Qryallprojectsandcco Projectno Title Constructioncost C427920 Traffic
qryAllProjectsAndCCO ProjectNo Title ConstructionCost C427920 Traffic Signal Prioritization process C464610 Tassafaronga Recreation Facility Improvements $480,695.00 S467810 International Blvd. Demolition projects $205,000.00 p457710 Brookfield, Dimond, Monclair Branch Libraries Improvements $390,000.00 C376610 Caldecott Trail $650,000.00 C329147 RHS bounded by Campus Drive, Mountain Blvd, Knoll Ave, and Access (83-013)$1,100,000.00 C329149 RHS Bounded by Mountain Blvd, Bernves Ct, Terrabella Wy and Redwood Rd $2,040,000.00(SB 83-502) C242510 Bay Trail to Lake Merritt Bicyle Pedestrian Bridge $12,000,000.00 C329146 SS Rehab bounded by Casle Parkway, Skyline Blvd, Haverhill Dr, Scarborough$6,410,000.00 Dr C393340 Glen Echo Trash Net C395410 Con Agra - 23rd, Series B $2,000,000.00 C394710 Cryer Building & Dock Improvements $2,500,000.00 C329144 RHS Bounded by Joaquin Miller Rd, Rubin Dr, Burdeck Dr and Highway 13 (SB$4,100,000.00 56-06) C459110 Radio Tower Emergency Generator & New Permanent Shelter Improvements $1,000,000.00 A468583 APL Communications Facility Improvements $270,000.00 C329145 RHS Bounded By 21st Ave, 17th Street, 24th Ave, and 27th Ave (Sub-Basin 60-06) A468584 911 Facility Police and Fire Emergency Radio Improvements C329148 RHS bounded by Hwy 13, Reinhard Dr, 39th Ave, and Aliso Ave (83-501) $1,300,000.00 C444010 San Pablo Ave/West St & San Pablo Ave/W Grand Ave $290,000.00 B00570 Golden Gate Branch Library Exterior Window Replacement $165,000.00 C442910 Bonham Way Stair Path Repairs $151,625.00 C435610 Golden Gate Recreation
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