Message from our Curate Dear Reader, Hello all - I wonder if, like me, you experience a little melancholy when the nights draw in and you have to put the central heating on in the mornings and evenings to take the chill off? But if you’re like me, you quickly get over it because this time of year is stunning. Keats summed it up beautifully when he wrote of “Seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness”. If, also like me, you are a townie by origin, you know it’s autumn because of the dew on the car windscreens in the morning, and the biggest spiders you’ve ever seen are coming indoors now to keep warm. But one thing we all love about the autumn season is Harvest Festivals. The churches are decorated beautifully; Harvest hymns are sung with great pleasure and we thank God for our food and drink and for all the farmers and food chain workers that do the hard work of bringing it to us. Harvest also gives us the opportunity to offer gifts of food and provisions to be taken out and shared with those who need them. Jesus was very concerned with teaching us about helping people in distress or need, He said we should love God, and also love our neighbour as ourselves. His parable about the Good Samaritan came in response to a question from someone wanting to know who their neighbour was. In the case of the parable a man took pity on someone of a vastly different background to himself who had been beaten up, and he took care of him even at his own expense. That man had a good, kind heart and he was moved to do something for the stranger in distress. (Luke 10: 25-37) I have discovered time and time again how people are basically good and kind, and very willing to offer help if needed. But the sad thing is, that in our society, we have almost become brainwashed to believe that people are not good or kind, and cannot be trusted. Our news reports and the media print and publish information that is worrying and even frightening much of the time; it is not their fault, they feel they have a duty to give us this information, but it seems it is all we ever get to hear. So we become suspicious of strangers, we become negative and fearful in our thinking and corporately the nation becomes depressed by it, which is sad and unfair because people are basically good and kind and helpful. Even today, my husband and my son were both saying how they had each been on the receiving end of an “act of kindness” by strangers, and they have been upbeat because of it. A minister friend of mine once commented in a sermon that ‘life is like looking in a mirror; If you walk up to it and smile then life smiles back to you’, and it’s true. Let’s not be afraid to be the good, kind and open-hearted people we are. Let’s love and help our neighbours fearlessly. Let’s keep sowing goodness and kindness into our homes and communities, and then we reap a harvest of joy and friendship which will warm our hearts, and enrich our lives all year round. God bless you, with love Sue Cooper. (Rev’d)

Service Schedule for October 2018 Sunday 7 October Sunday 21 October 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Shutlanger 8.00 a m: Holy Communion, BCP, Blisworth 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, BCP, Milton Malsor 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Milton Malsor 11.00 a m: Word and Worship, Blisworth 11.00 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Grafton Regis Sunday 14 October 11.00 a m: Morning Worship, Blisworth 9.30 a m: Morning Worship, Milton Malsor Sunday 28 October, Bible Sunday 9.30 a m: Harvest Festival and Holy Communion, Stoke 9.30 a m: Morning Worship, Milton Malsor Bruerne 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Alderton 11.00 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Blisworth 11.00 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Blisworth

Every Wednesday: 9.30 a m, Morning Prayer, Blisworth and Milton Malsor

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Useful Telephone Numbers for the United Benefice of Blisworth and Stoke Bruerne with Grafton Regis, Alderton and Milton Malsor Rector: Revd Andrea Watkins, tel 01604 857619 Curate: Rev’d Sue Cooper, tel 01604 764243 Churchwarden of Blisworth: Mrs Fiona McKenzie, tel 01604 859541 Churchwardens of Stoke Bruerne: Mrs Christine Frost, tel 01604-862561 and Mr Lee Arnfield, tel 01604 864553 Churchwardens of Grafton Regis: Mrs Jean Glanville, tel 01908 543463 and Mrs Judy Kendrick-Simonsen, tel 01908 542535 Churchwarden of Alderton: Mrs Amanda Selvey, tel 01327 811380. Churchwardens of Milton Malsor: Mrs Jane Treharne, tel 01604 858323 and Mrs Sue Bell, tel 01327 351043 Streetchurch The Benefice team is on duty again on Sunday 14 October 2018. The numbers have held up over the summer. It seems the need is there whatever the weather, although the dry weather has been better for clients sleeping in tents. Donations of sandwiches, cake, wrapped biscuits, crisps, fruit, fruit juice (orange and summer fruits type) are most welcome. Jean Glanville looks after Grafton Regis; Doris and Linda – Alderton; Roger Evans Stoke Bruerne and Shutlanger and the donations from Blisworth may be left in the church porch before 11.30 a m please on 14 October. This is our last time on duty this year. Thank you all very much to those who donate so generously both food on our Sundays and for clothing throughout the year. It is so much appreciated by all. Doris Knights

Deanery Healing Service There will be a Deanery healing service on Saturday 20 October at church. All are welcome: Deanery – a celebration of the healing ministry, Holy Trinity Church, Deanshanger. A service with the ministry of healing starts at 2.00 p m

Monday Group The Monday group will meet on Monday 1 October at Delapre Abbey at 2.00 p m. We will be having a guided tour around the house, and afterwards go for a cup of tea in the tearooms.

The Julian Group for Silent Prayer The Julian Group for Silent Prayer – making space for God. The group meets on the second Monday of the month (9 October) from 5.00 p m to 6.00 pm, usually at 2 Towcester Road, Blisworth. You are welcome to join us to ‘taste and see’ or on a regular basis. Contact Sue Cutts or Hilary Spurrier for more information.


Bellringers The Benefice Bellringers are pleased to have successfully rung their traditional Blisworth Canal Festival 1/4 peal,with a little help from our friends from Kent: BLISWORTH, , Sunday 19 August 2018 600 Plain Bob Doubles,660 Grandsire Doubles Treble: Elizabeth Woodrow, 2nd: Diane P Rogers, 3rd: Mark D Rogers, 4th: Cathy Cheeseman, 5th: Rupert Cheeseman, Tenor: James Cameron, conducted by Rupert Cheeseman 1st 1/4 Peal attempt for James Cameron Rung in celebration of the Blisworth Canal Festival.


Stoke Bruerne Village Hall. The AGM will be held on 5 October at 7.00 p m. This is an open meeting and all are welcome. Stoke Bruerne Village Hall Management Committee.

Tree on the Village Green Unfortunately the ash tree on the village green opposite the school has honey fungus, which has decayed key buttresses of the tree. A specialist tree consultant has confirmed that there is a real risk of the tree being up-rooted in adverse weather. The Parish Council is therefore arranging for its removal. A new tree (of a variety which is not susceptible to honey fungus) will be planted to replace it in due course.

Speeding Traffic The Parish Council continues to work hard on residents’ behalf to bring pressure on the Safer Roads Team and Northamptonshire Highways to come up with a scheme which is permissible and will reduce the number of speeding vehicles.

Grit Bins Northamptonshire Highways have confirmed that they are no longer willing to maintain or re-fill three of the village grit bins as they do not think they are required. The Parish Council disagrees with this decision and has therefore agreed to take on ownership of the grit bins. If any resident notices that the bins need refilling please let Alison, our Clerk, know on 07724 682819.

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Tove Valley Football Club We are pleased to welcome Tove Valley FC to the village. They play in the Nene Sunday League and will be playing their home games on the recreation field. Once available, their fixture list will be published on our website

Canal Partnership As the reorganisation of the Canal & River Trust continues, the Canal Partnership at Stoke Bruerne continues to represent the interests of our area to new contacts in the region. Recently, representatives were taken on a tour of the museum and canal centre, including a trip through the Blisworth tunnel on NB Sculptor, and were impressed. Others attended the recent Village at War weekend – we are very glad that this proved to be such a success following the very hard work of the organisers. At the beginning of September, another of our occasional Over and Under the Hill walk/tunnel boat trips was held and we were pleased to welcome 31 partakers this time. Everyone enjoyed a pleasant and informative evening. Many thanks to Stoke Bruerne Boat Company for their assistance with this event.

The Adoption Group has had several task days during August and September, sometimes assisted by corporate groups from local companies and by volunteers from the IWA Adoption Group. This has enabled the repainting of locks 19 and 20 as a major project, as well as keeping on top of vegetation growth in the museum car park, around the museum green and along the Woodland Walk. The flower tubs on the lock island have flourished all summer, thanks to kind neighbours watering them. The group meets every second Wednesday of the month so the next meeting is on Wednesday 10 October from 9.30 a m, meeting in the museum car park. Everyone is welcome for as long as you wish to stay; all tools and protective gear are supplied.

Once again this month we will be holding the Big Draw event in half term week on the museum green. This will take place on Wednesday 24 October from 11.00 a m until 4.00 p m. All drawing and painting materials are supplied and a visiting artist will be there to inspire - but this isn’t about being gifted or professional, it’s just for fun so everyone can have a go. The theme this year is ‘play’ but really, just come and enjoy yourselves for an hour – and it’s free!! Helen Westlake, Chairperson, Stoke Bruerne Canal Partnership

Village at War Weekend The Friends of the Canal Museum wish to extend their grateful thanks to all our volunteer helpers and villagers for assisting with a mixed but very successful Village at War weekend, which saw rain and low visitor numbers on the Saturday and sunshine with record visitor levels on Sunday. Although figures are not yet finalised, we expect to see a good surplus and we're delighted to see the Nippy tea rooms raised a commendable £1,550 for Stoke Bruerne primary school. This year’s event, our 11th, followed the format of previous ones with the return of popular old 40s favourites Lola Lamour, Perfect Vintage and George Formby impersonator, Paul Casper, but with a string of new entertainers such as Betty Bluebird and Sparky & Sprite. Also new this year were children from the Dance Centre who produced gasps of admiration from the audience to their spectacular dance moves. Although the weather was too inclement on Saturday for a fly-past, we were pleased to welcome the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight's Spitfire in the skies on Sunday and the vintage fashion parade at the church was a wow with visitors.

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We will be putting photos, videos and information on what was raised by various groups who participated on our website, so please do call by and have a look

St Mary the Virgin Church Choir Concert St. Mary the Virgin Church was the venue for an autumn concert by the Blisworth Community Choir on Friday 14 September. The choir, led by Helen Thorman, sung a wide variety of songs, including excerpts from Les Miserables, The Lion King and Disney films, and finishing with the ABBA song, ‘Thank you for the Music’. There were special moments when Sue Damone played two pieces on the saxophone, Jane Grant and Marianne Bartley sung ‘Panis Angelicus’ together and Andy Newbery and John Brough delighted us with solo performances. Refreshments were served during the interval. A raffle was held and a collection taken at the end of the evening in support of The Torch Trust for the Blind. Mary Griffin gave a short explanation of the work of the Trust, which was very enlightening. It was a most entertaining evening in aid of a very worthy cause. Thank you to those involved in the event and to those who came along to support us. Lynne Wild

Harvest Festival Our Harvest Festival will take place in St Mary the Virgin Church on Sunday 14 October at 9.30 a m and you are most welcome to join us for this special thanksgiving service.

Streetchurch The churches in our Benefice are responsible for organising Streetchurch on Sunday 14 October, so there will be a collection for this at the Harvest Festival service. We are always grateful for any contributions which can be passed on to those less fortunate than ourselves.

Decorating the Church The church will be decorated, ready for the Harvest Festival, on Friday 12 October between 9.30 a m. and 12.00 noon. We would be very grateful for offers of help with this. We will provide flowers, hops and wheat sheaves, but would appreciate some autumnal foliage or home grown produce for display if you have any available. Refreshments will be on offer to give you sustenance during the morning. If you are able to help, please ring Lynne Wild on 01604 830279.

Autumn Tidy Our church is due to undergo a thorough tidy in the churchyard and the interior this autumn. The date for this is Saturday 10 November between 9.30 a m and 12.00 noon. This is an extremely rewarding exercise as the church looks amazing once all the tasks have been completed. If you are able to assist us in this work we would be most grateful. People who prefer to work outside may like to bring their own tools as we are unable to provide these. We do, however, have an abundance of rubber gloves, dusters and polish for the inside! We shall, of course, provide the workers with well-earned refreshments during the morning! Please put the date in your diary. Many thanks on behalf of St Mary’s PCC.

Book Club We will be discussing ‘The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry’ by Rachel Joyce at our next meeting which will be held on Tuesday 30 October. We meet at 7.00 p m in The Boat pub. Everyone has the opportunity to choose a book to read, we all read that book and then discuss it at the meeting – great for book lovers who like to chat about the book they have read. You do not need to live in the Benefice to come along - all are welcome!

David Blagrove Trust Roy Sears who lost his life in June of this year in a car accident was the joint chairman of the David Blagrove Trust. Those that knew Roy would be aware of his dedication in supporting the local community. He worked tirelessly to keep the bus service coming through Stoke with many meetings with the bus company. Unfortunately the bus company has found it necessary to stop the service from Stoke to Towcester. To carry on Roy`s legacy, the Trust is setting up a courtesy transport service from the museum car park to Towcester. This service will be free of charge to those people who are unable to travel to Towcester to carry out their shopping. To start with, it will operate one day a week, Friday, and will leave at 10.00 a m and return from Towcester at 12 noon. To use this service you must book it in advance by phoning:-

Trevor Allum (main coordinator) tel 07973622151 Alan and Greta Rickets tel 01604 862570 or Bill Mann tel 07860619143

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We will be looking for volunteer drivers with a car so if you think you may be able to help please contact the above for more information.


Lunch Club The first of the winter lunches took place on 20 September; it was lovely to see everybody again and the cooks excelled themselves once again. The courgette and brie soup with homemade bread was followed by roast lamb, a beef stew, a pork and leek pie and pasta bake, served with a variety of vegetables and roast potatoes. This was served as a buffet so we could all help ourselves to whatever we wanted, and this we did with gusto. A variety of delicious desserts followed and then there was coffee/tea and chocolates. These events are a real joy and we really look forward to them. Thanks to everybody who makes them possible, in whichever way they help. LD

Ride and Stride Event Alex valiantly went out on her bike to raise funds for our church and Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust and here is her journey.

Below Alex’s comments. ‘I'm finally home after 5 hours, 8 churches, and 27 miles cycled. I had some lovely chats and yummy biscuits along the way. I'm trying not to think about the hills I endured’.

Harvest Festival Service It was more ‘no Vicar, no problem’ than ‘no pianist, no problem’. Amanda (Selvey) and I took the Word and Worship Harvest service to the service at St Mary’s and it was well received. We were also able to dedicate a memorial plaque to John Colgrove; John had been on the PCC for 55 years and was Churchwarden for 32 years. The plaque is on the right hand pillar as you enter the Chancel, so do pop into the church to see it.

Charles made the dedication and reminded us of John’s work for the church and village. Jean Glanville


Blisworth Hand Bell Ringers The church handbells will be rung at the Chapel Coffee House on Tuesday 16 October at approximately 10.45 a m. Why not pop along for a tempting coffee and home-made cake?

Bell Ringers – “Ringing Remembers” This year sees the centenary of the ending of the Great War of 1914-1918 and many bell ringing organisations are putting together plans to celebrate the event around the country. “Ringing Remembers” is the event endorsed by the Government and Central Council of Bell Ringers and will see church bell ringers around the country, including those in our Benefice, ringing on open bells at 12.30 p m on Sunday 11 November after the conclusion of the regular Remembrance services. The event is linked to a campaign to recruit 1,400 new bell ringers, which is equal to the number of ringers who lost their lives in World War I.

Simultaneously, the “Battle’s Over” commemoration event will include additional ringing of church bells on the same day. Many towns and villages are taking part around the country and the event will include bag pipes at 6.00 a m, the Last Post at 6.55 p m, lighting of beacons at 7.00 p m, ringing out for peace at 7.05 p m and town criers at 7.50 p m. To quote Alfred Lord Tennyson: Ring out old shapes of full disease, Ring out the narrowing lust of gold, Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace.

Historic Churches Cycle Ride: The cycle ride took place on Saturday, 8 September and was a great success. Rosie Turnbull, Mary Griffin and I rode in what started as a rather damp day but soon cleared by lunchtime. We enjoyed meeting the lovely people who welcomed us

October 2018 - 5 - Volume 38, Issue 10 at the churches we visited, and thanks to the wonderful support and generosity of all who sponsored us. The total raised stands at £555, half of which comes to our parish church. THANK YOU. Andy Newbery.


Church Cleaning Rota October Val Kleine and Joy Wilson Churchyard Rota 2 – 15 October Hempenstall family 16 – 30 October Selvey family Then the leaves Martyn Mann plus any willing helpers who would like to volunteer. Service date: 28 October Alderton Art Festival I am delighted to announce that the Alderton Art Festival (AAF) is still very much alive and extremely healthy. Founded by the vision of Patsy and Tony Ellis and Tom and Pam Hutchinson some 42 years ago, this year’s event has broken previous records. For the last few years the profit from the festival has been around £4,000, but this year every single target was smashed, resulting in over £6,000 being donated to our beautiful St Margaret’s church for its upkeep. The breakdown below are approximates and may differ slightly from Amanda Selvey’s official figures. All the figures have their costs deducted, apart from the miscellaneous costs such as toilet hire, event licence, printing, postage etc. Two years ago, the festival nearly collapsed, but I can’t thank enough the team that have helped me to keep it going. That team is huge, mostly dedicated villagers but with some great outsiders. It is impossible to single anybody out; it was a great team effort. The weather was fabulous, and with a record attendance (in the church 649 people bought a catalogue), the atmosphere was absolutely brilliant. I met with the committee recently for a de-briefing meeting and I’m delighted to say that we are not complacent. There are still so many things we can and need to improve upon. We’ve recognised that we’ve probably reached a limit on both the number of quality paintings we can exhibit in the church and the number of people attending the exhibition. However one thing we are keen to develop is more sponsorship. For example, this year a trade account with Towcester Mill Brewery combined with real ale sponsorship from Brand Ambassadors Ltd at Pury Hill Business Park raised an extra £450. Neill Taylor, the owner of the Business Park, has said that he is keen to help us expand this local company sponsorship to drive down our costs, and to invest in some key new items for next year. Finally one of the benefits of the bar was that quite a crowd of helpers and stall holders stayed for a drink and a chat long into the evenings, only serving to increase the fantastic camaraderie. Despite the rumours I was not the last to leave! Or was I? Charlie Reece AAF Chairman

Harvest Festival Sunday 23 September 2018 Although the weather on Sunday was extremely wet and the marquee which we had left up from the Art Festival to host the Harvest lunch blew apart in the winds on Tuesday, the Good Lord looked after us - another reason to be thankful. We had a lay-led service by Amanda, who does these things so well, with readings and prayers from David and Doris. It was a pleasure to welcome Matthew and Dominic who looked after the CD playing of the hymns. We all enjoyed a good singing of the Harvest favourites and then had cups of tea and coffee (thank you Sara), sold the produce and then adjourned for the Harvest lunch.

The lunch was hosted by Richard and Lulu Pelly at their home. Richard barbecued some lovely meats which he had provided from his shoots, and the folk who came to the lunch brought and shared – a nice range of salads, quiche and the delicious meats plus a range of desserts. There were some good wines and home-made apple juice from Pear Tree Cottage apples.

Thank you to all who attended the service and the lunch and particularly to Richard and Lulu for stepping in after the marquee blew down. Alderton PCC

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Mums and Tots This takes place every Friday morning through term time at Milton Malsor Village Hall from 9.30 a m until 11.30 a m. All mums and tots welcome. Coffee Morning The October coffee morning held in Holy Cross church on Saturday 6 October will be our contribution for the 'MacMillan Big Coffee Morning'. All are welcome coffee, tea, and, of course home-made cakes, a raffle, friendships, toys for the children and space to enjoy being with other folk from the community. We open at 10.00 a m until 12.00 noon. We hope to see you there.

Christmas Tree Festival On 1 and 2 December at Holy Cross church here in Milton Malsor, we are holding the first of many to come, 'a Christmas Tree Festival'. It is open to any persons or organisations to join in at the start of Advent. The title is 'first time lucky', so there is plenty of scope for ideas and themes. There will be refreshments all day, starting at 10.00 a m with our monthly coffee morning and finishing at 4.00 p m on the Sunday. If you would like to participate, please call Jane on 07729311988 or 01604858323. Jane Trehane

Milton and Collingtree WI Our annual meeting is on 11 October at 7.30 p m in Milton village hall. We will review our year and hear about the one ahead and look forward to a very sociable evening with plenty of time to chat. On 8 November we welcome Andrew Castley and his musicians for live entertainment with a ‘Brief history of folk music’. Our neighbours, Blisworth WI, will join us for what promises to be a lively evening.

Milton Malsor Historical Society An open invitation to everyone to our Christmas buffet and raffle, including a special viewing of “A Look Down Your Way Around Milton Malsor”. This will take place on Friday 14 December from 7.00 p m until 10.30 p m in Milton Malsor village hall. Advance bookings only – Ticket price £5.00. RSVP. Tel: 01604 858 591 – from 3 to 7 December 2018 only.

Planning For Remembrance 2018 Hundreds of poppies are being made for the display of 1,000 Poppies which will be mounted across the font at Holy Cross. If you have any to give in, or would like to make some, phone Peter Heffron on 01604 858021. Over 120 tickets have been sold so far for the special Act of Commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the ending of WWI. This takes place at Holy Cross on Saturday 10 November at 7.30 p m. There are about 30 left if anyone wishes to come. Contact Malcolm 016014 858363. A major rehearsal for this unique event is scheduled for Thursday 1 November in the church. Peter will be leading the Remembrance Day service at 10.00 a m on 11 November at Holy Cross. Malcolm is leading the service at the same time at the Baptist Church. Both congregations will join to form a procession to the village green at 10.45 a m for 10.55 a m, when the annual commemoration will start promptly at 11.00 a m with the National Silence. The village hall is booked when light refreshments will be available courtesy of the church. This event has become very popular and brings many villagers together. GENERAL NEWS

Blisworth Community Choir Do you enjoy singing? Are you free on a Thursday evening? Then Blisworth Community Choir could be just the thing for you. We are always looking for new recruits; you don’t have to read music and there are no auditions. We sing anything and everything, from Disney sing-a-long to The Hallelujah Chorus and all are welcome. Just turn up at Blisworth church at 7.30 p m and have a free trial session – you never know you might enjoy it. Kathryn Hayward

The Blisworth Community Choir Concerts The Blisworth Community Choir is giving a joint concert with the Hunsbury Voices concert at the Abbey Centre, Northampton, at 7.00 p m on Saturday 15 December. Entry is free and donations are invited for Cynthia Spencer Hospice. There is another concert on Wednesday 19 December at 7.00 p m in Blisworth Church. Entry is free and donations are invited for Mind, the mental health charity. Notes from a Local Farmer The months seem to roll by ever quicker. Lack of rain is my biggest problem as at 18 September – we are as dry now as in July. The sheep seem quite happy with the warm weather; we have started to feed our remaining lambs to get them fat as the goodness in the grass has gone. I don’t think there will be the usual autumn flush of grass as usual, so early feeding will be the order of the day. No one seems to be eating lamb at the moment, so prices have become depressed – it may be a good time to put a lamb in the freezer!

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On the arable side, we are cultivating the land for winter wheat and wearing parts out quite rapidly as the ground is so hard. We will have to wait for some rain before we drill. We are busy loading grain at the moment so although yields were lower this year, the price is a lot higher to compensate. The warm weather has also produced a lot of apples and blackberries and I am expecting to see mushrooms appear soon, when it rains. So on the whole, things are progressing quite well. Robert Davy News from The Old Mail For events and happenings in the nearby villages: Cosgrove, and , see the newsletter, The Old Mail, is available online at various websites:;; How to Contact the Police 999 – for a crime or incident in progress 101 – you will be asked with which police station you would like to be connected 03000 111 222 – direct dial Email for Towcester: [email protected]. Your local officers are as follows: Alderton: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Grafton Regis: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Stoke Bruerne: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Blisworth: PCSO 7012 Tara Cooksammy Shutlanger: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Milton Malsor: PCSO 7012 Tara Cooksammy For more local SCT information, visit the local policing pages at

Roade Scout Group Jumble Sale, Saturday 6 October This will take place a village hall from 1.00 p m to 3.00 p m. We would be grateful to receive items of clothing, bric-a-brac & toys (no large items or white goods please). These can be left at the village hall after 7.00 p m on the Friday evening (5 October) or from 10.00 a m on the Saturday morning (6 October), or contact Ken on 07906 098589 if you have no transport and so require collection. Many thanks for your support.

Make a Difference in your Community! We have a Governor Vacancy at Yardley Gobion CE Primary School We have a vacancy for a school governor. This would be a member of the community who is not a parent of a child at the school. We can accommodate a variety of skills and interests - experience in business management or financial expertise for example. What does a governing body do? The governing body oversees the management of the school and works with the school to make sure that it provides a high standard of education. The governing body evaluates the school's progress and helps sets the school's aims and values. The governing body is not responsible for day-to-day running of the school. We meet a couple of times each school term, and need a new governor to fill a recent vacancy. If you are interested please contact Matt Brown by emailing [email protected] or calling 07595117045.

Fitness Classes in Village Hall There will be no classes half term week commencing 22 October. Monday Pilates classes: 10.45 a m – 11.45 a m, 11.55 a m – 12.55 p m, 6.00 p m – 7.00 p m, 7.00 p m – 8.00 p m. Wednesday Pilates classes: 10.45 a m – 11.45 a m. Contact: Lisa 07729 608 960 Tuesday yoga classes: 10.00 a m – 11.30 a m (regrettably currently no vacancies)

Saturday yoga morning, Saturday 13 October 2018: to be held in the village hall, 10.00 a m to 1.00 p m. Cost £10 (suitable for all levels including beginners) Please wear comfortable clothing, bring a mat a drink & something warm for relaxation at end. Profit will be donated to the village hall. Contact Sue on 01327 811 596 for yoga sessions.

Theatre Group New show added: Joseph & the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat: Wednesday 10 April 2019, 2.30 p m. Stalls seats £24 each for payment by 30 November 2018. Contact Sue on 01327 811 596 to reserve seats.

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October 2018 - 9 - Volume 38, Issue 10

United Benefice Calendar for 2018 All groups and organisations within the community are warmly invited to include events here. October 1 Monday group meeting, Delapre Abbey, 2.00 p m 5 Stoke Bruerne village hall AGM, 7.00 p m 6 Macmillan coffee morning, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon, Holy Cross Church, Milton Malsor 6 Scout jumble sale, Roade, 1.00 p m to 3.00 p m, Roade village hall 6 1,000 years in 100 minutes event, Grafton Regis, 2.30 p m 6/7 Yardley Gobion craft & vintage fair, 10.00 a m – 4.00 p m, Yardley Gobion village hall 6-14 Blisworth art trail, 10.00 a m to 4.00 p m 10 Stoke Bruerne Canal Partnership Adoption group meets, 9.30 a m, museum green 7 Sherington Folk Band concert, Grafton Regis Church, 3.00 p m 11 Blisworth WI – AGM and supper, 7.30 p m, village hall 11 Milton Malsor WI annual meeting, 7.30 p m 13 Saturday yoga morning, Paulerspury, 10.00 a m – 1.00 p m 14 Benefice team on duty at Streetchurch 16 Handbell ringers and coffee morning, Blisworth chapel coffee house, 10.45 a m 16 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 17 Men’s group, meet at 7.30 p m at The Royal Oak, Blisworth 18 Lunch club, Grafton Regis, 12.30 p m, village hall 24 Big draw event, Stoke Bruerne, 11.00 a m – 4.00 p m 26 Coffee morning at Pat and Mason’s house, Blisworth, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 30 Book club – meet at The Boat Inn, Stoke Bruerne, 7.00 p m 30 Deanery Synod meeting, 7.30 p m, Lambfold Benefice November 3 Coffee morning, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon, Holy Cross Church, Milton Malsor 8 Blisworth WI – joint meeting with Milton & Colingree – English folk music evening, 7.30, Milton v hall 10 Stoke Bruerne church tidy up, 9.30 a m to 12.00 noon 10 Act of Remembrance, Milton Malsor church, 7.30 p m 17 Coffee morning, Stoke Bruerne church 22 Lunch club, Grafton Regis, 12.30 p m, village hall 27 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting December 1 Coffee morning, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon, Holy Cross Church, Milton Malsor 1 & 2 Christmas tree festival and craft weekend, Holy Cross Church, Milton Malsor 13 Blisworth WI Christmas party, village hall, 7.30 p m 14 Milton Malsor Historical Society Christmas event, 7.30 p m – 10.30 p m 15 Blisworth Community Choir concert, Abbey Centre, 7.00 p m 19 Blisworth Community Choir concert, Blisworth church, 7.00 p m 20 Lunch club, Grafton Regis, 12.30 p m, village hall January 17 Lunch club, Grafton Regis, 12.30 p m, village hall February 21 Lunch club, Grafton Regis, 12.30 p m, village hall March 21 Lunch club, Grafton Regis, 12.30 p m, village hall

Community choir: There will be no rehearsal on 4 October. Rehearsals will take place on 11, 18 and 25 October from 7.30 p m until 9.00 p m in Blisworth church. All are welcome to swell the ranks, and subscriptions are only £2 per person.

SNIPPETS: Walk away from arguments that lead you to anger and nowhere. Walk away from people who

deliberately put you down. Walk away from the practice of pleasing people who choose never to see your worth. Walk away from any thought that undermines your peace of mind. Walk away from judgemental people; they do not know the struggle you are facing and what you have been

through. Walk away from your mistakes and fears; they do not determine your fate. The more you walk away from things that poison your soul, the healthier your life will be. Dodinsky

Full Moon There will be a full moon on 24 October. This is called the hunter’s moon – as the days shortened and winter approached, our ancestors would hunt by moonlight. THE CLOSING DATE FOR THE NEXT EDITION OF GRASS is 19 October thanks to Jackie Grundon for proof reading If you can get any copy to us earlier than that it would be very much appreciated Please send any copy to: Linda Dards, Moorend, Spring Lane, Alderton NN12 7LW tel 01327 811265, e-mail: [email protected]. Could you please include your name & phone number with entries in case we have any problems. If you would like to add photographs or drawings to your text these are welcome and can be supplied via email or as photos, and returned after scanning. Contributions by email are most welcome, we can accept most formats; please request a response from us on receipt – so you are sure that we have your submission. Word (any version) is preferred.

October 2018 - 10 - Volume 38, Issue 10