by the CIA. What is clear is that his head seemed like his hairline sort of went square Miss Kilgallen died in her bed on November 8, 1965. ade fence and a row of trees running along the top of the somebody considered Hank Killam a very important guy. instead of tapered off . . . it kind of went down and Dr. James Luke, a medical examiner, said Grassy Knoll. The Knoll sloped down to the spot on Elm squared off and made his bead look flat in back." Do- the cause of death was "acute barbiturate and alcohol Street where Kennedy was killed. Police had "cut off" [WILLIAM WHALEY—HEAD-ON COLLISION] mingo reports he has been repeatedly threatened by intoxication, circumstances undetermined." Dr. Luke traffic into the parking area, Bowers said, "so that anyone police, and advised not to talk about what he saw. said there were not high enough levels of either alcohol or moving around could actually be observed." HAIRY WAS THE OSWALD CABBIE, one of the In mid-February 1964 his brother Eddy, who resembled barbiturates to have caused death, but that the two are Bowers made two significant observations which he few who had the opportunity to talk alone him, was fatally shot in the back of the head in a beer joint "additive" and together are quite enough to kill. This revealed to the Commission. First, he saw three unfamil- with the accused killer of Kennedy between on Second Avenue in Dallas. Police said it was a pistol cause of death, he observed, is not at all uncommon. Was iar cars slowly cruising around the parking area in the 35 a the assassination and Oswald's arrest. He shot, wrote up a cursory report and marked the ease it suicide? Accident? Murder?—Dr. Luke said there was minutes before the assassination; the first two left after W no way of determining that. few minutes. The driver of the second car appeared to be testified that Oswald hailed his cab at the Greyhound bus "unsolved."

44 RAMPARTS RAMPARTS 45 talking into "a mike or a telephone"—"he was holding Bowers' widow at first insisted to Penn Jones that there any information to the authorities. Later in the Secret [rwerr] something up to his mouth with one hand and he was was nothing suspicious about her husband's death. Then Service interview she became scared, changed her story driving with the other." A third car, with out-of-state she became flustered and said: "They told him not to talk." and denied any knowledge of a plot. She continued to HE TIPPIT KILLING WAS NEVER conclusively plates and mud up to the windows, probed all around the assert, however, that her life had twice been threatened. "solved" by the Warren Commission. The gross parking area. Bowers last remembered seeing it about Harold Richard Williams was working as a chef at the faults in its chain of evidence pointing to Os- "Warren's in Trouble" Mikado, a Dallas bottle club, when it was raided in early wald as the lone cop-killer have been exposed in eight minutes before the shooting, pausing "just above the T assassination site." He gave detailed descriptions of the November 1963. One of the arresting officers, he said, was several recent books; we won't go into it here. Certainly, cars and their drivers. ALLAS IS A CLOSE-MOUTHED place. Without ques- J. D. Tippit, and seated next to him in the cop car—"so the Commission did not adequately investigate Tippit's Bowers also observed two unfamiliar men standing on tion it is a city that feels uncomfortable about close you'd think they were lovers"—was Jack Ruby. movements prior to his death, or the curious presence top of the Knoll at the edge of the parking lot, within 10 all the bad publicity it has been receiving. And Williams told attorney Mark Lane he knew Ruby, who near the scene of off-duty Patrolman Olsen, a close asso- or 15 feet of each other—"one man, middle-aged or slightly it patently doesn't like all these foreigners "used to furnish us with girls," and got a long look at ciate of Jack Ruby's (see Penn Jones' story on Olsen above). older, fairly heavy-set, in a white shirt, fairly dark trousers. poking around, interviewing witnesses, dredging up more Tippit. But Harold Williams did not follow the example On Bill Turner's last whirlwind trip to Dallas—acting Another younger man, about mid-twenties, in either a dirt about Dallas. Still, there are so many cases of obvious of the other six known witnesses to a Ruby-Tippit associa- on a tip from "sleuth" David Lifton— he uncovered five plaid shirt or a plaid coat or jacket." Both were facing intimidation of witnesses that it appemis to amount to tion; he continued to shoot off his mouth about it. Wil- witnesses to Tippit's whereabouts in the last minutes of toward Elm and Houston, where the motorcade would be more than an acute case of hypersensitivity. One notes liams said the police talked to him in December 1963 and his life. There is no indication that the Commission or any coming from. They were the only strangers he remem- that all of the mysteriously dead, with the exception of advised him that he had not seen Ruby with Tippit. police agency was even aware of them. Photographer Al bered seeing. His description shows a remarkable simi- Bowers, had some association with Ruby or with the Volkland and his wife Lou, both of whom knew Tippit, larity to Julia Ann Mercer's description of two unidentified murder of Patrolman Tippit; many of the intimidations HE MOST CONSISTENT of the seeming patterns of mid that 15 or 20 minutes after the assassination they saw men climbing the Knoll (see Jones' editorial, p. 38). _ ...... intimidation involves those who knew some- When the shots rang out, Bowers' attention was drawn TEXAS SCHOOL thing about the murder of Tippit. to the area where he had seen the two men; he could still Dow,. attsc.,,,tioor, Shirley Martin of Hominy, Oklahoma, who has iP • make out the one in the white shirt—"the darker dressed been repeatedly tailed by Dallas police, is not the only man was too hard to distinguish from the trees." He ob- a t. WIPP! iP independent investigator to have noticed unusual "heat" INFO LP IP served "some commotion" at that spot, ". . . something La JP LP IP la IP IP trir, when checking out details of the Tippit killing. Earlier this iP IP unit out of the ordinary, a sort of milling around . . . which tPiPiP Ole] year Mark Lane located Domingo Benavides, a witness to attracted my eye for some reason, which I could not iden- sPIPiP the shooting whose brother was mysteriously killed (see IP' tify." At that moment, he testified, a motorcycle police- above), and arranged to meet him at Lane's motel for a man left the Presidential motorcade and roared up the filmed interview the next morning; Lane offered him $100. Grassy Knoll straight to where the two mysterious gentle- That night two men from the homicide squad came to the men were standing behind the fence. The policeman . motel and inquired of Lane's film crew why they were so dismounted, Bowers recalled, then after a moment climbed interested in Benavides. "What did you offer our boy $100 on his motorcycle and drove off. Later, in a film interview for?" they asked. According to the film crew, the police- with attorney Mark Lane, he explained that the "commo- men knew the exact time of Benavides' appointment with tion" that caught his eye may have been "a flash of light seem to fall into a similar pattern. Lane, implied Benavides would not be there, and gen- him at a gas station and waved to him. They observed or smoke." His information dovetails with what other Wilma Tice, a Dallas housewife, told the FBI she saw erally showed a great deal more concern about their Tippit sitting in his police car at a Gloco gas station in witnesses observed from different vantage points. Jack Ruby at Parkland Hospital right after the assassina- footage on the Tippit murder than about the killing of Oak Cliff, watching the cars coming over the Houston On the morning of August 9, 1966, Lee Bowers, now tion, when he was supposed to have been elsewhere. Her Kennedy. Benavides never showed up. Street viaduct from downtown Dallas. Three employees the vice-president of a construction firm, was driving observation was confirmed by Seth Kantor, a White Another witness to the Tippit killing, a nurse named of the Gloco station, Tom Mullins, Emmett Hollingshead south from Dallas on business. He was two miles from House newsman and ex-Dallas reporter who knew Ruby Acquilla Clemons who described the slayer as short and and J. B. "Shorty" Lewis, all of whom knew Tippit, con- Midlothian when his brand new company car veered from well and said he talked with him at the hospital. Mrs. Tice stocky and said he fled with a tall, lanky man wearing firmed the Volklands' story. They said Tippit stayed at the the road and hit a bridge abutment. A farmer who saw it received threatening phone calls—"it would pay you to khaki trousers—neither of whom resembled Oswald— station for "about 10 minutes, somewhere between 12:45 said the car was going 50 miles an hour, a slow speed for keep your mouth shut"—and once while her husband was has been repeatedly threatened. According to Mark Lane and 1:00, then he went tearing off down Lancaster at high that road. There were no skidmarks to indicate braking. at work, a ladder was found wedged against her door so she was visited a few days after the event by a gun-toting speed"—on a bee-line toward Jack Ruby's apartment and Bowers died of his wounds at 1 p.m. in a Dallas hospi- it could not be opened. man: "He just told me it'd be best if I didn't say anything in the direction of where he was killed a few minutes later. tal. He was 41. There was no autopsy, and he was cre- Little Lynn, alias Karen Bennett Carlin, a plumpish because I might get hurt." She said several policemen What could Tippit have heard or seen to cause him to mated soon afterward. Doctors saw no evidence that he 19-year-old stripper at the Carousel, told the Secret Serv- came to see her after that, and one expressed hope that leave his observation post at the Gloco station and roar had suffered a heart attack. A doctor from Midlothian, ice she heard another Ruby entertainer say he'd seen she would not be killed on the way to work. up the street? Police radio logs show no instructions to who rode in the ambulance with Bowers, noticed some- Oswald at Ruby's club, and she "vaguely remembered" We have hardly begun to describe the intimidation to move. We know that cabdriver Whaley said he drove Os- thing peculiar about the victim. "He was in a strange state seeing Oswald there herself. She was also "under the im- which important witnesses have been subjected. Enough wald across the Houston Street viaduct (past the Gloco of shock," the old doctor said, "a different kind of shock pression" that Oswald, Ruby and other individuals un- evidence is in to justify an immediate investigation. We station at the same time Tippit was reported there) to a than an accident victim experiences. I can't explain it. known to her were involved in a plot to assassinate Presi- want to know why people in Dallas seem so intent on spot near the rooming house. Is it possible that Tippit I've never seen anything like it." dent Kennedy, and that she would be killed if she gave keeping the truth about Ruby and Tippit from getting but. spotted Oswald in the cab, recognized him, and for some


\I \I



and of falsifying his reports to the chief of police. police. of chief the to reports his falsifying of and

openly accused police sergeant Dean of testifying falsely falsely testifying of Dean sergeant police accused openly

were impugned and browbeaten; Commission counsel counsel Commission browbeaten; and impugned were

who told a different story, like Jean Hill and Patrick Dean, Dean, Patrick and Hill Jean like story, different a told who

their hopelessly confused testimony ignored. Witnesses Witnesses ignored. testimony confused hopelessly their

Marina Oswald, were coddled and the discrepancies in in discrepancies the and coddled were Oswald, Marina

killer theory, like Helen Markham, Howard Brennan and and Brennan Howard Markham, Helen like theory, killer do anything but allay public fears of a conspiracy. Wit- conspiracy. a of fears public allay but anything do

nesses who supported its Oswald-lone-assassin-and-cop- its supported who nesses

help but wonder if the Warren Commission was set up to to up set was Commission Warren the if wonder but help

tery of Tippit's death. death. Tippit's of tery

have not been destroyed, it is is it destroyed, been not have

those transmissions. They may provide a key to the mys- the to key a provide may They transmissions. those

garbled transmissions phonetically. Provided the tapes tapes the Provided phonetically. transmissions garbled

"voice-printing" techniques capable of reconstructing reconstructing of capable techniques "voice-printing"

to de-garble the transmissions, despite the existence of of existence the despite transmissions, the de-garble to

they came from 78—Tippit. Yet no one made any attempt attempt any made one no Yet 78—Tippit. from came they

coming from 58 and 488, although no such call numbers numbers call such no although 488, and 58 from coming

are known to have been in service. Dallas police thought thought police Dallas service. in been have to known are

missions from a patrol car. The FBI interpreted them as as them interpreted FBI The car. patrol a from missions

the approximate time of the shooting according to at least least at to according shooting the of time approximate the

one witness, the dispatcher received two garbled trans- garbled two received dispatcher the witness, one

reported his position at Lancaster and 8th. But at 1:08, 1:08, at But 8th. and Lancaster at position his reported

radio transmission, for example, was at 12:54, when he he when 12:54, at was example, for transmission, radio

nized in the most perfunctory way. Tippit's last known known last Tippit's way. perfunctory most the in nized

Commission. Commission.

investigative resources of the police, FBI and Warren Warren and FBI police, the of resources investigative

should be reduced to this sort of speculation; that Turner, Turner, that speculation; of sort this to reduced be should

in one quick trip to Dallas, could learn more about Tip- about more learn could Dallas, to trip quick one in

pit's movements before his death than the combined combined the than death his before movements pit's

mission should at least have investigated the possibility. possibility. the investigated have least at should mission

vision, may have mistaken Tippit's uniform jacket, hang- jacket, uniform Tippit's mistaken have may vision,

ing on a coat-hanger in his car, for another cop. The Com- The cop. another for car, his in coat-hanger a on ing

Saw w w Saw

that day were one-man cars and Earlene, with her poor poor her with Earlene, and cars one-man were day that

failing in the other, said sheiktue said other, the in failing

Earlene, who was blind in one eye and whose sight was was sight whose and eye one in blind was who Earlene, counted for—except Tippit's—then it is possible indeed. indeed. possible is it Tippit's—then for—except counted

served a police car pull up in front and honk the horn, and and horn, the honk and front in up pull car police a served

the police statement that all cars in the area were ac- were area the in cars all that statement police the

Oswald was in the rooming house, Earlene Roberts ob- Roberts Earlene house, rooming the in was Oswald

reason took off to intercept him? If we recall that while while that recall we If him? intercept to off took reason

Even the evidence the Commission did have was scruti- was have did Commission the evidence the Even

It is scandalous that three years after the event we we event the after years three that scandalous is It

was 107; Tippit's car nimber was 10. Ear el laid she she laid el Ear 10. was nimber car Tippit's 107; was

!icemen in the car; all patrol cars in the area area the in cars patrol all car; the in !icemen

cops, God knows. But we came across so so across came we But knows. God cops,

much overlooked evidence that we can't can't we that evidence overlooked much

get a story, not to solve the case. We are not not are We case. the solve to not story, a get



on our limited investigation to to investigation limited our on

still still

, ,

possible to voice-print voice-print to possible

„he number on the the on number „he

ated on Connally at Parkland Hospital. "The last thing thing last "The Hospital. Parkland at Connally on ated

room, wearing a sterile uniform, when the doctors oper- doctors the when uniform, sterile a wearing room,

the White House. Stinson told us he was in the operating operating the in was he us told Stinson House. White the

ployed by the Veterans Administration, he has an office in in office an has he Administration, Veterans the by ployed time of the assassination. Today, although officially em- officially although Today, assassination. the of time

talked to; they never even asked him for an affidavit. He He affidavit. an for him asked even never they to; talked

is William Stinson, an aide to Governor Connally at the the at Connally Governor to aide an Stinson, William is

witnesses. Ramparts found one the Commission never never Commission the one found Ramparts witnesses.

mony they should at least have heard all the important important the all heard have least at should they mony

sion, was inadmissible. inadmissible. was sion,

automatic weapon. And this possibility, to the Commis- the to possibility, this And weapon. automatic

assassin other than Oswald firing from the rear with an an with rear the from firing Oswald than other assassin

tion anyone firing from the front), or, conceivably, one one conceivably, or, front), the from firing anyone tion

had to be two assassins firing from the rear (not to men- to (not rear the from firing assassins two be to had

have a "superbullet" theory. Otherwise there would have have would there Otherwise theory. "superbullet" a have

Oswald's bolt-action rifle twice, the Commission Commission the twice, rifle bolt-action Oswald's

able?—perhaps; but because both Kennedy and Connally Connally and Kennedy both because but able?—perhaps; were hit from the rear in less time than it takes to fire fire to takes it than time less in rear the from hit were

stretcher (never established to have been Connally's), Connally's), been have to established (never stretcher

nizable trace of blood or tissue on its surface. Unbeliev- Unbeliev- surface. its on tissue or blood of trace nizable

beautifully whole and undeformed, without even a recog- a even without undeformed, and whole beautifully

ments, and then fell out, somehow becoming wedged in a a in wedged becoming somehow out, fell then and ments,

pieces, leaving fragments, entered his thigh, leaving frag- leaving thigh, his entered fragments, leaving pieces, the fifth rib, emerged from his chest, broke his wrist into into wrist his broke chest, his from emerged rib, fifth the downward trajectory, entered Connally's back, shattered shattered back, Connally's entered trajectory, downward

mat in the unguarded basement of Parkland Hospital Hospital Parkland of basement unguarded the in mat

had pierced President Kennedy's neck from the rear on a a on rear the from neck Kennedy's President pierced had

held that a bullet (Exhibit 399), found under a stretcher stretcher a under found 399), (Exhibit bullet a that held

theory, the "superbullet" theory, and the Connallya' pos- Connallya' the and theory, "superbullet" the theory,

itive recollection just didn't fit. The Commission's theory theory Commission's The fit. didn't just recollection itive

Before the Commission discredited Connally's testi- Connally's discredited Commission the Before

had struck the President. But the Commission had its own own its had Commission the But President. the struck had was hit by a second shot, and that the first and third shots shots third and first the that and shot, second a by hit was

both testified that they were positive that the governor governor the that positive were they that testified both

Governor Connally seriously, although it was supported supported was it although seriously, Connally Governor

by a preponderance of evidence. Connally and his wife wife his and Connally evidence. of preponderance a by

The Commission even refused to take the testimony of of testimony the take to refused even Commission The

had had

to to

pass, and noted that she left immediately thereafter. The The thereafter. immediately left she that noted and pass,

because of her appearance. They watched the motorcade motorcade the watched They appearance. her of because

waiting for the Presidential motorcade which was about about was which motorcade Presidential the for waiting

they returned about 1 p.m. she was still there, apparently apparently there, still was she p.m. 1 about returned they

woman standing near the entrance to the hotel. When When hotel. the to entrance the near standing woman

to pass in front of the hotel. They took careful note of her her of note careful took They hotel. the of front in pass to

Hotel to go shopping and noticed a particularly obese obese particularly a noticed and shopping go to Hotel

hers on November 21, 1963, during President Kennedy's Kennedy's President during 1963, 21, November on hers Dallas. At 9 in the morning the Alocers left the Gunter Gunter the left Alocers the morning the in 9 At Dallas.

visit to that city and the day before his fateful trip to to trip fateful his before day the and city that to visit

dignified and very certain of what he saw." saw." he what of certain very and dignified

additional details. Jones described him as "elderly, very very "elderly, as him described Jones details. additional

City. Alocer confirmed what he had told the FBI, giving giving FBI, the told had he what confirmed Alocer City.

attorney Alocer in his walled Spanish fortress in Mexico Mexico in fortress Spanish walled his in Alocer attorney

trigued enough to fly south with another reporter to visit visit to reporter another with south fly to enough trigued

entirely. Recently he dug up an FBI interview with with interview FBI an up dug he Recently entirely.

Arturo Alocer Ruiz, a Mexican attorney, and was in- was and attorney, Mexican a Ruiz, Alocer Arturo

26 volumes, only to discover the Commission ignored it it ignored Commission the discover to only volumes, 26

399—the only assassination bullet that has been ballis- been has that bullet assassination only 399—the

tically matched to Oswald's rifle—was a plant. plant. a rifle—was Oswald's to matched tically

clear: that someone had better re-examine the "super- the re-examine better had someone that clear: bullet" theory, and consider the possibility that Bullet Bullet that possibility the consider and theory, bullet"

never asked about the governor's wounds? One thing is is thing One wounds? governor's the about asked never

son called to testify? Why was Baxter, who did testify, testify, did who Baxter, was Why testify? to called son

Finck in concluding: Bullet 399 399 Bullet concluding: in Finck

wrist, and finding Bullet 399 to have lost "literally none none "literally lost have to 399 Bullet finding and wrist,

of its substance," joined autopsy doctors Humes and and Humes doctors autopsy joined substance," its of

of Connally's wounds. wounds. Connally's of

showed too much metal remaining in Connally's thigh- Connally's in remaining metal much too showed

finding "more than 3 grains of metal" in the governor's governor's the in metal" of grains 3 than "more finding

ered to find out or deliberately ignored. Even with these these with Even ignored. deliberately or out find to ered

bone to have been caused by Bullet 399. Dr. Robert Shaw, Shaw, Robert Dr. 399. Bullet by caused been have to bone

fragments removed, autopsy doctor Humes said the x-rays x-rays the said Humes doctor autopsy removed, fragments

revelation, and a fact the Commission either never both- never either Commission the fact a and revelation,

laity's thigh. He told us that bullet fragments, not an entire entire an not fragments, bullet that us told He thigh. laity's

bullet, had been removed from the thigh—itself a startling startling a thigh—itself the from removed been had bullet, Charles Baxter, who assisted in the operation on Con- on operation the in assisted who Baxter, Charles

Commission's theory of what happened on November 22 22 November on happened what of theory Commission's

is knocked into a cocked hat. Intrigued, we contacted Dr. Dr. contacted we Intrigued, hat. cocked a into knocked is

have done the herculean task it is credited with and the the and with credited is it task herculean the done have

bedded in Connally's thigh, then "Bullet 399" could not not could 399" "Bullet then thigh, Connally's in bedded

they did," said Stinson, "was to remove the bullet from from bullet the remove to "was Stinson, said did," they

that was wrong with him." him." with wrong was that

the governor's thigh—because that was the least thing thing least the was that thigh—because governor's the

Alocer was in San Antonio with his wife and a friend of of friend a and wife his with Antonio San in was Alocer

What went on at Parkland Hospital? Why wasn't Stin- wasn't Why Hospital? Parkland at on went What

It was a startling disclosure. For if a bullet was em- was bullet a if For disclosure. startling a was It


agent's report or police affidavit buried in the the in buried affidavit police or report agent's

that he doesn't come across some startling startling some across come doesn't he that dence as Penn Jones. Hardly a week goes by by goes week a Hardly Jones. Penn as dence

is as furious about the overlooked evi- evi- overlooked the about furious as is

could not not could

have caused all all caused have

new investigation, if only to establish whether or not they they not or whether establish to only if investigation, new

intimidations alone are compelling enough reason for a a for reason enough compelling are alone intimidations

execution are still at large. The "mysterious deaths" and and deaths" "mysterious The large. at still are execution

gered as long as those responsible for its planning and and planning its for responsible those as long as gered

dence now available indicates, then the society is endan- is society the then indicates, available now dence

a society. And if it is the result of conspiracy, as the evi- the as conspiracy, of result the is it if And society. a

"before the '64 elections"—meant elections"—meant '64 the "before


only be a frivolous one. one. frivolous a be only

down leads pointing to other possible assassins and cop cop and assassins possible other to pointing leads down

the Commission's religious determination not to track track to not determination religious Commission's the President Johnson to the shorthanded Commission — — Commission shorthanded the to Johnson President

killers. And they have shown how the time limit given by by given limit time the how shown have they And killers.

cade and return. return. and cade

21st —ample time to fly to Houston, observe the motor- the observe Houston, to fly to time —ample 21st

Ruby is unaccounted for between 3 and 7:30 p.m. on the the on p.m. 7:30 and 3 between for unaccounted is Ruby

the President toured that city later the same afternoon. afternoon. same the later city that toured President the

dential motorcades on November 21st. One scared Dallas Dallas scared One 21st. November on motorcades dential

not the only Ruby clan member reported watching Presi- watching reported member clan Ruby only the not

resident says he saw Jack Ruby himself in Houston when when Houston in himself Ruby Jack saw he says resident

tioned on her whereabouts on November 21. But she was was she But 21. November on whereabouts her on tioned

Ruby. Eva Grant, a night club operator, was not ques- not was operator, club night a Grant, Eva Ruby.

this this

shot Oswald, the Alocers again saw the obese lady on TV TV on lady obese the saw again Alocers the Oswald, shot

they'd seen in San Antonio. Two days later, after Ruby Ruby after later, days Two Antonio. San in seen they'd

her friend were allstartled to observe observe to allstartled were friend her

housekeeper. And in the background Alocer, his wife and and wife his Alocer, background the in And housekeeper. lady, was on the screen, and Earlene Roberts, the plump plump the Roberts, Earlene and screen, the on was lady,

rooming house came on. Mrs. A. C. Johnson, the land- the Johnson, C. A. Mrs. on. came house rooming

the assassination when the interviews at the Oswald Oswald the at interviews the when assassination the

following day the Alocers were watching TV accounts of of accounts TV watching were Alocers the day following

A Presidential assassination can shake the very fabric of of fabric very the shake can assassination Presidential A

his time she was introduced introduced was she time his


Commission "solved" neither the assassination assassination the neither "solved" Commission

impressive body of evidence to show that the the that show to evidence of body impressive

nor the murder of Tippit. They have exposed exposed have They Tippit. of murder the nor


and the "sleuths" have marshalled an an marshalled have "sleuths" the and

as Eva Grant, sister of Jack Jack of sister Grant, Eva as

the the

investigation could could investigation

the same obese lady lady obese same the


; are related to the Kennedy assassination. to the Tippit murder—all are missing. Where are they? It is time to reopen the investigation. And it is high More than one-third of the assassination-related docu- time that the impressive quantity of missing evidence be ments in the National Archives are withheld by the "inter- "found," and that the mountain of withheld evidence be ested agencies." About half of the FBI reports and 90 per declassified and made available to the public. No matter cent of the CIA reports are still classified. what Penn Jones digs up, no matter what any private Much evidence has been willfully destroyed or altered. citizen uncovers about the assassination, the case cannot The White House ordered the interior of the President's I was a be solved until the suppressed evidence is released. limousine cut up and destroyed; Johnson now drives Among the missing evidence are the 22 color and 18 around in the same car, newly outfitted, in which John burglar, black and white photographs taken at the President's Kennedy met his death. Governor Connally's suit, which autopsy. Not even the Commission, nor the autopsy doc- Johnson's crony Cliff Carter signed for, was sent to be tors themsg;77;73".erril."'".". to see them ; the Com- dry-cleaned and pressed before it could ever be examined wiretapper, mission saw only an ariTacetches based on an autopsy as evidence. Navy Dr. Humes, who performed the autopsy doctor's memory of the wounds. The photographs were on Kennedy, said heburned his original autopsy notes in bugger turned over undeveloped to the Secret Service, according his fireplace. The - post Ade firni to FBI and Secret Service reports in the National Archives. ostensibly filled out in the name of "Hidell" has been The Secret Service states, in another Archives document, destroyed, despite postal regulations requiring they be and spy that "every item of tangible evidence" in its possession kept for three years. The list goes on and on. was turned over either to the Commission during its life, to the National Archives after the Commission disbanded, for the F.B.I or was "placed in the custody of individuals designated by the late President's family." Archivist Si says the photographs are not in therc ives. No one seems to know where they are. Also missing are the x-rays of Ken- nedy's body, which were never seen by the Commission. RAMPARTS staff writer William W. Turner served as an FBI the legal press, and served as consulting editor to the Police Another key piece of evidence is the Zapruder film. special agent from 1951 to 1961, receiving several personal Evidence Library series. An exponent of the progressive Abraham Zapruder, a Dallas clothing manufacturer, cap- commendations from Director J. Edgar Hoover. Subse- school of law enforcement, he was a panelist on Playboy tured the assassination sequence on movie film. The quently he has written general interest articles for national magazine's "Crisis in Law Enforcement" roundtable dis- original was purchased by Life magazine—"mainly to magazines, contributed numerous police science articles to cussion in March, 1966. keep it off the market," says Richard Pollard, director of photography. Pollard says the original is uncut in any way. Not so with the copy of the film seen by the Commission ON'T FORGET," quipped the FBI's top "burglar" gambling connected prosecutions for some time to come. and placed on file at the Archives. Not only are Zapruder who had been my instructor in the fine art of And in Washington, the discovery that in 1964 the FBI frames 334 through 434 missing (showing the Grassy HE WARREN COMPASSION was appointed by Lyn- break-and-enter, "possession of burglar tools planted a listening device in the hotel suite of lobbyist Knoll), but a splice appears, just about the time the Com- don Johnson, was responsible to Johnson and in the State of Washington can get you up to Fred Black Jr., threatened to topple his conviction of in- mission says Kennedy is first shot. The top of frame 208 respected a lawyer-client relationship with John- ten years." It was 1958, and I was about to return to the come tax evasion. Worse still, it developed that both Black is crudely spliced onto the bottom of frame 212; the inter- T son. It was truly "the President's Commission." Seattle FBI office outfitted with a set of Bureau-furnished and Edward Levinson, one of the casino operator-victims, vening frames are missing. One of the first things a new A nationally syndicated columnist for the Hearst news- lockpicking tools. The course in surreptitious entry had had been business associates of Robert G. "Bobby" investigation should call for is the release of the entire papers recently had an interview with Lyndon Johnson. been part of a concentrated three-week course in the Baker, Lyndon Johnson's erstwhile protege. As a conse- Zapruder film. The second thing a new investigation He asked if it were true that Warren had been reluctant to theory and practice of wiretapping and "bugging" euphe- quence, the impending federal prosecution of Baker stood should ask is who spliced the Zapruder film? And why? head the Commission. Johnson replied in the affirmative. mistically referred to as Sound School. Recently, when a in danger of being lost on a technical knockout. The Stemmons Freeway sign and a streetlamp post near Warren, he said, had sent a note through an intermediary Nevada district attorney announced he would criminally The chain reaction added up to an acute case of "em- where the President was shot have been unaccountably re- that he would not accept the job. "But I ordered him to," prosecute Las Vegas FBI agents caught violating the barrassment to the Bureau"—a phenomenon I knew only moved, as well as a manhole cover reportedly hit by a said the President. state's anti-listening device law, I was rudely reminded of too well to be the FBI's Private Enemy Number One. bullet. Where are they? Jacqueline Kennedy's freely given The Hearst reporter asked if the President had read the my instructor's wry remark—and of the illegal acts I was Reportedly, Hoover is locked in a bitter quarrel with his testimony about her husband's wounds has been "de- recent books about the Kennedy assassination. No, John- subsequently to commit in the holy name of justice. nominal superiors in the Justice Department over who is leted." Where is it? An 18-page statement to police by key son replied, but an aide had given him a full report. It was a chapter in my career I would just as soon forget. to blame. Neither, it seems, had the blessing of John F. assassination witness S. M. Holland; notes by Captain "What do you think?" asked the columnist. And now it appears that FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover would Kennedy, who, according to his aide Kenneth P. O'Don- Fritz and an FBI agent of their interrogation of Oswald; The President looked down for a moment, knitted his just as soon forget he ever authorized electronic snooping. nell, "despised that kind of thing and never authorized at least two motion picture films of the assassination con- brow, then fixed his doe eyes on the reporter and said: His Las Vegas minions were caught bugging a number of it." On the horizon looms a showdown between the ne'er- fiscated by the FBI; 23 of the 54 documents supplied by "Warren's in trouble." gambling casinos, a contretemps that brought the FBI a do-wrong director and the popular young senator from the Texas attorney general's office, many of them relating $4.5 million damage suit and probably contaminated New York, Robert F. Kennedy, who was attorney general

50 RAMPARTS Illustration by Benedict Roden by William W. Turner RAMPARTS 51


tapping. Some agents in the field who had acquired the the acquired had who field the in agents Some tapping. official ledger only hinted at the extent of Bureau wire- Bureau of extent the at hinted only ledger official

approval became became approval functioning autonomously, and the attorney general's general's attorney the and autonomously, functioning

of the nation." By this time the prestigious FBI chief was was chief FBI prestigious the time this By nation." the of

approve wiretapping when necessary involving the defense defense the involving necessary when wiretapping approve

gave executive authority for the attorney general "to "to general attorney the for authority executive gave

D. Roosevelt, who admired Hoover's tough posturing, posturing, tough Hoover's admired who Roosevelt, D.

Congressman Emanuel Celter, he pushed for authoriza- for pushed he Celter, Emanuel Congressman

tion to wiretap in matters involving "the national secur- national "the involving matters in wiretap to tion

ity." The legislation was tabled, but President Franklin Franklin President but tabled, was legislation The ity."

clouds gathered, Hoover reversed his stand. Backed by by Backed stand. his reversed Hoover gathered, clouds

which outlawed wiretapping. Several years later, as war war as later, years Several wiretapping. outlawed which

spoor of tax and narcotics offenders. offenders. narcotics and tax of spoor

scoffed at the practice, and most wiretapping was done by by done was wiretapping most and practice, the at scoffed

local police, private detectives and Treasury agents on the the on agents Treasury and detectives private police, local

a violation of the Fourth Amendment guarantee against against guarantee Amendment Fourth the of violation a

unreasonable search and seizure. Nevertheless, Hoover Hoover Nevertheless, seizure. and search unreasonable gentleman's sport. And since no trespass was necessary to to necessary was trespass no since And sport. gentleman's

install a tap, the Supreme Court had ruled that it was not not was it that ruled had Court Supreme the tap, a install

largely a desperate measure. measure. desperate a largely

enced before. The resort to illicit eavesdropping has been been has eavesdropping illicit to resort The before. enced

headaches and nightmarish headlines it has never experi- never has it headlines nightmarish and headaches

enemy. In trying to cope with it, the FBI FBI the it, with cope to trying In enemy.

crime is slick and subtle, and somewhat of a phantom phantom a of somewhat and subtle, and slick is crime

and the other flamboyant criminals who could be disposed disposed be could who criminals flamboyant other the and

of with the burst of a machinegun. Today's organized organized Today's machinegun. a of burst the with of

But those were the days of Dillinger and "Ma" Barker, Barker, "Ma" and Dillinger of days the were those But

of ethical, scientific and sound investigative technique." technique." investigative sound and scientific ethical, of

as a lazy man's tool and an obstacle to the "development "development the to obstacle an and tool man's lazy a as

a much younger Hoover had once denounced wiretapping wiretapping denounced once had Hoover younger much a

tronic snooping, whatever its odium, was invaluable invaluable was odium, its whatever snooping, tronic

and fugitives were winked at because they helped Hoover Hoover helped they because at winked were fugitives and

because it penetrated impenetrable walls. walls. impenetrable penetrated it because

get get could not do. Padded statistics on recovered automobiles automobiles recovered on statistics Padded do. not could

formers of the McCarthy days did what the legal process process legal the what did days McCarthy the of formers

year stint I became increasingly conscious of a cynical cynical a of conscious increasingly became I stint year

belief that the end justifies the means. The faceless in- faceless The means. the justifies end the that belief

cratic frills that stand in its way. During my more than ten ten than more my During way. its in stand that frills cratic

"You're only wrong when you get caught." More than than More caught." get you when wrong only "You're

that, it illustrated the FBI's growing contempt for demo- for contempt growing FBI's the illustrated it that,

against organized crime under strict court supervision) supervision) court strict under crime organized against

has already indicated that the FBI cavorted on its own. own. its on cavorted FBI the that indicated already has

tempted to persuade Congress to legalize wiretapping wiretapping legalize to Congress persuade to tempted

the ultimate futility of extra-legal methods (he had at- had (he methods extra-legal of futility ultimate the

at the time that the ill-fated Las Vegas installations were were installations Vegas Las ill-fated the that time the at made. But the pragmatic Kennedy, undoubtedly aware of of aware undoubtedly Kennedy, pragmatic the But made.

In 1934, Congress passed the Communications Act Act Communications the passed Congress 1934, In

At one time wiretapping was at least legal if not a a not if legal least at was wiretapping time one At

The current FBI predicament is not without irony, for for irony, without not is predicament FBI current The

The tiff was another example of the old aphorism, aphorism, old the of example another was tiff The

ever ever

larger appropriations from Congress. And elec- And Congress. from appropriations larger

in effect effect in

a rubber stamp gesture. But the the But gesture. stamp rubber a

has has

experienced experienced

which were fed into a bank of recorders. I suppose I I suppose I recorders. of bank a into fed were which

staged a raid thinking they had discovered a bookie joint. joint. bookie a discovered had they thinking raid a staged

tracted by the furtive coming and going of personnel, they they personnel, of going and coming furtive the by tracted

ship hulls were scattered convincingly about the front front the about convincingly scattered were hulls ship

room. But the police were not convinced. Evidently at- Evidently convinced. not were police the But room.

premises functioned behind a business facade. One One facade. business a behind functioned premises fronted as a marine architect's office, and blueprints of of blueprints and office, architect's marine a as fronted

Known to initiates as the "clubs," the elaborately equipped equipped elaborately the "clubs," the as initiates to Known

the Bay Area operated by the San Francisco division. division. Francisco San the by operated Area Bay the

when I was assigned to two central monitoring plants for for plants monitoring central two to assigned was I when

ience that his Bureau had 90 wiretaps in operation. operation. in wiretaps 90 had Bureau his that ience

J. Edgar Hoover was telling a nationwide television aud- television nationwide a telling was Hoover Edgar J.

Department attorneys were asking for Hoffa's conviction, conviction, Hoffa's for asking were attorneys Department

illustrated than by the fact that on the very day Justice Justice day very the on that fact the by than illustrated acquitted). The hypocrisy of the situation was no better better no was situation the of hypocrisy The acquitted).

antagonist, James Riddle Hoffa of the Teamsters (he was was (he Teamsters the of Hoffa Riddle James antagonist,

of those singled out for prosecution was the FBI's old old FBI's the was prosecution for out singled those of

1934 there has has there 1934

1959-60, a total of 691 complaints were received, yet since since yet received, were complaints 691 of total a 1959-60,

company) employee inspect the tap." Authorization to to Authorization tap." the inspect employee company)

proceed was rare. For example, in the year's period of of period year's the in example, For rare. was proceed

Tel (an airmail communication in telegram form) to the the to form) telegram in communication airmail (an Tel

Bureau. If investigation authorized, have telco (telephone (telephone telco have authorized, investigation If Bureau.

a wiretapping complaint. "No investigation. Send Air- Send investigation. "No complaint. wiretapping a

notes are these instructions on what to do upon receipt of of receipt upon do to what on instructions these are notes

easy policy permitting wholesale tapping by police and and police by tapping wholesale permitting policy easy

for enforcing the law on the other has forced a take-it- a forced has other the on law the enforcing for unscrupulous private detectives. In my 19511 Sound School School Sound 19511 my In detectives. private unscrupulous

a Sound School instructor rather emphatically told us. us. told emphatically rather instructor School Sound a Act was directed against telephone company employees," employees," company telephone against directed was Act

that the law was intended for others, but not for it. "The "The it. for not but others, for intended was law the that

as one was vindicated in the Bureau's mind by the notion notion the by mind Bureau's the in vindicated was one as

The "clubs" listened in on a dozen or no tapped lines lines tapped no or dozen a on in listened "clubs" The

does not divulge them outside the Justice Department; Department; Justice the outside them divulge not does

ergo, it is technically within the law. law. the within technically is it ergo, stock answer: the Bureau intercepts communications but but communications intercepts Bureau the answer: stock

security." For those with the temerity to point out that that out point to temerity the with those For security." T

menace of "espionage, sabotage and grave risks to internal internal to risks grave and sabotage "espionage, of menace FDA's sanction might have died with him, there was a a was there him, with died have might sanction FDA's

he had in operation at any given time to thwart the red red the thwart to time given any at operation in had he

My own exposure to FBI wiretapping started in 1952 1952 in started wiretapping FBI to exposure own My

the practice was widespread. widespread. was practice the

reasons, as "suicide taps." From my experience, I suspect suspect I experience, my From taps." "suicide as reasons,

headquarters, to install what were known, for obvious obvious for known, were what install to headquarters,

wiretap habit took it upon themselves, unbeknownst to to unbeknownst themselves, upon it took habit wiretap

That the FBI taps on the one hand and is responsible responsible is and hand one the on taps FBI the That

This metaphysical view of thousands of persons acting acting persons of thousands of view metaphysical This

of taps—never in excess of a modest 100—that 100—that modest a of excess in taps—never of

wiretapping. Hoover, a leading protagonist of of protagonist leading a Hoover, wiretapping.

the Cold War, took to announcing the number number the announcing to took War, Cold the


been been

only a handful of prosecutions. One One prosecutions. of handful a only

emergency did not end FBI FBI end not did emergency

Supreme Court on evidence secured by this type of inves- of type this by secured evidence on Court Supreme

tigation." As both the New York and Washington convic- Washington and York New the both As tigation."

tions went down the drain, the venerable appeals judge judge appeals venerable the drain, the down went tions

clothe with legality the unlawful activities of the wire- the of activities unlawful the legality with clothe

tappers nor detract at all from the interdiction of the the of interdiction the from all at detract nor tappers

from the attorney general. "Such authorization," fired fired authorization," "Such general. attorney the from

back New York trial judge Sylvester Ryan, "does not not "does Ryan, Sylvester judge trial York New back

astonishment at the existence of the taps while the FBI FBI the while taps the of existence the at astonishment tried to exonerate itself by claiming it had authorization authorization had it claiming by itself exonerate to tried

instigated what, Justice Department prosecutors professed professed prosecutors Department Justice what, instigated

of Howard Fletcher, a top top a Fletcher, Howard of the taps had been precipitously destroyed on the orders orders the on destroyed precipitously been had taps the

reports to a "confidential informant of known reliability" reliability" known of informant "confidential a to reports

—in this case a code name "Tiger." Recordings made of of made Recordings "Tiger." name code a case this —in

versations between the defendant and her attorney. As is is As attorney. her and defendant the between versations

normal procedure, the information had been attributed in in attributed been had information the procedure, normal

ings, thus permitting the FBI to overhear privileged con- privileged overhear to FBI the permitting thus ings,

that they had been continued through the legal proceed- legal the through continued been had they that

New York phones and on the phone of her parents, and and parents, her of phone the on and phones York New

taps had been placed on Miss Coplon's Washington and and Washington Coplon's Miss on placed been had taps

he had monitored wiretaps in the case. It developed that that developed It case. the in wiretaps monitored had he

FBI employee unwilling to perjure himself admitted that that admitted himself perjure to unwilling employee FBI

flowing from wiretaps, was illegal. illegal. was wiretaps, from flowing

a a that the "fruit of the forbidden tree," i.e. any evidence evidence any i.e. tree," forbidden the of "fruit the that

an FBI officer denied that wiretaps had been used. It was was It used. been had wiretaps that denied officer FBI an

one count in Washington and convicted. During the trial trial the During convicted. and Washington in count one

a friendly Soviet United Nations official. She was tried on on tried was She official. Nations United Soviet friendly a

secretary, was accused of passing classified documents to to documents classified passing of accused was secretary,

and for all. In 1949, Judith Coplon, a Justice Department Department Justice a Coplon, Judith 1949, In all. for and

that might have, in a calmer time, ended FBI tapping once once tapping FBI ended time, calmer a in have, might that

civil liberties lawyer and husband of noted author Jessica Jessica author noted of husband and lawyer liberties civil A

Mitford. Mitford.

"clubs." It belonged to Robert Treuhaft, a prominent prominent a Treuhaft, Robert to belonged It "clubs."

heard many times while monitoring the taps in the the in taps the monitoring while times many heard

Then it suddenly dawned on me: the voice was one I had had I one was voice the me: on dawned suddenly it Then

quite place. I studied the face—it was totally unfamiliar. unfamiliar. totally was face—it the studied I place. quite

sensation of hearing a voice from the past that I couldn't couldn't I that past the from voice a hearing of sensation

cepted. Occasionally a supposedly privileged exchange exchange privileged supposedly a Occasionally cepted.

In a flap remarkably similar to the current one over who who over one current the to similar remarkably flap a In

between a lawyer and client came on. on. came client and lawyer a between

or lovers. On party lines totally unrelated talk was inter- was talk unrelated totally lines party On lovers. or teen-age talk, or intimacies between husbands and wives wives and husbands between intimacies or talk, teen-age

whether all the effort was worth it. Most were idle chatter, chatter, idle were Most it. worth was effort the all whether heard thousands of conversations, and I began to wonder wonder to began I and conversations, of thousands heard

key key

In a hearing prior to a second trial in New York, an an York, New in trial second a to prior hearing a In

At a San Francisco cocktail party recently I had the odd odd the had I recently party cocktail Francisco San a At

point, since the Supreme Court had long since ruled ruled since long had Court Supreme the since point,




in fact an abortive espionage investigation investigation espionage abortive an fact in

remotely related to "national security." It was was It security." "national to related remotely

tapping during the early '50s was at least least at was '50s early the during tapping

aide aide

virtually all of the FBI's wire- FBI's the of all virtually

to Hoover. Hoover. to

the under-the-table switch required that I pick a lock and and lock a pick I that required switch under-the-table the

MSC; MSC; ness state that he had not more than 100 taps going. But But going. taps 100 than more not had he that state ness

public was concerned—Hoover could in all half-truthful- all in could concerned—Hoover was public

place. Thus the books were primly in balance as far as the the as far as balance in primly were books the Thus place.

wiretap whose allotment was needed in a more urgent urgent more a in needed was allotment whose wiretap

example, I was instructed by headquarters to disconnect a a disconnect to headquarters by instructed was I example,

of bugs while maintaining full public decorum. Once, for for Once, decorum. public full maintaining while bugs of

the the

notes, while stressing that wiretaps must be approved by by approved be must wiretaps that stressing while notes,

bugging, the FBI had a free hand. My Sound School School Sound My hand. free a had FBI the bugging,

for for

surreptitious invasion of a man's office or his home. home. his or office man's a of invasion surreptitious

unlike wiretaps, their installation usually required the the required usually installation their wiretaps, unlike

Capitalizing on the lacuna, the FBI installed a plethora plethora a installed FBI the lacuna, the on Capitalizing

everything, not just guarded telephone conversations. And And conversations. telephone guarded just not everything, phones. The "bugs" were far more insidious—they heard heard insidious—they more far were "bugs" The phones.

soleted by the surging technology of concealed micro- concealed of technology surging the by soleted

Hoover went right on proclaiming the number of taps in in taps of number the proclaiming on right went Hoover

operation. Wiretapping, however, was fast becoming ob- becoming fast was however, Wiretapping, operation.

Since no with the attorney general governed governed general attorney the with covenant no Since

Learned Hand observed that while Miss Coplon's "guilt "guilt Coplon's Miss while that observed Hand Learned

was plain," the government had sabotaged its own case. case. own its sabotaged had government the plain," was

mikes: Bureau authority only." only." authority Bureau mikes:

attorney general, bear the cryptic entry: "Authority "Authority entry: cryptic the bear general, attorney

It was a hard lesson but it hardly fazed the FBI: FBI: the fazed hardly it but lesson hard a was It

in the next breath I was ordered to put in a bug in its its in bug a in put to ordered was I breath next the in

from the Bureau's Bureau's the from

Instructions on installing a baseboard "bug" "bug" baseboard a installing on Instructions

Handbook of of Handbook

Technical Equipment Equipment Technical



let flung down by organized crime. Let us unite in a a in unite us Let crime. organized by down flung let

making him swim for it. Before long Hoover, who once once who Hoover, long Before it. for swim him making

peting: "The battle is joined. We have taken up the gaunt- the up taken have We joined. is battle "The peting:

belittled the existence of an American Mafia, was trum- was Mafia, American an of existence the belittled

FBI pulled out all the stops in launching a hush-hush hush-hush a launching in stops the all out pulled FBI

time in pushing his aging subordinate into the pool and and pool the into subordinate aging his pushing in time

FBI and organized crime had flourished simultaneously. simultaneously. flourished had crime organized and FBI

creted in the homes of several gangland figures. figures. gangland several of homes the in creted

"Top Hoodlum Program" aimed at putting the syndicate syndicate the putting at aimed Program" Hoodlum "Top

of the program was bugging. In a 1959 inspection trip to to trip inspection 1959 a In bugging. was program the of

Mr. Bigs under the magnifying glass. One important facet facet important One glass. magnifying the under Bigs Mr. underscored, in dramatic fashion, a shameful fact: the the fact: shameful a fashion, dramatic in underscored,

the Los Angeles office, I noted that bugs had been se- been had bugs that noted I office, Angeles Los the

profoundly embarrassed the vaunted federal sleuths. It It sleuths. federal vaunted the embarrassed profoundly

detect the crime czars converging from all over the nation nation the over all from converging czars crime the detect

That it took a solitary New York State police sergeant to to sergeant police State York New solitary a took it That

1957 and the Apalachin conclave of organized crime. crime. organized of conclave Apalachin the and 1957

Hoover was impressed with my feat and sent me a letter letter a me sent and feat my with impressed was Hoover

sneak inside a man's home in order to plant the bug. Mr. Mr. bug. the plant to order in home man's a inside sneak

of commendation. (See below.) below.) (See commendation. of

In an overnight attempt to make up lost ground, the the ground, lost up make to attempt overnight an In

The promiscuous use of bugs in criminal cases dates to to dates cases criminal in bugs of use promiscuous The



, ,

FBI's ardor for the organized crime fight had had fight crime organized the for ardor FBI's

cooled, the brash young racket buster lost no no lost buster racket young brash the cooled,

attorney general in the spring of 1961 the the 1961 of spring the in general attorney

PI I at a to loa ol my mmewass. mmewass. my ol loa to a at I PI

aria aria

Tag demeratrated muck .11 PR PR .11 muck demeratrated Tag

al the MOM tallber tallber MOM the al

ts Pal Wag a. a. Wag Pal ts

att, att,

Mr. Pam , apt apt , Pam Mr.

the ace., ace., the

ae..e m®.ae.w


1, which which 1,

/[13Elt. AU.. OF OF AU.. /[13Elt.

Maher Maher

Tow PP w Mena ol ol Mena w PP Tow

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Peals mwm mwm Peals


al OP della palm.. palm.. della OP al

. .

rearcefol POPP. POPP. rearcefol

ph. peasallithes peasallithes ph.

..... m.oca. m.oca......

IP semcsmon semcsmon IP

Bobby Kennedy became became Kennedy Bobby

eemnity11. eemnity11.

4 4

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Pe. 7, IMP IMP 7, Pe.




• •

stayed in. in. stayed

do," I replied. "OK, forget I called," he said. The tap tap The said. he called," I forget "OK, replied. I do,"

lineman accidentally discovered it, I received a call from from call a received I it, discovered accidentally lineman

me to place a temporary "suicide tap." When a telephone telephone a When tap." "suicide temporary a place to me

some wires in the Ballard area?" he inquired. "Guess I I "Guess inquired. he area?" Ballard the in wires some

In most locales—New York City is the most notable excep- notable most the is City York locales—New most In

one of the telco special agents. "Know anything about about anything "Know agents. special telco the of one

an agent handling a prostitution investigation importuned importuned investigation prostitution a handling agent an

pany special agents and operating personnel. The cozier cozier The personnel. operating and agents special pany

tion—this was no problem. For example, on one occasion occasion one on example, For problem. no was tion—this

on subscribers' lines and to lease lines without question. question. without lines lease to and lines subscribers' on

the arrangement, the easier it was to get confidential data data confidential get to was it easier the arrangement, the

we learned, was to develop close ties with telephone com- com- telephone with ties close develop to was learned, we

both spikes missed and went plummeting painfully down down painfully plummeting went and missed spikes both

ported to the FBI radio station in the Virginia countryside countryside Virginia the in station radio FBI the to ported jerry-built room where we practiced hooking up con- up hooking practiced we where room jerry-built

the pole. pole. the

cluster of towering radio antennas that completely dwarfs dwarfs completely that antennas radio towering of cluster

to learn the knack of pole climbing. At the site there is a a is there site the At climbing. pole of knack the learn to a solitary wooden practice pole. Once I "flared out" when when out" "flared I Once pole. practice wooden solitary a

conduits. conduits. refused to release the information. There was, I recall, a a recall, I was, There information. the release to refused

and plastering. On Saturdays, when the Justice Building Building Justice the when Saturdays, On plastering. and

ing a permutation method of finding a subject's wire loca- wire subject's a finding of method permutation a ing

particular wire out of the spaghetti-maze traversing the the traversing spaghetti-maze the of out wire particular cealed bugs, a feat that required some skill in carpentry carpentry in skill some required that feat a bugs, cealed

was practically deserted, we experimented in finding a a finding in experimented we deserted, practically was

eyes. The subject matter was fairly sophisticated, includ- includ- sophisticated, fairly was matter subject The eyes.

education. education.

the Bureau's Identification Building, away from random random from away Building, Identification Bureau's the

tion in the event an uncooperative telephone company company telephone uncooperative an event the in tion

In the session I attended there were about a dozen agents, agents, dozen a about were there attended I session the In

all with some degree of electronic background. Presum- background. electronic of degree some with all

in each of the 55 field offices—is in need of replenishment. replenishment. of need in offices—is field 55 the of each in

lum consisted of matter-of-fact discourses on electronic electronic on discourses matter-of-fact of consisted lum

ably I had been drafted because of my entirely technical technical entirely my of because drafted been had I ably

ethical considerations. considerations. ethical

security of Bureau space, and was not encumbered with with encumbered not was and space, Bureau of security eavesdropping and on countertechniques to preserve the the preserve to countertechniques on and eavesdropping

administered. Sound Schools are held regularly when the the when regularly held are Schools Sound administered. supply of qualified sound men—there must be at least one one least at be must men—there sound qualified of supply

not conveyed to those of us in Sound School. The curricu- The School. Sound in us of those to conveyed not

Las Vegas bugging caper "a studied, well-organized, well-organized, studied, "a caper bugging Vegas Las

ever thought of the practice in such harsh terms, it was was it terms, harsh such in practice the of thought ever

amply financed criminal conspiracy." If the FBI itself itself FBI the If conspiracy." criminal financed amply

attorney Edward Bennet Williams, who labeled the FBI's FBI's the labeled who Williams, Bennet Edward attorney

devastating assault to annihilate this mortal enemy." enemy." mortal this annihilate to assault devastating

One of the foremost responsibilities of a sound man, man, sound a of responsibilities foremost the of One

We were issued telephone installers' tool kits and trans- and kits tool installers' telephone issued were We

For the course we were sequestered to a room high in in high room a to sequestered were we course the For

Indeed, the Bureau technical program is thoroughly thoroughly is program technical Bureau the Indeed,

The perfervid call to arms clearly failed to impress impress to failed clearly arms to call perfervid The

less burglars of the Bureau" make a steady supplemental supplemental steady a make Bureau" the of burglars less

income this way. way. this income

mitted to Washington in carefully paraphrased form. form. paraphrased carefully in Washington to mitted

acknowledge the fruits of a successful bag job when sub- when job bag successful a of fruits the acknowledge

award" of $500 or $1000 in cash. A few recidivist "badge- recidivist few A cash. in $1000 or $500 of award"

clean of break-and-enter dirty work, they are quick to to quick are they work, dirty break-and-enter of clean

Often the risk taking agent is rewarded with an "incentive "incentive an with rewarded is agent taking risk the Often

most old hands recommend. Yet I never intended to resort resort to intended never I Yet recommend. hands old most

body block and dashing out. out. dashing and block body

knocking the man out and fleeing. It is the alternative that that alternative the is It fleeing. and out man the knocking

lemmas that agents on bag jobs dread: discovery and and discovery dread: jobs bag on agents that lemmas

narrowly missed being discovered by a friend of the sub- the of friend a by discovered being missed narrowly

ject who had a key to the house. It was one of those di- those of one was It house. the to key a had who ject

arrest or.... the alternative is to to is alternative the or.... arrest

record if caught—the FBI is the national keeper of crim- of keeper national the is FBI caught—the if record

to it. Perhaps I would have compromised by throwing a a throwing by compromised have would I Perhaps it. to

I didn't relish any. It wasn't a fear of compiling a criminal criminal a compiling of fear a wasn't It any. relish didn't I

inal records. It was more a visceral thing like the time I I time the like thing visceral a more was It records. inal

calls from the target neighborhood are ignored. ignored. are neighborhood target the from calls

surprise discovery. It is verified that the normal occupants occupants normal the that verified is It discovery. surprise

Rang, Rang,

are well away from the premises, and an FBI agent sits sits agent FBI an and premises, the from away well are

with the police radio dispatcher to ensure that prowler prowler that ensure to dispatcher radio police the with credentials or other items that might identify them with with them identify might that items other or credentials

"bag job," a term derived from the equipment kit that is is that kit equipment the from derived term a job," "bag

bug or photograph documents is known in the trade as a a as trade the in known is documents photograph or bug the FBI. All possible precautions are taken to preclude preclude to taken are precautions possible All FBI. the

described by mystery writer Rex Stout in in Stout Rex writer mystery by described

picking tools and several days' instruction in how to use use to how in instruction days' several and tools picking taken along. An actual bag job is not unlike the one one the unlike not is job bag actual An along. taken evident. evident.

the Justice Building, given non-inventory sets of lock- of sets non-inventory given Building, Justice the

Desert Inn, Fremont and Sands hotels. In preparing to to preparing In hotels. Sands and Fremont Inn, Desert

FBI orders for 25 leased lines which were used to channel channel to used were which lines leased 25 for orders FBI

agenda was lockpicking. At the tag end of the three-week three-week the of end tag the At lockpicking. was agenda

session, we were herded into a small room in the attic of of attic the in room small a into herded were we session, them. The purpose of all this was assumed to be self- be to assumed was this all of purpose The them.

Henderson Novelty Co., a "musical rental service." service." rental "musical a Co., Novelty Henderson

humor in the fact that the FBI hid behind the cover of the the of cover the behind hid FBI the that fact the in humor

pay the fiddler, the officials might have seen sardonic sardonic seen have might officials the fiddler, the pay

February 1964, the Central Telephone Company of Ne- of Company Telephone Central the 1964, February

wires connected to bugs in the Stardust, Riviera, Dunes, Dunes, Riviera, Stardust, the in bugs to connected wires

admitted that during the 1961-63 period they had filled filled had they period 1961-63 the during that admitted

may pay a stiff price for playing along with the FBI. In In FBI. the with along playing for price stiff a pay may

and invasion of privacy. Company officials grudgingly grudgingly officials Company privacy. of invasion and

vada was socked with a S6 million suit by Las Vegas Vegas Las by suit million S6 a with socked was vada

casino operators charging breach of contract, conspiracy conspiracy contract, of breach charging operators casino

Although the FBI high muckamucks keep their hands hands their keep muckamucks high FBI the Although

During my career I went on a number of bag jobs and and jobs bag of number a on went I career my During

Breaking and entering a subject's premises to install a a install to premises subject's a entering and Breaking

The most tight-lipped subject on the Sound School School Sound the on subject tight-lipped most The

Now it appears that at least one telephone company company telephone one least at that appears it Now

with the exception that agents never carry badges, badges, carry never agents that exception the with

act act

like a burglar by by burglar a like

The Doorbell Doorbell The

up his his up

commanded the headlines. headlines. the commanded

penny ante spy cases that had been kept simmering on on simmering kept been had that cases spy ante penny

fascinating game to see if Hoover has enough spy cases cases spy enough has Hoover if see to game fascinating

FBI bugging. bugging. FBI the back back the

crime required it. There was no indication of how much much how of indication no was There it. required crime

out G-men had closed in on the principals in a couple of of couple a in principals the on in closed had G-men out

previous attorneys general had known about the scope of of scope the about known had general attorneys previous

Hoover himself. Marshall acknowledged that, until re- until that, acknowledged Marshall himself. Hoover

cently, the FBI chief had possessed a blank check from the the from check blank a possessed had chief FBI the cently,

for the FBI in its recent history. But before the day was was day the before But history. recent its in FBI the for

had been installed on on installed been had

safety" was at stake or whenever combatting organized organized combatting whenever or stake at was safety"

cided that "the interest of internal security or national national or security internal of interest "the that cided

Justice Department to bug whenever he unilaterally de- unilaterally he whenever bug to Department Justice

courts. Already the preliminary sparring is underway. On On underway. is sparring preliminary the Already courts.

stepped before the Supreme Court to advise that the bug bug the that advise to Court Supreme the before stepped

Evidently he agreed. When San Francisco hearings opened opened hearings Francisco San When agreed. he Evidently

moved from the agenda and the stentorian senator con- senator stentorian the and agenda the from moved found in the suite of Fred Black Jr., the convicted lobbyist, lobbyist, convicted the Jr., Black Fred of suite the in found

July 13, 1966, U.S. Solicitor General Marshall Thurgood General Solicitor U.S. 1966, 13, July

illegal entry from agents of the beleaguered IRS. IRS. beleaguered the of agents from entry illegal

to suasion, and the issue will shortly come to a head in the the in head a to come shortly will issue the and suasion, to

centrated instead on eliciting admissions of bugging and and bugging of admissions eliciting on instead centrated

after the first of the year, the FBI had been quietly re- quietly been had FBI the year, the of first the after

himself, was to prevail upon the senator to lay off the FBI. FBI. the off lay to senator the upon prevail to was himself,

FBI. For another, in December 1965, he received a visit visit a received he 1965, December in another, For FBI. Nicholas deB. Katzenbach. The attorney general's mis- general's attorney The Katzenbach. deB. Nicholas

home state newspapers for trifling with the sacrosanct sacrosanct the with trifling for newspapers state home

sion, reportedly undertaken at the behest of the President President the of behest the at undertaken reportedly sion,

(where it heard testimony from a private detective that he he that detective private a from testimony heard it (where

racketeers), it gingerly shut the door. door. the shut gingerly it racketeers), at his home from no less a personage than than personage a less no from home Missouri his at

maligned Internal Revenue Service. But when Long's Long's when But Service. Revenue Internal maligned G-men had tuned in on the conversation of suspected suspected of conversation the on in tuned had G-men

had bugged under FBI hire) and Kansas City (where the the (where City Kansas and hire) FBI under bugged had

group cautiously peeped inside the FBI's closet in Miami Miami in closet FBI's the inside peeped cautiously group

snooping by government agencies, mainly the much- the mainly agencies, government by snooping

mittee has been busily exposing a thicket of electronic electronic of thicket a exposing busily been has mittee

illegal activities have not been challenged by a timid Con- timid a by challenged been not have activities illegal

V. Long of Missouri. For over a year now the subcom- the now year a over For Missouri. of Long V.

ability to cry "national security" when confronted, its its confronted, when security" "national cry to ability gress. A case in point is the Subcommittee on Adminis- on Subcommittee the is point in case A gress.

trative Practice and Procedure headed by Senator Edward Edward Senator by headed Procedure and Practice trative

As the bugging controversy heats up this fall it will be a a be will it fall this up heats controversy bugging the As

July 13th shaped up as one of the most unlucky days days unlucky most the of one as up shaped 13th July

Yet the Las Vegas casino operators are not vulnerable vulnerable not are operators casino Vegas Las the Yet

For one thing, Long was sternly taken to task by his his by task to taken sternly was Long thing, one For

Probably because of the FBI's formidable image and its its and image formidable FBI's the of because Probably

sleeve sleeve

burner, burner,

to go around. around. go to

and stories of FBI prowess once again again once prowess FBI of stories and

the the

express authorization of J. Edgar Edgar J. of authorization express RAMPARTS 55 55 RAMPARTS Westward: giant-bulbed orange at the other side— Proem To Music strung over his back and empty handed singing on this planet earth I'm a lonely Dog, 0 Mother! Wichita Vortex Sutra Come Nebraska, sing & dance with toe— Come lovers of Lincoln and Omaha, by Allen Ginsberg hear my soft voice at last This is the first printing of Part I of Allen Ginsberg's two part proem. As Babes need the chemical touch of flesh in pink infancy, lest they die Idiot returning to the Inhuman— Nothing— Turn Right Next Corner So, tender lipt adolescent girl, pale youth, give me back my soft kiss The Biggest Little Town in Kansas Hold me in your innocent arms, Macpherson accept my tears as yours to harvest The red sun setting streaked along the flat plains west, equal in nature to the Wheat gauzy veils of chimney mist that made your bodies muscular on their bones, around the christmas tree lights of a refinery—aluminum broad shouldered, boy bicept- white tanks squat beneath from leaning on cows & drinking the Milk winking signal towers' of Midwest Solitude— bright-lit bulbs and flares of orange No more fear of Tenderness, much delight in Weeping, ecstasy gas flame in Singing, Laughter rises that confounds pillows of smoke staring Idiot mayors midst machinery— and stony politicians eyeing transparent towers in the dusk Thy breast, 0 Man of America, be born! In advance of the Cold Wave Truth breaks through! Snow is spreading eastward to How big is the prick of the President? the Great Lakes How big is Cardinal Viet-Nam? News Broadcasts & old clarinets How little the prince of the P. B. I., unmarried all these years— car radio speeding accost railroad tracks How big are all the Public Figures? Lighted dome watertower on the flat plains— What kind of hanging flesh have they, hidden behind their Images? Approaching Salina, Kansas! Kansas! Shuddering at last! Prehistoric Indian excavation. Person appearing in Kansas! Apache Uprising in the drive-in theater angry telephone calls to the University Shelling Bombing Range napped in the distance, Police dumbfounded at the hoods Crime Prevention Show sponsored by Wrigley's Spearmint Radio of their radiocars A Dinosaur on the Sinclair advertisement, glowing green. While Poets sing to Allah in the roadhouse Showboat! South 9th Street lined with poplar and elm Blue eyed children dance and hold thy Hand 0 aged Walt, spread over the evening's tiny headlights— who came from Lawrence to Topeka to envision Salinas High School's Gothic brick darkened Iron interlaced above the city plain— over a lighted door— Telegraph wires strung from city to city 0 Melville! What wreaths of naked bodies, thighs & faces, Television brightening thy "rills of Kansas lone" small hairy bun'd vaginas, I come, silver cocks, armpits and breasts a lone man from the void, riding in a bus moistened by tears hypnotized by the red tail lights in the straight for 20 years, for 40 years? space road ahead- Peking Radio surveyed by Luden's Coughdrops & the Methodist minister with cracked eyes attacks on the Russians & Japanese, leaning over the table red radio tower lights on a hill quoting Kierkegaard on the death of God a million dollars winking against the black stars, in the bank owns all West Wichita Big Dipper leaning above the Nebraska border, come to Nothing! handle down to the blackened plains, Prajna Paramita Sutra over coffee—Vortex ghosts of telephone poles crossed of telephone radio bank aircraft nightclub along the roadside dim headlights— Newspaper streets illuminated by Bright Congressmen arguing radio Emptiness Capitol Cloakroom Thy sins are forgiven, Wichita! running thru Cloud County. Thy lonesomeness annulled, 0 Kansas dear! Just crossed State line! Hot dog! as the western Twang has prophesied How much is gas in Nebraska? thru the banjo when the lone cowboy walked up the railroad track Dark night, & giant T-bone steaks, past the empty station toward a squared canyon where and in the Village Voice the sun sank CNIA VIMIN



2. 2.

Space highway open, entering Lincoln's ear ear Lincoln's entering open, highway Space

1. 1.

What if I sang till Students knew I was free free was I knew Students till sang I if What

Singing as the car crash chomped thru blood blood thru chomped crash car the as Singing

What if I opened my soul to sing to my absolute self self absolute my to sing to soul my opened I if What

Language, language language Language,

Blue highway lights strung along the horizon horizon the along strung lights highway Blue

Bryan, born In Lincoln, is rumored to hare had Interest In Baby Doe Sibermlnes. Sibermlnes. Doe Baby In Interest had hare to rumored is Lincoln, In born Bryan,

mere Is No God but Gad (Allah): Maths, nraerelere cry & SEIB entails chant. chant. entails SEIB & cry nraerelere Maths, (Allah): Gad but God No Is mere

There's a nice white door over there there over door white nice a There's

William Jennings Bryan sang sang Bryan Jennings William

Thou Shalt not crucify Mankind upon a cross of Gold! Gold! of cross a upon Mankind crucify not Shalt Thou

What if I sang, and loosed the chords of fear brow? brow? fear of chords the loosed and sang, I if What

What exquisite noise wd wd noise exquisite What

under the stars on Highway 77 between Beatrice Beatrice between 77 Highway on stars the under

free to die in my thoughtful shivering Throne? Throne? shivering thoughtful my in die to free

ground to a stop at the tracks Warning Warning tracks the at stop a to ground

a circle of black earth in the rear window, window, rear the in earth black of circle a

chanting La Inaba El Lill Allah Lill El Inaba La chanting

revolving my head to my heart like my mother mother my like heart my to head my revolving

the lone One singing of myself myself of singing One lone the

language, language language language,

vaster than midnight prairies, prairies, midnight than vaster

now's the Highest Perfect Wisdom dust dust Wisdom Perfect Highest the now's

—an unregenerate old fop who didn't want to be a monkey monkey a be to want didn't who fop old unregenerate —an

a giant dormitory brilliant on the evening plain plain evening the on brilliant dormitory giant a

nearer than the vein in my neck— neck— my in vein the than nearer

beacon lights on oceanic plain plain oceanic on lights beacon

of Viet-Nam, trousers, free of my own meat, meat, own my of free trousers, Viet-Nam, of

freer than my own self, self, own my than freer

I am the Universe tonite tonite Universe the am I

Nebraskas of solitary Allah, Allah, solitary of Nebraskas

for me 0 dear! on Zero Street. Street. Zero on dear! 0 me for

"Better not to move but let things be" reverend Preacher? Preacher? reverend be" things let but move to not "Better

New Frontier Productions presents presents Productions Frontier New

Faustus vanishing weeping weeping vanishing Faustus

drifts with his memories— memories— his with drifts

Homestead National Monument Monument National Homestead

survives compassionate in the Highschool Anthology— Anthology— Highschool the in compassionate survives

freer than Nebraska, freer than America, America, than freer Nebraska, than freer

for miles along highway highway along miles for

0 Baby Doe! Baby 0

chauffeured thru my Self by a long haired saint with eyeglasses eyeglasses with saint haired long a by Self my thru chauffeured

riding in all my Power riding riding Power my all in riding

over the Big Blue River River Blue Big the over

Joy, I am I I am I Joy,

chin abreast at Allah Allah at abreast chin

shiver my car companions? companions? car my shiver

no cars cars no

muscle tendon skull? skull? tendon muscle

Camp Comedy: Fairies I have met. met. have I Fairies Comedy: Camp

East at Hebron Hebron at East

Pioneer Boulevard— Boulevard— Pioneer

Department Store castle-hulks o'er 10th St. now now St. 10th o'er castle-hulks Store Department

in magic smoke of Joy! Pouf! reddish vapor, vapor, reddish Pouf! Joy! of smoke magic in

God come true— true— come God

We've already disappeared! disappeared! already We've

Eyes closed, blackness blackness closed, Eyes

2 2

Gold's Gold's

May I disappear disappear I May

near Beatrice— Beatrice— near

, ,

Who Who

& &

& &

laughing laughing

and Lindsay's cry cry Lindsay's and

Thrills of fear, fear, of Thrills

& &

Lincoln-1 Lincoln-1

February February



1966 1966

ble. Hence a _bitting _bitting a Hence ble.

quantity of literature, notably the War- War- the notably literature, of quantity

alienated psychopath. Once we accept accept we Once psychopath. alienated

every action becomes, in a sense, credi- sense, a in becomes, action every

the premise of Oswald's insanity, his his insanity, Oswald's of premise the

the Kennedy murder to one lonely, lonely, one to murder Kennedy the

for Dick Tracy, the CIA or Norman Norman or CIA the Tracy, Dick for

explications, be they criminological, criminological, they be explications,

The American public, itself without in- without itself public, American The

Podhoretz? Podhoretz?

and "Which side are you on, boy?" boy?" on, you are side "Which and political, or psychological. Is it a case case a it Is psychological. or political,

nessed drama, must seek independent independent seek must drama, nessed

vestigative tools to appraise the wit- the appraise to tools vestigative

should have occasioned a spate of dis- of spate a occasioned have should

been supplanted largely by the more more the by largely supplanted been perplexing problem: "What was it?" it?" was "What problem: perplexing (as opposed to the cinematic verity) of of verity) cinematic the to opposed (as

what occurred. The traditional ques- traditional The occurred. what tion of "Who done it?" seems to have have to seems it?" done "Who of tion

cloak-and-dagger political conspiracy, conspiracy, political cloak-and-dagger

agreement as to the simple facts of of facts simple the to as agreement

by sophisticated disbelief in the reality reality the in disbelief sophisticated by

dent of the United States, coming at a a at coming States, United the of dent

historio-cultural moment characterized characterized moment historio-cultural


Leopold Zaftig. Vanitas. 29 pp. $.85. $.85. pp. 29 Vanitas. Zaftig. Leopold

111:691 pp., IV: 460 pp. $24. $24. pp. 460 IV: pp., 111:691

boeuf. Levittown, N. Y.: Ulov G. H. H. G. Ulov Y.: N. Levittown, boeuf.


395 pp. $4.95. $4.95. pp. 395 Lebo./ 4 Vols. I: 495 pp., 387 pp., pp., 387 pp., 495 I: Vols. 4 Lebo./

attsrown, Md.: Harold Weisberg. 208 208 Weisberg. Harold Md.: attsrown,





New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Winston. & Rinehart Holt, York: New

pp. $4.95. (paper) (paper) $4.95. pp.

York: Viking. 224 pp. $5. $5. pp. 224 Viking. York:

Reviewed by Jacob Brackman Brackman Jacob by Reviewed

Thus far the consensus has attributed attributed has consensus the far Thus

at that an event like the murder murder the like event an that at of a young and attractive Presi- attractive and young a of


and Faye Levine Levine Faye and

by Edward Jay Epstein. New New Epstein. Jay Edward by

by Harold Weisberg. Hy- Weisberg. Harold by

Books: Books:

by Ulov G. K. Le- K. G. Ulov by

and and

by Mark Lane. Lane. Mark by

to to


be wondered wondered be

unreadable unreadable


studied the published works of Epstein, Epstein, of works published the studied

a recognizably new theory of his own. own. his of theory new recognizably a

mission's 26 volumes 13 times through, through, times 13 volumes 26 mission's

of official arguments, but also to offer offer to also but arguments, official of search, Leboeuf read read Leboeuf search,

During three years of painstaking re- painstaking of years three During

and perspective equal to his undertaking. undertaking. his to equal perspective and

not only to fly aggressively in the face face the in aggressively fly to only not

thors, Leboeuf has had the courage courage the had has Leboeuf thors,

r cadilloes of the American psyche) have have psyche) American the of cadilloes

saving measures). It would appear that that appear would It measures). saving provided him with a breadth of vision vision of breadth a with him provided

Leboeurs Franco-Russian parentage, parentage, Franco-Russian Leboeurs

applied sociology at the Austrian Uni- Austrian the at sociology applied

Levittown (to study first-hand the pec- the first-hand study (to Levittown

combined with a rigorous grounding in in grounding rigorous a with combined versity and his subsequent residence in in residence subsequent his and versity

tic study occasioned certain money- certain occasioned study tic

privately his unprecedented iconoclas- unprecedented his privately

(it may be that the necessity to publish publish to necessity the that be may (it

completes a new work, Ulov G. K. Le- K. G. Ulov work, new a completes

boeuf s s boeuf

expected to serve as introduction to a a to introduction as serve to expected

umes bound in unorthodox dick paper paper dick unorthodox in bound umes

the events of November 22 might be be might 22 November of events the

iance to point point to iance

he too shares that overweanittic- that shares too he

tenable conspiracy theory ...) But no, no, But ...) theory conspiracy tenable

cer Tippit, and 14 newsmen who inter- who newsmen 14 and Tippit, cer

viewed Jack Ruby—linked intimately to to intimately Ruby—linked Jack viewed

Oswald's innocence. (Impeccable docu- (Impeccable innocence. Oswald's

police officers who accompanied Offi- accompanied who officers police

mentation of 72 unnatural deaths— unnatural 72 of mentation

Warren Commission's collection of red red of collection Commission's Warren ing than his already familiar theory of of theory familiar already his than ing

last provide something more nourish- more something provide last

including the Oswald bus driver, both both driver, bus Oswald the including

ask), and Harold Weisberg's Weisberg's Harold and ask),

herrings. One had hoped that Mark Mark that hoped had One herrings. guilty for Lee Harvey Oswald. Unhap- Oswald. Harvey Lee for guilty

been little better. Edward lay Epstein's Epstein's lay Edward better. little been

analysis of the workings of the Com- the of workings the of analysis

wash, wash, cated to a predeteriiiiiicr a to cated

pily, the works of the opposition have have opposition the of works the pily,

mission (So what? one is inclined to to inclined is one what? (So mission

Inquest Inquest Lane, in in Lane,

ren Commission's 26 volumes, dedi- volumes, 26 Commission's ren

Alone among the assassination au- assassination the among Alone

It is therefore therefore is It


a literary-pedantic analysis of the the of analysis literary-pedantic a

is merely a legal-pedantic close close legal-pedantic a merely is

Time of Assassins, Assassins, of Time

Rush to Judgment, Judgment, to Rush

an an


with with

accusinilmger. accusinilmger.

the the

gratiiiidithat one one gratiiiidithat

Warren Com- Warren



iffidict of of iffidict

four vol- four

would at at would


Polaroid Land cameras which photo- photo- which cameras Land Polaroid

ment), with George Hamilton's evasion evasion Hamilton's George with ment),

establishment of identity between the the between identity of establishment

of the draft and Ben Bella's ascension ascension Bella's Ben and draft the of

to power (II: 289-96)—or his striking striking his 289-96)—or (II: power to

at 5:27 p.m. and ended at 5:27 a.m. a.m. 5:27 at ended and p.m. 5:27 at "You could set your watch by that \ \ that by watch your set could "You

thine he quips, in a rare playful mo- playful rare a in quips, he thine

ingenious linking of the eastern sea- eastern the of linking ingenious

board blackout (the blackout which which blackout (the blackout board

bold flights of speculation, such as the the as such speculation, of flights bold

L13.1 for a giant laser beam test, began began test, beam laser giant a for L13.1

Leboeuf maintains was effected by by effected was maintains Leboeuf

atively to be welcomed in the current current the in welcomed be to atively

lily-livered literary atmosphere. Several Several atmosphere. literary lily-livered

doubt regrettable, but nevertheless rel- nevertheless but regrettable, doubt of a scheduled psychedelic purge), one one purge), psychedelic scheduled a of

yet unproven, but not irrevocably so! so! irrevocably not but unproven, yet

MISCELLANY MISCELLANY cided, perhaps unwisely, to commit him- commit to unwisely, perhaps cided, servant in the Huxley household as part part as household Huxley the in servant

self in print on the basis of intuition—as intuition—as of basis the on print in self

to amass sufficient evidence and has de- has and evidence sufficient amass to

on November 22, was in fact poisoned poisoned fact in was 22, November on

by a female FBI agent working as a a as working agent FBI female a by

and attention to manifold ramifications ramifications manifold to attention and

has the feeling that he has not had time time had not has he that feeling the has which must be commended. Where he he Where commended. be must which

gestion that Aldous Huxley, also dying dying also Huxley, Aldous that gestion

Sports Drome Range, the Ford-Lincoln Ford-Lincoln the Range, Drome Sports

volumes bespeaks bespeaks volumes

falls short (as in the thinly veiled sug- veiled thinly the in (as short falls

and cinnamon roll purchases), the the purchases), roll cinnamon and

cery (scene of the much-discussed milk milk much-discussed the of (scene cery agency, and the notorious Tsien- notorious the and agency,

Huang's hand laundry. laundry. hand Huang's

ords and 1960-1963 telephone direc- telephone 1960-1963 and ords

Dallas-Irving 1960 tax assessor's rec- assessor's tax 1960 Dallas-Irving

six months with FBI officers as they they as officers FBI with months six

porium. porium.

unexplored documents, including the the including documents, unexplored

November, 1963, and several Irving Irving several and 1963, November, retail stores, including Hutchison 's gro- 's Hutchison including stores, retail

tories, the ledgers for the month of of month the for ledgers the tories, gathered their information on bi- on information their gathered

an impressive collection of hitherto hitherto of collection impressive an

well as all their first drafts—and spent spent drafts—and first their all as well

Buchanan, Yomarian, and Holmes—as Holmes—as and Yomarian, Buchanan,

weekly forays to lack Ruby's strip em- strip Ruby's lack to forays weekly

Weisberg, Lane, Salandria, Cook, Ford, Ford, Cook, Salandria, Lane, Weisberg,

This lapse of scholarly caution is no no is caution scholarly of lapse This

The massive evidence in these four four these in evidence massive The

Furthermore, Leboeuf made made Leboeuf Furthermore,

a a

scholarly patience patience scholarly RAMPARTS 59 59 RAMPARTS graphed JFK in the emergency room at vocational school, but that upon mov- in red; Exhibit 252, III: 654: a comic Leboeuf suggests that these four men presents convincing new evidence link- Parkland Hospital, Adlai Stevenson in ing out of that city had apparently dis- book retrieved from a Mexican house were the core of the conspiracy, or its ing a number of prominent millionaire "I congratulate you on inaugurating his last moments with Marietta Tree, appeared. Like Tomlinson, though, he of ill-repute with the name "Oswell" fighting arm at least, and that they had conservatives, as well as a few beer, such a series..."—AUSTIN WARREN and Malcolm X upon entering the in- had a club-footed wife named Mary scrawled upon it), that the scrupulously been sent to Dallas-Irving to live with oil and birth control trusts, with the terned Harlem ballroom (11: 34-44)— from whom he was divorced. academic reader might have occasional Lee Harvey Oswald precisely to learn plot. The case for an inside job is per- are almost breathtaking in their inci- Having established his point, Le- doubts over the unorthodox, even to be replicas of him. suasive, if not incontrovertible. sive acumen. boeuf goes on to reveal that Mary manic, spirit with which Leboeuf has When given a lie detector test, Selma Leboeuf shows, for instance, that the Heverford, divorced wife of Artemis conducted his investigations. One might Fingle, a near neighbor of the Oswalds angle of the bullet hole in Kennedy's AN INTERESTING form of argu- and second cousin to Jack Ruby, is have wished that the man had been in Irving, reported that she thought back, heretofore a subject of vigorous ment is used by Leboeuf with easily traced to her residence in Las able to write with a bit more of the Lee Harvey had a lot of brothers, for dispute, is of leas significance that the CC reference to bullet 399, for Vegas where, though continuing to use restraint that appeals (albeit for super- men that looked quite a bit like him fact, revealed by the Tupferman sili- which he unearths some pertinent new her first husband's name, she has be- ficial reasons) to the urban literate com- seemed to be entering and leaving the cone test on the plastic seatcovers of difficulties. Bullet 399, it will be re- come the common law wife of one munity which must, after all, approve house all the time. Also, Mrs. Fingle the Presidential automobile, that the called, is alleged by the Warren Report Officer Toasty, an FBI agent who fig- his work. declared, after dark all the shades were bullet was fired less than .0002 of a to have entered the back of Kennedy's ured prominently in Lee Harvey Os- always drawn in the Oswald home so millisecond before making contact with neck, exited at his throat on a down- wald's letter to the Soviet Embassy of LEBOW'', ELABORATES on one that all that could be seen were a num- the target within the car. This means ward path, then entered Connally's November 9. Officer Toasty turns out recently purported theory of "a ber of silhouettes. "I figured maybe that however fast the bullet might have back and exited just below the nipple, to be the Bureau's munitions expert for CC second Oswald:' declaring that they was having lotsa political meet- been traveling, either from the Knoll going through his wrist, reaching his the Nevada area, in whose Las Vegas it is right as far as it goes, but hardly ings. You know," Mrs. Fingle said. Ac- or the Book Depository, it still would fermur, and finally plopping out onto workshop are contained a sample the of begins going there. He wholeheartedly cording to Leboeuf, who was sitting in not have been able to reach the car so his stretcher, clean and undamaged all bullets and gunpowders being used assents to the view, and adds a third, on the FBI interview, the agents inter- rapidly. The conclusion is startling: the (Commission Exhibits 67-80 and 689). in America and Western Europe. fourth, and fifth Oswald, the four go- rupted at this point to say that Mrs. Kennedy bullet must have been fired This bullet, found by a Mr. Tomlin- Leboeuf does not actually state that ing by the names, respectively, of L. H. Fingle's testimony must be mistaken, either from within the car itself or from son when he was adjusting two stretch- Tomlinson (Heverford) was in such Oswell, H. L. Oswill, Lee R. V. Isabell, for Oswald had neither brothers nor extreme proximity to it. ers in Parkland Hospital blocking close cahoots with Toasty that the bul- and Oswald Herby. All answer to the male cousins, nor did his political group One eye-witness to the shooting, Mer- entrance to a men's room, is the most let was supplied by the one man and description of 5'9", 165 pounds. All have any membership. They went im- riweather Really, described the initial tangible piece of evidence against Os- planted by the other, nor even that his five men must have lived in the domi- mediately on to the next witness. reaction as appearing to be an awk- CONTEMPORARY WRITERS wald, since it alone links Oswald's gun camouflaged move from Johnson City cile of Marina Oswald in Irving, Texas, By this point in the volume, Le- ward, insufficiently rehearsed play. Two and the wounded men in Parkland Hos- to Dallas was specifically planned for for two years and six months preceding boeuf s meaning is clear. The FBI had shots rang out in quick succession, he IN CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE pital (although it still leaves moot the the incident, but the reader cannot help the assassination for, during that period to ignore Mrs. Fingle's report. The four stated, sounding like they were com- veracity of the bullet altogether, its but come away with suspicions along of time, it would be physically impos- Oswalds, one infers, may well have ing from Kennedy's car itself, or from a continuing series whereabouts previous to being discov- this line. Almost without seeming to sible for fewer than four men to have been previously working with Ameri- one of the can right behind. "The Thls extraordinary new series is ered, and the identity of the user of appreciate fully the significance of the accomplished all the tasks and appear- can Intelligence on a classified project Vice-President slapped Andy Young- Oswald's rifle). What Leboeuf adds to data himself, Leboeuf mentions casu- ances reported in oral testimony. All in Burbank, California. Such a theory blood on the back and whooped, and designed to provide a better under- our understanding of bullet 399 is the ally that among Toasty's wallet papers five variations on the name appear in dovetails neatly with the intimations the entire brigade of police and secret standing of a major author's work as result of some investigations into the (which Leboeuf arranged to be pick- the records of Dallas-Irving retailers of Leopold Zaftig, in his otherwise service men made a dash for the Knoll, seen in Christian perspective. The identity of Mr. Tomlinson. By studying pocketed from the agent at a New and in the guest ledgers of Mexican strident little pamphlet Oswald: Patsy almost as ill' testified Really, "they had form and contents of the booklets are municipal records of the Dallas-Irving Year's Eve party) were a compromising hotels. Although Leboeuf admits to Without Portfolio. Zaftig reprints a known in advance they were going to spec' flea I ly oriented to I iterarycriticism area, Leboeuf discovered that the man photograph of Robert Kennedy and some uncertainties in this area, he has portrait of ()meld with his rifle that head that way!' Needless to say, the ... the subjects are chosen from the named Tomlinson, employed as a jani- Marilyn Monroe, a sizable I.O.U. gathered evidence indicating that Lee appeared on a December, 1963 cover Warren Report did not include Really's entire spectrum of literary endeavor. tor in Parkland Hospital, had moved from Ronald Reagan, a United Airlines Harvey Oswald was the only one of the of Life magazine, pointing out that assertion. Twelve studies to be released yearly. into town only six months prior to No- credit card in the name of Senator five who was not a crack shot; that it while the shadow from Oswald's nose Whether or not Leboeufs entire vember, 1963. Before that his trail Ralph Yarborough, and a scrap of pa- was L H. Oswell, and not Oswald, who is cast directly down onto his upper lip chain of interlocking evidence has its Each 48 pages, $.85 disintegrates, for the Johnson City ad- per bearing the inscription A. IL: JO took the often-discussed trip to Mexico (indicating a twelve-noon sun), the own tenuous links, it is dishearteningly "(Drake's) examination of images and dress he gave turns out to be completely 8-9657—J0 being a Johnson City tele- in September, he having the greatest shadow of his body and gun extend apparent that the Commission Report symbols . . . is often illuminating, and false, the street non-existent, his name phone exchange. He presents a pho- resemblance to Lee Harvey among the sideways at a considerable angle (indi- has stretched plausibility to the break- the warmth of his admiration for Miss on no public records. tostat of the scrap, decorated with four and being already known to a cer- cating a late afternoon sun). Enlarge- ing point to accommodate its single- O'Connor and her work is pleasing." For a lesser sleuth than Ulov G. K. doodles of lips, breasts, and swords, as tain few Mexican girls; that it must ments of key segments of the photo- assassin hypothesis. This country's Leboeuf, this might have been a dead- Exhibit 17 (I: 404). have been Isabel!, an expert typist. graph reveal that Oswald's head has babes have been lulled into a delusional —GRANVILLE HICKS end, however provocative. But a chance In this manner, Leboeuf time and who sent off the letter to the Soviet been grafted onto another's body (Os- sense of security by the purveyors of NOW AVAILABLE! discovery led to further detections. A again presents new information in embassy; that it was H. L. Oswill who well's, according to Zaftig's perhaps official pap. The time has come for us to careful study of Jack Ruby's family areas scrupulously avoided by the offi- was the weekly buyer of milk and cin- too-charitable assumption), and that a start from our torpor and wail for the Charles Williams by Mary McDermott Shideler tree (as listed on a 1959 wedding invi- cial investigatory parties. namon rolls at Hutchison's grocery (a telescopic eight has been sketched in. truth. Leboeuf and his colleagues have Ernest Hemingway by Nathan A. Scott, Jr. tation posted in Ruby's kitchen cabi- But it is in Volumes III and IV that propensity of hiccoughing distinguished At various times during the years in shown us the way. Let as continue. T. S. Eliot by Neville Braybrooke net) turned up a cousin-in-law by the Leboeuf really pulls out the stops. It him definitively): and that Lee Harvey which the maneuvers were incubating, Flannery O'Connor by Robert Drake name of Artemis Heverford, who had is only here, among the murky Exhibits Oswald himself was seen around the the help of different political groups Jacob Brackman is a staff editor of the Edith Sitwell by Ralph J. Mills, Jr. 4l4 indeed resided in Johnson City up until New Yorker magazine. of the gigantic Volume III (Exhibit city most rarely, since, of all five, he was enlisted: sometimes the Castroites, exactly June, 1963. Leboeuf made in- 226, III: 581: a James Beard cookbook had the greatest tendency to spend his sometimes the anti-Castroites, some- Faye Levine, a graduate of Radcliffe, atm WM. B. EERDMANS quiry, and found that Heverford had from the pantry of Peggy Goldwater time sleeping, a tendency that amounted times the Communist-anarchists, and has published in the Harvard Crimson. PUBLISHING CO. worked as a janitor in a Johnson City with a recipe for cinnamon rolls circled virtually to a compulsion. sometimes the radical right. Leboeuf Grand fleOds. Michigan



dowry from John Wilcock, who was a a was who Wilcock, John from dowry

founder of the Voice but who recently recently who but Voice the of founder

lage Other. It contains bound volumes volumes bound contains It Other. lage

of a semi-Establishment, pro-weekly pro-weekly semi-Establishment, a of tabloid called the Village Voice, a a Voice, Village the called tabloid

office by an anti-Establishment, semi- anti-Establishment, an by office monthly tabloid called the East Vil- East the called tabloid monthly

(3C (3C



safe which came with a certain certain a with came which safe

East Side store front used as an an as used front store Side East

by Paul Krassner Krassner Paul by


Press: Press:

huge Marvin Marvin huge


' New York Times Book Book Times York New '

' '

This is not an experiment but a a but experiment an not is This

Gil Es Con yBox is a great novel novel great a is yBox Con Es Gil

solotion — an achievement which, which, achievement an — solotion

together with his his with together

Tnc Tnc


Sb n5 at ad hool ad at n5 Sb

writer of fiction we have at present. present. at have we fiction of writer

and one of the best we hove over over hove we best the of one and

had "—Rob,/ "—Rob,/ had

opinion stamps Barth as the hest hest the as Barth stamps opinion


stamp. 'We are sorry: America will say. say. will America sorry: are 'We stamp.

"Fifty years from now Dr. Leary's Leary's Dr. now from years "Fifty

picture might . . . be on a postage postage a on be . . . might picture

Timothy Leary. An editorial predicted: predicted: editorial An Leary. Timothy

was runnin' in the streets!' His ambi- His streets!' the in runnin' was

scholarship to the University of Okla- of University the to scholarship

tion now is to implode the American American the implode to is now tion

laid, and came to New York, where it it where York, New to came and laid,

myth toward more spiritual values. values. spiritual more toward myth

school he worked at the Enid (Okla.) (Okla.) Enid the at worked he school homa. "I went one year. couldn't get get couldn't year. one went "I homa.

Daily Eagle. He won a journalism journalism a won He Eagle. Daily

Bowan. When he was still in high high in still was he When Bowan.

turn. His Olympics stint was called on on called was stint Olympics His turn.

by banging his head against the wall. wall. the against head his banging by account of silliness. silliness. of account

middle of the pool in order to make a a make to order in pool the of middle

As a result he began to jump up in the the in up jump to began he result a As

that when he was in college training training college in was he when that

switched to the Other and is listed on on listed is and Other the to switched

his beard. In fact, his eyes are so bad bad so are eyes his fact, In beard. his

Katzman. His glasses are thicker than than thicker are glasses His Katzman. for the Olympic swimming team he he team swimming Olympic the for

knocked himself out on two occasions occasions two on out himself knocked

liam Randolph Hearst. Hearst. Randolph liam

its masthead as editor along with Wil- with along editor as masthead its

EVO's inspiration is LSD-researcher LSD-researcher is inspiration EVO's

EVO's publisher is painter Walter Walter painter is publisher EVO's

EVO's managing editor is poet Allan Allan poet is editor managing EVO's

Scholes. Scholes.


,Iler, ,Iler,

Review. Review.

in my my in


third novel, novel, third

rout page page rout

Greater London Other (GLO). Matu- Matu- (GLO). Other London Greater

in England where he wants to start the the start to wants he where England in

signature reproduced from an official official an from reproduced signature to Harvey Matusow, an occasional occasional an Matusow, Harvey to

contributor to EVO who is now living living now is who EVO to contributor

of fingerprints and J. Edgar Hoover's Hoover's Edgar J. and fingerprints of

men visited the office. office. the visited men

and Allen Ginsberg, along with a no- a with along Ginsberg, Allen and

trinity, Tim Leary, Ralph Ginzburg Ginzburg Ralph Leary, Tim trinity,

tice saying "Wanted by the FBI; a lot lot a FBI; the by "Wanted saying tice Crazies? with the rest of page one be- one page of rest the with Crazies?

Wanted flyer. flyer. Wanted

ing taken up by photos of the unholy unholy the of photos by up taken ing

banner headline, "America Hates Her Her Hates "America headline, banner

of South Vietnamese soldiers disguised disguised soldiers Vietnamese South of

there is obviously a surfeit of acid. acid. of surfeit a obviously is there as a preliminary to shooting a couple couple a shooting to preliminary a as

Village Other—where, between the lines, lines, the between Other—where, Village

in his mind as Viet Cong guerrillas. guerrillas. Cong Viet as mind his in

named Frank—to tell the senator ad- senator the tell Frank—to named

dicts how he had digested four goof goof four digested had he how dicts balls and a glass of beer for a chaser, chaser, a for beer of glass a and balls

former Marine helicopter crew chief chief crew helicopter Marine former


the senators and the drug addicts ..'.. ..'.. addicts drug the and senators the

"Under the giant chandeliers, boxed by by boxed chandeliers, giant the "Under marble and a red carpet, rolled out for for out rolled carpet, red a and marble

write a poem about the happening: happening: the about poem a write

sacrament. sacrament.

such circumstances? Why, by livening livening by Why, circumstances? such

testify on the role of LSD as a religious religious a as LSD of role the on testify scenes in the form of an underpaid at- underpaid an of form the in scenes

Hoo of the Neo-American Church, to to Church, Neo-American the of Hoo one's feelings of being exploited under under exploited being of feelings one's

does one go about compensating for for compensating about go one does

counsel to the subcommittee. How How subcommittee. the to counsel up the hearings, man! man! hearings, the up

torney, Bernard Tannenbaum, special special Tannenbaum, Bernard torney, a prosaic human element behind the the behind element human prosaic a

ing for methods and truths to improve improve to truths and methods for ing had been holding hearings. There was was There hearings. holding been had

'We thought you were corrupting our our corrupting were you thought 'We

thought that you were seriously search- seriously were you that thought children. We could not have possibly possibly have not could We children. man's condition!" condition!" man's


And so it came to pass that two FBI FBI two that pass to came it so And

The fingerprints actually all belonged belonged all actually fingerprints The

And you make contact with the East East the with contact make you And


You arrange for a heroin-addict—a heroin-addict—a a for arrange You

You commission Allen Ginsberg to to Ginsberg Allen commission You

You invite Arthur Kleps, Chief Boo Boo Chief Kleps, Arthur invite You


ing the friendly phone call from from call phone friendly the ing


Tannenbaum, EVO had run a a run had EVO Tannenbaum,

subcommittee on narcotics of of narcotics on subcommittee

the Committee on the Judiciary Judiciary the on Committee the





preceed- preceed-

a a

special special

Association of World Federalists. Federalists. World of Association

An affiliate of World World of affiliate An

the United Nations ...... Nations United the

enforceable world law law world enforceable

by strengthening strengthening by

United World Federalists . . Federalists World United

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suicide, or a one-world law; the sort of law that will create one one create will that law of sort the law; one-world a or suicide, working for. You can join the group: group: the join can You for. working

world of peace and national sovereignty. This is what we are are we what is This sovereignty. national and peace of world

shot a stranger and and stranger a shot

edge of decision and reason. We can decide on a simple one-bomb one-bomb simple a on decide can We reason. and decision of edge

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no one knows why. why. knows one no

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0 I Mirove of this airing of Newt. Enclosed Is my my Is Enclosed Newt. of airing this of Mirove I 0



this advertisement and future ones. ones. future and advertisement this

0 MO Single ... QTIS Couple Mentirship Dues. Dues. Mentirship Couple QTIS ... Single MO 0

Enroll ins In the United World Federalists. I enclose enclose I Federalists. World United the In ins Enroll

check Ter S S Ter check

working tor peace under world world under peace tor working

and what their detailed plans we. we. plans detailed their what and

United Nations, what they have have they what Nations, United

I amid like to find out more about the organisation the about more out find to like amid I


to help defray the cost of of cost the defray help to

sccoMplIshed sccoMplIshed

Mar Mar

and a stronger stronger a and

so far far so


1 1




entire What's My Line panel when when panel Line My What's entire

FBI, the communists and the late Sen- late the and communists the FBI,

now is hated with equal intensity by the the by intensity equal with hated is now

ator Joe McCarthy, for whom he was a a was he whom for McCarthy, Joe ator

sign reading: "Free LSD—Lick Here' Here' LSD—Lick "Free reading: sign

"Collector's Item!' Their other brush brush other Their Item!' "Collector's


the 3000 still remaining on newsstands newsstands on remaining still 3000 the

pointed out, for whatever it was worth, worth, was it whatever for out, pointed professional fink. He once stumped the the stumped once He fink. professional

they failed to pinpoint his occupation occupation his pinpoint to failed they

ly all sold individually over the counter, counter, the over individually sold all ly

the Bear's name without express per- express without name Bear's the

as "False Witness:' Witness:' "False as

that you're not allowed to use Smokey Smokey use to allowed not you're that

of 10,000 issues that had been printed, printed, been had that issues 10,000 of mobiles. However, they were eventual- were they However, mobiles.

braska, depicting a young man with a a with man young a depicting braska,

the FBI's name in vain. The agents also also agents The vain. in name FBI's the

with officialdom occurred when they they when occurred officialdom with

each copy having been rubber stamped stamped rubber been having copy each mailing pending redemption by author- author- by redemption pending mailing

published a cartoon by Howard Shoe- Howard by cartoon a published

the local post office who held up the the up held who office post local the It was deemed obscene by someone at at someone by obscene deemed was It mission. mission.


maker, the hippy-king of Omaha, Ne- Omaha, of hippy-king the maker, had to be recalled like dangerous auto- dangerous like recalled be to had

Anyway, it's against the law to use use to law the against it's Anyway,

EVO was let off with a warning, but but warning, a with off let was EVO



Dr. Wheelis has been • • been has Wheelis Dr.

Allen Allen author of of author

serious — into the process process the into — serious


illusions. Allen Wheelis, Wheelis, Allen illusions. of disenchantment and and disenchantment of


the importance of of importance the


times comic, sometimes sometimes comic, times

An exploration — some- — exploration An

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is secure? secure? is

question: Is there any any there Is question: A provocative provocative A new new

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amparts. amparts.

cent contrthutor to to contrthutor cent

IDENTITY, raises the the raises IDENTITY,

book by by book



the conquest of outer space because it it because space outer of conquest the

will affect the most personal, intimate intimate personal, most the affect will

legislators than even legislation about about legislation even than legislators

Senator Dodd identifies with John John with identifies Dodd Senator

places more responsibility upon you as as you upon responsibility more places

humility, I would like to submit that that submit to like would I humility,

"to the first sexual union:' After all, all, After union:' sexual first the "to problem of psychedelic chemicals chemicals psychedelic of problem

tions—should have an LSD session and and session LSD an have tions—should

report back to the committee:' committee:' the to back report

ened ened voluntarily and under proper condi- proper under and voluntarily

childhood or in a dream, or as as or dream, a in or childhood

sight in the analyst's officer But he he But officer analyst's the in sight

cidental moment of transcendence in in transcendence of moment cidental representative from this committee— this from representative before any action is decided upon, a a upon, decided is action any before

Wayne's politics but not his potency. potency. his not but politics Wayne's

was instructed to delete a comparison comparison a delete to instructed was

decision two days later, the obscenity obscenity the later, days two decision

at the death of a parent, or when you you when or parent, a of death the at

first time. It could be likened to to likened be could It time. first

and tie; Eve Babitz, who is alternately alternately is who Babitz, Eve tie; and were 15 years old and in love for the the for love in and old years 15 were

(:( religious conversion experience, an ac- an experience, conversion religious

question was sent to limbo and EVO EVO and limbo to sent was question

in a package deal containing his suit suit his containing deal package a in

lan Katzman, "because I had a beard, beard, a had I "because Katzman, lan crux of the matter; after an affirmative affirmative an after matter; the of crux fully honed. honed. fully stock holds who Sherwood, Paula and

on two Jews would've been too much much too been would've Jews two on

and they already had a beard—Allen beard—Allen a had already they and Office Manager or Wonder Woman; Woman; Wonder or Manager Office

Ginsberg—and he's Jewish. Two beards beards Two Jewish. he's Ginsberg—and

ities in Washington. "We're not sure sure not "We're Washington. in ities you're a newspaper!' was the technical technical the was newspaper!' a you're

to the gallery that even EVO people people EVO even that gallery the to waiting for their issues with anxious anxious with issues their for waiting

didn't have to be screened. screened. be to have didn't


gallery!' he admitted. But not so much much so not But admitted. he gallery!'

in both EVO and Bowart. Bowart. and EVO both in

to EVO's office. "We're playing to the the to playing "We're office. EVO's to tongues in cheek. cheek. in tongues identified in the staff box as either either as box staff the in identified

for the subcommittee!' subcommittee!' the for

was sent to a thousand subscribers subscribers thousand a to sent was

Senator Burdick chuckled quietly. quietly. chuckled Burdick Senator

Walter Bowart concluded: "In all all "In concluded: Bowart Walter

Paula Sherwood concluded: "The "The concluded: Sherwood Paula

"I didn't go to Washington!' says Al- says Washington!' to go didn't "I

Bowart, for example, had likened likened had example, for Bowart,

The chosen few were Walter Bowart Bowart Walter were few chosen The

Then prepared statements were care- were statements prepared Then

experience to "the feeling one has has one feeling "the to experience

awareness of psychoanalytic in- psychoanalytic of awareness

spewed forth friendly special special friendly forth spewed


counsel Bernie Tannenbaum in- Tannenbaum Bernie counsel


a deep- a

an an

a a

office ruling. They would never have have never would They ruling. office

see a sign that says: 'This is not a a not is 'This says: that sign a see

of our drug-filled society!' society!' drug-filled our of

ibly discussing the issues and problems problems and issues the discussing ibly

smoke marijuana or take LSD for the the for LSD take or marijuana smoke

Drug Store. It is a Newspaper respons- Newspaper a is It Store. Drug

let an obscene drug store go through through go store drug obscene an let the mails without a prescription. prescription. a without mails the

officially warned: "Be sure you don't don't you sure "Be warned: officially

you can just check the authentic post post authentic the check just can you

man with a telescope keeps focused on on focused keeps telescope a with man

Park where the Welfare Building is, a a is, Building Welfare the where Park

cotics branch of the Food and Drug Drug and Food the of branch cotics

Administration) would like to discredit discredit to like would Administration)

with you. Goddard's Army (the nar- (the Army Goddard's you. with

was the lowest form of consciousness consciousness of form lowest the was the East Village Other people. people. Other Village East the

ended in Washington, the trio was un- was trio the Washington, in ended

the committee ...... committee the

expansion. expansion.

distance they were standing apart: it it apart: standing were they distance

can think of some way so that I will will I that so way some of think can

next six months. Always have a witness witness a have Always months. six next acid.

them as cops because of the deliberate deliberate the of because cops as them

"If the Congress should see fit to make make to fit see should Congress the "If

tunate tunate

Senator Edward Kennedy, chimed in: in: chimed Kennedy, Edward Senator

"Nothing wrong with that. I have had had have I that. with wrong "Nothing Sherwood: "You are in school now, now, school in are "You Sherwood:

body around to follow me? me? follow to around body

part of man—his mind!' mind!' man—his of part

are you notr' notr' you are

not become a criminal!' criminal!' a become not

the same experience:' experience:' same the

porting? porting?

would you keep using it?" it?" using keep you would

me my tuition so I could finish school. school. finish could I so tuition my me

possession and use (of LSD] illegal, illegal, LSD] (of use and possession


And if there is any doubt about that, that, about doubt any is there if And

And now, across Tompkins Square Square Tompkins across now, And

If he looks carefully enough, he'll he'll enough, carefully looks he If

When the official testimony had had testimony official the When

They wanted to buy some lysergic lysergic some buy to wanted They

Senator Burdick asked Miss Babitz: Babitz: Miss asked Burdick Senator

Senator Burdick: Burdick: Senator

Later Senator Burdick asked Miss Miss asked Burdick Senator Later

Senator Burdick: Burdick: Senator

Miss Babitz: Babitz: Miss Eve Babitz concluded: "Maybe you you "Maybe concluded: Babitz Eve

Miss Sherwood: Sherwood: Miss

Miss Babitz: Babitz: Miss

Miss Sherwood: Yes. Yes. Sherwood: Miss

At which point the pride of Harvard, Harvard, of pride the point which At

around to EVO's office again. again. office EVO's to around

You could immediately spot spot immediately could You

WELL, THE FEDERAL MEN carne carne MEN FEDERAL THE WELL, enough to have someone give give someone have to enough


Probably, yes. yes. Probably,

Will you send some- send you Will

Partially. I was was I Partially.

Pardon me. me. Pardon

Are you self-sup- you Are



Paul Blanshard onVatican II II onVatican Blanshard Paul

went to Rome I could could I Rome to went

argument, and the greatest greatest the and argument,

For me there was complete complete was there me For pertinent document. The door was open and no intellectual holds were barred." barred." were holds intellectual no and open was door The document. pertinent

receive. receive. time has been the target target the been has time

many pages critical critical pages many

Paul Blanshard on Vatican 11 Vatican on Blanshard Paul

and appraisal of the Council." Council." the of appraisal and

"This is a book for which many have been waiting. In view view In waiting. been have many which for book a is "This

have been bathed in almost unrelieved euphoria. This is the the is This euphoria. unrelieved almost in bathed been have

first comprehensive comprehensive first

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of the astounding and wholly unexpected unexpected wholly and astounding the of

treatments of it, whether by by whether it, of treatments

A significant October publishing achievement: achievement: publishing October significant A

I must say say must I

Published by BEACON PRESS PRESS BEACON by Published

Vatican Council, it is not surprising surprising not is it Council, Vatican

Paul Blansliar Blansliar Paul

of Catholic policy. Certainly no other American of my my of American other no Certainly policy. Catholic of that no writer was ever treated with more genuine consideration. consideration. genuine more with treated ever was writer no that

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possible generosity in supplying me with every every with me supplying in generosity possible

— Henry P. P. Henry —

friendliness, complete interchange of fact and and fact of interchange complete friendliness,

Catholics or by by or Catholics

—"I suppose no other American has written so so written has American other no suppose —"I

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"In a timely and interpretive interpretive and timely a "In

volume, the author author the volume,

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This careful study study careful This

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Church gained in the the in gained Church

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image of the Catholic Catholic the of image

values." values."

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the light of traditional traditional of light the

major defeat for for defeat major

traditional American American traditional

Protestantism and and Protestantism

as a 20th century institution. institution. century 20th a as

can properly be designated designated be properly can An important and lively work." work." lively and important An

— John Wesley Lord Lord Wesley John —

sence has been changed. His devastating analysis of Paul Paul of analysis devastating His changed. been has sence

form is required even in the non-dogmatic aspects of Catholic Catholic of aspects non-dogmatic the in even required is form

teaching and practice before the Church Church the before practice and teaching VI, the the VI,

"Paul Blanshard's latest work penetrates penetrates work latest Blanshard's "Paul

created by the Vatican Council and reveals how little little how reveals and Council Vatican the by created

among among

come something of a Catholic prophet.' prophet.' Catholic a of something come

a man of clear secular conviction and purity purity and conviction secular clear of man a

also a community of faith. Nevertheless, Mr. Blanshard is is Blanshard Mr. Nevertheless, faith. of community a also

does not understand many of of many understand not does

book will will book

critic of the Council. He treats Roman Catholicism as a a as Catholicism Roman treats He Council. the of critic American Freedom and Catholic Power; Power; Catholic and Freedom American

political institution which lives by power and and power by lives which institution political

(and instead impugn impugn instead (and

this book. Paul Blanshard is a humane, fair, hard hard fair, humane, a is Blanshard Paul book. this

The Washington Area Area Washington The

Methodist Church Church Methodist

— Will Will —

Bishop of the the of Bishop

BOSTON 02108 02108

— Paul Blanshard Blanshard Paul —

American Jewish Congress Congress Jewish American

Executive Director Director Executive

press. press.

'institutional Pope,' demonstrates how much more re- more much how demonstrates Pope,' 'institutional

conservative conservative

values.... values....

instruct and goad many Catholics even more more even Catholics many goad and instruct

Maslow Maslow

When I I When

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his sincerity), sincerity), his

— Michael Novak Novak Michael —

those those

(author of The The of (author

Vatican II, Act II) II) Act II, Vatican

Stanford University University Stanford

things which make of it it of make which things

Paul Blanshard Blanshard Paul

for ironically, ironically, for

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open open

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Paul, read read Paul,

euphoria euphoria

Church: Church:

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has be- be- has

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even even than than "She" reclines on her back, legs spread house, whose exterior is, in effect, a Art: apart, with breasts hovering just below piece of painted sculpture, while the an otherwise austere looking ceiling. interior ends up being a sort of in- "She painted and decorated in pure ternational bourgeois playboy club. bright poster-colors, is probably the Related in a general way to the recent most enormous lady in waiting (with history of "happenings:' "She's" mean- the possible exception of the Statue of ing is intensive if shortlived, as if the Liberty) in the world today. There is plan is to provide a memory survival always a brisk line waiting to enter her of an art event, not unlike the now body by way of her vaginal portal. So famous manifestations which took voluptuous is "She" that she is capable place at the Grande Raison Dada on of receiving, containing and entertain- the 14th of April, 1921, that were to ing up to 150 people simultaneously. change the context of art history during "She" is the baby of artist Niki de St. the next 40 years. Phalle of Los Angeles, New York and The feeling throughout "She both Paris, whose concept and unique direc- inside and out, is free and spontaneous, tion are largely responsible for bringing a kind of unreflected though well or- EVERYMAN'S GIRL "She" to passive and helpless life. ganized dialogue with every fantasy by Arthur Secunda Nevertheless, the prodigious execution that erotic 20th century man's fanciful of this Lifilth was a collaborative ef- leisure produces. It is an ironic fact and Jan Thunholm fort. Niki took care of the outside, that "She" is more revealing, socio- while Swiss kinetic sculptor Jean "Suels RESIDING at the Museum logically speaking, about the contem- of Modern Art in Stockholm Tinguely and Swedish artist P. 0. Ult- porary male than it is about the female. this summer. A truly social vedt joined hands to try and make the This, despite the fact that the creator product of her environment, "She" was interior as homey a place as this in this case was a female, albeit a female made for many by many. A female bizarre environment would permit. As who sees the world as her male chief- Colossus of Gargantuan proportions, a team, this group worked together in tains would have her see it. creating "Dylaby" in Amsterdam in Superficially it would seem as if 1962. "She" is not so much a solemn homage Upon entering "She's" genitalia, one as an earthy, lusty, materialistic event is at first appropriately shrouded in made for and by people who love life SHOULDN'T YOU darkness. Soon, moving, grinding black and a good time. In short, for people KNOW THE BOOK and white wheels are discerned, and as who are content. Even the inscription one's eyes become accustomed to the on "She's" legs, "Honi Soit qui Mal y "which bears roughly eery light, macabre architecturally sa- Pease:' is a pun-like reminder not to the same relation tirical discoveries may be made. There seek depth of thought. It is rather a bi- is an art gallery, then a bar where glass zarre gag, woven in decorative beauty. to standardized is being continually crunched in typical The truth is that this enormous psychoanalytic theory Tinguelian style. Further on, one can characterization is a self-portrait with as Marshall McLuhan's see a movie, then retire to a secluded the most poignant implications. "She" corner with love seat generously pro- is a double for "we Apt on our backs 'Understanding Media' vided. Literally speaking, when one in primeval position, victimized, help- does to communications enters "She's" bowels, one is awed by lessly mauled over, laughed at, ex- a mysterious dome from which drops ploited and used, painted as we paint theory—i.e. spine-tingling." a brittle ladder. This, it turns out, is the ourselves, objectified as we find our- —NEW YORK TIMES navel, and incidentally, a kind of exit selves objects, and in a sense laughing Its title is: with a wonderous view outside the on the outside while dying on the in- museum's elegant front doors. For the side. Our Brohdingnagian and Lilli- LIFE AGAINST DEATH record, "She" is also called, somewhat putian relationships to "She" will be by NORMAN 0. BROWN presumptuously, "The Cathedral!' discussed and felt for a long time. And Visitors to this strange shrine appear I believe that as a social document Author of Love's Body Editions In print: curiously amused in modern Sweden. history will show it to be more in the Wesleyan University Press ($6.50) One can only surmise the criticism and tradition of Bosch than Duchamp. Modern Library Paperback 01.65) indignation of such a display in Cali- Routledge & Kagan Peal Arthur Secunda is a noted artist and Eros at Thanatos, Rene Jo!Hard fornia, following the ridiculous goings- Zukuntt in, Isiah. den Eros on by the Board of Supervisors during print-maker living in Los Angeles. Verlag GOnther Macke La Vita Contra La Mona the recent Edward Kienholz exhibition Jan Thunholm who teaches art at Ade1phl Ediaioni, at the Los Angeles County Art Museum. Uppsala University in Sweden, is a The overall effect of this massive noted art critic. work seems to be that of an adult fun-

Model for "She:' 66 RAMPARTS See next page for additional photographs.

created "She." "She." created

and fake art art fake and

exhibition in in exhibition

Left: Left:

Jean Tinguely- Jean

artists who who artists

Niki St. Phalle and and Phalle St. Niki

Walking out of "She" "She" of out Walking

Slide, Slide,

Below: Below: in foreground art: art: foreground in right leg. leg. right

see. see.

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denunciation of the war that has has that war the of denunciation

out question, the most powerful powerful most the question, out

The people we are killing killing are we people The

yet appeared in this country— this in appeared yet

Americans surrounded one-quarter of the human race. His VIET- His race. human the of one-quarter surrounded Americans

history of a small country's desperate struggle for survival. survival. for struggle desperate country's small a of history

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