Israeli Economic Figures the Story of the Israeli Economy Qualifies to Be the Eighth Wonder of Our World
Economy & Commerce Israeli Economic Figures The story of the Israeli economy qualifies to be the eighth wonder of our world. In 1948 the young state, which had just Israel’s third and legendary Minister gained independence, was a poor, backward country, and mostly of Finance was Pinchas Sapir, who desert, swamps, and wilderness. There were hardly any paved immigrated to Israel from Poland in roads, only a few dozen factories employed over 100 workers, 1929. When he was young, Sapir worked and basic food items were rationed. in orchards in the Sharon region, and for Gad Lior 57 years later, Israel is a world leader in the high-tech and 10 years, since 1937, he served as Levi Bureau Chief Jerusalem Yediot electronics industries, an active participant in the US space Eshkol’s deputy in the Water Company, Aharonot program, and its per capita GDP ranges between $15,000 and which later evolved into Mekorot. In $18,000. The small country, with a population of less than 7 1953, he was appointed Director General million people, is ranked 22nd in standard of living and among of the Ministry of Finance, where he showed great expertise in the top 10 countries in life expectancy, according to UN reports. every aspect of the economy. He served as Minister of Trade and The policies of the Ministry of Finance and the Israeli government Industry in the 7th-12th governments, and was responsible for had immense influence on Israel’s economy, especially during its doubling the number of successful factories in Israel. first decades.
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