Teruma 5777 March 3, 2017

A Taste of Stories For The Soul True Exodus Fruitful Charity by Rabbi Chaim Yeshia Freeman We know that the Torah is divided into there are still two areas accessible to us Their once lived a man who five books, each section with its own in our everyday lives which resemble this was very charitable and never particular themes. The second volume, holy place. turned away anyone in need. Shemos, referred to as the Book of Unfortunately, he was not a man The first place is a little more obvious: Exodus, primarily describes the exile of of means, and he did not have the synagogue. The Talmud refers the in Egypt and the hardships they to a synagogue as a mikdash me’at, a very much money left for himself. encountered, followed by the miraculous miniature Temple. That is why there are On Hoshana Rabbah (the final salvation that Hashem performed so many laws regarding proper conduct day of Sukkos), the man’s wife to redeem them. It therefore seems in a synagogue as well as for the proper gave him ten shekels and asked strange that much of the latter part of construction and setup of a synagogue. this book, beginning with this week’s him to go purchase something The second place, perhaps not as well- parsha, Teruma, discuss the building of for the children. known, is one’s own home. The Talmud the Mishkan (Tabernacle); what does this in Tractate Sotah (17a) teaches us that As he strode to the market, have to do with the Exodus from Egypt? if a couple lives together harmoniously, the two town charity collectors The explanation to this question is found Hashem’s Divine Presence resides with met him and implored him in the Ramban’s classic commentary to them in their home. to help them in raising funds the Torah. In his preface of the Book for an orphan girl. The man With this we can understand a phrase of Shemos, the Ramban writes that handed them the ten shekels often used to bless a bride and groom true redemption is not merely leaving upon their engagement. We bless them and continued on his way, physical exile, for the Jewish People by saying “zivug olah yafe,” literally, their now without any money. As he were tremendously affected spiritually partnership should be beautiful. The walked, he discovered a bunch of from being part of Egyptian culture for Rebbe (Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum; esrogim (citrons), discarded after so long. Therefore, the Torah added 1887-1979) asks, why do we specifically their final use on Sukkos. Having the parsha of Yisro, which discusses the use the word yafe (beautiful) and not nothing else to do for funds, he awesome revelation of Hashem at Sinai the more standard word tov (good)? He and the Giving of the Torah to teach that filled a sack with the esrogim and explains that the word olah can also mean true redemption is achieved only when boarded a ship, hoping he could “numerically equivalent;” the blessing we have our spiritual existence intact. sell them elsewhere. thus hints that the partnership should Nonetheless, this still does not suffice, for be numerically equivalent to the Hebrew The ship docked at a province as long as we don’t have a befitting place word yafe, whose gematria (numerical where the king was suffering for Hashem to dwell amongst us, we are equivalent based on the numerical from a severe stomach ailment. still incomplete. To that end, the parshios values of the letters) is 95. This alludes The king had a dream, wherein (sections) that describe the preparations to the 95th commandment in the Torah, he was informed that he would and construction of the Mishkan and all which, in the mitzvah listing of the Sefer be cured only through eating of its vessels are the culmination of the Hachinuch, is the commandment to Exodus from the Egyptian exile. esrogim used by the Jews as part build the Mishkan. This blessing thus of their Hoshana Rabbah prayers. While the Torah only describes the includes the hope that the home that mitzvah of building the Mishkan, the will be built by the new couple be like The king’s servants hurried to same is true regarding the Beis Hamikdash the Mishkan itself, where the Divine procure the fruits, but could find (Temple). Today, unfortunately, we are Presence rests. none, until the arrival of this man. lacking this holy edifice, and, even more As the fellow disembarked, his These ideas should help us focus on the tragically, we lack a proper appreciation bag was checked by the servants, fact that the Divine Presence dwells in of what we are missing. The words of and they discovered his esrogim. our synagogues and homes. If we can the Ramban reveal to us how vital a internalize this properly, it will strengthen Upon being told that they were Bais Hamikdash is for our existence, as us in our service toward Hashem both in used by the Jews, they hastened without it we are unfinished. Luckily, our synagogues and in our homes. Continued on back Kollel Happenings Increase Your Jewish IQ By Rabbi Yaakov Zions THE TAIL OF THE SNAKE Last week we asked: What prayer-related prayers which are only somewhat, but not halacha is based upon whether one entirely, connected to the korbanos. Many Join Denver Community Kollel was obligated in the annual machatzis argue with Rabbi Eiger’s reasoning; they Women’s Division Director hashekel (half-shekel)? claim that according to his argument, Esti Schwab for A Tail Tale: even males between ages 13 and 20 may The Tail of the Snake, , A: There is a discussion among the halachic authorities whether women be exempt from the obligation to pray and Total Turnaround on are obligated to pray . All agree mussaf according to those who maintain Monday, March 6, 7:30 pm, that she may recite it should she wish they were exempt from machatzis hashekel at the home of Irit Bean, 184 to do so. One of the reasons given to (as was discussed in last week’s column)! S. Pontiac St., and celebrate exempt women was provided by Rabbi (Sources: Responsa of Rabbi Akiva Eiger the deepest Purim of your Akiva Eiger (1761-1837). He wrote that 1:9, Ishei Yisroel pg. 72) life! For more info, email since women aren’t obligated to provide This week’s question: Which Purim- [email protected] or the funding for the korbanos (sacrifices), related custom is related to the obligation call 303-820-2855. they are exempt from this prayer. The to provide the annual machatzis hashekel mussaf (literally, additional) prayer is (half-shekel) to provide for the Bais THE M.B. GLASSMAN entirely sacrifice-based, recited only on FOUNDATION GOLD LUNCH Hamikdash (Temple) service? days when there were extra communal To submit an answer to Rabbi Zions, email [email protected]. & LEARN PROGRAM sacrifices. This is in contrast to other The M.B. Glassman Foundation GOLD Program is a division of the Denver Lives of Our Torah Leaders Community Kollel dedicated to bringing Torah study to Rabbi Yosef Caro – the Bais Yosef, Part XV seniors in the community. Another major publication of Rabbi a voice began to emanate from Rabbi Don’t miss a great Lunch Caro was a work titled Maggid Maisharim. Caro’s mouth. The voice was loud and and Learn class on the The background of this work is clear, and even the neighbors could weekly parsha at the East fascinating. The story was recorded by hear the sound, though they did not Side Kosher Deli, 499 S. Elm his friend, the great Kabbalist Rabbi understand what was being said. St. at 12:00 am. There is Shlomo Alkabetz, and is related by the The voice was very sweet, and it grew Shelah (Rabbi Yeshaya Horowitz; 1565- stronger and stronger, and all present fell no charge for the lunch or 1630) in his writings on Tractate Shavuos the learning! Transporation on their faces and could not look up out (par. 6-13). Rabbi Alkabetz relates that of fear. can be arranged. For more he, Rabbi Caro and a number of other information, contact rmf@ The voice identified itself as the Mishna scholars stayed awake Shavuos night, and (i.e., the spiritual source of the Mishna, denverkollel.org or call 303- they studied a compendium of passages 820-2855. the Oral Law). It praised those present from across the entire Torah (known for their prodigious efforts in studying LEARN 2 LEARN today as Tikkun Lail Shavuos, recited by it, stating, among other things, that “it is many communities, especially among the now many years that my crown has fallen You have long dreamed of Sephardim, on Shavuos night) without and there are none to console me. And I acquiring the tools to achieve distraction or stoppage. am cast into the dust, and now you have proficiency in learning After studying for some time, returned my glory of old.” Gemara on your own. But how? The Denver Community Kollel offers a comprehensive, Stories For The Soul step-by-step, level-by-level Continued from front program crafted for people back to the palace with their treasure. In this week’s parsha, Hashem asks those just like you. All you need is Sure enough, the king ate of them and of generous heart to contribute to the the ability to read Hebrew; recovered. In gratitude to the man, he construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle). we will teach you the rest. For emptied the sack of esrogim and filled it While giving charity is important, more information, contact with gold coins. The man returned home cultivating a generous heart within [email protected]. a wealthy man. oneself is a loftier goal that yields great results.

The Torah Weekly is made possible through a generous grant from the Harry H. Beren Foundation of Lakewood, NJ, in memory of Harry H. Beren, z”l. Denver Community Kollel 1395 Wolff Street, Denver, CO 80204 303-820-2855 [email protected] www.denverkollel.org To receive Torah Weekly by email, email [email protected]