Minutes Parish Council Meeting 2017 01 18
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Curtlee Hill, Wootton, Northampton, NN4 6ED Telephone: 01604 705055 Email: [email protected] __ Minutes of the meeting of Wootton Parish Council held on Wednesday 18th January 2017 at 7:00pm. Present: Chairman Cllr S Homer, Vice-Chairman Cllr J Servent, Cllr M Jones, Cllr R Pickett, Cllr V Watling, Cllr K Lever, Cllr Horsley, Cllr Rayner, Cllr Waite Also present: T Charteress (Parish Clerk) and approximately 9 members of the public The Chairman welcomed newly co-opted Cllr Steve Waite to the Parish Council Item no 001/17 To receive apologies Apologies were received from Cllr De Vere-Burt due to illness 002/17 To receive and approve for signature the minutes of the last meetings The minutes of the meetings held on 14th December were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 003/17 To note matters arising from the minutes not included on the agenda for report only No reports 004/17 Declarations of Interest Declarations of interest were received from Cllr Jones regarding item 010/17 & Cllr Horsley regarding item 014/17 005/17 Police and Public Session Police The Police reported the following incidents: 04 Dec – Criminal Damage – High Greeve – Fence damaged 08 Dec – Burglary Dwelling – Nettle Gap Close, no property taken 10 Dec – Criminal Damage – Farm Close Road – Car window smashed 17 Dec – Burglary dwelling – Cross Waters Close – Cash stolen 20 Dec – Criminal Damage – Yeoman of England Car park – Car window smashed – no property taken 23 Dec – Burglary Dwelling – Cowley Close - no property taken Public Time A member of the public commented that the senior football pitch is in a really good condition and thanked the Parish Council for maintaining it well. 006/17 To receive a formal response from David Wilson Homes on why the outstanding S106 owed monies of £150,000.00+ from the last development has not been paid and also give assurances and confirm an actual deadline date for that payment to be paid to the Parish Mr Mark Gatehouse from David Wilson Homes made a statement saying that he has appointed a team of consultants, TDS, to push this piece of work forward. He said he believed that the land and money transfer had been delayed due to a change in staffing and that he aimed to proceed with this work quickly. Mr Gatehouse stated he was aware of potential unsatisfactory land encroachments which would be investigated with land registry as part of this work. Mr Gatehouse said he hoped that by the end of May the transfer documents will have been drawn up and the transfer will be able to proceed; he apologised for the delay. Wootton Parish Council Minutes Jan 18 2017 Page 1 007/17 To receive a presentation from David Wilson Homes regarding a possible development site within Wootton Parish David Wilson Homes presented plans to the Parish Council regarding a new housing development on Wooldale Road. The development consists of 44 new dwellings including 15 affordable homes. Plans were also shown of a Trim Trail on the edge of the development. Members commented on the following issues: The entrance to the development is in the wrong place, the visual splay is not enough and would be very dangerous. Members felt the only way out of the development would be to turn left as the traffic volumes are so high in the area and will increase as the Brackmills SUE development containing 1200+ dwellings is developed The development would be next to sheep field and farm which can be noisy and smells. Members stated when the development is built the new residents would be coming to the Parish Council with complaints regarding noise and smell Issued were raised with water management in the area as there are many balancing ponds with a water course affecting Collingtree and Hackleton. Members asked where will the excess water go References were made about a lack of infrastructure Members pointed out to the developers that the current zebra crossing will be in the wrong place for children to access the Trim Trail Strong feelings were made about the area staying a green field; Members said the field is an attractive green buffer between Wootton Parish & Grange Park Parish Cllr Horsley suggested that David Wilson Homes incorporate S106 monies to fund the upgrade of broadband in Wootton Parish. The meeting then discussed plans which just been received regarding developing 1200 dwellings around Caroline Chisholm and/or 1000 new dwellings next to the Preston Deanery crossroad. These suggested sites have been mentioned in the South Northants District Council Local Plan. Questions were then asked of District Cllr Lizzy Bowen from SNC who is standing as County Councillor for this Parish in the May elections. 008/17 To co-opt new Parish Councillors onto the Council following resignations from Bob Perkins and Lesley Fenlon-Smith Three candidates stood for the two Casual Vacancies RESOLVED: to appoint Annabel Green & Linda Barfield 009/17 The Clerk’s Report The Clerk reported: - The bins in the Parish had not been emptied; this has now been rectified The bin in Hermitage Way has been removed as it was damaged but is being replaced A license has to be applied for to place new dog bins on the highway and we have to use NBC approved contractors Work on the re-surfacing of the Lane next to the Village Green is starting on Monday 23rd January The Diocese have considered the request to place the cemetery railings and the decision will be issued shortly The staff pension scheme is now set up Staff appraisals are taking place this month with some staff agreeing small changes to their job descriptions There are still problems with Farmclose Road and school parking Yellow lines adjacent to Tudor Court are being applied for The Clerk asked Cllrs to provide supporting information when they are placing items on the agenda. She also asked Member to adhere to the timescales set when asking for agenda items and to make sure they give notice if they would like additional literature to appear on the screen or in the meeting packs Wootton Parish Council Minutes Jan 18 2017 Page 2 010/17 To consider the following planning applications: N/2016/1567 – 29 Berry Lane, Wootton, Northampton – Two storey rear extension This item was withdrawn N/2016/1635 – 17 Ditchford Close, Northampton – Garage conversion with bay window RESOLVED: No objection 011/17 A request for temporary 30mph speed signs on lamp posts both sides of the road along the Newport Pagnell Road from Hardingstone/Wootton Fields roundabout to the Queen Eleanor entrance Cllr Jones proposed the Parish Council contact Northamptonshire Highways and ask for some new temporary 30mph signage on the Newport Pagnell Road RESOLVED: to ask Highways to put up new temporary signage 012/17 To discuss plans for a public consultation and the possibility of creating it in-house Members discussed various options relating to creating a consultation document to go to all residents. RESOLVED: Cllrs Watling, Servent, Waite, Lever, Horsley, Homer & Jones will form a working group to produce a consultation template and plan for resolution at the next meeting Parish Council meeting 013/17 To discuss and consider the Roxhill Consultation at Junction 15 Vice-Chairman Cllr Servent said he had been contacted by the Chairman of Collingtree Parish Council regarding the Roxhill Consultation. Cllr Servent felt the Parishes should be pulling together to formulate a plan before the next phase of the consultation is presented RESOLVED: To arrange a meeting with the other Parish Councils involved to formulate a plan of response; Cllrs Homer, Jones & Servent will represent the Parish Council at this meeting 014/17 To discuss maintenance of the football pitches The Clerk advised Members that following last year’s maintenance of the large football pitch it now needs weedkilling and fertilizing. She also told Members that the other pitches need a management programme for being treated and that control needs placing on how many times each pitch is played on over a weekend RESOLVED: to apply for a grant S106 Morris £900 to maintain the senior pitch and to obtain expert advice on the maintenance of the other pitches 015/17 To receive reports from Parish Councillors attending meetings on behalf of the Parish Council Members attended a meeting with Andrea Leadsom MP regarding safety on the A45. A meeting will be held between all the relevant parties. A meeting has taken place with BT, the Parish Council and a number of residents regarding the sporadic implementation of Superfast Broadband in the Parish. Cllr Horsley explained that some areas are not included in Phase 2 and therefore have not received any dates for implementation; he said it is unsatisfactory and that Broadband should be treated like any utility – imperative. A further meeting is taking place with the County Council Broadband Team and County Councillor Phil Larratt. 016/17 226/16 Finance & Administration a To approve the payments made between 10th December & 13th January 2017 RESOLVED: to agree the payments made between 10th December & 13th January 2016 shown in Appendix A b To receive the Internal Control report from Councillor Rayner Member received the report; there were no issues to discuss 017/17 Exclusion of the press & public –Due to the confidential nature of the business next to be transacted the press and public are excluded from the next item on the agenda 018/17 To discuss and consider staff matters RESOLVED: to ensure all staff are paid in accordance with SCP rates and that increases are made when executed at a national level RESOLVED: to propose all contracted staff are salaried rather than paid an hourly rate and that consultation letters are issued with a 30-day consultation period Wootton Parish Council Minutes Jan 18 2017 Page 3 229/16 To note the date for the next meeting The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th January 2016 Close The meeting closed at 9.45 Signed__________________________ Date _______________________ Appendix A Bill Payment List 10 December, 2016 - 13 January, 2017 Date No.