EX PARTE OR LATE F1LED Dow. LOHNES & ALBERTSON. PLLC ORIGiNAL ATTORNEYS AT LAW JOHN R. FEORB, JR. WASHINGTON, D.C. ONE RAVINIA DRIVE· SUITE 1600 DIRECT DIAL 202·776·2786 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30346·2108 1200 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE. N.W•• SUITE 800 • WASHINGTON, D.c. 20036·6802 j fe 0 re@diala .... com TELEPHONE 770·901·8800 TELEPHONE 202· 776·2000 • FACSIMILE 202.776·2222 FACSIMI LE 770·901·8874 December 4, 1998 REceIVED DEC - 4 1998 Magalie R. Salas, Esquire Secretary ~~~ Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20554 ATTN: Stop Code 1800El Television Branch Re: Ex Parte Presentation Blade Communications, Inc./Independence Television Company MM Docket Nos. 91-221,87-7 Dear Ms. Salas: Pursuant to Section 1.1206 ofthe Commission's Rules, this Notice is submitted, in duplicate, to advise the Commission that Allan Block, Vice Chairman ofBlade Communications, Inc., John Dorkin, President ofIndependence Television Company and the undersigned met on December 3, 1998 with Chairman William E. Kennard and his senior legal advisor Susan Fox, in connection with the above-referenced proceedings. Attached is a summary ofthe matters raised by Blade Communications, Inc. during the meeting. R. Feore, Jr. sel to Blade Communications, Inc. JRF:mp Enclosure (4) No. of CC"lpies rec'd 0 -f I UstABCDE DC03/196771-1 Time Brokerage Agreement Between Independence Television Company And RECEIVED Kentuckiana Broadcasting, Inc. For DEC - 4 1998 Television Station WFTE(TV) Salem, Indiana ffDBtAL~ OfFIcE OF THE f!E£BErNrr~ On November 8, 1993, Independence Television Company, licensee ofTelevision Station WDRB (Channel 41, Fox) Louisville, Kentucky entered into several Agreements, including a Time Brokerage Agreement, Construction Agreement and Option Agreement, with Kentuckiana Broadcasting, Inc., permittee for a Channel 58 television station (WFTE) in Salem, Indiana.
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