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HACKLETON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT 7.30pm ON TUESDAY 7th APRIL 2015 IN THE ANNEXE OF HACKLETON VILLAGE HALL. PRESENT: Parish Council: Chairman Cllr E Kilpin, , Cllr G Tobutt, Cllr F Jacobs, Cllr L Nash, Cllr J Clark, Cllr J Willmer, Cllr N Barnes Cllr G Ward & Cllr T Peterkin. Also present the Clerk, Mrs T Charteress, County Councillor Michael Clarke, District Councillor Bob Atkinson, & approximately 0 members of the public. 039/15 OPENING PROCEDURES Apologies for absence a) Apologies – apologies were received from Cllr S Harris & Vice-Chairman Cllr P Heap b) Declarations of interest. There were no declarations of interest. c) Approval of the minutes from the Ordinary meeting held on the 3rd March 2015 and the extraordinary meeting held on 30th March. Members agreed the minutes of both meetings with Cllrs Barnes & Willmer abstaining from the vote for the Extraordinary meeting a they were not in attendance. 040/15 Public Time There were no public present 041/15 Reports a) Police No reports b) County Councillor County Councillor Michael Clarke advised the meeting that the entire structure of Northamptonshire County Council is being overhauled. c) District Councillor as written by District Councillor Bob Atkinson South Northamptonshire Council (SNC) are pleased to announce that a decision notice granting planning permission for the development of the Towcester South sustainable urban extension was ratified on the 30th March 2015. This decision constitutes a £60 million project to create 2,750 new homes (private and affordable), 2,800 permanent jobs and a relief road in Towcester along with financial contributions to services such as education, public transport and highways and the provision of new community facilities such as schools, local retail centres, sports pitches, pavilions, children’s play area and public open space. This project will therefore reinforce the Council’s 5 year housing land supply and make a significant contribution to new Council income via new homes bonus and the retention of business rates. This is a tremendous achievement by the case officer involved on an extremely complex proposal, which needed to be completely revised upon its receipt by SNC to improve its quality (thereby to meet the Council’s corporate priority of preserving the character of the district). Officers have sought (and will continue to do so) to mitigate the impact of this development on the local community by working with the respective Town/Parish Councils and local Ward Members. Plans for the development were first submitted to West Northamptonshire Development Corporation in 2007, but did not make any real progress over a 5 year period. SNC became responsible for the application following the transfer back of planning powers for major schemes in April 2012 and it took just over 12 months to sort out the issues at hand and bring it to Development Control Committee, which resolved to approve it on 9th May 2013. The decision notice is only just being issued now partly because of the time needed to draft a very complex S106 agreement, but primarily because the applicant needed to secure the agreement of all the relevant land owners (who needed to carry out their own due diligence). To achieve Planning Permission for a development of this size and complexity in this timeframe, with so many potential obstacles, is practically unheard of in planning and I believe this demonstrates the high calibre of planning officers and Members that we have in SNC and the significant efforts they are making to achieve the Council’s corporate priorities – thank you. 042/15 To receive the planning report HACKLETON PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED MARCH 2015 REFERENCE/ PROPERTY/DESCRIPTION HACKLETON PC COMMENT SNC DECISION 1) Brought Forward from previous month(s) 11/01193/FULEIS – Stoke Lodge farm Stoke 5 for application Goldington – Erection of fifteen wind turbines 5 against application S/2014/2075/MAF - Land East of Horton Road No objection with the Brafield on the Green - Installation of a 8.45MW stipulation the land is solar farm and associated infrastructure returned to agricultural use when the leased expires. S/2015/0171/FUL - 6 Beech Close Hackleton - Two No objection Hackleton Parish Council 15 07.04.15 . storey extension to side/front & single storey extension to rear S/2015/0219/MAF Land East of Wootton Fields Objection Newport Pagnell Road, Northampton - Residential Development of 231 Dwellings Phase 2. S/2015/0242/FUL 21 Oak Way Hackleton - Replace No objection existing fence, new proposed open/shut panel fencing increasing in height at rear of garden adjacent to open S/2015/0352/FUL - Land adjacent to 1 Captains No objection however the Court Horton - Proposed single storey detached Parish Council have dwelling with attached double garage and reservations concerning the landscaping works. visual aspect of the new build and how it will impact on the street scene. It is extremely modern and is directly opposite a listed building. S/2015/0304/FUL – Forest Close Forest Road No objection Quinton – Variation of condition 7 S/2014/0552/FUL S/2015/0414/FUL12 - 12 Elm Way Hackleton No objection Front & rear extension to include extension of dormer & addition of dormer. S/2015/0563/FUL - 8 Brook Court Horton - First floor side and two storey rear extension. 2) Applications Received S/2015/0426/FUL - Preston Deanery Grange No objections Preston Deanery Road Preston - Single storey front extension S/2015/0435/MAF - Horton Lodge Farm Brafield Road Horton - Conversion of agricultural buildings to form two dwellings with erection of two detached garages Demolition of link between existing farmhouse and agricultural building. Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension with balcony above. New detached garage. S/2015/0504/TPO – 9 Elm Way Hackleton - Fell Oak tree 3) Permission Granted S/2015/0125/LBC - The Grange 76 Main Road No objection Permission granted 23.03.15 Hackleton - Demolish existing rear extension. New single storey rear extension to form a garden room & larger kitchen. S/2015/0140/FUL8 Carey Road Hackleton - No objections however the Permission granted 25.03.15 Lowering of the kerb to the front of the house and a Parish Council do not want this one storey ancillary annex in the back garden. to become a separate dwelling in the future S/2015/0181/FUL - 5 Vicarage Close Hackleton - No objection Permission granted 13.04.15 First floor extension over garage and new porch and canopy to front. S/2015/0319/FUL - 8a Denton Road Horton - No objection Permission granted 09.04.15 Proposed detached 4 bedroom dwelling with separate double garage and sliding electric access gates 4) Permission Refused or Withdrawn 5) Enforcement notices & Appeals Hackleton Parish Council 16 07.04.15 . 043/15 To consider a request from the WW1 group regarding funding of £500 for an open event Following a request from the WW1 History Group Cllr Barnes proposed the Parish Council fund an open event. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Clark and the vote was unanimously in favour of the proposal. Members RESOLVED: to fund an Open Event to the value of £500 to commemorate WW1 044/15 To consider a request from Frank Trevorrow to place an additional entrance into Longland Meadow Cllr Clark proposed the Parish Council agree with the request. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Willmer and the vote was unanimously in favour of the proposal Members RESOLVED: to agree to the request from Frank Trevorrow to place a new entrance into the Meadow 045/15To consider a request for a Headstone for Roy Muskin Cllr Ward proposed Members agree to the proposed headstone for Roy Muskin. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Barnes and the vote was unanimously in favour of the proposal. Members RESOLVED: to agree the headstone for Roy Muskin 046/15 15 Finance & Administration a) To receive the Receipts and Payments account to 31st March 2015 The Clerk advised the meeting of bank balances of £43460.94; of £400.00 cemetery fees and bank interest of £2.54 were paid into the bank account. b) Payments to be authorised CHEQUE PAYMENTS TO BE AUTHORISED APRIL 2015 Date Payee Cheque Description Total VAT inc April 7 Hackleton Village Hall 100762 Hall Rental 120.00 7 Eezytrade/Tina Charteress 100763 Ink cartridges 69.44 11.57 7 Ken Warner 100764 Siting of new benches 867.94 7 Glasdon UK Ltd 100765 200 Bin Bags 35.01 5.83 7 Allseasons Ltd 100766 Mowing 336.00 56.00 7 NCALC 100767 Cllr Peterkin - training 39.00 7 Aylesbury Mains Ltd 100768 Lamp repairs 44.04 7.34 7 The Forum 100769 Insertion of minutes 900.00 7 C Sparkes 100770 March Salary 238.68 7 Roger Sturgess 100771 Expenses for strimmer repair 15.40 7 HMRC 100772 PAYE 45.10 7 SLCC 100773 Annual Subscription 56.00 7 Weedwise 100774 Rec Mowing 372.00 62.00 7 PW Stanley 100775 Hedge cutting 156.00 26.00 7 Tina Charteress 100776 March Salary 723.64 7 Phil Renshaw 100777 March Salary 26.55 7 NCALC 100778 Annual subscription & audit fee 867.06 4911.86 168.74 The payments were proposed by Cllr Ward, seconded by Cllr Tobutt and agreed by the meeting c) To consider a proposal to increase the Clerk’s salary following her successful exam results Cllr Kilpin proposed the Clerk’s salary by increased by two points on the NALC scale. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Nash and the vote was unanimously in favour of the proposal. Cllr Barnes abstained from the vote Members RESOLVED: to increase the Clerk’s salary by two points on the NALC scale. d) To discuss the current PAYE process and to consider the process for 2015/2016 The Clerk advised the meeting that the current PAYE lady was unable to carry on with the work from the Parish Council.