Vol. 35(4):465-489 Ocean and Polar Research December 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.4217/OPR.2013.35.4.465


남태평양 지역연구에 필요한 자료 목록

박병권 *·권문상

한국해양과학기술원 해양정책연구소 (426-744) 경기도 안산시 상록구 해안로 787

List of References for South Pacific Region Studies

Byong-Kwon Park* and Moon Sang Kwon Ocean Policy Institute, KIOST Ansan 426-744, Korea

Abstract : We collected references on South Pacific Studies from several resources: mainly internet resources and periodicals. Internet resources include associations, organizations and societies; cultural resources; environmental issues; government data; information resources; journals and news letters; libraries, archives, publishers; news sources; other sources; regional issues; selected full text documents and digital resources; and statistics. Periodicals include news and popular interest magazines; regional magazines and general interest publications; and scholarly and professional journals.

Key words : South Pacific Region, Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia

1. 서 론 (북부)의 3개 지역으로 구분된다. 이러한 구분은 이들 각 지역의 물리적인 크기, 경제를 통해 산출되는 천연자원, 지역 연구는 학문적으로 매우 오래된 분야로서 과학적 정치 등을 고려하여 나눠지는 것이다. 이고 체계적인 연구를 위해 오랫동안 학자들이 노력해 온 남태평양의 도서국은 지리적으로 매우 다양한 바, 예를 분야이다. 남태평양 지역은 인구가 적고 육지 면적이 작은 들면 파푸아뉴기니가 육지면적 전체의 83%를 차지하는데 데 비해 상대적으로 해양면적이 타 지역에 비해 넓어 타 반해 나우루, 토켈라우, 투발루 등은 각 30평방킬로미터 지역연구에 비해 특별한 점이 많다. 그래서 선진국 대학들 이하의 소도이다. 그리고 나우루와 니우에 등과 같이 오직 과 이 지역 대학에서 오래 전부터 이 지역연구가 실시되 한 개의 섬으로 구성되는 작은 국가가 있는 반면, 프랑스 고 있으나, 태평양 지역 연구에 필요한 자료들이 정리되지 령폴리네시아와 마이크로네시아 연방은 광대한 지역에 못한 상태에 있는 것이 현실이다. 특히 최근에는 지구온난 100개 이상의 섬으로 구성되어 있다. 지리적 특성과 천연 화와 해저자원 개발문제로 남태평양 지역의 생태계 변화 자원에 관하여 살펴보면 멜라네시아의 국가들은 대체로 와 이 지역사회에 미치는 문제들이 연구의 대상이 되고 면적이 넓고, 산이 이어지는 화산국으로서 비옥한 국토와 있다. 광물자원 및 수산자원이 풍부하다. 한편, 폴리네시아, 마 태평양 도서국가는 인종, 언어, 문화가 다르기 때문에 이크로네시아의 섬들은 매우 작고, 키리바시, 마샬제도, 멜라네시아(서부), 폴리네시아(남동부), 마이크로네시아 토켈라우, 투발루 등은 불과 해발 1~2미터의 저지대 환초 로 된 국가이다. 쿡 제도, 마이크로네시아 연방국, 통가, *Corresponding author. E-mail : [email protected] 사모아 등의 작은 화산섬에도 비옥한 토지는 있으나, 주요 466 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Fig. 1. Map of the geo-cultural groups in the southwestern Pacific region

천연 자원은 생물 무생물 자원과 함께 해양 자원에 한정 의 축 주정부에 속하는 웨노(Weno) 섬에 우리나라 해양연 되어 있다. 구 센터를 세울 것을 결정하였다. 그 후 2000년 5월 당시 이 지역은 실질적으로 다양한 특징을 갖고 있다. 남태 한국해양연구소와 마이크로네시아 축 주정부 간에 해양과 평양 섬들은 여러 종류의 산호초들이 발달되어 있으며, 화 학기술의 개발과 진흥을 통해 양국의 협력과 양국의 복지 산암으로 구성된 유년기 지형을 이루고 있어서 험준한 지 와 우호적 관계를 증진시키기 위해 양해각서를 교환하게 형과 계곡들이 발달되어 유속이 빠른 하천들이 발달되어 되었다. 그 후 해양 분야에서 현재 까지 많은 성과를 이루 있다. 또한 이 지역의 문화는 모계사회로 촌장이 절대적인 었으나 남태평양 도서 지역에 관한 지역 연구는 지금이 권한을 가지고 있으며 토속 언어들이 사용되고 있으나 오 시작단계라 할 수 있다. 아직 연구자와 연구 시스템에 보 랫동안 여러 나라의 영향으로 외국어가 많이 통용되고 있 강할 부분이 많으나 우선 이 지역 연구에 관련된 자료를 다. 이 지역 주민들은 빵 나무, 야자수, 수산물이 풍부하여 정리하는 것이 필요하다고 생각되어 이 자료를 정리하게 일상생활에는 지장을 받지 않으므로 경제 성장에 대한 필 되었다. 요성을 다른 지역 주민들보다 덜 느끼고 있다. 남태평양 지역은 자연환경과 인문환경이 다양하고 섬들 2. 본 론 이 작고 수가 많아서 각 섬들이 자연과 인간 사회형성에 관한 연구에 하나의 연구실 같은 기회를 제공하고 있다. 이 자료에서는 인터넷을 통해 12개 항목으로 대 분류를 지금까지의 남태평양 지역연구 결과로서 자연의 진화에 하여 각 항목별로 상세한 자료를 정리하였다. 12개 항목 관한 문제로부터 인간생활의 가치에 관한 철학적 문제들 은 Table 1과 같다. 과 문화에 관련되는 문제들을 다시 생각해 볼 일들이 많 은 것으로 알려지고 있다. 학술단체, 학술조직, 학회 관련 자료 우리나라는 태평양 시대의 해양 강국으로 자리잡기 위 관련 학술단체, 대학, 비정부간 조직, 지역별 조직, 연구 하여 남태평양 일대를 조사한 결과 마이크로네시아 정부 기관들은 Table 2와 같다. References for Pacific Study 467

Table 1. Twelve broad categories of the references on the South Pacific study Categories No. Contents 1 Associations, Organizations, and Societies This section provides links to academic societies, colleges & universities, NGO's, regional organizations, and research centers. 2 Cultural Resources This section provides links to archaeological, art, language, literature, museums, music and visual resources. 3 Environmental Issues This section provides links to agricultural, biodiversity & conservation, natural resources and marine & freshwater resources. 4 Governments This section provides links to diplomatic representation, government sites, legal sources, and tourism. 5 Information Resources This section provides links to bibliographies, gateways and reference tools. 6 Journals and Newsletters This section provides links to the websites of serial publications about . Categories include: free full online access, paid access and subscription information only. This section includes links to the Hawaii Pacific Journal Index and Pacific Law Journal Index. 7 Libraries, Archives, Publishers This section provides links to archival resources, library associations, library conferences, libraries in the Pacific, other libraries with Pacific collections and publishers & book dealers. 8 News Sources This section provides links to news sites, news organizations, newspapers, radio and television. 9 Other Sources This section provides links to airlines, conferences & workshops, sports, and other miscellaneous sites which we feel are useful. 10 Regional Issues This section provides links to development, education, health, information & communication technology (ICT), land tenure and women's issues. 11 Selected Full Text Documents & Digital Resources This section provides access to selected full text documents & digital resources. 12 Statistics This section provides links to statistical information published by official island governments and other regional bodies.

Table 2. Lists of academic societies, colleges and universities, NGO's, regional organizations and research centers No. Categories Contents

• Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania (ASAO) • Correspondances Oceaniennes • European Society for Oceanists (ESFO) Academic Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA) 1 • Societies • Pacific History Association (PHA) • Pacific Science Association • The Polynesian Society • Tonga Research Association (formerly Tongan History Association) 468 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Table 2. Continued No. Categories Contents

• American Community College • Atenisi Institute (Tonga) • Institute of Studies • Brigham Young University-Hawaii • College of the Marshall Islands • College of Micronesia - FSM • Divine Word University • Fiji Institute of Technology • Fiji School of Medicine • Guam Community College • Manukau Institute of Technology • Massey University • National University of Samoa • Pacific Training Centre (NZPTC), Fiji • Northern Marianas College • University of Otago • Pacific Theological College • Palau Community College • Royal School of Science for Distance Learning • Sia'atoutai Theological College • Samoa Polytechnic (merged with National University of Samoa in 1996, see link above) • South Seas University (Cook Islands) • Te Wananga o Aotearoa Te Wananga o Awanuiarangi Colleges • 2 Te Wananga o Raukawa & Universities • • Tupou College (Tonga) • Universite de la Nouvelle-Caledonie • Universite de la Polynesie Francaise • University of Auckland • University of Canterbury • University of Guam • University of Papua New Guinea • University of the Nations Tonga Campus • University of the South Pacific (Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji) · USP, Alafua campus (Samoa) · USP, Cook Islands campus · USP, Emalus campus (Vanuatu) · USP, Kiribati campus · USP, Labasa campus (Fiji) · USP, Lautoka campus (Fiji) · USP, Marshall Islands campus · USP, Nauru campus · USP, Niue campus · USP, Solomon Islands campus · USP, campus · USP, Tonga campus · USP, campus • University of Waikato • Victoria University of Wellington ◎ Pacific Islands Association of Non-Government Associations (PIANGO) • Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women • Australia West Papua Association Sydney • Easter Island Foundation • Ecumenical Centre for Research, Education, and Advocacy (ECREA) European Pacific Solidarity Network/ German Pacific-Network 3NGOs• • Greenpeace Australia Pacific • International Women's Rights Action Watch - Asia Pacific • InternetNZ • Micronesian Seminar (MicSem) • Pacific Concerns Resource Centre • Palau Conservation Society References for Pacific Study 469

Table 2. Continued No. Categories Contents

• Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) • Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) • Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Regional • Reconciliation Australia 4 Organizations • United Nations Association of Samoa • Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) • South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) • South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

• Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies • Center for Pacific Islands Studies (University of Hawaii) • Centre for Pacific and Asian Studies • Centre for South Pacific Studies (University of New South Wales, Australia) • Center for Research and Documentation on Oceania • East-West Center Pacific Islands Development Program (PIDP) Research • European Centre on Pacific Issues 5 Centers • Institute of Pacific Studies (University of the South Pacific) • L'IRD dans le Pacifique • Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies • Micronesia and South Pacific Program, University of Oregon • National Research Institute (Papua New Guinea) • Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (Australian National University) • State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Project

문화 관련 조직과 자료 에 관련된 기관들 그리고 시청각 자료들의 자료들은 Table 고고학, 예술, 언어, 문학, 태평양 지역에 위치한 박물 4와 같다. 관, 태평양에 관련된 물건들을 수집되어 있는 박물관, 음악

Table 3. List of links to archaeological, art, language, literature, museums, music and visual resources No. Categories Contents

• Digital Archive Network for Anthropology and World Heritage • Dr. Felicia Beardsley's Micronesia Diary 1 Archaeology • Indopacific Prehistory Association (IPPA) • International Conference Global Perspectives on the Archaeology of Islands • Pacific Archaeology (University of Oregon) ◎ Oceanic Art Society ◎ Pacific Arts Association • Arts Council of New Zealand • Australia Art Council • Aboriginal Australia Art and Culture Centre • Alex Philips - Oceanic Art • Art History of Pacific Cultures • The Art of Kula • arTok: Pacific Arts Online Easter Island Rock Art 2Art • • Engravings of Polynesia and Melanesia • Festival of Pacific Arts (9th; Palau; 2004) • L'Oceanie • Pasifika • New Guinea Artifacts • Toi Maori Aotearoa • Tribal Arts Directory • Tribal Arts Review - Oceanic • Vaka Taumako: The Art and Craft of a Polynesian Voyaging Canoe • Wellington City Libraries: Pasefika Arts and Crafts 470 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Table 3. Continued No. Categories Contents ◎ Ethnologue.com - Ethnologue country index: Languages of the Pacific • A Bibliography of Melanesian Pidgin English • Caroline Island Script • Dictionary of English to Samoan Translations • English-Fijian Vocabulary • English-Varisi Dictionary • Little Dictionary of Italian/Tongan/English • Maori Language Commission • Maori Pronunciation • Mapu Mei He Ngalu • Maori Language Resources Ngata English-Maori Dictionary 3 Languages • • Norfolk Language • Northwest Solomonic Languages • "One Hundred Maori Words Every New Zealander Should Know" • Pacific Languages Unit • Pacific Greetings • Papua New Guinea Tok Pisin Dictionary • Rapanui - English • Samoan Language • Te Kete Ipurangi -- The Online Learning Centre • Te Reo Maori / English Translator • Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori -- History of the Maori Language • Vanuatu Languages ◎ Carribean and Pacific Island Literatures (via Cornell University) • Albert Wendt • Albert Wendt and Pacific Literature: Circling the Void by Paul Sharrad • Albert Wendt Bibliography • Blackmail Press (NZ poets online) Indigenous Australia 4 Literature • • Literature about Samoa • Ma'ohi Women Writers of Colonial French Polynesia • New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre • Pacific Islands Literature: A Selective Reading Guide • Pacific Writing Forum • Pasifika Poetry ◎ ICCROM - International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property ◎ Pacific Islands Museum Association (PIMA) • Alele Museum, Library and Archives • American Memorial Park (Saipan) • American Memorial Park World War II Museum (Saipan) • Auckland Museum, Tamaki Paenga Hira (formerly Te Papa Whakahiku) • Australian War Memorial • Belau National Museum • Berndt Museum of Anthropology • Bishop Museum Museums in the Canterbury Museum (Christchurch, NZ) 5 • Pacific • Cook Islands National Museum • Fiji Museum Foundation • GRASSI Museum fr Vlkerkunde zu Leipzig • Guam Museum of Culture, Art and History • Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (Wellington) • Macleay Museum (Sydney University) • New Zealand Museums Online • Norfolk Island Museum • Otago Museum (Dunedin, NZ) • Online Exhibitons - Australian National Library • Tjibaou Cultural Center (New Calendonia) • Vanuatu Cultural Centre References for Pacific Study 471

Table 3. Continued No. Categories Contents

• Alcheringa Gallery • Galerie Meyer, Paris • Hurst Gallery • Kon-Tiki Museum, Norway • Linden-Museum Stuttgart, State Museum of Ethnology Museums with • Metropolitan Museum of Art 6 Pacific • Muse d'ethnographie, Neuchtel, Switzerland Collections • Museum der Kulturen, Basel • Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (University of Cambridge) • Peabody Museum • Pitt Rivers Museum • The Smithsonian Institution • University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

• Archive of Maori and Pacific Music • arTok:Pacific Arts Online • CDKiwi.com • CHM Supersound Studies • Didgeridoo Cultural Hub • Ethnic Art Institute of Micronesia in Yap • Festival of Pacific Arts (9th; Palau; 2004) • Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities Agency • IslandMelody.com • King Music • Kiwi Pacific Records • Koolism • Mangrove Productions • Mundo Etnico • Music Archive for Pacific Island Nations 7Music • Muzic.net.nz • netCD: New Zealand Music • Niu FM • Oceania Records • Ode Records, New Zealand • Pacific Islands Music & Dance: A Cyberguide • Pasifika • Perfect Beat: The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture • Radio New Zealand International • Radio New Zealand Sound Archives • Rattle Records New Zealand • Spacific.net - Culture from Aotearoa • Te Vaka • Toi Maori Aotearoa • Tongan Music • Tongan Musical Instruments • Wellington City Libraries: Pasefika Music

• David Huskin's Photo Collection • Glen Jowitt Photography • Het Geheugen van Nederland (Memory of the Netherlands) • IWFmedienkatalog • Melanesian Films and Videos held at UCSD • Micronesia Over the Years: The MicSem Photo Albums • Micronesian Seminar • Moving Images of the Pacific Islands • Pacific Islanders in Communication 8 Visual • Myriah's Pacific Videos and DVD's Resources • The Navigators: Pathfinders of the Pacific • Papua New Guinea Highlands Photos, Circa 1966 • Papua New Guinea, Sepik River region, Circa 2003 • PictureAustralia • Pictures Catalogue - National Library of Australia • Rod Ewins' collection of historical photos from Fiji • Samoan Film Database • South Pacific Pictures • Triton Films • TVE Asia Pacific 472 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Table 4. List of links to agricultural, biodiversity and conservation, natural resources and marine and freshwater resources No. Categories Contents

• Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) • Bibliography of Agriculture in Papua New Guinea • Bioversity International (operating name of International Plant Genetic Resources Institute or IPGRI) • Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) (Australia) • International Network for the Improvement of Banana & Plantain (INIBAP) (operates under 1 Agriculture Bioversity International) • Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) • Papua New Guinea National Agricultural Research Institute • Traditional Pacific Island Crops • Tropical Agriculture Internet Resources • Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture Research (T-STAR) • The World Vegetable Center (Taiwan) (Formerly AVDRC)

• American Samoa Coastal Management Program • Biodiversity Issues in the Pacific Islands • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands - Coastal Resources Management • Cook Islands Natural Heritage Project • DIVERSITAS in the Western Pacific and Asia (DIWPA) • Forest Conservation Portal (PNG) • Mahonia na Dari • The New Guinea Binatang Research Center • Pacific-Asia Biodiversity Transect Network (PABITRA) • Pacific Basin Information Node • Pacific Biological Survey Biodiversity & Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PACE-SD) 2 • Conservation • Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center • Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER) • Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PIRNC) Inventory of Regional • Conservation Activities • Pacific Water: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission) • Regional Resources: Oceania (World Resources Institute) • Species2000 Asia Oceania • TerraNature Fund - Saving New Zealand Biodiversity • Traditional knowledge of biodiversity in Asia-Pacific • United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) World Conservation Monitoring Centre • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9: Pacific Islands • World Rainforest Movement ◎ International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) ◎ Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) ◎ Pacific Regional Aquaculture Information Service for Education (PRAISE) • Coral Reef Alliance • Discussion Framework on Customary Rights to the Foreshore and Seabed • Division of Fish and Wildlife (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) • Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary (American Samoa) • Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network • Guam Database of Deep Water Sport and Edible Fishes • International Coral Reef Information Network (ICRN) Marine & • International Coral Reef Initiative 3 Freshwater • International Marinelife Alliance Resources • Locally Managed Marine Area (LMMA) Network • Marine Resources Pacific Consortium (MAREPAC) • Marine Protected Areas of the United States • Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center • Palau International Coral Reef Center • ReefBase- A Global Information System On Coral Reefs • Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) Coastal Fisheries Programme • SPC Aquaculture Portal • Status of the Coral Reefs of the World: 2002 • US Coral Reef Task Force • Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council References for Pacific Study 473

Table 4. Continued No. Categories Contents ◎ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Regional Office of Asia and the Pacific (RAP) ◎ Pacific Science Association • Agricultural Development in the American Pacific (ADAP) • Agroforesty Net • Chemical Weapons Working Group • Endangered and Threatened Species - Pacific Islands • Greenpeace Australia Pacific • I Tinanom Guahan Siha - Plants of Guam Natural • Invasive Species Profile: Brown Tree Snake 4 Resources • Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System (JACADS) • Micronesian Source Water Protection Coalition • Mineral Resources Department (Fiji) • National Park of American Samoa • Pacific Botany Internet Resources • Pacific Ecology and Environment Internet Resources • Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER) • Palau Conservation Society • Papua New Guinea Eco-Forestry Forum • World Wildlife Fund (WWF) South Pacific Programme

Table 5. List of links to diplomatic representation, government sites, legal sources and tourism No. Categories Contents

• Australian Embassy (Pohnpei) • Australian High Commission (Fiji) • British High Commission (Fiji) • Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia (Washington DC) • Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to the United States • Foreign Missions in Tonga Diplomatic Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs (NZ) 1 • Representation • Palau Embassy (Washington DC) • Permanent Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia to the U.N. • Papua New Guinea Diplomatic Embassies and Consulates • Papua New Guinea Prime Minister • U. S. Embassy - Kolonia Federated States of Micronesia • United States Embassy (New Zealand) • United States Embassy to the Republic of the Marshall Islands (Majuro) ◎ GovEngine.com (Guam, Am. Samoa, CNMI) ◎ Oceanian Governments on the WWW • American Samoa • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands • Cook Islands • Easter Island / Rapa Nui (Chile) • Federated States of Micronesia · Joint Committee on Compact Economic Negotiation Government • Fiji Islands 2 Sites • French Polynesia • Territory of Guam • Kiribati • Nauru • Niue • New Caledonia • New Zealand / Aotearoa · Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs (New Zealand) · Waitangi Tribunal (New Zealand) 474 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Table 5. Continued No. Categories Contents

• Norfolk Island • Papua New Guinea • Pitcairn Island • Republic of Palau • Republic of the Marshall Islands Samoa Government • 2 • Solomon Islands Sites • Tokelau • Tonga (Ministry of Information) • Tonga (Prime Minister's Office) • Tuvalu • Wallis and Futuna • Vanuatu ◎ Association of Pacific Island Legislatures (Under Construction) • American Samoa Bar Association • Centre for Asian and Pacific Law • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Legislature • Commonwealth Law Revision Commission • Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia • Congressman Eni Faleomavaega • Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo • Fiji Law Reform Commission Guam Legislature 3 Legal Sources • • International Humanitarian Law Research Initiative • Island Law • Legal Information System of the Federated States of Micronesia • Pacific Islands Law • Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute (PacLII) • Pacific Law Journal Index • Pacific Law Online • SOSIG: Individual Jurisdictions • Update to Law of the Pacific Islands: A Guide to Web Based Resources (July 31, 2008 updated edition) • Waitangi Tribunal ◎ Pacific Asia Travel Association ◎ South Pacific Organizer ◎ South Pacific Tourism Organisation ◎ Tourism Council of the South Pacific(now SPTO or South-Pacific.(Travel) ◎ Travel with PATA • American Samoa • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands • Cook Islands • Federated States of Micronesia • Fiji Islands • French Polynesia • Territory of Guam •Niue 4Tourism • New Caledonia • New Zealand • Norfolk Island • Republic of Palau • Papua New Guinea • Pitcairn Island • Republic of the Marshall Islands •Samoa • Solomon Islands • Tahiti • Kingdom of Tonga • Wallis and Futuna • Vanuatu References for Pacific Study 475

환경관련 문제들에 관련된 자료 가입한 국가들의 자료들은 Table 5와 같다. 농업, 생물 다양성과 보전, 해양과 담수자원과 자연자원 에 관련된 자료들은 Table 5와 같다. 문헌정보 관련된 문헌정보, Te Puna Web Directory에 관련된 자 정부 관련 자료 료들, Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in 남태평양 지역에 위치한 각국 외교관련 기관, 정부기관, Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC)에 수록된 자료들은 법률관련 자료들과 관광관련 조직과 관련조직 (PATA)에 Table 6과 같다.

Table 6. List of links to bibliographies, gateways and reference tools No. Categories Contents

• An Annotated Bibliography of Papua New Guinean Folklore • An Annotated Bibliography of Vanuatu Languages • The AnthroGlobe Bibliographies • Bibliography of Agriculture in Papua New Guinea • Bibliography of Literature Regarding HMS Bounty, William Bligh and Pitcairn Island • A Bibliography of Melanesian Pidgin English • Cook Islands • Draft Bibliography of Libraries and Librarianship in Papua New Guinea to 1996 1 Bibliographies • Fiji Bibliography • Fiji Tourism Bibliography • Fijian Society • Mana Whenua • Pig Husbandry in New Guinea: A Literature Review and Bibliography • Rory Ewins' Pacific Islands Politics • SIL Bibliography: Country Index • Tattooing in Polynesia • Tonga ◎ Te Puna Web Directory • Asia-Pacific Network • The CMNI Guide • CommunityNet Aotearoa - Pacific Island Links • Directory of Australian Cultural Organisations and Resources • Earthtrends- The Environmental Information Portal • European Society for Oceanists - Links • Just Pacific • Kanaky Online • Literature of the Pacific Islands • National Library of Australia - Pacific Internet Resources • The New Zealand Edge • Pacific Internet Resources (ANU Library) 2 Gateways • Pacific Studies WWW Virtual Library • Papua New Guinea Online • Papua New Guinea WWW Virtual Library • PapuaWeb • Planet Tonga • Samoanet: The internet gateway to Samoa • Secretariat of the Pacific Community - External Libraries (Other Oceanic Libraries) • South Pacific Organizer • Te Kete Ipurangi The Online Learning Centre • Te Tomokanga - The Portal • University of Waikato Library: Maori Sites and Resources • Wellington City Libraries: General Maori Sources • Wellington City Libraries: General Maori Sources (a second page) • Yokwe Online YLinks 476 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Table 6. Continued No. Categories Contents ◎ Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC) • Carving Out Development in the Pacific • CIA World Factbook • Country Maps - Pacific Islands • Cultural Hypermedia Encyclopedia of Oceania • Dictionary of New Zealand Biography (DNZB) • Guampedia: The Encyclopedia of Guam • Hawaii Pacific Journal Index • Map South Pacific • New Zealand Official Yearbook • Pacific Business Regional Directory Reference • Pacific Development Directory (PDD) 3 Tools • Pacific Health Research Database • Pacific Law Journal Index • Pacific Manuscripts Bureau • Pacific States & Territories on the WWW • Perry-Castaeda Library Map Collection: Maps of Australia and the Pacific • South Pacific Island Web Atlas • South Seas - Voyaging and Cross-Cultural Encounters in the Pacific • Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand • Telephone Directories on the Web: Australia and Pacific • UN Atlas of the Oceans • Universal Biological Indexer and Organizer (uBio) • Wellington City Libraries: Maori Business Links • World Time Server

잡지, 뉴스레터와 인터넷 자료 기타 자료 Hawaii Pacific Journal Index, Pacific Law Journal 남태평양 지역을 운행하는 항공회사, 학회와 워크샵, 기 Index, Public Anthropology-Anthropology Journal Archive 타 자료들, 종교관련 조직과 스포츠 관련 자료들은 Table Project, Union List of Serials in Pacific Islands Libraries 10과 같다. 와 World Bank Group & IMF E-Journals들과 무료와 유 료로 얻을 수 있는 인터넷 자료들은 Table 7과 같다. 지역관련 현안문제에 관련된 자료 지역 현안들, 교육, 건강, 정보와 통신 기술, 토지관련 도서관, 보관된 기록물과 관련 출판기관들에 관련된 자료 문제와 여성에 관련 현안문제들에 관련 자료들은 Table MUNDUS Gateway to Missionary Collections in the 11과 같다. UK 등을 위시하여 보관된 기록물들, 도서관 관련조직, 도 서관련 학술회의 자료들, 태평양 지역에 위치한 도서관 자 선정된 관련 공문서와 디지털 자료 료, 태평양 관련 자료들을 수집해 있는 도서관과 관련 도 관련 자료들은 Table 12와 같다. 서를 출판하는 출판사와 서점들의 자료들은 Table 8과 같다. 통계자료 관련 자료들은 Table 13과 같다. 뉴스 관련 자료 Pacific Islands Report을 위시하여 관련 언론 매개체들, 선정된 태평양관련 정기간행물 뉴스관련 조직들, 신문과 잡지들, 라디오 방송사들과 텔레 뉴스와 대중용 정기간행물, 지역관련 정기간행물, 학술 비전 방송사들의 자료들은 Table 9와 같다. 전문 간행물에 관련된 자료들은 Table 14와 같다. References for Pacific Study 477

Table 7. List of links to the websites of serial publications about Oceania No. Categories Contents • Asia-Pacific Magazine (no longer published) • Cultural Survival Quarterly • Cultural Survival Voices Newsletter • Directions: Journal of Education Studies (Institute of Education, University of the South Pacific) • European Centre on Pacific Issues (ECSIEP) Bulletin (ECSIEP office terminated 2007) • Europe Pacific Solidarity Bulletin (no longer updated) • Fiji Magic • Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies • Green Bananas • IMR Nius - A quarterly publication of the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research • Island Studies Journal • Journal of South Pacific Law • The Maori Law Review • Matangi Tonga • Micronesian Counselor • Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences • New Zealand Immigration, Investment and Strategic Relocation Information & Resources Newsletter (by email) 1 Free Access • Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs Newsletter • NewZaid Newsletter • Oceania Newsletter • Oceanic Linguistics • Pacific Eye: Pacific Island Youth Magazine (via Planet Tonga) • Pacific Magazine • Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA) Newsletter • Pacific Times Magazine • Papua New Guinea Medical Journal • Quarterly Bulletin (Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (RSPAS), Australian National University (ANU)) • Rapa Nui Journal • South Pacific Journal of Natural Science • Tahiti Pacifique • Tok Blong Pasifik • Trout: Online Journal of Arts & Literature from Aotearoa/ New Zealand and the Pacific Islands • UNAIDS: The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS - Publications • World Health Organization Western Pacific Region Publications • Archaeology in New Zealand • Fijian Studies: A Journal of Contemporary Fiji 2 Paid Access • The Journal of Pacific History • Sites: A Journal for South Pacific Cultural Studies • The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology • The Contemporary Pacific • The Journal of Pacific Studies • Journal of the Polynesian Society • Kanuculture Newsletter Subscription • Manoa: a Pacific Journal of International Writing 3 Information • Micronesica: Natural Sciences of Micronesia and Related Areas Only • New Zealand Journal of History • Pacific Economic Bulletin • Pacific Health Dialog • Perfect Beat: The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture • South Pacific Journal of Philosophy and Culture • South Pacific Tourism Magazine 478 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Table 8. List of links to archival resources, libraries in the Pacific and others No. Categories Contents ◎ MUNDUS Gateway to Missionary Collections in the UK ◎ National Anthropological Archives ◎ Pacific Manuscripts Bureau (PAMBU) ◎ Pacific Regional Branch International Council on • Archives (PARBICA) • Alele Museum, Library and Archives • Bishop Museum Archives Archival • Cook Islands National Archives 1 Resources • Fiji Ministry of Information, Communications and Media Relation - National Archives • Foreign Missions Office of the Presbyterian Church Archives of Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ) • Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Archives • Melanesian Archive Miscellaneous Manuscript Collection • Melanesian Studies Resource Center & Melanesian Archive, University of California San Diego • National Archives of Australia • Noel Butlin Archives Centre • Western Pacific Archive • ALIA (Asia Pacific Special Interest Group) • Fiji Library Association • Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums • Guam Library Association • Hawaii Library Association (HLA) Library 2 • Library and Information Association New Zealand Aotearoa (LIANZA) Associations • Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA) • Palau Association of Libraries • Te Ropu Whakahau - Maori in Libraries and Information Management • Tonga Library Association • Vanuatu Library Association • Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania (ASAO) Annual Meeting • Asia/Pacific Challenges for Preserving Digital Heritage • Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) Conferences • Cyamus Regional Group of International Association of Aquatic and Marine Sciences Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) • ED-MEDIA World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, & Telecommunications • Hawaii Library Association Conference Library 3 • International Association of Aquatic and Marine Sciences Libraries and Information Centers Conferences (IAMSLIC) • Interlending and Document Supply International Conference • Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (LIANZA) • Pacific History Association • Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society • Pacific Science Congress • Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA) ◎ Libraries of Asia Pacific Directory • Alele Museum, Library and Archives • Alexander Turnbull Library • Auckland City Libraries • Auckland War Memorial Museum Library • Auckland University of Technology Library • Australian National University Library • Belau National Museum Research Library • Bibliothque Bernheim Libraries in the • Bibliothque Universitaire de la Nouvelle-Caldonie 4 Pacific • Bishop Museum Library • Centre Hospitalier Territorial de Nouvelle-Caledonie • College of the Marshall Islands Library • College of Micronesia-FSM Library • Cook Islands National Library • Le Central Culturel Tjibaou Mdiathque • Macmillan Brown Library • Micronesian Area Research Center (MARC) (University of Guam) • Micronesian Seminar • National Library of Australia References for Pacific Study 479

Table 8. Continued No. Categories Contents Other Libraries • Melanesian Recource Center at the University of California, San Diego Library 5 with Pacific • University of Oregon Libraries Collections • Andrew Isles Natural History Books • Asia Pacific Press • Bess Press • Bible Society of the South Pacific • Book Bin Pacifica • Books Pasifika / Pasifika Press • Crawford House Publishing • Hordern House Publishers & • Native Books 6 Book Dealers • Pacific Islands Bookstore • Pacific Linguistics Publishers • Pan Pacifica • Pandanus Books • Serendipity Books • South Pacific Books Exports Ltd. • United Bible Societies • University of Hawaii Press • University of the South Pacific Book Centre

Table 9. List of links to news site, news organizations, newspaper, radio and television No. Categories Contents ◎ David Robie's Cafa Pacific ◎ Pacific Islands Report • Asia-Pacific Network • Bruce Liyd News Briefs • CNMI News Online • Fijilive.com • Go Asia Pacific • Hello Pacific • Marianas Business Journal • Michael Field: News form the Pacific • NBN-Niue Business NEws 1 News Sites • Newzedge(New Zealand) •NiueNews • Pacific Islands Report • Pacific Journalism Online • Pacific Media Watch • Pacific Islands Newspapers and Media • Pacific.Scoop • Samoan Sensation • Samoana •Wansolwara • World Bank Group & IMF E-Newspapers • Yokwe Online News 2 ◎ Pacific Islands Media Association Aotearoa(NZ) Organizations ◎ Pacific Islands News Association • Cook Islands Herald • Cook Island News Online • Fiji Daily Post • Fiji Sun • Hitu News (French Polynesia) Newpapers & • The Independent (PNG) 3 Magazines • Kiribati Newstar • The Kwajalein Hourglass (Archive) • Marianas Variety • The National (PNG) • New Zealand Herald • Les Nouvelles Caledoniennes 480 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Table 9. Continued No. Categories Contents ◎ Pacific Radio Station Web-sites • Asia Pacific (ABC Australia) • Bula Radio Fiji • Fiji Broadcasting • Pacific Beat (ABC Australia) • KSBS - FM 92 (American Samoa) 4Radio• Pacific Wave • Sorenson Pacific Broadcasting • Radio 531pi - Auckland • Radio Cook Islands AM 630kHz • Radio Heritage Collection - Pacific • Radio Polynesia • Voice of Melanesia • Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Four Corners • EM TV (Papua New Guinea) • Fiji Television • KUAM-TV (Guam) 5 Television • RFO New Caledonia (French language) • RFO Polynesie (French language) • RFO Wallis et Futuna (French language) • Te Karere (New Zealand)

Table 10. List of links to airlines, conferences and workshops, sports and others No. Categories Contents • Air Caledonie • Aircalin • Air Fiji • Air New Zealand • Air Nauru • Air Niugini • Air Pacific • Air Rarotonga • Air Tahiti Nui 1Airlines • Air Vanuatu • Aloha Airlines • Hawaiian Airlines • Palau Micronesia Air • Polynesian Airlines •Qantas • Samoa Airlines • Solomon Airlines • Sun Air • The Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Conferences Division • Festival of Pacific Arts • Financing Development Colloquim • 47th Annual Symposium International Association of Vegetation Science - Landscape Change and Ecosystem Disturbance: Islands and Continents • The Foundation for Development Cooperation - Events • International Small Islands Studies Association (ISISA) Islands of the World VIII Conferences • Sixth International Conference on Easter Island and the Pacific 2 and • Sixth International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics Workshops • Second Conference of the Pacific Association of Teacher Educators (PATE) • Pacific and Asian History Seminars • PacInet 2004 • Population Change in Asia and the Pacific - Implications for Development Policy • XXV International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) International Population Conference • World Summit on the Information Society References for Pacific Study 481

Table 10. Continued No. Categories Contents • Asian / Pacific / American Studies Program (NYU) • Australia New Zealand Banking Group • Australian School of Pacific Administration (ASOPA) • Bikini Atoll Local Government Page • Captain Cook Society • Easter Island • Easter Island Foundation • Easter Island Statue Project • Fijilive.com • Free West Papua Campaign • Friends of Tobi Island (FOTI) • Instituto de Estudios Isla de Pascua • Kananam People • Leftist Parties of Asia and Oceania • Majuro, Marshall Islands, Images and Resources • Maori Independence Site • Marshall Islands • Micronesia • My Micronesia 3 Other Sources • Norfolk Island • Oceania • Oxford Papuan Rights Campaign (OPRC) • Pacific Islands Trade and Investment Commission (formerly SPTC) • Pacific Peoples' Partnership (formerly SPPF) • Polynesian Voyaging Society • Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Industry • Proa Web Sites • Reagan Test Site (Kwajalein) • Rotuma Website •Samoa • Sasakawa Pacific Island Nations Fund (SPINF) • SR International and Associates • Te Pito O Te Henua: Rapa Nui • Teaching the Pacific Forum (TTPF) • Tonga • Tuvalu • United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific • West Papua Action • The Catholic Church in the Solomon Islands • Pacifica: Australasian Theological Studies • Radio KNWJ American Samoa 4 Religon • Seventh-Day Adventist Church Directory - South Pacific Division • UCB Pacific Partners - Christian Radio for the South Pacific Islands • World Association for Christian Communication - Pacific Region ◎ International Games Archive ◎ Oceania National Olympic Committees ◎ Oceania Sports ◎ Oceania Sport Information Center Olympic Committees • American Samoa • Cook Islands • Federated States of Micronesia • Fiji 5 Sports •Guam •Nauru • Kiribati • Marshall Islands • New Caledonia •Niue • Norfolk Island • New Zealand • Palau 482 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Table 10. Continued No. Categories Contents • Papua New Guinea •Samoa • Solomon Islands • Tonga • Tuvalu • Vanuatu • Northern Marianas • Tahiti • Tuvalu • Wallis and Futuna Organizations and Events • Athletics New Zealand • Federated States of Micronesia Football Association 5 Sports • Guam Track and Field Association • High Performance Training Centre - Oceania • IAAF Regional Development Centre - Adelaide • Kiribati Athletic Association • 2006 • Oceania Athletic Association • Oceania Basketball Confederation • Oceania Football Confederation • Oceania Tennis Federation • Oceania Weightlifting Federation • Samoa Association of Sport and National Olympic Committee • Samoa Football Association • South Pacific Games 2007 • South Pacific Masters Games

Table 11. List of links to development, education, health, information and communication technology and others No. Categories Contents • ATprojectsInc. • AusAid: Australian Agency for International Development • Carving Out Development in the Pacific • Centre de cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Development Agence (CIRAD) (New Caledonia) • Critical Links for Sustainable Development in the Pacific Islands • Dev-Zone.org (Pacific Links) • Directory of Development Organizations - Oceania • Habitat for Humanity Asia-Pacific • Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD) Nouvelle-Caledonie • Japan International Cooperation Agency • Micronesian Source Water Protection Coalition • Pacific Business Trust • Pacific Development Directory Development • Pacific Peoples' Partnership 1 Issues • The Pacific Plan Online • Pacific Islands Development Program (PIDP) • A Programme for Sustainable Development in the South Pacific • Small Island Developing States Network (sidsnet) • Papua New Guinea Eco-Forestry Forum • The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) • Small Islands Voice Forum • Solomon Islands People First Network (Pipol Fastaem) • State, Society, and Governance in Melanesia • UNESCO Bangkok • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Apia • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Suva • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Members in Asia and the Pacific • Village Development Trust (PNG) References for Pacific Study 483

Table 11. Continued No. Categories Contents • ma in Pacific Island Early Childhood Education • Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood Education (ECE) Pacific Islands • New Zealand Council for Educational Research • New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI) • Pacific Archive of Digital Data for Learning and Education (PADDLE) 2 Education • Pacific Islands Polynesian Education Foundation (PIPEF) • Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL) • Pacific Regional Initiatives for the Delivery of basic Education (PRIDE) • Pan-Pacific Education and Communication Experiments by Satellite (PEACESAT) • Yap State Education Enterprising Department General Health Topics: • Asian and Pacific Islander Health Forum • Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence • Distance Education in Health for Pacific Islands • Division of Maori and Pacific Health, University of Auckland • Hauora Maori • Hawaii Medical Library • Health Research Council of New Zealand • International Planned Parenthood Association (IPPA) - Oceania • Pacific Health Dialog • PacELF - Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis in the South Pacific • Pacific Islands Continuing Clinical Education Program (PICCEP) • Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library • Papua New Guinea Medical Journal 3 Health • Tomaiora Maori Health Research Group • UNICEF East Asian Pacific Evaluation Reports • U.S. Department of Energy Health Programs - Marshall Islands • World Health Organization - Western Pacific Region HIV/AIDS: • Asian Pacific AIDS Resources • National AIDS Council of Papua New Guinea • Pacific Islands AIDS Foundation (PIAF) • The Pacific Youth HIV/AIDS Forum • Secretariat of the Pacific Community HIV/AIDS & STI Project • University of California-San Francisco School of Medicine HIV InSite [Includes Pacific related material] • UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library AIDS Poster Collection [Includes Pacific related material] • American Samoa TeleCommunications Authority • InternetNZ • Marshall Islands National Telecommunications Authority • Office des Postes et T l communications (French Polynesia) • The Pacific Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Portal • Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society Information and • Pacific Telecommunications Council Communication • Palau National Communications Corporation 4 Technology • Pan-Pacific Education and Communication Experiments by Satellite (PEACESAT) (ICT) • Telecom Cook Islands Ltd • Telecom Fiji • Telecom Vanuatu Limited • Telikom PNG • UNESCO and the World Summit on the Information Society • United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force • Verizon Pacifica • Mana Whenua • National Maori Land Information Project • Native Land Trust Board (Fiji) 5 Land Tenure • Papua New Guinea Land Symposium • South Pacific Land Tenure Conflict Symposium • Waitangi Tribunal 484 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Table 11. Continued No. Categories Contents • Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women • Daughters of the Pacific • Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN) Women's • Fiji Women's Crisis Centre 6 Issues • International Women's Rights Action Watch - Asia Pacific • Pacific Women's Bureau • UNIFEM Pacific Regional Office • Women in Fisheries Network

Table 12. List of selected full text document and digital resources No. CategoriesContents • Anglican History in Oceania • Australian Government AusAid Reports and Publications by Country • Bank of Hawaii Pacific Islands Reports • The Centre for Independent Studies • Coral Reef Bleaching • Crawford School Online Papers (formerly Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government) • Cruise Ships' Effects on the Environment • Digital Archive Network for Anthropology and World Heritage • Discussion Framework on Customary Rights to the Foreshore and Seabed • Economic Commentary: ANZ Country Briefs • Ecumenical Centre for Research, Education & Advocacy - Publication • Elsdon Best Monographs • Ethnomathematics Digital Library • Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Digital Library • Forum Communiqu • Health of the population of French Polynesia and nuclear testing • Inquiry into Australia's relations with Papua New Guinea and the Southwest Pacific • Knowledge Basket - Taonga • Law Reports of the South Pacific • Maori Independence Important Documents • Micronesian Seminar • Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs Publications Selected Full • Needs Assessment for Micronesian Healthcare in Hawaii Text • Nga korero a Reweti Kohere Ma 1 Documents & • Niupepa - Maori Newspapers Digital • New Zealand Council for Educational Research Publications Database Resources • ODI Working Paper: Conflict Management in Community-Based Natural Resource Projects: Experiences from Fiji and Papua New Guinea • Online South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Publications • An Overview of the Wetlands in Oceania • PacELF Annual Reports • Pacific Economic Bulletin Updates Papers • Pacific Human Development Report 2006 • Pacific Island Developing Country Water Resources and Climate Change • Pacific Trade and Development PAFTAD Conference Papers • Papers Past (National Library of New Zealand) • Papua New Guinea on the Brink • Papua New Guinea Prime Minister's Speeches • Parliament of Australia Senate Publications • Pig Husbandry in New Guinea: A Literature Review and Bibliography • A Programme for Sustainable Development in the South Pacific • Rory Ewins' Pacific Islands Politics • South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) Virtual Library • The South Seas Project • Status of Coral Reefs of the World 2002 • Traditional knowledge of biodiversity in Asia-Pacific • Treaties & Conventions - South Pacific Treaties, Agreements, etc. • UNIFEM Publications • Vanuatu Department of Forests: Report of a Staff Policy and Planning Workshop References for Pacific Study 485

Table 12. Continued No. CategoriesContents Selected Full • Vanuatu EOG report Text • Waitangi Tribunal Reports 1 Documents & • Waitangi Tribunal Te Ropu Whakamana I Te Tiriti O Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi) Digital • Wise Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human Development (WiCoP) Resources • World Health Organization Western Pacific Region Policy Documents

Table 13. List of links to statistical informations published by governments and other regional bodies No. Categories Contents ◎ Charting the Pacific Regional Statistics ◎ Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) ◎ Election World.org - Elections Around the World ◎ NationMaster.com - Oceania Stats ◎ The Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Population: 2000(US Census) ◎ pacificweb.org ◎ Pacific Regional Information System (PRISM) ◎ Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) ◎ Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) • American Samoa • Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands • Cook Islands • Federated States of Micronesia • Fiji Islands • French Polynesia •Guam • Kiribati Statistical • Maori - Statistics New Zealand 1 Information • Marshall Islands •Nauru • New Caledonia • New Zealand Central Statistical Office • New Zealand Statistical Association •Niue • Norfolk Island •Palau • Papua New Guinea • PNG Forums • Pitcairn Island •Samoa • Solomon Islands • Tokelau • Tonga •Tuvalu • Vanuatu • Wallis and Futuna

Table 14. List of selected periodicals on Pacific area No. Categories Contents • Fiji Islands Business - Suva, Fiji: Islands Business International, 2003- - Continues Island Business(Suva) - Indexed in Hawaii Pacific Journal Index. - Pacc HC681. Al I848 News/Popular • Guam Business News 1 Interest Magazines - Agana, Guam: Glimpses of Guam, Inc., 1983- - Monthly. Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc HF4031.5 A2 G83 • Islands Business - Suva, Fiji: Islands Business, Ltd. 1975-2000 - Monthly. Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. 486 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Table 14. Continued No. CategoriesContents - Pacc HF4032 S68 - Merged with pacific Magazine(Honolulu)to from Pacific Magazine (North ed.) and Pacific Magazine(South ed.) When these ceased, Islands Business reappeared as Fiji Islands Business in 2003. • Pacific Magazine - Honolulu: Pacific Magazine Corp. 1976-2000 - Bimonthly - Pacc DU1 A54 - Honolulu: Pacific Basin Communications, 2001- News/Popular - South Edition, Jan. 2001-2002 1 Interest - Pacc DU1 P3276 Magazines - In 2002 Pacific Nagazine returned to a single edition format. - Pacc DU1 P3273 - Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind • Tok Blong Pasifik. - Victoria, B.C.: Pacific Peoples Partnership, 1982- - Semiannual. - Former title: Tok Blong SPPF. - Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc DU1 T65 • Guam and Micronesian Glimpses. - Agana, Guam: Glimpses of Guam, Inc. 1961?-1992 - Quarterly. Ceased. Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc DU647 A2 O5 • Latte Magazine - Agana, Guam: Latte Pub. Inc., 1997- - Quarterly. - Pacc DU647 A2 L382 •Mana - Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Creative Arts Society. 1976- - Semiannual. - Indexed in H&P Jnl Index - Pacc PR9670 O21 M36 • Mana(Papatoetoe, N.Z.) - Papatoetoe, NZ: Mana Productions, 1993- - Bimonthly. "The Maori News Magazine for all New Zealanders." - Pacc DU423 A1 M26 Regional • Matangi Tonga 2 Magazines/ - Nukualofa, Tonga: Vavau Press, 1986- General Iterest - Six issues yearly. In English and Tongan - Print copies indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc DU880 A2 M38 - Now Published online onlyhttp://www.matangitonga.to/article/global_index.shtml • Micronesian Reporter - Saipan: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands 1951-1980 - Quarterly. Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Also Index created by TTPI Library Services - Pacc DU500 M5 • South Pacific Bulletin - Noumea, New Caledonia: South Pacific Commission. 1951-1981 - Quarterly. Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc DU1 S582 • Tahiti-Pacifique - Moorea, Fr. Polyesia: Tahiti-Pacifique Magazine, 1991-Monthly. - Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc DU878 A2 T33 References for Pacific Study 487

Table 14. Continued No. Categories Contents • Archaeology in Oceania - Sydney: University of Sydney. 1966- - 3/yr. Formerly Archaeology and physical Anthropology in Oceania. - - - Indexed in H&P Journal Index - Pacc CC1 A72 • Asia Pacific Viewpoint - Oxford: Blackwell. 1996- - From 1960-1995 published by Dept. of Geography • Victoria University of Wellington(New Zealand) - Continues Pacific Viewpoint - Semiannual. - Also Available Via the World Wide Web - Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc AS741 P3 • Atoll Research Bulletin - Washington: Smithsonian Institution 1951- - Irregular. Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc QE565 A8 - Also HL. • Bulletin de la Societe des Etudes Oceaniennes - Papeete March 1917- - Quarterly. Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc Du510 A1 S6 • Bulletin de la Societe d'Etudes Historiques de la Nouvelle-Caledonie - Noumea, 1980- - Quarterly. Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc DU720 A2 S6 • Contemporary Pacific: Ajournal of Island Affairs. - Honolulu: Center for Paxific Islands Studies&U.H. Press 1989- Scholary & - Semiannual Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind 3 Professional - Pacc Du1 C665 Also HL Journals - Availavble in electronic format, form Spring 2000 to present in project Muse. • Fijian Studies: A Journal of Contemporary Fiji - Suva, Fiji: Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, 2003- - Semiannual - Pacc DU600 F498 • He Pukenga Korero: A Journal of Maori Studies - Palmerston North, NZ: Dept,. of Maori Studies, Massey Univ., 1995-. - Quarterly - Pacc DU423 A15 H45 •Isla - Mangilao, Guam: University of Guam. 1992-1996 - Semiannual Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind - Pacc DU500 A2 I85 • Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes - Paris: Musee de l' Homme. 1945- - Semi-annual Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind - Pacc DU1 S553 • Journal of Pacific History - Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 1996- - Semiannual Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind - Pacc DU1 J68 - Available in electronic format in Project Muse, form 1993 to one year ago. • Journal of Pacific Studies - Suva, Fiji: School of Social and Economic Development, University of the South Pacific 1975- - Annual. Indexed in H&P Jnl INd. - Pacc DU1 J67 • Journal of the Pacific Society - Tokyo: Pacific Society. 1979- - Quarterly Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind - Pacc DU1 G344 488 Park, B.-K. and Kwon, M. S.

Table 14. Continued No. Categories Contents • Journal of the Poly nesian Society - Wellington, New Zealand. 1892- - Quarterly Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind - Pacc GN2 P7 • Micronesica - Agana, Guam: University of Guam June 1964- - Semiannual. Inexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc DU500 A2M5 • New Zealand Journal of History - Auckland: University of Auckland, 1967- - Semiannual Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc DU400 N45 • Oceania - Sydney: Oceania Publications. 1930- - Quarterly. Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc DU28 O3 - Available in electronic format, form 6/1/93 to six months ago in Academic Search Premier • Oceanic Linguistics - Honolulu: Dept. of Linguistics, University of Hawaii - Summer 1962- Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind - Semiannual - Pacc PL5001 A345 - Available in electronic fornat: 12/1/99 to present in Project Muse • Pacific Arts: The Journal of the Pacific Arts Association - Honolulu: Pacific Arts Association 1975- Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. Scholary & - Semiannual. 3 Professional - Pacc N7410 P33 Journals • Pacific Economic Bulletin - Canverra: National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National University, 1986- - Two issues Yearly. Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc HC681. A1 P355 • Pacific Health Dialog: A Journal of Community Health and Clinical Medicine for the South Pacific - Suva: Fiji School of Medicine, 1994- - 2 issues yearly - Pacc RA557 P33 • Pacific Science - Honolulu: UH Press, 1947- - Quarterly - Also available in electronic format on Project Muse form 2001 to the present - Hawn QH1 P33 - Also HL. • Pacific Studies - Laie, Hawaii: Institute for Polynesian Studies, Brigham Young University, - Hawaii Campus. 1997- - Quarterly. - Indexed in H&P Jnl INd - Pacc DU1 P38 • Rapa Nui Journal - San Luis Obispo, CA: G. Lee, 1986- - Quarterly - Indexed in H&P Jnl Ind. - Pacc F3169 R35

3. 결론 의 현안문제들과 남태평양 지역의 분류, 각국의 외교 사절 단과 관련 조직들 그리고 인터넷을 이용하여 얻을 수 있 이번 연구를 통해 남태평양연구에 필요한 학술적 간행 는 자료 등을 정리해 보았다. 각종 정보와 자료들은 Table 물은 물론, 정부의 간행물, 대중적 잡지들과 물론 이 지역 1에서 Table 14로 정리하였다. References for Pacific Study 489

이 자료들이 우리나라의 학자들이 남태평양 지역연구에 있는 적도태평양 연구인프라 구축사업 과제(PE98962)의 많은 도움이 되리라 확신한다. 한국해양과학기술원이 일환으로 수행되었다. 이 자료 수집에 미국 하와이대학교 2000년부터 시작한 마이크로네시아 중심의 연구에서 남태 도서관의 성낙길 선생님과 손재연 박사님의 많은 도움이 평양 전 지역에 관한 연구로 확대하는데 좋은 자료가 되 있었다. 기를 바란다. Received Nov. 6, 2013 사사 Revised Nov. 19, 2013 Accepted Dec. 1, 2013 이 자료에 관한 연구는 한국해양과기원에서 수행하고