FEATURED STORY Why Should I Hire A Lawyer? 10 Ways An Attorney Can Help You Win Your Case

DEPARTMENTS 16 A Tribute To The Late James Russell Jenkins: WHAT’S NEW AT BOYK LAW Nation’s Highest Honor For Heroism Awarded To Client Who Lost His Life Trying To Save Another 4 Keeping Kids Entertained With the Boyk Law Treasure Chest 18 Protecting the Protectors: A State Trooper’s Fight To Get Back On The Job Boyk Law Offices’ Dogs Join the Team with their Own “Business Cards” 19 Joe and Cecilia Arras: Collie Helps Nurse Car Accident Victims Back To Health, Earns New Job CROSSFIRE As Volunteer Pet Therapy Dog 5 Why Should I Hire a Lawyer? 10 Ways an Attorney Can Help You Win Your Case SPECIAL INTEREST 20 Small Smiles, Big Settlement: Small Smiles A MUST READ Dental Abuse Settlement Helps Bring Closure to 7 Boyk Law Publishes Book On Brain Injuries Families Across U.S. The Seriousness of Brain Injuries Is Not To Be Overlooked 22-27 Bikes For Kids CASES OF INTEREST 28 Public Safety: Book On Bicycle Safety 9 Mikey Brown: Worker Back On The Job Focuses On Protecting Children, A Five-Year Fight To Get Back To His Hobby of Restoring Educating Drivers Old Motorcycles 30 Boyk Law Creates TPS Proud To Highlight Great 11 Nicole Bloomer: Local Insurance Agent Tells Students, Teachers At Toledo Public Schools Her Story of Why She Needed Boyk Law A horrific accident changes her perspective 32 Public Safety: Clients Share Their Stories In Book Aimed At Helping 12 Kim Zacharias: Working To Walk Again After Construction Accident Victims Drunk Driver Causes Double Amputation 33 Military Messages: BGSU Student Pays Tribute 13 Duane Shively: Husband Still Grieving The To Army Veteran Step-Father, Wins $2,000 Love of His Life After Tragic Accident Scholarship From Boyk Law

15 Derriss Bohannon: Safety Violation Award 34 Client Testimonials Helps Worker’s Years-Long Recovery The Journey to Health After Falling 30 feet onto Concrete 35 Toledo VIP: Telling the Stories of Area Businesses Helps Toledoans Shop Local 2 EDITOR’S LETTER


Injured Times! CREATIVE DIRECTION & DESIGN RED BRIEFCASE y dad drove a laundry PHOTOGRAPHY truck and I noticed JOSHUA NAGEL while growing up as M Attorney Charles E. Boyk SENIOR MANAGING EDITOR a blue-collar kid, that things re- WES MERILLAT ally weren’t fair. If you had power available. They can call me at night, they can call and money, you seemed to have a me during the day, they can call me on weekends. PRODUCTION MANAGER whole lot more opportunity than We have a whole team dedicated to the case and ANNEKE GODLEWSKI the client knows that the team is going to call RED BRIEFCASE if you grew up middle class or less them on a regular basis to talk about their medi- than middle class. cal treatment, make sure they are OK, and that PHOTOGRAPHY EDITORS the case is being handled in the way they want it JOSH NAGEL So one of the things that I enjoy as a personal in- to be handled. BRIAN FOWLER jury attorney is representing blue collar people. I CHARLES BOYK can make the system fair so the little guy can com- I think it’s important that our office and the cli- pete equally with the richest guy in town. ents work together as a team and we are both RED BRIEFCASE open and honest with each other because that is Typically, people only come to me and my team the only way that we are going to get good results. COPY EDITOR when bad things have happened in their life. For CHARLES BOYK example, they have bad injuries, they can’t pay In these pages, you will find the encouraging LEAH MICHAEL their medical bills, they’ve lost their ability to stories about how our clients battled to hang on JODI LORIGAN work, they don’t know what doctors to see, and after serious accidents turned their worlds upside AMY WILLIAMS they don’t know what the future may bring. down and how we were able to come up with in- SARAH SHARPE dividualized plans to get them the help and com- I’m really lucky in that what we’re able to do is a pensation they needed. great responsibility and it’s something that I cher- CONTRIBUTING WRITERS ish. We have the ability to make a big difference The magazine highlights the story of Kim Zacha- BRIAN FOWLER in people’s lives. I take that personally. What we rias, a mother of four who had to have both of ANNEKE GODLEWSKI do differently is we make the insurance company her legs amputated after a near-fatal accident. She CHARLES BOYK look at you as an individual and not just as a piece was struck by a repeat drunk driver while pushing MIKE BRUNO of paper. In lots of cases we will prepare a video a stalled ATV along the side of the road. You will WES MERILLAT and we’ll have the client talk about their pain, read about Kim’s fight to walk again and how her LEAH MICHAEL their suffering, and the permanent problems that family’s support kept her going. they are going to have. We’ll have the significant RED BRIEFCASE others in their life talk about the problems they’ve You will read the story of Ohio State Highway Pa- had as a result of the accident. If possible, we’ll trol trooper and Army veteran Andrew Clouser, include videos of the accident scene, and actual who almost lost his life after a car accident that videos of the accident if we can obtain them. left him with a shattered leg, broken back, and multiple internal injuries. His amazing recovery What we try to do is work together as a team and and fight to get back to serving his country will our goal is to tell your story and to make you a leave you inspired. 405 Madison Avenue Suite 1200 specific individual that the insurance company is Toledo, Ohio 43604 going to have to treat as an individual and not These stories and others in this magazine will in- Office (419)241-1395 just a number. spire you to realize that although you or a loved one may feel like there is no hope, the right plan Toll Free (800)637-8170 When I meet with somebody, I give them my cell tailored to your needs, along with a dedicated Fax (419)241-8731 phone number and my personal email address team to fufill that plan, can lead to resolutions and I tell them that any time they need me, I am you may not have thought possible. [email protected] 3 WHAT’S NEW AT BOYK LAW Keeping Kids Entertained With the Boyk Law Treasure Chest and will be invited to pick out toys from our Treasure Chest, read books from our Kids Library, color with crayons or on our huge dry erase wall, or enjoy children’s shows while they wait for Mom or Dad! Attorney Chuck Boyk has even welcomed employees to bring their kids in on days when it’s hard to find a sitter, like days when school is de- layed or a doctor’s appointment is scheduled.

Boyk Law paralegal Katie Braunreuther’s daughter, Emma, was so excited about the Toy Chest when she came to visit the office that we decided to fea- ture her in a firm video about the Treasure Chest, Emma Braunreuther in the Boyk Law Treasure Chest video which you can view on our YouTube page, www. Simply type “treasure We never want parents to have to choose between welcome at our other locations, too, it’s just not chest” into the search bar on our YouTube page to getting the legal help they need and finding or pay- as fun!) view the cute video of Emma deeming it “the best ing for a babysitter, so we encourage parents to let day ever!” n their kids tag along to any appointment they may Why do kids love visiting our office? THE TREA- have at our Downtown office. (Kids are always SURE CHEST!!! Children are always welcome Boyk Law Offices’ Dogs Join the Team with their Own “Business Cards”

Chuck Boyk making faces at Leah Michael and Emma

We love having a dog-friendly office and just like photographing dogs really is as hard as it seems!). treats that Penny hides around the office. Want our pets are part of the family at home, they are Visitors can now take home cards that feature the us to send your kids some Doggy Business Cards? also a part of the family at work. Each dog in our dogs’ stats (just like real cards!) with info Just email [email protected] or call the office got to have their own little photo shoot and like height, weight, and favorite hobbies. For ex- office at 419-241-1395 to request yours today! n “interview” for their new business cards. (And yes, ample, Biscuit’s favorite thing to do is steal the 4 CROSSFIRE

Why Should I Hire A Lawyer? 10 Ways an Attorney Can Help You Win Your Case

Navigating the complicated world of an injury accident absolutely crucial to your claim. During the process, the highest quality of service, attorneys will identify claim can be confusing, especially at a time when all you witnesses need to be located, interviews must be con- all potentially responsible parties in a crash. want to do is regain your health and mobility. When ducted, and sworn statements must be collected. In you add in the never-ending phone calls from the insur- addition, photographs and videos must be taken and 3. Finding the insurance coverage ance adjustor, the confusing documents that the insur- analyzed, involving different types of experts and the In most cases, insurance coverage is essential to get- ance company is insisting you sign, and the uncertainty preservation of crucial evidence. A qualified attorney ting the best possible recovery. Most defendants do of how your medical bills are going to be paid, the whole is capable of intelligently assessing each case, and di- not have enough money or assets to adequately com- process can seem completely overwhelming. What most rectly and advising you toward an appropriate course pensate an individual or family that has to cope with people do not realize is that the all of the people contact- of action so that you receive the highest amount of a serious personal injury or wrongful death. As a re- ing you from the insurance company are only concerned compensation to which you are entitled. sult, tackling the issue of the extent of the defendant’s about their own best interests – not yours. This is why it insurance coverage is absolutely critical. Figuring out is imperative to have someone in your corner, fighting 2. All of the defendants will be located which defendants have which type of insurance, de- for your legal rights, to ensure that you are not taken In order to maximize recovery for a client, an termining the policy’s limits, the policy’s applicability, advantage of while hurt. experienced attorney will find all of the potential and the policy’s potential exclusions can be tricky, to people and businesses responsible for causing the ac- put it mildly. An experienced attorney will help you That is why we put together the top ten reasons why hir- cident, injury, or death, and will be able to assess the sort through the insurance maze and ensure that you ing a knowledgeable lawyer can make all the difference collectability of each person or business. Multiple get the maximum recovery to which you are entitled. in your personal injury case: non-obvious parties oftentimes are held liable for an accident; a parent or car owner, for instance, may 4. Documenting economic loss 1. The investigation will start as soon as be liable for entrusting a vehicle to a child or friend Proving the appropriate amount of damages follow- possible with a bad driving record. In order to ensure that ing the injury or wrongful death can be extremely Investigation into the detailed facts of your case is you receive the highest amount of compensation and time-consuming and almost impossible without a 5 Why Should I Hire A Lawyer? (cont.) knowledgeable lawyer. With the help of an appro- highly regarded experts who are best suited for your get closure. This type of counseling can be a valuable priate economist or other financial expert, you can specific situation. process, especially after a death caused by negligence determine the proper measure of damages for your and ignorance of another party. An attorney will be specific case. Many factors such as income level, addi- 7. Accident reconstruction able to help you find the right counselor who is best tional accumulative income, and other data together Accident reconstruction, the scientific process of suited for you and your needs. determine the economic loss by the injury or death in investigating, analyzing, and drawing conclusions question. An effective attorney will be able to select about the causes and events that occurred during a 10. Maximizing Recovery an economic expert who carries excellent credentials vehicle collision, is essential for any case. Commonly, In order to guarantee that you receive the maximum and also conveys the case clearly and concisely to the both sides use accident reconstruction to prove their amount of compensation to which you are entitled, judge and jury. point, attempting to persuade the jury to view the your attorney will document the entire process, from accident in their perspective. Thus, it is important to photographs, videos, witness statements, reports, and 5. Documenting psychological injuries find the best accident reconstruction expert with the other important items pertaining and relevant to While many may think accidents only involve physi- qualifications that match the requirements of your your accident and injury. Furthermore, your attorney cal injuries and death, many cases actually cause seri- particular case. Only the well-connected attorney will make sure you receive proper treatment from a ous psychological injuries that may or may not have with experience and knowledge can acquire such ex- doctor who will cooperate with you and the attorney been caused by physical injuries. To attorneys, these perts. Without accident reconstruction and the ex- throughout the legal process. The attorney will then types of injuries are just as serious as their physical perts that go along with it, you may face an extremely obtain all relevant prior records, hire economists and counterparts and deserve the appropriate treatment hard time proving your case in court. vocationalists, and present the material in an effective and attention. Reports from psychologists or psychia- and persuasive way to the insurance company, oppos- trists can help with your case and help you receive 8. Filing in the proper court ing counsel, the judge, and the jury—all of which to compensation for your psychological injuries. The Detailed rules state where a given lawsuit can and ensure that you come home with the proper aid and best lawyers will be able to recommend the proper cannot be filed. Finding these fine print regulations compensation for your accident and injury. n mental health professional to diagnose and assist you is not only bothersome but arduous. An attorney can in your time of need. save you the time and expense of filing in the wrong court—a circumstance that happens to many inexpe- 6. Finding the right experts rienced people. In addition, certain jurisdictions and Experts or witnesses with specialized knowledge are courts are friendlier to plaintiffs than others. Your at- a key component to helping you prove a case. With torney’s experience and insight will be helpful in pick- millions of experts in society, all with their expertise ing the best court for your case. and professional skills, finding the proper one—both knowledgeable and credible—for your case can be 9. Grief counseling difficult. Experts can “make or break a case” and an Grief counselors can document loss while helping experienced attorney will hand-pick from their list of the survivors deal with a tragic situation in order to

Barry & Feit Law Elliot Feit and Gordon Barry have been practicing law Heavenly Angels Cleaning Co. and serving our community for over 35 years. Our practice focuses on consumer and small business “When my clients come home, I want bankruptcy, tax debt services, foreclosure and mortgage them to know that someone was there,” loan modifications. At Barry & Feit, we use cost- Elliot Feit effective methods to provide legal services that fit your Cheryl said. “They can tell my touch. needs. We report regularly on your case. We are up That’s what I do - I give my Heavenly front and ethical about our fees so that there simply are Touch. Heavenly Angels, heavenly touch.” no bad surprises. In short, at our very core, we focus on - Cheryl Cheatham, Owner each client’s background, needs, and goals. Our attorneys both possess sterling academic credentials Heavenly Angels provides both initial cleaning with strong community ties. We share a deep commit- services which focus on deep cleaning of things like appliances, windows, baseboards, ment to your success, demonstrated by personal and and walls, as well as regular maintenance professional ethics. Above all, we’re passionately cleaning that covers bathrooms, kitchens, committed to serving the needs of our clients. vacuuming, dusting, and mopping, among other things. At Barry & Feit, we never stray from the idea that your Gordon Barry needs set our course. We work for you. In addition to cleaning, Cheryl also offers Please see our website for more information. clients the option of having her organize and de-clutter their homes or even restructure furniture arrangements to best suit the 420 Madison Avenue Ph: 419.241.6285 personalities of the families and flow of the Suite 1010 Fx: 419.241.8003 traffic through the house. Toledo, Ohio 43604 FREE estimates for homes of any size! • For Appointments, CALL 567.249.6279 6 A MUST READ Boyk Offers Free Copies To Readers & Organizations Boyk Law Publishes Book On Brain Injuries The Seriousness of Brain Injuries Is Not To Be Overlooked

Brain injuries can take a serious toll on That is why we wrote The Plaintiff’s Guide to Brain the body and the mind, especially when Injuries. We took the experience of securing millions they are caused by someone else’s neg- of dollars in compensation for victims of brain inju- ligence. Many times, recovery requires ries and turned it into a way to help our clients regain treatment plans from multiple special- as much normalcy as possible after a serious accident ists and it is often a team effort between that has turned their family’s world upside down. The doctors, family members, and caretakers book answers tough questions on how to manage a which can leave patients with a multitude traumatic brain injury, steps you can take to protect of questions like: yourself and your family, and how an experienced n Who is going to pay for the brain injury lawyer can make a huge difference in medical bills? your recovery. n The doctors told me I’m fine, but I’m just not the same; what It features a chapter written by neuropsychologist Dr. should I do? Jay Inwald, founder of Neurobehavioral Consultants, n Why can’t I seem to function at PC, to give readers a firsthand look at what treatment my job? I can’t afford to lose my for a traumatic brain injury is like, what common paycheck. challenges people face during recovery, and how fami- n I can hardly think, let alone lies can best provide hope and support. remember what needs to be done, and the insurance The book is easy to read and filled with real-world company keeps calling. Can I examples. Copies are available for free and we are in- trust them? viting any organization that has regular contact with n Why am I so angry/tired/ brain injury victims to request multiple books to hand emotional all the time? (continued on page 8)


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(continued from page 7) out to their patients or col- leagues. Also available is the op- COLLEEN M. DOOLEY portunity to have the attorneys Attorney at Law in our office speak to a class or group, free of charge. Specializing in all areas We have also included in the of Family Law, including book and on our website a handy, printable Brain Injury Checklist that can help traumat- ic brain injury victims document Divorce Dissolution their symptoms as a way to share information with their doctor and track recovery progress. It Custody Adoptions can be found by visiting www. and typing “Brain Injury Checklist PDF” in Fertility Law the search bar at the bottom of the homepage.

To order your complimentary Probate and Wills copy of The Plaintiff’s Guide to Brain Injuries, please call us at 419-241-1395 or visit www. 411 N Michigan, Toledo, OH 43604 n 419 936-5120 [email protected]

8 CASES OF INTEREST Mikey Brown: Ohio Worker Back On The Job A Five-Year Fight To Get Back To His Hobby of Restoring Old Motorcycles

When Mikey Brown went to work at Blanchard Valley Farm- “All I wanted to do was go back ers Co-op, Inc. on Oc- tober 25, 2011, he never to work and Chuck helped me could have anticipated to be able to do that.” how the impeding events of the day would impact him for the rest of his employer and worker’s compensation covering the expense of his injuries. So when life. Mikey found himself facing the same situation, he didn’t understand why he had to struggle so hard just to get better. After a short planning meeting about how to After two and a half months of getting no answers, Mikey’s cousin was research- fix a grain elevator leg, ing ways to help him and came across Boyk Law’s website and told Mikey to give Mikey was lifted 60 us a call. Even though it would still be a long road to recovery, things were finally feet in the air in a Boat- starting to look up. Boyk Law requested an OSHA investigation on Mikey’s behalf swain chair operated by and got him into specialists who were able to prove that his severe, stabbing back a crane. Not only was and hip pain was more than just a sprain. He had herniated disks in his spine and this Mikey’s first time tears in his hips. Mikey could barely walk. After multiple surgeries, the implant of performing this type of a plate and screws, rounds of injection, and months of physical therapy, Mikey was work, it was not part of Mikey with his son, Hoyt finally able feel relief four years after the accident. his normal work duties, he was not provided or protected with a lifeline, and he had never received any But Mikey’s inability to work and his employer’s refusal to admit that his injuries training regarding aerial lift work and fall protection. He simply did as he was told: were related to the grain incident took a toll on him and his family. Boyk Law Mikey put on the provided harness, sat in the Boatswain chair, and was connected fought for Mikey on his worker’s compensation claim and filed an injury claim to the crane hook by some questionable straps. No other fall protection was pro- against the parties that caused the accident. We were even able to get him an addi- vided. The crane operator began lifting Mikey without having a direct line of sight tional settlement under a Violation of a Specific Safety Standard (VSSR) after the of him or Blanchard Valley’s “spotter” up on a catwalk near the damaged elevator leg. As the crane operator continued to hoist Mikey, he inadvertently lifted him towards and into structural support wires.

As Mikey approached the wires, he alerted others via radio and by yelling, but the crane operator continued the lift. He attempted to avoid contact with the wires, but had extremely limited mobility and could not maneuver in the harness and Boatswain. Despite the spotter’s effort to get the crane operator’s attention, the operator elevated Mikey into the support wires, crushing his leg and hip. Mikey attempted to extract himself, but was unable to and suffered serious injuries.

At first the hospital told him that he only had a severely bruised hip and sent him home. Five days later he went back to the same hospital and further imaging showed a hip sprain and Mikey was sent to physical therapy. Weeks went by and nothing improved. He was having a hard time getting his employer and worker’s compensation to pay after the accident as well us understand that the injuries really were too serious for him to be able to work. Mikey even knew of co-worker who Mikey’s family suffered similar injuries in a similar fashion but who had no problem with their 9 CASES OF INTEREST CASES OF INTEREST

(continued from page 9) OSHA investigation found that Mikey’s employer had violated safety protocol by not protecting him properly in the air. Mikey’s compensation changed his life and helped him get back on his feet.

“I spent almost a year in a wheelchair,” Mikey said. “The doctors kept messing around saying all I had was a bruised hip until Chuck got involved. All I wanted to do was go back to work and Chuck helped me to be able to do that. I was finally able to go back to work al- most five years after the accident, I paid off my house, and now I get to do what I love, which is restoring old motorcycles and spending time with my family. My advice to anyone injured at work is get an attorney im- mediately. It will change your life.” n

Mikey and his fiancé, Elizabeth

The Ohio Accident Book

“A Remarkable Story of Healing, Courage, and Strength.” INJURED? -Tina Neidlein, humor writer and author YOU NEED TO KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. ORDER YOURS TODAY! The Ohio Accident Book is a free resource that will help you get the answers you deserve after being $ 95 injured in an accident. The book 18 addresses many of the most commonly asked questions people have after they’re injured, such as, “How can I get the best settlement from the insurance company?” and Life Was Perfect – Right Until It Wasn’t. “What doesn’t my insurance company Unhappy in her marriage, Aimee asked for a divorce. Three want me to know?” The book also days later, she suffered a heart attack at age forty-one. Five months after that, she survived a near-fatal car crash offers advice on choosing the best caused by an intoxicated driver. personal injury lawyer, outlines 10 tips Her physical recovery took months and left her body to maximize your recovery, highlights marked by scars. The emotional recovery, though, nine costly mistakes that could would take longer, as Aimee sought to forgive the man ruin your case, and informs you who almost killed her—and to forgive herself for tearing apart her family. of important deadlines you can’t afford to miss. Permanent Marker takes readers on a journey of healing, proving that from darkness can come new light, new love, and a Aimee Ross renewed purpose for life. Order your free copy today at Order Your Copy Today! From Award Winning Teacher, Author, Speaker AND Boyk Law Client - Aimee Ross 10 CASES OF INTEREST Nicole Bloomer: Local Insurance Agent Tells Her Story of Why She Needed Boyk Law A horrific accident changes her perspective “It wasn’t smooth, it wasn’t easy. But the nice part was that Chuck was by my side the whole way.”

Nicole Bloomer

I was at a house with some friends standing in a driveway when a girl who had The crazy part for me is that I’m an insurance agent so I thought it would be been drinking decided to drive and she ran over me as a pedestrian. At that time, smooth running. I know how claims work and I know what the process is. My case I was mostly in shock. I knew that I couldn’t move; she had run me over from the is unique and therefore it got complicated. And even though I know the in’s and bottom of my left foot, up my left leg, and across my abdomen; breaking bones the outs of the claims process, it didn’t go like that. in my left leg as well as my pelvis – snapping my pelvis in half. I was taken to the hospital where I stayed for a long time after that. I couldn’t walk for about five It wasn’t smooth, it wasn’t easy. But the nice part was that Chuck was by my side months, so it took almost a full year to get back to full capacity through physical the whole way. Every time something arose, he told me what was going on with therapy and other medical treatments. the insurance company and said, “What’s your opinion?” and asked, “What do you want to do from here?” and he worked with me to figure it out. The first year or two was of course just mostly focusing on recovering and the insurance for the girl that hit me was paying the medical bills. It was a very unique My own insurance company fought me for a little while and there were some situation in that the accident happened in a different state from which I reside and complications that arose in the case and Chuck gave me my options and always therefore the laws were different and that began getting complicated. They started presented me with choices, and I really liked that. not wanting to pay medical bills and she had a very low state-minimum policy that didn’t offer me much money as far as pain and suffering or loss of wages. So at that I would refer Chuck Boyk to any of my friends and family and the staff there is point I decided I needed to get a lawyer involved because I was going to have to also great. I also worked with Attorney Leah Michael at the office and she was so use the uninsured motorist’s coverage on my own policy. helpful, so nice, and always very willing to cater to my schedule, and did things via email which was very helpful for me. She stayed on top of things and kept me I was referred to Chuck Boyk by my doctor. He had worked with him previously reminded of court appearances and things like that. and had a really good rapport with him and knew that he had good results, so he referred me there. Upon the first time meeting Chuck I really liked him, he was a I hope to never have to use a lawyer for a car accident again, but if I did I would really nice guy. He’s very easy going and easy to work with and he gave me a good definitely go through Chuck.n opportunity to explain everything to him and he was very honest with me about how he thought my case would proceed and what I needed to do from there.

11 CASES OF INTEREST CASES OF INTEREST Kim Zacharias: Working To Walk Again After Drunk Driver Causes Double Amputation Kim Zacharias never expected “Having Boyk Law gave me a lot less that a fun sum- mer day of rid- burden to worry about, which allowed ing ATV’s would me to get myself stronger and better.” take such a tragic turn on July 18, 2015. Boyk Law met Kim shortly after the accident, when a family member who was searching for an attorney At dusk that eve- online came across our reviews and client testimonials ning, the mother and liked what she saw. We were able to help both Kim of four was push- and the little girl who was also injured. ing a stalled ATV westbound along “Having Boyk Law gave me a lot less burden to worry Township Road about, which allowed me to get myself stronger and 112 in Fostoria better,” Kim said. “They came right out to the hos- Kim Zacharias with a six-year- pital when we asked them to and they jumped right old on the front when they were struck from behind in and helped me with insurance and Social Security. by a drunk driver. The little girl went flying and Kim There was so much paperwork that I didn’t have to suffered injuries that resulted in a partial amputation deal with.” of both legs. Kim’s husband, Randy, and daughter Aaliyah In addition to urging drivers Tourniquets were placed on her legs by bystanders at never to drink and get behind the the scene while they waited for help to arrive. Shortly wheel, Kim wants anyone suffer- after being taken to Fostoria Community Hospital, ing from a tragic accident never Kim was life-flighted to Toledo Hospital’s Trauma to give up. But what is truly in- Unit due to the severity of her injuries. She was suffer- spiring about Kim’s story is how ing massive blood loss, was facing the trauma of los- her husband, Randy, built for her ing both of her legs, and was completely disoriented by hand a set of parallel bars so about what had happened. that she can continue re-learning how to walk. Meanwhile, the man who hit them failed a field sobri- ety test and was charged with OVI, failure to maintain “I just want people to know that clear distance ahead, and open container in vehicle. if anything were to ever happen, After arriving at the Seneca County jail following his stay positive and stay strong,” arrest, he blew a 0.098 blood alcohol concentration. It Kim said. “Stay focused and look was his second time being charged for drunk driving. ahead. Life doesn’t end in a trag- edy. Rely on friends and family if Kim leaned on her family, especially her daugh- you need to, that’s what they are ter Kristy, during her long road to recovery. After there for and why we have each spending over three weeks in the hospital, Kim was other.” discharged to an inpatient rehabilitation facility, but instead of staying there, she opted to be released to To watch the inspiring video of the care of her family. Kim using her new parallel bars, check out our Facebook page, “Kristy was my rock after the accident,” Kim said. n “She was my strongest person. She made sure I got BoykLawOffices. to all my doctors’ appointments and physical therapy appointments.” 12 CASES OF INTEREST Duane Shively: Husband Still Grieving The Love of His Life After Tragic Accident “I have lost my most precious gift.”

“My injuries from the accident were not life threaten- ing,” Duane said, “but they had been painful with a lot of discomfort. It gave me tremendous sadness to deal with the injuries without the love and care of my Duane and Diana Shively wonderful wife Diana. She was there for me when I was going through my cancer treatments. And to not Diana when she was younger have Diana, at my side, during all the months of treat- ments made my recovery much more difficult.” After 17 years of marriage, Duane and Diana Shively “We got on Route 6 and as we were driving east, and seemed to have it all. as we got closer to the bridge where the accident oc- Allison soon pointed out that he could not go on curred, it was a little bit more treacherous at that time. alone, without the help of someone in his corner. She Diana told Duane that it had always been her dream All the sudden I saw a pick-up truck in my windshield suggested the same attorney that helped her through to build a house near the woods on her family’s prop- and there wasn’t anything else for me to do but turn her car accident and contact was made with Boyk erty in Grand Rapids, Ohio. In 2011 they built what the wheel and try to get away from it. It had gone Law. was supposed to be their forever home. It was where across the center line and was coming right at us. It’s a their granddaughters would come over to play, where helpless feeling when you look over and see your wife “I just knew after spending so much time with Duane they would do fun activities, and constantly read, and with her eyes closed and her head laying back. You can that he needed to focus on his health and grieving where Diana would create beautiful crafts from glass hear the sirens getting closer and closer. And I said to the loss of Diana and not on all of the phone calls and wood. her, ‘Honey, they can’t get here quicker because the and paperwork that comes along with dealing with roads are bad. I love you. I want you to stay with me.’ the insurance company,” Allison said. “When I used But in the winter of 2017, Duane’s life would change I leaned over and kissed her a few times. I was trying Chuck, everyone there took care of each tiny detail forever. to do whatever I could to talk with her and encourage and I wanted to make sure that Duane was protected her to not lose faith. At that point I was devastated legally in the same way.” “The weather was bad on that particular day, January and shaking inside. I just couldn’t believe it.” the 10th,” Duane said. “I said to Diana, ‘Just let me take you to Kroger and I’ll come and pick you up and Duane talked to the police while Diana was examined take you home, so we can be together’ because the by EMS. Shortly thereafter, two EMS technicians roads were icy and it wasn’t the best of days.” came over and told him that his wife did not make it.

It was the Shively’s good friend, neighbor, and health care advocate Allison Roller who helped care for Duane during his months of recovery after losing Di- ana. Both of his ankles were sprained, he had swelling in both of his knees, and deep bone bruising, in ad- dition to fractures and deep lacerations in his hands, that caused him to need constant in-home care for five weeks. But what was even more traumatizing for Duane was not having the care and companionship of his beloved Diana. Diana had cared for him and helped him through cancer two years prior and now he was alone, navigating through physical therapy, doctor’s appointments, and visits with the orthopedic surgeon. 13 CASES OF INTEREST CASES OF INTEREST

Diana when she was younger Diana with her granddaughter, Noelle

that’s who I would call. My youngest is three and al- Duane was personally visited at the house multiple most daily she will tell me that grandma is up in the times by attorney Chuck Boyk and various members clouds.” of the team during the case so that Boyk Law could build a strong case to prove to the insurance company Duane feels he will always struggle with losing Diana, just how devastating the accident was to the family. no matter how much time passes. Video impact statements were created, photos were compiled, and interviews were conducted to piece to- “Diana has died and now my life has lost some of its The Ohio Work Injury Book gether for a grieving family a story of how much they interest and meaning,” he said. “My faith and griev- loved and missed their Diana; their wife, mother, and ing have helped me deal with this great loss and it has grandmother. helped me to slowly return to life and to go on liv- ing. But I struggle to find my purpose and how to get INJURED Boyk Law was able to secure a substantial settlement. fulfillment and joy back in my life. I know nothing While it could never replace the loss and devastation in this world can bring her back, so I must live with of that fateful January day, it provided for Diana’s the mental anguish of living my life without her and memory to be kept alive without the worry of medi- AT WORK? her smile and kisses and hugs. I have lost my most cal bills and funeral costs. precious gift.” n KNOW YOUR OPTIONS & “There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. about her,” said Diana’s daughter, Brianna. “When something good happens or something bad happens, Suffering an injury at work can be a devastating and painful experi- ence. Attempting to navigate the WHERE WOULD YOU Check Toledo First. complicated Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation system while you’re LIKE TO trying to regain your health can add Go? to the confusion. The Ohio Work Injury Book is meant to help injured workers learn about the workers’ compensa- tion system so they know their rights and learn the importance of seeking knowledgeable legal counsel.

Order your free copy today:

FAST | EASY | CONVENIENT 14 CASES OF INTEREST Derriss Bohannon: Safety Violation Award Helps Worker’s Years- Long Recovery The Journey to Health After Falling 30 feet onto Concrete

the fall or how it felt; it’s just something that you try to up so I just took that first one; I didn’t even think erase out of your mind. It’s very difficult, very hard to about it. I’m glad I took that chance. relive it. I remember a supervisor and a couple of guys from the Jones-Hamilton building came down to see Chuck came to my house the same day that I was re- how I was doing and I remember them asking another leased from the hospital. He spoke to me and took supervisor, ‘What do I do next?’ because everyone was some information down and from there he took the kind of freaking out and they didn’t know what to do. whole thing into his hands. I know that when people I am just laying there and they are yelling back and look for attorneys, they probably think that they are forth trying to call 911. When the ambulance came, supposed to do this and do that. Chuck is an injury at- it went to the wrong building since Jones-Hamilton is torney and that is what he deals with the most. I trust a big location so when they finally found me, it had him doing everything with my case. Him, Cynthia, been a while. I was just laying there on the ground for and everyone in the office. I wasn’t really expecting to a real long time. call an attorney, because I didn’t know what to do. My mind was just all over the place. I broke my back in three sections. I fractured my ver- tebrae and also did some spinal damage. I had a herni- That settlement check will put a lot of smiles on a lot Derriss Bohannon ated disc that actually popped my discs out and they of faces right now, including mine. Because I have October 7, 2014 was a day that changed Derriss Bo- were basically leaning against my nerve. I detached been through a whole lot. You run into all different hannon’s life forever. It was the 32-year-old’s first day my wrist from my actual hand. I broke every single kinds of problems, all different kinds of money issues, on the job after responding to a Craigslist ad for roof- bone inside my hand - the lunate, the capitate, I could but at the end it’s worth it, especially when you have ing work. He asked his supervisor what he was sup- go on. Everyone bone that is in your hand I basically a team that is there to support you. I think that’s the posed to do with the harness he was given since there broke. number one key. Chuck and everyone will talk to you was nothing to attach it to and was told that it was and get you through your day. If you do run into any “just for show”. I know a lot of people can probably relate that when type of injury, whether it’s a car accident or a wrongful you actually get into an accident, you’re not think- death or whatever it might be, contact Chuck. He’s While Derriss was helping a co-worker, the roof deck ing about attorneys until people say, ‘You know, you definitely worth it.” below him gave way and he fell nearly 30 feet to the should call an attorney.’ concrete floor below – hitting his head and fracturing To watch Derriss’ entire video and the other CEB Sto- n his arm and back. Boyk Law continues to help Derriss So that’s what I did, I called Chuck. I actually Googled ries features, visit with his worker’s compensation claim, but we won ‘find the best lawyer in Toledo’ and his name popped for him the highest award allowed at a safety require- ment violation hearing. The ruling in Derriss’ favor highlighted the multiple safety violations that caused his injuries, securing for him additional compensa- tion while he continues to regain enough health to someday work again.

After five surgeries and countless doctors’ appoint- ments over 18 months, Derriss sat down to tell us about continuing his journey to recovery for our CEB Stories video series.

“All I remember is that there was a guy working next to me and we were rolling up 13 to 14 foot [roof] sec- tions,” Derriss said. “During that time, the roof un- derneath me gave out and I fell thirty feet to the con- crete on the ground. I’m not really good at explaining 15 CASES OF INTEREST A Tribute To The Late James Russell Jenkins: Nation’s Highest Honor For Heroism Awarded To Client Who Lost His Life Trying To Save Another crews, they could not reach Elijah and he also went under. Jenkins and Elijah were later recovered by Columbus Fire Depart- “We have heard what ment Rescue Divers in 20 feet of water, less than 30 feet from shore. Mr. Jenkins a true hero Russell was was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. Elijah was taken by life-flight to Nation- from countless people wide Children’s Hospital and put on life who were there that support, but died three days later. fateful day.” Attorney Charles E. Boyk, attorney for Jenkins’s Estate, filed suit in Franklin County against the Hartford on the whelmed,” Russell’s mother, Barbara Meredith, said. Lake apartment complex. The Walker “It was great to see. I miss his smile. He has such a complaint was assigned to the Honor- James Jenkins and his son, Kameron great smile. It would melt your heart when you’d see able Judge Richard Sheward; the Jenkins him. I miss that. I miss his hugs. He talks to me every James “Russell” Jenkins did not think twice before complaint to the Honorable Judge Kimberly Cocroft. day.” jumping into frigid water and attempting to save 5-year-old Elijah Walker who was drowning in an “It’s a sad, sad case, and it was totally and easily pre- Barbara plans to include articles about the award in apartment complex pond. ventable,” said Boyk. “This is a place that advertises the memory book that she is creating for Russell’s and invites people to come live by and enjoy its lake. 6-year-old son, Kameron. The young child fell through ice and struggled to There have now been six drowning deaths in that hold on while his mother and young brothers franti- pond. Most of their residents are young children who “I want Kameron to know what his dad was like,” cally screamed for help. Their pleas where heard by can’t swim. Enough was enough. Something had to Barbara said. a stranger, 30-year-old James Russell Jenkins. Jenkins be done.” became a hero when he jumped into the icy water to Attorney Chuck Boyk was not surprised at the news save the boy. Mr. Jenkins was able to keep the boy’s The lawsuit claimed that Hartford and its owners of the award. head above water while bystanders and rescue crews failed to have any safety measures in place, such as desperately tried to reach them. When Jenkins could fencing or natural barriers. The complex failed to “We have heard what a true hero Russell was from no longer hold both himself and the boy above water, warn residents regarding the dangerous and deceptive countless people who were there that fateful day,” he took his last breath, put himself under, and held up conditions of the pond, and had no rescue or lifesav- Chuck Boyk said. “He deserves this award and we are the child as long as he could so the boy could breathe. ing equipment available. “Had access to the pond sad that he was not able to accept it in person.” Mr. Jenkins did not resurface. been closed, or there had been any rescue equipment whatsoever, Elijah and Mr. Jenkins would not have Barbara was thankful that the tragic incident was able Despite the best efforts of bystanders, police, and fire drowned,” said Boyk. to change the way that drowning victims are rescued.

Boyk Law was able to settle the case out of court, allowing the fo- cus to remain on Russell’s legacy, who received numerous awards after his heroic death.

It was his selfless act of heroism that sparked the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission to give Rus- sell Jenkins the nation’s highest award for civilian heroism, the Carnegie Medal. The Carnegie Medal “When I received the call that Russell had been awarded the The rescue. Photo credit: Columbus Dispatch Carnegie Award, I was so over- 16 CASES OF INTEREST

meron, who will grow up without a fa- ther. Kameron was five years old at the time of his dad’s passing.

“There are certain things in the laws that we just don’t understand, and the attorneys will help you with that,” Barbara said. “Charles Boyk and Wes [Merillat] in particular have walked me through a lot of things. They stepped in and they handled the things that I wouldn’t have been able to do on my own or think about doing. They are very good. They went and found ex- The Family of James Russell Jenkins accepting his Carnegie Medal of Honor Photo credit: Columbus Dispatch perts, they checked on things, they verified what was going on with the “They developed a rescue rope in light of what hap- water, they found out as much as they could and they pened to Russell,” Barbara said. “The officers were not knew where to turn, where to go. I would have never able to get to him and the little boy because of the known any of these things and now with this infor- water. So they manufactured this rope so that they can mation, that helps me pursue some of the things that throw it out and the victims can wrap themselves in I want to do on Russell’s behalf. And without them, it and get pulled back to the shore. They adopted the I don’t think I could have gotten a secure future for The Ohio Wrongful name ‘Russell Rescue Rope’ which is awesome. So far Kameron. They helped me a great deal. Call Charles Death Book as I know, there are 200 of them now.” Boyk. They will help you.” Ms. Jenkins was also adamant that these changes To read more about the award that Mr. Jen- LOSING A LOVED would not have happened without the help of Boyk kins received, visit ONE IS NEVER Law. She has hope for Russell’s own young son, Ka- aspx?hero=85505 n EASY. IF SOMEONE CLOSE TO YOU HAS HAD THEIR LIFE CUT SHORT, YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND YOUR LEGAL OPTIONS.

A family member’s passing causes tremendous pain, and the emotional and financial fallout of a death caused by another’s negligence can be absolutely devastating. Wrongful death cases are inherently complicated, but The Ohio Wrongful Death Book will give you the information you need in order to help level the playing field.

To order your free book, visit

17 CASES OF INTEREST CASES OF INTEREST Protecting the Protectors: A State Trooper’s Fight To Get Back On The Job

The Ohio Turn- It took emergency crews nearly pike can be an hour to get to Andrew, work treacherous dur- to get him out from underneath ing the winter the cars, and get him to the emer- months, espe- gency room. He was transported cially during a to Firelands Hospital where he Level 3 snow was suffering extensive blood loss emergency, when and he was soon life-flighted to all roadways are St. Vincent’s, the nearest trauma closed to non- hospital. emergency per- sonnel and when Surgeries to repair his shattered no motorists are femur were postponed several Trooper Andrew Clouser to be travelling times due to his medical insta- unless a personal bility. He was in the ICU for six emergency exists. On March 12, 2014, multiple driv- days, battling multiple rib frac- Part of the huge wreck on the Ohio Turnpike that killed three, and injured 49 ers chose to ignore the white-out conditions and the tures, a ruptured spleen, kidney Level 3 Severe Weather Emergency, causing a 126-car and liver damage, fractured vertebrae, and a punc- ries continued to be how the injuries would impact pile-up that killed three, injured 49, and nearly took tured lung that required a chest tube. his future. the life of 29-year-old Ohio State Highway Patrolman Andrew Clouser. Once transferred out of ICU, Andrew began his phys- “Of all the physical injuries for which I was treated the ical therapy regimen while remaining hospitalized. one that still causes pain and hardship is the multiple At approximately 1:30 pm that day, Trooper Clouser Nearly 10 days after the accident, doctors removed fractures to my right femur,” Andrew wrote around was dispatched to a jack-knifed tractor-trailer on the Trooper Clouser’s chest tube, transferred him to an in- that time. “As part of the treatment, a metal rod was Ohio Turnpike near mile marker 102 in Sandusky patient rehab facility, and was instructed not to bear placed inside the femur and stretches from my hip to County. Trooper Clouser arrived on scene at approxi- weight on his right leg for three months. my knee. I still do not have the strength and flexibility mately 2:00 pm and observed that traffic was at a in my right leg that I possessed before the incident and standstill and backing up, because a tractor-trailer was Before becoming an Ohio State Highway Patrolman, when I try to run two miles, required by the Army blocking all lanes. He parked his patrol car, activated Andrew loyally and fearlessly served his country as a Physical Fitness Test, I experience pain in my leg that his lights and, with his reflective vest on, exited his ve- soldier in the United States Army, serving in tours causes a noticeable limp. On cold weather days I ex- hicle to investigate the accident. overseas. He was physically fit and thoroughly en- perience pain in my leg immediately upon exiting my joyed being outdoors, working out, and continuing home and have to walk outside for several minutes in “I was walking toward the minivan and I could see to serve America through the Army Reserves. Follow- order to acclimate to the weather and try to get the people were hurt,” Clouser told NBC 24. “I was about ing the accident, it was hard for him to come to terms pain to subside. What deeply concerns me is the po- to open the door...that’s all I remember.” with the fact that he was confined to a hospital bed or tential hardship(s) these injuries may cause over time. to his home without the ability to freely roam about. Though I have reached maximum medical improve- A Top Line tractor-trailer collided with the stopped The femur fracture severely interfered with Andrew’s ment, it is possible that one or more of my injuries cars just before a Del Delivery truck collided with the enjoyment of life. could resurface in an unforeseen way and have a nega- Top Line tractor-trailer and the other stopped vehicles, tive impact on my life. This is by no means a certainty, driving them all forward. Almost immediately there- But the news about his leg only motivated Trooper but the potential exists and occupies my thoughts.” after, a Bulls Eye tractor-trailer collided with the Del Clouser to work hard to regain his mobility and get Delivery truck and the other vehicles, causing a mas- back to work. Despite his best efforts, perfect compli- Anxious to serve both as a Patrolman and in the Army sive pile-up that pinned Trooper Clouser underneath ance with the doctors, and regular physical therapy, Reserves for a long career, the uncertainty weighed the vehicles. Trooper Clouser was not released to go back to work heavily on the young man. He was also juggling deal- until almost five months after the accident, and even ing with the injury claim, the insurance companies for Not only did the drivers who contributed to Clouser’s then, he could not fulfill the same duties as he had all the different parties in the wreck, and the Ohio Bu- injury accident admit to driving faster than 55mph, before since his restrictions limited the tasks he was reau of Workers’ Compensation. which was way too fast considering the horrible weath- assigned. er conditions, under the Level 3 Snow Emergency, It was around that same time that former NBC 24 they should not have been on the roads at all as they A year after the accident, once he was cleared to return reporter, Angelique Gonzalez, ran a story on Andrew were subject to arrest. to duty without restrictions, one of his biggest wor- (continued on page 31) 18 CASES OF INTEREST Joe and Cecilia Arras: Collie Helps Nurse Car Accident Victims Back To Health, Earns New Job As Volunteer Pet Therapy Dog went to her forever home with the Arras family.

But Missy’s good work hasn’t stopped there.

“We take her back to the nursing home once a month,” Cecilia said. “That was the home she visited while we were at Briar and she loves to visit people there. As soon as we make the turn to pull in to Briar Hill, she gets so excited.”

The nurses, staff, and residents all love Missy so much that they asked Cecilia if the collie could be a vol- unteer therapy dog once a month. The Arras family happily agreed, especially considering that Missy is the Arras’ seventh collie and all the dogs before her Missy the Collie visited nursing homes throughout the Findlay area.

It’s not every day that a rescue dog ends up being the Jen Fackler, the Life Enrichment Associate at Briar one to rescue her owners. Hill, describes the excitement and love that Missy, Cecilia, and Joe brought to the nursing home. Joe, Chuck, Cecilia, and Missy But for Joe and Cecilia Arras, Mistletoe the Collie could not have come into their lives at a better time. “Joe and ‘C’ were fabulous to have here,” Jen said. “I “We asked Chuck to come to the nursing home and know that it’s not where they wanted to be, since they he came and talked with us,” Cecilia said. “He has On June 27, 2015, Joe and Cecilia were making the were here because of the accident, but they were so dogs and horses which I thought was great, since I love 50-minute drive from their home in Findlay to Wil- much fun. The residents love Missy; they adore her them both. I hope we never need another lawyer, but lard, Ohio, where they were set to pick up their new having her around. They call to her, they want to feed if I do I would call Chuck.” collie, Missy (short for “Mistletoe”), from a volunteer her. We are excited to have her back.” with the Northeast Ohio Collie Rescue (NEOCR). For more information on how to adopt or foster a res- They were traveling eastbound on US 224 in Clinton It was also Missy that connected Attorney Chuck cue collie of your own from the Northeast Ohio Collie Township when a westbound driver went left of cen- Boyk to the Arras family when they reached out to Rescue, visit or call 216.213.6197. n ter and struck their Ford F-250 head on, demolishing Boyk Law after the accident. the truck and causing them to be ambulated to nearby hospitals.

Joe cracked his left hip and Cecilia’s lower right leg was shattered, requiring plates, screws, and bone-filler to re- pair. They both spent three months at Briar Hill Health Campus, a nursing home for in-patient therapy, and it was another eight weeks after discharge before they were well enough to bring their new dog home. In the five months after the accident, Missy would visit regu- larly with the help of Betty Hodgson from NEOCR.

“I knew through eye-to-eye contact every time she would visit me in the nursing home that she was my dog,” Cecilia said. “Missy helped me through a really rough period. I needed that dog bad. She is just the greatest. She’s so smart and easy to train.”

The day after Thanksgiving, on November 27, 2015, exactly five months to the day of the accident, Missy The Arras’ F-250 after the accident 19 SPECIAL INTEREST Small Smiles, Big Settlement: Small Smiles Dental Abuse Settlement Helps Bring Closure to Families Across U.S. Happier days are now here for children who were on behalf of kids from across the country. Since the A Father Recounts His abused as patients of the Small Smiles dental clin- settlement money will be put into trusts until the kids ics. After years of battling in court, the Small Smiles turn 18, our hope is that the awards will allow them to Daughter’s Struggle claims finally secured a global settlement of $43 mil- pay for college, create savings accounts, and get a head With Autism & Her Fear lion, bringing closure to thousands of families across start on adulthood. the United States. of Small Smiles When we took on this litigation, we encountered bar- Michael Stuck is a soft-spoken man who works hard With locations nationwide as well as in Toledo, Small rier after barrier after barrier. Clinics moved. Doctors to care for his 27-year-old daughter, Amanda, who has Smiles dental centers specialized in pediatric dentistry left the state. Small Smiles tried to throw us out of developmental disabilities and is on the autism spec- and were one of the few dental firms that accepted court multiple times. They finally filed bankruptcy. trum. When she started going to Small Smiles at 18, Medicaid insurance. Then we were left to chase down insurance cover- the dentists ground down her teeth so badly that she age by locating and fighting Small Smiles’ insurance needed dentures. Her father had no idea what was go- But instead of helping children and families who could companies. For six years, we dedicated ourselves to ing on until after the work was done, since he was not not afford private dental insurance, Small Smiles den- exhausting every avenue and committed ourselves to allowed to accompany his daughter to the back treat- tists took advantage of the kids by performing unnec- busting through every barrier. At the end of the day, ment rooms. essary treatment in order to fraudulently bill Medicaid what we were able to recover, particularly given the and make more money. An FBI investigation found bankruptcy, was significant – very significant. “When I first heard about what Small Smiles was do- that Small Smiles dentists nationwide were drilling and ing to kids, I was pretty upset,” Michael said. “Before filling cavities that never existed, performing painful However, while it does give these children something, going to Small Smiles, my daughter Amanda had a root canals and other dental procedures without any it does not fix the trauma they suffered. The lasting pretty smile and then everything started falling apart. local anesthesia or “laughing gas”, strapping down chil- tragedy of this case is that many of these children suf- They wouldn’t let me go back there with her and that dren’s arms and legs so that they could not move dur- fered permanent damage and many will never go back was suspicious to me but I never thought that there ing the procedures, and refusing to stop treatment or to a dentist again. would be a lawsuit. Amanda is autistic and she told soothe the children even after they urinated and vom- me that they strapped her arms down but that she was ited on themselves, all in the name of corporate profit. “It was a flagrant abuse of power,” Wes said. “Chil- scared to tell me until after the last visit was done.” dren are the most vulnerable of us all – they depend The dentists would not allow parents to accompany on adults to care, provide, and protect them. Purpose- He didn’t know what was really going on until our their kids during treatment, even after repeated re- ly hurting and abusing children for profit is a tragedy office alerted parents that their kids may have been quests, rarely did they ask parents’ permission before that ought to infuriate everyone to action.” beginning the dental work, and they would often threaten to call Child Services when parents would ob- The following are stories of the kids who overcame ject to the excessive or unnecessary treatment. the abuse they endured at the hands of dentists and where their families are today. It is important to note A select group of highly skilled attorneys from across that many of the children photographed smile with- the country spearheaded an effort that finally led them out showing their teeth, which is an aftereffect of how to being able to secure the payment of more than $43 poorly they were treated at Small Smiles. million from Small Smile’s insurers.

That group included one of our own attorneys, Wes Merillat, who was one of three attorneys selected and appointed by the Federal Court to oversee the litiga- “Children are the most tion, negotiation, and settlement with Small Smile’s insurers. vulnerable of us all – they depend on adults Pursuant to court order, the settlement has been placed into a Trust Account for the more than 3,000 children to care, provide, and nationwide who had qualifying claims against the den- tal chain. protect them.” – Attorney Wes Merillat We took on more than 500 child dental injury cases Amanda Stuck 20 Barbara and Jon- to a dentist tae were happy to get her “Before going to Small Smiles, with the settle- teeth fixed. my daughter Amanda had a ment because After five pretty smile and then everything they finally feel attempts like justice was at finding started falling apart.” served. someone she was Hailee with the braces she finally had the – Michael Stuck “The treatment comfort- courage to get they were doing able with, to the kids – that’s she finally built up the courage to go.” abused behind closed doors. not a way to treat kids,” Barbara Tiffany’s son Cain was just five-years-old when he “When I read the Boyk newsletter I saw the story about Jontae now said. “A friend was strapped down and given root canals without the case against Small Smiles and I called in to join the told me that they heard that Small Smiles was being any anesthesia. He suffered an asthma attack while re- lawsuit because I was so mad,” Michael said. “I’m glad sued for how they treated the kids and that’s when I strained, making it impossible for him to breathe. At we did because I was really happy with the way that the called the firm and we told them all about what hap- the same time, her two-and-a-half-year-old daughter case was handled. The most important part was that pened to my grandson. They handled everything and Hailee was strapped down in another room, having all everyone was courteous to my daughter. With Amanda they get the job done. I’m thankful that the attorney of her front teeth yanked out of her mouth without being autistic, it’s sometimes hard to talk to her but took it upon himself to have a lawsuit against Small being numbed at all. When Tiffany finally got to go she felt comfortable with everyone there, especially At- Smiles. How would they [Small Smiles dentists] feel if back, she found her children hysterical, blood pour- torney Wes Merillat. He did a wonderful job with the that was done to their own kids? No parents in their ing from their mouths. Hailee ran straight past her case; he’s a really good attorney. I would recommend right mind would want their child to go through own mother and out of the front door of the clinic, him to anybody.” something like that.” desperate to escape. A Grandmother Works Single Mom Talks It was their first and only visit to Small Smiles. They were there for cleanings. to Give Normal Life to About Aftermath of a Grandson After Small Single Visit to Small “The settlement is a blessing and to know that my Smiles Capped Most of kids will be financially stable and will have a work- Smiles ing car to get to college just means so much,” Tiffany His Teeth said. “I’ve been a single mother throughout this whole When you hear Barbara Nelson talk about her grand- process. I’ve done this all by myself. But this means so son, Jontae Pryor, the passion for protecting him rings much for me after all we went through with Hailee’s through loud and clear even though her tone is quiet. multiple surgeries. You guys were so great about keep- ing contact and making sure that I always had up- Like other parents and dates. I really feel like you guys are family to us. I can’t guardians, Barbara had no thank you enough.” n idea when she took Jontae to Small Smiles that the 5-year-old was strapped Hailee Sloan recovers from a surgery to repair damage down when he was given done to her mouth at Small Smiles root canals and caps on When Tiffany Walters received a phone call from At- his baby teeth. She didn’t torney Wes Merillat one night while making dinner, learn the truth until the the last thing on her mind was the Small Smiles law- boy was brave enough to suit. It had been 11 years since that fateful day when speak up. both of her children ran out of the clinic screaming A young Jontae Pryor and three years since the lawsuit began. “When my grandson told Cain as a child, shortly after the Small Smiles nightmare me what was going on, I went down to Small Smiles So when Wes told her that a settlement had finally and told them that that is not the way it should be,” been reached, Tiffany burst into tears and called to Barbara said. “You shouldn’t strap someone down or her kids to join her in the kitchen. hold someone down just to put something on their mouth.” “I never expected anything to come out of this,” Tiffa- ny said. “I just wanted their stories to be heard. When Jontae, now a high schooler who loves and I first learned about the Small Smiles lawsuit, I had no is aspiring to play in the NBA, remembers very clearly idea that there were other kids who were abused, too. what was like to go to Small Smiles. It’s taken us years to get over what was done to them. My son is psychologically damaged and because of “I was nervous all the time when I was there,” Jontae Small Smiles he refuses to see another dentist at all. said. “I always felt like I was going to throw up because Both of my kids had to have surgeries on their mouths it was so scary to be strapped down.” as a result of the abuse and my daughter was teased for years at school because she was always too scared to go Cain, now 16, with his mom, Tiffany 21 BIKES FOR KIDS

Recognizing Kids Who Make A Difference! Bikes For Kids Free Helmets and Bikes Help Keep Kids Safe

Bikes for Kids made the rides of over 250 kids a little safer over the past few summers by handing out free helmets at the Boyk Law Bike Safety Days!

Toledo Police Officers, area pediatricians and nurses, Toledo Fire and Rescue, and bicycle experts Jill and Kathy Wersell were all on hand to help us hand out the helmets, teach kids all about bicycle safety by an- swering questions, give demonstrations, and provide helmet fittings. Free helmets were available on a first- Chuck Boyk rides his Wersell’s bike in the 1960’s. come, first-serve basis. portunity to take minor steps in their own lives that The helmets were made possible through a grant from positively impact those around them. We wanted to the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pedi- celebrate the extraordinary that can come from the atrics (AAP) and the Ohio Department of Transporta- Chuck Boyk and local firefighters ordinary.” tion, as part of their “Put a Lid on It! Protect Before You Pedal” campaign. Boyk Law’s Bike Safety Days cycle from Wersell’s Bike Shop, compliments of Boyk Started by Charles E. Boyk Law Offices in 2009, Bikes coincided with Bike Helmet Safety Awareness week Law. Wersell’s donates a helmet and a lock to each for Kids has given away nearly 100 bicycles to area in mid-May, a state-wide effort to prevent injuries and winner. While there are no specific guidelines on what kids as a way to raise awareness about child injury ac- save lives through bicycle helmet use. According to the makes a nominee deserving of a new bike, we encour- cident prevention. To nominate a child in your life, AAP, 51,000 people in the United States were injured age nominators to think about any kind things that visit Questions about by not wearing a bike helmet in 2010. Universal use the child has done for others, or how the child has Bike Safety Day or the Bikes for Kids program can be of bicycle helmets by children ages four to 15 could positively impacted his or her family, friends, com- directed to Anneke by emailing community@charles- n prevent between 135 and 155 deaths; between 39,000 munity, or classroom. or by calling 419-241-1395. and 45,000 head injuries; and between 18,000 and 55,000 scalp and face injuries annually. WTOL is the official media partner of the program to Visit help us spread the word and they feature the winners Boyk Law Bike Safety Day was also the official start on the news each week! for more information. of the 2016 and 2017 Bikes for Kids program, which provides one bicycle to a deserving child each week of “We created Bikes for Kids as a way to pay tribute to summer, from June 6th to August 15th. Bikes for Kids the great kids in northwest Ohio who do things both asks parents, teachers, caregivers, and loved ones to rec- big and small for others,” Chuck Boyk said. “Not ev- ognize a child who has made a difference in the life of ery child has the opportunity to do something huge someone else by nominating them to receive a free bi- that creates major change, but all kids have the op- 22 BIKES FOR KIDS Bikes For Kids Week #1 Winner Madison Shook Wins Kayla’s Bike In Honor Of Kayla Meeker Another summer of Bikes for Kids kicked off on June 13, 2017 by honoring a special girl who was trying to prevent bullying and the horrible effects that come from it. Madison Shook, 11, was surprised with a new bicycle which was presented by Boyk Law and Julie Meeker, the mother of Kayla Meeker, a girl who committed suicide at 16 after being cyberbullied. The bike being awarded to Madison was deemed “Kayla’s Bike” and Kayla’s siblings were also be there to show support for Madison and thank her for what she is doing to prevent bullying from happening to others.

Madison was nominated by her stepfather, Ron Jagodzinski. Read his heartfelt nomination: “Madi is the founder of Bullfrogs Against Bullying, an organization the pro- vides peer-to-peer support group meetings, anti-bullying resources, and com- munity service. Madi is a child abuse survivor who runs 5ks and does public speaking to raise awareness about bullying and child abuse. She was bullied by kids at school when her story came out. Now, Madi travels all around Kayla Meeker Ohio helping to mentor other kids and starting new chapters of BAB. She is working with other organizations to plan an all-day free-to-the-public re- Kayla’s Bike source event for anti-bullying month in October. Her group has reached 700+ members according to their Facebook page. I noticed that the brake cables broke on her bike, but she doesn’t complain. I would like to nominate her to show her that the kindness she shows others is greatly appreciated.”

As her own special tribute to Kayla Meeker, Madi had her bike custom painted with the message, “In Honor of Kayla” along with a butterfly. n Julie Malkin loading a bike Chuck Boyk rides his Wersell’s bike in the 1960’s. Kayla Meeker as a 2016 Bikes for Kids Bikes for Kids Week #1 Winner winner in 2009 The Noble Street Siblings

Nominated by: Dick Berry of WTOL Lucas County Children Services Public Information Officer Julie Malkin accepted bikes on behalf of the unnamed 13-year-old girl who heroically escaped her Noble Street home after being shackled to a base- Madi and her family after her WTOL interview ment beam for more than a year by her stepfather. The girl was found wandering near downtown Toledo in search of a family member’s home when she was rescued by two good Samaritans before being placed with Children Services.

WTOL reporter Dick Berry had suggested the girl from Noble Street as a Bikes for Kids nomination and made the connection for Boyk Law to Julie Malkin so that the giveaway could be arranged. Two additional bikes were donated by Maumee Valley Movers to be Madi Shook and Ron Jagodzinski Leandra Meeker, Madi Shook, and Carly Meeker given to the girl’s siblings. n

23 Dora Lutts and Juan Rodriguez

2017 Bikes for Kids Week #3 Winner Juan Rodriguez,

Jeanne Dotson and Rylei Young Age 11 Riley and his grandma, Jackie, at the WTOL studios

2017 Bikes for Kids Nominated by: Dora Lutts, Juan’s aunt 2017 Bikes for Kids Week #2 Winner Dora’s nomination: “Juan, his little sister, and I were Week #4 Winner driving downtown and a company van hit us from Rylei Young, Age 10 the back. We got pretty messed up and my car was Riley McDaniel, totaled. Well a couple days later my mom gets a call Age 11 Nominated by: Jeanne Dotson, Rylei’s teacher that our grandma is dying. To make a long story short Jeanne’s nomination: “Rylei deserves a new bike be- we didn’t see her for a few years. Getting this call had Nominated by: Jackie Drager, Riley’s grandmother cause she is the most helpful young lady! I have an a huge impact on my mom. My grandma passed and Jackie’s nomination: “In 2015 Riley was playing autistic student in my classroom and Rylei has taken the family knew she was sick for awhile. We thought with neighbor’s kids when their dog started attacking him under her wing. She makes an effort at recess they had all the arrangements done. Not at all. Noth- their two-year-old grandchild, Riley stepped in and to include him in activities. While on field trips, she ing. No one gave anything. So Juan, his sister, and I grabbed the baby, the dog turned on him and bit his helps to look after him and often will be his partner got our checks from the insurance company. He saw neck. He had to have emergency surgery. It nicked his to help him out. I can think of no other student who my mom crying and gave his whole check to help. I jugular and severed a secondary jugular.” n would be more deserving of a new, surprise bike!” n did the same thing. So did his little sister. Now were we meant to get into the accident? No, but it did hap- pen. He saved us all. My family was supposed to pay us back and today we haven’t seen a dime. Even after all the insurance money they got nothing. But at the end we know we did the right thing with our money and our grandma knows it too. Juan is an amazing kid. He would give you his shirt off his back.” n

Huthaifa and Aisha Alkhowailed riding their bikes

2016 Bikes for Kids Week #2 Winners Aisha Alkhowailed, 10, & Huthaifa Christian Roscoe and his mom, Cari Alkhowailed, 8 Elliott Belcher 2016 Bikes for Kids Week #4 Winner Two kids who came to America with just the clothes 2016 Bikes for Kids on their backs after escaping war-torn Syria will now Week #3 Winner Christian Roscoe, have the freedom of riding around their new neigh- Age 9 borhood, thanks to the Bikes for Kids nominations Elliott Belcher, submitted by their Strahanan Elementary teachers Di- Age 5 Nominated by: Carol Roscoe, Christian’s ane Bihn and John Beck. grandmother Nominated by: Jeannette Beiber, Elliott’s teacher Carol’s nomination: “This little boy has Asperger’s “Both children entered our classrooms speaking no Jeannette’s nomination: “Elliott started coming to and is the smartest, kindest boy I have ever met. He English,” wrote Bihn and Beck in their nomination. Little Village Preschool when he was three years old, cares about others, and is helpful in any way he can “They have been very eager to learn and are working and has shown great improvement in his behavior think of, taking classmates under his wing. He was hard every day. Aisha and Huthaifa are slowly adapt- and social/emotional development,” Jeannette Beiber very proud of his achievement in the Special Olym- ing to our culture and starting to make friends. We wrote in her nomination. “We have worked closely pics this year.” n feel if they won bikes this would give them another with his family and an outside behavior management opportunity this summer to ‘fit in’ and have fun with agency, and we are very proud of the progress that he family and friends in America.” n has made over the past couple of years.” n 24 Charles Jackson and WTOL’s Amanda Fay

2017 Bikes for Kids Week #6 Winner Charles Jackson, Kaylee Turney Age 6 2017 Bikes for Kids Week #7 Winner Nominated by: Wanda Willis, Charles’ neighbor Lanita’s nomination: “She [Lanita Wimberly, Kaylee Turney, Charles’ mother] has 4 children: two 6-year-old twins Age 3 Nicholas and Tonya Bielecki (girl and boy), a 2-year-old boy, and 1-year-old girl. Their dad is deceased, and I see her struggling. She Nominated by: Kara Turney, Kaylee’s mother 2017 Bikes for Kids works but none of the kids have a bike. He [Charles] Kara’s nomination: “Kaylee is a 3-year-old little girl Week #5 Winner is such a nice, well-mannered little boy his twin is au- who is strong and brave and battling stage 4 neuro- tistic, and he just helps her and make sure she’s ok. I Nicholas Bielecki, blastoma cancer. She is half way through her treat- would like to see him on a bike. If I could I would!! ment plan, and soon she will be doing antibodies for 6 Age 13 Please give him a bike. He will never have a dad at the months. She has been battling since November 2016. young age of 6.” n Nominated by: Tonya Bielecki, Nicholas’ mother In just a blink of an eye our life has flipped upside Tonya’s nomination: “My son Nicholas is truly my down and we had to learn to coupe and deal with it hero; two different times now he has saved my life. all. Kaylee rides a bike here in Toledo Children’s hospi- One night about 5 years ago I woke up in the middle tal in the hallways I’m hoping my baby can get a bike of the night and it felt like someone was ripping my to ride one to ride on our sidewalks at home. It would n chest open. I was trying to yell for my oldest son, be very awesome.” but instead my youngest son Nicholas came to my rescue! He went upstairs and woke up my oldest son to call 911. To make a long story short, he went to Bryson Palmer being interviewed by NBC 24 the hospital with his daddy following the ambulance and to my surprise he layers his favorite blanket on 2016 Bikes for Kids me, along with his bible, and he had also brought Week #5 Winner his prayer book, and read several prayers to me. The second time happened just 2 years ago, I had another Bryson Palmer, health scare happen, and Nicholas came home from Age 7 school to find me on the couch screaming in pain and crying, he once again came to my rescue and called Nominated by: Ack Rammuny, Bryson’s mom’s co- my doctor, who then told him to call 911. He did worker at Toledo Hospital that after talking to his daddy, while doing all this he Ack’s nomination: “Bryson is a true fighter and inspi- was holding my hand the whole time. As soon as he ration. At such a young age beating cancer and under- heard the ambulance arrive, he said Mommy I have going a double lung transplant. He continues to show to let go of your hand now because they are here, and what true strength is.” Aunesti and Helen I need to go let them in. He took his book bag in the At five months old, Bryson was diagnosed with Stage ambulance with me, so he could do his homework 3, high-risk neuroblastoma and endured 18 months 2016 Bikes for Kids at the hospital. We like to camp but since Nicholas of cancer treatment which included multiple rounds Week #6 Winner doesn’t have his own bike, he has had to ride his dad- of chemo, two stem cell transplants, radiation, and dy’s bike on the trails. I would love for him to have his immunotherapy. After about a year after completing Aunesti Sullivan, own bike, so he can keep up with his brothers on all treatment and months of terrible coughing, it was dis- Age 14 the trails! I owe my life to my son, I only wish I could covered that he was fighting a rare side effect from the do more for him.” n chemo and his lungs were progressively scarring. The only chance at saving his life was to put him on the Nominated by: Helen Scott, Aunesti’s mother list for a double lung transplant. The Palmer family Helen’s nomination: “No matter what, Aunesti stays travelled to St. Louis where Bryson spent 18 weeks in in good spirits. And no matter where is she, in or out the hospital waiting for and recovering from his life- of the hospital, people are amazed with how she is saving lung transplant that was performed on Septem- able to stay in good spirits in spite of what she goes ber 1, 2012. Despite still needing to go back and forth through.” At the time of her win, Aunesti was await- to St. Louis and Cleveland, Bryson remains happy and ing a bone marrow transplant, which she has since full of life. n had, and she continues to thrive! n 25 Mark, Maura, and WTOL’s Amanda Fay Debra Taylor and Josh Davis Mitchell and Renee Relford 2017 Bikes for Kids 2017 Bikes for Kids 2017 Bikes for Kids Week #10 Winner Week #8 Winner Week #9 Winner Maura McCarty, Josh Davis, Age 14 Mitchell Relford, Age 12 Nominated by: Debra Taylor, Josh’s mother Age 13 Nominated by: Mark Robinson, the founder of the Debra’s nomination: “Josh is a great kid, he strives R.E.S.T.O.R.E. project that teaches dads to be a part daily to keep on the right path despite life going Nominated by: Renee Relford, Mitchell’s mother of their kids’ lives against us. He stands strong; five years ago he was Renee’s nomination: “My son Mitchell is a very Mark’s nomination: “Maura Grace McCarty inspires ejected from a rollover accident and spent days on thoughtful young man who puts others before him- others. She combines modesty, creativity and intel- life support. He had broken his pelvis in four places, self. He helps me around the house without com- ligence within an adolescent. Maura will begin Sev- among other life-threatening injuries. Josh had to plaint, volunteers with Adaptive Sports to help others enth Grade at Toledo Technology Academy (TTA). learn to crawl before he could walk again. Three years with mobility issues play sled hockey. He helps out Mrs. Huffman, her Math teacher, convinced Maura’s ago, we left domestic violence, had lost everything we throughout the season getting sleds out of the van, parents to apply to TTA following her STAR Math owned in a house fire, and lived at the YWCA. He still helping get players in sleds, and transferring his love score of 92% nation-wide and sharing her dream of stood proud. This August Josh starts high school and of the game onto those who are willing to learn. He is engineering airplanes. Maura studies, draws and as- must walk which is hard on him due to his accident. a teen who gives back to his community and is con- sembles devices. Maura practices professionalism and I’m a single mom and I just can’t afford a bike on top stantly thinking of ways to help others, and I find this compassion in every task. of school clothes and supplies for him and his sister. to be an admirable quality in him.” n Maura excels at Karate, running, swimming and bicy- And Josh still pushes forward with dreams of being an cling. In addition, she shows great determination to engineer.” n learn golf. She competes in Chess tournaments and F.I.R.S.T. Lego League. Maura cooperates at PSR, Directions, and Vacation Bible School. Maura even overcame her shyness to promote the R.E.S.T.O.R.E. Fatherhood walk in a television interview. Maura shows great love and maturity how she serves others. She helps her mother with physical disabilities remain active through daily supports like cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene. More importantly, she encour- Kamaree repairing a lawnmower ages her mother to exercise. Maura helps her brother The Koopman Family 2016 Bikes for Kids with Autism read better and play sports. She defends people handicapped by circumstances, while she pro- 2016 Bikes for Kids Week #8 Winner motes personal joy.” n Week #7 Winner Kamaree Walker, Kyler Koopman, Age 9 Age 8 Nominated by: Mytrice Sanders, Kamaree’s mother Nominated by: April McDonald, Kyler’s mother Mytrice’s nomination: “Kamaree is such a hard work- April’s nomination: “My son has a huge heart! Al- er. He’s maintained the honor roll all year long and most every weekend you can find him in front of our enjoys helping everyone in need. When he saw a flyer house selling lemonade to add money to his jar for for Assets Toledo and asked if he could do it, I just the dogs. Kyler has donated five times so far and just had to call and ask them since I took the class in 2009. loves it.” Kyler Koopman was recognized for donating They sat down with me and with him and allowed over 20 bags of dog food and treats to Lucas County him to participate. For 13 weeks, Kamaree never Canine Care on Erie St. Kyler purchased the dog food missed a class and was really engaged and understood with money he earned from holding lemonade stands everything. He created a business plan and learned all in front of his house; he calls the funds earned “Pen- about building a business from the ground up. We are 419.378.4455 nies for Paws”. n really proud of him.” n 26 Riley with his family

2016 Bikes for Kids Week #10 Winner Braden helping in the neighborhood Riley Draps, Age 8

2016 Bikes for Kids Nominated by: Peggy Krueger, Riley’s step-grand- Week #9 Winner mother Peggy’s nomination: “Riley is always smiling and Triston Morehead being interviewed by 13abc about Braden Scott, Age 9 carefree. He has worked hard to participate in Glid- her Covers of Love project Nominated by: Tina Scott, Braden’s grandmother ing Stars, he likes to swim, do karate, and with the Tina’s nomination: “Braden is always wanting to help of PEAC, we are trying to get him into biking.” 2017 Bikes for Kids When Riley participated in the three-mile bike ride at Week #11 Winner help and give back to the community. He helps out when we clean up Willys Park and Liberty Park and the PEAC graduation, he had his very own bicycle to Triston Morehead, every time there is litter along the street by the house use. Programs to Educate All Cyclists, or PEAC, is a Age 11 he always takes the time to clean it up and put it in the non-profit organization based in Ypsilanti, Michigan recycling bin or garbage can. He also helps participate whose mission is to empower individuals with dis- in the Fireman Freddy Parade.” n abilities through cycling, active transportation, and Nominated by: Rosalyn Morehead, Triston’s mother self-advocacy education. Riley participated in PEAC’s Tonya’s nomination: “Triston is one of the sweetest seven-week Summer Cycling program that teaches in- little girls I know. Around November of last year we dividuals of all abilities how to cycle. Toledo was one were on our way home from her brother’s football of seven locations serviced by PEAC. n game. We stopped at a 7/11 and saw a young lady outside wrapped in a jacket. We went inside the store, came out, got into the car, and she says, ‘Mom, I really feed bad for her. Can we give her one of our blankets we have in the back?” I said, ‘Sure you can.’ She then YOUR BUSINESS TAX & said, ‘It really feels good to help others.’ From that day she has always stated she wants to make blankets for the homeless so they can be warm during the cold ACCOUNTING SPECIALISTS seasons. She has been saving every penny she gets to start purchasing her items to make or purchase her PERSONALIZED CLIENT FOCUS COMMITMENT TO blankets. The genuine heart that she has just makes EXCELLENCE TEAM APPROACH me very proud of her. I know she would love to have a new bike to ride to school.” Sobb Roberts, Inc. is experienced Our Services Include: working with a variety of businesses ■ Tax Compliance & Consulting across most major industries. ■ Accounting Triston Morehead after her WTOL interview ■ Audits ■ Business Consulting

3193 N. Republic Blvd. Paul S. Sobb, CPA Toledo, OH 43615 Garry W. Roberts, CPA 419.255.1099 Marcia A. Veres-Sutton, CPA, MBA 419.255.1120 (FX) Rex A. Decker, CPA, JD, MBA

27 MUST READ Public Safety: Book On Bicycle Safety Focuses On Protecting Children, Educating Drivers Few things are scarier than riding a bike and being questions on how to manage life after a bicycle acci- struck by a car – especially when it happens to some- dent, ways to protect yourself and your family, and one you love and care about. Bicycle accidents leave how an experienced injury lawyer can mean the dif- riders open to a number of serious injuries, even when ference between struggling to make ends meet and ob- a helmet was worn and the laws were followed. And taining maximum compensation for what happened. while families try to help the victim navigate recovery from a traumatic brain injury or broken bones, tough There is also a section written by bike enthusiast Jill questions still remain, like: Wersell, who owns and operates Wersell’s Bike and n How are the medical bills going to be paid? Ski Shop on Central Avenue in Toledo. Not only has n Why is my recovery taking so long; will I ever Jill and her family been instrumental in teaching safe be able to ride a bicycle again? riding techniques to thousands of customers over the n Who is going to pay my expenses now that I years, she also provides instruction on how to maintain can’t work? a bicycle to ensure that it won’t fail the rider and cause n What do I tell the insurance company that an injury. won’t stop calling me? To request a free copy of The Plaintiff’s Essential That’s where this book can help. The lawyers in our Guide to Ohio Bicycle Accidents simply call our of- office have secured millions of dollars in compensa- fice at 419-241-1395 or visit us on our website, www. tion for victims of serious injury accidents, like those Attorney Chuck Boyk also gives his that happen on bicycles, so they used their experiences time – free of charge - to any local organization in need and expertise to write The Plaintiff’s Essential Guide of speakers on topics like bike safety, injury accidents, to Ohio Bicycle Accidents. The goal of the book is to or how to handle an insurance claim. To schedule a help readers through what is often the most difficult speaking engagement, call Anneke at 419-720-4456 or period of their life – recovering from an injury caused email [email protected]. n by someone else’s negligence. This book answers tough

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All equipment meets or exceeds ODOT standards with up-to-date inspections. 29 TPS PROUD STUDENT & TEACHER OF THE MONTH CONTEST

Chuck Boyk Goes Back to School Boyk Law Creates TPS Proud To Highlight Great Students, Teachers At Toledo Public Schools After years of rewarding amazing kids from northwest To view all of the videos and winners, visit www.TP- Ohio with brand new bicycles, Boyk Law expanded to view the schedule of schools and to their TPS Proud Student and Teacher of the Month view photos and videos of the winners through the contest. school year. n

Since the Start High School Student and Teacher of the Here are some of the highlights: Month contest was so well-received, Boyk Law pitched an idea to Toledo Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Romules Durant to allow us to bring the program to the entire school district. Dr. Durant was integral in the creation of the new “TPS Proud Student and Teacher of the Month” program and is thrilled that kids from additional schools will also benefit.

“Toledo Public Schools is excited to be part of a pro- gram that recognizes the accomplishments and kind- ness of our students,” Dr. Durant said. “And to have a Start graduate leading this initiative is even more re- warding. This is what it means to be TPS Proud!”

To help students nominate their teachers, Boyk Law Anaya Bishop, Julie Beale, and Mariah Turner at Bowsher Jennifer Ragland and Ty’Waun Clark from Birmingham brings a camera into the school each month so kids High School Elementary can create Teacher Appreciation videos about their fa- vorite educators. The winners are then selected from that month’s pool of videos. Over 1,000 videos have been created in less than five years and the teachers love to watch what their kids have to say about them. To watch all of the videos, visit

Here are the details on how the contest works: Who: One student and one teacher at each of the TPS Estrella Marquez and her teacher Audrey Fox at Waite High TPS Superintendent Dr. Romules Durant, Ciela Toney, schools School and former Toledo Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson at Jones What: Will win $150 Visa gift card and a plaque (plus Leadership Academy a $50 Visa gift card for the nominating student!) Lamont Barner, When: One school each month during the school year Melissa Rang, and the Rang Family at Why: To recognize awesome students who make a dif- Sherman Elementary ference in the lives of others How to nominate: Boyk Law brings video cameras to each TPS school to record students nominating their favorite teachers. TPS teachers can visit www.TP- to nominate a deserving student.

30 Protecting the Protectors: A State Trooper’s Fight To Get Back On The Job (continued from page 18) overcoming so much adversity in the year after the accident.

“I knew Andrew because I had done a story on him and we became friends,” Angelique said. “At the time I was working for a local NBC news affiliate in Toledo, Ohio and I covered the accident initially. I followed up with him almost a year later to see how he was doing. After speaking with him about his experi- ence, I asked whether or not he sued anyone involved in the accident. He told me he hadn’t and I recommended Boyk Law because, as a journalist, I’d covered several other news stories where the firm was representing victims. Knowing that they had been successful in working with other victims and having spoken with attorneys on other stories in the news, I told him he should give Boyk Law a call.”

Angelique was familiar with Boyk Law from NBC’s regular news coverage on the efforts we made to protect the community by talking about bicycle safety, car accident prevention, and lawsuits that impacted residents in northwest Ohio. If Only My Law Firm’s She knew that we would do everything we could to protect Andrew, too, and we Newsletters, Books, soon got to work. Boyk Law helped Andrew with all aspects of case. We handled both his injury claim against the insurance companies for the drivers that caused the accidents (& Magazine?) Could that pinned Andrew beneath the vehicles, as well as his worker’s compensation claim that provided for his medical treatment. Boyk Law was able to secure for Look As Nice him substantial settlements from multiple sources to cover his future medical costs; pain and suffering; worry over the uncertainty of life ahead; and the time As Chuck’s. he spent off work. Trooper Clouser continues to work in law enforcement, protecting those around him, and we are proud to have protected him and his Hold My Scotch... legal rights. To view an Ohio Turn- pike video of Trooper We write. Clouser’s story, visit https:// We design. watch?v=WzOraHo2x1k n We print. Trooper Clouser. Photo credit: Toledo Blade We mail. We get it done. Glass City Injury & Rehab

All the cool kids use us. Will you? Dr. Matthew Bertollini, D.C. Did you ever get injured “Dr. Bertollini has a while playing sports, say in fantastic reputation. high school or college? I have had a large number of clients compliment his quality care and great results.” – Charles Boyk RED BRIEFCASE™ Prosecuting Award WInning Law Firm Marketing Since 2008™ Northwest Injury & Rehab 4333 Monroe Street, Suite D & E, Toledo, Ohio 43606. Call Brian at Red Briefcase to get started! (419) 472-2610 419.346.6213 Dr. Matthew Bertollini Chiropractic Physician 31 MUST READ Public Safety: Clients Share Their Stories In Book Aimed At Helping Construction Accident Victims “I loved to work – that’s just The Ultimate Guide To the type of guy I am. I used to build electrical bridges for MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Fort Defiance Construction CLAIMS IN OHIO KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. BE INFORMED. Company and loved every DON’T BE A VICTIM TWICE.

minute of it. That all came to By Attorneys: Charles E. Boyk a screeching halt on August Michael A. Bruno Nicholas M. Dodosh 25, 2003, when my boss told me to stand in the bucket of a backhoe so he could lift me up to fix some low-hanging cables and telephone wires. Allegedly he was on his cell phone when I came into Medical Malpractice contact with an energized line and was electrocuted: 7200 volts of electrical current went through my right THE ULTIMATE hand, across my chest, and blew out my left wrist. I was thrown out of the backhoe bucket and fell to the GUIDE TO ground. I woke up in St. Vincent’s Burn Unit. I didn’t know what happened to me or how it happened until MALPRACTICE they explained what happened. CLAIMS IN OHIO I spent the next 28 days in a coma and another 87 trying to recover from multiple surgeries, nearly 20 This book serves as an easy-to- skin grafts, and cardiac arrest, among other things. We understand yet informative guide on called three attorneys after I woke up in the hospital the law in Ohio relating to medical and Chuck Boyk was the only one who would come malpractice claims. Perhaps more down and visit me there. He went above and beyond A comprehensive guide to all aspects of dealing with importantly, it provides a straightforward from day one; he really had a lot of work involved in injury accidents that occur daily on construction sites approach and answers many of the the case and he really helped me out. Financially I was across the country, the goal of Injured Worker’s Guide questions that are most frequently asked hit pretty hard because of the accident and Chuck got is to answer questions like: right to work. by people who believe that they may have n Who is going to pay for my medical bills? a claim for medical malpractice. You will n What if I will never be able to do this kind of He handled the worker’s compensation claim and had find answers to the following questions work again? expert witnesses come in who specialized in electrocu- n How are we going to survive as a family inside The Ultimate Guide To Medical tion and fall accident cases. They seemed to know ex- without the paychecks? Malpractice Claims in Ohio: actly what was going on so that was a good move on n Am I eligible for worker’s compensation? n his part. Chuck and his staff did so much. They had What is Medical Malpractice? n Can I sue the construction company piles and piles of paperwork on my case and worked n What isn’t Medical Malpractice? responsible for my injuries? hard to get me a settlement that would take care of me n n What paperwork needs to be filled out? What can an attorney do for me? for the rest of my life since I can no longer work. He n How long will my case take? also fought for permanent total disability on my work- We want to give readers the chance to glimpse into man’s compensation case and social security benefits. You owe it to you and your family the lives of other workers who faced seemingly insur- Chuck did good. Very good. I would highly recom- to see this critical information now mountable injuries but were able to get their lives back mend him to anyone injured on the job, especially on with the help of Boyk Law. before its too late! a construction site. You won’t be disappointed.”

Boyk Law is offering free copies of Injured Worker’s That story, written by Boyk Law client Robert Lucas, To order your free copy visit Guide, Ohio Construction Accidents simply by call- is just one of the many construction accident stories ing 419-241-1395, emailing info@charlesboyk-law. recounted in Boyk Law’s new book, Injured Worker’s com, or by requesting online at www.ohioconstruc- Guide, Ohio Construction Accidents. n 32 MILITARY MESSAGES

BGSU Student Pays Tribute To Army Veteran Step-Father, Wins $2,000 Scholarship From Boyk Law I’ve Stood In Your Shoes THIS IS THE STORY OF HOW CHUCK LEARNED WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE IN YOUR SHOES AS A CLIENT.

Read how Attorney Charles Boyk’s life is turned upside down after his son was injured because of a negligent swimming facility. He writes about his experience of Chuck Boyk, Jaron Welty, and Gary Holland Gary Holland being in the shoes of a client. Jaron Welty, a Marketing Major at Bowling Green “I’ve Stood In Your Shoes” is the story of State University, was awarded the first annual Boyk how Attorney Charles Boyk learned what Law Veteran Scholarship at BGSU’s Student Union it was like to be in the shoes of a client. last month, earning him a $2,000 check to put toward In this book, he discusses his experiences tuition. with feeling helpless, his ups and downs of personal litigation, and learning to trust his Jaron is the step-son of U.S. Army Desert Storm Vet- attorneys after his son was injured because eran Gary J. Holland of Bluffton and Jaron won the of a negligent swimming facility. scholarship partially based on his moving tribute to his step-dad, who has raised Jaron since he was a tod- Gary Holland during his Army years in the 1990’s dler. Also featured in this book are 16 important The Veteran Scholarship was worth $2,000.00 and lessons that were learned during this case In his application essay, Jaron wrote: that are meant to be of assistance to those was aimed at students currently attending an accredit- ed college or university, who have either served in the that are trying to navigate similar circum- “My step-father has been around since I was at least Armed Forces or are the children of a U.S. Veteran. stances. two years old, so he is essentially my dad. That fact alone has impacted me immensely. Him stepping up “We wanted this scholarship to give students not only Attorney Charles Boyk can approach and taking care of my mom and me showed me that the opportunity to pursue higher education, but also personal injury cases from a unique taking responsibility is more than the right thing to to encourage them to stop and think about the Vet- perspective because he has over 29 years of do. He showed me that taking care of others is the erans who have helped them along the way,” said At- personal injury experience on top of having highest form of service. I learned from my dad how torney Chuck Boyk. “We received applications from been the client in a very tragic situation. important respect is. Respect for other’s walks of life, all over the country and as a BGSU grad, I am proud Personal injury cases can be very compli- respect for authority and most importantly, respect to see it go to someone at Bowling Green State Uni- cated; this book can be a guide for you in for yourself. My dad was able to show me all this and versity.” n this difficult time. more and I could never show to him how much I truly appreciate all of this.”

To order your free book and learn As part of our Military Messages campaign, we cre- how to ensure maximum financial ated the U.S. Veteran Scholarship contest for college students as part of our continued commitment to the recovery, visit service men and women of the United States Armed Forces and their continuing education.

33 WHY BOYK WINS Testimonials Work: What Our Clients Have To Say A Referral Is Considered The Best Compliment A Client Can Offer

At Charles E. Boyk Law Offices, we hold the opinions and feedback of our clients in the highest regard. After all, a majority of our business comes from current client referrals, and we consider that the best compliment a client can offer. Thank you to all of the clients who have taken the time to sit down and create video testimonials about their experiences as Boyk Law clients for our CEB Stories project. Here are two of their stories, but to view all the CEB Stories videos, visit pect. I didn’t have to call them, they called me. As a matter of fact, they called me even more than what I called them! And so I was very satisfied with the pro- cess because they kept us informed with every pace of the progression. If any one of my family members were injured, I would definitely refer them here. I Ohio Car Insurance Book would want to see someone else get the same service that I received.” THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO BUYING Desiree Rayford CAR INSURANCE On How Hiring An IN OHIO Attorney Brought Relief The goal of this book is to provide “In 2014 I got in an accident. We were coming honest, easy to understand informa- through a light and a young man made a quick turn tion, written in plain English for Ohio and turned into me on the driver’s side, slammed my car into the stoplight pole, and totaled the whole car. Victoria Villarreal, accident victims to protect them- selves and their families. My daughter got an attorney after she found out that Impaled By A Forklift she was going to need extensive surgery. I just waited While On The Job This book provides you with some “It was really hard for me to speak for myself after because I didn’t want to do anything initially, but af- very helpful tips for buying Ohio auto ter I thought about it and after I kept getting all of my accident, so I was nervous to speak to an attor- these doctor bills, I made the decision that I need to ney. After the first meeting, it felt like going from insurance. Those tips include: get an attorney as well. Attorney Boyk was highly rec- acquaintance to friends. They are very understand- n Know the extent of your coverage ommended by a friend of ours who was very satisfied ing. They know that there are people that get hurt n Uninsured and Underinsured with the services so we decided that we would retain and there are people that are scared and there are Motorist Coverage people who don’t want to lose their jobs and they him as our attorney. n Umbrella Policies don’t want to not work and they don’t want to get n I called and spoke with someone and we talked about paid, but when you get hurt in the work force, it’s Family Exclusion the process and it went from there. My daughter a lot different than getting hit by a car. It’s a whole n Buy As Much Insurance as You and I felt so much relief because then she could go other ball game. This law firm knows that very, very Can Afford through her physical therapy and not have to worry well. Chuck and Cynthia went out of their way to set about the medical bills piling up and how to make up appointments for me because I was scared to talk To order your free copy visit ends meet. to doctors and scared of always hearing, ‘No.’ They understand; they can help. They know the rules and I was very satisfied with my settlement and I thought even when some of the things I didn’t want to hap- it was more than what I was going to get. Everyone pen happened, they explained why it happened and kept us really informed and for me, that’s what I ex- why there is a silver lining underneath it.” n 34 TOLEDO VIP

Telling the Stories of Area Businesses Helps Toledoans Shop Local

Are you someone who loves to eat and shop at locally-owned establish- ments? Then we’ve got a FREE program for you! As a way to encourage people to patronize local businesses and show some love for the commu- nity, Boyk Law created the Toledo VIP card. By telling the stories of local business owners in our newsletters and by creating complimentary videos for them, we hope to inspire Toledoans to shop local and learn about the people who build the local economy. To watch the videos, visit www.

What is it? A benefit card that gives discounts, specials, and promo- tions to cardholders. (Think of it like a Kroger Plus Card for your life!)

Where is it accepted? Multiple businesses all over northwest Ohio, including hair salons, body shops, restaurants, and jewelry stores, among others.

Why should I put the Toledo VIP card on my key ring? In addition to the perks, the Toledo VIP card also doubles as a free Key Return program. Toledo VIP will give a reward to anyone who turns in your keys if they are ever lost!

How do I see the discounts? First, register your card at www.Toledo-, and then you will be able to see the available benefits. After that, simply show the card at those places to receive the perk!

Who can request a card? Anyone! Simply visit to request your free card.

“Our goal with the Toledo VIP program is to tell the stories of locally owned and operated businesses and recognize their hard work and dedica- tion to the city,” Chuck Boyk said. “We hope to spread the word about these great places and introduce consumers to local options.” n

The Sparrow’s Nest receives a check from Charles E. Boyk

35 *1983 *

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