The World's Largest Barbershop Chorus

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The World's Largest Barbershop Chorus The .-- • OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY MARCH/APRIL 1986 The World's Largest Barbershop Chorus Seniors Quartet Contest George Finalists Haggish Memorial Quartet The F.O.G.S. • Close Harmony Tradition THE LOVE BOAT! ALASKA! MaJestic! Magnlllccnl! Unlorgellable Alaska! THE MOST HAPPY FELLOWS! ~. A Most Happy Combination for Your Most Happy Time What a fabulous week! Seven great days aboard llle cold. blue waters. And the sheer granite walls of Misty Sun Princess with the Past International Champs. Fjord. flecked With copper. gold and silver will lake your Most Happy Fellows. Add 10 Ihis Alaska! Majestic. breath away. magnificent. spectacular Alaska and you have the You II love the Princess. She s elegant. casual. makmgs of your mosl unforgellable holiday. friendly. And busthng With thIngs to do. SWIm. dance. There"1I be fun for all and the Love Baal will flng sing. There's movIes. And Broadway quality reviews. with the wonderful sound of barbershop harmony. EXCIting mghts. QUiet days. AU here to sample at your And Ihe comradery of old and new friends blends Into leisure. the friendliest vacation of all! Then there s food! Five gourmet meals a day Impec· We'll sail the InsIde Passage. the incredibly beauti­ cably served by our charming Hall an stall. And ttl(! ful sea corridor through which the early prospectors friendly Bntish crew will pamper and dellglll you, Do reached the gold fields. We'lI visit the historic cities corne along. There's a two day option to Vancouver s that sprang up as a result. Juneau. Skagway. Ketchikan. Expo '86 and then on to the Internallonal In Salt Lake We'll thrill to the crystal beauty 01 Glacier Bay where City. Mall the coupon below lor all the facts. wilhout warning massive chunks of ice thunder Into Ihe Cruise sponsored by Harmony ServIces CorporalIon .- ~ EDUCATIONAL TOURS. INC. --------------.,,i1 t jI _ I 5935 Sou'h Pula,k, Ro.d I CUT ~ -A:' d{YUI) """'Vr,f,;', f[ll E~~:~;~~~::g:~~~:~;9076 I ~ Dear Frank: Please send me your brochure and complete details on the Barbershop I I I IT Harmony Cruise to Alaska with Ihe Most Happy Feliows next June. FOR A MOST Name - I I OUT HAPPY TIME Address ~ L_ - -------City __ __State _ Z:.. _..I 7be MARCH/APRIL 1986 VOL. XLVI No.2 ?3farmonizer The HARMONIZER (ISSN 0017-7849) Is tho A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF officlal publication of the Society for tho S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., INC., IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Ouartet Singing in America, Inc. (S,P.­ E.8.S.Q.S.A.>. It Is publlshod in tho months of - .~' .. ~ January, March, May. July. Septomber and November at 6315 - 3rd Avenue, Kenosha, Features . '.... ;....... ' (' ..' Wisconsin 63140-5199. Second-class postago • '{, "" ,,- '. 4 • ..,. _1; paid at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Editorial and advertising offices are at tho International 4 SOCIETY CHARTS COURSE FOR 1986 AT MID-WINTER Office. Advertising rates availablo upon request. Publisher assumes no responsibility for roturn CONVENTION of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Notice of chango of addross should be submitted to the 7 GROSSE POINTE, MICH. CHAPTER DONATES SENIORS editorial offices of THE HARMONIZER, 6316 _ 3rd AVE., KENOSHA, WiSCONSIN 53140· QUARTET CONTEST TROPHY 5199, at least thirty days before the next by Bill Lane publication date. A portion of each member's dues ;s allocated to cover the magazine's sub· 8 MIDWINTER KEYNOTE ADDRESS scription price. Subscription price to non· members is $6 yeariy or $1 an issue. Foreign by Dr. Val Hicks subscriptions are $12 yearly or $2 an issua, Copyright, 1986, by the Society for the Pre­ 10 SUNSHINE STAGES DISTRICT SENIORS QUARTET CONTEST servation and Encouragement of Barber Shop by George Hulst Quartet Singing in Amorlca, Inc. 12 HARMONY RANCH -A BARBERSHOPPER'S VACATION THE SONG IN THIS ISSUE DREAM "By The Light Of The Silvery Moon" by George Shields appeared in 1909. the same year as "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now" and 14 THE NEW TRADITION COACHING AT BRIGHAM YOUNG "Put On Vour Old Grey Bonnet" - it was UNIVERSITY a good year. Also in 1909. Henry Ford by Rollie Bestor built the first Model T; the Lincoln penny was first minted. You could buy an 1m· 18 HYDRATION - THE KEY TO HEALTHY SINGING proved Acme Charm Six·Hole Steel by Ron Phillips. Sound Category Specialist Range for your kitchen from the Sears Catalog for only $15.95, and you could 20 DO WE HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU! HARMONY COLLEGE mail a letter for two cents. '86 Val Hicks, one of our finest barber­ by Joe Liles, Director Music Education and Services shop arrangers, has given us this arrange­ ment and we thank him for it. Val's 24 READING, PENN. CHAPTER RECALLS PERFORMANCE AT treatment of the verse is especially 1977 B.A.B.S. CONVENTION artistic, Your audience will enjoy it, by Robert Clark but don't tell them the title of the song. Keep 'em guessing - they'll give you a big "Oh, yeah" when you start the chorus. I'~ You will find the names of the writers, Also Thi's'lssue .:',. ~ ~" ~ Gus Edwards and Ed Madden. on many , • • < ••• ".. -• other songs we sing, including "Moon­ light Bay". "School Days" and "In My 22 NOTES FROM ABROAD 32 BARGAIN BASEMENT ADS Merry Oldsmobile." SALT LAKE CITY 26 CHAPTERS IN ACTION REGISTRATION CONVENTIONS 28 ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS INTERNATJONAL 1986 Salt Lake City, Utah June 29·July 6 1987 Hartford. Conn. June 28·July 5 198B San Antonio. Tex. July 3·10 1989 Kansas City, Mo. July 2·9 MID·WINTER 1987 Sarasota. Fla. January 28·31 1988 Washington. D. C. January 27·30 International Officers President, Gilbert T. Lefholz, 13316 E. 51st Thinking Aloud Stroet, Kansas City, MO 64133 Immediate Past President, John T, Gillespie, 712 Newgate Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 by Hugh A. Ingraham, CAE Vice President, James D. Richards, 1459 Clar­ Executive Director mar Avenue, Roseville, MN 55113 Vice President, Darryl Flinn, P. O. Box 2879, 7975 Cleveland Avenue NW, N. Canton, OH 44720 Vice President-Treasurer, James Warner, 6750 Poplar Avenue, Suite 202, Memphis, TN 38138 Board Members Cardinal, Roger Davidson, 1201 Arundel Dr., Kokomo, IN 46901 Isn't it strange how you can remember pointment as the lead of our quartet. Central States, Ron Abel, 10232 Barton, Over­ the lines of a poem you memorized back What a night! We sang. from about land Park, KS 66214 Dixie, Charles McCann, P. 0, Box 40969, in junior high school but can't think of eight in the evening till the wee hours of Nashville, TN 37204 Evergreen, Tucker Goodwin, 7240 Gllhurst the name of a person you met last week. the morning. Sure, I'd sung in a quartet Crescent, Richmond, BC V7A 1N9 Just the other day the line, "I am a part in college and we'd sung by ear. No mu­ Far Western, Sam Barger, 610 Smlthrldge Park, Reno, NV 89502 of all that I have met" popped into my sic. And over a decade of barbershopping Illinois, Robert Cearnal, 416 North 9th, Mas· mind. I think it's Tennyson and I think and three quartets I'd done my share of coutah, IL 62268 Johnny Appleseed, Roy Wergers, 8681 Mock­ I first came across it back in about grade harmonizing. But, man and boy, nothing Ingbird Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45231 Land 0' Lakes, Del Ryberg, 306 - 17th St., ten. Certainly it must have made an like this. That's the night that I found out SW, Rochester, MN 55902 impression on me. Interesting line. about the art within the artform. I'd Mid-Atlantic, Don Vlenne, 5212 Farm Pond Lane, Columbia, MD 21045 "I am a part of all that I have met." do my best to hang out a lead line but Northeastern, Richard Young, Homestaed (Please don't hold me to it being an exact what these guys could improvise around Farm, Moultonboro, NH 03254 Ontario, Dyson PinheY, 16 Parkslde Crescent, quote; I'm too lazy to check it out at that melody line was like nothing I'd Ottawa, ONT K2G 3B5 Pioneer, James C. Gougoon, 38421 Harper, the library.) ever been involved in. Their names: Mt. Clemens, MI 48043 I guess that what it means is that Webb Leubtow, Bobby Brock, and Jim Rocky Mountain, Fred Wiese, 3711 S, Harlan St., Denver, CO 80235 we are a composite of many things, Poindexter. I'll not bother with lengthy Seneca Land, Jim Eldridge, 211 Jefferson many experiences that we have had dur­ explanations about who they were and St. Warren, PA 16365 Southwestern, Julian White, 4101 Glenmere, ing life. Some have made a profound where they were from; if you're a real N. Little Rock, AR 72116 impression upon us, others very little. old timer you'll know. If not, the ex­ Sunshine, L. 8rett White, 1631 South Bayshore Court, Coconut Grove, FL 33133 I'm guessing that our barbershop lives are planation probably wouldn't mean any­ no different. Our opinions and reac· thing anyway. Besides, names are not the And Past International Presidents tions today are based of what has gone poi nt of the story, Hank Vomacka, 1881 Rose Street, Sarasota, FL 33579 before. I'm sure that one of the reasons What about your experiences in bar­ Merritt Auman, 2400 Wassner Dr., West Lawn, I've been a big fan of woodshedding goes bershopping? How do they color your PA 19609 back to an experience I had back in 1961 present feelings toward the Society? International Office at the mid-winter convention in Mil­ Your chapter? Competitions? The judging waukee.
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