The Official Newsletter of The WVRA  DISPATCH


WVRA pamphlets are available. Please help recruit new members! MUST have updated application with membership fees paid. Calendar of Events

March 24 History Expo Marion County Court House ~~~~~~~~~~ APRIL 27-29, 2012 WVRA School of the Soldier. Jones/Imboden

Raid Pricketts Fort State REMEMBER WHEN~~ This was taken at Dry creek/White Sulpher Springs Park . WVRA April/May Union Encampment. Around Seated on the ground: Robbie Freeman dn Drew Davies Seated in chairs: Jack Rush, Jim Barnes, Jeff Zickefoose, Meeting April 28 at SOS Chuck Critchfield, Pete Collier, Mike Phillips, Mark Tennant. Standing is ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Peter Baxter. GREAT PICTURE THANKS CHUCK May 5 WVRA Spring Gala WVRA Reminders...Dues…..Newsletter Deadlines Civil War Ball Clarksburg Christ Episcopal Church Articles, pictures, dates, DUES MUST BE PAID BY information to be included in MARCH EVERY YEAR the Trans-Allegheny WVRA Individual Check Out Our Web Site Dispatch MUST be emailed Membership dues are $15 at: org by APRIL 15 to FAMILY dues are $25 www.wvra. [email protected] printed newsletter is $15 Web Masters Donnie Stewart & ***** mail to : WVRA TREASURER Lisa Johnson Or mailed by APR 10 to: Chuck Critchfield West Virgina Reenactors Jack & Tonya Daft 479 Plum Run Road 608 Skyview Drive Association is now on Facebook Mannington WV 26582 Clarksburg WV 26301 WVR A TR ANS -ALLEGHENY DISPATCH PAGE 2 APRIL 2012

WVRA OFFICERS Need Sutler Information and Civil War Equipment go to WWW.WVRA.ORG

President.....Brian Castro IMPORTANT : The WVRA Dispatch needs pictures & articles on 201 Buffalo Street anything else the membership has participated in. We also need Elkins WV 26241 505 977-7103 Civil War articles & information. Please send pictures in JPEG [email protected] format to [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vice President A large salute and heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone that has supported and William Snyder contributed to the WVRA DISPATCH for the month of MARCH: Thank You Chuck 302 Hedge Street Critchfield, Jack & Tonya Daft,, Mark Tennant, RMBF, HBP, Dora Grubb, MCHS, Clarksburg WV 26301 Matt Gillespie, Phyllis Baxter, Diana George, Dave Lewis, Lisa Johnson, John 304-624-5432 Ziolkowski, Porter Stiles, Gerald Swick,and Richard Wolfe [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Secretary.....Jack Daft For your sewing needs contact Seamstresses: 479 Plum Run Road Lisa Johnson at 304-365-4328 or [email protected] Mannington WV 26582 304-825-6103 Diane Tennant at 304-363-0935 or [email protected] [email protected] For timely discussions about CW events, cloth- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ing, firearms, and yes, even personalities in the NOTE TO PARTICIPANTS…. WE TRY TO Treasurer hobby, Go To Or LIST VARIOUS EVENTS ON OUR WEB SITE. Chuck Critchfield THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE WVRA 608 Skyview Drive MEMBERS ARE THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE Clarksburg WV 26301 OF THOSE EVENTS, SO IF YOU HAVE 304-623-5836 Rich Mountain Battlefield PROBLEMS PLEASE CONTACT THE HOST [email protected] Foundation / Historic Beverly OF THAT EVENT. WE HAVE NO CONTROL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preservation IN SETTING THEIR DATES FOR THEIR Newsletter Editor PO Box 227 Beverly, WV 26253 EVENTS NOR CAN WE PROVIDE Tonya Daft 304-637-7424 INFORMATION FOR THAT EVENT IF WE 479 Plum Run Road HAVE NOT RECEIVED IT. IF WE HAVE Mannington WV 26582 [email protected]. THE INFORMATION IN TIME WE WILL 304-825-6103 PASS IT ON TO YOU AS SOON AS POSSI- [email protected] SOME WEB SITE INFORMATION CONCERNING THE CIVIL WAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for WV History Web Masters: Donnie Stewart & Lisa Johnson for ancestry info & medals Donnie 304-986-2207 or women’s clothing Lisa 304-365-4328 60 East Park MH Village civilian info Fairmont WV 26554 Southern Heritage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sons of Union Veterans Union Rep: Mark Tennant Civil War Trails in WV 304-363-0935 http://www.frontiernet/~firstwvcav/ 1st WV Cavalry Civil War Events in WV 150th CSA .Rep: Tag Ireland Preservation Alliance in WV 304-669-6077 Artillery Rep:

Calvary Rep: John Brasuk GOOD NEWS for MAY: 304-363-5918 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Tim & Shirley Boggs May 4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Betty TASAS Rep: Lisa John- Shreve May 4, Lisa Johnson May 5, Carol Watterson May 11, Hannah Barnes May 17. son or Tonya Daft APRIL 2012 WVR A TR ANS -ALLEGHENY DISPATCH PAGE 3 MY POINT OF VIEW, UP DATES, & THANK

First and Foremost, it is a great honor to be once again your newsletter editor. I appreciate the fact that you feel I do a good enough job and wish to keep me on. But please understand that this newsletter is not a one person show I really need the help and support of everyone to make it successful. We now have new officers in charge…. please note who your representatives are and please read your emails, newsletters, and check out the information posted on Facebook and the web site. We are trying to make sure you are informed of everything that is going on, but YOU MUST make the effort to read it, make note of it and PUT IT ON YOUR CALENDAR. Reminder to everyone please get your dues paid to Treasurer Chuck Critchfield $15 individual, $25 family MUST send application with your payment. If you want the newsletter mailed to you then it is $15 extra. MUST be paid ASAP. We are trying to get liability insurance for everyone and therefore need your dues paid on time. Also it is very important to the insurance companies and for various other WVRA paperwork that we have a current, yearly updated WVRA application on every member. This is not rocket science, please take the one minute it takes to fill out an application and send it in with your paid dues. If you did not due this, please fill out an application and make sure the secretary gets it ASAP. Those that have not paid by the April meeting at SoS will be removed from the directory and from the email list. Lisa Johnson has also started Facebook pages for some of our individual units. As always she goes above and beyond her regular duties……. keep up the great work Lisa. Thank you Chuck Critchfield, and all the members that attended the February meeting, for all the EXTRA help in getting the by-laws and WVRA organizational information taken care of. Thank you Lynn Marks, Tag Ireland, Bill Snyder, Tonya Daft, for all your diligent work in reviewing the by- laws, finding the updates, and updating the by-laws. A LARGE thanks you goes out to Drema Snyder for the wonderful Spaghetti Dinner after all our hard work. Rena and Matt Gillespie please get me that info for Sarah's book. The May newsletter is filling up fast. Really want to get it in ASAP for you. And remember I want a signed book for me at the next WVRA meeting. Also trying once again to do a Meet & Greet Our Membership page. Need you to nominate someone (WVRA member) from the Union, Calvary, Artillery, that you would like to know more about. They already have some- one from the Confederate and the Tasas for the next few newsletters Also please send me info about your family, new births, birthdays, anniversaries, achievements you are proud of, sad and good news, for our Family Tidbit area. Still needing stories, old memories, old pictures, new pictures. of places and events that pertain to the Civil war and the WVRA. Recipes, sewing info, soldier info, civilian info. Thanks you for jobs well done, etc. for the newsletter. A LARGE thank you goes out to James Gilbert, Mark Tennant, Kevin Skaggs, Chuck Critchfield, Tim Boggs, Porter Stiles for graciously coming together to help supply information on the various units and their Civil War rosters. The replies were overwhelming and it is great to know that yes some of our emails are being read. I know I send out a lot but it is only to kept you informed and updated. I hate the phrase "no one told me" , and you really can't say that any more because you have been told and sometimes several times over and over. Also thank you Dave Lewis for all the old information that you have provided to us. The updated, voted on, and accepted by-laws will be emailed with this newsletter and those paying extra for mailed newsletters will be mailed a copy of the by-laws today. TONYA, THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP FOR 2012……. GREATLY APPRECIATED ...JOHN ZIOLKOWSKI WVR A TR ANS -ALLEGHENY DISPATCH PAGE 4 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 UPCOMING BEVERLY HERITAGE EVENTS Hi Friends, Please feel free to share this with anyone else who might be interested. Beverly Heritage Center is setting our event calendar for 2012, and we are hoping to substantially increase our "arts" programming for the season. This will in- clude demonstrations of traditional arts/crafts and workshops to share/teach traditional crafts, and period dress living his- tory scenarios. Opportunities for traditional music will include casual music sets for visitors during "living history days"; rotating sets during special events, and a few advertised concerts, usually paired with an event. We will be applying both for Culture & History - Arts Section "Folk and Traditional Arts" grant, and for a Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission grant. While we don't know if these grant applications will be successful, if they are we hope to be able to pay some hono- rarium and/or expenses for some of these demonstrations / performances. You will also have opportunities to sell your craft, CDs etc in conjunction with your appearance. Of course, as always, we encourage volunteers as well - including the possibility of paying you for one performance even if you continue to donate for additional dates. For those who volunteer and are not interested in the grant funding - it will still help our scheduling if you can give us an idea now of your avail- ability for the upcoming season. If you might be interested, please read through all of this, and send me back the informa- tion needed as soon as possible - MUST HAVE INFO FOR GRANT FOR MARCH 1 APPLICATION. ...The dates that we are tentatively planning for 2012 include: May 19 Lawn Party targeted largely for local community attendees -- music, demonstrations, living history, traditional games all possible June 16 Chenoweth Day - living history, demos, informal music, maybe evening concert or History Alive program July 13, 14, 15 - Beverly Heritage Days (Beverly in the Civil War theme) - as many as we can get for appropriate arts, crafts, demos, living history, first person characters, music. We will also have Civil War living history/reenactment in town, historic home tours, Civil War Fashion Show on Sunday. Are considering Civil War dance Friday evening and Blue & Gray Choir concert Saturday evening. Aug 18 - possible fundraiser event, if not, a living history day Living history days - we will have some demonstrations and living history, music or more welcome, but low key, random tourist traffic. Tentative dates for this will include May 26 Memorial Day weekend, June 30 (possibly"working trades" theme here as change from Civil War emphasis) July 7, 21, 28 (Beverly Fireman's Parade Day), Aug 31 - Sept 3 Labor Day weekend. Possibly additional days if enough interest - possibly add some fall days Oct 13 & 27 Ghost tours - feature stories of historic characters not just ghosts - we will need a tour guide or two, and would like a few people who want to do storytelling/first person for a specific character. Nov 10 Night at the Museum - first person characters in the museum Dec 1 Beverly Old-Fashioned Christmas - crafts demos and sales, traditional Christmas music Workshops - we will schedule workshops on an individual basis, and advertise them separately for attendees. They can be a few hours, a day, multiple days, or a series. Can be held in "public" where visitors can also watch, or elsewhere in the BHC where you will have privacy with your students. Anytime during the year that the scheduling works. If you might be interested in presenting / performing for any of these events, please let me know right away and we can follow up one-on- one for scheduling and information. Everyone interested in participating, please respond and let me know of your interest and availability. You can send specific dates you would like to commit, or about how often, or range of dates you could be available, or dates that you know you will not be available. Of course, we know this is tentative for many of you - only the paid performer contracts will need to be firm at this time. For anyone included in the grant applications, we will need:  a description of what your craft / performance is. Even if I already know, better you put it in writing than me. Please include how it relates to traditional / folk arts, and/or to Civil War / 19th century history or culture.  when you are available, and what type of event you are interested in  what fee / honorarium / paid expenses you would ask for, and whether you would be willing to volunteer or appear for less if we do not get grant funds to cover this.  for everyone included in the arts application, we will need a contract signed and a written bio BY MARCH 1 post- mark date. We will also need support letters for the Arts application - whether you are performing or not, saying how you feel BHC is important to traditional arts and how you support our efforts. Thanks for your support of the Beverly Heritage Center, and for your help as we grow! Phyllis A P R I L 2 0 1 2 WVR A TR ANS -ALLEGHENY DISPATCH P AG E 5 HISTORICAL COLUMN...ONCE, LONG AGO

Oil brought an influx of people and crime to Wirt County…...Gideon Draper Camden of Clarksburg was judge of the 21st Judicial Circuit, but found himself often presiding over court cases in Wirt County, which lay in the 19th Judicial Circuit. Both circuits were part of the 9th Judicial District of . However, he was pre- siding over Wirt County's courts well before the oil boom along the Little Kanawha. Camden, a native of Maryland, had arrived in the West Fork Valley in 1806 when he was about a year old. As a young man he studied law and was admitted to the Lewis County Bar. Contemporary descriptions say he was 'a very popular lawyer' and one that was considered 'good and safe', according to "Gideon Draper Camden: A Whig of Western Virginia," by John Edmund Stealey III, " History," Vol. XXVI, No. 1, October 1964. Popular he must have been, for he was one of two men elected to represent Lewis County in Virginia's House of Delegates in 1828. He was re-elected but resigned to accept a position as clerk of the Superior Court of Lewis County. Yet, in 1834, he sold his house in Weston and removed to Clarksburg to go into a law partnership with John J. Allen for a time. He became a minion in Whig politics (Ah, minions. Is there any problem they can't solve?), a hard row to hoe in Western Virginia where Democrats generally ruled the roost. He ran against Joseph Johnson of Bridgeport in the 1845 Congressional campaign, another hard row to hoe, and lost, but in 1852, Camden won election as judge of the circuit court with over 60% of the votes. As noted above, the 21st circuit was his bailiwick, but on Sept. 29, 1854, records show he was presiding over the 19th circuit in Wirt County, in place of Judge Matthew Edmiston. Louis Reed, in "Footnote to Judge Gideon Draper Camden," "West Virginia History," Vol. XXVI, No. 3, April 1965, explored Camden's work in Wirt County and determined his name was writ large in the records of the 19th circuit – literally. "No other judge of the Circuit Court of Wirt County, before or since, ever wrote his name so big or so straightforwardly," Reed says. "G. D. CAMDEN … was evidently written to be read without spectacles." Camden was guest starring on the Wirt County bench again in the autumn of 1860. Edmiston had been re- placed by that year, but Jackson was absent. The situation in Wirt County had changed greatly. The July 1860 oil strike near the mouth of Burning Springs Run had swelled the county's population. Oil booms do not attract a plethora of Casper Milquetoast types. In- creased crime rates and civil litigation were unpleasant side effects of the bonanza. Camden had to call a 12-day special term of the court in December and even heard cases on Christmas Day, an unheard-of extremity. A darker shadow than petty crimes hung over the land. South Carolina had seceded from the Union. Reed suggests Camden may have called the special session in order to wrap things up while there was still a court to do so. That isn't likely; only one state had seceded so far, and that on December 20. The 1861 spring session of court in Wirt County began on April 3, eight days after Fort Sumter was fired on in South Carolina. Judge Jackson presided for just four days; his last act was to order a special term to begin on April 11, but he wouldn't be present. He went on to become the Confederate general known as "Mudwall" Jackson. Again, the gavel was handed to Camden, who wrapped up the special term in two days. His final order was to grant attorney Joseph H. Sherrard license to practice in the court. Reed notes that Camden had Sherrard swear loyalty to Commonwealth of Virginia rather than the ; however, whether that may not have been unusual for the era. Contact Gerald D. Swick at [email protected]. Subject: O, LA column Gerald D. Swick 615-445-8949 Once, Long Ago: February 5, 2012 Clarksburg Exponent Telegram.

WVR A TR ANS -ALLEGHENY DISPATCH PAGE 6 APRIL 2012 WVR A TR ANS -ALLEGHENY DISPATCH APRIL 2012 PAGE 7 Dear Friends: Spring is here again and it’s time for us to finalize plans for the Mountaineer State History Expo- 2012! We hope you will join us at the Marion County Courthouse on Saturday, March 24th, 2012. It will begin at 10:00 a.m. and con- clude at 3:00 p.m. The Marion County Courthouse is listed on the National Historic Register. Its halls contain beautiful historical murals and stained glass panels decorate the dome of the courthouse. This makes it the perfect location for your business/exhibit to help us celebrate West Virginia's history. The WV History Expo 2012 will also include entertainment by local performers. You know how important history is to your business or organization, and how vital the efforts are to preserve our history for main- taining a thriving community. WV History Expo 2012 is designed to provide people, both young and old, with an opportunity to interact and enjoy representatives from local, state and national organizations that provide programs and services for historical preservation and celebration of our state and local history. There is no charge to displayers, or to the attendees for 1 table & 2 chairs. Additional tables are $25.00 @. In addition, it provides exhibitors with an opportunity to network with their counterparts in business, social service and government. You can participate in several ways: - Provide an exhibit that showcases your his- torical interest. - Encourage adults and families to attend. - Display the WV History Expo flyer in an accessible area in your business or or- ganization. List your contact info in the day’s program $5.00/Contributing sponsor-$10.00/Place an ad/$15.00 or $25.00 sizes - Perform a 15 minute entertainment segment. Please complete and return the attached Exhibitor Commitment Form by Friday, March 2, 2004. If you have any questions or need additional information, you can contact chairperson, Diana George, (304)278-7576 or email: [email protected] We will email a confirmation letter with developing “Expo” details and logistics after receiving your request to participate. Again Thank you PRESENTERS : W V R A H I -LIGHTED for your support We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, March AND IN RED LETTERING 24th! Sincerely, Marion County Historical Society Inc.


SUVCW Banner & Dept. of the Chesapeake Publications: SUVCW Dept. of the Chesa- peake Buckhannon Camp #49 and WVRA member Mark Tennant has complete ex- tensive research into the identities of several previously "unknown" graves in Grafton National Cemetery in Grafton, WV. Despite his efforts, the military is refusing to iden- tify these Union Soldiers graves. We are hopeful that publication of this article may as- sist in his efforts. 'Unknown' Graves Remain Unmarked Though Identities have been Learned Editors note: The following is excerpted from a report by Mark Tennant about his cemetery research and frustration at not being able to get gravestones for Union soldiers he has identified. He hopes descendants will learn about his findings and that readers have information about some of the other people he mentions. He can be reached at (304)363-0935 and [email protected]. Grafton, WV- I have been doing research on Civil War soldiers at the Grafton National cemetery in West Virginia for the past seven years. I, Mark Tennant, believe I have identified 15 previously unknown Union soldiers buried there. In addition I found mis- takes in the names of two other Union soldiers. Michael Phillips has identified one previously unknown sol- dier. In May 2006 I submitted research on the first five soldiers I had identified to the cemetery director. She for- warded it to historians at the National Cemetery Administration (NCA) in Washington, DC. After one year they notified me they agreed with my research on four of the five, but would not commit to the fifth. I then submit- ted research on another soldier I had just identified and they agreed with that research also. I was told the U.S. Army is next of kin on all unknowns and the NCA can't give them headstones until Army either says the re- search is good enough to identify them or it needs more information like DNA. I recently submitted research on nine more soldiers. Michael Phillips, also of SUVCW Dept. of the Chesapeake, Buckhannon Camp #49 and the Founder and member of the West Virginia Reenactors Association (WVRA), contacted someone in the U.S. Army who said that Civil War soldiers were low priority, that their focus was on WWII soldiers. He also said DNA would have to be used for the final proof, so we would need descendants from these soldiers to give DNA samples. Grafton National Cemetery was established in 1867. From mid 1867 to late 1868 1, 251 Union soldiers were disinterred from battlefields and roadsides around West Virginia. Of these soldiers 583 are known, 668 are un- known. The cemetery burial register gives the grave location, name, rank, regiment, company and date of death if known, the date interred, where the body was removed from and sometimes some brief remarks about the soldier. By using adjutant general records, history books and soldier records I was able to figure out who 15 previously unknown soldiers were. One was Pvt. Jesse W. Gardner, 20, Co. I, 32nd Ohio Inf., who died April 14, 1862, at Huttonsville, (West) Virginia. The burial register correctly listed his last name, rank and unit. His body was removed from Alfred Hutton's farm in Randolph County. However, his gravestone was marked unknown. Pvt. Riley G. Davis who was in the 14th (West) Virginia Inf., Co. A, died at the Battle of Greenland Gap near Moorefield, WV, on April 25, 1863. The burial register has this information, but his gravestone also says un- known. The West Virginia Adjutant General's report showed only one Union Soldier from the 14th West Virginia killed in battle- Riley Davis. The other soldiers I have identified are: Pvt. Albert Aldrich, Co. C, 152nd Indiana Inf.; Pvt. James M. Cottrill, Co. E, 8th WV; Sgt. Right Bird Curry, Co. A 10th WV, Pvt. Andrew Estep, Co. I, 8th WV; Pvt. John Friese, Co. G. 146th Ohio; Sgt. Jacob Frintz, Co. F, 28th Ohio. Also, Pvt. Johann Ingold, Co. WVR A TR ANS -ALLEGHENY DISPATCH APRIL 2012 PAGE 9 Pvt. Charles Pleffer, Co. C, 23rd Ohio; Sgt. Henry Reichelderfer, Co. C, 14th Ohio; Pvt. Emil Rosencranz, Co. A, 37th Ohio; Pvt. Andrew J. Fulkaneer, Co. E, 3rd WV cavalry. Michael Phillips identified Pvt. Patrick Keeshan, Co. A, 10th Ohio Infantry. In addition I found mistakes on two gravestones; Pvt. Samuel Miller, 32nd Ohio Inf., should be Samuel Mills, 14th Ohio Inf. and Pvt. James Illiff should be Pvt. Pvt. James Joliff, 23rd Ohio Inf. I am looking for information on several unknown soldiers. For one, record #1010 says: "Supposed to be from St. Lawrence Co. NY. His white dog has remained in the vicinity and laid on his grave every night since." The only regiment from upstate NY that was in New Creek, WV was the 106th New York Infantry, the St. Lawrence Regiment. I have narrowed it down to approximately 10 soldiers who died at New Creek in the fall of 1862. An unknown hospital nurse, re-entered Nov. 8, 1868, from the hospital graveyard in Clarksburg, WV, was buried at Grafton. If anyone has information about her or the soldier, please contact me. (Mark Tennant) Since this article was originally written I believe I have identified three more unknown soldiers and found an er- ror in the identity of another soldier. They are Pvt. Andrew Baily, Co. I, 8th WV Inf.- later 7th WV cavalry.; Pvt. A.T.J. Baily, Co. I, 8th (West) Virginia Inf.- later 7th WV cavalry.; and Sgt. John Joyce, Co. E, 2nd Ken- tucky Infantry. The misidentified soldiers grave currently has Pvt. William H. Matlick, Co. C, 3rd WV Inf.- (he was killed at the Battle of , Nov. 6, 1863). I believe the grave was misidentified. It should be Corp. William H. Mattack, Co. I, 13th Ohio Infantry, who was wounded at the Battle of Carnifex Ferry on Sep- tember 10, 1861. The burial register at Grafton National Cemetery shows this soldiers body was removed from a farm adjacent to Carnifex Ferry bat- tleground not the summit of Droop Mountain. My frustration with the Veterans Administration (VA) and the National Cemetery Administration (NCA) is their double standard. In 2009 Thomas Grund, a Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) member also used historical records to identify four previously unknown Union soldiers at the Yorktown VA National Cemetery, which is part of the Colonial Na- tional Historic Park and administrated by the National Park System (NPS), which is run by the Department of the Interior. (July 2009 Civil War News Article) The NPS and Department of the Interior asked the NCA historian how Mr. Grund could get his previously unidentified soldiers headstones by using historical records when I shouldn't get soldiers I had identified, at Grafton, their headstones. She said the NPS and Department of the Interior had different rules than the VA and NCA. How can different government agencies have different rules on the same issue? I guess this is the "Catch 22" rule! Lisa Johnson has also started Facebook pages for some of our individual units. As always she goes above and beyond her regular duties keep up the great work Lisa. Check out on Facebook and become a friend or fan: West Virginia Reenactors Association : and Trans-Allegheny Soldiers Aid Society. Also As soon as I get the info Kevin Mullennex has a Facebook page for the 2nd VA and the 25th VA.

New Business : Tim Glaser 304-591-6272 Check out: Mary Davis of Prim and Proper Early Victorian Woman’s and Children’s Clothing. 304-931-4713 WVR A TR ANS -ALLEGHENY DISPATCH PAGE 10 A P R I L 2 0 1 2 Thank you for contributing to the Rich Mountain Battlefield Did you know that... Foundation! Your commitment, and that of other generous friends ... telegrams sent from the across the country, has enabled the Rich Mountain Battlefield Foundation to preserve for our generation historic First Campaign Beverly headquarters of sites of the . Over the past twenty years, the Rich Union General George Mountain Battlefield Foundation has become a leader in preserving McClellan were the heritage of the Civil War through acquisition of both the Hart instrumental in propelling Farm and Camp Garnett units of the Rich Mountain Battlefield, as well as the portion of Camp Elkwater known as Fort Marrow. Your the general to command support has also been instrumental in allowing us to work with the the Army of the Potomac? Monongahela National Forest to update interpretive signage at ... David Hart's great Cheat Summit Fort and Camp Allegheny, as well as interpret the late grandfather was John summer 1861 Battle of in a special exhibit at Hart, one of the signers of Bartow, WV. Because of your recent contributions, the Declaration of  The Echoes of the Past: The Civil War 150 Years Later art Independence? exhibit and 150th anniversary reenactment of the Battle of ... a walking tour of Rich Mountain were a great success. historic Beverly includes  We replaced the markers at both the Hart Farm and Camp over forty historic sites, Garnett kiosks at Rich Mountain Battlefield.  We brought "living history" to middle schools across West with a dozen directly Virginia to teach students about the First Campaign. related to the Civil War? * We placed twelve Civil War Trails markers throughout ... Beverly was the Randolph and Pocahontas Counties. original county seat of Richard A.Wolfe President, Rich Mountain Battlefield Foundation Randolph County and PO Box 227 Beverly, West Virginia 26253 was incorporated [email protected] December 16, 1790?

Treasurer Report……..Captain Chuck Critchfield 1st WVa

Annual Treasurer’s Report - WVRA March 1, 2011 – February 29, 2012 WVR A TR ANS -NEWSLETTERALLEGHENY TITLE DISPATCH A P R I L 2 0 1 2 PAGE 11 WVRa Official Election RESULTS

MARCH 2012 – MARCH 2013 WVRA OFFICERS WVRA President : Brian Castro WVRA Vice President: Bill Snyder WVRA Secretary: Jack Daft WVRA Treasurer : Chuck Critchfield WVRA Newsletter Editor: Tonya Daft WVRA Web Masters: Donnie Stewart & Lisa Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNITS TASAS: Unit Rep: Tonya Daft & Lisa Johnson President: Tonya Daft Confederate Assistant: Lisa Johnson Union Assistant: Diane Tennant ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNION: 1st WVa Unit Rep: Mark Tennant Captain: Chuck Critchfield 1st Sgt.: Mark Tennant 2nd Sgt.: Dave Eubank 1st Corp. : Brian Castro 2nd Corp. : Greg Bonner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONFEDERATE 25thVA: Unit Rep: Tag Ireland Captain: Jeff Snyder 1st Corporal: Tim Glaser 2nd Corporal: Tag Ireland Sgt: Greg Watterson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARTILLERY: NO LIST~ NONE REPORTED………….. Only Paid member is J.R. Moore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CALVARY: Unit Rep: John Brasuk Captain: John Brasuk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Soldier Jones/

Imboden Raid Pricketts Fort State REENACTING THE ERA OF THE AMERICAN CIVI L WAR Park. WVRA April/


The opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect any official view of the WVRA or its members.

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c/o Tonya Daft , Editor Editor , Daft Tonya c/o

Allegheny Dispatch Dispatch Allegheny - Trans he T