Publications for Alice Motion 2021 2020 2019
Publications for Alice Motion 2021 Chemistry World. Motion, A. (2021). A haven for science. Chemistry World. Motion, A. (2020). Monitoring climate change through sensors Tong, A., Sorrell, T., Black, A., Caillaud, C., Chrzanowski, W., in surfboards. Chemistry World. Li, E., Martinez-Martin, D., McEwan, A., Wang, R., Motion, Strachan, J., Barnett, C., Maschmeyer, T., Masters, A., Motion, A., Casas Bedoya, A., Huang, J., Azizi, L., Eggleton, B., A., Yuen, A. (2020). Nanoparticles for Undergraduates: Andersen, T., Baillie, A., Barratt, A., Boehm, C., Britton, P., Creation, Characterization, and Catalysis. Journal of Chemical Chadban, S., Chow, C., Fleming, S., Fox, G., Gordon, L., Ho- Education, 97(11), 4166-4172. <a Baillie, A., Howell, M., Hickie, I., Hunt, N., Iredell, J., Jin, C., href="">[More Kairaitis, K., Kavehei, O., Kritharides, L., Leon-Saval, S., Information]</a> Lindley, R., Maguire, S., McCluskey, M., McKay, N., Mifsud, G., Palomba, S., Pettigrew, A., Postnova, S., Prinable, J., Motion, A. (2020). On course for openness. Chemistry World. Rabeau, J., Rees, M., Richmond, K., Scholes Robertson, N., Seppelt, I., Shaw, T., Sintchenko, V., Snelling, T., Teixeira- Motion, A. (2020). The citizen scientists performing water Pinto, A., Tovey, E., Tuniz, A., Varamini, P., Wang, A., Wang, research in Hong Kong. Chemistry World. K., Wise, S., Zoellner, H., et al (2021). Research priorities for Motion, A. (2020). The citizen scientists sharing their own data COVID-19 sensor technology. Nature Biotechnology, 39(2), during the Covid-19 pandemic. Chemistry World. 144-153. <a href=" 8">[More Information]</a> Motion, A.
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