The Term Washington Consensus Was Coined by John Williamson (1990
Copyrighted Material of resources through privatization, trade and capital account liberalization, and domestic market dereg- ulation. The prescription to stabilize, privatize, and liberalize had gained traction among many policy- makers in developing countries since the 1980s as Washington consensus import substitution and interventionist policies had The term Washington consensus was coined by John led to bloated bureaucracies, grossly inefficient state- Williamson (1990) to encapsulate the set of policy owned enterprises, unsustainable public indebted- reforms advocated with a reasonable degree of con- ness, inflation, and slow or even negative growth. sensus by international financial institutions, the The collapse of the Soviet bloc and the success of U.S. government, the Federal Reserve Board, and the countries, such as Chile, that had already experi- leading think tanks based in Washington. Those mented with the new policies, contributed to their policies were deemed necessary to achieve growth, acceptance in the early 1990s. The limited role of low inflation, a viable balance of payments, and eq- government and the expanded role of markets have uitable income distribution in the developing world led some to refer to Washington consensus policies as at large, and especially in Latin America, which was ‘‘neoliberal’’ or based on ‘‘market fundamentalism,’’ still recovering from the debt crisis that erupted in anexpression thatdoes notdo justice tothe scope and 1982. The policies that defined the Washington richness of the policies, especially those originally consensus included (1) fiscal discipline, (2) increased listed by Williamson (1990). This entry adopts the public expenditure on social services and infrastruc- more recent and more widely used meaning of ture, (3) tax reform to broaden tax bases and reduce Washington consensus policies, in spite of its partial marginal tax rates, (4) market-determined interest overlap with Williamson’s list.
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