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Assessing inter‐beach differences in semi‐ terrestrial assemblages on Maltese pocket sandy beaches...

Article in Marine Ecology · June 2008 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2007.00213.x


2 authors:

Alan Deidun Patrick Joseph Schembri University of Malta University of Malta



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1 ORIGINAL ARTICLE 2 3 Assessing inter-beach differences in semi-terrestrial 4 arthropod assemblages on Maltese pocket sandy beaches 5 6 (Central Mediterranean) 7 Alan Deidun & Patrick J. Schembri 8 9 Department of Biology, University of Malta, Msida, Malta 10 11 12 13 14 15 Keywords Abstract 16 beta diversity; Malta; non-metric 17 multidimensional scaling; pocket beaches; The distinctiveness of macrofaunal assemblages on different sandy beaches in 18 psammophiles. the Maltese Islands was previously suggested by different single-season studies. 19 A multi-seasonal sampling programme using pitfall trapping was implemented 20 Correspondence on four Maltese beaches to test the occurrence of this phenomenon. A total of 21 Alan Deidun, Department of Biology, 29,302 individuals belonging to 191 species were collected over a 2-year period, University of Malta, Msida MSD2080, 22 during which the beaches were sampled once per calendar season. A total of 77 Malta.E-mail: [email protected] 23 species were recorded from single Maltese beaches only, of which nine were 24 2 Accepted: xx Xxxxxxx 200x psammophiles. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analyses of pitfall trap 25 species-abundance data resulted in a weak separation pattern, with samples 26 grouping mainly in terms of beach and island rather than in terms of season 27 or year of sampling, No physical variable could conclusively explain these pat- 28 terns. It is concluded that although operating on Maltese beaches, macrofaunal 29 assemblage distinctiveness is weaker than originally thought and can be attrib- 30 uted to the presence ⁄ absence or abundance of just a few psammophilic species. 31 It is postulated that this phenomenon may be related to the ‘pocket beach’ nat- 32 ure of Maltese beaches, where headlands on either side of the beach to a large 33 extent prevent the occurrence of longshore currents, resulting in semi-isolation 34 of the populations of psammophilic species. A large number of single-beach 35 records reported in this study highlight the high degree of beta diversity and 36 spatial heterogeneity of Maltese beaches, and the conservation importance of 37 the individual beach macrofaunal assemblages. 38 39 40 41 42 extent prevent the occurrence of longshore currents, Introduction 43 and also have a limited length (the longest Maltese 44 Pocket beaches are amongst the least studied of all beach is only c. 1 km long). As a result, Maltese bea- 45 beach ecosystems and a symptom of this paucity of ches are more or less ‘sediment-tight’ systems because 46 studies is the lack of consistency in the literature about of the relative lack of sediment exchange between them 47 the definition of pocket beaches. Whilst Lambie (2005) (Micallef 2003). The lack of attention received by 48 and Micallef (2003) define pocket beaches as headland- pocket beaches may in part be because of their depau- 49 flanked beaches, Defeo & McLachlan (2005) define perate macrofaunal assemblages (McLachlan 2001; Defeo 50 pocket beaches as beaches with a restricted beach length & McLachlan 2005). 51 (i.e. short beaches). Maltese beaches satisfy both According to the beach classification system of Wright 52 requirements as they are bound on either side by head- 3& Short (1984), Maltese beaches can be described as 53 lands that obstruct and diffract waves and to a large ‘intermediate-reflective’, for reasons of their steep con-

Marine Ecology 29 (Suppl. 1) (2008) 1–10 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1

MAE 213 Dispatch: 28.11.07 Journal: MAE CE: Senthil Journal Name Manuscript No. B Author Received: No. of pages: 10 PE: Vijay 1 Interbeach differences in semi-terrestrial arthropod Deidun & Schembri

1 tours, their low water and organic content and coarse records that the beach has, the more biotically ‘distinct’ it 2 sediments. is considered to be. 3 Maltese beaches are microtidal – the maximum tidal 4 range in the Maltese islands is just 0.20 m (Drago & Material and Methods 5 Xuereb 1993). Community studies on microtidal beaches 6 are few, but include studies on the northern Mediterra- Study sites 7 nean shores (e.g. Dexter 1986, 1989; Fallaci et al. 1994, Four Maltese sandy beaches (Golden Bay, White Tower 8 1997; Colombini et al. 2003, 2005; Covazzi Harriague Bay, Ramla l-Hamra and Xatt l-Ahmar) were sampled 9 et al. 2006; Covazzi Harriague & Albertelli 2007), along between 2001 and 2003 in each of eight successive sea- 10 the Tunisian coast (e.g. Colombini et al. 2002), in the sons. The length of the four beaches was 220, 120, 500 11 Baltic Sea (e.g. Gheskiere et al. 2005), and along the and 80 m respectively. The geographical location of these 12 coasts of Uruguay (e.g. Gimenez & Yannicelli 2000) and beaches is shown in Fig. 1. 13 Brazil (e.g. Veloso & Cardoso 2001). Only the ‘bare sand’ (i.e. unvegetated and not covered 14 Researchers working on ocean beaches have tended to by any wrack) portion of each beach, taken to extend 15 overlook the component of sandy beach macrofa- from the foot of the dunes at the back of the beach to 16 unal assemblages. In fact, Brown & McLachlan (1990) Mean Sea Level (MSL) was considered. Sections of the 17 state that sandy beaches are essentially marine systems beach covered by wrack were not sampled directly. 18 with virtually the entire resident fauna being of marine According to the Peres & Picard (1964) zonation scheme 19 origin, and with having in general failed to estab- used widely in the Mediterranean, this zone is equivalent 20 lish themselves in marine environments. Despite this, to the supralittoral. Because of its limited width, the ‘bare 21 insects are an important component of the macrofauna of sand’ zone at Xatt l-Ahmar was considered as being com- 22 sandy beaches, especially microtidal ones with wide supr- posed of a wet zone only, as here surf reached almost up 23 alittoral zones such as are generally found in the Mediter- to the backing dunes. 24 ranean, and are an integral part of such beach biotic 25 assemblages (Deidun et al. 2003). 26 Previous work on the ecology of Maltese sedimentary Sampling technique and physical parameters characterized 27 beaches has suggested that, despite geographical proximity Semi-terrestrial were targeted through the 28 and the apparent lack of physical obstacles impeding the sampling technique used. These species are considered 29 spread of organisms between beaches, these often harbour marginally marine as they can tolerate limited seawater 30 distinct faunal assemblages for both the terrestrial and immersion and are found on beaches with a wide supra- 31 marine components of the beach biota. Deidun et al. littoral zone. Nocturnal, surface-active macrofauna were 32 (2003) first showed that Maltese sandy beaches separated sampled by means of constellations of pitfall traps, each 33 by just a few hundred metres harbour macrofaunal of which consisted of five plastic cups (diame- 34 assemblages that are different in species composition; 35 however, these authors’ study was limited to sampling 36 beaches during the summer season only. Subsequently, 37 Gauci et al. (2005) and Deidun & Schembri (2006) 38 described a similar phenomenon for Maltese shingle bea- 39 ches and for the upper infralittoral ⁄ lower mediolittoral 40 zone of Maltese sandy beaches, respectively, and Saliba 41 (2004) for the macrofaunal assemblages of seagrass wrack 42 deposited on Maltese sandy beaches with similar physical 43 characteristics, including substratum type and wave expo- 44 sure. 45 The main aim of this study was to test further the 46 occurrence of the reported distinctiveness of Maltese 47 sandy beaches by providing a wider set of spatial and 48 temporal data on aspects of beta diversity of the beach 49 macrofaunal assemblages. Distinctiveness is here assessed 50 solely on the basis of the number of ‘single-site’ macrofa- 51 unal species recorded from each beach, that is, species 52 only recorded in the present study from a single beach Fig. 1. Map of the Maltese Islands, showing the geographical loca- 53 and no other; for any given beach, the more ‘single-site’ tion of the four beaches sampled.

2 Marine Ecology 29 (Suppl. 1) (2008) 1–10 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1 Deidun & Schembri Interbeach differences in semi-terrestrial arthropod

1 were placed at the foot of the dunes or dune remnants 2 backing the beach. 3 Exposure to wave action was determined using the 4 method described by Thomas (1986), and sediment med- 5 ian grain size and sediment percentage organic content 6 were estimated for all beaches according to the methods 7 of Buchanan (1984); for these determinations, sediment 8 samples were collected systematically at 5-m intervals 9 along shore-normal transects placed at the location of the

10 LOW RESOLUTION FIG pitfall trap constellations. 11 12 Data analysis 13 14 For pitfall trap data, the multivariate classification 15 method of non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) 16 was used, based on the Bray–Curtis measure of the simi- 17 larity between biotic assemblages. Only psammophilic 18 (sand-specific) species (24 species) were used for these 19 analyses – these are species that are strictly limited to 20 20 Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of a pitfall trap constellation, as used in sandy habitats and such species were individuated on the 21 the present study. Four peripheral traps were placed symmetrically bases of their habitat preferences in Malta as reported in 22 around a central trap and connected to it by ‘walkways’ made of thin the literature (e.g. Caruso & Lombardo 1982; Mifsud & 23 strips of ‘plexiglass’. Scupola 1998; Mifsud 1999; Nardi & Mifsud 2003) or fol- 24 lowing consultation with relevant taxonomists (see 25 ter = 7.5 cm) buried with their mouth flush with the sur- ‘Acknowledgements‘). Coastal and euryoecious species, 26 face of the sand and connected by means of thin ‘Plexi- although occurring in the samples, are not exclusively 27 glas’ walkways resting on the surface of the sand. Such found on sandy beaches and were omitted from further 28 walkways increase greatly the efficiency of the traps as the analyses. The collection of non-psammophilic species 29 they divert any wandering that make contact with within traps was considered to be a result of the high 30 the walkways into the traps. Figure 2 illustrates schemati- sampling efficiency and non-specific nature of the pitfall 31 cally one such pitfall trap constellation. Although pitfall trapping protocol, and the occurrence of such species was 32 traps are much more efficient at collecting motile animals thus not considered as a valid criterion for gauging inter- 33 than other sampling techniques commonly used on sandy beach differences. 34 beaches, including coring and standardized searching, no Psammophilic species, which were collected in <1.5% 35 information on the absolute population density of the of all pitfall trap samples (considered arbitrarily as an 36 species collected can be inferred from the samples. In adequate truncation point to eliminate rare species con- 37 addition, as only nocturnal surface active species are tar- tributing to data noise), or during one season only, were 38 geted, estimates of total species richness for a beach may also excluded from the analyses. Data were log-trans- 39 be skewed, although multiseasonal sampling may mitigate formed to downweight the importance of the very abun- 40 this, at least for species, which are not strictly infaunal 4dant speciesto allow rare species to play some role in 41 throughout the year. determining similarity between samples (Clarke & War- 42 The strandline was taken to demarcate the boundary wick 1994). 43 between the wet and dry zone on the beaches studied, Two-way ANOSIM was used to test for differences 44 and replicate pitfall trap constellations were deployed between beaches and between seasons (Clarke & Greene 45 within each of these zones. Depending on the length of 51988; Clarke 1993). The SIMPER technique was used to 46 the beach, two or three constellations were deployed identify which species contributed most to the differences 47 along the beach at a minimum distance of 50 m from between beaches. Seasonal values of the Shannon–Wiener 48 each other; the total number of constellations used on a alpha-diversity index (H’) were calculated for every beach 49 beach every season ranged from 4 (two transects, each sampled, whilst the RELATE technique was used to calcu- 50 with one constellation in the wet zone and one in the late a rank correlation coefficient between all the elements 51 dry) to 6 (three transects, as before). Within the wet of two (dis)similarity matrices (Warwick & Clarke 1994) 52 zone, pitfall trap constellations were deployed at 5 m for comparing biotic data, abiotic data and generated 53 landwards of MSL, whilst in the dry zone, constellations cyclical model similarity matrices. The latter were

Marine Ecology 29 (Suppl. 1) (2008) 1–10 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 3 1 Interbeach differences in semi-terrestrial arthropod Deidun & Schembri

1 employed to investigate whether the abundance of indi- 2 vidual higher taxa (Amphipoda, Isopoda and Coleoptera), 3 and the abundance of the total fauna recorded, exhibited 4 pronounced seasonal patterns. 0 0 0 Number and identity of p. ‘s-s’ species (truncation) (%) 5 The non-parametric Chao-Lee II estimator, recom- 2 (3.63) ,

6 mended by Walther & Moore (2005) for its reduced bias , 7 and high precision, was computed to gauge the adequacy (both C)

8 of the sampling effort. Computations were made using (Ps) , 9 the primer 5 (Clarke & Warwick 1994) and the species (both C) 10 diversity and richness version 3.03 (Henderson & Sea- 11 by 2002) program suites and the spss version 13 (Noruss- (H) 12 sis 1993) statistical package. Olpium pallipes Monomorium Styphloderes exsculptus Tylos europaeus 13 Erodius siculus melitensis

14 Anthicus fenestratus subopacum Cryptophonus fulvus (I) Cyclodinus minutus minutus (both C) Results Cryptophonus tenebrosus 15 Number and identity of p. ‘s-s’ species (no truncation) 16 Mean values of percentage sediment organic content and 17 median grain size are given in Table 1. Values of the for- 18 mer ranged from 0.03% (Ramla l-Hamra, summer 2003) Total number of ‘s-s species (%) 19 to 0.25% (Xatt l-Ahmar, winter 2003). Four different sed- 77 (40.3) 9 (4.7%) 2 (1.05) 20 iment categories (on the Wentworth Scale) from very fine 21 sand to coarse sand were recorded from the different bea- 22 ches. The four beaches exhibited low wave exposure val- 23 ues, with Thomas Index values ranging from 2.21 to 8.72 24 (in contrast, the most exposed site on the Islands has a

25 wave exposure value of 27.58 – Mallia 1993). Beach slope No of species (S) H’ (±SD) 26 ranged from 1.5° (Xatt l-Ahmar, winter 2002) to 8.0° 1 27 (Golden Bay, spring 2002). Table 1 gives the values of the )

28 different physical variables recorded for the beaches stud- ; ±SD) 1 ) h 29 ied. Mean CPUE (ind trap 30 The sampling effort is considered adequate as values 31 obtained for Chao’s non-parametric estimator for species 32 richness coincided very closely with the recorded values 33 of species richness, with the exception of the White 34 Tower Bay dry zone values. The reason for this anomaly 35 could be the proximity of sizeable dune remnants to the

36 ‘bare sand’ zone sampled and to the presence of large , mean ± SD) l Sediment gs (

37 amounts of seagrass wrack on the beach, two biocoenoses, species recorded on just one beach in the present study) and the total number and identity of psammophilic ‘single-site’ species (p. ‘s-

38 which were not considered in this study, but from which i.e. 39 species could be ‘spilling over’ to the bare sand zone. 40 The pitfall trap samples resulted in 15,566 individuals 41 comprising 141 species and 13,736 individuals comprising 42 129 species during the first and second years of sampling, 43 respectively. In total, 191 species were recorded from all Wet Dry Wet Dry 44 the traps. Of these, 77 species (40.3% of all species col- Sediment oc (%, ±SD) 45 lected) were found on a single beach only (Table 2). The

46 number of macrofaunal species recorded during one sea- Beach width (m) 47 son from a single beach zone ranged from 3 (recorded on 48 different beaches, zones and seasons) to 21 (Ramla, dry 120 40 0.07 ± 0.02 0.07 ± 0.02 0.15 ± 0.02 0.14 ± 0.02 5.05 ± 8.77 56 0.95 ± 0.32 17 (30.3) 1 (1.8%) 49 zone, spring 2003). Not considering the pitfall trap sam- Length (m) 50 ples in which no macrofauna were collected, the catch per Mean values of sediment organic content (oc) and median grain size (gs) and of catch per unit effort (CPUE) and the Shannon–Wiener diversity index (H’), as well as the total species 51 unit effort (CPUE) ranged from 0.14 individu- ) ) 52 als trap 1h 1 (Golden Bay, wet zone, autumn 2002) to ) ) 1 Bay All sites Golden Bay 220 90 0.07 ± 0.01 0.07 ± 0.02 0.32 ± 0.01 0.32 ± 0.02 3.29 ± 4.49 52 1.74 ± 0.86 16 (30.8) 2 (3.9%) Ramla l-Hamra 500 80 0.05 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01 0.24 ± 0.07 0.22 ± 0.01 35.4 ± 50.4 55 1.10 ± 0.21 23 (41.8) 3 (5.4%) White Tower Xatt l-Ahmar 80 20 0.14 ± 0.07 0.41 ± 0.02 30.2 ± 43.5 36 1.30 ± 0.42 20 (55.6) 3 (8.3%) richness (S), total number of ‘single-site’ (‘s-s’) species ( Table 1. 53 229.75 individuals trap 1h (Ramla, wet zone, spring s’), for the beachesrecorded sampled for (C that = beach Coleoptera; H = Hymenoptera; I = Isopoda, Ps = Pseudoscorpiones). The total number of ‘single-site’ species is expressedBeach as a per cent of the species richness

4 Marine Ecology 29 (Suppl. 1) (2008) 1–10 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1 Deidun & Schembri Interbeach differences in semi-terrestrial arthropod

1 Table 2. Results of the two-way ANOSIM analysis without replication species restricted to a single beach would decrease to two 2 for faunal data from the Maltese beaches sampled (T. europaeus and A. fenestratus). 3 Contrasts between Contrasts between The results of the SIMPER analysis showed that a very 4 different beaches different seasons small number of species (maximum of 4) explain the 5 observed clustering patterns. Between them, the isopod 6 Rho Significance Rho Significance T. europaeus (mainly in terms of its presence ⁄ absence), value value value value 7 and the tenebrionid Phaleria spp. (P. acuminata 8 1st year wet zones 0.838 0.004 0.505 0.013 and P. bimaculata) and the amphipods Orchestia 9 1st year dry zones 0.419 0.127 0.429 0.070 stephenseni and Talitrus saltator (in terms of individual 10 2nd year wet zones 0.857 0.001 )0.038 0.564 abundance) in different combinations explained over 90% ) 11 2nd year dry zones 0.250 0.265 0.143 0.650 of the dissimilarity between samples. 12 Values in bold are significantly different at P = 0.05. The RELATE analysis indicated interannual variation in 13 faunal samples as first and second year biotic data was 14 2002). Mean values for CPUE, species richness and H’ for significantly different. The wet and dry zone samples col- 15 each beach are given in Table 1. lected during the first year of sampling also differed sig- 16 The macrofauna collected belonged to 17 major faunal nificantly. The only significant difference between 17 groups, however, in terms of individual abundance, only seasonal biotic and abiotic data similarity matrices was 18 six of these contributed more than 1% each to the total found for winter 2003. Most of the selected faunal taxa 19 individuals collected over the 2-year sampling period, did follow a cyclical pattern of variation over the two 20 with Isopoda (46.1%) and Coleoptera (39.5%) being the sampling years, with the only samples to differ signifi- 21 most represented. In terms of species richness, 10 princi- cantly from the generated cyclic pattern being the ‘total 22 pal faunal groups contributed more than 1% each to the fauna’ sample collected from the dry zone of Golden Bay 23 total number of species collected over the 2-year sampling and the ‘Coleoptera’ sample collected from the dry zone 24 period, with Coleoptera (100 species – 50.5% of the total of the same beach. 25 number of species collected) and Diptera (22 species – In the NMDS analyses, samples from different beaches 26 11.1% of total number of species collected) being the separated out from each other (Fig. 3A), with the most 27 most represented. distinct being the spring samples from the wet zone of 28 The total number of non-psammophilic species col- Ramla l-Hamra and the autumn and winter Golden Bay 29 lected from just a single beach was 69. Of these, 34 were samples. The degree of biotic separation between samples 30 Coleoptera, 10 were Diptera, seven were Isopoda, five collected from different Maltese islands (Fig. 3B) was 31 were Hymenoptera (Formicoidea), six were Aranaea and more pronounced. Samples did not separate out in terms 32 two were Collembola, and Pseudoscorpiones, Hymenop- of season or year of collection. Table 2 gives the results of 33 tera (other than Formicoidea), Opiliones, Orthoptera and the two-way ANOSIM analysis, as rho values and as sig- 34 Zygentoma were represented by one species each. nificance levels at P = 0.05. 35 Similar numbers of species were collected over the 36 entire 2-year sampling period from the four beaches stud- Discussion 37 ied – 56 from White Tower Bay (37 from the wet zone; 38 40 from the dry zone), 52 from Golden Bay (35 wet zone; The patterns emerging from the NMDS analyses (Fig. 3) 39 31 dry zone), 55 from Ramla l-Hamra (30 wet zone; 43 suggest some degree of separation of the beach assem- 40 dry zone) and 36 from Xatt l-Ahmar (this beach was con- blages sampled. In fact, within the same analysis, intersea- 41 sidered to only have a wet zone because of its restricted sonal samples from the same beach consistently clustered 42 width). together, with the exception of spring Ramla l-Hamra wet 43 A total of nine psammophilic (i.e. sand-specific) species zone and autumn and winter White Tower Bay dry zone 44 were collected only from single beaches (Table 2), of samples; this suggests that site-specific factors are more 45 which six were beetles (Anthicus fenestratus, Cryptophonus important than seasonal ones, even if the observed sepa- 46 fulvus, Cryptophonus tenebrosus, Styphloderes exsculptus, ration between the different beach assemblages could be 47 Erodius siculus melitensis and Cyclodinus minutus minu- attributed to the presence of just a few species. For exam- 48 tus), one was an isopod (Tylos europaeus), one was an ant ple, the distinctiveness of the Ramla l-Hamra wet zone 49 (Monomorium subopacum) and one was a pseudoscorpion macrofaunal assemblages can be mainly attributed to the 50 (Olpium pallipes). presence of large numbers of T. europaeus, whose abun- ) ) 51 On the other hand, if those species which were col- dance ranged from 46.6 to 282.1 individuals trap 1h 1 in 52 lected in <1.5% of all pitfall trap samples or during one these samples, whilst the uniqueness of the White Tower 53 season only are excluded, the number of psammophilic Bay assemblages can be attributed to the large numbers of

Marine Ecology 29 (Suppl. 1) (2008) 1–10 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 5 1 Interbeach differences in semi-terrestrial arthropod Deidun & Schembri

1 (a) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (b) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Fig. 3. NMDS ordination plots for the pitfall 28 trap data for all samples from both years of 29 the study, based on the Bray–Curtis 30 resemblance measure, labelled in terms of 31 beach (a) and island (b). Legend for plot a: Beach 1 = White Tower Bay; 2 = Golden Bay; 32 3 = Ramla; 4 = Xatt L-Ahmar. Legend for plot 33 b: Island 1 = Malta; Island 2 = Gozo. 34 35 36 arachnids (mainly spiders and opilionids) in these sam- addition, a relatively large fraction of macrofaunal spe- 37 ples. cies (ranged: 30.8–55.6% for the four beaches) were 38 Some authors (e.g. Gheskiere et al. 2005), report a collected from one beach only; most of these were 39 complete lack of insect species from the upper zone of Coleoptera (51 species – 53.7% of total, of which 40 tourist beaches in Poland, possibly because of the destruc- 23.5% were Tenebrionidae, 21.6% Staphylinidae and 41 tion of backbeach dune areas, the removal of marine deb- 17.6% Curculionidae), followed by Diptera (13 species 42 ris and the presence of coastal constructions and bathing – 13.5% of total), Araneae (eight species – 15.7% of 43 facilities which interfere with the fetch of winds used by total) and Hymenoptera (six species, 6.3% of total, of 44 insects to disperse through anemochory. The beaches of which five species were Formicoidea). The preponder- 45 Ramla l-Hamra and Xatt l-Ahmar had the largest number ance of insect species with limited or no flying ability 46 of single-beach psammophiles; these two beaches are also (Tenebrionidae, Staphylinidae, Curculionidae) amongst 47 6the least affected by touristic development and Ramla l- the ‘single-beach’ psammophiles is to be expected in 48 Hamra has the best preserved sand dune remnants in the view of the lack of dispersal abilities of these species. 49 Maltese Islands (Cassar & Stevens 2002). Many studies highlight the high degree of endemicity 50 The ANOSIM II results indicated that differences observed in the Tenebrionidae (e.g. Fattorini & LEO 51 between collections made across different beaches within 2000). The high number of ‘single-beach’ Diptera with 52 one season were more pronounced than collections good powers of flight can be attributed to site-specific 53 made within the same beach across different seasons. In characteristics, such as the presence of beached seagrass

6 Marine Ecology 29 (Suppl. 1) (2008) 1–10 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1 Deidun & Schembri Interbeach differences in semi-terrestrial arthropod

1 debris, which is a habitat the larvae of many wrack that linear combinations of physical variables explained 2 7flies (Rebelo 1987). just 44% of the variance in total biomass on sedimentary 3 Of the 24 psammophilic species considered in the ordi- shores, with grain size being the best single predictor. 4 nation analyses, only 13 were present in at least 1.5% of There is general agreement that no unique key factor 5 all the samples, whilst of these, only two (the anthicid structures beach macrofaunal communities but rather, a 6 A. fenestratus and the oniscoidean isopod T. euro- number of environmental parameters, including such bio- 7 paeus) were not collected in just one sampling season. tic factors as food sources, recruitment, predation and 8 Anthicus fenestratus was collected consistently over both competition, operate together (Brazeiro 2001; Veloso & 9 spring seasons, whilst T. europaeus was collected through- Cardoso 2001; Rodil & Lastra 2004). 10 out all eight sampling seasons; both species were collected For the beaches sampled, the dry zone faunal assem- 11 from the beach at Ramla l-Hamra only. However, whilst blages were more beach-specific than those of the wet 12 one and two individuals of A. fenestratus were collected zone, which exhibited a greater degree of homogeneity 13 during spring 2002 and spring 2003 respectively, a maxi- between the different beaches. The largest differences in 14 mum of 9978 individuals of T. europaeus were collected the H’ values of the different beaches were recorded in 15 during one sampling season (autumn 2001). The fact that winter. This might be related to the appearance of phy- 16 both species were collected from Ramla l-Hamra under- tophagous species in the rainy season on beaches where 17 scores the importance of this beach, which is backed by sizeable dune remnants occur, such as at Ramla l-Hamra 18 the best preserved sand dune remnants in the Maltese and White Tower Bay. 19 Islands, in relation to biodiversity (Cassar & Stevens The degree of macrofaunal assemblage distinctiveness 20 2002). The uniqueness of the Ramla l-Hamra wet zone of upper infralittoral assemblages reported by Deidun & 21 bare sand assemblages is further confirmed by the results Schembri (2006), who worked on the same beaches, is 22 of the multivariate analyses. The other beach sampled that more pronounced than that for the mediolittoral and 23 is backed by significant dune remnants is White Tower supralittoral assemblages sampled in the present study. 24 Bay, whose dry zone samples also exhibited a high degree This is surprising, especially in view of the fact that fewer 25 of uniqueness in the multivariate analyses. obstacles to dispersal occur in the marine environment 26 It is only when considering the total suite of species than in the terrestrial one, especially for fauna with 27 recorded from a single beach, and not just the psammo- planktonic larvae. In fact, in the same study, the highest 28 philes, that the importance of some of the local beaches number of ‘single-site’ species was recorded for decapods 29 sampled, in relation to biodiversity, becomes evident. For and polychaetes, followed by amphipods and fish. Whilst 30 example, the endemic Stenosis schembrii and the sub- high levels of patchiness in individual species distribu- 31 endemic Clitobius ovatus are two non-psammophilic ten- tions are expected for benthic recruiters, like amphipods 32 ebrionids recorded only from the beach at Xatt l-Ahmar and isopods, the low degree of homogeneity for pelagic 33 in the present study. The relatively low number of species recruiters like polychaetes and decapods is unexpected, 34 (36) collected from this beach over the 2 years of sam- indicating that site-specific characteristics and other fac- 35 pling is probably because of the lower number of pitfall tors are important in determining species distributions. 36 trap constellations used (for the reason of its small size). Deidun & Schembri (2006) attribute their results to the 37 The high percentage of single-beach records (i.e. psam- surf zone circulation cells acting within small bays, which 38 mophiles and non-psammophiles together – 55.6%) restrict dispersal of the propagules of surf fauna out of 39 reported from Xatt L-Ahmar could be related to the rela- the embayment. It would seem that the terrestrial compo- 40 tive isolation of the beach and its inaccessibility. nent of the beach biota find dispersal to other beaches 41 Interbeach differences in the physical parameters moni- easier than the aquatic component, albeit still problem- 42 tored (beach slope, median grain size, sediment organic atic. 43 content and beach length) (Table 1), cannot fully explain Results from the present study seem to suggest that 44 the observed biotic separation patterns. Physical parame- macrofaunal assemblage distinctiveness may operate over 45 ters, which were not monitored in this study but which small distances under certain circumstances; while the 46 are considered to regulate the zonation of at least some two most distant beaches sampled in this study (Golden 47 of the sandy beach macrofauna, include air and sand tem- Bay and Ramla l-Hamra; Fig. 1) are separated by a maxi- 48 peratures, sand water content (especially important for mum distance of 15 km, even adjacent beaches may be 49 burrowing isopods), the relative humidity of the air and ecologically isolated because of their ‘pocket-beach’ nat- 50 the sea-land direction of the wind (Colombini, et al., ure, which debars the occurrence of longshore currents, 51 81996; Fallaci et al. 1996). A difficulty in identifying the and because of long stretches of non-sandy coastline 52 most important community-shaping physical parameters between them. Pocket beaches may give rise to indepen- 53 was experienced by Riccardi & Bourget (1999) who report dent ‘sediment cells’ as a result of wave diffraction by the

Marine Ecology 29 (Suppl. 1) (2008) 1–10 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 7 1 Interbeach differences in semi-terrestrial arthropod Deidun & Schembri

1 associated headlands. For Maltese beaches, Turi et al. appears to be weaker than originally thought and mainly 2 9(1990) exclude the possibility of beach sediments being limited to differences between beach assemblages on dif- 3 supplied from the marine environment outside the indi- ferent Maltese islands. This distinctiveness in turn points 4 vidual embayments at the head of which such pocket bea- to a high degree of beta diversity and spatial heterogene- 5 ches occur. ity of Maltese beaches, which is mainly attributable to 6 Another factor contributing to the observed distinctive- their relative ecological isolation, rather than to site-spe- 7 ness of beach macrofaunal assemblages might be the cific factors. The assemblage distinctiveness of Maltese 8 dearth of sediment shores in the Maltese Islands where beach macrofaunal communities, however weak, leads to 9 just 2.4% of the coastline is sandy (Mallia et al. 2002); the conclusion that no local beach biotic assemblage is 10 hence, sandy beaches can be considered as isolated refuges expendable and this is especially important in a country 11 for psammophiles amidst the vastly more abundant rocky where anthropogenic pressures (e.g. tourism and tourism 12 coast habitats. Pockets of sandy coastline are a few and infrastructure) on sandy beach environments are intense 13 may be separated by large expanses of presumably hostile (Cassar & Stevens 2002). 14 environments associated with rocky coastlines, which 15 limit dispersal of psammophilic macrofauna from one Acknowledgements 16 beach to another. In such circumstances, ‘waif dispersal’ 17 events, for example via rafting on floating wrack, may be The authors thank the following taxonomists for their 18 the only way in which fauna from one beach may dis- contribution in identifying species collected in this study: 19 perse to another. Although this mechanism of macrofaun- Dr S. Schembri, Dr P. Gatt, Mr D. Dandria, Prof. 20 al dispersal may appear to be equally feasible for E. DeMatthaeis, Prof A. Vigna Taglianti, Dr G. Nardi, 21 infralittoral species, the results of Deidun & Schembri Dr L. Magnano, Dr P. Leo, Dr I. Lobl, Dr V. Assing, Prof. 22 (2006) indicate otherwise. Differences in community J-M. Thibaud, Prof. V. Mahnert and Prof. J. Martens. We 23 composition were more pronounced between Malta and are grateful to the University of Malta for financial 24 Gozo than were those between different beaches on the support through the award of research grants. 25 same island, suggesting that the interisland obstacles to 26 macrofaunal recruitment and dispersal are more impor- References 27 tant than the interbeach one. 28 Many authors have suggested the use of fauna as indi- Badano E.I., Regidor H.A., Nunez H.A., Acosta R., Gianoli E. 29 cators of beach state. Indicators which have been sug- (2005) Species richness and structure of ant communities in 30 gested include species which cycle a high proportion of a dynamic archipelago: effects of island area and age. Journal 31 the energy flow on a beach, such as T. saltator (Weslawski 12 of Biogeography, 32, 221–227. 32 10;11 et al. 2000; Scapini, 1998; DeMatthaeis et al., 2000; Ket- Brazeiro A. (2001) Relationship between species richness and 33 maeir et al. 2003), and species which form the bulk of the morphodynamics in sandy beaches: what are the underlying 34 beach faunal biomass, such as isopods and coleopterans factors? Marine Ecology Progress Series, 224, 35–44. 35 in general (Colombini et al. 2003). We propose that the Brown A.C., McLachlan A. (1990) Ecology of Sandy Shores. 36 number of ‘single-site’ species may be used as generic Elsevier Publishing, Amsterdam: 328 pp. 37 indicators of the degree of human disturbance of beach Buchanan J.B. (1984) Sediment analysis. In: Holme N.A., McIntyre A.D. (Eds), Methods for the Study of Marine Ben- 38 macrofaunal assemblages. Deidun & Schembri (2004) thos. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford: 41–63. 39 report that the number of psammophiles decreases whilst Caruso D., Lombardo B.M. (1982) Isopodi terrestri delle isole 40 that of euryecious species (e.g. Formicoidea) concomi- Maltesi. Animalia, 9(1 ⁄ 3), 5–52. 41 tantly increases with increasing levels of human distur- Cassar L., Stevens D. (2002) Coastal Sand Dunes Under Siege, 42 bance. In agreement with this, the largest numbers of A Guide to Conservation for Environmental Managers. Inter- 43 psammophiles and of ‘single-site’ species recorded in the national Environment Institute, Foundation for Interna- 44 present study were for Ramla l-Hamra and Xatt l-Ahmar, tional Studies, Valletta, Malta: 194 pp. 45 the two least disturbed beaches sampled, whilst the lowest Clarke K.R. (1993) Non-parametric multivariate analyses of 46 counts of such species were for the most popular bathing changes in community structure. Australian Journal of Ecol- 47 beach (Golden Bay). Site-specific factors, such as the pres- ogy, 18, 117–143. 48 ence of dune remnants (as at Ramla l-Hamra), might also Clarke K.R., Greene R.H. (1988) Statistical design and analysis 49 be important, however. for a ‘biological effects’ study. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 50 In conclusion, the macrofaunal assemblage distinctive- 46, 216–226. 51 ness of Maltese bare sand assemblages, previously hinted Clarke K.R., Warwick R.M. (1994) Change in Marine Commu- 52 at by single-season studies, has been confirmed by the nities: An Approach to Statistical Analysis and Interpretation. 53 current, multi-seasonal study, although the phenomenon Natural Environment Research Council, Plymouth: 144 pp.

8 Marine Ecology 29 (Suppl. 1) (2008) 1–10 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1 Deidun & Schembri Interbeach differences in semi-terrestrial arthropod

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