Minutes, Annual Town Meeting 14 March 2019
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Minutes of the FORTY SIXTH ANNUAL ASSEMBLY of the BERKHAMSTED TOWN MEETING Held in the Great Hall, Berkhamsted Town Hall on THURSDAY 14 March 2019 at 7.30 pm PRESENT: Council Members Cllr S Beardshaw (Town Mayor); Cllr B Newton (Deputy Town Mayor); Cllr A Armytage; Cllr D Collins; Cllr E Collins; Cllr G Corry; Cllr F Earl; Cllr J Jones; Cllr I Reay; Cllr T Ritchie; Cllr G Stevens; Members of the public Over 145 members of the public were present Officers Mrs J Mason – Town Clerk Mrs J Harley – Deputy Town Clerk 1. Welcome from the Town Mayor, Councillor Sue Beardshaw. Cllr S Beardshaw, Town Mayor, thanked members of the public for their attendance and extended a warm welcome to everyone present. She was delighted to introduce Mr R Prendergast, President, Berkhamsted Rotary, whom she would now join in presenting The Rotary Club of Berkhamsted Bulbourne Centenary Civic Awards (Senior and Junior) for 2019. Mr Prendergast introduced the recipients, Mrs P Perry who would receive the Senior Civic Award, and Ms N Mannell, who would receive the Junior Award. Prior to the presentation, he paid tribute to both recipients as follows: PENNY PERRY. "This year the nomination for the Senior Award is Penny Perry. Penny does outstanding work for the benefit of many young people in Berkhamsted, in her role as Coordinator of the Swan Youth Project where she has been working since 2014. She is 1 | Annual Town Meeting Minutes 14 March 2019 the Manager, responsible for the staffing and smooth running of the centre and reports to the Trustees of the Swan Charity. Many people know where the Swan premises are, but may not be aware of what is being achieved there. It is Penny’s skill, enthusiasm and drive that help young people there, to make real progress in their own development. She is trained in Empowering Learning - which is about supporting people with learning difficulties. She also has a Masters degree in Linguistic Programming; and is currently studying for a Psychology degree. In addition, Penny is a mother of 3 children who have all benefitted from the centre. The aims of the Swan Youth Project are: • to provide excellent youth services in the heart of Berkhamsted. • to provide a safe and fun-space that every young person can enjoy. • to offer a range of activities, support, and opportunities that can help young people to broaden their horizons “ The Centre is run for all in the age group of 12 to 18 years and is open every week-day in term time. The Swan provides: • Support and Mentoring – the centre is free of drugs, smoking and alcohol and Penny makes sure that the young are helped to understand the dangers of drugs and over-use of alcohol; time is found to discuss the importance of relationships; of sexual health and the value of citizenship . • Creative Learning - is encouraged in the Arts, Music, and Drama and here the young people benefit from Penny’s experience of running Berkhamsted Youth Theatre. There is a recording studio with drum-kit, electric guitars, and keyboards. • there is a wide range of indoor leisure activities – video making is popular; and out of doors skateboarding and skateboard training feature prominently. The young people get involved in Fundraising, and events such as the Annual Duck Race on the canal, which raised £3,000 last year. There are also some preventative objectives too; reducing Unemployment; improving the take up of Education ; reducing substance abuse and cutting crime and anti-social behaviour. Most importantly however, what we are recognising today is the way in which Penny runs the Centre with seamless precision. The young people are given a sense of ownership and responsibility for the place and its activities. She has a wonderful empathy with them and a feeling for what each young person requires of the Swan. She has the ability to help them to flower and develop the positive aspects of their abilities and personalities, without overpowering them. Penny has created “a safe place to be “for those going through the difficulties of moving from childhood to teenage life. She shows them the respect of knowing that they are our community of tomorrow. Her training in life-coaching, enables her to help those who are coping with difficulties in their lives, or for whatever reason, have lost their way . Penny , your invaluable way of working and helping these young people in this Town is – admirable . We are delighted to be able to make this award to you." 2 | Annual Town Meeting Minutes 14 March 2019 NATASHA MANNELL "Natasha was until recently a pupil of Ashlyns School and has been going to the Swan Youth Project for 3 years now. During that time, she has developed her skills and knowledge and her willingness to help others. She is now the most active and supportive young volunteer member. She has developed her communicating skills, standing up and speaking for The Swan at community events. She spoke at this Annual Town meeting last year. She participates in many of the Swan activities : a YouTube of the club’s “World of Work“ project was a notable achievement; she is an active member of the music group as a pianist and singer and has performed at the annual Berkofest event; she is the Group’s “go to “ photographer, recording the main activities of the club. Whenever a project is proposed, Natasha can be relied on to jump up with a ready offer of help, and to go the extra mile. This readiness to help has become more evident a she has developed and matured – so that she now commands the respect of her peers - and undertakes peer mentoring. Natasha is interested in developing further in community volunteering - and plans to apply through Community Action Dacorum for the European Volunteering Programme . Natasha, we are pleased to recognise all that you have achieved at The Swan Youth Project – and we hope that this Award will encourage you to go on to further success in your chosen vocation." Both recipients were delighted to be honoured in this way and received their awards to very enthusiastic applause. 2. To receive apologies for absence. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr P Matthews; Cllr C Green; Mr J Shapland; Ms C Manning and Fr S Vivian. 3. To receive and confirm the minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 26 April 2018. Cllr B Newton proposed and Cllr I Reay seconded that the minutes of the meeting held on 26 April 2018 be received and confirmed. The Town Mayor then signed the minutes. 4. Report from Berkhamsted Youth Town Council. The Chair of Berkhamsted Town Council gave an update on the activities of the group. He reminded the audience that Berkhamsted Youth Town Council are based at the Swan Youth Centre and are a voice for all young people in Berkhamsted and the surrounding villages. Members are aged between 12 - 18 years and make sure that young people’s voices are heard in many aspects of their community life. Council meetings are held on a monthly basis in Berkhamsted Town Council’s Chamber. A recruitment drive is currently been undertaken and further fund raising initiatives are being explored. The group has recently completed a consultation and prepared a petition to lobby Hertfordshire County Council about reducing the speed limit in Chesham Road together with a request for a new bus shelter and road crossing point, 3 | Annual Town Meeting Minutes 14 March 2019 all aimed at improving safety for pupils at Ashlyns School. He thanked his fellow Council members for their help and support and urged people to spread the word about the work of the Youth Town Council. 5. The Hospice of St Francis - Kate Phipps-Wiltshire, Chief Executive Officer: “The Hospice of St Francis Thank you for 40!” Ms Phipps-Wiltshire was delighted to have the opportunity to speak in this year marking the 40th anniversary of St Francis’ Hospice. So much had changed in those 40 years, particularly in the care of cancer patients. 40 years ago ¾ of sufferers would not survive long after diagnosis but now that figure was nearer 8/10 surviving. The Hospice’s care enables people with terminal illnesses to live life on their terms and also supports the whole family. In 2019 2,100 will be supported and it is hoped that the reach of care offered will be doubled. The professional staff team is supported by excellent volunteers. Fund raising is relentless and although there is never a reduction in the need for care amongst the people of Herts and Beds, NHS funding to the Hospice has been cut by 15% despite a care Quality Commission ranking of outstanding. The Hospice shops are “the Harrods of Berkhamsted” and are extremely popular and well managed. Forthcoming fundraising events include a fashion show at Shendish Manor and in June there will be a party at Ashridge. She paid tribute to all the people and organisations who hold the Hospice dear and raise funds through coffee mornings and sponsored events. She urged people to get involved and encouraged them to join the 40p a day donation campaign to raise money during this 40th anniversary. In conclusion, Ms Phipps-Wiltshire emphasised the deep gratitude everyone at the Hospice has for the kindness shown by people in Berkhamsted through volunteering, regular donations and contributing to fund raising events. 6. Heritage Projects in Berkhamsted Representatives from the Berkhamsted History and Museum Society and the recently formed Berkhamsted Castle Trust gave an update on developments affecting the Castle and progress with the lottery funded Berkhamsted Heritage Hub project.