Celebrate May Day Tel

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Celebrate May Day Tel DAILY WORKER, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, APRIL 26. 1929 Page Five CONTINUE FIGHT Communist Activities Talks on Soviet Drama NEGRO WORKERS Fraternal Organizations OIL GO. MURDERS May Day by Di*cu**lnn Outline*. discussed J. Louis Ensdahl. act- , instructed to come for them without Units and unit agit-prop directors ing- editor of the Daily Worker, at ' l lelay. OVER | are asked to notice that outlines on 5 p. ra. today, before Section 8 at li bkoNX" '"1 * * * DEBENTURE May Day can for unit discussion be the Brownsville Workers FROM : Want* SAILOR BLAST Center. 154 PORTO RICA Volun- IN Hike*. National Textile Union 1 secured from the District Agit-Prop Watkins St. SAT Club tecr*. j Department. The club will row from City Island Volunteers to prepare membership MANHATTAN to Hunter* Island Sunday. Meet 9:30 i books for the Southern textile strik- T BROOKLYN 1 I i a. m. at 177th St. West Far. ers are asked to call at Room 1707. News of Horror Is FAKE PLAN * * FARM * National Textile 104 MOST EXPLOITED I Workers’ Union. Coney Island Unit. Parly .Member*, Notice! A dance will be given by United Fifth Ave., between 9 a. m. and S Suppressed A mandolin orchestra and a Rus- Tickets for the May First demon- Council Working Women, Council X, p. m. daily. * * * Frazier, Hoover Man, sian opera singer will entertain at stration at the Bronx Coliseum may iat 8 p m. tomorrow, 1330 Wilkins One) the package party and concert, to- be had at the District Office. Finan- Traders Incite Harlem Ave. The Needle Trades Workers' “Rtidnlk,’*—*“ll Lava tore.’* (Continued from Page Scores | morrow, 2901 Mermaid Ave. cial secretaries should secure their Industrial Union will benefit. • An entertainment and dance will; lowed, blowing the air vents over Treachery • given tomorrow, His • « ! quota through the section machinery * * * be 8 p. m.. at the Race Riots Club, completely off, and Ueaeh Young |at once. Sections and units should Italian Workers 314 E. 104lh the pumproom Until Worker* Dengue. organize Cooperative Brandi. T. L. D. (Continued Page One) A May dance and revel will be held machinery accordingly. St. so severely burning Peter Johnson, from The following A representative from the South * * * .Saturday night, May 18, at 48 Bay Comrades are wanted lor the letter is addressed Senator Copeland, democrat, pageant rehearsal every Sunday. 2 p. will lead dlcussion on the southern “Die Vnturi rruiHh*.*' a wiper, that he died after terrible N. Y. : 28th St., Brooklyn. i to workers by Harold Williams, textile strike at the meeting at. 8 English * * + ! m., at the Workers Center, 26 Union I The section will hike to j agonies. All of Johnson’s clothes Copeland did not attend today’s Square. secretary Negro Department ' p. m. Thursday, May 9, 2700 Bronx Sleepy Sunday. Meet at 242n<l Section Membership Meet. Further information from of of Hollow by party 8 Santo at Park East. St. station. Van Cortland Park, at 8 were burnt off, and maddened conference. The meets Monday, Di the District Office. the Communist Party i i 1 section at 8:30 * • * of District 2, a. ni. Fare, attempted to m., April about one dollar. the pain, the worker Senator Frazier, N. D., is fighting jp. 29, 154 Watkins St. The urging them to support the Negro The monthly social meeting will be for j membership drive and reorganiza- Unit r»F, 3D. | MANHATTAN | jump overboard. debentures. lion | Arrangements for May 1 will be Champion, held tonight at the A. F. W. Hall, I will be discussed. St, Members of the crew who volun- Senator * * * discussed at the meeting of the unit, j 350 E. 85th Frazier Leaves Hoover. Dear May Day Demon*!ration Ticket*. * * * BROOKLYN 6 p. ni. Monday, April 29, at 101 W. H. recently j Comrade: teered to rescue Johnson and two “Judging by his recent state- | ETAOINIT N NNN 27th St. ’ W. L. Dana, returned Leaflets and stickers for the May “Wohltaetigkcit” will he held tomor Brunch 4. Section 7. ¦ For a long time the Negro work- Day Demonstration ready of crew ments,” Frazier said, “I have * * * ; from the Soviet Union, willgive the are now at ¦ low at 8 p. m., Labor Temple. E. j other members the burned teen j Branch meets Monday, April 29, at Young ' ers, the most exploited the District Office. Comrades are I I 84th St. p. Bay Worker* Dengue Jacit Baud. j last section of by the blast were prevented from forced to conclude that Mr. Hoover 8 m., 48 28th St., Brooklyn. of a series of lectures on the the class, The first rehearsal will be held atll Soviet drama at the Workers ' working had no paper to doing so because the company had did not mean what he said in his 12 p. ni. Sunday, at 143 E. 103rd St. new • speak * * • for them. But today the campaign talks about agriculture.” BROWNSVILLE i School tonight. provided no masks for such an emer- International Branch 3. “Negro Champion” is the militant Frazier Engdalil gency. support Hoover in the Talk. On U.S.S.R. i The branch meets Monday, April voice of the Negro workers, mob- ARREST 76 FOOD my GREEN’S “Soviet in FLAY Oil pO. in., I More Than Lives. campaign Russia will be 29, at 7:3 93 B. Worth as did Brookhart who yes- Ave. Dana to Give Final ! ilizing the black workers of Amer- terday The members of the crew could made a similar statement. i ica for the class struggle, shoulder Meantime the house steamrolles Lecture on Current have escaped had the vents been left (to shoulder with their white fellow- thaw moved aiong with its job of flat- USSR I I workers. AIDTOWAR PLANS STRIKE PICKETS open, but the company ordered tening GUN PLANTED ON SAY Drama Tonite closed prevent a few barrels of ' the COMMUNIST to weak opposition to the To maintain and build the “Cham- administration bill, which it oil from evaporating. passed “The World Revolution Drama- . pion,” support must be secured im- today, minus the debenture plan. P I “Rally at Coliseum Defy Injunction; Plan When the ship reached Philadel- ] tized” will be the subject of a lecture : mediately from all class conscious to There was today phia the shipping commissioners the same aversion FRENCH WORKER IS‘CRIMINAL" by Harry Dana at 8:15 tonight at t workers, white as well as black. The Be Reply” to Spread Strike paid off the crew, as usual, without to record votes which give the farm | the Workers School, 26-28 Union “Champion” Dinner, given for the accurate i taking a statement from the crew electorate proof of the 1 Square, New York City. This . special purpose of mobilizing sup- (Continued Page One) (Continued lec- from from Page One) or making an investigation of the treason of the men farmers have Had Been Active in So Tammany - port, evening, Police i ture is the last of the series which i will be held Friday the left wing and the Communist be sentenced to jail if they went j blast. elected. Three committee amend- . j Dana has been giving on “Revolu- . May 10, 1929, at 6:30 o’clock, at 26 ments were Cafeteria Strike His Fingerprints Party are the hope of the American back to the picket line. This proved that the U. S. Ship- adopted by Shouts of Take tionary Russian Drama.” During ; Union Square. “aye” working class.” » * * ping Commissioners were in a league from the majority when they the last two years he has been col- You are asked to do your utmost (Continued from Page One) A Communist is evidently a crim- " Many large left wing unions are with the Sun Oil Co., working hand were offered at the outset of the j iecting material on the new drama to help make this a great success, The mass meeting of all cafeteria tional Labor Defense inal in the eyes of the Tammany i ! continuing to announce their en- in glove to whitewash the oil bosses. session by Chairman Haugen. One immediately | of the in preparation You are invited to send a repre- and restaurant workers is called took up the of police. Norman Sholem, a worker, Soviet Union i ! thusiastic support of the May Day, The. Sun Oil Co. pays the seamen specified that money should not be defense the worker. ’! for a book on that subject. | sentative and to support the “Cham- | for next Tuesday at 8 p. m., at Irv- Its attorney, Jacques has been be- demonstration at the Coliseum, it is i its tankers $62.50 a month for loaned to cooperatives to build ware- Buitenkant, fingerprinted merely , | pion” Sustaining Fund : ing Plaza, 15th St. and Irving PI., to on succeeded having cause he told Dana will discuss the many new announced. slavery on these death traps. house and marketing facilities in 1 in the bail reduced police that he is aa , Surely we can count upon ycu I ! mobilize forces to spread the strike. to just ‘ Russian jjlays dealing with the i to Win localities where there are already SSOO and Perier has been re- member of the Communist Party. do your utmost to give us your sup- Workers. leased for trial spread of revolution from the So- Mass Picketing Monday. On May Day—long live the al- sufficient warehouses and market- at a later date. Fingerprinting is a procedure too , port as a comrade who realizes Win the workers for the Commu- , viet Union to other countries the Monday noon, April 29, working ing facilities. which, as a rule, only persons held importance of organizing the Negro nist Party, is the keynote of the there will liance of the class and the Is Active Militant.
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