INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICBACTERIOLOGY, Jan. 1993, p. 135-142 Vol. 43, No. 1 0020-7713/93/010135-08$02.00/0 Copyright 0 1993, International Union of Microbiological Societies

Thauera selenatis gen. nov., sp. nov., a Member of the Beta Subclass of with a Novel Type of Anaerobic Respiration J. M. MACY,’” S. RECH,’? G. AULING,2 M. DORSCH,3 E. STACKEBRANDT,3 AND L. I. SLY3 Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis, Davis, Cali ornia 95616’; Institut fur Mikrobiologie, Universitat Hannover, 3000 Hannover 1, Germany4 and Centre for Bacterial Diversity and Identification, Department of Microbiology, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 40723

A recently isolated, selenate-respiring microorganism (strain AXT [T = type strain]) was classified by using a polyphasic approach in which both genotypic and phenotypic characteristics were determined. Strain AXT is a motile, gram-negative, rod-shaped organism with a single polar flagellum. On the basis of phenotypic characteristics, this organism can be classified as a sp. However, a comparison of the 16s rRNA sequence of strain AXT with the sequences of other organisms indicated that strain AXT is most similar to members of the beta subclass (level of similarity, 86.8%) rather than to members of the gamma subclass (level of similarity, 80.2%) of the Pruteobacteriu. The presence of the specific polyamine 2-hydroxyputrescine and the presence of a ubiquinone with eight isoprenoid units in the side chain (ubiquinone Q-8) excluded strain AXT from the authentic genus Pseudumnas and allowed placement in the beta subclass of the Pruteobacteria. Within the beta subclass, strain AXT is related to ZodobacterjZuvatiZe.The phylogenetic distance (level of similarity, less than 90%), as well as a lack of common phenotypic characteristics between these organisms, prevents classification of strain AXT as a member of the genus Zodobacter. In addition, strain AXT possesses a unique mechanism for anaerobic respiration, which allows it to utilize selenate as an electron acceptor without interference by nitrate. Therefore, we propose that strain AXT should be the first member of a new genus and species, selenatis.

In the past, gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped placed in other genera (e.g., the genera Xanthomonas [35] with polar flagella have frequently been assigned to the and Cornamonas [13]) or elevated to genus rank (e.g., the genus Pseudomonas. The genetic heterogeneity of this genus genera Sphingomonas [44], Hydrogenophaga [36], and Aci- became apparent when levels of rRNA cistron similarity dovorax [38]) by using this approach. were determined, which revealed the presence of several The same polyphasic strategy was used in this study to clusters of related organisms (28). These results were later classify an organism that was tentatively and incorrectly confirmed by the results of the extensive DNA-DNA and classified as a Pseudomonas strain (22). Only one strain of DNA-rRNA hybridization studies of De Vos et al. (11-14) this organism has been isolated, and this strain has the and by 16s rRNA cataloging results (41, 43), which revealed unique characteristic of reducing selenate to selenite by that members of the genus Pseudomonas branch off within anaerobic respiration. the alpha, beta, and gamma subclasses of the Proteobacteria (34). Only the members of the Pseudomonas JEuorescens branch in the gamma subclass represent the authentic MATERIALS AND METHODS pseudomonads. As pointed out by Willems et al. (36), all of Media and growth conditions. The media which were used the other Pseudomonas species are considered to be mis- (defined minimal medium and minimal medium containing classified. Chemotaxonomy provides a rapid alternative ap- 0.4% yeast extract) have been described previously (22). proach for excluding organisms from or including organisms Strain AXT (T = type strain) was grown as described in the authentic pseudomonad taxon on the basis of the previously (22). This organism has been deposited with the results of fatty acid, ubiquinone, and polyamine analyses (1, American Type Culture Collection as strain ATCC 55363T. 2, 8-10, 27). Below, those organisms that have the genus Bacterial strains tested for anaerobic growth with selenate name Pseudomonas, but are not part of the phylogenetic or nitrate. Strains were obtained from the American Type nucleus of the true pseudomonad taxon (see above) are Culture Collection (ATCC) and from the Culture Collection indicated by enclosing the genus name in single quotation of the Department of Microbiology, University of Queen- marks (e.g., ‘Pseudomonas’ cepacia). sland, and were tested for the ability to grow by using In a polyphasic approach to bacterial systematics, geno- selenate or nitrate for respiration in anaerobic ATCC media typic and phenotypic properties are combined to delineate (16) containing 5 or 10 mM selenate or 10 mM nitrate (22). taxa, and it was not until recently that several species of the The following bacterial strains were obtained from the obviously heterogeneous taxon Pseudomonas were either ATCC: Cornamonas terrigena ATCC 8461 (tested in ATCC medium 386 containing glucose [final concentration, 2 dli- ter]), Janthinobacterium lividum ATCC 12473 (tested in * Corresponding author. ATCC medium 3 containing glucose [final concentration, 2 t Present address: Department of Microbiology and Molecular diter]), Hydrogenophaga flava ATCC 33667 (tested in Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA ATCC medium 1246 containing gluconate [final concentra- 90024-1489. tion, 2 diter]), Chrornobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472

135 136 MACY ET AL.

(tested in ATCC medium 3 containing acetate [final concen- of minimal medium broth in closed 20-ml serum bottles; 10 tration, 1.4 &liter]), Iodobacterfluviatile ATCC 33051 (test- ml of H2 and 10 ml of air were added to the bottle after ed in ATCC medium 3 containing acetate [final concentra- inoculation, and CO, was supplied by the HC0,- present in tion, 1.4 &liter]), ‘Pseudomonas’ cepacia ATCC 25416 the medium (22). Growth on methanol, isobutyrate, and (tested in ATCC medium 3 containing acetate [final concen- propionate was tested in 10-ml portions of minimal medium tration, 1.4 &liter]), Alcaligenes faecalis ATCC 8750 (tested broth in closed roll tubes under a 100% N, atmosphere (22). in ATCC medium 3 containing gluconate [final concentra- The following concentrations were used: methanol, 1 and 3 tion, 2 &liter]), and Alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xy- mM; isobutyrate, 5 mM; propionate, 5 mM. Zusoxydans ATCC 27061 (tested in ATCC medium 3 contain- The agar method described above, which was used to test ing gluconate [final concentration, 2 &liter]). The bacterial the range of substrates that could support growth of strain strains obtained from the Culture Collection of the Depart- AXT, was used for the following reasons: (i) with certain ment of Microbiology, University of Queensland, were substrates, cells tended to lyse after growth ceased, and ‘Pseudomonas’ mkta UQM 1762 (= ATCC 49108) (tested in therefore, it was desirable not to do the tests in broth ATCC medium 416 containing sucrose [final concentration, cultures; and (ii) neither the optimum concentrations nor the 20 @liter]), Acidovorux facilis UQM 1918 (= ATCC 11228) inhibitory concentrations of the substrates were known, and (tested in ATCC medium 72 containing glucose [final con- therefore, use of a concentration gradient permitted the centration, 2 &liter]), Variovorax paraduxus UQM 1905 (= organism to grow at the concentrations that best suited it. ATCC 17713) (tested in ATCC medium 3 containing acetate DNA base composition. DNA was extracted and the melt- [final concentration, 1.4 g/liter]), and Delxia gumosa UQM ing temperature was determined by using the method of 2144 (= ATCC 15994) (tested in ATCC medium 165 contain- Nelson et al. (25), with some modifications. Strain AXT was ing glucose [final concentration, 2 gliter]). grown aerobically on a shaker in 100 ml of minimal medium Phenotypic characterization. The presence of oxidase, containing 0.4% yeast extract, 20 mM nitrate, and 20 mM catalase, arginine dihydrolase, and lysine decarboxylase and acetate. After 24 h of incubation at 28”C, 1g (wet weight) of the ability to hydrolyze starch and gelatin were determined cells was collected by centrifugation at 10,000 x g for 15 as described by Smibert and Krieg (31). The presence of a min. DNAs isolated from Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas diffusible, fluorescent pigment was determined by using putida were used as controls; both organisms were grown in King media A and B (28). The denitrification test was carried nutrient broth (Difco) at 37”C, and after 24 h of incubation, 2 out in anaerobic minimal medium containing 0.4% yeast g (wet weight) of cells was harvested by centrifugation at extract, 20 mM nitrate, 20 mM acetate, and a Durham tube; 10,000 x g for 15 min. All of the cells were broken by using growth and gas production were recorded within 48 h after a French press (16,000 lb/in2; Aminco Chance, Silver Spring, inoculation (31). The nature of the gas produced during Md.). DNA from each resulting cell extract was isolated, and denitrification was determined by using the method of Jen- the melting temperature was determined and used to calcu- neman et al. (18). Strain AXT was grown for 48 h in an late the moles percent G+C content as described by Nelson anaerobic chamber (Coy Laboratory Products, Inc., Ann et al. (25). Arbor, Mich.) on minimal medium containing 2% agar, 20 Scanning electron microscopy. Strain AXT was grown at mM acetate, 40 mM nitrate, and 0.0001% resazurin. The 28°C for 6 to 12 h in minimal medium supplemented with 10 production of N,O was detected by the formation of a pink mM acetate and 10 mM nitrate. The cells either were filtered color around the colonies, which was due to oxidation of the onto Nuclepore filters (pore size, 0.4 pm) and fixed in resazurin by N,O; N, production does not cause the oxida- Sorenson buffer (17) containing 2.5% glutaraldehyde or were tion of resazurin. fixed by adding 2.5% glutaraldehyde to the medium and then The ability of strain AXT to use various carbon sources filtered onto a Nuclepore filter. The fixed and filtered cells was tested on aerobic minimal medium containing 2% agar were washed in Sorenson buffer, dehydrated three times in a as described below. All substrates were prepared as 2 M series consisting of increasing ethanol concentrations in solutions or as saturated solutions (0.18 to 1.4 M) and were water (50, 75, 95, and 100% [vol/vol] ethanol), critical point sterilized by filtration through sterile Acro Disc filters (pore dried, mounted on a stub, gold coated in a sputter coater, size, 0.2 pm; diameter, 25 mm; Gelman Sciences). Sterile and then viewed in the first stage of a model IS1 DS130 Whatman no. 1 filter discs (diameter, 7 mm) were saturated scanning electron microscope (Topcon, Pleasanton, Calif.). with each carbon source and were dropped onto a lawn of Phylogenetic analysis. All of the steps involved in sequence strain AXT spread on minimal agar medium containing no analysis of 16s ribosomal DNA, including isolation of carbon source. The substrate diffused into the agar, and the genomic DNA, amplification of 16s ribosomal DNA, purifi- cells grew at all concentrations up to the highest concentra- cation of polymerase chain reaction products, and subse- tion that they could tolerate. Three discs were placed on quent sequence analysis of these products have been de- each plate at equal distances from each other. To prepare the scribed in detail previously (29). A partial sequence lawn of strain AXT, the organism was grown overnight consisting of 1,346 nucleotides was aligned with 57 homolo- aerobically in minimal medium broth supplemented with 10 gous sequences from members of the alpha, beta, and mM acetate. The culture was harvested by centrifugation at gamma subclasses of the Proteobacteria (5a, 15, 24, 26). 8000 x g for 30 min and washed once. The cells were Positions 1 through 31 and 1376 through 1542 (E. coZi suspended in 0.1 volume of minimal medium, and a 0.1-ml nomenclature [42]) were omitted from the analysis. In order portion was spread onto each minimal medium agar plate. to include restricted information for about 150 nucleotides of The plates were incubated at 28°C and were examined each the 16s rRNAs from additional members of the beta subclass day by using a dissecting microscope during an incubation of the Proteubacteria (6, 9), all of the sequences of the period of at least 7 days. On these plates the organisms reference organisms were shortened to the same length in an formed haloes around the discs and growth was classified as additional comparison. Equally weighted (Hamming dis- good, moderate, or poor on the basis of the width and tances) and percent similarities between each pair of se- thickness of these haloes. quences were calculated. The phylogenetic analysis was Growth on H,-0,-CO, was determined in 10-ml portions carried out by using the neighborliness method (30). The VOL.43, 1993 GEN. NOV., SP. NOV. 137

TABLE 1. Percent similarity between one 1,358-nucleotide-long stretch of the 16s ribosomal DNA sequences of strain AXT and other members of the beta subclass of the Proteobacteria (8) (above the diagonal) and equally weighted (Hamming) distances between the 16s ribosomal DNA sequences (below the diagonal)

Strain AXT 88.7 87.7 86.3 85.4 87.6 85.6 87.0 85.1 87.6 86.2 85.5 79.1 83.6 Iodobacter jluviatile 154 90.3 88.0 86.7 88.1 87.2 88.1 87.9 88.7 89.2 87.9 80.7 83.7 Chromobacterium violaceum 167 132 89.3 88.1 91.2 89.5 91.5 86.5 88.2 88.4 86.8 80.0 82.6 vitreoscilla stercoraria 186 163 145 91.4 90.6 90.1 91.8 85.2 86.5 86.5 86.8 81.9 82.0 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 198 181 162 117 91.9 91.5 91.7 82.8 85.8 86.2 85.3 80.7 81.2 Kingella denitrificans 168 161 119 128 110 93.9 95.8 85.0 86.9 86.7 87.3 81.5 82.8 Kingella kingae 196 174 143 135 116 83 93.3 83.9 86.5 85.8 85.9 79.7 80.9 Eikenella corrodens 177 162 116 112 113 58 92 84.8 86.7 87.0 87.4 80.3 82.0 Comamonas testosteroni 203 164 183 201 234 205 219 207 87.3 87.7 85.6 80.1 81.7 LPseudomonasycepacia 169 154 160 183 193 178 184 180 172 89.2 88.5 79.2 82.3 Alcaligenes xylosoxydans 187 146 158 184 188 181 193 177 167 147 92.4 79.5 81.6 Alcaligenes faecalis 197 164 179 179 200 173 192 171 196 156 103 80.2 81.1 Escherichia coli 284 262 272 246 262 25 1 276 267 270 283 278 269 82.5 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 223 221 236 244 255 233 260 244 249 240 250 25 6 237

algorithm was implemented as part of the program package SAGE (Technoma GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany). Chemotaxonomic analysis. Quinones were extracted and analyzed as described by Auling et al. (3). Extraction, analysis, and quantification of polyamines were carried out as described by Busse and Auling (10). Nucleotide sequence accession number. The rRNA se- TABLE 2. Biochemical and physiological characteristics of T. selenatisa quence of strain AXT has been deposited in the EMBL data bank under accession number X68491. Characteristic T. selenatis Quinone ...... Ubiquinone Q-8 AND DISCUSSION Polyaminesb ...... 2-Hydroxyputrescine7 putrescine RESULTS Catalase ...... + Oxidase ...... + Phylogeny. The average similarity values for the 16s Arginine dehydrolase ...... - rRNA sequences of strain AXT and representatives of the Lysine decarboxylase ...... - alpha, beta, and gamma subclasses of the Proteobacteria H, Autotrophy ...... + range from 73.0 to 76.8% (average, 75.4%), 85.1 to 88.7% Denitrification to N,O ...... + (average, 86.8%), and 77.5 to 82.2% (average, 80.2%), re- Selenate respiration ...... + spectively. Consequently, strain AXT can be considered a Poly-p-hydorxybutyrate accumulation ...... + member of the beta subclass (Table 1). This placement is - supported by the findings that the polyamines 2-hydroxypu- N, fixation ...... Hydrolysis of trescine and putrescine, as well as ubiquinone Q-8, are Gelatin ...... - present in strain AXT cells (Table 2). 2-Hydroxyputrescine is Starch ...... - the specific polyamine of the beta subclass of the Proteobac- Growth factors required" ...... + teria (10). Ubiquinone Q-8 is the major quinone compound in members of the beta subclass of the Proteobacteria (9), a In carbon source utilization tests performed on minimal medium contain- ing 2% agar (see text), good growth occurred with the following carbon whereas ubiquinone Q-9 is characteristic of the authentic sources: acetate, alanine, arginine, aspartate, benzoate, D-amino-N-butyrate, pseudomonads (8). 3-hydroxybutyrate, isobutyrate, citrate, fructose, glutamate, lactate, lactose, A phylogenetic analysis was carried out between strain proline, propionate, pyruvate, serine, succinate, sucrose, Tween 40, Tween AXT and members of the beta subclass of the Proteobacteria 80, and H2-02-C02. Moderate growth occurred with p-anisate, asparagine, ferulate, fucose, hydroxyproline, lactulose, leucine, maltose, raffinose, phe- for which 16s rRNA and DNA data are listed in the nylacetate, veratrate, and glucose. Poor growth occurred with cis-aconitate, Ribosome RNA Database Project, as well as 'Pseudornonas' p-aminobenzoate, arabinose, erythritol, formate, galactose, D-galacturonate, rnixta, Pseudornonas chitinolytica, Pseudornonas pickettii, gentiobiose, DL-a-glycerophosphate, histidine, hydroxycinnamate, m-inosi- Pseudornonas solanacearum , Pseudornonas andropogonis , tol, mannose, 3-phenylpropanoate, phenoxyacetate, phenylalanine, rham- nose, sorbitol, trehalose, turanose, and vanillin. And no growth occurred with Pseudomonas caryophilli, and Pseudornonas gladioli (un- L-alanylglycine, rn-anisate, catechol, ethyl vanillin, a-Ketoglutarate, glycerol, published data). The phylogenetic distance between strain o-methyoxyphenoxyacetate,and methanol. AXT and each of these organisms, including representatives The concentrations of the polyamines were as follows: 2-hydroxypu- of the genera Rhodocyclus, Alcaligenes, Chromobacteriurn, trescine, 33.1 FmoVmg (dry weight) of cells; putrescine, 68.9 pmol/mg (dry weight) of cells. Iodobacter, Spirillurn,Neisseria, Eikenella ,Kingella ,Simon- The vitamins added to support growth were folic acid, riboflavin, thiamine siella , and I/itreoscilla, nonauthentic pseudomonads, and hydrochloride, pantothenate, niacinamide, vitamin BI2, biotin, pyridoxine ammonium-oxidizing organisms, was less than 90%. Strain hydrochloride, and p-aminobenzoate (22). 138 MACY ET AL. INT. J. SYST.BACTERIOL.

TABLE 3. Characteristics that differentiate Thauera selenatis gen. nov., sp. nov,, from taxa that have similar DNA base compositions and belong to the beta subclass of the Proteobacteria

Characteristic 'Pseudomonas' Pseudomonas solanaceancm C0mamona.f Acidovorax' Hydrogenophagac Variovorax" mixta" rRNA branchb Cell morphology Rods Rods or spirilla Rods Rods Rods Flagellation Polar - + + - Lateral - - - - Bipolar tufts + - - - Peritrichous - - - + Yellow nondiffusible pigment - - - + + Starch hydrolysis D' - - - - Occurrence' S, FW, CS, IP S, FW, CS, IP s, Fw,cs S, FW s, Fw Growth on nutrient agar + + + + + Tolerance to 1.5% NaCl + + d + + Chemolithic growth on H, - d + d Nitrogen fixation - - - - - Denitrification D D +- -m Selenate respiration" ND" - - - - Oxidative metabolism + + + + + Utilization of: D-Glucose + - + + + Lactose - - - - Tnulin - - - - Acetate + + + + + Propionate + + d d d Isobutyrate +O + d - d rneso-Inositol +p d - + d Sorbitol +p - d + + ~~-4-Aminobutyrate + d + - + P-Alanine + d + - + L-Proline + + + + + G+C content (mol%) 64-70 60-69 62-66 67-69 65-69

~ ~~~~ ~~ Data from reference 5. Data from reference 28. Data from references 28 and 36 through 40. Data from reference 4. Data from references 32 and 33. Data from reference 20 (including data for Aquaspirillum anulus, Aquaspirillum delicatus, Aquaspirillumgiesbeigeri, Aquaspirillum gracile, Aquaspirillum metamotphum, Aquaspirillumpsychrophilum, and Aquaspirillum sinosum). Data from references 21 and 23. Data from references 7 and 19. +, positive; -, negative; D, variable among the species of a genus; d, 11 to 89% of the strains are positive; (w), weak. Produces violacein. Colonies are brownish on minimal agar medium containing 0.4% yeast extract. Abbreviations: S, soil; FW, fresh water; CS, clinical samples; IP, infected plants. Results for the type species only. ND, not determined (pathogens not available from the ATCC in accordance with a U.S. Department of Agriculture decision). Isobutyrate was not utilized by Pseudomonas catyophylli. meso-Inositol and sorbitol were not utilized by Pseudomonas mallei.

AXT exhibits the highest degree of relatedness with I. fluvia- moltas' mixta, a number of Pseudomonas isolates (9), and tile ATCC 33051 (88.7%). This relationship is confirmed by members of the genus Hydrogenophaga (formerly members the position of the new isolate in the phylogenetic tree (Fig. of the genus Pseudomonas) (6), support the conclusion that 1). The phylogenetic distance between strain AXT and I. strain AXT should not be considered a member of one of the fluviatile (level of similarity, less than 90%) and the lack of several subgroups of nonauthentic Pseudomunas species common phenotypic characteristics (Table 3) indicate that (data not shown). these two organisms are not members of the same genus. The Growth characteristics. Strain AXT grew in minimal me- branching order of the reference strains is almost identical to dium only when it was supplemented with vitamins (Table the topology of the tree published previously (15). 2). This organism can grow aerobically or anaerobically with Although strain AXT is Pseudomonas-like in morphology nitrate or selenate as the terminal electron acceptor (22). The and many phenotypic characteristics, no close genomic generation time for growth in minimal medium broth for all relatedness exists between this strain and the true electron acceptors was about 170 min. pseudomonads (i.e., organisms belonging to the gamma Colonies on minimal medium containing 2% agar after 5 subclass) or even between this strain and 'Pseudomonas' days of aerobic growth at 28°C were small (diameter, 0.75 cepacia (a member of the beta subclass and not a true mm), round with entire edges, and convex. The colonies pseudomonad). Also, the results of an analysis of a short were light brown and adhered to the agar. Colonies grown stretch of the 16s rRNAs from 29 members of the beta aerobically on agar supplemented with 0.4% yeast extract subclass, as well as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 'Pseudu- were 1.1 mm in diameter after 3 days of incubation. VOL. 43, 1993 THAUERA SELENATIS GEN. NOV., SP. NOV. 139

TABLE 3-Continued

Alcaligenes faecalis and Xylophilus‘ Demiad Janthinobacteriume Aquaspirillum’ Chromobacteriumviolaceume I. fluviatileB xVrosoxydansh T. selenatk

Rods Rods Rods Helices Rods Rods Rods and cocci Rods (clockwise) + + + - + + - + + - - s, Fw, cs +

- + - - -m d -m + + - - - - + + + + D + + + + + D D + - - - + d - d d d + + + + D + - + + (4 + - + (w) D + + D + D d + + 68-69 69-72 61-67 57-65 65-68 50-52 56-70 66

The organism was able to grow on many different carbon chemical and physiological characteristics of strain AXT are sources and also chemolitotrophically with H,-C02-02 (air) shown in Tables 2 and 3. (Table 3). When strain AXT was grown with acetate, poly- Taxonomic position. The polyphasic characterization of p-hydroxybutyrate was accumulated (Table 2) (22). strain AXT showed that this organism could not be assigned Morphological characteristics. The cells were gram nega- to any currently recognized genus on the basis of phenotypic tive and rod shaped (1.4 by 0.56 pm) with rounded ends (Fig. characteristics and the results of a phylogenetic analysis of 2). The cells were motile by means of a single polar flagellum 16s rRNA sequences. In addition, this organism possesses a (Fig. 2). unique mechanism for anaerobic respiration, because it Biochemical and physiological characteristics. The bio- utilizes selenate (Se042-; SeV1) as the terminal electron acceptor. Strain AXT is the only member of a single line of descent within the beta subclass of the Proteobacteria and can be differentiated phenotypically from taxa with similar DNA base compositions (Table 3), including its closest phyloge- Chrmbacterim viol acem netic relatives, I. fluviatile and Chromobacterium violaceum (Fig. 1 and Table 3). None of the organisms tested that Vitreosci 11a stercoraria belonged to the beta subclass of the Proteobacteria was able - Nei sseri a gonorrhoeae to grow anaerobically by using Se042- as the terminal

-+ Kingel 1a kingae electron acceptor (Table 3). - Consequently, we propose that strain AXT should be the - Kingella denitrificans first member of a new genus and new species, Thauera Eikenel 1a corrodens selenatis. Canamonas testosteroni Description of the genus Thauera gen. nov. Thauera (Thau’e-ra. N. L. fem. n. Thauera, in honor of R. Thauer). Pswdmnas cepaci a Gram-negative, rod-shaped cells are 1.4 pm long by 0.56 pm - wide, have rounded ends, and contain poly-p-hydroxybu- tyrate inclusions. Cells are motile, and each cell has a single polar flagellum. Oxidative metabolism. Contains ubiquinone Q-8. Grows aerobically in defined media containing acetate as the carbon source and electron donor. Under anaerobic conditions exhibits anaerobic respiration with selenate or 140 MACY ET AL. INT. J. SYST.BACTERIOL.

FIG. 2. Scanning electron micrograph of strain AXT grown anaerobically in minimal medium supplemented with 10 mM acetate and 10 mM nitrate. Bar = 1 km. nitrate as the electron acceptor. Nitrate is reduced to N,O. strain is 66 mol% G+C (as determined by the thermal Selenate is reduced to selenite. Acetate is metabolized to denaturation method). Other characteristics are shown in C02. Growth is also supported by the carbon and energy Tables 2 and 3. sources alanine, arginine, aspartate, benzoate, D-amino-N- The type strain is strain AX (= ATCC 55363), which was butyrate, 3-hydroxybutyrate, isobutyrate, citrate, fructose, isolated from selenium-contaminated drainage water in the glutamate, lactate, lactose, proline, propionate, pyruvate, San Joaquin Valley of California. serine, succinate, and sucrose. Less vigorous growth occurs with glucose. No growth occurs on nutrient agar (Difco). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Vitamins are required for growth in defined media. Colonies We thank T. MacAdoo (Department of Foreign Languages and are small, round with entire edges, convex, adherent, and Literature, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) for light brown. Optimal growth occurs at 25 to 30°C. The advice concerning the correct name of the organism. We also thank optimal pH for growth with nitrate is pH 8, and the optimal M. Dunlap (Facility for Advanced Instrumentation, University of pH for growth with selenate is pH 7. Grows autotrophically California, Davis) for taking the scanning electron micrographs, S. with hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and air. Unable to fix Lawson for technical assistance, and D. Nelson for assistance with dinitrogen. Catalase and oxidase positive. Arginine dihydro- determining the moles percent G+C content of the DNA. We thank lase is absent. The major polyamines are putrescine and Daniela Ziegler and Klaus Blasczyk for analysis of the quinones and 2-hydroxyputrescine. Phylogenetically, the genus is a mem- polyamines. ber of the beta subclass of the Proteobacteria. The base REFERENCES composition of the DNA of the type strain of the type 1. Auling, G. The pseudomonads. In H.-J. Rehm and G. Reed species is 66 mol% G+C (as determined by the thermal (ed.), Biotechnology, vol. 1, 2nd ed., in press. Verlag Chemie, denaturation method). The type species is Thauera selena- Weinheim, Germany. tis. 2. Auling, G., H.-J. Busse, F. Pilz, L. Webb, H. Kneifel, and D. Description of Thauera selenatis sp. nov. Thauera selenatis Claus. 1991. Rapid differentiation by polyamine analysis of (’tis. N.L. chem. term selenas, selenate; N.L. gen. Xunthomonas from phytopathogenic pseudomonads and other n. selenatis, of selenate, because the organism reduces members of Proteobucteria interacting with plants. Int. J. Syst. selenate to selenite). In addition to the characteristics given Bacteriol. 41: 223-228. above in the genus description, T. selenatis has the charac- 3. Auling, G., A. Probst, and R. M. Kroppenstedt. 1986. Chemo- teristics described below. Colonies on defined medium con- taxonomic and molecular of D( -)-tartrate-utilizing pseudomonads. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 8:114-120. taining acetate are 0.75 mm in diameter after 5 days of 4. Becking, J. H. 1984. Genus Demiu Jensen, De and Bhattacharya aerobic growth at 28°C. On agar supplemented with 0.4% 1969, p. 321-325. In N. R. Krieg and J. G. Holt (ed.), Bergey’s yeast extract colonies are 1.1 mm in diameter after 3 days. manual of systematic bacteriology, vol. 1. The Williams & Growth occurs at 4°C but not at 39°C. Does not hydrolyze Wilkins Co., Baltimore. gelatin or starch. The DNA base composition of the type 5. Bowman, J. P., L. I. Sly, and A. C. Hayward. 1988. Pseudo- VOL. 43, 1993 THAUERA SELENATIS GEN. NOV., SP. NOV. 141

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