70 LANCASHIRE ADVERTISEMENTS. [1894. SEND FOB. ILLUS'I'RA'I'ED LIS'I' OF Patent Self-Actlng For aalslng Water tor the Supply ot Towns, Villages, Irrigation, Railway Stations, Mansions, Fountains, Farms, &0. No co,t for MotifJe Power, which is obtained. from a Stream of Water pa.8l1ing through the Ram. No Oiling or Paclr:ing required. Made in Sizes to raise/rom 300 to 200,000 gallons per day. Will force to a Height 01 1,6001eet. SPECIAL RAMS for HIGH FALLS to Bend uJil One-third of the Water passing ~through them. FIG. A. FIG. B.

This Ram, whilst worked This Ram raises 8 portion of the 8lI,me by a stream of impure water, water that works it. View of Ram worked by Water from a spring, and will pump clean water from supplying the house andgarden on the bill. B well or spring. TESTIMONIALS FOR .JOHN BLAKE'S PATENT SELF-ACTING HYDRAULIC RAMS. From the Right Honourable the , 44, Grosvenor Square, London, February 21st, 1893. "Sir,-I have pleasure in stating that the two Hydraulio Rams, which you supplied and fixed for me last Autumn, at Sandon, have proved so far most successful, and that the work gives every promise of durability, while tbe eoonomy, compared with the former much smaller and intermittent supply by steam pump, will be considerable. With a fall of about 14 ft. from 11. previously existing mill pool, the rams supply reservoirs 168 ft. above the brook whence the water is forced, through pipes of one mile and a half in length. They sent up, as long as I required it, about 41,000 gallons per day. I now generally work the two rams alternately (for a fortnight or so each), but can at any time work the two together, if the full supply of 41,000 gallons should be needed. The business of this somewhat complicated water-supply was conducted by you with singular promp·'" ss and punctuality; and no local difficulties arose in the execution of the work, owing to the excellent and efficient men whom you sent trom your works at A.ccrington. I am, Sir, your very obedient Servant, HARROWBY." From Sir 8. M. Maryon Wilson, Ba.rt.• London, November 17th, 1891. .. Sir.-I have much pleasure in stating that the two' A.' Rams you supplied and fixed for me, at Searles, on my Sussex Estate, have proved a great suooess, especia.lly when the small supply of driving water is considered, as, with a supply of 7 gallons per minute only, they have daily thrown 3,000 gallons to a height of 96 feet, and through a service of pipes over a mile in length; ~and testing them recently (with plenty of driving power), found they lifted 7,000 gallons per day. The economy effected by their use is considerable, as they have entirely superseded a steam pump. S. M. MA.RYON WlLSON." From CHARLES HART, Esq., A.M.LC.E., 3, Avenue Road, Leamington, March 13th, 1893. Bru.worth Union Rural Sanitary Authority, East Haddon Water Supply. "Dear Sir.-Since the opening of these works in May, 1891, the two Double-acting' B' Rams supplied and fixed by you have done their work with a minimum of attention, uninterruptedly and satisfactorily. Pure spring water obtained from a gathering ground on the side of a hill is carried along iron pipes a distance of 1548 yards, down to a cistern fixed in the ram house. From this cistern it ftOWB to the rams, which are driven by impure water-drawn from an adjacent brook, with an available fall of 12 ft.-and thence by them forced along an ascending delivery pipe, a distance of 1,li20 yards, to au iron reservoir, at an elevation of 204 ft. From this reservoir mains are laid which supply the hall, with its stabling, the rectory, six farm houses, two dairies, IIoIld 24 wall fountains for the villagers' use. The average daily cOIlsumptioIl exceeds 4,000 gallons, which one ram easily delivers, thus exceeding your gU\l.r1l,nteed quantity by more than 1,000 gallons per ram per 24 hours. Generally the two rams are regulated to divide the work between them, but occasionally it devolves upon one only. If more widely knOWD, this means of supplying villages and small towns with a limited quantity of spring water, forced to 110 suitable elevation by means of your rams. driven by impure water, would most certainly be more generally adopted. Yours faithfully, CHARLES HART." B:LAXB'S BYDa.a:U:LJ:c aAMS have been supplied to the following amongst others:- Bis Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught. The Right Hon. Lord Leigh. I Sir William Gordon, Bart., Earlston. His Highness the Maharajah of Kashmir. The Right Hon. Lord Raglan. Sir Henry W. Ripley, Bart., Acacia. Bis Grace the Duke of Devonshire. The Right Hon. and Rev. Lord Scarsdale. Sir W. C. Worsley, Bart., Hovingham HalL His Grace the Duke of Westminster. The Right Hon. Lord Brougham and Vau:!:. Sir Kenneth Smith Mackenzie, Bart. His Grace the Duke of Cleveland. The Right Hon. Lord Hindlip. Sir William Eden. Bart., Windlestone. HiB Grace the Duke of Portland. The Right Hon. Lord Northbourne. Sir Thomas C. C. Western, Bart. Bis Grace the Duke of Sutherland. The Right Hon. Lord Wantage. Sir John Shelley, Bart. His Grace the Duke of Leeds. The Right Hon. Lord Clitford of Cbudleigh. Sir Charles F. J. Smythe, Bart. His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. The Right Hon. Lord Schroder. tlir Julian Goldsmid, Bart. HiB Grace the Duke of Grafton. The Right Hon. Lord Burton. Sir Edward Bates, Bart. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Rfpon. The Right Hon. Lord Macnaghten. Sir Edmund Buckley, Bart. The Most Hon. the Marquess of DOWDshire. The Right Hon. Lord Walsingham. Sir A. Woodiwiss, The Pastures, Derby. The MostHon.the Marquess ofAberga,venny. The Righi Hon. Lord Hampton (Trustees of) Sir E. W. Blackett, Bart. TheMost Hon. theMarquesaof Londonderry. IThe Rt. Hon.LordAbinger(TheExeoutors of) Sir H. A. Clavering, Bart., Axwell Park. TheMost Hon.the Marquess of Cholmondeley The Right Hon. Lord Crewe. Sir Spencer M. M. WilBon, Bart., Searles. The Right Hon. the . The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Bridport. Sir Samuel Hayes, Bart., Drumboe Caitle. The Right Hon. the . The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Clifden. Sir William Jenner, Bart. The Right Hon. the Earl of Gainsborougb. The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Boyne. Sir J.T.Dillwyn-Llewelyn,Bart.,Penllergare. The Right Hon. the . The Right Hon. T. Sotheron-Estcourt. GeneraiMackenzie,Foveran House,Aberdeen. The Right Hon. the Earl of Granard. The Hon. Sir William Ventris Field. General Gera1d PotterEaton, The Pole. The Right Hon. the Earl Beauchamp. The Hon. George Kenyon. Major-Gen. Sir H. M. Havelock-Allan, Bart. The Right Hon. the Earl of Oaledon. The Hon. A. O. Gough-Calthorpe. Major-General FeUden, Witton Park. The Right Hon. the . The Hon. H. Bewell, Steephill Castle. Major-General H. E. Watson. The Right Hon.. The Hon. H. E. Butler. Colonel Starkie, Lovely Hall, Blackburn. The Right Hon. the Earl of FeTersham. The Hon. E. H. Ellis. Colonel Milligan, Cauldwell Hall. The Right Hon. the . The Hon. Henry John Coke. Colonel Towneley, TOWDeley, Lancashire. The Right Hon. the Earl of Barrowby. The Hon. C. G. Trench. Colonel Hargreaves, Maiden Erleigh. The Right Hon. the Earl of WemysB. The Hon. Charles Ellis. Colonel Tremayne. M.P., Carclew, Cornwall. The Right Hon. the Earl of Ancaster. The Rev. I:::on. E. T. Bt. ,Tohn, Bletsoe. Colonel Mitford, Mitford Ca~tle. The Right Hon. the Earl of Scarborongh. Admiral Sir George Broke-Middleton. Colonel Leyland, Nantclwyd Hall, Ruthin. The Right Hon. the Countess of Shaftesbury. Sir Oswald Mosley, BaIt. Colonel France-HByhurst, Davenham Hall. The Countess de Morella. Sir William Gordon-Oumming, Bart. ColonelR.Worsley.Worswick,Normantn.Hall The Dowager Lady Williams Wynn. Sir Harry Vemey, Ba.rt. Colonel R. R. Jackson, Lostock Hall. LadyHenryCholmondeleY,EastBumhamLo. Sir Thomas Storey. Colonel,T. E. Foster, Sansom Seal. Lady Frankland, Thirkleby Park. Sir Frederick A. Milbank, Bart., III.P. Colonel Holden, Readley House, Barnley. The Right Hon. Lord Londesborough. Sir James Robert Walker, Bart. Colonel Legard, Welhllm Hall. Th' Right Hon. Lord Hothfield. Sir Henry A. Hoare. Bart.,Stourhead,Bath. Lieut.-Colonel Loyd, Lillesden, HBwkhurst. The Bight Hon. Lord Viicount Galway. Sir William FeUden, Bart., Fenisoowles. Lieut.-Colonel Cotton, Reaseheath Hall. The Risht Hon. Lord Lecontield. Sir Robert Menzies, Bart., of Menzies. Major J. F. Trist, Tristford, Totnel!. The Right Hon. Lord Ribble&dale. Bir Hnmphrey de Tl'&:fford, Ba.rt. Major Hardman, Rawtenstall. 'l'he Rigbli Hon. Lord Rllotherton. Sir Miohael Robert Shaw-Stewart, Bart. Major Bird, Crookhey, Lancaster. JOHN BLAKE, Hydraulic Ram Works, ACCRINGTON, LANCASHIRE.