July 1984 Miss Kathleen Green, retired headmistress of the All Saints School since 1968, replaced by Mr Edward Husbands.

June 1987 Newly-built Church Hall, adjoining the North side of the church, dedicated by of , the Right Reverend .

May 1989 Congregation and choir attended Service for Rogation, with blessing of the crops, in Fotheringay.

December 1989 Carol Wagon toured areas of the Parish, with money collected being given to charities.

June 1990 All Saints Young Wives began serving Christian Aid lunches in Westgate Church Hall on a weekly basis.

June 1991 Death of Miss Olive Curd; a life-long member and worshipper of All Saints Church, responsible for flower arrangements, and renowned for always wearing a hat!

July 1991 Service held to commemorate the Centenary of the Church’s Consecration, followed by a buffet supper.

April 1992 Retirement of Church Warden Keith Ransom: The first female Church Warden, Mary Chapman, elected and admitted.

May 1992 Bank Holiday Parish Ramble from Fotheringay to Woodnewton (approximately 30 parishioners.

October 1992 Sudden death of Father Hugh Joseph, retired living in All Saints Road, who occasionally assisted with services at All Saints

November 1992 Parochial Church Council Study Day held at Ecton House, to plan for forthcoming interregnum.

March 1993 A thurible dedicated in memory of Father Hugh Joseph.

November 1993 Orland’s last service at All Saints; Canon Orland had served for 30 years in the Ministry.

January 1994 Two wall hangings installed in All Saints Church Hall, made and given by parishioners Heather Mizen.

February 1994 An amplification system installed in the Church, with microphones in the pulpit and amplification on the High Altar.

April 1994 Collation of David Millar; Reverend Millar has a wife, Edwina and two sons, Philip and Nigel.

August 1994 Safe stolen from upper room in the Hall, containing Baptism Record Book and approximately £250 collection money.

October 1994 Stolen Baptism Book found beneath a shrub in the garden by the South door! Security cameras installed inside and outside the Church Hall. November 1994 Reverend Ron Amis, retired priest living in the Parish, licensed by Bishop William Westwood to officiate at All Saints. Legacy of £1,500 received from Parish worker Marie Gerrard.

January 1995 Dedication by Bishop William Westwood of metal gates at Hall entrance, made by ’s school pupils.

April 1995 Douglas Meek retired as Church Warden; Allan Hardiment elected to replace him.

December 1995 Retirement, due to ill health, of Bishop William Westwood; Bishop installed.

February 1996 Donation of vestments for use in Lent, from Frank and Helen Dudley.

August 1996 Fergus Black appointed Church Organist and Choir Master. Family Friendship Group disbanded due to low membership.

June 1997 Icon of Mary and Child donated and positioned beneath window in Lady Chapel.

September 1997 Builder reported lead on South Aisle roof had been tampered with. All drain pipes painted with sticky paint to deter further attempts.

November 1997 Outer oak doors fitted to porch.

September 1998 Maurice Giblenn left choir after 62 years.

May 1998 Diamond Wedding Anniversary of Canon Fred and Bella Stallard; members from All Saints attended Thanksgiving Service at Elm Parish Church, near Wisbech.

June 1999 Parish outing to Slipper Chapel and Shrine at Walsingham; attended Service of Evensong in local church.

February 2000 Canon Bernard Fernyhough, ex , died suddenly. He had assisted by conducting services, both weekday and Sundays, during the interregnum at All Saints.

August 2003 Canon Fred Stallard died, aged 90 years. Many from All Saints attended his funeral at Elm.

July 2005 Edward Husbands retired as All Saints Headmaster after 21 years’ service.

December 2008 Sudden death of Allan Hardiment, Church Warden for 13 years.

May 2009 Reverend David Millar’s last service, after 15 years’ service at All Saints.

July 2009 Parochial Church Council passes Resolution - that this PCC would not accept a woman minister to preside at, or celebrate, the Holy Communion or pronounce the Absolution in this Parish. Resolution B – that the PCC would not accept a woman as the Incumbent or Priest in Charge, or as a Team Vicar, for the Benefice. Resolutions passed 11 in favour, 6 against.

September 2009 New stand for Easter candle donated by family of Shirley Moore. Youth Club formed, meeting after Evensong.

June 2010 Appointment of Father Peter Denton as Priest in Charge. Licensed and installed by . July 2010 Death of Marian Joseph, wife of the late Father Hugh, Sacristan for many years.

October 2010 Website set up.

November 2010 First Christmas Tree Festival held, raising £500.

January 2011 Death of Canon Ernest Orland; Service of Thanksgiving held in February at St Guthlac’s Church, Market Deeping, with many of the All Saints’ congregation attending.

January 2011 A Monstrance donated in memory of the late Allan Hardiment, who died suddenly in December 2008, ex Church Warden.

April 2011 Women’s Fellowship invited men to join their group; renamed as All Saints Fellowship.

March 2012 Stations of The Cross plaques donated in memory of Mrs Mary Bush, and fixed around the walls of the Church.

June 2012 Kathleen Green died, past headmistress of All Saints’ School for 16 years.

January 2013 Dr Jim Deboo died, Vice Chairman of the PCC, and a loyal and devoted member of the Church.

June 2013 The Reverend Peter Denton celebrated 50 years in the Priesthood with a service at All Saints.

September 2013 Newly-built two-storey school opened, a two-form entry Primary School, for five-to- eleven year olds, with 400 pupils on the roll.

February 2014 Presentation to the Reverend Peter Denton following his last service.

February 2014 Licensing of the Reverend Gregory Roberts, and Installation as Parish Priest by The Bishop of Brixworth, the Right Reverend .

November 2014 Pilgrim course begins

May 2015 The Reverend Gregory Roberts invited to accept position of Mayor’s Chaplain for the 2015-2016

June 2015 The Reverend Jun Kim, Deacon, appointed as ; the first at All Saints since 1968.

September 2015 The Reverend Mandy Flaherty appointed School Chaplain; a first ever. Andrew Reid takes up leadership of the choir.

November 2015 The presided and preached at the All Saints Day Sung Eucharist. Junior Church presented a banner and the congregation enjoyed a parish lunch to which the bishop attended.

December 2015 Peterborough Winter Night Shelter Scheme set up for the vulnerable in the City, with churches providing support, meals and accommodation overnight during the months of December, January and February. All Saints to host this on a Friday night.

January 2016 Institution of the Reverend Gregory Roberts as Vicar of All Saints’ by Bishop John Flack. February 2016 Lent course based on the film The Mystery of Everything

April 2016 Death of Jan Stephens and Charles Harris in a car crash in Wales. Jan was a Deputy Headteacher at All Saints’ School, and was very involved in the church and community life and events. Charles had recently joined All Saints’ Choir.

June 2016 The Reverend Jun Kim Ordained Priest in by Bishop .

June 2016 Following consultations and a parish meeting - Girls admitted to the choir; a first at All Saints.

September 2016 Following discussions the PCC decided to allow Resolutions A and B to lapse and agreed to ‘continue to commit ourselves to being a church welcome to all and to working together, recognising that there are different integrities within the , in a manner that strives to enable all to flourish … we agree to continue to travel forward together to worship God, learn together and work to show the love of God within our community.’

September 2016 The Rev’d Greg Roberts visited Seoul Diocese as a representative from Peterborough Diocese, establishing the parish link between All Saints’ Peterborough and St. Bede’s Dae-Hak-Ro, Seoul.

October 2016 Hosting of Dirigent Gorcum Boys Choir and Kamerkoor Voce Anglica Choirs from Holland

November 2016 ‘Names of Vicars’ plaque donated and positioned on the wall near the South door entrance, listing only seven vicars since 1886.

January 2017 The parish holds a Vision Day with Canon Miles Baker, Director of Mission

March 2017 Plaque in memory of Kathleen Green fixed in the Church Hall.

March 2017 Lent course based on the film The King’s Speech

May 2017 Fund raising began for £10,000 towards the cost of re-roofing the Church.

June 2017 Work began on Church roof, replacing lead on the S. aisle roof and tiles on Nave roof. Alarms fitted for security reasons. Church organ removed for renovation.

June 2017 Four from the Anglican Church of Korea, Peter Lee, Athanasius Kim, Jeremiah Ahn, Stephen Kim visited All Saints’ Church with Bishop Donald, giving greeting from Korea during the main Sunday service.

September 2017 Appointment of Stephen Hession as Organist and Choir Director. Susan Strand concluded 12 years of leadership of the Junior Church which had flourished under her guidance.

November 2017 PCC approved the use of Fair Trade products for refreshments. New church boiler installed.

December 2017 The parish held Advent Carols by candlelight, the Christmas Tree Festival, Christmas Lessons and Carols, and Crib service.

March 2018 All work on Church roof completed.

March 2018 The Reverend Michael Matthews appointed as School Chaplain. Mission Action Plan launched at Mothering Sunday service.

April 2018 Agnes Lee, a member of St. Bede’s, Dae-Hak-Ro, the link parish church in Seoul visited All Saints’ Peterborough.

June 2018 Fifteen members of congregation visited the Slipper Chapel and Shrine at Walsingham; attended Eucharist and Sprinkling at the well and ended the day with a meal at the Ffolkes Arms, Hillington on the return journey.

July 2018 The annual church BBQ was held in the vicarage garden. The was a guest preacher at the end of term.

October 2018 A new kitchen was installed in the Church Hall following a donation given in memory of Jan Stephens.

November 2018 Canon Sarah brown was the guest preacher at the All Saints’ Sunday Festival Eucharist.

Christmas 2018 Agnes Lee from Seoul was with the church for the Christmas celebrations.

February 2019 The parish marked the end of the Rev’d Jun Kim’s ministry as curate, and wished him well as he prepared to become the of St Peter and St Paul, Abington.

April 2019 A Lent course was held. Members of the church met Archbishop Justin who was visiting the diocese and heard about the Winter Night Shelter. A standard was dedicated for the Royal Engineers Association. The funeral was held for Eileen Tuck, a long-standing member of the congregation.

May 2019 The Right Rev’d John Holbrook, Bishop of Brixworth, baptized, confirmed and admitted to Holy Communion, 10 members of the parish both adults and young people.

September 2019 The Right Rev’d John Holbrook rededicated the renovated organ at the Sung Eucharist. Sister Rachel Overton preached on the feast of St Michael and All Angels.

November 2019 The Rev’d Prebendary David Roberts, the vicar’s father, was the guest preacher at the All Saints’ Day Festival Eucharist which was followed by a parish lunch.

December 2019 Advent Sunday Fr Jun, former curate and Fr Greg, preached in each other’s churches. Review of the Mission Action Plan distributed and promoted. On the Sunday before Christmas the Service of Lessons and Carols was preceded by a Festive Gathering.

In the Annual report it was reported that Junior Church had around 35 children on its register with 5 to 15 children attending each week. And in the Choir chorister numbers remain strong with 20 children attending Friday Choir Club and practice.

March 2020 Mothering Sunday, the last Sunday service in church before lockdown.

April 2020 Church members took photos of crosses held in their palm and these were published on the website as a form of online palm procession. The Easter morning service was broadcast from the vicarage garden. APCM delayed due to lockdown. First Zoom Eucharist services begin.

July 2020 The wedding of Colin White and Amanda Briggs-Temple (held between lockdowns and the only wedding of the year) September 2020 A group cycled the Peterborough Green Wheel

October 2020 The vicar preached on the importance of Safeguarding and outlined what we do as a church and the systems in place to keep young people and vulnerable adults safe.

November 2020 The Rev’d Maria Coulter was the guest preacher at the All Saints’ Day Festival Eucharist.

December 2020 A Zoom Service was attended to mark the conclusion of the ministry of Derek and Jane Waller with CMS, our mission partners. Crib Services were booked places only and broadcast on Facebook. The raffle of a Christmas Hamper raised over £4000 including donations and match funding.

February 2021 It is announced that the 7th vicar, the Rev’d Greg Roberts, will be moving to be Rector of the Ford Group of parishes in Hereford Diocese.