COVID-19: What Are the Options for the UK?
May 12, 2020 The Independent Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) The Independent SAGE Report COVID-19: what are the options for the UK? Recommendations for government based on an open and transparent examination of the scientific evidence Submitted to The UK Government and the People of Great Britain @independentSAGE & Northern Ireland by Sir David King, former Chief Scientific Adviser, YouTube: IndependentSAGE UK Government, Chair of Independent SAGE Independent SAGE Report of 12th May 2020 Participants: Sir David Anthony King, Former Chief Scientific Adviser, UK, chair for Centre of Climate Repair at Cambridge & Senior Strategy Adviser to the President of Rwanda Professor Anthony Costello, University College London Professor Karl Friston FRS, FMedSci FRSB, University College London Professor Kamlesh Khunti FMedSci, Professor of Primary Care Diabetes & Vascular Medicine, University of Leicester Professor Martin McKee CBE FMedSci MAE, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Professor Susan Michie FAcSS FMedSci, University College London Professor Christina Pagel, University College London Dr Zubaida Haque FRSA, Deputy Director Runnymede Trust. Professor Deenan Pillay, Professor of Virology, University College London Dr Alison Pittard, Dean Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine Professor Allyson Pollock, University of Newcastle Professor Gabriel Scally, President of Epidemiology & Public Health section, Royal Society of Medicine Additional contributions from: Professor Elias Mossialos Dr Rosalyn
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