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5-12-1939 Fulton County News, May 12, 1939 Fulton County News

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al el 1910%1 111) FULTON I. OR Jolt vitisTme COUNTY NEWS Nette'll'Il lint i Ati(1 I I, )111(, - ;;111)(1 (.()\/(Ingc1 , I —.." III lies ti 1 lelltee SIAS' ere, NlItl It I rrIr.rN. U IMP sl N 10.• EttlIrm Tirfrrx /Ming SOUTH FULTON GROUP ''' " " 'BOARD Of EDUCATION'FULTON CIRCUIT COURT HillFirm( YOUNG MEN IN BUSY GOES TO NEW ORLEANS ME! MONDAY NIGHT IN LIGHT SESSION HERE SESSION TUES. NIGHT

'.I. I I , .

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7‘,1, W 111.trl ,1 1.•:•01,1 .1 . , • I, Ii. I'' DEATHS 7.1., 1 • Irtii leet, et es, t aisf \ It I o I... I • • •,1 t•I e • la • '•11 II's' I i'•• 1".' 111 II. 1'1.1 NINO'S-

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II I, • r .1,.I.r, f• totitt.S1 - •i,: . 7,1; ,,,,.; yti . J.,. 11;,,,;;;; .,; :;•1,.1,i.r.r, to II, ;-iirpto; 1 s I '' r;tion (l.,1;1....1•11, `,1,,.. arid Mr, and fi,1•s ).' ;1,ildren v.111 repeat th, r ., I; 11.111.• , S Siclier•v c.1 L•11,01;1•11, Ni‘;,, oh o' year. Every ellort w;11 be; mad,: • • . i • • Thomas Pick- 17I I I oft, , , I„. st..1 ts 17 7 7 I. I,7 i It it a Sier,,lay ii Oh frietak alai relative, ti! prevent students from losing time le, ilidold L., Tommie; Edwards It • 11:1 vi,iti,t .11 1:1;! IA ,1011.11 g.,.•! at,1 lust'-; an here. so the coeperatien of all is desired. 71.1.;t1.1..,... Helen Bizzle. Rosetta Burrow, Chris- ten times and ha 1 nem>, ral rdignal til;•red by the tuck 'Institut and teachers rteveral Singers are. expected front sev; • 4. tine Stephenson, Mari,- Ferguson /i'd ., Mr. Harrison and his are local club. -;;,, ... - - -; stabs. Jackson. Tenn.. Corinth, Joella Dr; 11111114mand HundaY working out the details of the plan'. Irak& •110616 ;111111110ffla Ferrell. Griffin. lie is survived by three ehlichen miss., Detroit. Mich., Paris, Dres- L. Kasnow, Ward Johnson and Hick- from Louisville, where they atteno- for putting the work outlined above Mary L. Hastings. Marjorie intorod three sisters, Mrs. Moto Ftv i f den, Martin. Harris. Tenn. Mayfield. Paul Bennett, as a committee from Nan- (11 the Kentucky Derby. su fe:,f.frii si nit,. man. Esniend Milani. Dorothy Fulton. Mrs. George Botts of Rives Paducah. Ky., Metropolis. III., and the club, reported a conference with Ray. Vel- Otis Sisson of Detroit. Midi , ar- •mleint Teevis read a let- ,,,,,, TIIIy, Arnatela Olive, Tt•eva relativesCummingsMrs. Molly of Pad- Hot Springs, Ark. Quartets from Mr Holmes, trainmaster of the in- Revd. leas- rived Saturday to visit eq. received from Mr. I,. N. Taylor dr' - ma Rid mill, Clirr)•fr I as areli. Roy and Max Cumming; are various places will be present, in. inois Central System, in regard to Mar here. Ile will be accompanied back of the State I/en:ern-need i,f Fshica- othy Roach, Geneva !belch, te. ph -es. !eluding the Fulton-lickman court- the oiling of right-if-ways inside Tuck. to Detrod by his wife, who has been lien III the. 141.1.0 hi -at the work now Rarette Stephens, Alyce ty quartet and the Happy Jubilee ' the city limits of Fulton. The meet- visiting her parents. Mr ant Mrs being done in th.• 901 grade. at Mil Elizabeth Valentine, Franees Welch. MRS. III TTIE LINTZ quartet. This is expected to be one!ing with Mr. Holmes was reported ins. B. A. Sim-lair, for two weeks. ton School could not he approssai. Mary E. Welch, Lillian Shill Mrs it, 11 le Lint/. age 53, died on of the best singings ever held in • favorable, and that action is ex- ill tan, Mr and Mrs. Walter Palmer, Mr. that it shotild la• discontinued Sin ii irs- John Adanis, and homeenear this section. i pected in a short while Mrs. Renzi, Palmer and son, ih, advised th,, IL„., 1 ti, ,111„r ir,,,, TI u rsday, May 4, at her Rosa Mae Dill. NI•II B, ;w - and Allen. t,uti t,gi..,,,,,,.„ woh th,. Dukedem. Tenn Fut , eil needle. Bobbie Jill.. of near Dtikeilem, „ ,,,,,,r.,„. I lit., Kenneth litieweigtine .vere held Friday aft,•:i ,,,,• a• 1' Charles Cannon. Mildred spent Sunday afternoon wet, Mr Soenuth Fult !listed to provide N. Hiss ii, ci i o'cl oc k at Salem Church. 1'777.1111 • ./Iimx Bushart ('Immir Stomps .1felody Boys .11,e G ate, WI CI tor al a, ,. t,a.„ Dorothy (Seek. Wi-Il'iii and MN Cardwell, tn trurt,,,, Arrattiton. it, to,,. ttn„, i- d hy the fit.,•. T. T Harris Bur...! , Football (Inuit, to t'oncer_t_t_i_t._!_cience Hall Mr. and Mix. Ilarold hail II ft 1 Citnei•r. IN•weese, 11:i Pitiegar cemetery, I, i HI rtitut mad,. a .i,,i,,, ,..„.. ct„. ,,,. was held in Katt...leen Ilarweed M.,n,ray f.;;• rh..,r• lisio.; Mt e'er f''r mond Hagler. charge of Winsieief-J;•tie, Funeral MrRIIAY. Ky -s J • Bus A tare treat is in store for all Mary I'''H the tee Biter& te chi-cm., th; pro- Fred .lelrey. Kimberlin. "''"• Ill- 111ft. r `1'i""'", fr "'"lis , hart. junior ft Fulley, vk t ho love good music when the T. Laws. Mary Sandelph Cci:ri i...;; :1; I', ;.-ii C.ty 1„..,1 liali,11 lend.. .1. She sun' ved le.; her trisl,and.'ed Football Queen at Sate Stamps' Melody Boys Quartet ap- Mee. led Nannies in lt',lt u -a Ni' ?alas :ifterneen Locke. Novi•11,• .1 F Lints: eta. s;I;;r. Ethr.1 Donn College at a mei, ling of the varsity nears in cencert at Science Hall. (et,- s Dare Mr ad Ni-. Free I Huffman and Moriren ()eats Seim .1 Parc,. Tenn.', and three }wet; ers. and fre-slitnan football players on Fulton. Kentucky. on Saturday Mr :01.1 MY' WI17771711 Will1:1(.1• and HOSPITAL thy Peek. Sv is iinclle Pounds. Al% ti,• FULTON It Si,,- 'evening. May 13. at 8 p.m. The Mel- It . of P,,dutieli. Allen Newton of Faid Prairie. Tuesday morning. May sit,'- Sjualls. Harry lieates. Sarah Slt, NIr• Yr. t. -• te !tweet (*Pe& Miss Martha Nelle Wele, sun- oily Beys are teen Hot Springs, 7q;;ry K r term-tied Metelay freni Lien ale s lees meats. (sepia, ti fl Nit,).';!it', Ti till. Puryear. Ti-ti'.: ter frem Murray. Arkansas, v. here they are eme of the els re they ;Wended the Derby. • iii, 'r'"' Leshe Newt.;n ef rite (' NI Velentine, ete ehosr-o Were: mist popular attractions appearing Bud Palmer left Saturday fi• D.-V C. mans; of iiiekmaii. ro,.. She was horn in Henry Alt! inLints Ward. James Wells. Louise Wil- Doss -It, Paducah. mid liar- e ,n station K T. II S the result tree. Nlich.. Wilvre viet eivine treatment. is impressing January 9, 1883, and was a member Dorotli,.. liams, Nlargaret Roark. 'ef this they are widely known and ;III Charlie Byars was aclinitt.•,! "f the Baptist Church rut Cadiz. tnasurer-elert ureversally popular. While on tour, Mrs. C P. Bowles has returned Wednesday for treatment Miss Bushart is treas. they have at all times sung to stack- (n en several days' visit in St. Louis Carl Fuqua if Dresden under- MRS. JOSEPHINE TI*RNER the Student Organisatien. is PERSONALS Club. a phy-,ed heuses. They have their audiences Mi.. ',vent an appendectomy Weilte• Funeral services fir Mrs. Jose-. urer of the Girls' Pep phine Turner, NA Ito died Wednes- I sical education major. and a for-trempbstely under their control. Dr. Hebert Bard returnel We•l- Dr. and Mrs. Selden Colin were night. day. May 3, at her home on Maidenlmer member of the girls' student moving them from tears to laugh- nestles' night trim NashvilIe. Tenn. in Memphis Monday, attending the E L. Plant of Crutchfie: I tinder Street, were held Sunday afierneon ! council. ter as they run the gamut of emo- where he' atter-1[1,d the r_IiItteSS,• bedside of Miss Sallie Mendel, who ,sa nt a major operation Thies' v at Cane Creek Primitive Baptist Miss Bushart will he crewned tions Do not miss this great per- Slat(' Dental Convention. reci•ntly underwent an operation. Nit's Bertie Nlae Rill has lasm Church, by Rev. Prinse. Purial fol- queen at the annual football dance. fermance. They will make one ap- Mrs. Dick Hardy and children, Mrs. Ilarry Jonakin and son. se:meted fit- treatmont. htwed in the church cemetery. which will prebably ei Fri• peararce only. Dickie and Charlotte Ann, of Dex- Glenn, of l)yersburg. Tenn., are vis- Mrs. C. Loek of Clinton st is day night. May 12. ter. att. are visitine Mrs. Hardy's iting the former's mother. MI's. M.F. admitted Thursday for an estests JOHN F. MORRIS FRIEND OF HO3IR AS DEAD parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hut- DeMyer. on Valley-st Dismissed. Jimmy Robert-en, Mrs Cries s John F. Morris, age ti3, died early chens, u,,i W. Stale Line•st. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson of CITII ‘Vvathr-rspo..1,, Mrs. Ella se- Sunday morning at his hi on I. C. NEWS Ellis N. Kouress automobile Mr. and Mrs. I. Al .1..11I'S and son. Water Valley, Miss Mary Kate Arthur Stewart, Mary May T College-st. after six months illness salesman w'In wag killed last Thurs- Ivan, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Kille- Swigeart and Joe Mac Retsd, attend- Tuesday. James Wright, NIte h C were held Mon- F. R. Mays, General Manager, day in Phoenix. Ariz., was a dace brew spent Sunday afterneon if! ed the Ilerbs• in Istuisville. Ky.. Hutchens and son. Charles Rolicr, Funeral services day afternoon at Wesley church. and R 0. Fisher, Assistant Gen- friend of the Homra family here. Oakton, Ky last week-end. near Beeleirtom conducted by Rev. eral Manager. Kell of Chicago. were His many friends here regret his "Fatty" Yates of Mayfield attimil- MM. !tarry Jonakin and see, W. D. Fowlkes of Paducah and Rev in Fulton Monday night. death. ed the ball game here Monday at Glenn. of Dyersitin•g. Tenn , Iii % Peery. Burial followed in the Wes- J. NV. Kern Superintendent, was terntion between Fulton and May- George Moore and sen, Eddie, and ley cemetery. here Monday. MAE WEST PASSES field. Mrs. M. F. DeMyer visited relatives DV Mr. Morris was born in Henry C. J. Carney. Division Engineer THROUGH FULTON Mrs J. W. Shepherd spent Thurs- in Cottage Grove, Tenn . Sunday. few W. DRAUN county. near Cottage Grove. Tenn., of Paducah. was in Fulton Wed. day in Paducah. Mr. and Mrs. Metre Joyner spent 171, but for fourteen years he had made Oren Stewart, Supervisor of Rives- Mae West. Hollywood movie star, Miss Ruth Byars spent last week the week-end with Mr. and Mrs bis home in Fulton In 1901 he was ville. spent Wednesday here. passed through Fulton Tuesday in Paducah. the guest of Miss Mar- J. N. Martin in Benton, Ill. Obey traffic laws. Co-operate married to MISS Eula T. Hardin, a I. D. Holmes. Trainmaster, at- morning. She arrived in Felton on tha Laxson. Mrs. Reyes Dumas and sons of was a mem- tended a meeting in the Superin- train No. 2 enroute from Memphis Roam spent Cottage Grove, Tenn., arrived Sun- with traffic officers. Traffic regu- native of Beelerton He Mr. and Mrs. A. R. tendent's office in Paducah Mon- and left on No. 102 for Cincinnati. Tenn., OP day to spend two weeks with Mrs. lations often (-seen burdensome. but ber of the Enon church. Wednesday in Nashville, day, Miss West is on a personal ap- NI. F. temember their main purpose IF to He is survived by his wife. Mrs business. DeMyer. Superviser of and prevent injuries Eula Morris; one daughter. Mrs J. A. Sauer, Signal pearance tour, having been iti Mem- Mrs. Calla Latta and daughter. Mrs. C. P. Bowles and daughter. save lives law of Chestnut Glade; Paducah, was here Tuesday. phis four days. She will appear in. Men- Betty Jean, and Miss Anna Jean It is so easy to criticize the Paul Nanney Adolphus, spent Sunday and J. H. Bond, Chief Engineer of Cincinnati and several other points Norris spent yesterday in Memphis. enforcement agencit‘s as well as the three sons. Hardin of Dallas. Tex.. day with relatives near Water Val- Chicago. was here Tuesday night in the east Mrs. I. D. Holmes and Mrs. G. K. civic bodies which created the or- Cyril and L. J., both of Fulton: ley, Ky. w. Williams continue', to im- linderwood spent Tuesday in Padu- dinances that regulate our driving five grandchildren and several reistrictions were put int,nieces and nephews. prove in the I C Hospit,il,r; Path,- HOMEMAKERS TO MEET In time of war, the first caseall cah. Ky All these we, as anion-101,11e eale AT LODGESTON is truth Mr and Mrs. Hugh Rtisliten. Mr law because regulate oursel- Clit.:SWELL - WILLIAMS Ti,.' art if writing is the art er' ;ind MN Otis Biszle and Miss Mar...- drivers. could not NIIss Gladys Wilharns and James The May meeting of the Lodge- appls'ing the seat of the pants I K..1e P. a et sieet the wes•k-end ves- We violated all Pritv 1P1's NOTICE courtesy: therefore. it Creswell. both of Milan, Tenn . stn Homemakers' Club will be held the seat of the chair. tit Jett, I Cave ;171,1 Lookout Moun- decency and married Sunday morning by Decoration will be observed at at ten o'clock. Wednesday 17, at contemplate tain. became necessary fee- the states. the were Good plamwt•s Sunday. May 14 their Club Home. The major les- Jelm Allred is attending a counties, the cities. and the vil- Rev. J. N. Wilferd at the First Meth- Palestine Cemetery the early morning attack Ilie Mrs Kitchen-Making Isebes' Auxiliary os lages to pass laws and force us ti odist Church, son will be, "Ideal hardeid task before noon. and t• s nicet:nrr, members regulations. Mr Cre,well is a salesman and He who wins an argument wins A Long Time Plan." All eit leests ends in the fadisig Ttaitimies in Cleveland. observe ICs Smart to Drive Carefully. they will re-side in Milan. empty victory. please be present. I ours. Ohio, 'I'll I', I NI.:WS, FULTON KENTUCKY helaial thing, ,1 11.11/i racsit Alit AND burn your sr tetreat 11,11,1 I 'AM/MOINE. if yeti at 1111x 11 1101111 aer1111111, 141. -ire willing to clutch SIII'VeNfl Is sold in the open nuir Yealerilay la ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS of aurcio• I but today I. ready that often' hope THE FAIR IN PICTURES You vial buy It; I can buy it, morrow Is a note, Metes , The new proposal ny man van buy It If he Is willing cash. which subsidises Its collet, for Emil .• Any nation biting our 10 pay the price to vent k If Vim Hard tiniest snit hail work are through hinter und anil lair iit foreign (rade. diweit rubber are not prepared 111 Inn k. sit .ink not lilt.115,1 they ate strangers system', Is penalited important commido export subsidy small list of the basis of your PUt.(1•FIN, 1111.11 IN. with the same. first name. government to the tiow cannot be produced In la la the by our which I.repared hi be relegated bluster, don't goods - lintel grumble, dotal per rent extra duty on any quatititlea in the lint a esaary no heap or travel thriaigh 4111411B 111111 don't shirk Mink sends Into this country. Most Status or Its possessions. At its rio It I it gradually deepening of your .1 1111 11111Ik Or YOUr coi.ii,rs would 1111111”1, 1 1.74/1111ple of a sit nit' the government mutable time, fit - In' Aspirin is needed after huh 1.40111 The werrien will vanish, the Ting into this "heat favored nit provide an export mulishly lair cot at, but what really IS 111441141 I., \Nails will dom. Ni. man sees his ,Attegury, Is Germans The It of ton, 'so that American growers its in- 1111111' 10 higher living shadow whit fares the sun. boa practically no gold, and would receive n price considerably Ii.nen-exiiitent, If a man shuts himself tip in a c.1 halals are porcelain, and at ternational voidit In exiles of the would price, through lark room for ten years his 1.\111 Bail halite are as hi- It carries on fereign trade apement that this achente. It is be become.. 41`, elieap invel,111 .111d even te11,11. 10 funelliin and ileattuctilde criiiikery. an vatreniely . or not, goes eiimpleteli Ro %\i,rkable If a titan shuts los , The ',ally big men have w tonically Mbyte: WWI. 1,11•111011 policy of the Lekewise contrary to the fixed sarrioi Iivi dining what thev (11.1'n11111 imports Is a petting party and three suit is that all our Gepartmene id State. Oely a few Two didn't %% aid 14. 1.111 NI11•11 they (tidal hit with a tariff of 25 per cent, 11'111 lamest Is a conversation are weeks ago, Secretary to do it other &diem That goes I Late hours tire ball for one i %s ant on top of all statement praising the success int• which have hilt swell far two. Hee aril is write esirtael for 11111 well for countriem ieveti by reciprocal trade tair.. t teceiriae thati for genius been absorbed by Germany, or to the Online lIE%vim has truth at his heat rner1111. and pointing is eta. who known the iiconionle it, i's not lack 1/41:1111:11111111 inn HS Ion A loam. brought under German trade In this statement, hr or barter ef 4.u. :111,1111e V 411141. such as Austria trade "pratectorships," sairl• "Regimented foreign the Pravinces Cai ch. plovakia of beater,' land based upon the principle by hartia r 'The United States Department of balancing, implemented tilt' ta; State, under the leadership of Mr voila...nail...1'y sob unsound The sob Hull. has strongly fundamentally Polley of bar- Mcleod trade. In Mr. Hull's view. ablution of a general one trade for nar the barter system Is simply ter or compensation inevitably mare eVIdelICP if a totalitarianism mid trade methods INS CE of total trail. that goes straight against the grain leads to a curtailment standards' ed democratic tainvactians. He be- and reduction of living can Beers that world prosperity If it was IISSUrell that only cotton result only from the freest possihle would be given the rather ques iconwiertaal relations between nil tionable benefits of a barter system do- %tom on a refill basis, with all even the opponents of the compen- ins business In the same manner satory device would be list (.4111 For Every Need end with none favored and none cermet However. there is a feel penalized. Mg that once such a plan Wire 1,111 on majai In the fact rif that, tree fact that Mill erreo't on behalf if be cover any this government is seriously ciy- crop or comtnixlity, there St'old WE are prepared to write a policy to expan- eidering putting into effiait a bar-1 no limit to its potential writes, axr system et our own, on a limited!sion. As Dorothy Thompson and all of your insurance needs. We repre- scale. has excited a great deal of "Politically speaking, such ii barter likewise ex• once begun, is bound to interest. And it has transaction, and long estahlished com- cited a great deal of informed crit- be extended to other conunodities sent only the best new pi irk Blum So we introduce a scheme, the mere appre- your part when you question Is; panies. No obligation on The commodity in disrupt the long! hension of whichv,thf The cotton problem has liii• tottein. market, of etia r 1 11•,.,111,- taw of the most difficult of Oar representative to call. been prio,en' ask for our problems. For sonic years' domestic ferei!! have pursued a policy of comic We fore;ge and the result is u strong sears:Ay, proba` stunidatian of foreign production. ATKINS INSURANCE AGENCY t,, eff reduction in with a consequent -ti,4• isI.ich our pr. demand 1..q- Amerwao LAKE 22 PHONE No. re FULTON, KY. At ()reser,. d 4 4' , past • as, aoa r I b04.11 r0111' y.•:tr, r

Tesporem, BIC ;MP:1 V. r- whi:di 62 natia , With the opening around NEW V•)Itl: -- ap- , Fair ink; their exhibits. In the middle 1.,, e- date of the New York World's and pears a niodern sculptural group .4ecurate As seine tto, 1939 — April 30 — coming nearer ,,,blerng. grounds called "Speed." featuring a woman '4111 activities on the Fair WORKMANSHIP observing, it is a nearer, Al the bot- daily. At the tap you astride a winged horse. Lou' (Os! .-entary on the trend of t! tali, • ! are increasing unit of tulip beds. More Al American Flag, 90 x 230 tom is one s. in their Ir. see a giant imported ' -3-niches, Clocks & Time Pieces :1t the di•mocriteit• by lois) ohaul than 1,0011,000 bulbs were Accurately Re- are feet, being saluted land- aft All Kinds Jutsagainst the dictators, the from Hulaind to accentuate - ellildren in a ceremony markirig 11 hy— • Cost paired at Low more weapons wit - scaping. • g more arid dedication of the Cowl of Peace, ANDREWS dictators theniselsi•s have 1.,,, CliaipANy alFWEIJItY ta use opponents D1.:i 111111111101111111/11/1184 Jump on all his h. had a big sign ai -What do you think of a Day, viten he CAPITOL COMMENTS in the In a: w if,- the Brown hotel II constantly deceive his posite It Mown Louisville. SUBSCRIBE FOR— : tHnk he's a ''end - r, of dew ti i, Gay. the t • Appeal not', lierby is over and pavenbriiker balls at Commercial When a girl finds that she is The three Courier-Joarnal hitting te letters, "'rake Kr , Louisville ,• on the beach she ernor's race is and said in big landsville only pebble Fightine , y lucky out of hoe, vote for Post-leimpatch omes a little balder. 1 In the coining primary. "it. !mats Kentinly Der St Louis Globe Democrat A waste of time is to go calling candidate for represenha, ana Bill Porter and his ; -takes in the Republa• Cgicago Herald-Examiner a belle when sloe's out if ardor. Senator should be quest , ti by Sweops COST LESS TO OWN hicago American fresh (.7iifiet• isn't the only thing on a pari•niutraa primary." Tribune his stand Chicago ar: .•en dated. Every dollar that is bet Under 753 at once , it:. , r Just Phone 'Xi. can't do everything should he taxed :is they titucle of 11, SOMETHING 411- w011 the Kl.! but we Carl States. It WOliki bring a Johnstown JACK EDW.% P.1)- ataal 4 q1(.1'. I dous revenue tO the Salle. by by c the raa, because with Mr lia.ark In an interview last oe, Ia.., s, rala Wear • C .- 'Rogers of the F1' the great atirsi s of all 117' said, -The State e' Eau- u. rig ,1 mission, he year will prove 0 irial they last longer, this they over 2.000.issi u i a year ' Ida receives more fame to Kentucky. from a three per not tax ia• heis schiail a 1113 that is used for crank faster, SPRI "pea and the public is as:aired to •SPARKS OF WISDOM ators of the track will only tak,• ,d of the money bet to give than to lend you down out 10', IT'S better don't let of that goes to the State. Ken'tiely and it costs the same. needs this supervisien and ti. •• nut As a man grows wiser, he talks reeds from such a tax writ hi:M- LESS and says MORE. ev- en the tax burden on base, :did There are SIX requisites to first i ., GARAGE The BROS. alliance. BRADY agriculture. ery happy at The coal strike is playa, larva( FAITH the remaining FIVE with business in Easterii lier,ttaky CONFIDENCE. and in the Western fit 1,1 ',Auc- A lo I , tion is at a standstill. but t, ,10 4 I.abor organizations ari• I 'Jung true triaen ra greatness. ii every effort to get unena in' nt f compensation for their merahr rs at:, are uitrukrsit SO WELCOME...

: e THE HANDY most unbelievable that mei, wo,, refuse to work, and strike mit fro SIX -BOTTLE CARTON more wages or shorter hours. but to thoughts on a technicality, and it is outrag- Spriog a young man's fancy lightly turns IN the eous that they should expect the of love—so sayeth the poet, tax payers to bear the expense of young man is likely to their arrogant actions. And, after a hard day's work, the to eat. Nothing is more ap- The two factions of the Demo- turn his thoughts to something good delicious hot biscuits. cratic party are assiduously court- petizing than a good meal served with they're made with ing two key men, for their sup- Try serving them more—but be sure port and influence in the canape FLOUR, BROWDER'S campaign. Mayor Seidel, and his Aiways Ask for These Brands: Louisville organizatior and Sena- tor Allyn Barkley with the Fed- their support may •Qucen's Choice •Superha ora] machine, Special •Peerless mean the Democratic nomination. The ahoie familv aidcomes the pme refreshment of iee-eold •Brotrdtr's Chandler tool Mayor wit) to take Governor Coca-Cola...and a si‘-blit tie carton is the easy Sehlotz in his party to Itillywood home thia pure, y.hole • drink. Buy SI carton at )our —Made and Guaranteed BA— to attend the opening of toe pie- favorite dealer', tett', . ture "Kentucky" and entertained Co. Postmaster General Farley on Fun eeco-Colo Bottling Del.c,00s end Refre.h.og MILLING Co. day before the Derby. BROWDER got Oa A Republican candidate 'e41 *Pr FULTON COUNTY NEWS, El!' T( K ENTUCKY • k -wows have itikles•alkial hilly !Await(' Ilirerlory Ihyperx, Bowling Grey's CHAPEL ly taken steise Inward this esikl And May Start Feud Over $1.25 WESLEY Oiwrating ci whs shouldn't they, tut:— ..1 the- League—Union City, 1 all of li ri• plant for titivate rustinners Is Tenn.'s/we Ky.--The Kitty lea- Mr and Mrei. Ernest Humphrey ii rommercial busmen's not ii Nile Treasurers-B. F. gue %VOW 41 just getting under way, Springfield, Ill , were the guest', President unit of lion of gnvertiment few tell lit,' pen elready has its first feud. It's Hop- rt. if Mr. and Mrs. T. I,. Laws laia Fame ple President -Shelby Pace kinsville against Dimling Green Viii' KEYSTONE STAR Walsh Ile beat out a bunt In secs- illiesion Sccietnry--II 0 Vincent The feud is the outgrowth of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kelly of Thus, little by little, the Eddie Colima had the reputation national fashion, end the newshawka will flovv from what the Itopkinsville front office Trenton. Tenn., spent Saturday if the blessings that Bowling Omen, Kentucky of being "a ball player's ball pia— !quickly unearthed his true identiti, nation's utilities considered a generous gesture in I night with Mr arid 111 It. IAN'S stkeitelizatiem if die Nickname, Barons er." Ile was the star SIS'Ifild baseman lie was a utility Infielder In INA A lending Bowling Green II first base Mrs. Hedge and daughter, Mrs. IN being dissipated Manager Rip Famong of f7onnie Mack's famous $100,4kal playing second, third and shortstop, Ina to ta, long by a nian after big Jim Munlaugh broke Adrian Galessisid if Chicago, itIi.isu.uh Willie. President Vie•k Smith, Sr. infield which helped send the A.:1 but Mark designated him for the pi cents in his power bill Isis ankle at the beginning of tinting' are visiting Mrs. Iledge's daughter, nein of a few SVC •Tresia. Morrim Hill 1.-tics to funs chanipionshipa salon at which he was to win fame he dim-nye-is that it 1111.111IN an tralione The "looms," was D,4:' Mrs. Sam Capps. wheat likisitivare Mgr W II Richersen -- second base. Hie baths' 346 ns of donuts in his tax bill Bishop. hold•eiver frutri the Milt ill Carolyn Woodruff, little grand- increase l'ark Beam Park IfluS and ri•mained uith the A's urn.- private utilities pay up to 20 club. %kilo went to Howling Green I inn daughter a Mrs. Effie Williams, is l'he Iii 1914 whim Cutnunuic dismantled hie Populatieiti- IRMO° lift. r the llarons appealed for helpi very ill wi'h malarial fever. peer cent of all thl'Ir revenues V1011,11'1' learn, and sold C4dlirat tnr4 Ciamectitins --None In it, :ilea-nee of a first baseman. in Mrs Mary Fiume' of Martin, Tenn., tad net) In taxes, and in every state I Ile Chicago While Sox [Intik ousel Ile recalled Bishop three toy visiting her ann. P L. Faqua and the money received from them Fulton, Kentucky Ctiliall4, Ow $1110.1100 in' in diis•• 1.4,1,- the aliening cif the Kitty III SACS amounts to a cmisiderahlk, percent, Nickname Tiger(' of family. season. and the Barons apparently hut consisted Stuffy Medises at Mrs. File-art Parker and age cif tidal revenues received freati Manager—Charles Eckert at short Mr. and ,likt sot like the move. Charles first. Jack Barry and Frank on- son, and Miss Frances were all source:a When gnvertinient goes President-- K. P. Dalton, Sr. (Mime Run) Baker at third They IIi, •i•ereiiiry,i of the Hoppers, said guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cole Snilth inlet this money is [(isl— Sec.-Treas.—•Clarence Reed perfected their marvellous defense. illIg G11.111 refused Ill pay the night. and the taxpayer lieklels the sack. Acting Sets-Trews— W. W. Evans Is It work by long hours of practice. Friday Bolsak's transportation back lit Hon- Hiltons, Gatewood visited Business Mgr.—None. iii Collins and Barry devised thise Miss k and he had to 111.11t1 $1 23 • Mary Ruth Peery In Dresden Parks-Fairfield hist method of coning off the dou- Miss Iii IS-sling Green so that Bishop last week Capacity • -1.500 s• steal Term , eoiSil ride a bus back to town. MISR Mary Glen Gatesvond spent TIMELY TOPICS Popielat u.n- 6,000 :s.iitars Crabtree branded tla, I') .1 !! . !!1;1 tsrougSs Sunday with MiRS Tommie Lee Cuiuiniiitiiris ritlt Tigers I the Barons as a "ths' s It' `-tt I‘Sit Cittglit righting rum with buttermilk is Jackson, Tennessee of appreciation" anti said 1,,. r -wet 1,1 1927 hi" Mrs. Effie Williams Siddli SUIl I),' this ,if Col. Winchell (not Will- Nickname Generals rlie to write the peesident ,,f r• s with the day afternoon with Mr. arid Mrs h•ri, manager of the Salvatieen Army Manager—Miikat NI iii lins ts, shill about the situation. I Is • I .!. World's Is Farina. Iii it. in New York, who Hells the P President—II. U Gilland The Ifopkinsville club eiintends •• . a p;, ''u I,•,i1 itit Miss Ravenell Gatevsood was ruin-alcoholic beverage, for two cents Sec.-Tr:ells --S. N Gilland it ihd ma lend Bishop for any given Eddie Collins ti`.to guest in the home of Miss Butone a glass at his hotel bar. Ile recently Business Mgr. --Neale length of time, and recalled that at will. 1,11, if 1111` mainstays lilet,rne batting average iss Gate-wood Friday. Said: "I'll get them an full of butter- Collins Park-- Fairview Park Iii.' time Murdaugh was hurt it was University's nine when 3:13 :oat hit Was knovin as one Of Roy Ilenderwas Mr. and Mrs. Hu- milk there won't Ise any room for of Columbia Capacity-2,500 ansounced the erstwhile lex.ngii.n signed by Connie Mack. The the tens, alert base runners in the bert Galevsoeid and children attend- rum." he was Population-30,000 first sacker would be ready to play kept hien under cover itir ed a Glover family reunion in At- manager Connections--None by the time the season opened. rind he went into a game as Cir111111 maiss in baseball as 'sick wood Sunday. Rural people live longer, accord- a time, The recall of Bishop indicates the I"Sullivan" against the star hurlina it'ii general manager Cut Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Rawls an- ing to new life expectancy tables Union City, Tennessee Hoppers are nut exactly satisfied pitcher. Dig Ed the . marriage of their daugh- cempikel by a large life insurance of Chicago's great nounce the Nicknaine—Greyhounds with the outlook at first base, whieh Brooks Ostecn, son company. In the country a white Johnson ter, Dorothy, to Manager—Lee had been held down in spring train Enos Cesteen of male baby's expectancy is 62 years. Mos of Mr. and Mrs. President—Cecil ing by Andy Karam, Paul Perkin-. and a female's is 65 years. But in E. Pailmersville. See.Treas.--T. Parks the other first baseman, sent here cities life expectancy is 57 years. Business Mgr.--J M. Sedberry by 'Mil Wall tee, has been perform WHAT WILL THEY USE FOR arid f in females 6) years. Park —Turner Mentorial Field 17PAR ing in the outfield. 0101 MONEY? As making a hole In one is the Capacity-3.000 The Ilopkinsville club was not, life ambition of every golfer, so is Population-7,900 tied yesterday by Mlwaukee that ; officials are / 4 Down in the South. 'scoring a perfect 300 game the goal Connections—St, Louis Cardinals new outfielder named Janes was be beginning to worry seriously about • of every bowler. William McGee's- Mayfield, Kentucky iou'..t•rit here from Moline-, Ill. T: what they are going to use for ! ge of Kent, 0., achieved the per- [slick ?UMW— Itisiwns ties garden candidate played .k BOTTLED-IN-BOND i money—because if the rapidity with ' fed bowling record a few days ago, U S Core Sop on Manager—Bennie Tate the Class D Northern League ' which the Tennessee Valley Auth- becoming the sixth than in AlllUti President--W. L. Harrington summer and is supposed to i... • NO INCREASE IN PRICE ority is absorbing public utilities and can history to attain that &stink-- Sess-Treas.--Joe Tripp, J. M. Eckles finished the season yeah a battles Oiler private property and remov- ton. Business Mgr.—Acree Austin average if .301. Any such battoi, A ing it from the tax rolls. Accord- Whiskey of Park—Kitty League Park avetage will be welcomed by ti ing to Walter Stokes. Jr., State Tax Dr. Allen Roy Dana', who cleliv- Hoppers. Renowned Quality the Capacity--1,200 Commissioner of Tennessee, (-red and has since attended the Karl "Duke" Alto, outfielder foil "critical Popular ion —10,000 situatoin has reached the, Dionne quintuplets, has been given the Hoppers in 1937 and a inembe that his state Connis•tions -St. Louis Browns 'REMEMBER, stage" Ile estimates a new honor. After his initiation of tlie Bloomington team last sea- $1,001s000 in tax NO BETTER WHISKEY may leis,. Hose to into tin- hilarious order of Circus Ilopkinsville, Kentucky on, is how in Hopkinsville but I 1400 cities and TI'Vt•Illie this year. And Saints and Sinners in New York Nickname—Hoppers making an attempt to sign up wit CAN BE MADE." much as $2,- FA I I Cy, 1..,11FAY iii, `il'ONPOWAT I "OS ILLE KV (-empties enay It tse as recently, his new brethren confer- Manager—Harry Griswold anether Three-I loop club. He wa. , 000.000 :nose. red on him the degree of "Doctor President—Tom Owershinner, Sr. releasssd by Bloomington. growing As a re-suit, there is a of Litters." Traveling Sec ---Charles Crabtree movement underway in that state Business Mgr.---None as %yell) to tax publicly' (and others Sharp ornaments on automobiles Park—Mercer Park electric properties. Gover- owned have been condemned by the Pan- Population—I5.000 Browning has recommended to nor American Medical Association. Connections—Milwaukee Brewers the legislature that these properties taxes in all respects Owensboro, Kentucky Sle0?-• pay the "same Mrs. Etta operation." As a young woman, Nickname—Oilers to as those under private mart Richardson of Woodland, Calif., be- Tennessee County Judges' As- Manager—Hugh Wise The the bride of George Richard- S came has voted unanimously to President—J. C. Miller sociation died she married the state son, and after he Sec.—W. R. Hildebrand Buy! legislation to permit "seek his brother, Alfred, and on his to Treas.—I. N. Hunt Smarter counties to tax electric proper- and death she married the third brother. taken ove-r by municipalities for Park—Miller Field ties John. distributinn if TVA power." And a Capacity-4.000 Pripulatitin-28,000 court sentenced a KENTIK-Kr st\- A German Connections—Boston Bees //SICUJ S-re-rAgik prominent Jewish doctor to eight LI months in a Nazi labor camp be- Paducah, Kentucky cause he gave his own blood in an Nickname—Indians Tineup AV leading ltreinia IJ R. ehicia emergency transfusion to save the Manager —Ben ditt•ros .41 ItTtrotte.11•1114-k• one. tsTY end thrtto n't•td...1.1 I t rtg • Att... Settr.1 life of an "Aryan." President—Holland Bryan FREE 'A I AI 14 ;.V1' r KENTUCKY INATCNERY Nt 51,T ndrT• 1,1%..TitlY.EZNII.,41f Sec.-Tress.—None Subscribe to the News Business Mgr.—None Park—Hook Park Capacity-5,000 Population-42,000 Cennections—Brooklyn Dodgers RE.41)and REMEMBER

The WORTHIEST goal re 11NO "big" enough to recognize ns slishts, accept no insults, cherish no The model '11w:rated ii the B•it.F SYR Int, model 4/ grudges, no jealousies, and admit pur-doo•tcurimg tedaltP96.1,1:qtred at Flu,.:, Mist,' s8 no hatred into our hearts. "Great mind.' discuss ideas: mcd- OBODY has to tell you, skim- ioele minds discuss things: small N ming along at that brisk Buick • minds discuss people," says Wsl- pace. that plent) of eyes are turning ter Winched!. your direction! What you're discover- It's fitotnsiu to say sharp, hasts In a word,) ou re 1.1.'i11111 MY, tit much more there is to this things but it's a good deal more ing is how that, smart as it is to see, this Buick's beauty than a look or two will uncover! foolish to write them. When y..11 even smarter to buy—even if you had IN get an impudent letter, sit right feeling the eager power that a to pay a premium to get it. down and dish it back with interest You're straight-eight ean pour — when it's a ten times compounded ....and then But you don't have to pay a premium! throw both letters into the waste Dynallash eight with a cyclone in each basket. cylinder to give life, lift—and thrift— Instead, this great-eight beauty is toda) Costs The man who does nothing him- to every slllll oth-flowing mile! priced lower than some sixes. FOR YOUR ean,tienienze self, and has nothing to boast of are below those of a year ago. Total finding out that bumps Can be but his ancestors, is like a potats. You're outlay — counting included equipment is tiishen all f our whec/s. not just The only good belonging to him )ou'd pay extra for Jscwliere—is often underground. the front, ride on stout coiled springs AND less than for stittle ears with lower ad• The man who wins may have of soft and cushiony steel! been counted out several limes ertised pMccs. You're discovering how pleasant it is N accresrn reason why evers• home should have telephone but Ilk, didn't hear the referee. A to look out through windows enlarged So what to do? Easy! Simply turn service is because the convenience and protection it s'•-es is worth When you're right, slat can af- ford to keep 'is heti as much as 412 square inches. And around. head for the showroom, get more than its low cost. your temper: you're wrong, you can't afford to sou're en jos in that very special Buick down to the bu)ing details. it saves, the in- Convenience? Of course. Cossidcr the trips lose it. "feel,- firm and taut and steady, no- numerable times you and your family will use it for social and Time is like money ... the less where any skitter) looseness, cur wind You'll find your Buick dealer eager to will business reasons. Consider, too, that the many times others we have of it to spare, the further wander, or hunt! serve- just like the car he sells! we must make it call you also contribute to the value of the sets ice, gs. A man should not go around with departments—the doctor— Protection? 'Yes. The police or fire a married woman unless he can go 46, (KIifii your neighbors and friends—are but sekonds away by telephone. two rounds with her husband. The employee who thinks he is fejAr' day. For bug few cents a Better The cost of telephone service is only a an asset to the firm may be exag touch with the telephone information about the service, just get in gerating by only two letters. Business Office, or ask any telephone emplose. And do YOU know what Is gals' BOB WHITE MOTOR CO. comes of had little Egyptian 124 FOURTH ST. FITTON. KY. Tsk! Tsk. They become MUMMIFS SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. WHY dream of TOMORROW. t NCO EPORATED you don't use TODAY? YOU GET A BETTER USED CAR FROM A Mock DEALER

• •


1111111le•il fl 0111 kohl tti pitehyl Ilai t p 4 1 2 0 1 li It le.. f p a I I 0 2 F'ulton County .N.C14'N .••••ea posh, 51,o lio Wild pitch Titimi, if 2 0 0 2 2 Thc UNCLE SAM BACKS UP Fanning Italie Nlin Non, Toliall 38 14 15 27 e 4 1 9 I Is ;Otto.' tilformf,ki, N1110101 Ah It Merriam if 4 1 7 0 J. Paul liushart, Mien. Editor II ISEHALL Fulton II 0 A UNTENNIA' K 0p. Iteo.i 51.tyliett; Curtis. 310 a II I 0 4 Espeitni, 4 0 0 Ii PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BASEBALL 111.1tc. it, HOUNDS 5 51.11:0% oip Umpe M-trovich, lb :1 I 7 1 !fart. it 1 il 0 I 0 _ 11.ssi atui Il'inie 2 2•1 Wells, 21. 4 2 0 7 1 s' Entered as second class matter June Coast to coast and 11.% to Mes Simons. If 5 1 4 4 0 T,dals lIlt 5 9 24 15 • this vi‘iti. FULTON, Ky , May 5 at the post office at Fulton wo. Anwriva ,'l 'brat SECOND GASIE F1111111 wk. If . 5 1 I 2 0 Owensboro Ab It II 11 • SS. 1933. I 0 !ingot., 21, 5 0 1 of March 3, 1879. baseball Tinoth rf 4 0 0 Ky., under the act mg one hundred years of Union City Ab R II 0 A INDIANS It. TIGERS 5 ii 1 Doh 3 2 0 2 3 -hail Clouts, e 3 4 Led by the National Base 2b 6 1 1 2 Paducah Ab R II 0 A • 5 0 2 5 Price, et hut 1 0 OBITUARIES. Card of Thanks. 6 0 0 ' 0 Kspanet, as Lyle. cf :it, 3 2 1 0 0 II it Cards Conk Commission mid .1"101 0 ii 0 0 Newman, If 4 1 3 Business Notices and Political Johnson. it 0 1 10 4 1 7 3 1 0 0 Devault, 3b 5 0 mg 1111.111ber% of baSYball's Heist, cf 0 11 0 4 4 charged at the rates spectfied by by tile In Crawfoi it. s.. 5 I ti 2 2 Jot...ions If 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 Cross. rf 0 FaIlle, the country is etan• I 0 0 4 I 2 department. Hall of K, tch. rf 511 0 0 ss 4 1 2 2 4 0 Greta, lb 4 1 I 11 2 advertising hundredth birthday 0 Novak. M it, hell. 3 menoirating the Scruggs, If 2 I 1 2 Bathers if 4 0 I ii 0 0 0 0 Wise. e 3 n 2 7 0 3 Fanning, p 0 Subscription rates radius of 20 of its national game. Lowe. 311 4 0 it 2 Shut is, 21. 4 0 1 1 4 _ _ p 4 0 0 I 3 5 00 15 miles of Fulton $1 00 a year. Else- Huh of the national celebration 11.•tiville, c Balms. 11. 4 I 2 7 38 fi 12 27 15 S'netier, p 00 it 0 1 eleorge, p 2 0 0 0 ^ it 0 0 0 where $I 50 a year , is cooperstown. N . the little Cook, 3 I xlIalt...1 for Danstrtip sts•ond ii 1100.‘, p 0 it 0 0 II p 2 0 0 1 1 sxKays 0 II 0 0 0 'upstate New York village where Ketchor, Mayfield 070 Mil 222- 14 If 2 I 2 p 0 1 0 ii Fulton 002 100 210- - -- Was horn a century 04:; 11 11 0 0 THE SPIRIT OF ENTERPRISE baseball 0 Murphy 0 0 11 0 II Stinimarc Errors Lattfersieck, I Totals fl 13 27 13 where a 0 0 0 It Here is Doubleday Field NNIC s‘%.•11 1 Smith, Wells, Filchock lions bat- xlialted for lirlitnfii.1,1 in i.ightli. Cadet, Abner Fisher, p 0 it 11 0 it 8 14 21 10 rot. Newman in ninth In an albs reas.•ned essay in the young West Point 32 bid Stt.plitois 2. Itailev 3, Smith.' xxllan lines in the O'Brien, p 1 it 1 0 0 Fulton Ab III) A Simons 2, Met- Fulton .. . 120 001 010-5 April Atlantic Monthly, Sumner It, Dettd.1.•day, drew some Ii ftliitioseph Metro. invented deBoves p 1 0 0 0 (Sobs, 31, 3 0 2 3 7, Timm, Clonts, Goff Owensboro 120 rite 0a2--e Great Am-, shape of a diamond and kovieli Smith Slichter discusses "The Sli.tri it. ich. lit 3 2 '2 it I Twii_base (loft. Klann 2, Summary. Errors Wells, Timm, basic rules for America's great 11 erican Experiment." At the end, he the Totals 411 5 0 35 Wells, 21, 4 1 :I 3 I Chink, Soffit' Three•base hit --- F.mpatiet, Sawa.), (leers, Wise, Brum- 'That was in 1839 R H 11 A sums up his views in these words, est pastime. Fulton Ab If 4 I 2 3 1 Simons , Stephen, Sac- I field 2 Runs batted in- tho nation e'tirt is. Si, 6 2 2 1 3 4 0 1 Geer.. Wise, 'The spirit of enterprise is more Throughout the year i•f 1 2 rifice 11111, Mel kOVIell, Goff Loft vault 2. Espantit 2. eommemosaiing the Met rov ii' it 0 2 it 0 1 0 Clouts 2 Ttt i, base Wells, an fume; it is the eelebt•ating. 1'1111111, if 11.11411S - Mayfield 14. Fulton hi In than econonile Wells. 21, 6 0 2 4 1 ss :i 0 I 3 3 It Nierriati 2. ..1 Wise, in. name of Maim. General Abner limos pitched lly Bailey 9 with very basis for free democratic S'tionis, If 5 I t 2 0 Clonts, e 3 0 1 7 0 2-3 with Ness 1111111 T1110, •1111-•11 It 11 I )..vault Doubleday all the 111111111S tht tuns 12 Mt,: Nordquist 1 abtutiotes. Only so long as oppor- it fi I 2 7 1 I nst 'ii p 2 0 0 II 0 5 inns 5 Rue-trim 1 3 with 2 2 Sacrif flat I 1,111y-- 1111,chall, I It Ii tunits is abundant is social con. tiit g,d 111 'Timm. if 4 I •Mitlein 1 0 0 0 F1111, 11 1111 . 1\111. hell 6 I 3 w ith 1)evatilt ti, f loft oo 4 1 1 I 0 0 ii n , on flirt mild, and by negotiating, or by Baseball's Cavalcade N•adonist, 0 ititi. 7 Ist. F'.emilic 2 3 with no fatvetishot o Folt. 7 Clews. ,• 4 0 2 7 liff niiimtold 2 MI • is 1, rather than by fighting At C•sas•estown on sou, lel lel hit it,lt. ,11 11111IS arbitrating p 7 0 1 0 2 1)am:trim !fart Shionacher 0 Struel. 'iii-.-. opporttantv i• ex in lincollinft the Totals 29 5 to 71 11 Holm 5. Ni.1.pii 2. The basis for fl lIsa,. o 2 0 0 0 1 m It, Familia. 2 Strut•It )t'Ilriinifi. 5 Fit.), mixt 1111,- sow,.1 fr limas Nliti•liell pansion. Upon the willingness and • C. il,!, i RI a 1, MiiSO. c 2 (1 0 9 ' for 11,no f ro', /soles. Milds,11 4 Los 7 St wow ii _ ‘11,0t. ,1 out Its 9. ability of demoracies to ent.oursiee of the game Shit* oho hot!, :'.1I 101 I '4 Passid 7 111 IIII111.. :1 11,1 II i! le 5 6 12 36 it 11,1tt' :1 1111,,, ItIllti II. Id It it, It investment will depend their :1191- minis Mamasii1.1 CO to Coots's- • 47 rolton t ;too ii 1,11. (loft Wild pitch him,. to slim fro !sterol:es. Modell Ito pit.•!•ei M. tio I., ,117111111 rims. Stitioha,114.1* 11111111 in ity to keep opportunity abundant toss!. .at this thly nod Ins's, S,i,ittititi t'' I., K. Is W• ra!„1 Cos a Its, I. 111e 1 '1 tiv Sliti hell 2 amine • In. runs Winnine and, therefore, to preserve the free drdissia to, aft. Di n sf Si note:, Ni- tool ,slfao for S1'1111112.14, ltitht'ri. Ni il, Sec l' .1 I.' ' ie., Jura's. Ilarbi Itodset- r sioniiieher Losing which are the his: the National Idei I',-,, cos. 010 000 40 030 institutions 2. T.,. " I.. I'mpire:- Illythe. Clark the isms _ 6 casualties of severe social conflict is lute (annals relics 101 021 0110 T%\11 base hit, N it ,St.ttle. Time- 2.25. - Riles. J..111 I:01111110i There is a vastly important, and are stored. Summary Errors VS'ells 2, Sunoc • t" Ky May 10 Cran ford, dellow. Curtis, M truth , in Baseball., Bail iFa,„„ Ti • ------often overlooked, historical i Esisieet '2. Hannon. Hu". • A tinted Itino specialist says that , „f 1S,,,„1,„„ Ilona. run • here, anti its meaning is plain. As it. mime it, Ftli.hock 2. Lowe 2. (011.ERS 6, rutalts a man who sings at the top ..f tits *- Nit-ak it, Slit lie I Is f' Wtiodlock says. Johnson. Wells. Riles. 2. in.ins II 0 A Thomas in "'in' Hans Wagner. Walter Clonts 7. 'ii bases l'adiwali 5. Fultori 6 I litien R voice for an hour a day won't be iv,',-Alexander, cluss. CInnts, s. 1 2 0 menting on Mr. Slichtees essay. TW 0 base 11 - Curt nings intellect By Keleher 3 2 3 tit,.. 31i 4 0 trouliled with chest complaints in roiellv Three-base hit- Sim...toms 5 II 0 tt 1 . "The plain implication is that thor- Iv Ala IleWson. Ty Cobb. Cy V011eg. 'with 5 runs 10 hits; by Danstruir M'w wit. lb his old ago. (Ile probably ts.on't be Sacrifice hits---Nordquist. F:eptin. t arid 13 hits, 2b ough economic collectivism must of Tris Speaker. Babe Ruth. Georg. bases--Simonnihi it innings with 7 riots 0 troubled se•itli old age./ Vindick Stolen 3 1-3 inning st t Simons, If 4 1 2 0 necessity be totalitarian, and that Ssier. Eddie Collins and Willie Kock play--lit.nyiveto:by Tint-up hits; by Nordouist 1 inning totalitarianism is incompatible with nor Keel- pitched ts. !runs 110 Keeler. Neither "Matty" Johnson. Innings nun I hit Billie!' ell halIt.. 5 12 nits•' with 1 free institutions, no matter whether er are living to sec their plaques George. 5 1-3 with rims. ria,s. ii Off Ketcher 2. off 1/anstrup 1, off it be expressed in Nazist, Fascist, in the chamber of hase• by Nordquist. 7 1-3 with 5 0, off Nordquist 0. Struck unveiled bits: by Disney. t„.„-thirds with no Tincup • * 'democratic' other mem- By Ketcher 2, by Datistrup 3. 13c1shecis'• or social' ball immortals. but the tun, no hit: by Fisher, 1 with 1 son. out sti ietures." In other words. econ- Tincup 2. by Nordquist 0. Win of bers will be present. all i run. no hit; by dellow. 3 with tong pitcher-Tinciip. lAisitig pit- omic collectivism is inescapably an. are prominent, Norilq•d•-t Famous names hits. Bases on balls -Off off chi-r- Datistrup. Passed balls enemy of democratie freedom. It too, on the National Baseball Cen- 2.. off Georg.. 2. off Disney 'A it Iitch 11.111, trap I it Him •lorits must inevitably result in iron- tennial Commission. Baseball's high Fisher I11.11e. off (fellow I. off is !smiler Curtis by Keleher: Jui., nen I. Struck out --By Nordquist 5 Fame handed regimentation of -saw onies by Nordquist Umpires Pi in - individuals.' commissioner. Judge Kent 1,, Gere'n , 6. bv Fistn.r 1. by Disnos Ball of Fame! The Baseball 111111 i/teC11111.1. the Card,' load of of all important of oust and Ober. 'rime -1:41. indu:tries. and Mountain Landis, is chairman !Hall of Fame stands at Coopers land winning the Series. resources. And though its advocat- the exeetit As. vow le It tee. A1111011; tle• Winning TaesIng pother Hannon. II !town, New V.irk. where baseball Alex piled up 373 victories over es msy rigidly avoid the word hi' pitcher - FULTON, Ky. May "to- others are General Malin Clan:. ottcher-- 110 i was born, and designated by broil- twenty seasons. t.stablishine an all- talitarsinism " that is the goal that Chief of staff of the U S. Arno.. 1:sisinet his Gisiro, by Than t• ',1 Prince ti• 5, BROWNS 4 must Is. readied at the end of the Adety•st woissit D. Leshy• f Umpires- 1fisid, TIGERS Ols. r Time- 3 00 II (1 A the national game %%lino. iii'.' Is will record prior to that had been held load. Al, It collectivist , Naval ois•rations; Nlajor Gem rs lee:ilia I I 11111110n,,, I.s• Christy Nlathewsin. niark ‘c.r:::,i h.,1 31, 5 0 a 1 :' but ho ever in It is a trigic commentary on our Thorew Ci,mmitnitment ie- li...'.. •.-k. Dot 10 %MT • •••. '2.If 5 ! I .t 2 the U. S. Marine Cortis; Ste-pie:1 confosed times that the American '• , s.seeii, If 4 1 1 0 0 ear:. i s 1,,, ir 1 :1,, i,•• •it'• With e*O per- Chad•xick. National Commander of PeoPie. hay.. conscitiusly 7 i:,,!.mo: lb 4 ; ,li I: ca in tie.' Ball of Fat..- is odd A .tho C.,:d• Mitto,1 the totalitarian gospel, un- the American Legion; Eugene 1 cf --. on, 'li one of thy fe;iltirf. s .if 13:,sollalr• I Ales slims e ti' ri ... int of iehingid at, • FIRST 6.1.111.: 'oeterk. rf 5 0 Il 1 aer cif 1f'ta; m"filce Van Ani7V1Irn: ettrliTe5ndttr . Ctennialen progi iim this year, their 1 thirty or Mree V1(1111-11, in three TIGERS It, INDIANS 4 S;, h,:.e s , 4 1 2 0 2 here. More and of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. seas,,ns. Many also ominous advances Paducah Ab R II 0 A (Ill •- 4 0 3 8 0 plaques si. ill be inotil,•(1. !consecutive government stepped Nation's Leaders Enrolled this feat. more ,has the • Sk'ski, 3i 2 I 0 0 1 CouelCV• II 0 1 0 3 The pitching acliiesements of is credited with General John J. Pershing. into our economic life. Less and Also Heist. ef Grover Cleveland Alexander set Alexander was born in Elba, Neb., Charles less have been the opportunities for Commander of the A. E. F.: Juronies. If 34 01 21 01 On l Totals 37 4 12 24 10 him down in baseball history as a i in 1886. And he will always be AB R III 0 A expansion by individuals or busi- J Doyle of Pittsburgh, president of Norak, ss 4 0 1 1 3lUalton Alexander the Great "Old I ranked among the greatest pitchers Curtis, 31, 4 1 1 2 1 modern old liberties the Baseball Writers Association: Barberi. rf 5 0 2 2 1 l nesst•s. One by one, 4!Metkovich lb . 4 2 3 10 9 Pete" WaS the shutout king of his ! of the National League. Claude J. Peck, Jr., of New Haven, Slitink. 21i 4 0 2 1 haw been abrogated. 4 0 1 13 01Wells 2b 4 0 0 3 1 day, and his greatest triumphs were I of the I. C. A. A. A. A.; 11"kul. It) It cannot be dented that this na- president 4 1 0 4 1 Simons If up when a member of the; ODD ITEMS IN SEMI-PRO .ikintcP"tne•v'p c '- tion of ours made greater material J G Taylor Spink, publisher of ,1,‘,1 2 0 2 0 3 Padlock cf . 53 01 222 2 iiil Philadelphiarung Nationals. I CIRCI.ES rf 3 1/ 11 0 0 and social progress in a century the Sporting News and Professor xTincu.p. cf 2 1 0 1 0 Timm A tight hamlet.. Alex had a d.'- More than 100.000 fans attended Clonts c . 2 0 01 62 25 and a half than any other nation William B. OW ellS. of Stanford Uni- Koh", p 1 0 0 1 0 puzzling to the bat- ! tlw 1937 National Semi-Pro Base- Fspanet ss livery that v,.as That progre-se was made versify, president of the National Kan. ever made. Totals 35 4 11 24 13 H ann.on p 3 1 1 0 2 ters Beginning his professional car- I ball tournament at Wichita, -which Collegiate Athletic Association; under true democracy Ftilton Ab R II 0 A eer III 1908 Wall the Central City. means true freedom, and the en- George M. Cohan. the actor, play- Curtis. 3b . 5 I 2 3 2 Totals 30 5 10 27 12 Neb.. "tub. he later played in ti..t 1 There are 30.000 semi-pro baseball 100 100 110 4 couragement of the private indiv- wright and baseball lover; George MeCch. l b _ 4 1 I 6 I Mayfield minnis and then in 1911 was lair- clubs in the United States this president of the U. S '1 3 3 2 1 FultoIl 101 Ian Ilx 5 idual and the private enterprise. Let II. Davis. W•11,... 2b Fli- C1111,'11 by the Philadelphia phil- year, an increase of 20 per cent Simons. If 2 2 2 4 d SUI11111,1",' ErrorS-Snlith. the people think. before it is too Chamber of Commerce; John W. -- Files. cf 4 0 1 4 0 clush. Runs hatted in-Smith. Fil- lies Ile pitched them to their first over 1937. policies, many Studebaker, U. S Commissioner of Tvso late, of what present Timm. rf 4 fl 0 0 0 chock. Niels.). Stephens, Simons. and ..nly-pentlant in 1915, but lies -0444- Bates, director Clntso of which go entirely against the Education; Sanford Espanet. ss . 4 0 2 0 I bast. hits-Nletkovich 3, team lestlost the that year Oklahoma has produced the last Stephens Sacri- grain of the whole structure of dem- of the Boys Club of America; Nev- Clonts, c . 3 0 0 7 1 Home runs-Smith. Sox. two Senii.Pro Coughtry. Metko- I,, the Boston Red National Baseball to us and to our ille Miller, chairman of the ASS1-1611- 1.1itchell. p 0 0 0 0 0 fire hitsCurtis,- ocracy. may mean -Simons In fttit Alex the Great w as an e ndur- champions. the Duncan Centersem t inn of Broadcaster.s: Alexander Fanning. p . 0 0 0 0 0 vich. Stolen base descendants. 1 1 1 4 bases-Mayfield 10, Fulton 12 In- ance king indeed in his years of . in 19:16 and the Enid Ea Si al Oilers Me- Hart. p 4 Cleland nf the Cooperstown , flings pitched-By eminglitry R service in the major leaguess. Af- I in 1937. and C 0. Brown kay•ng &MENTION KITTY morial Association Totals .. _ 35 8 12 27 10 with 5 runs 10 hits; by Hannon 9' ter i the Phillies he went: -_o__ Congress 12 hits. BaSeS on LEAGUE FANS of the American Baseball x.-Batted for Martin in ninth. with 4 nms and with the and then to This year a series of 768 district has its 101 000-4 balls-Off Coughtry 8. off Hannon • The baseball centennial Paducah . . . 200 by the Si, Louis Cardinals. It was while serni-pro baseball tournaments are 000 150 20x-8 5. Struck out-By Coughtry 8, This week marked the first issue official insignia. an eye-fetching red Fisilturmin being Errors-Norak. Balius. lannon 5 Winning pitcher-Hannon.. with the latter team in 1926-and established throughout the LEAGUE NEWS , white and blue emblem des!gned mart : on the KITTY Runs hatted in-hironices Passed ban_ooff. Ho by pitcher- Alex was about forty then-that he United States to precede the 48 by a pretty young woman artist. Wells. which went on sale at Evans Drug Norak. Skorupski, Espanet. Metro- Clonts by Ceaightry. t'mpires--Rod- I pr..leiblv reached the Dinnac leof his state c'hampionship meets and the Yorle Miss Harbison. T Store. DeMyer Drug Store. Lowes Marion i Bennett of New vich g. Wells. Simons 2. 'foist. Fil- gers. Jurick and wonder. feaIs. • - ' . .:National finals at Wichita, Kan., on pictures a batter -Simons. 1 ,55. Cafe. Smith Cafe and Usona Hotel. Bennett's design chock 2. Two base bits St. Louis won the National Lea - Aug. 12 to 24. Three hn5o hits' Motro- The Kitty League News will be pub- completing a swing on a field of Shulock. and with Alex. we _._0_nt , -t,, Filches 1,-. II • FULTON. Ky. May 9 gull'gull'pennant, each week during the league red and white which represent vu .• I lished Sacrifice hit .• into the Wtirld Series against the Semi-pro baseball players are un- strikes anti halls. Centennial stamps • season and will go on sale on Satur- Innings pitch:, • - Msts W11' . tteOWNS 14. TIGERS 6 New York Yankee's. der contract in the National Semi- on every 0 A day. The paper is full of news and and stickers will be stuck 6 runs 10 hits. be Mitchell none Ab R II Cards a Pro this season, and can't 3 1 0 0 2 After pitching the to Congress highlights on all the clubs of the piece of baseball news and infor- with 2 runs, one hit, by Fanningn 1 : . lth 7ii 6 it 2 4 a spectacular sixth game triumph, he Jump clubs without release. Kitty League. You can keep up with mation within arm's reach) of the 2-3 with no runs 1 hit. lyi Ilart 7 1-3 by Kele 3 with Morjoseph, If .. 41 2 0 was called in as a relief pitcher to Umpires are bi ing organized in circuit by get- commission through this hundredth wall 1 run, 9 hits. the players over the hits. Bssss en balls Klann. lb 5 1 2 7 0 save the seventh and deciding game,semi -pro baseball this year by the year of baseball. 2 rums. 2 ting a copy of this paper. --Off 'Martin I, off Nlitel.ell c.ff Metro. et 4 1 I 0 1 of the series. The bases were load- National Semi-Pro Baseball Con- . 5 2 2 3 0 Fanning 3. off Hart 2. off Ko:p rf ill: Tony Lassen a dangerout hit-I gress to improve the brand of of- Failure is the shadow that fades Every man tail' the robes t f Struck out-By Martin 1. NTit- Stephens, ss . 3 3 2 2 1 Goff. c 4 3 3 lb ter. was at the plate. Alex struck ficiating. in the sunlight of hard work. Ills future. chell 0, by Fanning 2. 1 y 5. by By PERCY L. CROSBY Expenso. . so tam • 1.1.•••••• , Neve.- Mirtc: f:-he

i 16;cir! it, ! voltam? rq A 1.1Ati•i

6^E St;t14

L y•i„.c) , (11 e- (owataankaaaVwftwa.ffatanatanantrWfasailaWfataurnfateatal0.1 1,11.111.....

imug bat kstop, t He at wur with your vicee. fag ,I.111‘ • !Alit stt if 2 I'lililiem N. 1'. A. Proridrn your and kb I lictilucky ""'s'. iii' and C111'1'1111 111111 peace with neighbors, 0 2 2 u.' you a boating 4115.4411116. ONE Ilelp lo Sludestlm "" Wt•lik ninth rtic1111111.• Lefty every new year find ROUTE Features i'rade-al-llonte k .,11 caught 111,111 9 I Ed,he Rommel, /tube Wel man.--Franklin ft 0 P111,, . NI/11111111 . Ernest Cartnick of Iii,'1 could; Nation,' a ut I 0 II Mt' 111111 Misi %Oh., Ciiiiimiati. Washington Mil berg, developed Ilan star ISSil Iiii i s'1111.11 for Texio, are Ilsil iiift 1‘,1:-. ;in ii.1%.,111asomit 0 I 0 Aust iii, blaIt' and P111111,11'101.(1. bat. t'olinly - brother, Boy 11 pionet" pationaca lilt .111.1,111s frotti Fulton kaig had ttairlicd t'artnick's ,c....1 An 111111111V V1111111'1. of the en Catcher Cv Pet 9 211 15 h, t.elitotil in Fulton itiriclaods Al'. Thorn t,'0; enable then, attend himself out ot pai 4111,1 mitt family 1. Is !till, It Is alio, lie, 11.11 CALLOUSES It II 0 A lit a liy 0,111.1 Ti. 1... at manager, i1.1 PISA .1 M11111.11 !WWI. 10001 it Yeats hater when 2 NV. 1 Pickiii.1 Valk. a y..1011111011, 1111/ ti ! 0 I Olt Ihrector III thc; .01\ ‘ddi.. in; et 11 S.ilver., Stith, NYA II 2 3 IS ill ill ha .1..v • the fs rflloW 'flak and Ikon Aug. I•• II,' became roanag, I. of the Detroit ;Imm o; ,d The $ bidet,: aid titan, of the 1 1 0 Ernest 1,,. has de.trilait..1 talk' a tar to-eat transfer This of Tigers, Pprk iris %so, the first mai; HERE? gue 1 or 3 41 1/ Nataand Admineatation, . k• Mr and Mi•! T.,‘ 1. ki ;dal furs sults:111y a through Southein lit' wanted as at, aide II you Imay • 1 4 to la lp soling pis.. .• 4 2 son. J. A. Jr . Mr and P.15 Eunet adveiti etimid timid!. ••igned rail imile between the East and the leirltinkt ktu 2 11 0 ple to further th. educationist wl t i• l k i k,,, Mg.-. 51.11v Huth Tay- ith Mane iii, Mint . you WI I. A y‘aing 5'1,411:111 1.1/11 I II 2 4041) CartnIck and bine employ• maellIt•I, It I, a Wife • to emem gel, part • In 2 7 0 lor, attended the Iterhy Iilaaus- hell) lillifilf .1 1111A Vt•I. Wila 11,1:tol lit. I week • tat iti •it I between Mi. it bettei town fli 11%. 11'iit ...salv • lull. ids oft Ii,. lit Iota', Mt, 0 1 3 ville last They rellitnist M1lake the. a -.111' Wattled 111111loati• "I don't .111: four, •READ - REMEMBER IS.''.I 1 iitoklk• ill 51 101 1 II 0 age. of ash. ii nil twenty • lie lama. by the v;ii it ('iv.' in 1/X1/111,111•11It, 1•1114111...1,1 to he pc, 1 0 I '11111 is I• '0111 11/1,1 ti, p 1111 1.,..1. and ehiect. soon. !Mil I just want to 1,11,1 W. .ir 41) 0 hir and Nli ,1,4,11 A Mussell IC'ompiled by Willie Ann Jones/ 0 0 rok ',I without financial DI SI 11.111..1 ./h I. I Jat' ihthlten %1...t I'll to g., through visited in 't ityce last Sunday. It, y..ii o, hot you ...A A ti,.. l'roville lii al th iti. 1 11111 sitance. Early to bed 1111(1 early to 1-131. %hen I iini ready for a ilivory,.." I 13 27 13 Lane from Flint, Mich., is vls• F•a4 Trsi w.II 'M.: e ye", Joe 1.924 rollege stu• ii eighth. tiny ....ryas. hi May f,1939 makes a man healthy, wealthy and - lung relatives in and around rub antli • Maintain tate and p.a.., I , ot. e ia.. ii Kentucky hail beer' approv - ton. 101 010--5 aid for the tam i toi %VA stoilittia Well done is better than well ' Bert*rs Shoe Store tin 042 Taylor gave a -5 Mi- and Mu, .1. I. ,' in, i„.„1,1, N' 11 itt 0,11111,01'11 that A IA, When befriended rentembut BERT NEWHOUME, Prop. Tiffin", fish supper it their home near t'ity- yeti- ill t. • 1111•11f 11.1.• lit1.11 of 57.5ou diffment young and 1A41, 11111M - lemur of In•11,1 %illy') befriend, forget It. Main Street, Neat Demme CP Tusislay evening in 1.1.iii Kenna kv have l'i/Io•EVI•I'l 11,- I, did lat(1, Liallf,/ tiuc molls. De- l'oti will find that Iasi, Maki, haste slowly. Drag Store guests. Mr and Mrs Erne,t Ilia ,. of Wi se, their chants entry in stock can • dirough part lune employ- $219. its Wells, Carmick of A11,1111, TUXIIN. Mu,, id aid m! (wally "Main .--1.vhatever goods you Meld 141 N'N'A stud. • 'V's.., IOLA 411 1..• remembered here Unstuck y:II1 I. r ant hi TIkt•IY !11,1'S 1111(1 terms wane, and NN'A work promo. I WHAT DO YOU KNOW INSION $1.23 Miss Junto, V. Taylor. , ' as iiiii • ol.sehool youth. Mr. Silly ;Iv play -- fair 'I'lley are di•In•1111;11olt• IWO Mrs. Bertha ('.intilion ha retinal 10. 1.! tli•al They are Suiiir fel- said. on ABOUT RAILROADS! Base. ed lir her home III 111,1(111111 all,/ f111.111 k I, ?I'' isCh I t 1.1'1411,r, 10111,4', 1:„1, tick it -- SI)'.I1111111! 111.",`. ail. Ii •, I. ii .111 Ili 41 POCKET AND WRIST WATCI4Fr k II. flirt !WE II'bite Iiifehrit f Ftlehock $1.00 to $3.95 art It in 5 TIM 1.5 1%4 Iii It in 8 Subscribe to hie N1. $r note. in ALARM CLOCKS ing pitch- ! 1, pitcher— $1.00 to s2.95 the, Clark f!, uk It. k I 100" FOR ON THE DIAL 1;1 says that ,1 ifi ! top of his I I l• lo. Ii, • • ; r tit • INSIST ON VITAMINS "A" AND "D" won't rip Is! II • be 1.111,it 11"t k.ffik • t ni • d.,!ly 1..t 1.111 of ilie iplaints in ti•i, alkinsoe every of a•Ii, CI t : i la • !al carton. in the old 11..rrin :on ykoi read, the oho.. tato. fk t• not, lo isitr.;ads ;dimwits ti r won't be ter rrrrrr ti• nil , le yo.-1.10:trike start Ica•li of huh it,,lihiius BUY fatlier SPIN YOU 10. MEDICINE Sta- - .tel • (It COUGH •‘11,1' ,\ ;11(hing. $100,000„ (2! IN ANY treatment f..r folott. kk..I doorkik r and tor trio( id the tain and worry It I the Ids; seimal time:, the small son tion. 1 600. (3, $1.000,000 prescription contains gen u ,..f Jolm Talaltiissee, ‘J K. I'. Dalton was Resistance While Rol Beechwood Creosote! Menthol and of how /he Williams Answers Build Up It more p•akple wart. aware five other important ingredients hhIney• tntett Con.tanuli re•te.,• WI,.'.. !Fla trasi to start (me, using 13 oily notified by Judge Walker of Ilick• I Vi,t• • . Coughs from Colds. I A $ cri •• t railroad lieving of pure Ca, that cannot 'II.) in ii,.'withont In- I I combined in a base mail ft, /add file boy in the Fulton frein the rig ht side jury to health. Intro ....Id le loll, tot- 'dollar limits, fornia Fig Syrup. • s derfitankliny of why the I, It.gislature passed ria action td the gland!, cab. Doctors all agree that "old • when Midnef lay, and doiretio medica- Go get bottle of Meru coughs break down resistance. tion nomad he note oft. n • ophoed , Jury. trans oth- today. Note its inaned:,,,, 1 ill ls1111 11Iiwing state support :! Traffie on passenger :total i MuLion Iturnaly. *runty I r Ii.•• urina- Scientists have proven that effect and how quickly you rtri tion may Ike warning et •11..e.eleal keine). Ii ri OW W:SCi , r than passengers is generall,.. Vitamins "A" and "D" are vital funeti.m. nok, k v ing ' yourself of that cough dim te I .V:t ty. a (maid txrivei Sf'ffif)r l'laroi Play to as "head.eral business- be. in building up that resistance. tko•h• . loan- only Colds' Ti,,,,.. yk Amy on . int h(11111 (.11'1 Mentho-Muk,ion Is the .„1. met it 110 hy the 1,;.Follett! (ft i'.1///ftif High • •. is handled the neka ikrolei the (it• f• /1 aka', to, we know of Mer.tho-Mulslon is now re.- %%loch a state appropr.a. .- ham This inultidt.s cough medicine 1(11 Idatod wt. gime. f;!r 1,oal and guarantee hi fortified with both Vitamins mended, lead it ilk, re. .papers and rurii,vii• .. .1' ,tot 000 it Ni•ar 11;id 1,‘ I."- The S.(11, I .1 ttl ba": "A" and "D" and like a doctor s I !taint bsoi %alt.& r the &rectum of MIF, know,. • Sehool unit, DRUG CO hal., over EVANS DRUG ('0. and De.VVER 7/141.i1')' lini(111011 the spark- , .!1“ an all- 1111'!, -:I1t play. ''Si Will Jus' "!'; • !. lilt‘,1 01, ham, Nord The 15,1:put I-, lunch faith in tie ;A "4 '1.51 Till• ,1:1 1.%1S1:111.: to one" Central. New bis•ii !it -;;; f Ineb held st sok TS furls! i•TV111.1,41St1 •1 M.kitilt Central, C.•iltr.. This mark alS sueil a • ; . 'Michigan Cetdrat, ••••••ii'. • no • ORIMINW." re,rierw-- • I !IV. %slide (-moral. i; ,tQlh SI0rie4 aka V 'artcr with Tt.A.440;1. sgyrsttr..•,reitfl f154 .lui play %)'ert' unus of Nmv Jersey and I' ! and all the actors took ,' '. ermont. HY11111S1*44 of pitching Cf .% i 4. A passenger's baggage lip GREAT , in a way that was Yet in three to all who saw it. Almur pounds is carried free. 0 Ii; fatty also , "FROM GREENLAND'SICYMOUNTAINS" CLEAUER! Undertt ood, who played the part of 5 The tax bill of United State drsftlis /)11111 a *Bishop Reginald Heber N a rich society man masquerading as railroads is roundly 21,000,000 Elba. Neb., t a poor law clerk to win the love of day. icy mountains, always be a poor orphan posing as a rich deb- "From Oreenland's ;st pitchers isse' 47nre utant played by Myrtle Binkley.. BASEBALL ODDITIES From Inclia's coral strand; A clever. Equally good was especially Where Alrie's sunny fountains of Miss Binkley. was the work EDITOR'S NOTE: Strange pla: III-PRO displayed Roll Iowa duzir go.-en sand: ts, These two youngsters and strange decisions have la Misses Jane promise as amateurs. recorded in a century of basel;;;,. From many an ancicnt river, 7411 ,s attended and Margaret Clark gas'' Alley The one hundredth birthday of A•• From many a palmy plain, 1, ;'i ) •Pro Base- of two college girls * interpretations erica's game which is beim. • Vs') Oa. Kan. their stiroritY, "Oughts They call us to dclivcr battling for brated from majors to sandlci:. , " Treya Whayne was es - P:ata Pie. year. brings to mind some of the Teir land from error's diain. .ro baseball pleasing in her interpreta- pecially gameme s odd angles. From day today States this 1N:4:GEM and Ever-Ready,Razors " the devoted negro It bon of "Sugar. 1 we will give you a few of them per cent t.,1' the phony debutant pos- of this great missionary friend Carioons by the well-known Mu-- 'Bishop Heber Is the author her maid Jack Wellons. the wtitten in !MVP in revote.e to a request •-4' ing as trator. Ilal Adams. hymn. It was of flu' college, added by his father•in•Los, Oran Shirley. fora suitable hymn colored porter GIVES AWAY JOB si the last I wraice.. In Just a few FEELS GOOD ONE DAY mtmcfu to the play by his lightning to he sung at a tnis 'nary takes a mighty generous man It this hymn which has since been a Iteeball like interpretation of his part. and minutes he wrote away his own job. Yet that to give much lined missionary hymn of the church. C....enters Ids efforts to win the affection of THE NEXT is exactly what happened on the IS, ii 011erS BAD Sugar. Philadelphia Athletics in 1925. Cavita Brown as the matron of Southern people and ev- Bordon Stan- IFEELING —DO THIS known by A young catcher, FOR TIIAT of thousands take it to quick- the orphanage was one the best QUICK! ery week It.y Cochrane, now better knoy; n ; 768 district * * Betty ly put themselves right. ntinor characters of the play. Mackey, had come up to the A are your energy is low it makes sments When Goldsmith and Paul Laine with Mi7- cross and Money Back Guarantee the Dover team of the Eastern the you worry and fret, fuel from ighout McGee and Clyde Williams. Jr.. con- C. /if L. Tonic kills out ca irritable. Then. your physical Shore League. via Portland of the Ode the 48 interpretation' t.f Tonic to help malaria that may be lurking in gave delightful dition needs a general any Pacific Coast League. Is and the diges c4WIN5Tkill)-JONE5cco. in- clean the parade. Martha off those ills which may your bli od. helps eoliege youth on shake the crack a. Kan., on sleeplessness. and gives you a pick-up Mickey was far from clude restlessness. hive tract Sllef Massie as a sour-visaged dean become in back and make you feel fine and healthy backstop he was later to poor appetite, pains to of girls and Glenn McAlkaor as & feeling, and gen- again. When taking Nash's C. camp, the skeptics legs, complete lazy , president of the college were geed• In training • run-down condition. Tonic you if,, not need to lav uff ers are un- • eral weak, he'd never make the grade. Cori yiork nne minute and if Nash's Jane Edwards as the maid flitted feel this way, Nash's front thought onal Semi- When you you while Mack. the A's manager, cases C & L. Toni,. does not make gracefully about the stage proven in thousands of Tonic, week. Mr. otherwise. "I like the fight that kid ant can't will f.s.1 100'7' bett,•r the first and J. W. Fortn,•r re, Constipation and Biliousness, !W. (7). Greer of bottle Connie.'May - quickly Nash say.s. "just return th,• toward puts in a game," said ft•iend to you and did their part be a real your money I policeman Nash's I'' s' 'hr druggist and he he'll be a catcher yet. Ile cer- imie,1 in put you in trim again. the madcap Sugar and help promptly refunded." Feel :capturing by a firm 111 he ball. eat 1 y the Tonic is made deb. while tainly can hit that THIS L. OF SEASON C. & LAST HATCH and enjoy life. Today get a bot- a-xpi- sing the Cinderella in medicine. A Athletics was the best •I•all Con- long experienced Tonic. 50c. the mu. With the ail- tle f Nash's C & I. !Norma Davis ably provided knows Southern Perk ! ar tif of- ob. Southerner who by Evans Drug catcher in the league. Cy ton- For sale in Fulton to sooth the savage breaa. One manufactures this great sic ments His one fault was batting he Tonic is welt high points of the play was ic. Nash's C. & L. lot the of The. couldn't hit. Perkins ' • the jitterbug demonstrations Underwood. Cochrane. though, and e ca McGee and Almus rookie, telling him the batting wt.:tic - PRICE! Batts SPECIAL I Mirca McGee and James 1. be- misses of the League's hitters. giv- gave a clever skit before the ing him a hundred and one pointers ginning of the play. in whi,.11 each ,;imonstrated how to secure infor• on the art of catching. his usual healthy cut Johnson ,mation by keeping silent. It was 5 Mickey took Keen the ball in batting practice but pleasing. finished amateur produc- at An- his Candidacy for urri he warmed the bench until late b'ortnally Announei tion, one which showed talent per 100 Will $6.50 ril when the A's Nita-re trailing the part of the actors and careful ill a game•at Shibe Park. Perk. coaching by the director, the ro.;k - DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION the regular. and Cochrane, ie. were sitting together. Perkins —FOR— Sleeping ears Provided was due to bat next. Suddenly Friday and Saturday you bat for Bll Railroad for Fair Mack said: "Cochrane, Perkins." Cy didn't bat an eyelas'i was going in to pinch hit liiitrder to better accommodate —the kid ONLY BOO LEFT for him, and the veteran was being GOVERNOR tra .1 occasioned by the New York -daily World's Fair, a new double benched, COME EARLY AND GET YOURS through sleeping car service be "Smack that guy, Mike," said WHAS tween New Orleans and New York Perkins. "you can do it" Illmois is annotancecl jointly by the There were two men on base. It WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 Central and the Baltimore 3: Ohio was the eighth inning, and Coch- Railroads rane slammed a single to left field. HATCHERY P. M. went in be- SWIFT'S 6:13 to 7 The schedule provid,•- f.'r earl,nytfeiTle A run. 'Then he hind the finished the game PHONE 293 P. I. morning and early esenin- a' rival bat and ,llay 18. 1:15 the remaining 134 game, Speech Rebroadcast as well as convunieni cle,artirc 1-io,ht Perkins nos, times to and from both cite schedule and THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS. EULTON KENTUCKY

woild Wi‘r, oil ,I (lIlt n,r, him,. II , k•lia baby In.t.4••14 ti,,it:1.1.I %my little 41, 'mind for 11111411111a la The Story of I'crtton It th, Reports Prong hey Cities st ()pens r I, r; yrs 1. 111111.• Itt th.t. Doihilt1 Show Little Change In front II Thu litilk tlf shutt and Irene l'a Ili 1,11., V10111 lought., \V,, I reil 1,116'1114' slot•I'm itttol 1144(4.14 sill II la Clippts1 Business Situation sheep Sunday at Fulton in iiiitiressis:', time It'll, F114111.114 1,1 tilt RIO I (tom 71, •i, 1,1111.4 40111IIIi'sIIV filth Inutilitly 4. --- - fid fashion agt1111St IN pit al hack Y.' ,II known players have MIR.: taiii II I 2 7 I 2; fat 41145.5 II 7, intim!' s milmiuds et, the prriod • Very little change in the business 4 5. 5 Adhering closely to thi• lift. II II 11.1t11,11 WIIS milicateil during the "OIL glin't MINE" story of Vernon and Irene Castle, II C Potter directed the Ideally 1411Ited to Portia, the a week in revolt, to the Itepart collie met only fair sale, world famous dancing Want or a lure for RhO Radio It was pic Astaire roles of tlwir titled terpsichorean mild of rottlinci or from 311 kes twine common to medium kitiii A voting couple Iliad [mid return- quarter century ago. Fred duced by George !blight, with ed predecessors. Astaire and Miss Hog reet'iveti by Is Lone.% dle Itis from 7 I 2 tbsi, hulk 8 3 4 a :I Ilie from a honeymoon trip Iler and Ginger !loiters Iii`%% Co starring tiro S Sternum in charge of obi crii many of the dances t ()filet. Itright in the rt•al stood kind III iiiid gill fliends iiiiinednitely I uI iii nn vehicle, Story of Vernon interpret Melton. The screen plav was will Castle, creattx1 and made Kt•ri• well sicd.iiiied con Vi•al thub• 50 S.wer, ltulli her Irene Castle.- now ready for the that the with a thi, ten by Itichard Sheimati. "Bow did register at famous •ph,. t•„„th, Walk. Cas •truction activity imil its side lines ft 0 I 2, ii fvw laticsi•N .1oliii that screen, is reported to lie the finest daptation Iv Oscar Ilioninerstem II log leder"' 14,1011 one of the dear film of reeent years loot Ile Walt/. the Texas 'Cottony. the dcpall 71201 2. t-oninions dins It hi 5 MUNIellil and 1)orially Yost It is based gut Is 1.3' pictures in TtlIg :Mil Iii r Maxi's,. are among ent store sales, all of w Inch %vele !log closing it 11111I• wily I dr making conver- the greatest of all the tWO 11‘1111,i the spi etacular of %Nil! the lipta.11 last StIll hulk „r thy saki; $1175; heaew Sil - ..iit 11111. which these two favot des have it these rout .11111 "My .,1 "Oil, )11 -t fir11`," 111.11111•11 the 111,4, .11111 lli, ire presented in ati• int,li,sh centers Wholi sale tiailc 25 II 50; light lights si5 75 1125, brute learred C.1 -tie Mr, t'astle lent la • 'lit IIi-I thymic reproductions of the ciao, aintained pat,. with few roughs $5-5 50. IIIVi•II11111 C,i versonal tit • 0111115 44 and kW!,stills where the Castles Ii Lint voninnIntents successes tllit't iii of the many dances '11 !lull: of the toss crop Iwoh. II I tle's early career as a ktioek about had civil, biggest Inaile the I., • Stileorribe I,, THE NFWM 11111,11 Fired AsIii I I I. HMI (;lilia•- Veit I L.VV.' t ibig Nearly twenty-four of the most I•os% in this branch of trail.. 1 meeting w itit the Ii t'itt' impersonate her , first then ; popular tunes of twenty-five ye"is Lint tit.mof hot downs lit the luttimmiiii Foote. who persuaded him to give, II. 'ago are Itl•tt featured in the pie- _ — up cheap comedy in favor of dan- 't , 11! T, I • Its background 10.4,0111.1 coNGRrss....s tore, either AAIN TO THE SAYINGS cing. music, or :is sung I•y the two', I WELL, HELP YOURSELF dance (Danville Messenger, 11.,v, Ow two married on the pro stars. "%Venni' Cr the Hobert E I verbal shoestring, went to Parisi Lee:, "By the Light or the Silverv! Th. YOU GET AT PICKLES' starved before they grill AssociatIOTi and tWarly Moon," "Missouri Waltz." "Ob. V I M, liiW 111,1,111. , in i•csh iiigton. II has this unman., 1114. a start as a team. is es e .1. ,1 do ;Beautiful Poll," "Pretty na b._ ' ' wally till reporting el l,' Cabbage, !lard Green, 3 pounds for saw. ond mem Iii lb. lull, tin Then ine!••-i lc rise strutte„, ,, lightful ft-bin "Dt,rkl,'n it Wed retail trade above the pounds Mc r V.\•-. Mao of ptiechase of privat, IRISH POTATOES, Nett. Red, 3 dance engin:, t, i-•• an farm. in l''..nt' vIhich , other hits of the pre-War period ate . had 1;ist year, with all liVi un- ; revived in tile film. ; utility system. in the 'IrVA area l•-- GRIT \ RC INS. Really Nice, 3 pounds 20(• took them across tssii eiiminems •I i.r appr,,X1111;it.•1% 5 - on reputatow was caall !"1,...-rnerani!..,1 Congressa. a, I I til their s'I'''fi' one number. "Only NVIie ti ille rt•porIed ,1 TO11 I 1 t#1 s, Pinks, Firm, Pound fir 1,1 current vor ding to , orrent mess I eports, a as lIII' I •I"' 1Siti(4t Ii 4•11111011! If ri••., • IIIIsI fli't! 'LW"' thh) You Art. in My Arm." by Con Con- Tennessee taxpayi i's IT, 'Marsh seedless 3 for 11c their time: the breaking up of the protested loss of Gil rid, Beeman Bay and iteIt kal 1,1111 lIilli'it I'' fall team when Vernon enlisted with i ,.i,-.1.500,0011 in Militia' l'eVCIllie hen: 1 \ 360 Sunkist, Dozen I5c or, is sung by Fred Astaire. holow year ag.• Wholi•saler, ii 141; 11 t the privat.• systems and demanded the British foreos on (hr. mithreak n1)0111.11 1 nu With this wealth of dam,- 411111 1 that Congress inithorize state and .IPPLL Winesap, Fancy, 2 dozen 25c song presentation, and with its al, 1,,,„ii him., TVA „n„..ition.t. moximaling those of year avii Si if .s1).\ S FLOOR II' AN, 2-Lb. can 89c HELP STOMACH , The! .1 factoring operations cont owed en JIMA so authentic story, "TI,.' Ttw letters from the TV1111CSSi.i. pIGEST FOOD Story of Vernon foirly even keel. DESSI.,'ItT, Royal Gelatin, Any flat-or, 2 for lie 1 II S. and Irene Castle" Taxpayers Association which has'.- • promises to he one of the most not- Coal slitittliiK'n in mining areas If , ' been presented to members of COI, CORN BEEF HASH, 1-Lb. Can for 10c • •• f•'"4 able of modern screen offerings, 011. &SIMI MIIrt• serious, as dettil• ila, 1' • gross asserted that unbroken. C.1.V0 I' I COFFEE, 1-lb. glass jar, each 25 I c • ., A brilliant group of players atip• -Many counties near the center remained two stars with Kentucky employment servici '. 7. I ::: Ports the Edna May i of TVA operations are faced with .1 PPLE Jl'ICE, .1 N,'hi Can for 10c Oliver and Walter Brennan remitted placements for past Is ••• . headingioutright fiscal disaster if the private TE.I, Lumianne, I I-pound for 19c ihe featured cast as the tIItallqi 524, a decrease 4,f 21 3 r,','• ,':,',:; Castlet'l utilities pass into the hands of TVA previous 3 for looking agent and their faithful ser- and thereby become tax-exempt. from week. TOM.11 .0 JUICE. Pi pint can, TIN !Not'''. 1.4.Vo Fields, Louisville bank clearings mei,. .A.• • it •1.• 1 , . Congress is asked to enact legis- HERSH E PS CHOCOLATE SY RI'P. lb. can 10c 185'; from year ago lation insuring to the local commun- ed Deliveries of dark-firod tots., BACON, Break., Sliced, Independent. 2 lbs. 13e !ties a continuation of the tax pay- in Western markets fait: ments (to be made he-r(-after by the District L.1RD, Pure Hog, Bulk, 1 pounds 39c for last week of the • •- 111 TVA/ which have been heretofore heavy PM:ti 11OAS7', Cul front Shoulder, lean, lb. 16c Getting Up Nights with prices s ime higher. made by the privately owned utili- ties." quality generally common. PORK CHOPS, Small, lean, pound Backache It \Vag if L.1 31!' LEGS, Nice lender. pound 27e 1.1VF. STOCK NIARKET REPORT 1 tIn. rose 2' LEG PAINS • LOSS OF ENERGY • TIRED I,.1.1111 51101'LDER, Really nice, pound h% I:tiara-F.000'y & tra. /NI t ICTI - LAZY FILLING. BURNING : II of t! BEEF RO.1ST. Fancy Corn-fed. pound , ssACE - DIZZINESS - S1AOLLEN ANKLES i.i• ,,if, Rain- boa Stock 'lards. 1,11"ER, Nice frexh. tender, pound 121 NERVOUSNESS it. ,n ti • I n fis the ln tter .•:, II .• hi • May be caused by functional If 14a. - KIDNEY WEAKNESS Pickle's Grocery 1dnny c s' fr PICKLE'S GROCERY —PHONE 226 pass off 81 :s fr. • „ILL formula as Iv FREE DELIVERY-ANYWHERE. IN . .-e • f• a blad•Ier. Th.cusanJs of sui:erers trc rr. i1.i ; and sd,, Liv, 111,11 tt,• ft. I I g.(kI1410 • 11' 11.1.,I KIDANS. Repwsokplessing results reach us regularly II year PRICES GOOD FRIDAY & SATURDAY Ii -In ct rind county nothing to be afraid of for the pres- kidneys need help to carry on their normal thminatIve functichS. , gen„rating ent. There were no prion• cattle On FIRST, LAST STOP—East State Line Test "KIDA . c 04 41/TIte for KIDANS today. salt-, however there were (1111ii. a results or no us: Too regt.lar, fu:: 1 1: IT. 11,i• • li-!1 'MI'S , In', ! 512 wis; few loads and part loads of fed Send No Money S Results or Money Back Writ. today for two boxes KIDANS. Send r. . crdet Ok ar- rival deposit only $100. plus postage with pcs,,:an Take cne tom accord- WHEN YOU TRADE WITH ing to easy, simple directions. Then it you don't agree results are really wonderful, return the secorid, unused KIDANS and ue will retard )our lull $1.00. 'The risk is ours so don't wait but order today. 11 trrn,tta nee .451'. th; COMIS with order we pay n'l postace K 11,A VS COM/ HOME MERCHANTS 11. Atlanta. Georgia The Money Spent Helps Evcobod) irho Lives Here • By dealing with home mer- All chants you help to— JEWELRY •,11ake this a btu,r town to live in. •Maintain our precious "American THE IDEAL 11-a)- of life. •ktcp up)our at bools and educate jstir GIFT FOR children. ("ACV.:.1111 •Provide public health and sanitary, Graduates service. •Maintain fire and police protection. •Make :cork for many local people • who spend their earnings here. tit actuation is looked forward to anticipation by both the ith eager An this is for the common good. It is neces- graduate and their loved ones. sary. It benefits sou and all your ra ighbors.

II,s" JEWELRY will help to make You still find that home merchants carry in one. 4,r "Iler- graduation a happier stock—or can qui..kly obtain—Whatiner goods We have a complete •tisk at pope you want to buy. Their prices and tsrms are fair. They are depend,ble people to deal tar loss prices. with. They arc your fellow citizens ... fel- • low church members ... lodge brothers . . . neighbors. BR.10ELETS— WATCHES — RINGS — REDDY KlLowArr. yowr desr:rital sm .1Pa, LOCKETS — DIAMONDS Other Appropriate Gifts SO TRADE WITH HOME MERCHANTS .ITCH and JEWELRY REPAIRING ANDREWS JEWELRY CO. Church Street l'ulton, En. ,-I RE THOMPSON. Manarp r s. rri ', I • r% NEWS, vill,ToN KENTIlcKY and Professional Directory glum- Business Her NI on FIRMS APPEARING ON THIS PAGE SOUCIT AND APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS atelfle.malleaneniaMallift. AIM= I that • dear

liver - PROMPT SERVICE *Iir4-4.1) SHOE REPAIRING bride 110111 SERVO L ON MOST JOIIS DONE THE FACTORY W AY Watch Repairing PECCWOH Kentucky Fader° Specialty — M,IMONDS work A JEll'ELRF BY ELG/A. W ITCHES .&OridOPaelititiaA im The Dyeing" WESTERN KENTUCKY R. M. KIRKLAND TEACHERS COLUMN ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP JEWELER • 110wtiVI WILSON'S HS STATE LINE sTaLET 'Jill PHONOGRAPH CONILS TO FIDELIT% UNEXCELLED WRECKER SERVICE PHONE 470 In Orme of trouble we are prepared to serve you , II and have the finest wrecking equipment in FOR YOUR JOB Western Kentucky PRINTING Expert Repairing Accessories, Parts BOB WHITE MOTOR CO. FULTON COUNTY NEWS Buick and Pontiac Dralern RADIATORS A. C. BUTTS AND SONS DONT THROW IT AIV ! — SEEDS — GROCERIES — MEATS Let Us Repair It and Save You Money FEEDS Fuel Pumps, Windshield Wipers, WatAr Pumps, FENCING AND FERTILIZER Motor Rebuild- 1 Cylinder Heads, Carbureators, ing a Specialty Call and Give Us A Trial SERVICE OUR MOTTO JONES AUTO PARTS COMPANY Delirerg Stir-vier Phone 603 Phone 341 1011 Central As... Fulton, Ky. CALL 930 AT— —EAT MODEL CLEANERS 11• ear phones and LOWE'S CAFE •• rather squeaky ton. . FOR QUICK SERVICE • met' rigamarole of announcing Si ii at !,.•• song, the composer, the singe- '1 he Superior in Cleaning and Pressing --- singers, and the name of the corn- and some of Fidils •AIR -COOLED •,•••1 r.•• ; oly making the record. Then earn., the big world bey boundary of LADIES REST ROOM music proper. Eyes of rustics hills that formed the ,•gged out as we actually could our little cosmos. W. I. KING, PROP. OPEN DAY & NIGHT .:.g- price UNCLE JIM SAYS It's to the public t farm latwr tu receis-e For the Best In Neu. Furniture1.m...11111 and farT- n-:,• ••• FERTILIZE LAWNS AND GREENS SEE





Till.: VI I, I. ii I KENTUCKY

I,, Group A of the Methodist MIL ele presented luitialkart•Itiefs to WS ANNIE ARNISTI(oNG Slits ATES Ill /Si Isssi stoitary Society Monday af.ern. iii Valettloic, v,lio seilt leas i• moo, '1"lie lisle Is .S tat it '111 CIRCLE III her home tat Foot:, st MI , Ell make hei home III l'All(11.1111 13,1 (Iiiele met . Nit ,li,•• t;a1. I \VHIS lo t Personals SiIiot ssas ,lituit host, .151, ii WM' rciri,11111011, wet,. hone. td NI, i • - In'- Socials N. NI Curl, Votic ••I Illetlibl'ra piesent isleen members 'tales sl •• .1 MIIII.16Iy 4/111'1111.M )101111' on lairs. Guy Ginglis, Vire 01411E11111e II I , B ter if MI and Mrs. trait Bushart itt iitentiters were alLETHODIST presided over the meeting iii 11,. ClItC1.1.: MET 11114101C the Methodist W M S. Fulton, has been elected football present Group B of absence of the chairman, Mrs CIw. Mt IN DAY IN It HIT 1111. 014'11111;11h Sirs Hugh Wet Monday afternoon at the home queen at Murray State Teachers toe First Reed During the business sessi it: Th.. thesslas (Stele of ton, opened the inei•thig with "41ts 1 ,Ii '1'itylot 13c,-;1,1(41 itss,r aae Mrs, Hoyt Moore on, College. She was chosen in corn Mum Baldridge gave the treas.* NI. He'd's, Chtirch 'net Monday night er and cottiltii•ted busio. petition other condi itt the absents, ,if it,. with BIrs. J. H Roberson and Mrs with several report, The Bulletin gis.ea III' 1114111' II( Mrs. rill!, was sion. ''''a. (' Suggs The favorer Roberts hostesses. dates. The queenship is a distinct NII's J WS. J. N. Wilford, followed Its. s ..11 Mrs Ben Itiv ei4•Itet:teS4 Mrs. Cevile Arnold had chair ',tow °penes, With prayer by Mis Don 1101, chairman, presided honor, and her selection Indicate Bible Study lesson by Mrs. Harts , 11.1-1 tiui r. opened with iii. the program. the subject ; 'h. I. ewer a short business session. Mrs. her popularity with the student Nall. I oors Prnyer liii hy the chairmatt (;r,•,it CoomosAloll anti Mission i,h , a ith the de,. ,1111111eVs 7. by M. W Ilawes was in charge of the body. 11 During the social hour the la s NI,, E. J. 51, Conon, The.1111 She Was iiss'Ssivil lv Me, Mrs W, S u; 1,, devotional program. — - ess served an ice course. ‘‘ ere read liy Miss Margaret K its John Reeks, Philip 1111111 The hostesses served an ice Slim Carl 'TUESDAY CLUB ..11,1 the treasurer's report given loy nitre's end At ill t Hemphill Hastings discussed the I., i,'iiils-rs 1 half ,tf ol'in:Ne t":""1% I"" "11 : Hes. Vester Freeman was hostev Marglieriii. Butt. The dee,- first the Ntissatti Study book. one rimier. Mrs. Rosscis 511145 RUBY V. YARBRO "Gret's Plan," by to her bridge club Tuesday morn- . boot. Matt. 6, was given by Mrs 13011111 I.: 11:1Oltiso; It. C (*antitheft HOSTESS Th. tis 1.1... V..1.. sl., ing at her home on Third-st. Two followed with prayer. LAST *1:111 .11I,1 ,,NY with pray- Miss Ruby V. %abr., entertaties• et I. TUESDAY NIGHT CLUB tables of players including three Die program "Widening Ilorrion her regular bridge club Fralo III a (1 1 11i1 . 1.• Dr. and Mrs. Seldon Cohn were guests, Mrs. Guy (tingles, Mrs. Paul in Chir Local Community," taken is It, Late in tbe afternoon Mrs Gates night at her home on Ceotrabio iii rorri;cii host and hostess to their weekly Hornbeak and Mrs. Harvey Wit from the World Outlook, was given 11,1tour. t erved ice vivant and . Only club members were present 1 11.I.. 11 bridge club Tuesday night at their ham s were pr..selit 11}. the lender, Cooke, as. fit the City Hall sit s Ii itt T.e, es. At the conclusion of the genii'. inane on Carrst. Mrs. Ed Hey- At ten o'clock a il,•lictous salad Miss Marguei lie Butt. The reamed to .1. Mrs. Howard Strange held liir "'it" by spsood was the only guest present course was served, followed by sev Mioniats iii,ir:arciusterta Bulletin .N 1111 given by Miss Doris , score and was given hose. and hliss! MEN LOVE :.\\nria• aina.rig the two tables of players. !eral games of contract bodge Mrs Mrs. Strange .Iii;,', Tommie Nell Gates received Itit- High scores for the evening were:Abe Jolley held high WIT.' for the Observing the week of prayei ty. GIRLS WITH FL genie for second I left I ,if, rsi,n sill held by Mrs. Charles Binford and morning and was awat•ded a• The h„.0,.„ deti„,r, .14st.1rs. MeCollom read a letter it, His. Mathis a tl•i• d.... George !fester, Both received nice : omas:1m of Mrs. Hays, followo Mr. and Mrs Will Tito I 'nil 1114.4. alad plate to the three if gifts. tables with the Bible Study, ”Isiss• of the groom "..,11 of Mr. and players. Mrs. Cohn served sandwiches and MAYFIELD PEOPLE ATTEND Masts." by Mrs. Gene MOMi. L. N1athis. versa -colas. BALI. GAME During the stassil hour refresh- Kinistel is the Sirs 4 Among the Mayfield people who CI,C11 MRS. OVEN ments were sl•rveil to thirty-six Mr. ;mil Mc e • • . •• H attended the Mayfield.Fulton base- Mrs. Vernon Owen was hostess to reimlar members, two new mem- and the grow r•144fient... urol :a.. .1ra y 'MISS BUSHART ELECTED loid lb' 1111 iota luso. ball game here Tuesday night wen" her semi-monthly bridge club het bers, Mrs. K. E. Snyder and Mrs. Mrs J. 13 K. . FOOTBALL QUEEN MSTC Marvin Crocker, and four visitors. Suit Burial Mahan, Roy Hargrove, Red Thursday afternoo flat her homr it Mr. Mathis and Mr Ko., ti tint /loll' Am's CUMPOUnd WELL M•ss Juni. Bushart, popular dsugh- Mesdames Nor., WORTil Less is, Gus C. Covington, Wesles Second-st. The three tables of play- Miss !Man Ricks, fartilerr - Holland. Fatty Yates. Bill Illalta-k, ers included members nod two guest,- man Houston, Elkins and Biek• Jest Moore. Watt SeaY, Buster Sea)* Mrs. Ward But-hart and Mrs. W. NI URI. - SAT. Tody Bennett. Miss Rosa Nell Dow- Blackstone. new m fl LCO dy. Terrell Keeling, Jess Anderson Mrs. liendon Wright held high cincLE FIVE 'Calling Dr. Kildare Clyde Payne. Dr. Dotson, Bill Hicks. score among the members and Mrs Circle No. 5 of the First Ha; Estes Hicks, Slayden Douthitt, Bo Blitekstene was high guest. Both Church met Monday afternoon v. • Limn 11.117W At-HIS 011 HITS' Reynolds. Frank Pryor Wilkes. Ed reeetved lovely gifts. Mi .1. W Leath on N, rio • LH IN FL BARRI'tNIRE Revives and Mr. and Mrs Walt. r Mrs. Owen served a salad plate. Mrs. Liojod Boaz was joott Albritton. Foul teen members were pt. when you A good crowd attended the Sen- The eftsitman, Mrs. A E C 1.1.\ 1. MON Ils1Y T need refresh MRS. I. M. JONES HOSTESS ior play at South ninon last Friday tout, prerided over the bus.. Mrs. I. 1.1. Jones was hostess to inght The nlay "Spooky Tavern" misting. A very int-mating Bub:. .1••I, • .in, I er weekly: bridge club Wednesday was a mystery faree in three acts, suety. Ittscn from th” bcok 1 LOUD to DANCE and F!,r night at her home en Central-ay.. directed by Mrs. Malcolm Smith. war led I, Mrs. M. I., R111, 10 entertaining twelve members and Misses Mary Kimberlain, Mar 11:1s able weeded by 131, 'fp DILATED %AA four guests. Mrs. A. L. Eatherree of gone Terrell. Kathleen Harwood, Horton, Mills. Chas. ford. CL ,s4r. Bartlett, Tenn., Mrs. Harry Jons- AlTlarlda INAireeSe, Nell Bowl n. Chenale. Tietldurant and Good. rern:.-,n and kin af 14yersburg, Testi. Miss Mon- Messrs. Willom Allen, Sam Onetr. lloron led the closing pre J.sies and Mrs EsI:s Segui Frill Jolley. Novelle Me es. Ja1:n Dm tng the social bout '• Crstle. .who rsade a Afser Its, moist 1111Mi.Or galr••, Chsen anti C. NI. Valentine. loos ix;,th an ii Mrs. SerVer career at romance! Rovers held niett seohe port in tia. play. -,,•„7i1 :WO it ke. The circle :. thc tp• ml,cts a!,,1 meet Mas 22 Si ith :Mrs A. E c• perf,•na 'Mr 13,1•.y "Ceres re. TUESDAY CLUB WITH ford tat Cieveland p luge MRS. MOON :old Mrs Jonalim set,- The semi-monthly Tuesday after- NEALE - POYNER if wall pl:npies for 111,:h score a- n.•on club met with Mrs. Gene Moon Miss Odie Lee Psyner and Jack , mong the guests. West-st. Ni. guests, Mrs. Clits Neale, both of near Wire w•• e' McCollom and Mrs. Ken Snssier. married April 22 by Esq. S A Mi.. it 111*015AI wi•re present among the two tali... at lie home in South Flil" of players. Mrs. Neale is the daughter of Mr., Mon of vroon and TREK ANDREWS - MeKINNEY Mrs. John Daniels was awarded and Mrs. Arthur Poyner, of nsies Miss Dorothy McKnney of wcs,,d_ the prize for high score for the af- Wino. Mr. Neale is the son of land Mills. Tenn.. and John Wil terroon. and Mrs H. G. Neale, also of !tam Andrews of Troy. Tenn.. Mrs Moon served a delightful sal- Wingo. He is bettor lsnown a, • aStfe married Saturday. May e The ad plate. Grass Kid" for his radii) pi - °imams of the Dana Cult mony Was performed by Esq. S. A. gram. He is employed by R. F. Pt r wrti. McDade at his home on E. MISS ADELLE HOMRA and Company in road eonsrui ties EDNA MAE WALTER Line-st. HOSTESS Miss Gladys Homra. who left LOTI1E MOON CIRCLE The groom is the son of Mr and OLIVER • BRENNAN Sunday to make her home in The Lottie H. C•, Mrs. Jim Andrews of Trey, Tenn. Lew FIELDS Greensboro. Ky.. was cornparnent- Baptist Si'. Al • They will make their home near ed Saturday night with a surprise at the horne of Si' Troy. buffet supper, given by Muss Atialle on Pork-ass. with Manna at the home of tlahr par- Hales. co-h.,stess. GROUP A MET MONDAY WORTH A DIME ents. Mr and Mrs. K. Hoer., tai The meeting was presided Mrs A G Italir fte V:&• Nor-moues!. by Mrs James Warren. en I Tlitssei,ri.sent were: Mist-s sseretary's i 1.t,,,rt a si• Bonita, Margaret King. Lola liono a Tom 11, Ai, a A new t• Fn-,ilent• Lucill.• N Inez Et I,, wits electea 1:DN TurizsD, Vs ..nne Homra. Jane Snide. of Mur- the coming year. SAT. FRI. - ray: Katherine Homra. Sue King. ya, program. "Mini-' • BARRIE Niar Homra, INIeredie Khourle and is as in charge of —in- heart-° Ad,•11e lirmra: NIesristrres Gayle. a,sisted by Through struggle, -The Saint Strikes N. !fel. Foad Homra, Anarer.r. 13, Wright. Mrs. Russell Rudd an, ache, laughter, they Back" Paul Bennett and Will:e It n Edward Pugh. learned to lice kuncr;can! I. N1itchell, L. T. Owen and Mr. Duisng the social hi, sir •;•( --s STARRETT ['HARI 1-l • Mrs. K. Homra. rnents Were served to ts "Wes, of the regular members, one rle SS GLADYS HONIRA GETS Mrs. Bobby Matthews. and is CU! Santa Fe" sITION IN GREENSBURG tors. Mrs. Charles Cook of* : '.1iss Gladys Homra, daughter of Ohio, and Ntiss Erin Bros - SUNDAY- MONDAY— TUESDAY and Mrs. K. Homra. left Sun- fur Greensburg. Ky,. where she ATTEND BOAT DANCE A. WaS accepted a posdam as county HICKMAN SATURDAY Sch loan Bennett Randolph Scott se demonstration agent. A:none the Fultonians ishe at MO% the past three yousi Miss tended the h,'at dance on 15o51.1 II-. proi —in— tra has been the Scicnce •••nd Capital from Hickman Senrdas: night mere: IliSt Mr. sod Mrs. Lynn (''Ti and Mrs. Bud Davis, Mr. aLd Nits. red "THE TEXANS" NCO C1.1.T. • Sam Dsvolts. Mr. and Mrs. it) M Jam :The Bunco Tssrs- Mister. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie New- Cooi CHAPTER i:, sflermsin a ft ton. Mr. and Mrs I. M. .11rerlV, MISS relit - 71111111111 ri See. -ST Tools a Ire1/1- Jane SCineS. Stirs FieSly Nor'is f.c1 "BUCK ROGERS" 5 W Ole pr's• 01 Fulton Farmer, Carlysle Siegler. Mtn t OMEDY vi •'rizes for the aft, were A. L. Elkins, Leo Greener .us H. P. WIII ardecl to Miss BesSie Li, Allen, Shine Wilson, Ge.see Mc Dew Brum- PLUS high. Mrs L C Adams. "bun- wherter and V.' I King. vises FRIDAY -SATURDAY prize, and Mrs Max Nan. McKnight COMEDA DOUBLE FEATURE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Pout `drs McGee served and indisndual CARTIION ,wberry shortcake and coffee. "Mortals and Immortals" is the Tmr Jacknolt -- subject of the Lesson-Sermon which Pm, ,3CLE MET WITH 'will he read in Churches of Christ. '11111115PERING ;S HOLMES Scientist, throughout the world, on Vale ENENNIES° "les I D Holmes was hostess to Sunday, May 14, 1939. Sons sle No 3 of the Baptist Miss- The Golden Text is: "We that are FRIDAY- SATURDAY Class mus ii' *Union Monday afternrsm at in this tabernacle do groan, being home on burdened: not Tex Ritter Fourth-st f,ii that we would Levr....ok -Go FiAcrsY XEN 011411111g m'aser be unclothed. but clothed upon, that -- was led hi --`'.. s G 11 Miley NI., eatitertne mortality might he svvallowei up o 11401) e. "Sandoz'. on the : .1I 1r chairman. i.resided fleet life - 1 Cr 54 Niffi st•ssi An'.gthe citations which corn- 1,0M8ARD:S1TWART OFA Prairie" .n. Mrs R14 1461INSI40LT am, Stews rdsh up shalt rear, gave the la sson-Sermon is the fel TREvOR iSAlk *Owego PLUS RAFTER ii ,• cies from I Timot',s 2: lowing front the Iluble: "But th, MADE FOR Comforter. whieh Holy Ghost, -THU scuoEn's WE 8" tis,c1 • St. ss,ird•hip is the as the subject of Ii, r pro- whom the Father is ill send in ens EACH OTHER' SV C' Vat name, he hall teach vist all things Rekete41 thre United Artivta bv1 ‘157 ii tic rt Merriber:illee. Vl ha, soes er have said unto you." (John 14: 26)