ORIENTEERING CANADA Published by the Canadian Orienteering Federation Box 62052. Convent Glen P.O. Orleans, Ontario, KIC 7H8 E-MAIL
[email protected] Tel: (613) 830-1147 FAX: (613) 830-0456 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE CANADIAN ORIENTEERING FEDERATION Vol. 24 No. 3 FALL 1996 ISSN 0227-6658 Almost all arrangements were made through the COF CONTENTS office by email. Contents 1 Meet organizers requesting Certificates of Liability National Office News 1 Insurance coverage. COF Drops 2 Orders for Coaching/Officials manuals for clinics/ COF Fundraiser Meet 3 workshops etc. International News Materials for introducing '0'. (school groups, girl guides). COC Report 5-6 COC Classic Results 7-9 3. ORIENTEERING CANADA - FALL ISSUE. As in COC Short Results 10- I 1 previous years the Fall issue contains complete COC results. 1996 World Cup Report 12-13 It takes about one week to type, proof read. edit each issue. National Team News 14 The material is then sent to the MOA office where Sheldon Materials Available from COF 15 COF Member Benefits 16 Friesen arranges for printing and distribution to associations. COFfAssociation Addresses 16 Printing costs in the Manitoba Sport Centre are considerably less than in the National Sport Centre. NATIONAL OFFICE NEWS 4. 1996 COF AGM. Information sent to associations in early September. A major item is: Class/Course Proposal . 1. GENERAL: After 4 months in a new location the COF Information on the proposed new class/course structure was office has settled into a somewhat regular routine. The 'office', published in Spring & Summer issues of 0 Canada. a spare bedroom, is equipped with computer.