ALMANACH De Gotha, 1855, 1858-1859, 1861- 1867, 1871-1872
Sale of rare and antiquarian library books not relevant to Portsmouth collections. Appendix A. List of items sent for sale ALMANACH de Gotha, annuaire genealogique, diplomatique et 1855-1888 1855, 1858-1859, 1861- statistique 1867, 1871-1872, 1877- 1879, 1883-1888: APPORTIONMENT of the 1840 rent-charges in lieu of tithes in the Parish of Fareham, in the County of Southampton BOOK of the dead: facsimiles of the Papyri of Hunefer, Anhai, 1899 Kerasher and Netchemet, with supplementary text from the Papyrus of Nu BOTANICAL or,ornamental flower-garden and shrubbery : 1815-1841 Register,Vols.1-20,22-27: consisting of coloured figures of plants and shrubs cultivated in British gardens CATALOGUE of the 1655 Lords,Knights and gentlemen that have compounded for their estates COURT and city or, Gentleman's complete annual kalendar for 1800 register,1800: the year 1800 CURTIS'S botanical Vols.50-53,1-16 (new series) 1823-1843 magazine,or,Flower garden displayed,1823- 1843: DECLARATION of all the together with a true copy of the Articles agreed 1642 passages at the taking of upon between the Committee and Colonell Portsmouth, shewing the Goring reasons why it was surrendred up to the Sale of rare and antiquarian library books not relevant to Portsmouth collections. Appendix A. List of items sent for sale Committee of both Houses of Parliament: DICTIONARY of polite or,fabulous history of the heathen Gods and 1804 literature: illustrious heroes ELEGANT epistles,or,A selected for the improvement of young persons 1790 copious collection of and for general entertainment, from Cicero, familiar and amusing Pliny, Sydney, Bacon, Raleigh..
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