Prizefight Bler
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I ; Telephone 365 Star Business Office SECOND EDITION 1 " VOL. XVIII, SIXTEEN PAGES. HONOLULU, HAWAII, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1910 SIXTEEN PAGES. No. 5708 J i I PRIZEFIGHT GAM BLER CO M M ITS SUICIDE i "a GIRL SPRINGS I am m an trm era B 13 3B t031 BHB o SSIl KSS (Associated Press Cable to The Star.) Hawaiian Trust Co. is executor or Jackson divorce from his wife, Emma, i tho estate of the late James Alfred on grounds of adultery. BARCELONA, July 23 Antonio Maura, the former Spauish pre Colburn who died July 2 and left fl Judgo Robinson grants Hermann mier, who was wounded here yesterday by a would-b- e assassin, was widow, Mary Jane. Ho left city prop- 'I Ludowlg saved by erty worth $3,800 and cash, $U8 .Tho divorce from his wife, Agnes, from death the heroic action of his young.cousin, a fearless. The seizure of five tins of opium from a storekeeper and the seizure widow gets personal property and in-- ' on grounds of desertion. She wroto girl who, seeing that Maura's life was threatened, sprang upon and of two tius of opium from the grip of-- a Chinese steward aboard the come of estate during life, after which him that he had never saved anything grappled with the assailant and confused his aim. cus- .1 American-Hawaiia- n S. S. Arizonan yesterday morning by the property goes to decedent's brother's and she was happier without him, re- tom officials opens up a greater scheme of smuggling than was at children in Australia. commending that he "amuse himself why says to be the case. Leong Fat must appear to show and always be gay." She that Hilo first understood adjudged guilty of is an old hole and that Honolulu Is a appears two tins of opium in the grip or satchel of the he should not be It that the contempt for refusing to pay his wife Paradise They wero married in more less than a plant, a blind, T FIGHT B Chinese Leong Sang, was nothing nor alimony in divorce proceedings. 1888 and havo had seven children, of great quantity a bluff, under which to hide the smuggling ashore a Judge Robinson grants Wallace three being minors. x from Arizonan. of the poppy juice the HO- - The Federal officials received secret information to the effect that Leong Sang and the other Chinese were, smuggling opium ashore and AND KILLS ii MSELr the sleuths of the customs department immediately descended upon WORK the men mentioned, and, while these two men were having their effects RET URN TO (Associated Press Cable to The Star.) "(if searched and were being, placed under arrest and brought before the I United States Commissioner and U. S. District Attorney Breckons, CniCAGO, July 23 A man of this city who lost $10,000 through the real smugglers were landing enough dope to make somebody rich, laying a bet that Jim Jeffries would defeat Jack Johnson in the half-poun- d 1 now $75, unstamped NG 4 si ' the tins of Hongkong No. selling at CAUSE ROT heavyweight fight on July at Reno, has committed suicide on ac- of course. count 61 his loss. The two tius of dope, it is alleged, were placed in the grip of Leong (Associated Press Cable to The Star.) Sang to distract .the attention of the officials, as was the case with the five tins above mentioned. NEW YORK, July 23 The return to work today of fifty men of the five hundred who struck work ai the New York refinery, caused TWO DROWNED rioting which has been suppressed by the police. i",v y DA LY 6 1ST E DUCK OFF IN CLOUDBURST THIS AFTERNOON T DEAD PROBE FAILS TO 1 ill mm (Associated Press Cable to The Star.) Bernadino Madera and Celestine de Cortes, charged with assault with a Unless something unfareseen hap OF HEART DISEASE ELICIT EVIDE ICE BISI5EE, Ariz., July 2.'5 In a cloudburst two persons have been deadly weapon with Intent to kill one pens between now and threo o'clock drowned and six others are missing. Property loss amounts to employed Kn-huk- u Condito, a laborer at the collier Prometheus, with the cruis- .$150,000. plantation, waived examination " er Chattanooga in tow and the Cleve All efforts so far to get any Infor- before Judge Andrade this morning Alexander C. Elston, a motorman Chun Ton and were committed to the Circuit land as convoy, will sail for San Fran- employed by the Rapid Transit Co. mation about the murder of court for trial. Condito has been in cisco. Final preparations for the de- died suddenly of heart failure this from the five Chinese who wero BON LLA SAILS TO the hospital between life and death parture of the special squadron were morning at his home 12G9 Fort street. brought up from Kahuku yesterday as a of the assault, a razor and result being made on all three ships this Elston has been on sick leave since havo proved fruitless. dagger figuring as the weapons in morning, the decks of the ships show- the ICth f July and under the care Unless they decide to give some tho case. ing a good deal of activity. light on tho terrible crime, tho police OVERTHROW DAVILLA injury of Dr. Walters. The charge of malicious The trial trip of the Prometheus are up against it very badly. Ton was brought by Henry Davis against H. C. yesterday afternoon proved satisfact- Elston has always been considered supposed to havo been InpossessI6nof (Associated Press Cable to The Star.) Brown, of Wahlawa, was taken un- ory to the members of tho board of an efficient and trustworthy man by a large amount of opium at tho time der advisement by Judge Andrade un-t- il survey, who were ordered to see of his, quite possible NEW ORLEANS, July 2'.l It is reported that Bonilla has sailed that his employers who were shocked to death and It is n next Thursday. engines of big auxiliary were for with men and arms with the intention of overthrowing the the hear of his death today. As far as that the desiro on the part of some of Honduras .t A popular baseball man was found in condition to stand the tedious trip his friends to steal tho precious pop- Davilla. the officials ot tho company guilty of using threatening'language man-of-w- know, to Bremerton with the disabled py juice led to the murder ot tho un- g . i and was given his choice of putting up in tow. Tho engines which Elston was alone, having no relatives fortunate man by a person or persons a bond of $150 or going to jail for 30 caused so much trouble on the trip or family. Funeral services will bo unknown to tho police. days. The chances are that he will from San Francisco worked much held tomorrow under tho auspices of Before In the history of crime the BIG RECEPTION AT SEOUL put up the bond. engineers expected, t r .: better than the the Honolulu Employ- police have always been able to ob- The rest of the cases on the calen- Street Railway A- tho result being that the collier did tain some clue that would result In dar were continued. ee's Benefit Association. not come Into port last night but lay the running down of tho suspected SEOUL, July 23 Ambassador Terauchi of Japan was given a J' at anchor outside tho harbor persons, but in this case they aro en- AT THE POPULARf STORE. great reception here today. On account of the poor condition of LATTERDAY SAINTS. tirely at sea and will probably re Attractive displays of brand new the Cleveland's boilers and engines, It goods Sachs Dry Goods Co., this main so, unless somo of tho Ave de- at is doubtful if more than eight knots Reorganized church on King street SAFE GUAItD AGAINST ILLNESS. week. See advertisement In this is- cide to confess everything that they an hour will be made between hero McCon-ley- , Make It a rule ot your homo to keep sue. Among new goods is a com- near Kapiolani. Elder M. A. know which seems to bo very unlike- the Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and plete assortment of the famous Onyx and San Francisco, as Captain Rod pastor. ly at present. man noes Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard hosiery. not intend to take any 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. Lesson, chances with his ship, and considers against bowel complaints. For sale "Peter's Pentecostal Sermon." TWO by Benson, Smith & Co., that an eight-kno- t speed will be all SERVICE OFFICERS. all dealers, 11 a.' m. Morning worship. Sermon, agents for Hawaii. Si that is necessary. "Prayer," by pastor. Lieut. James L. Ahorn ot this city, The Prometheus and Chattanooga 0:30 p. m. Zion's Rellglo Literary who has been stationed on the cutter will keep company Clove-lan- d INDUSTRIAL with the Society Lesson "Trouble with Morian Thetis, on tho Pacific, has arrived as as Farallones, far the when ton Ancient America 71 B. C." home from Honolulu and will remain ACCIDENT they will chango courso tholr and 7:30 p. m. Evening worship. Sermon in this city several weeks to recuper- proceed directly INSURANCE to tho Bremerton "A Living Church," by pastor. ate. Lieut, Ahern Is In poor health on navy yard near Seattle unless $4 Shoe orders Special music by choir. Seats free. account of tho strenuous sea service are received by to con- wireless tho All welcomo.