

As people knows , Movie is a television show that is always served a story from the issues that is happening in the life. Then the issues will be summarized into a humorous that contained a message and will be understood by many people easily. In general, this film is a critique for every people to their environment around them. For example, that there are still many people who are littering. Especially in the lake. Not only a small garbage, but also for waste disposal, and still many people who want to wash on the lake. Therefore, The Simpsons presents something that is also experienced by many people, but still have criticisms of certain things. In this chapter, the writer will make conclusions from the analysis of that using ecocriticism theory. After that, there are some suggestions for other research.

4.1. Conclusion From the whole story is that The Simpsons Movie is a depiction of the problems that are faced by the United States which are caused by environmental problems and the system of government that does not make sense. Some scen shows about the bad habit of people, and other scene shows about the effect of their bad habit. Environmental problem that is experienced by the people in Springfield is when they see the Greenday’s barge drowned because of the impurity that is contained in the lake. Can be seen that the moment is not important for Springfield people’s life, so they act to not care about what happen and still littering in the lake. They also do not want to be taught. Because, people always ignore when she wants to warning the people in Springfield about the pollution in lake Springfield. Although in the end they can be changed to be better, but survives with his bad habit. He throws the leavings of his pig into the lake that has been cleaned by the people in Springfield, and the result is a pollution is that more



polluted than ever before. In this case, Homer is seen as the head of the family who are very irresponsible. The fatal mistake that Homer did has been used by the government as their personal gain. Rather than provide a good solution for Springfield and its people, they have instead to provide solutions which are not very significant for them, those are covered Springfield and restrict their lives by a large dome. After that, the government also decided to blow up Springfield and make the region as a new tourist spot that is as new Grand Canyon. In this case, government has a plan to take benefits from the disaster in Springfield. Beside in Springfield, there is also an environmental problem in . The bad habit of people in Alaska are they like to spend money and have fun with their money. Moreover, Alaska gives $1,000 for every resident. The purpose of the money is to make people in Alaska will not thinking about the environment. Because in fact, Alaska is used by the oil companies that can destroy that city. Most of all cases in The Simpsons Movie, can be seen that government also takes part. Not only in Springfield, like Russ Cargill take a benefit from the dome that covered Springfield, for electricity, and wants to make Springfield to be new Grand Canyon. The part of government also can be seen in Alaska part. Government will give money to every resident to allow the oil industries destroy their place. All of this parts shows that the government not only does not care about the environment to take many benefits from it, but also negligent in handle the bad situation about environment. From all cases, can be seen that human habits can affect the environment around them. The bad habit itself can be the culture of human life. Because of that, the theory of culture and nature takes an important part in this research.

4.2. Suggestions Beside the conclusions, the writer also gives suggestions to make the research paper complete: • It is recommended for further research on this movie. Because, as has been known by the public that a television show or movie provides many messages


that are useful for many people. This is because the television show or movie is a tool as a reflection of the many people’s real life.

• From what the writer analyzed in this research, it is good for everyone to be aware of the importance of protecting the environment. In real life, there are so many people still keep on their bad habit. So, people must realize that there are still many people who feel that the environment around them is not too important to note. Therefore, from this analysis, the writer is expected that each person is able to change their mindset to be more responsible to their environment. • From the research, people also must learn that the government also takes the role in the part of environmental issues. Because of that, every person must think carefully before they act. Which is means, do not do something just because someone who has power ask people to do something. People must think first to do it. Will it be a positive or negative in the future.