Summary of Braehour Forest Design Plan (FDP) proposals at the mid- term review point

Braehour FDP, approved by the Highlands & Islands Conservancy on the 1st of March 2012, contains management proposals for Braehour forest, situated in , circa 4 miles to the south-west of . The Plan area is located in River catchment, with Burn of Olgrinbeg as a main watercourse and part of River Thurso SAC. The total Plan area is 1588 ha.

Current species structure of afforested area is 98% of conifer species (mainly non-native Lodgepole pine (LP) and Sitka spruce (SS) and 2% broadleaves (mainly Downy birch).

Our vision for the Plan area is to have increasing areas of successional and riparian woodland that are linked, and contribute positively to the water quality within the River Thurso catchment. Significant areas of non-native conifers planted on deep peat - adjacent to Caithness & Sutherland Peatlands SPA & SAC (with Strathmore Peatlands SSSI as a component), and within 800 m buffer zone for waders’ sensitive sites - will be removed and the ground will be restored to active bog.

Species breakdown 2018 (current, at mid-term 2023 (end of plan review point) period) Conifers (mainly Sitka spruce, Lodgepole pine 52% 20.6% and Scots pine) Broadleaves (mainly Downy birch) 1% 3.7% Open (including felled in fallow) 47% 75.6%

Planned operations 2018 - 2023

Felling 681.53 ha

Restocking 124.52 ha

New planting 0 ha

Road construction 1540 m

Peatland restoration 410.6 ha

Significant Environment/Conservation Features

Caithness & Sutherland Peatlands SPA River Thurso SAC

Caithness & Sutherland Peatlands SAC

Strathmore Peatlands SSSI

Critical Success Factors:

• Peatland restoration of afforested deep peat adjacent to designated peatland sites;

• Creation of riparian and successional woodland network; • Positive contribution to water quality, with special attention to protection of tributaries to River Thurso SAC • Maintaining access to forest to ensure positive visitor experience.

| Braehour FDP summary of proposals | NHFD|

Consultation and further information:

The Braehour Forest Design Plan was approved by the & Islands Conservancy on the 1st of March 2018. During the development of this Plan we have consulted publicly, including meetings with local community representatives and stakeholders known to have interest in this plan area. The mid-term review with accompanying amendment was approved on the 9th of March 2018. For further information on the Plan please contact North Highland Forest District on 0300 067 6841 or [email protected]

| Braehour FDP summary of proposals | NHFD|

| Braehour FDP summary of proposals | NHFD|